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Page 1: Description of three new species of longhorn beetles ... · Description of three new species of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey and Syria Gianfranco Sama1


Thanks to the courtesy of some colleagues wewere able to study the Cerambycidae collectedby them during their trips in Near Orient,including new taxa which have recently beenpublished by ourselves (Rapuzzi & Sama, 2010;Rapuzzi et al., 2011). The aim of this article is todescribe two new species belonging to the genusChlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863 (Cerambycidae,Clytini) discovered in Turkey by our colleagueSemra Turgut (entomologist at the GaziUniversity, Ankara) and by the Czechentomologist Walter Grosser respectively, aswell as a new species of Leiopus Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Cerambycidae, Acanthocinini)collected by Antonin Wrzecionko.

Chlorophorus grosseri n. sp.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype female (Fig.1): Turkey, Sirnak prov.: Mesindagi geç., 25 KmNW Sirnak, 1600 m, 37°67’N 42°31’E,23.VI.2010, Walter Grosser legit; paratypes: 1male (not available for detailed study): same dataas the holotype; 1 female: Hakkari prov., 25 KmE Güzeldere, 37°32’N 43°49’E, 930 m,

22.VI.2010, Walter Grosser legit; 7 males and 8females (immature adults just emerged ex larvaeand pupae): same locality as the holotype,15.V.2011, ex larvae and pupae in Quercus sp., P.Rapuzzi & G. Sama legit. Holotype in P. Rapuzzicollection; paratypes in W. Grosser, P. Rapuzzi,G. Sama and J. Vořisek collections.

DESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE. body length9 mm. Integument reddish brown, the apicalthird of elytra, the hind legs and the ventralface of body black-brown. Front with a distinctmedian groove between the antennal tubercles.Pronotum strongly globose, as long as wide,discal surface with quite denser rasp-likepunctures and sparsely clothed with finegreyish recumbent pubescence; thispubescence is chiefly condensed at sides aswell as on front and, more widely, on basalmargin. Scutellum densely clothed with whitepubescence. Elytra moderately short and wide,apex truncate with a small tooth on the outerside; surface predominantly reddish-brown(black-brown on apical third only) with apattern of distinctly contrasting stripes ofwhite pubescence (see Fig. 1); discal surfacevery densely and finely punctate and clothedwith short recumbent black pubescence.

Description of three new species of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera,Cerambycidae) from Turkey and Syria

Gianfranco Sama1 & Pierpaolo Rapuzzi2

1 Via Raffaello Sanzio 84 - 47023 Cesena (FC), Italy. E-mail: [email protected] Via Cialla, 48 - 33040 Prepotto (UD), Italy. E-mail: [email protected]

Biodiversity Journal, 2011, 2 (2): 85-88

ABSTRACT The following new taxa are described and illustrated: Chlorophorus grosseri n. sp. from Southern and EasternTurkey, close to C. adelii Holzschuh, 1974 from Western Iran; Chlorophorus oezdikmeni n. sp. from Turkeycompared to C. hungaricus Seidlitz, 1891 and Leiopus wrzecionkoi n. sp. from North-Eastern Syria, comparedto L. syriacus (Ganglbauer, 1884).

KEY WORDS Cerambycidae, longhorn beetles, new species, Turkey, Syria.

Received 04.05.2011; accepted 24.05.2011; printed 30.06.2011

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Ventral side of body brownish-black, meso-and metepisterna, base of the metasternum andbase of the first and second visible sternitesdensely clothed with contrasting whitepubescence. Antennae reddish-brown, short,hardly extending to the middle of elytra, thirdto fifth joints sparsely clothed with erect hairson latero-ventral surface. Front legs reddishbrown, middle femora with claws blackish,hind legs black.

VARIABILITY. The male (Fig. 2) differs fromthe female by its more elongate pronotum,similar to C. adelii Holzschuh, 1974; the femaleparatype does not show difference except thelength, 10 mm.

ETIMOLOGY. the new species is named inhonour of our friend Walter Grosser from CzechRepublic, who collected the first specimens.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. At present, thenew species is known from Southern and EasternTurkey. Larval bionomics similar to C. adelii, C.ringenbachi Sama, 2004 from Libya and C.favieri Fairmaire, 1873 from Morocco;oviposition takes place on dead apical part ofsmall living branches or stumps (2-5 cm indiameter) cut by people the previous year orgirdled by other Cerambycidae.

COMPARATIVE NOTES. C. grosseri n. sp. isclosely related to C. adelii Holzschuh, 1974 fromZagros Mountains (western Iran) (male andfemale paratypes examined). This latter can beeasily distinguished as follows: pronotum, in bothsexes, longer than wide, sub parallel-sided, elytralintegument predominantly black, brown on basalthird only, antennae somewhat more robust, withproximal segments in average more elongate anddistal segments evidently shortened.

Figure 2. Chlorophorus grosseri n. sp. paratype male.Figure 1. Chlorophorus grosseri n. sp. holotype female.

Page 3: Description of three new species of longhorn beetles ... · Description of three new species of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey and Syria Gianfranco Sama1

Cholorophorus oezdikmeni n. sp.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotype male (Fig. 3)and three paratypes males: Karaman Marashprov., Andirin, 15.VII.2003, S. Turgut legit.Holotype in P. Rapuzzi collection; paratypes inH. Özdikmen (Gazi University, Ankara) and G.Sama collections.

DESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE. Body length10 mm, entirely black except two dark-redspots on the pronotal disc and the elytralpattern. Front subquadrate with an unpunctatemedian area with a thin median groove.Pronotum as long as wide, globose, denselyclothed with irregular vermiculate puncturesand long white erect hairs, entirely blackexcept one small, indistinct reddish spot oneach side of the middle of the disc. Scutellumrounded, bordered with dense whitepubescence. Elytra sub parallel-sided, black-brown, clothed on basal third with numerouserect white hairs and a pattern of whitishpubescence similar to C. hungaricus Seidlitz,1891. Antennae short, hardly exceeding themiddle of elytra.

VARIABILITY. Female unknown. Paratypesmales: length varies from 9 to 12 mm; the redpronotal spots varies in size and shape: they canbe very reduced like in the holotype, fused in adiscal “M” shaped drawing or extended as a thinoblique line on each side of the disc.

ETIMOLOGY. we are pleased to dedicate thenew species to our friend and colleague HuseyinÖzdikmen (Gazi University, Ankara), for theauthorisation to study the material belonging tohis collection and for various help during ourresearch on Turkish Cerambycidae.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. C. oezdikmeni n.sp. was collected in South-Western Turkey.Larval biology is unknown.

COMPARATIVE NOTES. C. oezdikmeni n. sp.belongs to the C. trifasciatus (Fabricius, 1781)species group; because of its pronotum andelytral base clothed with long erect hairs it issimilar to Chlorophorus hungaricus Seidlitz,1891, from which it can be immediatelydistinguished by its almost entirely blackpronotum.

Leiopus wrzecionkoi n. sp.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Holotypus male (Fig.4): Syria, Slinfah, Jabal An Nusayriyah [writtenas “Jabal An Nusaynyah” on labels], 1,300-1,800m, 18.IV.2010, ex larva from Alnus sp., A.Wrzecionko legit; paratypes: eighteen males,five females: same data as the holotype; sixteenmales, two females: Syria, Jabal An Nusayryah,Slinfah, 1,300-1,800 m, 27.IV.2008, A.Wrzecionko legit; one male: Slinfah; “the ridgeabove the town”, 25.V.2005, D. Šanc legit, “Theimago was beaten from the dry oak twig attachedto the living tree”. Holotype in P. Rapuzzicollection, paratypes in P. Rapuzzi, G. Sama, D.Šanc, A. Wrzecionko and Z. Koštál collections.

DESCRIPTION OF THE HOLOTYPE. Body length8 mm. Integument black, pronotum and elytradensely clothed with greyish recumbentpubescence, third to tenth antennal joints moreor less widely reddish at base. Head black withfront sparsely clothed with white hairs, vertexwith a deep impression between the antennalinsertions. Pronotum transverse with an acuteshort tooth directed backward on each side justbehind the middle, discal surface marked withnumerous spots of black pubescence. Elytrashort, somewhat flattened chiefly toward theapex and the sides, attenuate apically; discalsurface clothed with short cinereouspubescence not masking the ground punctationand marked with a distinctly contrastingpattern consisting of numerous black roundspots (each one originating a very short obliqueseta) irregularly distributed on the basal and theapical quarter and along the suture, a medianlarge black band narrowly interrupted near thesuture and a longitudinal band entirelycovering the epipleurae and the lateral marginof elytra. Legs and tarsi black, sparsely clothedwith whitish pubescence locally condensedforming a median ring on tibiae and tarsi.Antennae long, exceeding the elytral apiceswith six segments.

VARIABILITY. The specimens we could studyshow a range of length between 9 to 11 mm.Pronotal and elytral black spots and stripes aresometimes more extended or reduced like inother species of the genus.

87Description of three new species of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey and Syria

Page 4: Description of three new species of longhorn beetles ... · Description of three new species of longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey and Syria Gianfranco Sama1

ETYMOLOGY. We are pleased to dedicate thisnew species to our friend Antonin Wrzecionkowho discovered it.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY. L. wrzecionkoi n.sp. was collected from North-Eastern Syria. Mostspecimens were collected in dead branches of Alnussp. or by beating dried oak twigs.

COMPARATIVE NOTES. Despite its resemblanceto L. punctulatus (Paykull, 1800) from Europe,due to its black body and its elytral pattern,Leiopus wrzecionkoi n. sp. belongs to the L.syriacus (Ganglbauer, 1884) species group. It ischiefly similar to L. syriacus abieticola Sama &Rapuzzi, 2010 from southern Turkey which canbe distinguished from the new species by theintegument constantly light-brown instead ofpiceous-black and the elytra distinctly convex.


We wish to thank our colleagues and friendsAntonin Wrzecionko (Horni Sucha, CzechRepublic), Walter Grosser (Opava, CzechRepublic), Huseyin Özdikmen and SemraTurgut (Gazi Universitesi, Fen-EdebiyatFakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Ankara) whokindly sent material of their collections foridentification.


Rapuzzi P. & Sama G., 2010. Description of newCerambycidae from Greece, Turkey, Northern Syria andChina. Quaderno di Studi e Notizie di Storia Naturaledella Romagna, 29 (2009): 181-188.

Rapuzzi P., Sama G. & Tichy T., 2011. Description of a newspecies of Poecilium Fairmaire, 1864 from Syria. MunisEntomology & Zoology, 6: 673-675.


Figure 4. Leiopus wrzecionkoi n. sp. holotype male.Figure 3. Chlorophorus oezdikmeni n. sp. holotype male.