Download - Design and Access Statement r e s s a n c e


RL9/D&A/V1/22 OCTOBER 2014

116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

Proposed Residential Development: 131- 137 Bath Road, Thatcham, RG18 3BH

Design and Access Statement


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

1.0 Introduction & Background

1.1 The Site………………………………………………..……………………….....3

1.1.1 Market Demand...…………………………………………………...3

1.1.2 Existing Built Form on the Site…………………………………..3

1.1.3 Relevant Planning History: the site and locality…………….4

1.1.4 Aerial Image of the Site……………………………………………5

1.1.5 Visual Assessment of Site & Surrounding Areas…………….6

1.1.6 Examples of Local Architecture…………………………………7

2.0 Proposed Development

2.1 The Proposal ……………………………………………………………………8

2.2 Density……………………………………………………………………………8

3.0 Development Objectives

3.1 The Objective…………………………………………………………………..9

3.2 Context Summary…………………………………………………………….9

3.3 Design Guidance………………………………………………………………9

3.4 Sense of Place - Community, Wellbeing & Sustainability………….9

4.0 Design Approach

4.1 The Approach ………………………………………………………………..10

4.2 Immediate Context…………………………………………………………10

4.2.1 The Site………………………………………………………………..10

4.2.2 Neighbours to the East……………………………………………11

4.2.3 Neighbours to the South………………………………………….11

4.2.4 Neighbours to the North………………………………………………11

5.0 The Design Solution

5.1 Context, Mass & Form……………………………………………….12

5.2 Amenity Space………………………………………………………...12

5.3 Sense of Place - Community, Wellbeing & Sustainability ….12

5.3.1 Landscaping and green amenity…………………………13

5.3.2 Innovation……………………………………………………...13

6.0 Access and Parking

6.1 Access …………………………………………………………………….14

6.2 Traffic Analysis………………………………………………………….14

6.3 Parking……………………………………………………………………14

6.4 Refuse Storage………………………………………………………….14

6.5 Cycle Store……………………………………………………………….14

7.0 Economic Considerations

7.1 Economic Aspects…………………………………………………….15

8.0 Involvement

8.1 Public……………………………………………………………………...16

8.2 Local Authority………………………………………………………….16

9.0 Drainage

9.1 Drainage Design ……………………………………………………...17



116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

1.1 The Site

The proposal site encompasses 131 to 137 Bath Road Thatcham and includes access from the highway via existing ingress/egress permitted under 11/01559/OUTMAJ. The site is located on the A4 on the western edge of Thatcham in a highly sustainable urban location. Thatcham and Newbury are both easily accessible by various means of transport, including cycle, public transport, car and foot. Reading is accessible by car and public transport. There is a direct bus service to rail services at Thatcham and Newbury. The proposal site is included in the 2013 SHLAA as a deliverable site The site area is approximately 2,395sqm (0.24 hectares). The existing principal elevation fronts Bath Road. The site is clearly visible from the roundabout adjacent to the Wyevale Garden Centre. The local context is predominantly residential and consists of a selection of pre-war detached and semi-detached dwellings set amongst modern housing of varying architectural style and quality. The general built form in Bath Road consists of two and two and a half storey accommodation. A large number of employers are situated close by including Vodafone, which is about 2.5 miles away and accessible by the Vodafone bus service, Quantel which is about 1 mile away and West Berkshire Community Hospital which is less than a mile away. There are also a plethora of other employment opportunities close by which are accessible by cycle and public transport; locations include Newbury Business Park, Hambridge Lane Commercial Area and Thatcham commercial centres. The site lies on the local cycle route and within a few hundred metres of National Cycle Route 4.

All local amenities are in close reach of the site and are accessible by car, foot, cycle or public transport. These include:

· Henwick Worthy Sports Ground and play area · Thatcham Nature Reserve · West Berkshire Community Hospital · Local shops and Tesco Extra Supermarket · Thatcham Medical Practice · Various dentists · Primary and Secondary schools · Restaurants and pubs

1.1.1 Market Demand There is excellent demand for the proposed dwellings. For example two similar recent developments carried out by the applicant in 2013 comprising 11 no. houses and 10 no. flats and located about 300 metres east of the proposal site attracted well over 550 enquiries. The proposed development will deliver relatively low cost homes to professionals, couples, singletons and starter families.

