Download - Desperate For Money - Mining Gold · Introduction: Shawn M. Casey, Esquire e Dear Friend, When I conceived the idea for “Desperate for Money”, I got really excited because I imagined

Page 1: Desperate For Money - Mining Gold · Introduction: Shawn M. Casey, Esquire e Dear Friend, When I conceived the idea for “Desperate for Money”, I got really excited because I imagined

DDeessppeerraattee FFoorr MMoonneeyy:: WWhheenn YYoouu AAbbssoolluutteellyy,, PPoossiittiivveellyy MMuusstt MMaakkee MMoonneeyy RRiigghhtt NNooww!!

BByy SShhaawwnn MM.. CCaasseeyy,, EEssqquuiirree

Copyright 2003-2007 Mining Gold Corporation

This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.


Page 2: Desperate For Money - Mining Gold · Introduction: Shawn M. Casey, Esquire e Dear Friend, When I conceived the idea for “Desperate for Money”, I got really excited because I imagined

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn:: SShhaawwnn MM.. CCaasseeyy,, EEssqquuiirree Dear Friend, When I conceived the idea for “Desperate for Money”, I got really excited because I imagined the collective brainpower of many smart Internet marketers focused on a common goal – making money fast starting from nothing. I always set high expectations, but this book has exceeded them. As you’ll soon see, many of these ideas are downright brilliant. The good news is…you don’t have to wait until your family is held hostage to put these ideas into practice so you can make money this week. If you’re new to online business, you can use these concepts to get started right away. If you already have an Internet business, these strategies will help you grab some quick cash. To refresh your recollection, I issued this challenge: Imagine that you come home to find that armed desperados have invaded your home and now have your family held hostage. They lock you in a room with a computer connected to the Internet and a telephone. They let you keep one credit card with $200 of available credit. They issue this demand – “Make $1,000 on the Internet in 48 hours or we kill your family.” Other stipulations: You can know as much as you do now about Internet marketing and sales, but you do not own a mailing list and you’ve never met an Internet guru or anyone that can shortcut this challenge. You can’t tell people you’re being held hostage or call the police. You’re just an ordinary member of John Q. Public who needs to make some quick cash. You’re going to enjoy these stories. More importantly, you’re going to really profit from the knowledge you gain. Yours in success, Shawn M. Casey, Esquire


Page 3: Desperate For Money - Mining Gold · Introduction: Shawn M. Casey, Esquire e Dear Friend, When I conceived the idea for “Desperate for Money”, I got really excited because I imagined


TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss Introduction by Shawn M. Casey, Esquire…………………………………………………………….2

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Chapter 1. Marc and Terry Goldman.…………..………………………………………………………4

Chapter 2. Bob Silber………………..…………………………………………………………………...7

Chapter 3. Alan Bechtold...………………………………………………………………………………9

Chapter 4. Dr. Joe Vitale………..………………………………………………………………………14

CChhaapptteerr 55.. JJeeffff WWeesstt…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....………………………………………………1177 CChhaapptteerr 66.. BBoobb WWiillssoonn....……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2211 Chapter 7. Jason Mangrum………………………………………………………………………….....24

Chapter 8. Jim Fleck and Jeff Paul.…………………………………………………………..……...28

Chapter 9. Kennon Fort…………….………..………………………………………………………….32

Chapter 10. Eric Van Der Hope………………………………………………………………………..35

Chapter 11. Joshua Shafran……………………………………………………………………………38

Chapter 12. Elizabeth D. Nichols……………………………………………………………………...42

Chapter 13. Michael T. Glaspie………………………………………………………………………..45

Page 4: Desperate For Money - Mining Gold · Introduction: Shawn M. Casey, Esquire e Dear Friend, When I conceived the idea for “Desperate for Money”, I got really excited because I imagined


CChhaapptteerr OOnnee:: MMaarrcc aanndd TTeerrrryy GGoollddmmaann Panicked, heart palpitating, blood pressure skyrocketing, mind racing. What to do? What to do? My family is in danger and I need to do something now. Make $1000 in 48 hours? How will I do that? I have nothing to sell. I have never sold anything online. Ok. I have gone to eBay before…let me do that. I head over to I’ve got to find something that sells to a hungry audience. How do I know what’s selling? I go to (I check my watch – 30 minutes have passed/wipe the sweat from my brow) and type in “Ebay Hot Items List.” I find a few links—some dead, some private. Damn… Here we go. This one works: Click on the categories and you can see the top items with the final price and the number of bids. Ok, now we are getting somewhere. Click on the coins category, I know people go crazy for coins and stamps. There have got to be a lot… Holy $@##. The first entry went for $7,000.00 and had over 70 bids! Whoohoo – Jackpot! Ok…click on the item number and click on sellers’ other listings. Darn…no other listings. I shoot him an email really quick. First I have to login to my eBay account. Then I fire off an email: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Dear Bob, I saw your auction for the lot of seventy coins that went for over $7,000.00. Do you have any other lots for sale (or even rare individual items)? If so, could you please get back to me ASAP? I may have a way that we can sell a lot more of your stuff to a private investor without having to use eBay. Please include your phone number so I can call you back. Thank you, Marc Goldman <><><><><>><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Just to “hedge my bets” I contact six other coin sellers using a similar but personalized email.

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While I am waiting for them to write back, I slide over to and type in “coins.” Mediafinder helps me locate all the print media newsletters and magazines for any category I can think of. If I can find a newsletter owner who I can strike a deal with, we can pitch an entire private collection of coins to his list and I can arrange for a finder’s fee (or a broker’s fee). But wait! I only have 48 hours. There is no way a print newsletter can help me here. If I had more time, print newsletters could make me a fortune in broker’s fees. Mind scrambling – scratch the 48 hours, I now only have 47. Ok, I head over to again and type in “coin newsletter.” There are thousands and thousands of links! If I can find someone with an email newsletter, I may be able to strike this deal. The first few newsletters are also print (I hurriedly record their names and URLs in a text file – if I get out of this alive this might be a fantastic way to make a living). I change my search to “email coin newsletters”. Bingo. The first few results immediately lead me to my goal. I check my email. Four of the ebay dealers have written back already. Two have entire lots worth over $40,000 they are looking to unload. One even says if I can help, he will happily pay me a finder’s fee. Beautiful. I contact five of the email list owners (of course I have searched and found their names already so the emails can be personalized). <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Dear [email list owner’s name], I found your email newsletter, The Coin Enthusiast, while doing a search on google for “email coin newsletters”. My name is Marc Goldman. I represent several individuals with extensive coin collections each valued at and above $40,000. These individuals have hired me to seek out newsletter publishers such as yourself in order to negotiate a deal. Here is our plan. If you send out a mailing to your subscribers letting them know about the coin collections for sale, we are willing to give you 35% of the profits that result from any deal. To insure that you are paid promptly and the exact amount promised, we are even willing to let you collect the funds, keep your 35% and remit the other 65% to us. After we receive the funds from you, we will ship the entire collection to the person on your list that buys. If this interests you please contact me ASAP at this number: 234-555-5555. Sincerely, Marc Goldman

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PS If you are interested, it is extremely important that you call within the next 24 hours as we are entertaining offers from several other newsletter publishers. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Right after firing this letter off to about ten publishers, I write a return email to my prospective seller and explain to him that I have lined up about five coin dealer newsletters who are interested in offering the entire lot to their subscriber base, in exchange for a cut of the profits. All I would require in exchange for putting this deal together is a 10% commission on anything sold. That means that if they sell the entire $40,000 lot, I will make $4,000.00. They will make $22,000 and the publisher will make $14,000. I explain that even though they are giving up 45% of the profits, they will be able to move their lot in one chunk instead of bit by bit on eBay. One writes back and tells me to go jump in a lake – he would rather keep all the money and sell his lots bit by bit on eBay making a little money at a time. One tells me he is interested. Let’s do a deal. I check my email. Three publishers have written back expressing great interest. One says he can mail out tonight to his email list of 22,344 rabid coin collectors. I negotiate some more and convince the coin collector to let me take the 65%, deduct my 10% fee and send him his lion’s share of the deal. He agrees. I write up a very simple letter of agreement which each party signs and faxes to me. I am starting to breathe easier. I invite my captors in to my room and tell them what I have done. We wait around the computer. The newsletter goes out. Three hours later, the publisher calls. There is a problem – four serious people want to buy. One is even offering to pay $5,000 more than anyone else to get it. What should he do? This is a good problem to have. I tell him to take the $45,000 offer immediately. I smile quietly to myself as I begin to contact another coin dealer and negotiate a deal to get some more lots of coins to sell to this list. *********************************************************************** Do you think what you have just read was easy? You better believe your life it was. Marc and Terry Goldman submitted this contribution. Marc and Terry are considered two of the world’s foremost authorities on joint venture marketing. What you just read was their conception of the easiest way to make money either online or offline: joint venture brokering or deal making. Marc and Terry are the brains behind the revolutionary online Ecommerce software system GoldbarOne. GoldbarOne is considered by many to be the #1 E commerce Solution in existence today.

Page 7: Desperate For Money - Mining Gold · Introduction: Shawn M. Casey, Esquire e Dear Friend, When I conceived the idea for “Desperate for Money”, I got really excited because I imagined


CChhaapptteerr TTwwoo:: BBoobb SSiillbbeerr I don't have a mailing list set up. I don't have friends with lists. I've never met a marketing guru. I don't own a product to sell. In fact, I've never sold anything online. The desperados come at a bad time. Not that there’s a good time, but I’ve been up all night watching a “Three Stooges” marathon on TV. I’m tired, and when I heard the lock on the door click, my first inclination was to sleep. Fighting back that urge, I silently curse myself for having never attended an Internet Marketing Seminar, networking with the other attendees, building an email list, or joint venturing with one of the “gurus.” After wallowing in self-pity and repeatedly asking myself, “Where are the cops when you really need them?” I turn the computer on. First, I go into my file of good money-making ideas that have been collected over the years from various sources and come up with a plan. Knowing I need to make money quick. I’m too lazy and tired to reinvent the wheel. I find some notes about selling Internet sites to local businesses, so they can have a Web presence. Another note is about putting restaurant menus online. I think about combining these with a Best Restaurant award program. Now for a little market research… Being overweight, the fact that I love to eat is no secret. I have personally visited about every restaurant in the city repeatedly. That isn’t the kind of research I need though at this point. I pull out yesterday’s paper and look for restaurant ads. I then grab the yellow pages and look for restaurant ads. Great. The city is loaded with restaurants that spend money on advertising. I think more than enough of them, as I make note of the big ad spenders. All this research has made me hungry now, so I have to force “barter for meals” thoughts from my mind. I need money and I need it fast. I head over to my favorite search engine at and type in the following phrase: website "restaurant menu" + templates. I could search for a free template but I’m in a hurry. The site at the top of the list is:, and they have a big selection of nice templates, that would make a great, professional-looking web site. There are cheaper ones, but a $24 template, #1255, catches my eye. That leaves me with $176 on my credit card. Next, a domain name. I like the following domain names: So I head over to to check their availability. They charge $13.50 to register a domain, and although there are registrars at half the price, I like the ease of their service. Although all three are available, I decide that the 24 to 48 hours it takes a domain to propagate is too long under the circumstances.

