Download - Dereje Sahle Ayo Ethiopian Pastors Annual Conference Las Vegas, Nevada July 11, 2012.


Dereje Sahle Ayo Ethiopian Pastors Annual Conference Las Vegas, Nevada July 11, 2012 Discovering A Healthy Lifestyle Health: is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Wellness includes being: mentally fit physically robust spiritually vital socially comfortable Health Living how do we get there? Decisions We are what we choose by the choices and acts of our lives, we create the person that we are. Kenneth Patton Some of the decisions we make could change the direction of our life May not be big but mostly small choices that over time take us far off of our intended goals Decisions are easy when values are clear Roy Disney Our ability to choose is a gift from God Gen. 2: Deut: 30: 15 God wants us to make healthy choices God has made us the stewards of our own body Gods prescription for living is the right choice Your health and well-being are a journey Journeys of a thousand miles begins with the first step The first step on your health journey is choice Healthy choices make healthy people When are making choices, we are taking responsibility and exerting a degree of control Example: Yales study on GERD Rest God exemplified when he rested at the 7 th day It was an intentional day that he ordained to send a message to us how essential rest is He did not run out of things to create Replaces weariness, exhaustion & fatigue with peace, energy & hope Sleep During Slow wave (deep) sleep, our body releases growth hormone Stimulates growth & repair of damaged tissue Stimulates formation of white blood cells (part of the immune system) Rest and recovery balances out stress Consequences of sleep deprivation Declined cognitive Decrement in performing tasks that require sustained attention Deficient in memory and decision-making capacity Sleep deprivation may result in a mental status that resembles depression or anxiety, with patients reporting poor mood, irritability, low energy, decreased libido, poor judgment, and other signs of psychologic dysfunction. These symptoms often disappear when normal sleep is restored. Consequences of sleep deprivation Decrease immune function: example, complete sleep deprivation of rats for several weeks results in death Increases Mortality: A recent observational study reported that men who slept less than six hours had a risk for mortality that was four times greater than the risk for mortality among normal sleepers Consequences of sleep deprivation Poor Quality of life: both at work and at home, mainly due to lack of energy Falling asleep at home may cause resentment and marital discord Consequences of sleep deprivation Sleep restriction, when compared to sleep extension, was associated with a decrease in serum leptin (an anorexigenic hormone), an increase in serum ghrelin (an orexigenic hormone), and increased hunger and appetite (in particular for calorie-dense foods with high carbohydrate content). Consequences of sleep deprivation Cardiovascular Risks: a shorter duration of sleep was associated with a greater likelihood of developing hypertension, even after adjusting for possible confounders a longer sleep duration was associated with a significantly reduced incidence of coronary artery calcification Other ways of rest Relaxing massage Skin is the largest organ in the body Releases pain-countering endorphins and immune system stimulating hormone Premature infants grew and developed reflexes with cognitive advantages when massaged several times a day Couples encouraged Moms backrub or foot massage children The Nemo Syndrome-A fish story Fish in aquarium keep dying until someone figured out the problem/solution Not getting any darkness for sleep Aquarium light was turned off every night and Nemo lived Watch an over-stimulated world of beepers, cell phones, TVs, radios, CDs,iPods .. The rest zone Get 8 hrs sleep at night Develop a regular sleep pattern Quit time with God every morning Pause at lunch to pray One day week off to celebrate love- a weekly sabbatical to refresh your song Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two Ralph Emerson Take a vacation Our bodies need several days to unwind from the stress of everyday life Then several days after that for true rest to occur Laugh Cheerful heart is good medicine Lowers BP, muscles relax & the brain releases endorphins that make us feel better Exercise A planned, structured, repetitive and purposeful physical activity World wide prevalence of physical inactivity Physical fitness includes: cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular endurance, strength and flexibility, balance, body composition and reaction time CP endurance relates to the ability of circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity Prolonged sedentary time is associated with increased risks of DM, heart disease, & mortality Benefits of exercise Reduce Mortality Reduce cardiovascular diseases Decrease VLDL (bad cholesterol) & increase HDL (good cholesterol) Beneficial effect on BP May reduce risks of stroke Diabetes Improves blood sugar control, insulin sensitivity & may prevent development in high risk individuals Benefits of exercise Cancer prevention: Modest prevention against breast, colon, prostate, and pancreatic ca Prevent bone loss: wt bearing exercise Reduce risk of dementia and cognitive decline Benefits of exercise Reduce Obesity ( over weight ) Preventing and treating obesity leads to a significant health benefits over a lifetime Compared to diet alone, diet coupled with exercise leads to: a greater reduction in body fat Enhanced preservation of body lean mass Pastor Rick Warren Born again to a healthier living Inspired to lose weight in November 10, 2010 As he baptized 800 people in water in one day I thought it wasnt spiritual that we are all overweight. Then I thought Im overweight I am a terrible example to our people. He couldnt expect church members to be at a healthy weight if he wasnt. Daniels plan Consumes fewer carbs Cooking healthier recipes Drinking more water Getting more sleep Started working out Daniels plan Replacing after-service snacks with healthier options Encouraging healthier church meals/potlucks Launch exercise classes and running clubs Walk and worship program walk together and pray at the end of the exercise Since January 2011, more 250,000 lbs lost Daniels plan Nutrition You are what you eat, that includes your mental well being Desire to honor God by the way we treat our bodies Food affects mood, and mood can influence which food one chooses Depression (low Serotonin ), the brain triggers for carbohydrates capable of restoring the serotonin to normal Nutrition Healthy diet is the best weapon to fight diseases Improves the chances for feeling good and staying healthy Healthy foods are the fuel our bodies use to make new cells and create the energy we need to thrive and fight disease >90% Americans fail to consistently eat heart healthy diet, hence high risk for heart disease, stroke, DM & obesity Heart healthy diet ?? Low in : Saturated fat Trans fat Cholesterol Sodium Added sugars High in: Whole grain fiber (1 ounce /day) Lean protein (fish 2x/wk) Variety of colorful fruits and vegetables (4-5 cups/day) Nutrition Other dietary measures Nuts, Legumes and seeds water is the only drink of a wise man Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have time for illness. Edward Stanley To eat is necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art La Rochefoucauld Summary Change is always difficult but choose to lead healthy and productive life Decisions are easy when values are clear Roy Disney Develop a regular sleep pattern Rest weekly Regular exercise can improve overall attitude and health A body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Sir Isaac Newton Honor God by the way you treat your bodies When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God. 1 Cori 10:31 We desire to honor God by the way we treat our bodies When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God. 1 Cori 10:31 Thank you and God Bless you!