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1. Detection and Analysis of 0- day Threats STEVE TAYLOR, PRINCIPAL SOFTWARE ENGINEER 2. Meet the Presenter Steve Taylor Steve is a Principal Software Engineer at Invincea who helped build the foundation for Invinceas innovative security solution. As an employee since the companys inception, he designed and implemented major portions of the products core architecture and malware detection engine. The containerization platform he helped develop is currently used by large enterprises to protect against web-based attacks, such as spear-phishing. He is named on a provisional patent for his role in building a behavior-based approach to detect and analyze threats. 3. Summary Anatomy of a breach Containment Detection Analysis Demo 4. Incidental Contact Invincea Closes the Gap Targeted Attacks (APTs) Spear-phishing (95% of all APTs*) - Links to drive-by downloads - Weaponized document attachments Watering hole attacks - Hijacked, trusted sites - Poisoned Search Engine Results - Malicious Websites - Hijacked Legitimate Sites - 30,000 takeovers DAILY** - Social Networking Worms *Both Mandiant and Trend Micro 2013 Reports ** Sophos June 2013 Zero-days and New Malware Strains Targeting Browsers, Plug-ins, PDFs and Office Docs 5. Most Vulnerable Products 2013 Source: National Vulnerability Database and GFI 6. Malware Evolution (1980s 1990s) Mass Targeting Pinpoint Targeting High Sophisticatio n Low Script Kiddies Lone Wolves Hacktivists Anti-Virus defenses 7. Malware Evolution (2000s) Mass Targeting Pinpoint Targeting High Sophisticatio n Low Script Kiddies Lone Wolves Organized Crime Hacktivists Nation States (Tier 2) Nation States (Tier 1) Anti-Virus defenses Network Sandboxing White Listing 8. Malware Evolution (circa 2010) Mass Targeting Pinpoint Targeting High Sophisticatio n Low Script Kiddies Lone Wolves Organized Crime Hacktivists Nation States (Tier 2) Nation States (Tier 1) Anti-Virus defenses Network Sandboxing Threat Curve circa 2010 White Listing 9. 2014+ changing Threat Curve Mass Targeting Pinpoint Targeting High Sophisticatio n Low Script Kiddies Lone Wolves Organized Crime Hacktivists Nation States (Tier 2) Nation States (Tier 1) Anti-Virus defenses Threat Curve (today) Takeaway: Less advanced adversaries now have access to very sophisticated malware Network Sandboxing White Listing 10. New Defenses are Needed Mass Targeting Pinpoint Targeting High Sophisticatio n Low Script Kiddies Lone Wolves Organized Crime Hacktivists Nation States (Tier 2) Nation States (Tier 1) Anti-Virus defenses Threat Curve (today) Advanced Endpoint Protection Network Sandboxing White Listing 11. Controls Training IAM Antivirus Firewalls IPS/IPS Patching Mapping Enterprise Security Controls to ThreatScape Advanced Threat Conventional Threat 12. Re-thinking Endpoint Security DETECTION | PREVENTION | INTELLIGENCE 13. Why Endpoints Are Easy to Exploit Adobe Acrobat Reader 14. Why Endpoints Are Easy to Exploit Browser Toolbars & Widgets 15. Why Endpoints Are Easy to Exploit Browser Plugins 16. Why Endpoints Are Easy to Exploit 17. Using Virtual Container Architecture to Cover the Largest Attack Surfaces Invincea Communications Interface Secure Virtual Container Virtual File System Behavioral sensors (process, file, network) Command and Control Forensic data capture 18. Using Virtual Container Architecture to Cover the Largest Attack Surfaces Contained Threats Attacks against the browser, PDF reader, Office suite are air-locked from the host operating system. Detection, kill and forensic capture occurs inside the secure virtual container. Detection Containerized application behavior is meticulously whitelisted. Any deviation from known behavior is immediately flagged as suspicious. This means no signatures are required and 0-day threat detection is realized. 19. Using Virtual Container Architecture to Cover the Largest Attack Surfaces Malware Killed & Collected Virtual File System IOCs Command and Control Forensic data capture 20. Real-time Forensic Data Feeds Invincea Management Server Virtual appliance Software Physical appliance Hosted 21. Protecting Against Drive-bys 22. Each app has a profile of possible behaviors Behavior that deviates from expected is a likely IOC Malware will create artifacts as it executes including file system, registry, in-memory, and network activities These artifacts are triggers to start collecting intel and alert the user How Detection Works 23. Malware-Free Intrusion IOCs Unexpected process launches Dropping and launching processes Code injection into running processes Loading modules reflectively in memory Loading modules from the network 24. Leveraging Containerization For Behavioral Detection Behavioral detection traditionally tricky Hard to define expected behaviors for the entire system Only behaviors of contained apps need to be mapped The container is a controlled environment with predictable outcomes 25. The Source of Attack Attribute any source website or document Any iframes embedded in the website are traced Links/Documents opened in Outlook that lead to a detection are indicators of spear phishing 26. Collecting Intel All activity from suspect processes is collected File/registry/network/execution Execution and code injections are traced to filter only behaviors stemming from the attack Process and network metadata is gathered 27. Analyzing the Data DEMO 28. Questions? Invincea Research Edition: Webinar Recording : invincea-freespace Demo Request: 29. #12daysofSploitmas sploitmas 'Tis the season for eggnog, holiday music... and online exploits. Learn about all the ways Invincea has detected and stopped cyber attacks in 2014. 30. Thank you. Invincea @Invincea