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I head back to Google and search for the following terms: "free website" + no ads. I would prefer not to have a free web site, but there I can find a domain that is available immediately. The search produces services with no ads or banners on the Web sites. However I decide to use a domain I have available that has propagated and is already on a hosting service and can be used right away. will do the trick for now. Although I’ve never sold anything, I have purchased things on the Net before so I have a account already set up and can collect money that way. Using the template, I put up what appears to be a professionally designed Web site, and call it “Fort Lauderdale’s Best Restaurant Award Directory.” Now I need to put together an irresistible offer that “over-delivers” for the restaurant businesses. Here it is: “Fort Lauderdale’s Best Restaurant Award Directory” Internet Promotions - A professionally designed web site - value $300. - Web hosting for a full year – value $120. - Individual restaurant pages with their own Web page address in the directory. - Restaurant menu display for telephone orders. - Unlimited changes to the Web pages, listing or menu. -Email coupons, specials and discounts sent to customers – A box with a card the customer fills out with their name and email address to receive the discounts from member restaurants, is placed in each restaurant. - Cross promotion weekly email mailings – We collect the cards each week from each restaurant, pool the names and send out the email specials and discounts. “Guaranteed To Generate Increased Business or Your Money Back” Free Trial – Try it for 30 days and if doesn’t increase your business get double your money back. The cross promotion alone is worth the price of the service. Full Package of Services Only $27 per month Or Limited to the first 11 listings, Today Only Special $97 for 12 full months (Save $227) I then spend the rest of my two days contacting the restaurants from my ad research above with a goal to sell eleven $97 packages. I plug the names into the website prior to contacting them. If they have a computer with an Internet connection, they can go online and see their website prior to ordering. If they have a fax, I print out the web page with their name already on it, and fax it to them. Sell eleven of those puppies, pay off those bad boys, and go out to eat with the change. ============================================================= Bob Silber is one of the world's most respected authorities on Internet marketing law. He is an attorney, consultant, speaker, author and adjunct professor teaching business, e-commerce, intellectual property and Internet law at a major university. His clients include best selling authors, high-paid speakers, the Internet's most successful marketers and up-and-coming business owners. His Internet marketing clients read like a “who's who” of Internet marketing, and include individuals generating millions of dollars annually on the Net. One Internet client alone generates $1.4 million a month. Bob’s Web site is You can email him at: [email protected]

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CChhaapptteerr TThhrreeee:: AAllaann BBeecchhttoolldd I don’t know a lot about this marketing stuff, but I’ve read enough about it to know information products are the best products to sell. If I can come up with the right information product, I could sell it digitally and keep almost all the money I make. Now I just need to develop a good information product. I know from my reading that I don’t necessarily have to have a finished product to start selling it. In fact, that might be the best way to go, advertising a very short “window” within which people can order my product at a special “pre-publication” price. This will help force people to buy what I’m offering quickly, helping me meet my 48-hour deadline. I do have some friends I could contact – if they’re checking their email. A few are actually knowledgeable about things people might be interested in. One – I’ll call her Robyn – is an orthopedic surgeon. Another – I’ll call him Steve – is a personal trainer. Then there’s Jim…he’s a total cad. A run-around. He hangs out at bars all the time. I always see him with good-looking women on his arm, but that’s about the only major accomplishment I can remember he’s achieved. I decide I’ll email Robyn first: <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Dear Robyn, Hi! It’s been a while. Listen…you’re a good friend and I’m in kind of a pinch and need your help. It won’t be hard and it could make you a lot of money! You see – I need to raise $1,000 cash quickly and I thought I might be able to do it with an “ebook” – an electronic book people can order and download from the Web. You’re an orthopedic surgeon. I figure you know a lot about foot care. I think women, especially, would like to learn which fashion shoes are also best for their feet. I’m thinking of something along the lines of a book that tells women they don’t have to harm their feet or backs walking in idiotic shoes and they can still look beautiful – in the shoes you recommend. Since you’re a woman, the target reader would listen to you, too! I could ‘interview’ you by phone or email later. Right now all I need is your agreement and, once I have that, I’ll prepare a list of questions. Then I could either call you at your convenience sometime next week, or I could even send you a series of questions that you could answer by email at your leisure. I know this is short notice, but if you’re up to it, I’d like you agree to answer each question as completely as possible, including answers to a follow-up round of questions, if by email. I will be forever in your debt if you can do this…and I will make absolutely certain the product we’re creating together includes full and complete credit to you as the author and complete contact information so readers can easily find you. You’ll establish yourself as an expert -- an orthopedic surgeon who knows which fashion shoes are safest for women to wear -- and you’ll drive possibly hundreds or even thousands of new clients to your door in the process. You’ll also help me solve my immediate problem in the process. I hope to hear from you asap! As soon as I hear back, I’ll put together those questions and get them to you. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

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I sent the email off to Robyn, then sat back, breathed deeply and wiped my brow. Then I prepared a similar email for Steve. Steve, you’ll remember, is a personal trainer. I’m sure he has a lot of valuable information I could turn into an information product. In his email, I proposed we do a “book” together on how people can become their own personal trainers and save thousands while they tone up and lose weight easily. It sounded like a potentially hot product to me! Jim presented another problem. If he’s an expert at anything, it’s hanging out and attracting beautiful women. I was about to skip Jim, but I realized I had only three chances to nab someone willing to work with me. Any one or all of them could be out of town, or busy for the next week. They might not even see my email until it was too late! Then I remembered the movie “How to Meet Women,” about the guy who wrote the book of the same name. He just went around interviewing women, asking them what he would have to do or say to get them to go out with him. He wrote down their answers and bam!—it became a best-selling book almost overnight. I decided I needed to contact Jim, too, so I had three chances that at least one of them would answer me and work with me. Jim could just give me the answer I needed – information a lot of people are anxious to know that they would be willing to pay to get! So I fired off a similar email to Jim. Again, the proposal itself was similar. But the product I proposed was focused on his “expertise” – getting attractive women to date him! I told Jim he would establish himself as a dating expert and make himself even more attractive to even more women in the process. Then I sent his email out. What I was doing here, I realize now, was proposing a joint venture to three potential partners. In each case, I subconsciously had focused on the win/win aspect of the deal – what they would get by helping me along with what I would get. I just hoped at least one of my friends would respond in time. I didn’t want to advertise something until I knew it would be produced. You can’t simply make something up and try to sell it. This is why I needed at least one yes. Then I could, in good conscience, start moving toward pre-selling the product we would create later. Now I needed someone capable of writing some killer sales copy. I’m not a copy writer, and I only had a little bit of money to work with so… I went immediately to This is a great website that I’ve visited before. It’s excellent for finding people looking for freelance work in all areas, from artwork and design to database programming and … yes … copywriting! I searched the site’s listings and found, under the “Writing and Translation” category, a sub-category for “Copy Writing.” There, I found dozens of capable, willing copy writers advertising their skills, complete with resumes and samples of their work, plus the most recent prices paid for work they’ve done. I’m on a serioulsy limited budget so I need someone who can work cheap. And I need someone who can turn around what I need in just a few hours. I quickly located three possibilities and used Elance’s bidding system to make them an offer I hoped they couldn’t refuse. I told them I needed roughly 500 words of high-energy sales copy for placing online and

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selling an information product. I pointed out that I needed the copy within hours, literally as soon as possible, and would pay $50 immediately upon delivery of the copy. I added that I was approaching several other Elance members and the first to respond to me via email would get the job. That done, I promptly went to and set up a PayPal account. I deposited $10 into it from my credit card to open up my account. Now I had a merchant account…one of the essential ingredients to making fast money on the Internet. I’ve done some buying on eBay, so I already knew PayPal as a good resource for sellers. Two hours gone. I’ve gotten a lot done! But there is a lot left to do. I checked my email and voila! I already had a response from two of my friends -- Robyn and Jim. This was very good news. Unfortunately, Robyn was heading off to a convention where she was presenting at a conference. She was totally swamped and wouldn’t be back for a week. She said she was sorry, but she honestly didn’t know when she could help me and, regrettably, suggested I find someone else if at all possible. Jim, on the other hand, was ready, willing, and able to help out! Of course! He’s footloose. Free time is something he has plenty of! I should have known I would hear my first “yes” from him! Jim was also very excited about the possibilities in my proposal. He said he would be happy to work with me on an ebook that exposed all of his most closely-guarded secrets for finding and dating beautiful women – especially if it made finding beautiful dates even easier after we published it. This was especially good news! I fired him off an email giving him a proposed outline of questions I would be asking him in the process of creating our book together. Then I checked my email again. There was already a response from one of the Elance people I had submitted a bid to! This was very good. My luck was holding. Let’s say the Elancer’s name is Linwi. He’s from India, has a degree in business, and is a professional copy writer specializing in advertising copy for the Web. He said he could turn around whatever copy I needed in four hours or less – but he would want $75 for the job – after I’ve seen the copy and approved it. He said he would also be happy to pitch in with any advice I needed. I wrote back to Linwi immediately. I told him my dilemma…that I needed to raise a minimum of $1,000 in less than 48 hours. I told him about my book idea in detail. I also told him I needed copy that, when placed on eBay, would sell enough $20 “pre-publication special” ebooks to generate the $1,000 I needed, after all the cost of associated eBay and PayPal fees. I sent the message and checked my email again. Nothing yet from Steve. Now I sat and bit my nails for a while, then started on my list of questions that I would be asking Jim. Two hours later, I had a list I felt would generate a hot-selling dating tips book. I sent the list off to Jim and carbon-copied the list to Linwi. Lo and behold -- there was another email from Linwi waiting for me after I sent Jim his list! In it, Linwi said he had a plan that he thought would work a lot better than mine. He loved the book idea and was already halfway through sales material I could use on eBay. But – he advised me to consider selling, pre-publication, a distributorship that allowed other people to sell the book.

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Linwi pointed out that, at $20 per book, I would need more than fifty sales to make my $1,000 goal a reality. But, if I pitched it as a distributorship that included a copy of the book and full re-sale rights to the book, I could easily charge $50. I would then only need to make slightly more than twenty sales to make the same money. Linwi also recommended I sweeten the pot by telling everyone who bought the distributorship that there were only a maximum of fifty available and when they were gone – or three days had passed—the offer would close forever. He also suggested that we tell readers that those who bought the distributorship package would also be the only people allowed to sell the book besides myself, keeping all the profits on every book they sell and having the entire market almost to themselves. “This makes it a compelling item,” Linwi said wisely. “While your discounted $20 price on a $50 ebook is enticing, the perceived value, at $50, for the book plus exclusive rights to sell the book, keeping all the profits, is actually many times more value for the money.” I agreed. So I shot back an email telling him to roll with it. More time to sit and rock back and forth on the edge of my chair. Then I had a flash of brilliance! I sent Linwi another email with a very special joint venture offer. I told him that if he would set up the sale on eBay for me, using my PayPal account, he could have all the money brought in over the three full days, above the $1,000 that I needed. He almost immediately sent me back a very simple but exciting reply: “Yes. That sounds good to me.” I immediately replied with my PayPal info that he needed to set up the sale. Now I had a copy writer who was also a marketer working for me, doing everything to set up the site and using his eBay account to make it happen. It wasn’t more than ten, perhaps fifteen minutes later that I got another email from Linwi telling me to go check out the item on eBay. He was already done! When I checked out the listing, it was beautiful! Linwi really knew what he was doing. There was some nice clip art, and a description of the book/distributorship that made me ready to pull out my own wallet and buy it from myself! Linwi explained, in his email, that he also spent almost $40 to have the item “featured” on eBay, on two different eBay sites – “Business Opportunities” and “E-books” –drawing hot attention to it right away. He said he hoped I didn’t mind, but he felt it would give me the greatest chance of success. That meant I now owed Linwi $105, leaving me with $95-- $10 of which was in my PayPal account. Not a problem. I logged into PayPal, transferred another $100 into my account, then sent Linwi his $105. There was also a $3.50 multiple-item listing fee for the eBay listing. I was down to $91.50. Seven hours had passed since I was given my ultimatum by those horrible masked marauders. Now about all I could do was sit back and wait for the orders! I checked on the family. They were doing fine. Nervous, but still holding up. My captors told me to get back in my room and get the money. When I told them I’d done all I could and it would be here soon, they looked at me like I was some kind of wild-eyed dreamer, then motioned me back into my room anyway.

