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Departamento de Estadística Memoria 2018



I. Presentación ................................................................................................ 3 II. Personal del Departamento ........................................................................... 6

III. Breve resumen de la docencia impartida por el departamento ......................... 45 IV. Proyectos de investigación ........................................................................... 47 V. Publicaciones y documentos de trabajo:

a. Publicaciones en revistas ................................................................. 51 b. Colaboraciones en obras colectivas ................................................... 55 c. Documentos de trabajo ................................................................... 56 d. Otras publicaciones ……………………………………………………………………….57

VI. Congresos, Conferencias y Seminarios: a. Presentaciones en Congresos ........................................................... 58 b. Conferencias y seminarios impartidos ................................................ 65 c. Estancias en otros centros ............................................................... 67

VII. Seminarios impartidos en el departamento .................................................... 68


I. Foreword .................................................................................................... 3 II. Faculty and staff ........................................................................................... 6

III. Courses offered by the department .............................................................. 45 IV. Research grants and projects ....................................................................... 47 V. Publications and Working Papers:

a. Publications ................................................................................... 51 b. Contributions to joint works ............................................................. 55 c. Working Papers ............................................................................... 56 d. Other publications …………………………………………………………………………57

VI. Meetings and conferences attented: a. Meetings ........................................................................................ 58 b. Conferences and seminars ............................................................... 65 c. Visits to other Departments .............................................................. 67

VII. Department Seminars .................................................................................. 68

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Departamento de Estadística Memoria 2018


I. PRESENTACIÓN I. FOREWORD Esta memoria resume los principales indicadores, actividades y noticias del Departamento de Estadística correspondientes al año 2018.

El Departamento tuvo 35 profesores doctores a tiempo completo y 23 estudiantes de Máster o Doctorado a tiempo completo. Jeffrey Chu y Karen Miranda Gualdrón se incorporaron como Profesores Visitantes. Entre los logros de nuestros profesores cabe destacar los siguientes. David Delgado Gómez y Stefano Cabras obtuvieron sendas plazas de Profesor Titular de Universidad. Carmen Aguilera Morillo obtuvo una ayuda del Programa Juan de la Cierva del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Isabel Molina Peralta fue galardonada con un Premio de Excelencia del Consejo Social de la UC3M en la modalidad de Joven Personal Investigador. Vanesa Guerrero Lozano ganó el Premio Ramiro Melendreras para jóvenes investigadores que otorga la SEIO, y además obtuvo el Premio de Investigación Matemática Vicent Caselles que otorga la Real Sociedad Matemática Española y la Fundación BBVA. En cuanto a actividades docentes, el Departamento ha impartido docencia en 37 Grados y 9 Másteres Universitarios. En el curso 2018/19 se ha iniciado la docencia en el Máster Universitario en Estadística para la Ciencia de Datos. Quiero agradecer a todos los profesores del Departamento su esfuerzo para mejorar la calidad docente y su respuesta positiva ante las dificultades habituales en la labor docente.

También se organizó el curso monográfico "Topics in Computational Statistics", impartido por el Profesor Rubén Zamar de la University of British Columbia. Se ha mantenido el esfuerzo por apoyar nuestros programas de postgrado, concediéndose 5 ayudas de matrícula a estudiantes del Máster en Ingeniería Matemática.

This report summarizes the main indicators, activities and news of the Department of Statistics corresponding to the year 2018.

The Department had 35 full-time faculty members and 23 full-time Master’s or PhD students. Jeffrey Chu and Karen Miranda Gualdrón joined the Department as Visiting Professors.

Among the achievements of our faculty I would like to highlight the following. David Delgado and Stefano Cabras earned tenured Associate Professor positions in the Department. Carmen Aguilera Morillo obtained a Juan de la Cierva grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Isabel Molina Peralta was awarded an Excellence Prize by the Social Council of UC3M in the Young Researcher category.

