Download - Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75? This unit is aimed at a source based exam paper The exam has 5 source questions.


Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

This unit is aimed at a source based exam paperThe exam has 5 source questionsThe exam is 1 ½ hours

Major Topics The impact of the Second World War on people’s lives, particularly women and young people.The Beveridge Report, National Health Service and the Welfare StateImmigration into Britain, 1945-75The changing role of women, 1950-75Growing up in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Our TopicThe changing role of women, 1950-75

What was life like for most women in the 1950s?How were women discriminated against in the 1960s and early 70sWhat factors led to the changes in the roles of womenHow much change had taken place by 1975?

The changing role and the contribution of women during the Second World War, for example, civil defence, the land army, factory work, joining the armed forces and looking after families.

The impact of these changes after the war. Women in the 1950s. Discrimination in the 1960s and early 1970s. The impact of the introduction of the Pill, the ‘women’s lib’

movement. Abortion. The 1969 Divorce Law Reform Act, the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act.

The extent of the progress made by 1975.

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

1940 45 50 55 60 65 70 1975

The changing role of women, 1950-75

1951Women make up 31% of the workforce

36% of women worked

1971 Women make up 38% of the workforce52% of women worked

1955 Equal pay in public sector jobs

1970 Equal Pay Act

1969 Germaine Greer published ‘The female


1970 Women's Liberation Movement Set upDemands Equal payEqual education24 hour nurseriesFree contraception and abortion on demand

1961 The Contraceptive pill available on the


1967 The Abortions Act passed

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the impact of the Second World War on the lives of Women?

Objectives To investigate the change in attitudes towards women due to the Second World War

To come to a judgement on the level of change.

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Source A - Poster for the Labour Exchange 1939 girl

Describe the women in the


The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the impact of the Second World War on the lives of Women?

What can we learn about the role of women in the war from Sources A and B

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Source A - Poster for the Labour Exchange 1939

Source B -A US War department booklet for American soldiers coming to Britain 1942

British women officers often give orders to men. The men obey smartly and know it is no shame. For British women have proved themselves in this war. They have stuck to their posts near burning ammunition dumps, delivered messages on foot after their motorcycles have been blasted from under them. They have pulled aviators from burning planes. There is not a single record of any British women in uniform quitting her post or failing her duty under fire. When you see a girl in uniform with a bit of (medal) ribbon on her tunic, remember she didn’t get it for knitting more socks than anyone else in Ipswich.

Did attitudes to women change because of the Second World War?

Sort out your evidence into three groups, YES, NO ,NOT SURE

In 1941 , all women aged twenty or older had to register for war work. Most were sent to work in industry or the auxiliary armed forces.

By 1945, 80% of married women and 90% of unmarried women were working in industry o9r the forces.

By 1943 over 443,000 women were working in the armed forces.

Trade Unions accepted female workers much more happily than they had in the First World War.

Millions of women still had to juggle working in factories and looking after their families. Often flexible hours or nurseries were introduced

Much of the work was only available during the war and stopped in 1945

Many of the tasks done by women were broken down into simpler tasks as some men thought women could only do simple work

Although women worked in the armed forces, these were mostly supportive roles and not on the front line.

Many older women managed to continue to working to help British industry recover from the war.

In 1947 18% of married women worked compared to 10% in 1939

Many younger women stopped working to have children, this was encouraged by the media and certain sections of society.In 1945 there was a sudden increase in the amount of marriages.

Photograph –Women protesting about the lack of nurseries during the war

‘Glamorous’ recruitment poster1941

Recruitment poster 1941Photograph –Women working in the Land Army during the war

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the impact of the Second World War on the lives of Women?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

In pairs categorise the evidence into Evidence of change in attitudeEvidence of no real change in attitude

Now prioritise your sets of slips from best to worst evidence

Complete There is evidence that attitudes did change……..(using your best pieces of evidence)

There is evidence that attitudes did change……..(using your best pieces of evidence)

In conclusion I think there was/was not a change

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the impact of the Beveridge Report , the introduction of the National Health Service (NHS) and the

start of the Welfare State on the lives of women?