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There was an email from my friend Jim that had come in while I was getting everything else set up. He already had answered some of my questions and wanted my opinion. I read through his answers and they were good. Very good. I told him in a reply that he was doing well, posed a couple more questions in response to his answers, and checked my eBay stats. I already had two sales. And the listing hadn’t been up more than an hour! Incredible! I was starting to feel like this might just work. I laid my head on the table and drifted off to sleep, exhausted by worry and the work I’d done. I must have slept a long time. When I awoke, the clock on the computer screen showed me I had just two hours until the deadline. I was starving…amazingly my captors hadn’t even checked on me in all the time that I was sleeping. I looked in on eBay. 22 sales! I couldn’t believe my eyes! Linwi was right. This was selling incredibly well! Two hours later, my captors came in to “collect.” I checked eBay again. 29 sales and climbing! I added it all up: 29 sales at $50 apiece was an amazing $1450.00!!! PayPal had deducted $8.70 for transaction fees and another $42.50 for the actual percentage on the total sales, leaving me with $1,398.80. eBay took another $40.50 in total sale value fees for my listing, leaving me with a grand total of $1,358.30 in my PayPal account. I promptly sent $1,000 to my captors’ PayPal account, leaving $358.30 additional that I could send to Linwi. My captors were happy. They let my family go. And my eBay listing went on, over the total three days, to sell out all 50, generating an excellent profit for Linwi. Everybody was happy. Now I just had to sit down and put together that distributorship and get the book launched – an easy task now that my family was out of danger! I plan to do it again and again, this time keeping the money I make! ================================================ Alan R. Bechtold has been editing, publishing, and selling information for more than 30 years. He is one of only a very small handful of individuals who has truly been selling information online for more than 20 years -- beginning long before the World Wide Web was in existence! He is also a proven master of the joint venture, having utilized joint ventures to build his business and grow it throughout his career. During one short four-year period, a single joint venture he put together generated more than $11 million in sales! Alan is constantly seeking new partners and deals and he's savvy in the exact steps necessary to putting together joint venture deals that maximize profits for everyone involved. Anyone interested in teaming up with Alan can visit Enter the code 10101 where asked and you can sign up to receive an absolutely free Web business for one full year, including hosting and e-mail support, no strings attached. Alan's latest project, Mind Gold News, just launched late in 2003, promises to take the Internet by storm. To sign up for a free web business for one full year selling Mind Gold News, visit and enter the code 10101 where it is requested on the online form. Better still, sign up for both. There really is no cost whatsoever!|

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CChhaapptteerr FFoouurr:: DDrr.. JJooee VViittaallee

“The Guaranteed Vitale 9-Step Formula (Including an Easy Back-up Plan B)”

How would I make $1,000 in 48 hours online –with no list, product, reputation, contacts, or experience –while desperados hold my family hostage? Easy. I once used the following method to make $2,000 in 12 hours, selling an e-book I didn’t write. (See for the whole story.) Making $1,000 in 48 hours ought to be even easier, even when you’re unknown, inexperienced, and desperate. Here’s how: 1. Go online and find a book now out-of-print and in the public domain. Once a book enters the public domain it may be used by anyone for any purpose. This is easier than it sounds. For example, visit This site is an online source of free book sites and public domain resources. Many of the greatest books in the world are available on the internet, free of charge. has compiled a listing of some of the best. Always research the title and check the copyright first of any book you plan to sell online that is not your own written piece of material. You do not want to violate any copyright laws. So, search the titles there. Find something juicy. Best bets are anything concerning food, sex, or money. Those are the top three hot buttons of all people. Pick a book. Any book. Now search online at and see if anyone is already selling the ebook version of that book. If so, find another book. If not, order it. It will cost you less than $25. Have it “overnighted” to you for maybe $25 more. You’ve spent maybe fifty bucks. You’re going to turn that book into an ebook and sell it online. 2. Buy a web address at so you can sell your ebook there. This will cost you under $10. Make the name of the site something related to your book, such as the title or as close to the title as possible. The easiest thing is to name the site the actual title of the book you found. So if you found the title (just to give you an example), Think and Grow Rich, name your site (if it’s available) If that is taken, consider a “.net” extension, or a variation of the title, such as 3. Now write a sales letter to sell your ebook. This is your hardest job but you can make it a breeze by going to and using the software there. While the software is expensive, you can use it at no charge at all for seven days. All you need it for is one day. Write the greatest sales letter of all time to sell the ebook version of the book you found. Even if you don’t have the book in your hands yet, you can begin the letter. Just write to sell. Think of what might be in the book that readers will want to know. Then, don’t tell them. Instead, ask questions that people can’t answer unless they have your ebook. Remember, there’s a gun to your head here. Pull out all the stops. Go for the wallet. You love your family, don’t you? Write a sales letter to save them. Another idea is to find a existing sales letter you like and ask permission to tailor it for your own needs. This is creative, but when your family’s welfare is at stake, you need to think out of the box. 4. Open an account with Clickbank. Go to: to open a new account with them. They are the best place for selling ebooks and such. They will take the orders, run the credit cards, deliver the ebook and send you a check every two weeks. This will cost you $50. If you want even faster payment—since you want to raise $1,000 in 48 hours—then open an account at: =29&id=45059 .

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These people offer the same service as Clickbank, but they can also wire the money to your bank, which means you can have it almost instantly. You can join them for one month for under $70. They will even give you a free trial, which means you can use them for 48 hours for probably nothing. Ask them. 5. Build a one-page website. Remember, all you are doing is posting one strong sales letter at the site. You don’t need anything fancy. Either get a web person to do it for you by telling them you’ll pay them a percentage of sales, or use a program and build it yourself. You can use a popular software during their trial period and pay nothing. See You can also use one of the templates sold at: That might cost you $15 for the entire year. 6. Write every list owner you can find in the category of your book’s topic. Search and locate groups and mailing lists that would be interested in the book you found. You can also search these places for lists and list owners:,,, and Write a short letter and email it to each list owner. Tell them about your ebook. Tell them they can make fifty percent for every copy they sell. List owners are always looking for two things: 1. To make money, and 2. To keep their list happy. You can help them on both counts. 7. Write every friend you have and urge them to buy the book and tell their friends about your book. Get viral marketing working on your behalf. You have to start someplace. Your friends are a good start. (Maybe add a “PS” to your emails to them and ask them to call the cops. After all, bad guys are in your house. Or did you forget?) 8. Issue a news release to drive off-line people to your online site. Issue something clever, such as “Author Creates Ebook at Gun Point—By Raising the Dead.” Explain that you resurrected a long dead book to save your life. Use the software at to write the news release. (Remember, you can use it free for 7 days.) Send out your news release to media you target at This will cost you 25 cents a hit. Send out whatever you can afford. 9. When your book arrives (from step one), scan it or type it and turn it into an ebook. If you don’t know how to do this, go to and post your job. Just tell whoever you hire that you will pay them after the sales come in, not before. You can always find someone to barter with, or who will work for a percentage of sales. Keep in mind that even if your book isn’t ready for sale in 48 hours, you can still be selling it right now. After all, you need the money now. You can simply deliver the orders later. Customers won’t like this unless you explain to them what’s up: You’re family is being held hostage and you can’t get the ebook done until the orders are in. That’s the truth, isn’t it? It’s a great “reason why” to get people to take action now. There you have it—nine easy steps and you’re making money almost overnight. And what about the Plan B mentioned in the title of this article? Well, if you don’t make $1,000 in 48 hours --- which is just twenty orders at $50 a sale –then put your house, car, or jewelry on and sell it under the “Buy Now” option for $1,000. Either way, you’ll have made money fast and saved your family from those nasty desperados. *************************************************************************** Joe Vitale is the author of the international #1 bestsellers, The Attractor Factor and Life's Missing Instruction Manual, the #1 bestselling e-book, Hypnotic Writing, the #1 bestselling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram The Power of Outrageous Marketing, and numerous other works including the global bestseller The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History.

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For a catalog of his books and tapes, to read dozens of free articles by him, or to sign up for his popular free e-newsletter, see his main website at or visit his new website at

CChhaapptteerr FFiivvee:: JJeeffff WWeesstt The first thing I would do is find a program that pays a really lucrative commission. A program that pays at least a $300 to $500 commission. You can find them almost every where on the internet. One resource you could use to find high-ticket items to sell is: But the one program I would recommend is It's a program that is targeted to network marketers and people who are in direct sales. It's a 3-hour live seminar that teaches the "untold industry secrets" for those in search for "the true art" of marketing like a millionaire. The seminar costs $500 to attend, but the “kicker” is this... When you refer someone to the seminar you earn $400 out of the $500 they spend to attend the seminar. That's a really great commission. And you don't have to wait on a commission check from the company... This is how you get paid-- the person who spends the $500 pays you directly... You keep the $400 dollars and send the company (MentorsinMotion) the $100... It's really a simple process. Now since I only have $200 on my last credit card and the program is $500 to start, I would have to get a little creative. I would go to any search engine and type in This will pull up some individual rep's personal websites. I would scan through the websites looking for all of their contact info and I would start emailing and calling them. Remember all of these people work for themselves, they don't have to wait on a commission check from a certain company. They are independent contractors... Once I got a hold of one of them, this is the deal I would run by them: I would tell them that I would like to attend the seminar and also make money with this. (I would really express how interested and motivated I am about the program... this is very important). Once I got that out of the way I would tell them that all I have is $200 to put down towards the $500, then I would explain to them that I would be willing to work my way into the program. I would tell them that I will go out and refer people to them and every person that I refer to them that pays $500 for the seminar he/she will compensate me $150 to $200. I don't recommend going below those two figures. It would be hard to reach your goal of $1000 in 48hrs... So once you and the person you are working with have agreed on everything, it's time for you to get moving and start to contact some people... Remember when I said this program is targeted for network marketers and people in direct sales? Well, there are tons of companies out there with thousands and thousands of reps.

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And just think, 98% of these people who are involved with these types of businesses are failing badly... This product has at least 100 million people to market to... And they all want to know how to get the "edge" and make money with their program... What you would do is this: go to any search engine and type in one of these companies below and you will pull up thousands of rep websites from any of these companies you do a search on. Remember all these rep's need this info. BeautiControl RetireQuickly 21st Century Neutriceuticals SmartNetworker Cajun Country Candies Excel Communications Fuller Brush Healthvoyage eDirect America MLM2000 Melaleuca Neways Oasis Wellness Network PrimeBuyNetwork Quixtar Shaklee TeamFire USANA Travel 2000 Network Voyager Youngevity 4Life Research AllAdvantage Amway Watkins TriVita ACN Alpine Industries Avon Big Planet Cell Tech Discovery Toys ForMor International Global Health Trax Essentially Yours Advocare AmeriPlan Bigsmart Cognigen Ecoquest International Freelife International Handtech Heritage Health LottoTeam Market America New Vision International Nutrition For Life

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Pre-Paid Legal Services ProStep Life Force International Mannatech Morinda Nu Creations Pampered Chef Primerica Reliv The Story Teller VivaRebates Young Living Essential Oils Once you have done a search on one of the companies I posted in this article, you would introduce them to Mentors in Motion. I'm going to show you how to do it without spamming anyone. Before I go into anymore details, I want to let you know how easy it is to expose someone to mentors in motion. All you have to do is send your prospects to either a live conference call or a pre-recorded conference call and all the presentations will be done for you. So all you have to do is get someone on the call and then follow-up with the serious prospects. This allows you to expose this to a lot of prospects at the same time. Once you have pulled up a few independent reps' websites you would send this letter to them. <><><><><><><><><><><> Start of Letter <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Hi (put their first name here) I visited your website…. today. (Include their website info in the letter so they know how you found them.) I would like to introduce you to something that will really help you. I have a few questions for you... Is your home-based business not performing? If I could show you how to personally sponsor 15 - 25 new people in your business every week and show you how to close 100% of your prospects in 45 seconds or less, would that be worth 45 minutes of your time today? If I could honestly show you a way to make all your monthly payments without using your primary income, would you be interested in getting more information? Then call me now at: (Put your info here!) Or email at: [email protected]

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<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> End of Letter <><><><><><><><><><><><><> You can send this letter to multiple contacts at one time and to the people that respond back to you. Just send them the live conference call or the pre-recorded call. This will do the entire presentation for you and allow you to have multiple presentations... The main objective here is to send this letter to 100 to 300 prospects and get as many of them on the live call or the pre-recorded call. If you are earning $200 for everyone that you refer to the person that you have the agreement with, you would only need 5 network marketers who really need this information. Sending this info to 100 to 300 marketers, with the proper follow-up can make $1000 to $1500 in 48hrs. The key to this system is simple. You have a very needed product that is targeted for marketers and you have a system that allows you to do multiple presentations at one time without doing the presentations. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Jeff West has been working from home for three years full time and has been on national radio and featured in many home-based business publications.

