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The Serenity Weight Loss and Detoxification Program©

WHO’s in


You are….so go out there and kick some butt!

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A fresh perspective on what is really behind your weight gain

and meal skipping

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Assignment # 1: Detox Your Mind or the

Fat will Come Back

This assignment presents a very different view on weight management that you may

not have heard before.

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Tip: Your weight gain is not a fitness/ exercise problem. Although exercise accelerates the rate of weight loss, it is not the reason for the weight gain.

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OK..maybe you should do something!

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This assignment will trigger many thoughts; some may be a little painful

and at times sad. Thus, we recommend that you start this journey with your

nutritional coach, then sit quietly and journal additional

thoughts that the assignment triggered.

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No it was not an apple!

This assignment is for the serious minded student, who wants the truth!

Are you sick and tired of being

sick and fat?

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1. Recognizeiii iiithe first incident that caused you to feel out of control (in your life) (See Footnotes below, to help you with this)

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TIP: YOU ARE NOT OUT OF CONTROL. In fact you are a control addict,

continually trying to control everything and everybody around you since that first

incident you described in Step # 1.

This is why your weight stays within a relatively tight limit, for example 230-240

lbs for the past 5 years.

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2. Know the truth – the truth we are seeking in this program is how that

first incident in step #1 triggered your weight management


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3. Act on the truth that you know now. Recognize that food or the food that you eat or don’t eat, controls nothing. It only controls how you will look and no one cares that you control your own fat! By the way, this little mind game will make you sick.

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4. Your thoughts… the only other area in your life within 100% of your

control. True control comes from knowing that GOD or your “higher

power”, however you refer to it, gave you this power.

Have you been using this gift wisely?

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One more thing, before you go:

“How come every time I try to lose

weight I plateau”?

Like a polar bear, fat is protection

from the elements (life)

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When you start to lose

weight you get scared.

You feel exposed; your

protective suit is


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i -235-240 lbs.and up category: The more likely it will be that your trigger was molestation. Examples: Oprah, Mo’nique ii 180-220 lbs category our experience is that you lived in a home environment that was very unpredictable. This could have been a parent that was an alcoholic physically abusive , or mentally-ill, such as having bi-polar. A parent that was a philanderer, and embarrassed the family, had other children, also fits in this category iii 160-190- Parental divorce while you were a child, near death experience –self, parent or sibling This information is based on a survey that Serenity conducted anonymously (non-Serenity participants) or with actual clients, totaling about 12,000 individuals, from 1992-2011

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Did all of this make you tired? CONTACT US, GET A

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Record your responses here or on a separate sheet of paper and send to your Serenity counselor. Another idea is to start a private journal.

Fax to (775) 667-3285 or email to your counselor’s attention @ [email protected]