Download - DevOps Means Effectiveness First

  • 1. DEVOTPSDAYS are 09 Hlex Schvuarlz E Galexrchwarfzbln $ E alexanc| enschwarf1@here. com B e i n 2 0 1 4 E de. lin| :edin. comIinInlexanderxclnvuarfzberlin
  • 2. we are hirin v Pllex Schwarfz u Calexschwarfzbln $ g a| exancler. schvuar+z@here. com m cle. |inkecIin. comIinlalexanderschvuarfzberlin
  • 3. i"; irL[ATS iii. ms mu_i; ... = our = 5 ll? = console oi-: lpu: l code ldeeslreomtles -VJIMI Devops is smurf! -l; J!a' Clessicc-. I is cliiculff -! now to sell Devops beer? an , . i:1sL: -. ' : -. ;:J 9293.3.. . .
  • 4. D . . F. J w VI Up to three jears ago. I Q, Q, I had no clue about the difference between efficient and effective. 3 I basicall1 used them as ssinonxims. Effectiveness is. .. the degree to which objectives are achieved. in contrast to efficiencj, effectiveness is determined without? reference to costs or costs, YQSOUYCES YQSOUYCQS
  • 5. perfect spot but risks] Sweat spot EX/ ililA@lL. E Photographer produces @ cover picture for a magazine cg. .. . .;: ~ Iy - customer bus]: *5, A -number of pictures cover picture K -total time - readers like it -costs - good sales numbers
  • 6. EX/ llllM'9. E fixing flat tire
  • 7. EX/ llllAlPlLE Customer Support %? f_ i Q - customer ' satisfaction eg. Zappos - customer calls per hour - number of CS employees - waiting time
  • 8. @EBR/ Mll@llll . sLn C 92" - Securitsg Clpg? Q - cjcle time for DEM " , - new features -fixing bugs - scaling upldown - new test env - happsi customers - success . Hvailabiliidi sf - number of people - number of server - costs
  • 9. *I. ic: ssEcc. l approach "hlhefgj effects" "eztperts should do expert work" "'me: ti'mize u'ii| i2ction" "cost savings"
  • 10. Classical Cllcl Devops approach on approach und rsta ed Qocs _J% g H -Flvailabi| it1,SLFl, Securitsg (L3 f M 1 approach mans; incider at the same time -c1cle time for -new features -fixing bugs vi) CT) -scaling upldown ( 3 - new test env -arch change " ou product does not have pYiDYH'' Scc Eng - itproducts _, _/) - technologies - = |*peop| e