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CChhaapptteerr SSiixx:: BBoobb WWiillssoonn SELECTING THE PRODUCT: First step is to analyze what product will be most acceptable to the public or a target audience that is easily identified. What does everyone working on the Internet want? That is simple. If they are selling anything online they want leads –prospects who will buy their product or service. DEFINING THE MARKET AUDIENCE: Finding individuals who market online can pose a real challenge at first glance but most who have made a serious commitment to building an online business also publish an ezine or newsletter. My prospects are ezine/newsletter publishers. Not only are these folks serious about their business, they most likely have the necessary funds and desire to build their mailing/subscriber list in large chunks. SOURCING THE PRODUCT: First step is to locate and develop a relationship with companies who specialize in opt-in lead generation. There are very few companies who do this on a major scale but we find many "wholesalers" by searching on "opt-in leads", "leads", "lead generation", “subscriptions" etc. Here are a few sources I found: [email protected] And here is one that even set up a site for us: As soon as I click through to these sites I look for a contact form, contact email or, better still, a phone number. Next I contact the company explaining that I have immediate prospects for their leads and wish to discuss details on the various types of leads they provide and reseller prices. If using a contact form or email I always include my name and phone number and a request to call asap as discussions should be handled by phone to expedite the process. I check "regular pricing" on the site knowing that I can expect most have a margin built-in to accommodate resellers. As soon as contact is made I cut a deal based on the ability to obtain a better price if we put reasonable volume their way. We also review any "warranties" like coverage included to cover bounced email addresses or replacements for any non-deliverables. Note, the supplier's warranty will be extended to my customers. If the sites are tardy in responding I just revert to pricing listed on the site, knowing that most likely that will be higher than what I will actually pay. DETERMINING PRICING: Resale pricing will be set at cost for large quantities with markups applied for smaller quantities. If cost is 5 cents per lead resale prices will be:

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500 - $75 1,000 - $125 2,000 - $200 5, 000 - $375 10,000 - $625 20,000 - $1,000 This will give an incentive to place larger orders. This is important not only because of the urgency of the assignment, but also so we do not need to resell the leads too many times to reach our income goal. If the same leads are resold too many times the people on the list may get too many emails and lodge spam complaints which will certainly upset my customers and reduce the likelihood of reorders in the future. PAYMENT OPTIONS: I need to set-up methods for people to transmit funds to pay for their orders and allow me to use these funds immediately to place orders with the lead supplier. I select: Stormpay and Paypal And go through the registration process. FINDING PROSPECTS: Back to the browser again to search on "ezines", "e-zines", "ezine directories", and "newsletters". This brings plenty to work on. Initially I look for ezine directories where I can find listings of publishers with contact info all at one place rather than jumping from site to site. Here are a few: CONTACTING PROSPECTS: Time to send a brief email to all publishers email addresses I find. The note is brief and to the point. We have a limited time opportunity to supply opt-in leads to build their subscriber mailing list. Pricing as low as five cents per subscriber in quantities. All have name, email address, IP address, and time and date stamp. Only 25,000 leads available on a first-come first-served basis. The note includes a request to email or call immediately if they are interested and also includes a short fom to complete and return: Name: Ezine Name: Market Audience: Number of Subscribers: Number of New Subscribers You Wish To Add: OTHER MATERIALS NEEDED: I send a hundred emails then take a break to work on other materials I may need: ( a) A follow-up letter giving details on price breaks and containing an order form with instructions on how to make payments.

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(b) A "disclaimer" publishers may use when they send their first transmission to the new subscribers. SAMPLES: I email the lead supplier and request a small sample batch I can send the publishers to see the format, etc. CONTACT MORE PROSPECTS: Back to the ezine directories to send out more offers. We also check any links to publishers’ sites for phone numbers and immediately call when they are found. CHECK EMAIL REGULARLY for responses and immediately contact all who respond, preferably by phone. Provide all relevant details. Check Interest. Check number required. Check budget. Ask for The Order!!! Explain all leads will be supplied via email within the next 72 hours so they are as fresh as possible. FOLLOW UP: We follow-up with all prospects at least every 12 hours with an update and maybe to offer a "deal" as we draw close to our 48 hour deadline. BUILDING THE ORDER FILE: A record is kept on all orders and payments received. The total revenues will determine the number of times we will need to re-cycle the same leads. We want to develop an ongoing relationship with these publishers so the goal is to sell the leads only twice providing we pull in enough orders. PROCESSING ORDERS: As soon as the 48 hours are up and we have reached our goals we place a bulk order with our lead supplier and distribute batches to our new customers. REPEAT ORDERS: We plan to follow-up with all customers (and prospects who did not initially order) on a regular basis to develop a relationship and generate more orders in the future. ======================================== Bob was one of the pioneers in adapting traditional multi-media advertising methods to the Internet for major commercial and B2B clients. He formed in 1996 to provide Internet marketing and web site design services for manufacturers and distributors throughout North America. Drawing on 30 years of Sales and Marketing experience Bob has built CashPromotions into a top multi-media and online advertising provider with opt-in mailing lists in the millions to serve his client base. He has been a featured speaker at many conventions including National Computer Conference, Administrative Management Society, Records Managers and Administrators, Independent Systems Dealers, and Comdex.

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CChhaapptteerr SSeevveenn:: JJaassoonn MMaannggrruumm Okay. I have exactly 48 hours to generate a total of $1,000 or more. I’ve never sold anything online, and have only $200 on my credit card. My life is being threatened, and I guess you could say I’m a little nervous about the situation. HOWEVER… I do have a FULL 48 hours to make this happen, being that I’ve been locked in and won’t be able to get out for two full days. So a 48-hour work day is needed here, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Thank God they let me keep the computer. ;-) Little did they know, I’ve been reading up on marketing tactics for quite some time, as a little hobby of mine. So now it’s time to put what I’ve learned into action. First of all, I’ve been reading up on the topic of Joint Ventures and how to create business relationships that can lead to quickprofits online. One great resource I learned a lot about this excellent strategy from is Marc Goldman’s “JV Secrets Revealed” ($77). In this particular case, however – I don’t have a lot to work with, since I don’t have a product of my own, so I’m going to do a little “out of the box” type brainstorming. Well, if I tried to market some affiliate product, I may not be able to make the money fast enough… but wait! What if I were to do some serious research to find a two-tier affiliate program that would pay at least $50 per sale on the 2nd tier? This would mean that I would only have to in-directly make twenty sales within this 48-hour period, and I’m good to go! Now it doesn’t seem like such a “monumental task.” ;-) After all, how are online empires built? – One sale at a time… Now, it’s time to find just the right product or service with a two-tier affiliate program. Let’s do some quick research at I type in “two tier” AND “$50” (with the quotes) and wait for Google’s response. Well, I’m seeing several “two tier” and several “$50”, but it seems as if my journey is in vain, until – I’ve found one! It’s at: (and just between you and me, the website could use some work) but I’m pretty desperate. And at this point, this seems to be a possible way out. So now I have my product. My intention is to leverage other people’s businesses in order to generate them some money, and in the meantime, I’ll generate twenty 2nd tier sales for myself, netting me a cool $1,000 bucks. But in 48 hours or less? Hmmm… Well, this is going call for some “good ole’” human contact. I’m going to need to contact the owners of this “Starscapes” site and briefly explain my situation in just enough detail, to where they’ll get the picture that I’m gonna need the money fast.

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First off, I’m going to click over to: and type in “” in the white domain box. Then, I click the link to find out the information on this site and actually find a phone number. But wait! (Again, I know….) I don’t have a phone – Only a modem connection. :-o No biggie. I’ll head on over to and download their free software program that’ll allow me to call any phone in the world, from my computer, at only 2 cents per minute! (I could also call the cops and get out of this mess all together, but hey – that would take all the fun out of it, right? ;-) So anyway, I purchase $50 worth of minutes for the net2phone service, and now I’m fully equipped with a product, and the fastest communications medium ever invented: the telephone. So I call up Mr. Petrashek and subtly explain to him my situation, being that I’m in dire need to make some quick-cash from his affiliate program. Even though, I’M the one who’s in a threatened position, I carefully structure each and every word of my conversation to appear to be in HIS favor. I do this by basically reinforcing the fact that I’m about to make him a lot of money within the next 40 hours, or so. I also tell him that if he would be so kind as to allow me to get out of this mess, by overnighting me a check for $1,000 only after I have made the 20 sales. In return, I would later make 20 more and give him the full commission as a sincere “thank you.” Luckily, he’s an understanding guy, and he accepts my proposal. So now, I have less than 48 hours to generate twenty sales indirectly from this product, in which I will immediately be paid the requirement of $1,000 upon my acquirement of the sales. No problem. Let’s do it… Alright. Everything seems to be falling in place. All I need now are people with established mailing lists that would be interested in something like this. Well, let’s do some mailing list research at: and see what pops up. I don’t currently have a membership to the Directory of Ezines, so I’m gonna go ahead and purchase an annual subscription for only $37. I type in a few “science” related keywords and bam! Up pops a few ezine lists that I actually may be able to use! Well, thankfully all of them have websites, and those websites have phone numbers listed on I don’t have time for emailing people, so I’m going to squeeze every minute possible out of the Net2Phone service. According to my expenses with the JV Secrets Revealed eBook, the $50 worth of minutes with Net2Phone and my membership with the Directory of Ezines, I’m left with about $36 on my credit card. Cool. I think I’ll head over to and order me a deluxe pizza. *lol* ;-) While I’m waiting for my pizza, <grin> I’m going to load up the Net2Phone software and start calling these newsletter publishers with my offer. First, I do the same as before and briefly state my situation just to the point where they know it’s a matter of extreme urgency. I also tell them that if they’d just sign up and promote this killer product to their list once, at no cost to them whatsoever, that I would be happy to keep all the records for them, write any copy needed, and basically make it to where all they had to do is hit “send” and make money. I’d also tell them that if this deal turned out as mutually beneficial as I think it will, then I would be more than happy to find them more related products and services for them to make money from in the future. Thankfully, five targeted ezine publishers actually agreed to this deal, and even agreed to send out the initial mailing the minute I wrote it. I would have written it before I contacted them, but remember: I’m desperate. ;-)

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So anyway, I write up the endorsement copy, email it to them, and then call them using my Net2Phone service to make sure they receive it immediately. They receive the copy, sign up for the affiliate program of the product, and begin to send to their lists immediately. I now have a product, about $16 bucks on my card, a way to receive the money immediately upon making the 20 sales, and now… five joint venture partners who are going to bring me the customers! Well, they send the mailings, and I wait ever so patiently at my inbox, praying to see the words, “Congratulations Jason! You’ve just made a 2nd Tier sale of $50…” Not even before I had finished fully visualizing my desired outcome, an email arrives in my inbox. It reads…

“Congratulations Jason! You’ve just made a 2nd Tier sale of $50…”

YAY!!!!!! (Man, there’s almost nothing that can compare to the feeling of making your first online sale.) And more followed… Over the next 9 1/2 hours, I had generated thirteen sales, 2nd Tier! So I can already look forward to $650! Killer. Awesome. Fan-tab-ulous. Only seven sales to go. And I’ve still got another day left! I start calling up my new JV partners to see if they’ve received the good news as well. Since every sale has netted them a cool $250, you can imagine they’re in high spirits when I call them. Another sale comes rushing into my inbox. Six more to go… I decide to go ahead and call up the man whose product made this all possible, and listen to his stark amazement when he checks his records to see how much money I’ve generated in such a small amount of time. He tells me he’ll be happy to overnight my $1,000 check to me, and he even wants to know if there is anything he could do in return for me helping him with his marketing for the site. Of course, I oblige, and let him know that I’d be more than willing to help him out in any way I possibly could, just as soon as I got myself out of this mess. He gives his gratitude and we hang up. Time to check the inbox again… Five – four -- three more to go… Yep. Three more sales have come in since I’ve been on the phone with Joseph. ☺ $150 more to make before I can put this experience (well, the hostage part anyway) behind me forever. I’m going be relentless with this. I’m going to head on over to the Yahoo chat channels and use some cleverly hidden “persuasion tactics” to make at least three direct sales. I choose the “science” chatroom in one window, and the “hobbies” chatroom in another. It’s getting late, and I need to make these sales ASAP so Joseph will overnight me the money and I can receive it before the 48-hour time limit is up.

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So, let’s calm down and chat for a minute. Let’s get to know some people, and see who would be the best match for this type of product. Now keep in mind that I’m getting $250 per sale this time, since I’m selling directly. So I’m actually over-shooting my mark. Ah well… no one in the “hobbies” chatroom seems interested in a product such as this. But wait! (Yes, a third time.) I’ve found four people while just casually “chatting” (never directly sell in a chatroom) who would love to have something like this, and three of them have even asked me if I knew where they could find one! So, naturally I give them the link, (in a private IM) and all three just so happen to buy the product on the spot! Boy, someone’s lookin’ after me alright. ;-) The sales are immediately reflected by my inbox and I have now generated a total of $1,400 in just enough time to call up my “good ole’” friend Joseph and tell him where he can overnight the check. I also bang on my door and tell “the guys” that their money is in the way and to look out for it tomorrow afternoon. (And they didn’t even let me have the pizza.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jason “The Marketing Machine” Mangrum is a 22 year-old internet marketer who has worked with some of the biggest names in the business, from Marlon Sanders to Dr. Joe Vitale.