1.1.2 Existing Built Form on the Site The site currently comprises 3 no. houses and several outbuildings, including garages. None of the structures to be demolished have particular architectural merit. One property is in need of refurbishment and the remaining two properties have been extensively extended and as a result fill almost their entire respective plots from east to west. In fact, within the site the built form facing Bath Road takes up almost 90% of the available width and the gap between buildings are in two cases only about 700mm which results in a relatively unbroken appearance. The majority of land (approximately 90%) in front of the houses is given over to hard-standing for parking and there is very little evidence of green landscaping.

1.0 Introduction & Background


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

1.1.3 Relevant Planning History: the site and locality Planning application reference 14/00411/OUTMAJ was refused on 3 June 2014, planning appeal pending. Planning application reference 13/02396/OUTMAJ was refused on 19 December 2013, planning appeal in progress. Planning consent reference 11/01559/OUTMAJ was granted at appeal on 22 June 2012 for 12 no. flats on 139 to 141 Bath Road. Planning consent reference 08/02296/OUTMAJ was granted at appeal in 2009 for 11 no. flats on 139 to 141 Bath Road. Planning consent reference 08/02296/OUTMAJ was granted at appeal in 2009 for 11 no. flats on 139 to 141 Bath Road. An application to develop 9 no. semi detached houses on land to the rear of 123 to 129a Bath Road, reference 08/00464/OUTD, was dismissed at appeal in 2008. An application to develop 4 no. semi detached houses and 1 no. detached house on land to the rear of 123 to 129 Bath Road, Thatcham reference 10/01572/FULD, was refused. Planning permission was granted on 28 June 2013 for a 64 room (4,041sqm) care facility at The Limes Guest House, Newbury reference 13/00252/COMIND. Planning permission was granted on 14 December 2011 for 9 no. houses and 5 no flats at 77-79 Bath Road Thatcham reference 11/00902/OUTMAJ. Planning consent was granted on 24 May 2011 for 2 no. houses and 5 no. flats at 63 Bath Road, Thatcham, reference 11/00146/OUTD.

Planning consent was granted on 26 January 2006 for 4 no. houses and 6 no. flats at 69 Bath Road, Thatcham reference 05/02407/OUTMAJ & 08/00247/FULD. Planning consent was granted on 26 August 2005 6 no. flats at 71a Bath Road, Thatcham reference 05/01480/OUTD.

1.0 Introduction & Background


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

1.1.4 Aerial image of the site and surrounding area

              The Site Consented Scheme

1.0 Introduction & Background


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

View 1: Existing buildings on site fronting Bath Road View 2: Rear of 141 Bath Road at western end of site

View 3: Corner junction - Bath Road meets Henwick Lane

1.1.5 Visual Assessment of Site and Surrounding Area

1.0 Introduction & Background


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

Location 2: Marlborough Court, Bath Road, Thatcham Location 1: Faircross Court, Bath Road, Thatcham

Location 3: Alice Bye Court, Chapel Street, Thatcham

1 2 3

Location Map


1.1.6 Example of Local Architecture

1.0 Introduction & Background


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

2.1 The Proposal The proposal is to demolish the existing dwellings and develop 18 no. maisonettes/flats and 2 no. detached homes with parking at grade. Without prejudice to a pending planning appeal, the proposal scheme responds directly to the reasons given for refusal of application reference 14/00411/OUTMAJ which are explained in detail in the Planning Officer’s delegated report. Principle of Development: The principle of development and density is established by planning policy and the extant consent for 12 flats on 139-141 Bath Rd. It should be noted that Local Plan Policy seeks to achieve a minimum number of dwellings and the Council’s 5-year land supply is assessed on this minimum.

2.2 Density

Net density, equates to 83 dwellings per hectare, which represents a reduction of approximately 20% compared to the previous application. This density is easily appropriate for the location and is lower than other comparable planning consents in the locality, including the extant consent for 12 no. flats (134dph) and several residential developments within approximately 300 metres east of the proposal site (see planning history), which average about 100dph. The approximate land cover ratio (the area consumed by buildings, access roads and parking) is around 50% which compares very favourably with other local modern development schemes. The land use ratio for the extant consent for 12 no. flats is 77% and the average of the aforementioned developments in the locality is 70%. The applicant intends to create a high quality development which will through good design, innovation and attention to detail significantly enhance this part of Bath Road. The accommodation will comprise a mix of family homes, apartments and maisonettes.

