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Description of the Prophet

Description of the Prophet He is the one whose innermost and outward form were made perfect, after which the Creator of souls took him for His beloved friend. He is exalted above having a partner in his excellent qualities. The essence of his beauty was made indivisible.Hassan bin Thabit (ra) said:Fairer than you an eye never saw;None finer a mother's womb has filled.You came to us free from any flaw,As though you came just as you willed

Jabir bin Samura (ra) said:I saw the Messenger of Allah on a night when the moon was in full splendour, and he was dressed in a piece of red clothing. I would momentarily glance at him, and then at the moon. By Allah, he was more beautiful than the moon.

Amar bin Al-Aas (ra) said:There was nothing that was more sweeter to me, more beloved to me than to stare at the face of the Prophet. And I could never get enough of looking at him, I never got tired of looking at him and yet if you were to ask me how he looked, I couldnt describe him. Because along with this desire to stare at him there was also this awe, this reverence that I had that could not allow me to just stare directly at him and I had to lower my face.Hadith 1 and 21. Anas bin Malik (ra) said: Allahs Messenger was neither very tall of stature, nor short. His skin was neither pale white, nor particularly brown, and his hair was neither crisply curled, nor straight. Allah (Exalted is He) sent him [to serve as His Messenger] when he was forty years old, so he stayed in Mecca for ten years and in Medina for ten years, and Allah took him unto Himself at the end of sixty years, with fewer than twenty white hairs on his head and his beard. (Bukhari)2. Anas bin Malik (ra) said: Allahs Messenger was of medium height, neither tall nor short. He was of handsome physique, and his hair was neither crisply curled nor straight. He had a wheatish complexion. When he walked, he used to stride confidently.(Bukhari)

Hadith 33. Bara bin Azib (ra) said: Allahs Messenger was neither curly nor straight haired, of medium height, broad-shouldered, with luxuriant hair reaching the lobes of his ears. I saw him wearing a red suit of clothes and I have never seen anything more beautiful than him! (Bukhari)Hadith 44. Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) said: The Prophet was neither tall nor short. His hands and feet were thick and fully fleshed. His head and his joints were large. He had a thin line of hair from his chest to his navel. When he walked, he inclined forward, as if he were descending a downward slope. I have never seen the like of him, neither before him nor after him.(Tirmidhi)

Hadith 55. Ali bin Abi Talib (ra) said: Allahs Messenger was neither excessively tall, nor short, but rather was of a medium stature amongst the people. His hair was neither crisply curled nor straight, but rather was wavy and flowing. He was neither plump nor chubby-cheeked, and in his face there was a rounded quality. He was white with a reddish tinge, his eyes were large with jet-black pupils and his lashes were long. His joints were large as was his upper back. He did not have hair all over his body, he had a fine line of hair extending from chest to the naval. The palms of his hands and the soles of his feet were thickset. When he walked, he moved as if he were descending down a slope, and when he would turn, he would turn to face with his whole body. Between his shoulders was the Seal of Prophethood, for he is the Seal of the Prophets. He was the best of the people in generosity, the most truthful of the people in speech, the gentlest of them in temperament, and the kindest of them in companionship. If someone saw him unexpectedly, he was awestruck by him, and whoever accompanied him and got to know him would love him. And those who described him would always say: I have never seen the like of him, neither before him nor after him. (Tirmidhi)

Hadith 66. Hasan bin Ali (ra) said: I asked my maternal uncle Hind bin Abi Hala who was gifted at describing about the beauty of the Prophet , hoping that he would describe to me something I could hold on to and cherish, and he replied : Allahs Messenger had great attributes and others held him in high esteem. His face shone with the radiance of the moon on the night of the full moon. He was taller than medium-sized, and shorter than a tall person. His head was grand and impressive, with loosely curled hair. If his hair parted, he would leave it parted; if not, he would leave it, otherwise his hair would not cross over his earlobes. He was bright of color, broad of forehead, endowed with arched eyebrows, perfect without being conjoined, with a vein between them that anger would cause to pulsate. His nose was prominent and had a nur and lustre on it. When one first looked at him, it seemed as if he had a large nose, but looking at it carefully showed that the lustre and beauty made it look large, otherwise it was not large. He had a thick beard. His eyes were very black and the whites very white. His cheeks were not prominent. He had a wide mouth. His teeth were white, and there was a space between his front teeth. There was a delicate strip of hair from the top of the chest to the navel. It was as if his neck were the neck of a statue shaped in pure silver. He was well proportioned in physique, full-bodied, and strong. There was no slackness in his musculature; his chest didnt protrude over his belly, nor did the reverse occur. His chest was broad and his shoulders wide and muscular. He had large limbs. The parts of his body that could be seen while he was clothed were luminous. He was linked between the top of the chest and the navel by a strip of hair which flowed down like a line, while his chest and stomach were bare apart from that. He had hair on his arms and shoulders and the upper parts of his chest. His forearms were long. The palms of his hands and the soles of his feet were thickset. His fingers and toes were moderately long. The hollows of his soles were extremely hollow. His feet were so smooth that water bounced off them. When he went away from a place, he would go away striding decisively. He would tread inclining forward and walk comfortably. His gait was brisk. When he walked, it was as if he were descending from a slope, and when he looked at someone, he would turn to him fully. He would lower his gaze and look down more often than up. He didnt stare. He would urge his Companions to proceed ahead of him, and he would surprise anyone he encountered with the salutation of peace. (Baihaqi, Tabarani)

Hassan bin Thabit (ra) said:I could not praise Muhammad with my words; rather, my words were made praiseworthy by MuhammadUseful ResourcesShamaail of Imam TirmidhiThe Messenger: The Meanings of the Life of Muhammad by Tariq RamadanLectures on Seerah by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi on Seerah by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf MBC series