Just one of the Joint Venture tactics he used for the Hypnotic Marketing Institute caused them to receive over 30,000 hits to their site in a single day.

He's the creator of the World's First Automated JV Software and currently resides as the Marketing Director of Super Fast Profit Enterprise.

Be sure to visit Jason’s newest upcoming site:!

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CChhaapptteerr EEiigghhtt:: JJiimm FFlleecckk aanndd JJeeffff PPaauull There are some givens that we have to articulate at the outset as limitations/restrictions on the solutions we can offer. Here they are:

1. We cannot create a product. There’s no time. We have to license someone else’s product or products in some way…and do some other joint venture activities. You aren’t going to be able to pull this off without working with other peoples’ products/marketing materials, and/or lists of customers.

2. We would need to follow the Jeff Paul “Make Money In Your Underwear” money making formula,

which we would use even if there wasn’t a money- making emergency. But, since there is an emergency, we have to use it without any deviation what-so-ever. The formula is simple but very powerful:

a. Find one or more target markets that are incredibly passionate about whatever they are

interested in. In fact, the target market should be way beyond passionate about their area of interest. To make sure you make money with your marketing, the target market should be irrationally passionate about the subject, and if possible, you’d want them to actually be irrationally psycho about the subject area. Also you’d want to make sure:

i. You can find them ii. Reach them through some kind of marketing and iii. That they have money to buy what you have to sell.

Plus, it would be important to find people like this who have already proven their insanity by the fact that they have made one or more purchases in their area of interest, preferably through direct marketing, particularly purchased through the Internet. b. Find out exactly what these target markets already want. (You don’t have the time or luxury

to convince people about some new thing they don’t know about yet, and are not already crazy-nutso about wanting to buy now.)

c. Supply them what they already want to buy now.

3. Now that we know the formula, let’s get busy. First we have to come up with a target market. Since we have such a short time, we aren’t going to have time to find more than one market.

a. Go out to sites that have mailing lists, whether email or boring old regular mail, and start

looking for groups of people who have already bought something in their particular area of interest.

b. Go out to “Google”, or “Overture” and search for groups of people who have e-zines or belong to discussion forums of certain high passion topics.

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c. Some examples of groups of people who might be good candidates for needing to make an immediate purchase to satisfy their passion are:

i. Gamblers in debt, ii. People whose home is about to be foreclosed, iii. People about to go out of business, iv. Students who need money to enroll in college with registration coming up very

soon, v. People that want to get rich quick, vi. Parents with a teenage child who is in deep legal trouble, vii. Golfer or tennis player who is entered into big tournament in a few days, viii. Truck drivers, insurance agents, massage therapists, etc. who have already failed

or fear failing their imminent licensing exam, ix. Women who cannot get pregnant, x. Women who fear husband is having an affair, xi. People with some illness who cannot get better and are running out of time, xii. People who have an event coming up very soon who need to lose weight really fast

because of fear of embarrassment, or loss of job. (High school or college reunion, or flight attendants or pilots who are having a physical soon.)

xiii. People who are going to be taking a drug or alcohol test for their employment, condition of probation/parole/suspended sentence, or athletic participation…who won’t pass because of their lifestyle.

xiv. And so on. (As you can see, we aren’t going after people who have some level of interest, or are kind of interested in a topic area. We are going after people with what they perceive to be, or might actually be life and death emergencies! And yes, to a golfer, being beaten and/or embarrassed in a golf tournament can be perceived by them to be as threatening as a person with a real life threatening disease. Again, only the target markets’ perception of their passion is important. Your feelings or ideas about the subject area are meaningless and totally irrelevant!)

4. Once you locate the target market you now have to find out what they want and how to reach them.

a. Go to a bunch of web sites that relate to their topic/area of interest and study everything you can about them: what they read, what they say to each other, what’s for sale, what they buy, who they listen to, what they complain about, what problems do they desperately want solutions for, etc.

b. Make a list of all the web sites, ezines, discussion forums, etc., that seem to be good

candidates for either having products you could market, and/or mailing lists to make your eventual offers to. Find discussion forums at:

c. Now you need to find products that are available for this market you have chosen. You are almost certainly going to have to find “affiliate” programs where someone already has products and accompanying marketing materials and are looking for people to sell their products for them. You can find a zillion affiliate programs by going to “Google” or “Overture” and searching for “your area of interest” + “affiliate programs”, or affiliate programs in general. You can also find resources at:

5. Now that you have found a target market, know what they want and have signed up as an affiliate and have marketing materials, you need to get traffic driven to your web site with the offer. (This

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could be your own site with a link to this offer on it, a new site you stuck up with a canned template/shopping cart, and/or a site you “clone” from the affiliate program.)

6. You then need to make calls and/or email the owners or managers of the web sites, ezines, and

discussion forums you have found. Propose a joint venture deal where you put ads or articles on their sites and/or in their publications/forums, and/or send one or more emails to their lists and split any profits you make with them in some way. (e.g. 75/25, 60/40, 50/50, etc. Negotiate whatever you can.)

7. You need to go to “Overture” and/or “” and research the search terms your likely

prospects would click into. Find out what search terms, at what cost per click you can get clicks through as quickly and cheaply as possible. Once you set this up with “Overture”, you can deposit your $200 with them, and they will send you the clicks until the $200 is used up. We have often tested “Overture” with this kind of thing and have gotten dozens or even hundreds of leads sent through in a morning.

8. Since you will be an affiliate of someone else’s product, you are going to be splitting money with the affiliate program owner, let’s say, 50/50 (sometimes more), but let’s use 50/50 as an example. If the product they have sells for $100, and you get $50, then you split your sale with the web site/list owner 50/50, you would net $25 on each sale. In order to net $1,000, you would have to make 40 sales to meet your goal, if they are all from joint venture partners’ lists. Your own sales from “Overture” would make you more money, as you would keep the $50 per sale. If you obtained a combination of sales from joint venture partners’ lists and “Overture” you might need only 28-30 sales to reach the goal. So, if you get 100 leads clicked through from “Overture”, and let’s say you send your pitch out to 50,000 of these insane prospects from other companies’ lists and/or ads or articles posted in their e-publications who have hopefully agreed to endorse you to their people…you should be able to make 28-40 sales and hit your goal!


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CChhaapptteerr NNiinnee:: KKeennnnoonn FFoorrtt Since I received this threatening notice of these armed desperados close to 12:00 midnight Eastern Time, I immediately calculate that I have until close to 12:00 midnight two days later. Having an ID over at, I first go to and quickly take them up on their offer for free web space. I choose the link, “get started with a free GeoCities home page,” where I begin a process of product creation and promotion. The main topic of my info product will be called “Frugal Beginnings: How To Start Doing eCommerce Without Overdrawing On Your Bank Account.” With more and more people coming onto the net every day, and with the economic trends of downsizing businesses, I have a significant target market to reach now and into the future. Many of the steps I take in this process will be the very things I share in the content of my product. Actually, at first thought, I figured I could rush to and buy a cheap domain registration at just $8.75/year, so I could quickly throw up my own web site (or at least to use that domain name to promote an affiliate program). But then, reality hits. There is nearly no way to do this quickly since it usually takes a solid 48 hours just to get one’s domain name to propagate throughout the web. However, I decide to go ahead and register a domain since I will be laying the groundwork for future success extending beyond the 48 hours under the pressure of these desperados. As I reserve my domain, I go ahead and point it to the free web space. This domain will ultimately offer the product(s) I create over the next 48 hours. Fulfillment of orders can extend beyond the scope of my time constraints. I then quickly determine that my success will hinge, not only on fast product creation, but also on massive combined on-line and off-line marketing methods. I cannot expect to build enough trust with prospects and soon-to-be affiliate partners solely using the virtual enterprise of the internet. The entire product creation does not have to be fully completed within the 48 hours since I will have time for fulfillment after orders are placed. I decide to host a rapid sequence of teleseminars and to take all steps necessary to get 99 listeners on a final call with me at the end of the sequence. (This should be simple enough since anyone can try a conference line for 60 minutes with as many as 100 people on a free call at I make a note to contact this company during early business hours the next day to use their free trial. I’ll also contact a person at to use their free service to do some of my other calls leading up to the big one at the end of my 48 hours. As with other steps before, this will lay a nice groundwork for me to test other services and to conduct successful teleseminars for future campaigns. Since I’m just another member of John Q. Public, not yet known and respected in the marketplace, I determine to host these calls for no admission charge and to get all my income from the special offers made at the end of each call. I then go over to and sign up for a 30-day test drive of their shopping cart system for just $3.95 and also become an affiliate. Additionally, I join another affiliate program and membership site through a special $1 trial offer: ( I will be certain to create special audio messages that will be sent out via email and make others to be used on my web space to further humanize my virtual enterprise.

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Using the resources I just got for the shopping cart system and for the web space, I create a follow-up auto-responder. In the auto-responder, I pre-program a personalized message or two (which I’ll update later with details about my conference calls once I have that information). Part of my message content will convey the sense of urgency that it is necessary to be early on my teleseminars since they will be free, overbooked, and full. I then use the shopping cart system to create ad trackers to see which of my ads bring me the best results. This will be part of the content I share on my call. I also use the system to generate the form code to place on my web page so that I may collect my prospects’ names and email addresses for my database. Just as airlines overbook their flights to protect their revenues, my goal is for the number of sign-ups to be more than 200 since most free calls have lots of no-shows frequently at a rate of over 50%. I am thinking long-term while also fulfilling the short-term goal to earn $1000 in two days. I put a simple “thank you for subscribing” message in the auto-responder. I will later use the closely related broadcasting feature of the shopping cart system to reach my contacts with updated details for our teleseminars. I also sign up for a special long distance offer: ( Signup for the September special as an agent/trainer is for $149.95. I also sign up for a “dial 1” long distance service plan for $19.95. Since my prospects have indicated a willingness to spend their time and money on making long distance calls to further their education and since I’ll be selling them on future teleseminars, it makes perfect sense to offer them a way to save money on their long distance. They may even have their long distance company pay them! All of these affiliate programs will be featured on a special web page that my new subscribers will see immediately after they have opted-in to my list. I then use an FFA AdBlaster program that I had bought before and was sitting on my desktop. This will get my ad out to thousands of web sites quickly. But, this is not why I’m doing this as I know that these web pages seldom get read by anyone surfing online. Instead, while I’m on the phone, I’ll have one of the desperados start going through all the confirmation emails that come back to me. He will look for individuals who have placed their phone numbers inside their emails, then add these contacts into a special database including their name, website, email address, phone number, and any notes about calling them. I will call these people, build relationships with them and ask them to consider working together immediately. FFA’s are typically used by the owners as a “reverse marketing” mechanism to generate leads for themselves from those who send them ads for placement. So, basically what I will do is a “double reverse” marketing method. I will be generating myself a group of leads of people that I know are not looking to hide behind technology and who may prove to be good candidates to promote my products in the making. I will also ask each one, “Since you know that FFA sites seldom get read, would you please recommend to me one other resource that is low cost or free that I could use for better advertising?” I will record these answers, use that as content for my calls, and put into practice those things I’ve learned to extend my reach. Basically I’m getting experts who have been online making money to spend a few moments to help develop my content for me. Knowing that I probably need yet more leverage to reach the goal of $1000 income in 48 hours, I start looking for more people who are well-known on the internet to explore the opportunity to work with them. I come to web pages like these: I quickly create an email proposal to swap advertising with many of these online publishers. I tell them that they can have a special short ad inside the end of my teleseminar transcript once it’s completed. They can do this as long as they will sponsor my time-sensitive calls by promptly offering their email subscribers and website visitors the opportunity to join my list at the special web page that is set up to invite them onto the final teleseminar of my campaign. With one of the services I signed up for earlier, I quickly create and send out a digital postcard with the email proposal. This message shares my special audio recording inviting them to one of my free 15-minute

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conference calls (through my free 1-week trial of services) to learn more how it will benefit them to work with me. Holding several of these free calls scheduled throughout the first day and into the second, I reach a bunch of these publishers on the phone at once to multiply my efforts and even share special insights that they will benefit from by the exposure to other related subscriber lists. Since I am not equipped (starting out of the gate to process payments), I will look for their help with this while promoting my own product which shall be created by the recording and transcription of my teleseminars. Basically, they can joint venture with me to offer the options I will pose on the call. Here are those options:

#1 - Purchase audio files and transcript of the recorded call. #2 - Purchase audio files, transcript, and reprint/resale rights of the recorded call. #3 - Purchase all of the above with a customization option where the purchaser gets their own affiliate links “branded” inside the transcript file which creates a potential for getting their own affiliate commissions when they distribute that transcript. Note: the recording will also be done for me at no charge by Then I can get an inexpensive transcript done through hiring someone at if I choose not to do it myself.