Vanesa Guerrero Lozano won the Ramiro Melendreras Prize for young researchers by the Spanish Society of Operations Research & Statistics (SEIO), as well as the Vicent Caselles Mathematical Research Prize awarded by The Spanish Royal Mathematical Society and the BBVA Foundation. Regarding teaching activities, the Department participated in 37 undergraduate Degrees and 9 Master’s programs. In 2018/19 the Department inaugurated the new Master’s Program in Statistics for Data Science. I want to thank all faculty members and graduate students their efforts to improve the quality of teaching and their positive responses to the usual difficulties in such an endeavor. An advanced course, "Topics inComputational Statistics", was organized, taught by Professor Rubén Zamar from the University of British Columbia. We maintained our efforts to support our postgraduate program, awarding 5 tuition waivers for students in the Master’s Program

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Departamento de Estadística Memoria 2018


En cuanto a actividades de investigación, los miembros del Departamento publicaron 32 artículos en revistas indexadas en el JCR (16 en el primer cuartil y 7 en el segundo).

Además, los profesores del Departamento han participado en 35 proyectos, a nivel europeo, nacional o autonómico, así como en proyectos firmados al amparo del Artículo 83 de la LOU.

En la política de internacionalización del Departamento, hemos recibido la visita de numerosos profesores de otras universidades, como Patricia de Zea (Univ. Lisboa), José Ulises Márquez (CIMAT, México), Orimar Sauri ( Aarhus University), Isabel Casas (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), Andres Benchimol (University of Hong Kong), Mª Rosa Nieto (Univ. Anahuac), Audrone Virbickaite ( (Univ. de Mallorca), José Guardiola (Texas A&M Univ.), Sujay K. Mukhoti (Indian Institute of Management, Indore) y Juan de Dios Tena (Univ. of Liverpool).

A su vez, miembros del Departamento realizaron estancias en otras universidades. En particular, Bernardo D´Auria visitó la NYU of Abu Dhabi. Los estudiantes de doctorado Javier de Vicente y Antonio Elías realizaron estancias de investigación en Inglaterra y Australia, respectivamente.

El Departamento organizó dos congresos internacionales: Statistical Methods for Big Data (SMBD 2018), en honor al 70 cumpleaños de Daniel Peña, co-organizado con el Instituto Flores de Lemus y el Instituto Mixto UC3M-Banco de Santander en Big Data financiero, y la Eigth International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF 2018), la cual contó con numerosos miembros del Departamento en sus Comités Científico y Organizador, y en particular con María Durbán Reguera y Aurea Grané Chávez en su Steering Committee. En cuanto a organización, un año más es importante resaltar la labor de gestión realizada por los miembros del Departamento en sus diversas Comisiones. Es también relevante mencionar que los profesores del Departamento han continuado implicándose en tareas de gestión en distintos niveles dentro de la Universidad: Rectorado,

in Mathematical Engineering.

As for research activities, Department members published 34 papers in JCR (16 in Q1 and 7 in Q2).

Also, Department members participated in 35 projects at the European, national and regional levels, and also in contracts signed under Article 83 of the LOU.

Within our internationalization policy, we have benefitted from visits from numerous faculty from other universities, such as Patricia de Zea (Univ. Lisboa), José Ulises Márquez (CIMAT, México), Orimar Sauri (Aarhus University), Isabel Casas (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics), Andres Benchimol (University of Hong Kong), Mª Rosa Nieto (Univ. Anahuac), Audrone Virbickaite (Univ. de Mallorca), José Guardiola (Texas A&M Univ.), Sujay K. Mukhoti (Indian Institute of Management, Indore) and Juan de Dios Tena (Univ. of Liverpool). At the same time, several of our faculty members visited different national and international universities. In particular, Bernardo D´Auria visited NYU of Abu Dhabi. PhD students Javier de Vicente and Antonio Elías carried out research visits in the UK and Australia, respectively.