2.0 Proposed Development


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

3.1 The Objective The principal objective of the proposed scheme is to reutilise brownfield land by producing an innovative development of environmentally friendly and sustainable houses, maisonettes and apartments which address the key issues presented by the context and West Berkshire Council’s Quality Design guide:

3.2 Context Summary

The site is situated in a prominent location on the western approach into Thatcham. The proposed scheme should offer a sympathetic interpretation of the context’s built form whilst enhancing the gateway to the town. The urban landscape is heavily influenced by Henwick Worthy Playing Fields which is an important area of landscaped public open space. As well as providing a scheme of architectural quality and interest and making the most efficient use of land, a key objective should be to reflect the character of the area. The proposed scheme should, therefore, seek to minimise the visual impact of cars by giving priority to landscaped external amenity space.

3.3 Design Guidance

The scheme should adhere to the adopted guidance given within West Berkshire Council’s ‘Supplementary Planning Document Series – Quality Design’; paying particular attention to ‘Part 2 – Residential Development’ and the ‘Area Design Focus – Bath Road, Thatcham’. The ‘Area Design Focus – Bath Road, Thatcham’ states that the western gateway to Thatcham and the Bath Road / Henwick Lane junction requires improvement. The scheme should, therefore, significantly contribute to the improvement of both these areas making the scheme of huge benefit to not only the local community but also visitors to this busy area. The proposed scheme should also respond to recommendations relating to land use and the treatment of prominent corners.

3.4 Sense of Place - Community, Wellbeing & Sustainability

It is of utmost importance that the architecture is of a quality that creates a sense of place. Through good design residents will feel part of a community and benefit from a sense of wellbeing. It is also of great importance that the scheme is designed to be highly sustainable thus encouraging an environmentally aware community. This is a view that has been adopted by West Berkshire District Council through the introduction of part 4 of the SPD, ‘Sustainable Design Techniques’. It is also a requirement of West Berkshire District Council’s that all new residential developments achieve a four star rating under the ‘Code for Sustainable Homes’.

3.0 Development Objectives


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

4.1 The Approach Specific attention has been paid to Quality Design – West Berkshire SPD, in particular the aspects relevant to residential development and the Area Design Focus (ADF) for Bath Road which was adopted on 19 June 2006 and therefore precedes the National Planning Policy Framework and the West Berkshire’s Core Strategy. The proposal site will regenerate approximately 2,400sqm in Bath Road including about 60m of frontage along Bath Road and will make efficient use of previously developed land. The site lies within an area identified in the ADF Area 1 map which would “benefit from improvement” and the proposed scheme will achieve that objective. There is an opportunity to deliver improvements that are external to the site which are also identified in the ADF, for example the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Bath Road and Henwick Lane. The proposed development will draw on successful elements from other local development schemes:

The maisonettes and apartments will be a blend of contemporary and traditional architecture. The Quality Design SPD recommends that in new developments buildings should be stepped up at prominent corners, such as the proposal site. Accordingly, the proposed scheme steps up at the corner of Bath Road and Henwick Lane. Accommodation will predominately be over 2.5 storeys which is the established norm across urban developments in the district, increasing to 3 storeys on the corner of Bath Road and Henwick Lane.

The applicant is committed to producing a visually interesting scheme which will significantly improve this area of Bath Road and Henwick Lane.

4.2 Immediate Context

The applicant has untaken a detailed analysis of immediate context to inform the proposed scheme:

4.2.1 The Site The three (originally four) properties to be redeveloped are a mixture of styles; none are remarkable or have particular architectural merit or make a positive visual contribution to this part of Bath Road. Two of the properties are in a state of disrepair. Four have been subjected to significant extension and/or alteration, including rendered front elevations and in one case an integral garage. The driveways of the subject properties have been given over to hard-surface parking, which covers the majority of the land area in front of the properties and as a result dominates this part of Bath Road. The proposed scheme will reduce the hard standing and therefore significantly improve the dominant hard-standing by introducing landscaping in-front of buildings, which accords with the ADF. The existing dwellings have individual driveways (four in total). Each property has the capacity to park several cars. The proposed development will remove the vehicular entrances thereby introducing a significant planning gain in terms of highways safety. The development site is not part of a Key Frontage but the amount of green frontage will be improved over what currently exists. Redevelopment of the site presents an ideal opportunity to reduce ingress/egress points in Bath Road and to create a modern innovative development comprising accommodation that will satisfy local demand. Factually the planning consent for 12 no. flats on 139 & 141 Bath Road and the aforementioned local schemes reflect acceptable modern redevelopment for the location, which the proposed scheme seeks to improve upon.