Basically, they will process the payments for me, send me 50%, and then when the product is complete, I send it to the customer. These options will be presented in reverse order. (You almost always want your highest priced item presented first.) For the prices, I would reasonably offer at #3 for $497, #2 for $297, and #1 for $39. So, by now I’ve spent several hours working into the wee hours of the morning and now I must get rest since I’ll need to be fresh for speaking with people on the phone during regular business hours. After rest, I spend lots of time on the phone, getting the conference lines in order, and building contacts for the calls. From this point onward, throughout the 48 hours, I’m calling on the phone and following up by email to promote the income- generating teleseminars. Just a few sales of the higher priced items will generate the $1000 needed! *************************************************************************************************** Kennon Fort is the creator of a site devoted to creating outrageously successful teleseminar hosts. Kennon is creating a wide range of teleseminar products on marketing and non-marketing topics. He provides teleseminar consulting and coaching. Kennon may also be reached personally by email at mailto:[email protected]

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CChhaapptteerr TTeenn:: EErriicc VVaann DDeerr HHooppee Wow - now this is a challenge! To make things even more difficult, you've asked that I must start from scratch - knowing basically nothing! I have to be a complete 'newbie' at making money online, have no lists, no friends with lists, practically no money (only $200.00), no knowledge of any 'gurus' who can provide me with some answers and be a complete novice at selling anything online! I have to make $1000.00 in 48 hours . . . Yeah - right! Impossible! After thinking long and hard about this scenario, I had to be frank and remind myself of a couple of things. Without any knowledge of business online I had to keep things in perspective and use a bit of common sense. With so many offers out on the World Wide Web, all the hype of making "Big Money - Fast . . ." is a Total Misconception! Let me provide you an example: - "You Can Make $54,273.33 in 1 month . . . " - "You Can Make $757.97 In 7 Days . . . " Since I have 'No' experience of doing business online - this sounds like the coolest opportunity - right? Sure, but realistically - can I actually do this? The answer to that is 'NO.' It is important to note here - these may not be false statements . . . Knowledgeable marketers can do this - they are doing it now - this very moment . . . I guarantee it that they are even having better results than that! This leads me to state that if they can do it - SO CAN YOU . . . ! On the other hand, these 'announcements' are complete hype to get me to act now! I must get back into the 'REAL' world. My main point here is - If it looks too good to be true - It probably Is! Because I'm limited to only 48 hours to make money, there does not seem to be as many options open to me - especially since I'm 'new' to marketing on the internet. I'm going to make this as straight forward and as basic as possible . . . Step 1 - I start a brainstorming session and write everything down that comes to mind . . . (I think of phrases I can use in a search engine). I have to remember that I'm looking at ways to make money/ new business opportunities, etc . . . Step 2 - I use my 'keywords/key phrases' in the main search engines (MSN, Google, Excite, Yahoo, Alexa, etc.) Step 3 - Anything that mentions "Quick, Easy Money," "We walk you through step by step, holding your hand," "Easy to do, accomplish it in minutes," "Instant money." ===>> Stay away from this! Step 4 - I come across a word that sounds interesting . . . "Drop Shipping." I continue my searching and find something else . . . "Online Auctions." I then find Ebay . . . Cool! Step 5 - I start researching these two options . . . I begin to put my thoughts together and have an idea. How can these two things be of benefit to me? Drop shipping/Ebay . . . ? Hmmm . . .

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TIP: I need a way to receive money when someone pays me for a product. Then, after this happens, I would want that money to perhaps transfer to a banking account (such as my checking account). Through my research I find PayPal, this is a simple merchant account. There are others - but I do not have time to set them up. I just simply sign up and in a matter of minutes I'm ready to accept money. There is no coat to this account. It's completely free - no monthly fees. If you do not have it, it's never too late to sign up at: Note: After a couple of hours research I discover a few important things. There are drop shippers out there that are not truly drop shippers. The legitimate drop shippers will not ask for a set-up fee to 'Sign-up.' Many drop shippers out there (on the internet) are 'middlemen,' who take advantage of the person who is unaware. They make it look as though they are the drop shipper when in fact they are not. They profit from this as their prices are higher - they lead you to believe that you are paying the best price. Try: (the drop ship source directory), the most reputable drop shipping source available on the net. Step 6 - I sign up with Ebay,, and within minutes I begin to look for what is selling. I do not sell something I like but I find out what IS selling. This is a mistake I imagine many individuals could make. So I make sure of what is selling well. I look for the items by browsing ebay . . . I search the auctions that are almost finished and see the amount of bids being taken on the items. If there are a lot of bids - I can assume this item is in demand! Step 7 - After I discover what items are big in demand, I go to my drop shipper and find those items. When I find what I'm looking for, I get a few details and pictures of the item from the drop shipper of the product I wish to auction off. I can then use this information for my auction on Ebay. Step 8 - After deciding what it is that I want to auction off - I set them up for a 1 day auction. Note: When an item is sold - I will get a direct deposit into my PayPal account. Because I am using a drop shipper I have the ability to mark up the price of the auctioned item. After it is sold, the difference between what I bought it for (only after I sell it of course) and what I sold it at - is my PROFIT. The advantage here is that I do not have to buy anything from the drop shipper until an item is actually sold. So in actuality - you are not even spending your own money! Step 9 - The fees are minimal when using ebay. There is NO 'sign-up' fee to use, however, depending on the item being auctioned off, a set fee will be added to that auction (very small percentage based on cost of auctioned item). I have made a considerable amount of money just setting up auctions on ebay and using a drop shipper to serve as my warehouse/inventory. I do not even have to do any mailing. The drop shipper will make sure that the item is sent directly to the buyer. Plenty of money can be made here - and it could be more than $1000.00! The more I auction off, the more profit I make. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Eric V. Van Der Hope is originally from Pearblossom, California. He attended school in New Zealand for a year followed by 4 years at an English boarding school southwest of London. He has worked in the Health Care field, Civil and Structural Engineering fields, participated in a religious sabbatical for 2 years and was proud to serve his country as a member of the United States Military, contributing to the safe navigation of a United States Naval Destroyer, USS Fife (DD-991). As a result, he has traveled extensively throughout the world - from as far North in Sapporo, Japan to the South, including Guam, the Philippians and as far South as Hobart, Tasmania, back up through Bali, Jarkarta, Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong. Through his travels he has gained a tremendous amount of appreciation and respect for all people who contribute in one way or another to our society of humankind. Mr. Van Der Hope is the President and Founder of Foundation of Success (, and Publisher and Editor of 'The Marketing Toolbook Ezine.' He is

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currently in the development stages of another company - Globalnet Publishing ( Mr. Van Der Hope feels that his business, goals and aspirations have been greatly influenced by the life he has been fortunate to experience. His business approach is the same as his personal goals that he has set for himself . . . "My Customers Always Come First," this contributes to nothing less than 133% effort to service their needs. He guarantees it! In the business world he has learned a considerable amount from Shawn Casey. However, he has learned to not limit his learning to one person but to learn from others as well. His mentors include Napoleon Hill, Jay Conrad Levinson, John Milton Fogg, Ted Nicholas, Kevin Hogan, Joe Sugarman, Joe Vitale, David Garfinkel, Tom Wood, Mark Joyner and last but not least Anthony Robbins. Mr. Van Der Hope's philosophy is - "In order to succeed at something it requires time, effort and dedication. If at first you do not succeed - you have no other choice but to try again. There is no failing -only setbacks!"

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CChhaapptteerr EElleevveenn:: JJoosshhuuaa SShhaaffrraann

“Do or Die!” By Joshua Shafran,

Creator Of The “Net Profits On Demand (N-POD)” System

What’s your intention?

See, this process... the basis of this book and challenge presented to the contributing writers is, in and of itself, your key to success. Believe it or not, the individual answers from us “experts” is really a far second to this. This type of challenge puts you in the right exact mindset that sets you up to win. So, before I get into what I personally would do faced with this situation/challenge, I want to make sure you don’t miss out on the most important “secret to success.”

There is real value to putting yourself in what I call the “Do or Die Mindset”. The mindset itself actually creates the success. Unfortunately, many (or most) people struggling for success overlook this truth because its power isn’t obvious until you experience it. In life, we get what we truly expect/intend to get. The right mindset with a firm no-crap deadline and the intention to have the outcome you seek is more than 90% of the battle. When you make up your mind and put yourself in the mindset where you will follow through no matter what else comes up, that you will not be denied no matter what, that you know you must follow through within a very specific deadline... then chances are almost 100% that you will succeed.

Shawn’s challenge does just that. It’s very specific: 48 hours and because of what’s at stake... your family... it’s meaningful immediately. I don’t know about you... but for me failure would simply not be an option. No matter what. We must succeed. Period.

Think about it. Is there any excuse that you’d be willing to face for not succeeding under these circumstances? Would you change all your plans and make time to make it happen? Would you let anything as silly as not knowing exactly what to do stop you? Would you work around the clock for the entire 48 hours if you had to? Would someone telling you “no” have you give up? Would you have time to watch TV? Procrastination? Don’t feel like it? All gone in an instant.

I can tell you my answers (and I can tell you your answers, too, if you really put yourself in that mindset). Nothing but succeeding matters! Nope. Not if my life or the life of my daughter and wife depended on it. No way! I would be ruthless towards getting the job at hand done. Nothing would stop or deny me from achieving it. Gun to my head. No excuses... they either see me pounding my chest from the top of the mountain or dead on the side of the road... nothing less will do. Succeed or death!

So, I really hope that you catch and fully understand that this mindset in and of itself is the answer you seek. Put yourself there. It’s the difference between just wishing for success and finally attaining it!

Onward to the specifics...

Databases, not products, are the true secret of making money online... or in any business for that matter. See, a database is simply a grouping of people that have something in common, usually a problem they want the solution to. The right database represents a marketplace looking for solutions, looking for answers. It could be a database of prospects with the same question bugging them. It could be group of buyers of a specific product or service that solves a particular problem. Or, simply the people that visit a particular website, online community or subscribers to an ezine that address a problem or answers a question that the visitors/subscribers have in common.

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Anyway, just because I don’t have my own databases to use for the purposes of this example

doesn’t mean that I can’t find someone else’s database (gathering of likeminded people with a burning desire to find a solution) to piggyback on.... to tap into... where there’s some commonality to the people gathering and where there’s an easy means to get a message to them quickly, like with email, pop-ups, surveys, co-registrations, ezines, Blogs, postings, etc. In other words, I would start with a database/marketplace-centered approach by finding a grouping of qualified prospects (in a subject area that I know something about) that have a burning desire, a nagging “want” that they feel unrest until they find the solution. Then (and only then) would I figure out something to sell them.

When you start with the end in mind, your buyers who want solutions, and work

backwards, making money online actually becomes as easy as selling aspirin to people with headaches.

So how do you find groupings of people with headaches? Go to your favorite search engine and do

a search for “eZine directories” and “affiliate program directories” and “online communities directories” and so on. Anyway, when you add the word the “directories” to your searches you get back sites that list and categorize all sorts of different sites in a “problem area.” Yep, you got it. Each site that comes back in these searches will be a list of lists of databases. Many, many groupings of people around a particular subject area all searching for a solution to a common problem they have. If you spend just an hour doing this, you’ll find more databases and market niches than you could possibly tap in a lifetime, let alone 48 hours.

I just went to and searched on “online communities directories” and then “newsletter

directories” --- and got back tens of thousands of results, each one representing lists of databases to attempt to tap. Here’s some of the areas that came back for me... ethnic groups with specific interests, online gamers, tech-heads, blog diary users, personals for dating, businesspeople, and on and on and on... Hey, look at this site I just found... You’ll be busy with a flood of money making market niches on this site alone. Oh, look here’s another one I just found: and it took me less than a minute to find these database sources.

Oh, there’s a whole new trend springing up everywhere online... JV’s (stands for Joint Ventures).

Shawn’s got an awesome JV service. The whole idea of these services is to put database owners together with people who have products and services to market and other database owners. Hmmm... database owners who are actively looking for people with products and services to market... that’s a no brainer!