Objectives To investigate the changes induced by the Government after the war

To evaluate the impact of these changes on the lives of women

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Cartoon –fighting the five ‘giants’ of poverty

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the impact of the Beveridge Report , the introduction of the National Health Service (NHS) and the start of the Welfare State on the lives of women?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Cartoon –fighting the five ‘giants’ of poverty

Title – The Beveridge Report

Using the Understanding history books, identify the five ‘giants’ of poverty.

Write one sentence explaining how each could cause poverty.

Read pages 126/7 match up the new proposals suggested to solve these five issues

Explain what the Welfare State was?Explain how it would be funded?

Do you think these changes will change the lives of women/ Give two reasons to support your answer Start of NHS

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Beveridge Report

NHS Welfare State

Impact on the lives of women

Plenary – Explain how the lives of women were improved after the war,

use specific examples from your tree map.

One reason for improvement was

Another reason for improvement was

A final reason for improvement was

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the impact of the Beveridge Report , the introduction of the National Health Service (NHS) and the

start of the Welfare State on the lives of women?

The changeing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was life like for most women in the 50s?

Objectives To investigate life women in the 1950s

To understand the attitudes and limits at the time

To put forward suggestions for change

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was life like for most women in the 50s?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

‘In the 1950s women were expected to stay at home’ Do sources 1-6 agree with this statement? P 470/471

In pairs complete table below

Source Nature Origin Purpose Agrees/ Disagrees (evidence)

Useful? One reason

Limited in Use one reason







Chose the three most useful sources to support your answer, highlight them on your table and give a reason for

your choice.

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was life like for most women in the 50s?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

‘In the 1950s women were expected to stay at home’ Do sources 1-6 agree with this statement? P 470/471

Now write a short answer to the question (2/3 of a side)

Structure. There are sources that agree (2 examples)

There are sources that disagree ( 2 examples)

In conclusion The sources do/do not agree with the statement because…

The changeing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was life like for most women in the 50s?


If you wished to change the role of women at this time, what three new laws would you introduce?

Suggested Law…..

Hoped for change….

Suggested Law…..

Hoped for change….

Suggested Law…..

Hoped for change….

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

How were women discriminated against in the 1960s and 1970s?

Objectives To investigate examples of discrimination

To continue to practise source skills.

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

How useful is Source F in explaining the level of discrimination in the 1960s and early 70s?

Explain the example of discrimination

What is the Nature Origin and Purpose of the source

Does the N/O/P make the source more or less useful?

Give an example for each side

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75? Stripper

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

How were women discriminated against in the 1960s and 1970s?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Categorise your slips into evidence ofContinued discrimination.Improvements to the working lives of women.

Prioritise your evidence

Copy the top two examples for each side

Women were more able to get a job if they wanted one at this time.A shortage of workers increased the demand for women to workWages increased faster then prices so there was more spending money available.

For married women the main wage could cover the family bills1951 31% of the workforce was made up of women, by 1971 this rose to 38%

1951 36% of adult women were working by 1971 this rose to 52%Gradual end of the ‘marriage bar’, the unwritten rule that women gave up work when they married.

Women were still resented by many male colleagues in the work place.

Working mothers were blamed for crime and unruly behavior by children.

Negative attitudes meant working women generally took lower paid and lower status jobs

Male colleagues often thought women were less committed and would burst into tears under pressure.

Even when women were doing the same job as men they were paid less.

Women rarely gained promotion for management positions

Study source E and FWhich of these sources gives a more accurate view of the position of

women in Britain in the late 1960s and early 1970s?Use details from the source and your own knowledge (the examples you have just

used) to explain your answer (8 Marks)

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What factors led to the changes in the role of women?

Objectives To investigate the factors that helped changed the role of women

To evaluate the relevant factors

To come to a conclusion as to how far these factors had changed the roles of women

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75? sperm is scared

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What factors led to the changes in the role of women?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Factors that led to

the changes in the role of


Introduction of the Pill

1975 Sex Discriminatio

n Act

1970 Equal Pay Act

1967 Abortion Act

1969 Divorce Law Reform


There are five factors that helped change the role of women. For each find out what it was, add to your diagramFind out two ways it helped change the role of women

You will have six minutes per factor and will visit three, your pair will also visit three. Decide who is going where now.