4.0 Design Approach


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

4.2.2 Neighbours to the East Two properties which abut the site to the east (129 and 129a Bath Road) are exceptionally positioned further away from Bath Road than are neighbouring properties. The proposal scheme, which is positioned to have a better relationship to that which currently exists will improve the effect of shadowing from existing buildings on nos. 129 and 129a. Similarly the effect of overlooking on nos. 129 and 129a from the west will be no worse than from the existing houses. The detached houses proposed on the north of the site will be over 25m from the rear of nos. 129 and 129a. Furthermore, the relationship between existing and the proposed dwellings is appropriate for this urban location and is very similar to other local developments, for example 12/00902/OUTMAJ. Further to the east on the north of Bath Road, the vernacular is very mixed comprising detached & semi-detached houses, bungalows and flats. The proposed scheme will enhance this part of Bath Road.

4.2.3 Neighbours to the South There is a defined style opposite the site along the south of Bath Road which is architecturally unrelated to the mix on the north. This will be complemented by the proposal scheme. The height of existing dwellings on the site together with the distance between dwellings across Bath Road and largely mature hedging along the northern boundary of buildings to the south of the site will mean that there will be no harm from overlooking.

4.2.4 Neighbours to the North The area immediately north of the site is made up of properties in Henwick Lane and Barfield Road: Henwick Lane:

Impact on the frontage of Henwick Lane will be unaffected by the proposal scheme. Any impact from the two houses proposed on the north of the site will be minimal and not harmful, considering the urban location and impact that existing dwelling have on each other.

Barfield Road:

The impact of new dwellings proposed under the previous application was not considered harmful to properties in Barfield Road. Barfield Road is made up of bungalows, most of which were built around the mid-1980s. Some of these properties have been converted to chalet houses and several have been extended and had conservatories added. There is mature screening including large trees and hedging along the northern boundary between the proposal site and nos. 3 and 5 Barfield Road (the properties affected), which will be retained. The proposed houses will have north facing gardens which abut the boundary with Barfield Road as such the use of the land will be unaffected (i.e. private gardens). Any potential impact on these properties of overlooking and over-shadowing is minimised or even eliminated by the mature screening. The proposed houses are set a minimum of 20 metres from the dwellings in Barfield Road, which accords with the Council’s standard.

4.0 Design Approach


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

5.1 Context, Mass & Form

The mass of the proposed scheme has been carefully considered to reflect that of its context and topography. The footprint, length, width and height of each block have been designed to reflect the built form in the vicinity resulting in a scheme which knits comfortably into the two street scenes. The proposed solution is intended to be respectful of local needs; maintaining separation distances, eliminating over looking through careful consideration of internal layouts, consistent massing and adequate levels of passive security, for the development as well as local pedestrians and cyclists.

5.2 Amenity Space

Flats & Maisonettes: The site layout gives ample opportunity to introduce landscaping at a scale similar to or in excess of that approved for other local development schemes and the extant consent for 12 flats. Houses: Amenity is supplied at around 350sqm for each dwelling, which exceeds the Council’s guidance.

5.3 Sense of Place - Community, Wellbeing & Sustainability

Through the adoption of sustainable design techniques, carefully considered materials and landscaping the scheme will create a sense of community and wellbeing. The proposed scheme has also been informed by the guidance provided in part 4 of the SPD, ‘Sustainable Design Techniques’. As a result, the proposed scheme will achieve a Code for Sustainable Homes 4 star rating and includes the following in the design: 1. Responsibly sourced materials for the basic building elements. 2. The adoption of a ‘fabric first’ design philosophy whereby exemplary thermal

values will be employed. 3. Optimum building orientation and areas of glazing to maximise passive solar

gain during the winter months. 4. The use of trees and brise soleil to provide solar shading during the summer

months. 5. Airtight construction to minimise thermal loss. 6. Whole dwelling ventilation system to recover heat from the air extracted

from wet areas. 7. High levels of natural light provided by large areas of glazing and light wells. 8. A sustainable urban drainage system to prevent the adverse effects of

excessive surface water run-off. 9. A diverse and extensive landscaping scheme to encourage biodiversity. 10. Opportunities exist to introduce other sustainability measures. A pre-assessment for Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 is included with the planning application.

