Download - Depression

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Ayurveda defines health as a state of physical and mental well being. The mental disorders are hence equally signified in this science and various treatment modalities are mentioned for such disorders.

Depression is one such disorder found more commonly these days occurring due to many reasons. As per ayurveda an imbalanced diet, intoxication, excessive mental stress etc. are some of the causes leading to depression.


Detox –

Nasya- goghrita , ashvagandha ghrita

Other rejuvanative therapies-

Shirodhara - takra ( buttermilk )

Yoga and meditation

Oral medications-


This is a perennial herb called as water hyssop in English. It is found most commonly in tropical regions. It is known for promoting mind alertness and is widely used as an antioxidant and in improving the brain cell functions. Brahmi is a nervine tonic that enhances learning, academic performance and improves mental ability. It acts as an anti-anxiety agent and is used in several mental disorders.

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This herb is found as a climbing shrub commonly found in the tropical regions of India. It is used for pacification of pitta dosha. It if found to have properties helping in developing the immune system of the body. In ayurvedic texts this herb is mentioned to be as medhya rasayana i.e. one of the best drugs for improving the intellectual capacity.


This herb is known as liquorice in English. It is sweet in taste and is used for pacification of pitta dosha. It acts as an expectorant and is used for treatment of dry cough, cold etc with honey. It has a mild laxative property and is also indicated in disorders like hyperacidity, heart burn etc. As per ayurvedic texts the root powder of this herb if taken with milk acts as a brain tonic.


It is commonly known as staff tree and occurs mostly in the tropical and subtropical regions. Jyotishmati literally means an herb which enlightens the brain. It activates functioning of brain and also strengthens the person to endure the stress, may be emotional or physical. It has been reported to show a significant reduction in anxiety.


Shankhapushpi is a perennial herb commonly found in India. It is known as Aloe weed in English. The herb is traditionally described to improve intelligence and learning capabilities. Modern research has shown that this herb balances neurotransmitters and thereby improves concentration. In ayurvedic texts this herb is mentioned to be as medhya rasayana.

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Dietary and lifestyle advice-

Have light, easy to digest food Avoid having excessive non vegetarian food like meat, fish etc. Have plenty of fruit juices and sprouts Have proper sleep Do regular exercises Prefer keeping company of encouraging people etc.