Download - Dermoid Ovarian Cyst Surgery Warning!


What Is a Dermoid Ovarian Cyst?An ovarian dermoid is typically a benign cyst that is common during a woman's reproductive years. Only about 1% of dermoids are cancerous and this is generally in women over age 40. What's truly odd about this type of tumor is that it often contains hair, sebaceous glands, bone, muscle fibers, and even teeth.

As alarming as this sounds, most dermoids are quite harmless. But, they can pose a problem if they grow too large, twist, or rupture. A ruptured dermoid ovarian cyst will leak out its contents into the abdominal cavity leading to a potentially life threatening condition known as peritonitis.

What Docs Don't Tell You!

There seems to be some secret surrounding this particular surgery. Maybe doctors do not want to scare off their patients. I've found that many physicians are not entirely honest about the amount recovery time required after ovarian cyst removal.

Whatever they tell you, it will probably not be entirely accurate. Given my experience, I say at least two weeks recovery for laparoscopic and 6 weeks time for open surgery. Complications will prolong your recovery time. Here's what I've found to be the most common after effects of dermoid removal....

Expect Lots of Bloating

I was shocked by the amount of gas and bloating I experienced after surgery. But, it makes sense. Air is pumped into the abdominal cavity so doctors can get a better view of your internal organs. I had so much abdominal bloating that I looked like I was in the early months of pregnancy.

My advice is to use an over the counter gas remedy with simethicone to help disperse the gas. Avoid gas producing foods.


Unfortunately, the incision site and all of the gas used to fill the abdomen also causes sharp pain. This pain is usually in the neck, chest, and back areas. I remember that trying to lay flat on my back was nearly impossible immediately after surgery. Of course, trying to get a good night's rest becomes difficult.

Yes, it hurt to cough and laugh. There was no bending at the waist and definitely no reaching to get items off of a high shelf. My suggestion: use a pillow to brace the abdomen when coughing or laughing. Try to walk as much as possible to regain muscle strength and disperse gas bubbles.

Constipation Preoccupation

Since you'll probably be taking a narcotic pain medication for all of those gas pains, you'll most likely experience constipation. Constipation is also caused by lack of movement and is natural side effect from abdominal surgery. Solution...take small walks to get things moving again.

Unending Periods

Ovarian cyst removal throws your entire reproductive system out of whack. So, you can look forward to experiencing prolonged menstrual periods. Your first period after surgery may be up to two weeks in length. You've been warned!

Oops...Where Is My Voice?

As with any surgery that requires the use of general anesthesia, expect some vocal hoarseness. After my surgery I had no voice for a week and a horrible barking cough for a good week and a half. Invest in cough drops and hot lemon tea.

Resources Ovarian Cyst Miracle (OCM) is a holistic system that addresses the underlying reasons for ovarian cysts. OCM helps you get rid of your problematic dermoid ovarian cyst naturally.

I wish that I had known about this non-invasive option before I had my surgery. It would saved me loads of pain and suffering.

Visit the link below to eliminate your cyst now!