5.0 Design Solution


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

5.3.1 Landscaping and green amenity

Whilst landscaping is a reserved matter, the proposed scheme will deliver a larger area for landscaping than the scheme already approved for 139/141 Bath Road. The site is a few metres from Henwick Worthy Sports Ground and Play Area, which provides an abundance of green recreational facility. The houses will each benefit from a private garden amenity areas which are similar to or exceed other local development schemes and are similar to the gardens in Barfield Road. Parking spaces will be created with a combination of “grasscrete” and permeable block paving to create a pleasant “greened” area.

5.3.2 Innovation

NPPF encourages the use of innovation in urban renewal schemes. The following innovations are proposed: Maisonettes at ground floor will soften the impact of the apartment block building. Large windows will improve natural light. Irrigated hanging baskets on buildings and street lights will enhance the green environment, soften impact and improve ecology. Exploiting the large roof area for solar panels and utilising ground source heat pumps introduces the potential to reduce carbon footprint and fuel. Grasscrete will soften the impact of hard-standing for parking cars.

5.0 Design Solution


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

6.1 Access

Access will be from both Bath Road and Henwick Lane. Serving four discrete buildings, the main access in Henwick Lane does not need to be built to adoptable standards.

6.2 Traffic Analysis

The proposal scheme is below the threshold for Traffic Statement or Traffic Assessment. According to our analysis the proposed development will increase vehicle movements by about 65 trips per day. We estimate that peak movements will increase by around 11 per day which will not have a measurable impact on the local network.

6.3 Parking

Parking will be supplied at a ratio of 2:1 for each of the houses, plus an integral garage, and 1:1 for the flats and two visitor spaces. These accords with local standards and the ration was deemed acceptable by the Highways Department in consideration of the previous planning application. It is also the ratio approved under the extant consent for the neighbouring site.

6.4 Refuse Storage

Refuse and recycling storage for all dwellings will accord with policy requirements for recycling.

6.5 Cycle Store

Secure cycle storage for the apartments and maisonettes will be in the same structure as the bin store and will accord with local standards of one space per bedroom. Cycle storage will be supplied by a two-tier rack system which has been approved and used in other developments in West Berkshire.

6.0 Access & Parking


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

7.1 Economic Aspects During its construction, the proposed scheme will create a significant number of construction related jobs. The occupiers of new dwellings will utilise existing local goods and services thus reinforcing the local economy. New Homes Bonus is a material consideration; the applicant calculates that the proposed scheme should generate almost £300,000 for the Council. In its response to the appeal against the refusal of planning application reference 13/02396/OUTMAJ, the Local Planning Authority criticised the appellant for not raising the economic viability of the scheme in respect of Affordable Housing at the application stage. The applicant considers that discussions about economic viability and Affordable Housing should form part of the LPA’s determination process. Without prejudice to the aforementioned planning appeal, an Economic Viability Assessment has been prepared, which concludes that the scheme cannot make a contribution towards Affordable Housing.

7.0 Economic Considerations


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

8.1 Public

A consultation event was held pertaining to the previous planning application and letters will be sent to neighbours to advise them of this planning application. A further event will be held during the statutory consultation period. A web site will be launched by the applicant to provide the public and other stakeholders with information about the proposal scheme.

8.2 Local Authority

Discussions have been held with the Local Planning Authority and Local Highways Authority.

8.0 Involvement


116 Bartholomew Street Newbury RG14 5DT

T: 01635 521133

r e s s a n c e

9.1 Drainage Design The site lies within a Critical Drainage Area and a report from Stuart Michael Associates is included with this application. This is an outline application and it is proposed that drainage design (including SUDs if applicable) should be the subject of a planning condition. This approach is consistent with other planning applications in the locality, including application 10/01572/FULD and 11/00902/OUTMAJ.

9.0 Drainage