Ok, so we’ve found a never-ending supply of groupings of people who have common problems and

want solutions. The next thing is to think about is what you can do, what you can create that will provide answers/solutions on two different levels. First, I would think about and write down all the different services, ideas and solutions I could provide to the people that control the databases. What problems do these database owners have and want solved immediately. Secondly, I would write down a similar list of the types of solutions that the people in the database are looking for. What problems do the database members have and how can I creatively provide the solutions?

Here’s a real life application of this so you see what I’m talking about.

Take the book that you are reading right now. It’s a perfect example of this concept in action. Put yourself in my shoes for a second and you’ll see how you can adapt the principles that govern this to your specific situation. Doesn’t Shawn Casey control a database of people? Aren’t you a member of the group of people that make up that database? Do all the database members have something in common, namely searching for a solution to a very specific question/problem (how to make money fast online, starting with little or no money, right)?

OK, so here we are being introduced to one another because of Shawn and this product. Now, out of all the people that get introduced to me through these pages, many of them will like the information I’ve shared, will get value from it (hopefully, like my style) and therefore want even more value and solutions

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from me. So many people (maybe you) will go to my website, sign up for my free newsletter and download my free audio training seminar... and some might even eventually consider doing business with me.

Now, consider these key questions (or you’ll completely miss the power of this concept). Was this my database? Did I get to tap someone else’s database? Was the database owner happy to have me tap his database? How much money did it cost me to gain access to this database? Am I providing a solution for the database owner? Did Shawn have to pay me or any of the other experts who contributed to this product? Am I providing valuable solutions to you the reader? Do I benefit as a result? Are you more likely to do business with me in the future after being introduced to me this way as opposed to just reading an ad for one of my products?

See, how it works? Everyone wins. Shawn’s database members get a great product with some great input from outstanding experts who normally each charge a great deal more to share their secrets. Shawn gets a great new product to sell... and he gets it fast and for free. The product itself is better because it has many different points of view. I get the opportunity to grow my own database from the people that like what I have to say here and subscribe to my free services and eventually some of those people will buy one of my products or services.

I hope you see the power of this. If you really get this, you’ll see immediately how this concept can be used and adapted to almost any situation or market niche. I suggest you read this article several times, until it becomes crystal clear as to the profound power here.

OK, so we have the ability to tap into other people’s databases.... Now we have to figure out how to make money by tapping it... what are we going to sell our new found target prospects?

Marketing strategy is next. I like a two-pronged approach so if one doesn’t appeal to the database the other one might... It doubles our chances of making money immediately. The first prong would be to find someone else’s product to market (simply go to and you’ll find all sorts of already done associate programs (with reviews) of different products with complete sales systems developed for the marketer to use)... The second prong would be to brainstorm a service I personally could deliver in conjunction with that same product that would enhance the value in the same area of the product.

For example, let’s say the market niche I decided to work with was pet lovers. I would search out some really cool products related to training pets, which is a hot button for pet owners. (Sign up for an affiliate program and in three minutes you’re ready to roll with a product to sell). Then, because I’m working this niche, it would be a personal passion of mine, the service I could develop would be ten weekly telephone coaching sessions on training tricks and tips.

Granted, that was a quick example, but you get the idea.

Anyway, now I have two things to market immediately, a product and a service. That gives me twice the opportunity of doing business with the database. If the product doesn’t appeal to them, I still have the service to follow up with and vice-versa. This also allows me to sell both the product and service to some of the database. A percentage of the database will buy both. More shots at doing business and the possibility of doing a bigger business... that’s what I’m talkin’ about. Oh, and it also gives me the ability to add the service on for free if the customer buys the product. See, this way, I’ve just made my offer different and better from everyone else that might be marketing the same product in the same affiliate program.

Why not just sell a product? Why come up with a service to sell too? Because with a service you can put it together immediately... it’s not something physical that you need to deliver to the customer. This means you can start selling it on the spot. With this two-pronged approach, I can start immediately with both the product (because it’s someone else’s) and, likewise, when I market my own service. With a service you get paid immediately (either a portion or all of it up front... a very nice feature considering we have to make $1,000 now to save our families) but generally the service is expected to be delivered in increments over time. This allows me to market something that I don’t necessary have the product for, nor would I have to

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share the profits with someone else because it would be mine as opposed to someone else’s. Not that I’m opposed to selling another person’s product as a part of my overall strategy... in fact, in business you’ll find that you’re leaving lots of money on the table if you don’t do both.

Oh, one more thing. I would sell a higher priced product... at least $200-$300 and preferably higher. Something that is unique and has a lot value to the buyer and potentially has a high profit margin left to pay a marketer. Something like a car obviously wouldn’t fit the bill because it’s got an extremely high hard cost and has tons of competition selling against you (no quick unique positioning possible there). I personally would pick an information product because the value that can be delivered in it is not tied to the actual hard cost involved in producing it and the uniqueness is immediate because the information is proprietary.

Why go for a higher priced product? Well, especially in this instance, time is of the essence. The hardest part of any sale is building up enough trust so that the database member believes that you are for real, that they believe that’s possible and will work for them. That time and energy must be spent regardless of the product, service or price point. It takes the exact same amount of work if it’s a $50 product as it is for a $500 product. That’s the hardest part to any sale. Once the trust factor has been conquered, then it’s just a matter of two things... making an irresistible offer to them and closing the sale... but the initial ground work is the same either way. And the time involved is the same either way because it’s about relationship and trust. The difference is obvious. With a higher priced product, say $500, you only have to get two customers to make the thousand bucks to free your family... but if you’re marketing a $50 product, you have to find, build trust and convince twenty people to buy it. That’s ten times the amount of work.

Let’s review. We’ve covered a lot.

1. You now know the “Do or Die” mindset is what controls your success. 2. Databases, not products, are where to focus. 3. The secret of finding and quickly tapping OPD (Other People’s Databases). 4. Sourcing products and creating services to market instantly. 5. The hidden secret power of higher priced products/services.

These five keys things are exactly what I would personally rely on to make my $1,000 bucks in 48 hours, starting from scratch with no contacts. This stuff works like you won’t believe, but remember, it all starts and ends with the “Do or Die” mindset. So, Do It Now!

Oh, I almost forgot... I’ve got some more resources to help you. I'd like to give you -- FREE – your

very own copy of the audio training that's got the whole industry buzzing in shock... Plus, a FREE trial gold membership in my “2 Comma Club” and a special confidential tell-all report that reveals how I (a learning handicapped ex-mechanic who couldn’t read ‘til almost 13 years old) went from dead-broke to cracking-the-code of a “Net Profits On Demand (N-POD)” Formula that has made me and my lucky client several million dollars in only four years. All you have to do is go to this special website: right now and claim your free gifts.

Joshua Shafran (referred to by top industry insiders as the “$30 Million Dollar Man” because of his dazzling track record), until recently has made his skills, talents and secrets only available exclusively to his clients (like, Shawn Casey) as the mastermind behind the scenes (as he’s quick to point out... he’s been way too busy doing business instead of playing business like many so-called “gurus” do today). Joshua’s brand-new “2 Comma Club” personal coaching system walks beginners (and advanced) through the step-by-step process to bridge the Millionaire Gap from scratch. <CLICK HERE NOW> and see why.

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CChhaapptteerr TTwweellvvee:: EElliizzaabbeetthh DD.. NNiicchhoollss,, EEDDNN EEnntteerrpprriisseess


When under stress, move to your strengths. My strength is writing. It will never be true (at least not until I’m soggy in the head) that I have nothing of my own to sell. I have 30 years of library management and automation experience. I have an optimistic and enthusiastic nature that makes it easy for people to trust me. I believe that my failures are just learning steps along the way to success. I have an ability to express myself in writing. I can sell all these qualities. But in 48 hours? Online? No time for doubts. It will happen! The first thing I’d do while gathering my thoughts is to research online, and also to talk with some friends and neighbors who are in online sales about any sure-fire fast money-makers I could join for very little up front. I’d get my friends’ and neighbors’ email addresses while on the phone so that I could send them my offers. The Internet is full of start-up assistance deals. A new one I’ve just run in to is called The Benefactors Club, where you are given free points to spend in buying into online opportunities and offered free advertising to thousands. By joining Benefactors Club, in effect I’ve just doubled my $200 limit the scenario has built into my credit card. I will plan to advertise my ebook using the Benefactors’ Club advertising power, and when I’m in less desperate straits I’d join some of the other Club opportunities. I’d look for other free and inexpensive advertising opportunities while I’m doing my online research. EzineBlaze is an immediate entre into a large safelist that can be used with little set-up time. My EzineBlaze Pro site is: The monthly charge for the Pro version is only $17.97. With EzineBlaze I can write ad copy and my own ezine of up to 3000 characters, and I’d have access to a website builder to publish my ebook. If I know any of my friends’ email addresses the EZ-Optin feature of EzineBlaze is a quick way to contact friends and family about the ebook, my desperado predicament, and anything else that I could think of to get a quick $1000 into a PayPal account. PayPal, hmmm... I need to set up an account before I advertise my product and my predicament. It’s free to sign up for a PayPal account. The fee for a business level account is minimal. Go to for the details. Now that I have a marketing method that has cost me all of about $18, I need to go back to my word processor to write the ebook and the ad copy. The title is ” How I Reinvented Myself: From Librarian to Entrepreneur in 48 Hours.” Catchy, yes? This true story is about a library manager who was told that she would lose her job as a result of statewide budget cuts. She negotiated an extra six months in order to have time to find another job, and discovered in that time dozens of entrepreneurial opportunities that she could do and probably enjoy. She frittered away most of those six months jumping from opportunity to opportunity, making peanuts in the process, unfocused and unsuccessful. It wasn’t until she was locked in a room and told that she had to figure it out or die, that she finally realized the key to success is not in the hype and the get-rich-quick schemes that are all over the Internet. Success is in the very tools that are already at hand or are inexpensive to obtain. Now in that last 48 hours of opportunity, she is finally ready for success. She can feel it. She knows it. She’s finally focused. Focused on what?

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1. Focus on what you are good at, your passions. There isn’t anyone in the world that can turn me into a successful vitamin huckster (even though I belong to at least three downlines with herbal products as the main focus). I just don’t have it in me to call people cold and try to get strangers all fired up about nutritional supplements. Books, on the other hand. I’ve been pushing books for 30 years and I’m passionate about them. I love talking about them and I love writing them. 2. Use fast writing method to get your thoughts on paper quickly. I work with a small writers’ group in Iowa City. In this group we have learned how to focus a defined period of time on just letting the writing flow quickly without editing. With the fast writing method one just lets the thoughts flow to the pen. Even if initially the only thought that comes is “I don’t know what to write,” after a few lines of garbage the good stuff will flow. It’s amazing how well fast writing works to get the passion, and the story behind the story down on paper. Ideally, one should come back to the fast-write material after a couple of days, but in this scenario, I’d be dead by that time. So, instead after eight hours or so of very concentrated fast writing I’d begin the editing process. Hopefully, by that time I’d have about 75 pages in the word processor. After an once-over I’d call a fast writing partner and have that person critique my writing and editing. After another eight hours or so of editing I should have a piece that other people would actually want to read! 3. Go for a website in a box. I must confess, I haven’t found a website for dummies software I’ve really liked. They all look like they belong in an elementary school setting. My next move in real life is to pick one that befits the serious nature of my work, and is suitably cheap. I’m hoping that probably the least expensive internet name registrar in the universe, GoDaddy will have a decent and inexpensive webhosting service. Yahoo should be another cheap webhosting source. Soon I’ll have a site completed for a domain name I bought through, This is likely to become the domain for my ebook writing and sales, and a place for writers to chat about developing creative nonfiction skills. As of this writing it is still “under construction,” as is my main site, 4. Ready, Set, Advertise. Focus on the warmest markets that you can afford. People who are trying to find their way in the online marketplace are hungry for information on how to get started successfully. Ebooks and other materials that help people get off to a fast start are worth gold. Marketing sites that are visited by a slew of other online marketers, like EzineBlaze, 10MinutesADay (, or SecondsAgo (, will give an ebook publisher an instant market at a very low cost. Just add some catchy ad copy including a few testimonials from some of your friends, and the thing advertised should sell, let’s hope, within 48 hours. These advertising sources are viral, in that they grow by making sure that the names and the keeper of several of my domain names, GoDaddy, emails of people interested in the kinds of opportunities being advertised are collected and captured for use in selling various products and services. By using so-called safelists the marketer eliminates the problem of cold sales to people who could care less. Chances of being tossed out as spam are also greatly reduced with safelists created through viral, or permission marketing. A price needs to be established. Could I sell 100 copies of a 75-page ebook for $10 per copy all in the remaining 24 hours? It’ll be the horse race of my life, but worth the bet. 5. Add popups or post-sale links to other opportunities. To help generate more cash, add a series of post-sale, or post-hit, opportunities. I’d add an opportunity to purchase more great marketing ebooks and other materials with banners or links to: Other products every ebook publisher and marketer needs should also be added to the site as after sales items, including Armand Morin’s great products, the ebook cover generator, and the audio generator, and others:

