Download - Describing a Character:


Describing People

College Class

How can you describe someone?



Describe a character.




What are they like?

Have you been to a party recently?

Did you have a good time?Did you have a bad time?

When do you go to a party?What do you like to do at parties?Where do you like to have a party?Who do you invite to your parties?

Making choices/decisions:

What are the major life decisions we make?

(past) I chose to________.

I made the decision to _______.

(present)I choose to ________________.

have to= no choice

don’t have to= a choice

can\can’t = permission

1. what love looks like to you2. how to manage your daily problems3. your relationship with food4. your willingness to embrace internal change5. your choice of a career or hobby6. your choice of a husband/wife7. your choice of whether or not to have kids8. your relationship with money9. your relationship with breath, movement, and your own physical body10. your search for God

Family conflicts:

What do families argue about?

1. It’s all about the money, honey

2. Getting out the door on time

3. Dinner is ruined (again)

4. Technology has taken over

5. Can I have a minute, please?

6. Out-of-control fighting

7. Arguing over chores

8. Extended family obligations

Family conflicts:

• Is there any conflict in your family?

• Did you experience any kind of conflict in your family?

• How can conflicts in the family be solved?

• What strategies do you know to solve conflicts in the family?

Useful Phrases

for discussion.

Modals:• 1. Possibility:• Could• Might• May•

• 2. Permission:• Can• Mustn’t• Can’t•

• 3. Obligation:• Must• Have to• Don’t have to•

• 4. Advice:• Should• Shouldn’t


Asking about for an opinion

• Do you think/feel ....?

• How do you feel about ....?

• May I ask you ....?

Ask for an opinion:

• Current events

• Sports

• Movies

• People

• Technology

• Etc.

Giving your opinion

• In my opinion/view ....

• I think/feel/believe ....

• If you want my opinion ....

Give your opinion:

• Current events

• Sports

• Movies

• People

• Technology

• Etc.

Agreeing with an opinion

• I agree.

• I think so, too. I don’t think so either.

• Yes, of course/definitely/absolutely Marvelous.

Agree with someone about:

• The price of petrol.

• The beautiful weather.

• The food at a restaurant.

Asking for an explanation

• Could you explain to me ....?

• I don’t really understand ....?

• What do you mean by that?

Ask for an explanation

• For the cost of a hotel

• Neighbors dog is barking

• Credit card company

Giving an explanation

• Let me explain.

• The main problem is ....

• Well, the reason is ....

Give an explanation why:

• You were speeding to a policeman

• You are changing schools for your child.

• You think your brother shouldn’t marry someone.

Qualified agreement

• Yes, perhaps, but ....

• Yes, but on the other hand .....

• I agree up to a certain point, but ....

Qualify agree with someone


• Antalya being a great vacation place.

• Istanbul is a great place to raise a family.

• Turkey should enter the EU.

Polite disagreement

• I disagree with you.

• I’m not so certain if that’s true.

• Well, that’s one way of looking at it.

Politely disagree with:

• Internet dating

• Someone who thinks drinking alcohol makes them funnier.

• Your child thinks playing video games make them smarter.

Strong disagreement

• You’re pulling my leg!

• You can’t be serious!

• I believe you’re mistaken.

Strongly disagree with:

• Getting a tattoo.

Making a complaint

• I’m disappointed with

• Are you aware that ....?

• I’m disappointed to hear that.

• What are you going to do about it?

Make a complaint about:

• A shop assistant was rude to you.

• The bathroom in your hotel room is broken.

• A screaming baby at the cinema.

Reacting to a complaint

• I’m sorry to hear that Î really must apologize for this.

• This isn’t my/our fault, you know.

• What do you expect us/me to do? I’ll find out what has happened.

React to a complaint about:

• Your dog has scared someone’s child.

• You’re driving and a big truck hits you from behind. This causes you to hit the car in front of you.

• Your neighbors are on holiday and their teenagers are having a big party.

Expressions for discussion:

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you think we should call the police?

Do you think everybody should take vitamins?

Would you ever donate blood?

Would you ever consider being a farmer?

Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery?

"I'd like to know if you have received a mail

from me"?

I'm interested in becoming more involved

to end animal abuse

Could you tell me what time you close?

What do you think about living in a new city?

What do you think about sailing?


• Ways of improving this city

• What the government should do about the economy

• Why one product is better than another (e.g. iPhone and Blackberry)




• The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile.

• the most important thing is to enjoy life.

1. Who is the greatest pop singer?

2. Who is the greatest leader in the past?

3. Who is the greatest country leader today?

4. Who is the greatest cook you know?

5. Who is the greatest basketball player?

6. Who is the greatest football player?

7. Who is the all-time greatest athlete in world?

8. Where is the greatest place to play in your city?

9. What is the greatest movie from the past year?

10.What is the greatest all-time movie?

11.Who is the greatest actress?

12.Who is the greatest actor?

13.Who is the greatest kung fu master?

14.Who is the greatest businessman in the world?

15.Who is the nicest person in the world?

1. Do you think marriage as an institution is outdated? Why or why not?

2. How do you think technology, such as smartphones and social media, has changed the way we interact with people?

3. What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

4. Do you think US colleges are effective in preparing students for professional careers?

5. What do you think would happen if the drinking age in the US was lowered to 18?

6. Do you think it’s possible to have a happy family and a successful career at the same time.

7. What is your opinion about violence in TV, movies, and video games?