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What factors led to the changes in the role of women?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Factors that led to

the changes in the role of


Introduction of the Pill

1975 Sex Discriminatio

n Act

1970 Equal Pay Act

1967 Abortion Act

1969 Divorce Law Reform


There are five factors that helped change the role of women. For each find out what it was, add to your diagramFind out two ways it helped change the role of women

Prioritise the factors

Which two made the most difference do you think? Give specific evidence to support your answer

Which made the least difference?

What factors led to the changes in the role of women?

Factors that led to

the changes in the role of


Introduction of the Pill

1975 Sex Discriminatio

n Act

1970 Equal Pay Act

1967 Abortion Act

1969 Divorce Law Reform


What is the message of this source?

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the role of the Women’s Liberation Movement in changing the role of women??

Objectives To investigate the role of the Women’s Liberation Movement in changing the role of women

To compare this factor with ones from last lesson

To come to a judgement as to the importance of the Women’s Liberation Movement

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Draw and label a FeministYou have until the end of

the song A girl

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the role of the Women’s Liberation Movement in changing the role of women??

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?’s Lib March

At a National Conference in 1970 local Women’s Liberation Groups Met and agreed to four demands1.Equal pay2.Equal education and opportunity3.Twenty-four hour nurseries4.Free contraception and abortion on demand

For each demand explain how it would ‘liberate’ women in the 1970s

Review last lesson’s work, how far had each demand been meet

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the role of the Women’s Liberation Movement in changing the role of women??

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

In pairs look at the cartoon carefully, (page 477) List all the different types of women protesting and the different causes they representWhat are the differences between how the men and women are drawn, give two examplesWhat is the message of this cartoon?How useful is this cartoon in learning about the Women’s Liberation Movement?

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

What was the role of the Women’s Liberation Movement in changing the role of women??

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

PlenaryHow would you reply to this person as a member of the

Women’s Liberation Movement

What’s the matter with women today? Why are they all demanding equal opportunities and equal pay? Do they not deserve to be mothers if they can not sacrifice five years for their children before their children go to school. They are missing the relationship between child and mother. It is no wonder there are so many child delinquents when that relationship is missing. Forget about the money and stay at home until the children go to school.

A delegate at the Labour Conference 1969

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

How much change had taken place by 1975?

List all the changes to the lives of women you can find in this source.

How far do you think lives had changed, based open this source

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75? Girls just want to have fun

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

How much change had taken place by 1975?

Objectives To review the topic

To evaluate the extent of change

To apply our knowledge to source questions

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Describe the lives of women in the 1950s in FIVE words

Describe the lives of women in the 1970s in FIVE words

How and why are your words different? Use your notes to give three specific reasons and evidence

Study Sources C and D Does source C prove that source D is wrong about Britain in

the 1960s?Use details of the sources and your knowledge to explain the answer (9


The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

Review and organise your files

1)Make sure all your work is in order and titled2)What do you consider to be the three most important facts to remember?3)What single point surprised you the most?4)What question do you still have to ask?

www.historytl.comDepth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

1940 45 50 55 60 65 70 1975

The changing role of women, 1950-75

1951Women make up 31% of the workforce

36% of women worked

1971 Women make up 38% of the workforce52% of women worked

1955 Equal pay in public sector jobs

1970 Equal Pay Act

1969 Germaine Greer published ‘The female


1970 Women's Liberation Movement Set upDemands Equal payEqual education24 hour nurseriesFree contraception and abortion on demand

1961 The Contraceptive pill available on the


1967 The Abortions Act passed

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Our TopicThe changing role of women, 1950-75

What was life like for most women in the 1950s?How were women discriminated against in the 1960s and early 70sWhat factors led to the changes in the roles of womenHow much change had taken place by 1975?

The changing role and the contribution of women during the Second World War, for example, civil defence, the land army, factory work, joining the armed forces and looking after families.

The impact of these changes after the war. Women in the 1950s. Discrimination in the 1960s and early 1970s. The impact of the introduction of the Pill, the ‘women’s lib’

movement. Abortion. The 1969 Divorce Law Reform Act, the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act.

The extent of the progress made by 1975.