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43 The more “must have” products that are offered in some logical sequence to buyers, the better. However, it’s important not to present them all at once on a page. The marketer must stick with the main product; get the sale, and then offering other products stand an even better chance of being bought. While I’m waiting for the Internet to do its work (in my second 24 hours), I’d ask my captors to get me the local newspaper so that I can work the possibilities among the foreclosure and “must sell” real estate offerings. If I can find one with high enough margin between market price and the amount owed on the property, and a flexible seller, maybe I can convince my captors to let me out long enough to look at a little property. With the right deal and 48 hours to transact some business with certain investors I know I might be able to come up with a much larger payday for the desperados that a mere $1000. Between the ebook, the other Internet opportunities, and a possible property deal, I will have had a very busy, but hopefully profitable, 48 hours. Best yet, I will have earned the right to live, write and market yet another day. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Elizabeth Nichols is a public librarian, library consultant and freelance writer who also began to experiment with internet marketing in February 2003. I'm positioned for success with these sites: Take charge of your own destiny and leave your "slave" wages behind with a path that will lead to high residual income without lots of money and long days. $199 yields membership in a major auto emergency service club and earns the opportunity to get a $40,000 car or $30,000 in cash with just two members personally recruited into your downline. You are able to benefactor part of the costs for people. Referralware lets you market to several opportunities at once. For permission marketing leads I prefer Rad: Let Mom and Dad Rad train you how to market right. For ezine marketing, check out EzineBlaze: For online shopping malls I like CardGlobal and FreeGiftsGalore: At CardGlobal get discounts and rewards for shopping. Sign up for free and get $10 back. Make significant residual income by becoming an Agent or a Director. FreeGiftsGalore has a very low buy-in level of $10 and pays out with only 3 personal members.

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CChhaapptteerr TThhiirrtteeeenn:: MMiicchhaaeell TT.. GGllaassppiiee

“Ezine Arbitrage” When I first got your invitational challenge, I thought, “Hey, this is an easy one.” But then I took a closer look. Only $200...ouch! And then, just 48 hours and a $1000 bucks, ouch again. But then I began to think about it and a flurry of ideas began to develop. For example... I hop in my trusty jalopy, drive to the nearest flea market, walk the aisles and shops looking for unique, unusual items, maybe even collectibles. I would talk with the owner, tell him I have a plan to sell a truckload of their widgets online and ask if I could take a few pictures with my digital camera. Two hours later I'd have a store open on ebay and with some creative sales copy fully describing the benefits, features, and showing the pictures of these items, it would be fairly simple to pull in the thousand bucks. But then I thought, uh oh, wait a minute, maybe the desperado won't let me out of the house, as your invitation suggested. I'm locked in a room with just a phone and a PC. Okay, scratch that idea. Then came this idea... I'd scour the internet for an hour or two looking for the most recent affiliate or better yet, network marketing program. I would immediately sign up, use the company's prepared marketing materials, specifically a kick butt sales letter if they've got one and if they didn't, I'd write one. Then I’d immediately join, send out a proposal to all members telling them in great detail the benefits of this brand new marketing program (of course I would look for only those that have a forced matrix comp plan). For jumping on the bandwagon with me, I'd throw in a bonus or two. Namely, I'd agree to cross promote any program they're involved in to the database of people I'll be building through the collective efforts of many JV partners. But then it occurred to me that this idea is not all that creative even though I'd make the grand. However, that grand could be a month or more in coming. So, scratch that idea. After another few moments of reflective thought it occurred to me that my whole persona, my mission on the internet is to develop programs that have lasting value with growth potential. Something that after it's finished, setup, I can flip it to someone else to run and I can go on to the next project. As you know, I enjoy building businesses online that make serious money and businesses that have longevity potential. So here's my detail for making a thousand “fungolas” in 48 hours and building a business that could quite possibly survive and grow for years to come. I would go into the business of advertising arbitrage. Let me explain, there are three types of people that sell advertising online... 1. Those who are the publishers and own the advertising vehicle, i.e. web masters, ezine publishers, portal owners, etc. 2. Brokers. These are the folks who contract with the publishers and earn a fee for selling the advertising. 3. Those who buy low and sell high, i.e. arbitrage. This is where the real money is (if you are not a publisher). And here are the steps I would take beginning the first minute the desperado locked me in the room.

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Step 1. I would focus my initial entree into this business in the area of ezines. Later I would develop the business to include exit traffic, banner advertising, text links, solo ads, etc. I would immediately begin by developing a list of all publishers, their names, email addresses and phone numbers. I would go to and type in ezine advertising for my initial research. At I can further drill down looking for specific niche ezine publishers for various categories representing just about every imaginable topic. For example, I would type in 'travel ezine' and 'golf ezine' and 'electronics ezine' etc. You get the idea. I want to build a business that offers targeted advertising for all types of marketers. I would also go to and and do a search. Within 5-6 hours I would have enough ezines representing many millions of subscribers within which to begin categorizing and making contact with. Step 2. I would write a short, compelling letter to these publishers. This letter would use the following subject line: “I want to sell your advertising space for you.” It would open up with: "Hi (first name)," (If the first name is not published at the site, this information can be obtained through "whois" lookup at My name is Michael T. Glaspie, Mike G. I have put together a consortium of partners all interested in reselling for commission unsold advertising space for hundreds of different ezines covering the gamut from consumer goods to sports to travel to marketing online. You name it. We're building the directory of publishers right now and we need an immediate answer from you... Frankly, we are looking for large discounts. We need these large discounts to support our business model and also to pay our army of JV partners in our consortium. These JV partners are our lifeblood and our brokers. We need to reward them for their efforts. If you are willing to provide us with a minimum 60% discount off your retail rates (the larger the discount the more advertising we will be able to place with you), email me immediately as we are in the final stages of collecting data today. I'll need the current size of your publication, and your advertising rates for: 1. Sponsorship positions, if you offer them and how many per publication, the number of words and space allotted. 2. Your classified ad rates if you offer classified ads, including the number of words or space allotted. 3. The frequency of your publication; daily, weekly, monthly, etc. 4. The total number of subscribers You must be willing and agree to submit any ads we send to you within thirty days and send our client a checking copy the day the ad is run.” Step 3. I'd go on a hunt for an appropriate defining URL. It would be something like, or or etc. I'd keep up the hunt until I found something that closely speaks to the business being promoted. Step 4. Write the sales letter for the website. The sales letter would probably have the headline, "Here's your last chance to get unsold advertising space at bargain basement discounts. Save huge off retail rates the publishers we represent normally sell at.”

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The copy would further develop along these lines... “I know you're here because you are a serious marketer and you realize the value of advertising online. We at represent many of the finest ezine publishers on the internet today. Our total reach in the marketplace is in the many millions with new publishers coming online daily. We can advertise your product, service, program, MLM opportunity in categories such as: 1. 2. 3. etc. (I would list all the categories that have been contacted as I get takers). We are able to offer you savings with a minimum of 10% and up to 40% off these publishers’ rates. We do this because the volume of advertising we place with these publishers and the tremendous discounts these publishers give us for performing this valuable service for them. We pass these valuable savings on to you. And it's easy. All you need to do is select the category, give us your ad and we take it from there. Your ad will be run within 30 days of receipt or every penny of your advertising cost will be refunded without question. You'll get a checking copy the day your ad is sent from the publisher or publishers who put your ad to work for you.” Building the order form at this time is a little tricky as I still need to wait for publisher replies to come in so that next to each category I can indicate the total number of subscribers being reached. However, once this data has been collected, I would then add up my total costs of reaching all subscribers in each category. If a particular category was large, say into the millions representing several dozen publishers, I would break it up into ten parts and offer 10% of this group for 'x' and 20% for 'x+' and so forth. If it was a small category with only two or three publishers I would offer half of this audience for 'x' and 100% of it for 'x+'. Remember, I'll be working with a minimum discount of 60% off the publisher’s advertised rates. This means I can offer a minimum of 10% off all publishers’ rates and still make 50%. For example, the publisher's normal rates are one hundred dollars, but my cost is $40. I offer $10 off, I have a $50 profit. But... don't forget, now come the JV partners. Step 5. If I were not already a member of JV Gold I would join. I'm still well within my $200 budget (thanks for being so generous Shawn :-) ), and I would write a letter to the membership. An invitational letter. I would explain how I have put together this consortium of publishers who have all agreed to give me at, tremendous discounts for reaching literally millions of targeted prospects through their membership ezines. And, I would invite all JV Gold members to take advantage of this advertising in two ways: 1. I’d give them 25% off any advertising order they submit anytime and 35% off if they submit an order today, right now. 2.Or join as an affiliate and make 25% of all advertising orders they sell not just on the first sale, but every time their customer, their referral, reorders any and all additional advertising. Then I would do something very special. Remember, I've got a gun to my head... I would offer to sell only two platinum partnerships. These two platinum partnerships would enable the JV partner to be entitled to not just 50% of the profits I make (which is the minimum amount I make by paying a 25% referral fee) but a full 80% off the profits. And I would commit to placing all the ads, running the backend part of the business on behalf of the platinum partner. So all they need to do is promote just like any affiliate for just the small sum of $995.00. They will effectively have a brand new business that they own, but that I manage for them. Guess what?.. I guarantee you that would bring in $1,990.00 within just a few hours, and that would just be my insurance to

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make sure the desperado has left town once and for all. Step 6. I would need to set up a few backend details such as the affiliate program. If I didn't know how to do it on my own I might use and if I didn't have my own merchant account for processing orders at the order form website, I would probably use Step 7. It's now time to complete the order form giving purchasers the option of paying via paypal and/or, or my own merchant account. I would put up on the home page an email address collection device; something like this, "Free First Alert. We'll send you special announcements, incredible deals not featured here, when they become available from our publishers. They will always sell out fast. Don't miss a Free First Alert announcement. Join here." (collect name and email address). Step 8. I would want to create a modified shortened version of the sales copy I have on the home page and make it available to my JV partners. It's primary purpose would be to focus on the benefits of reaching millions of targeted prospects through ezine advertising at tremendously discounted unsold advertising rates. The goal of this short piece, for my partners and I to use, is simply to compel the prospects to click to come to the home page. I'd also want to develop a short classified ad along the same lines. For example, "Bargain ezine advertising. We specialize in unsold ezine advertising deals. Unbeatable deals through our private consortium of publishers. Why pay retail? Click here for more info." This ad is to be made available to all JV partners as well as to guess who?—all of the publishers that I now have agreements with, and invite those publishers to also be JV partners. This core business model will be fine-tuned over the next few weeks. The objective is two-fold. Sell two platinum partnerships and enroll at least several dozen if not several hundred JV affiliates and start marketing. Through a short period of time I can adjust the copy and make it just right (which it never will be just right), and I can add to the publishers’ roster and modify it and make the offer bigger and better. I can then branch out to other forms of online advertising by contacting publishers for exit traffic and banner advertising and pay-per-click advertising. And, the next logical step is to contact those publishers for their rates for solo advertising. Most publishers are willing to go for a greater fee, and mail their entire database of subscribers solo announcements. These solo announcements will then be made available to the entire database of companies and individuals who have previously advertised with me, as well as all of my JV partners and all of those individuals and companies who have requested my First Alert notice. Naturally, I'll want to negotiate an appropriate discount for these solo ad placements with the publishers who offer them. This business model will take a little more work to get set up, however, it will be lasting, rewarding, and can build into a very significant size business. Frankly, and on a personal note... If I didn't have so much going on, so much on my plate right now, or if I just decided to shove it all and go into an easy mode, this is the exact business I would personally develop.


Michael T. Glaspie, Mike G, is a world renowned direct marketer, and is well known as one of the early founders of direct marketing online. He started his first website way back in '97, after a successful 20 year career in direct marketing. Today he owns and operates - where you get free unlimited advertising and a $15 signing bonus. is probably the largest banner advertising exchange on the internet serving approximately 300,000,000 targeted banner ads each month. You should know Mike G is the founder of you need to see this site and be a part of something BIG and then get on Mike G's client roster at