The Department organized two international conferences: Statistical Methods for Big Data (SMBD 2018), in honor of Professor Daniel Peña to celebrate his 70th birthday, co-organized with the Flores de Lemus Institute and the UC3M-Banco de Santander Institute in Financial Big Data, and the Eigth International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF 2018), which included a number of Department members on its Scientific and Organizing Committees, and in particular with María Durbán Reguera and Aurea Grané Chávez on its Steering Committee.

Regarding management activities, once more, it is important to point out the work carried out by the different Department Committees. Several members of the Department were also involved in

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Departamento de Estadística Memoria 2018


Decanatos, Dirección de Programas de Postgrado, Dirección de Institutos, Consejo Social, etc.

El trabajo realizado por los miembros del Departamento no hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de nuestro personal de administración (Gema, Paco y Susana) que, como es habitual, han colaborado con entusiasmo y profesionalidad en la gestión de las actividades del Departamento.

Como se puede observar después de las actividades expuestas, el Departamento de Estadística, a pesar de las dificultades actuales en la universidad española, ha desarrollado una importante labor tanto a nivel docente como investigador y es mi deseo que continuemos trabajando en la misma línea. Queremos como Departamento, aprovechar el impacto social que tiene actualmente la Estadística para que repercuta positivamente en la calidad y visibilidad de nuestras actividades.

En octubre de 2018 el Consejo de Departamento celebró elecciones a director. El nuevo director desea expresar en nombre del Departamento su agradecimiento a la directora saliente, Rosa Elvira Lillo Rodríguez, por su intensa dedicación y la excelente labor realizada durante su mandato.

José Niño Mora

management tasks at all University levels, such as Rector, Vice-President, Associate Deans, Heads of postgraduate programs, Directors of research Institutes, Social Council, etc.

The work carried out by the members of the Department would not have been possible without the support of our administrative staff (Gema, Paco and Susana), who, as usual, have carried out their tasks with efficiency and enthusiasm.

As can be seen from the above outline, the Statistics Department, despite the current difficulties faced by Spanish universities, has managed to carry out an important work with high standards in both teaching and research. I have no doubt that Department members will continue working at the same high level. We, as a Department, need to take advantage of the current social impact of Statistics, to further improve the quality and visibility of our activities.

On October 2018 the Department Council celebrated elections to Department Head. The elected Department Head wishes to express, on behalf of the Department, his gratitude to the former Department Head, Rosa Elvira Lillo Rodríguez, for her intense dedication and the excellent work carried out during her tenure.

José Niño Mora

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Departamento de Estadística Memoria 2018



Catedráticos (Full Professors)

Durbán, María L. Lillo, Rosa Elvira Niño Mora, José Prieto, Fco. Javier Romera, Mª Rosario Romo, Juan Ruiz, Esther Velilla, Santiago

Catedrático Emérito (Emeritus Professor) Espasa, Antoni Peña, Daniel

Profesores Titulares (Associate Professors) Albarrán, Irene Alonso, Andrés M. Ausín, Concepción Cascos, Ignacio Cabras, Stefano D´Auria, Bernardo Delgado, David Galeano, Pedro Grane, Aurea Jimenez, Raúl Kaiser, Regina Marín, Juan Miguel Molina, Elisenda Molina, Isabel Muñoz, Alberto Nogales, Fco. Javier Sánchez, Ismael Ruiz, Carlos Veiga, Helena Villagarcía, Teresa Wiper, Michael P.

Profesores Visitantes (Visiting Professors)

Aguilera, Carmen Chu, Jeffrey García, Eduardo Guerrero, Vanesa Miranda, Karen Wang, Dandan

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Profesores Asociados (Part-time Faculty)

Anthony, David Aparicio, Socorro Arribas, Ana Asensio, Cesar Ayala, Alba Benito, Mónica Bocho, Macarena Casanueva, Rafael Daza, Miguel Angel Erkoreka, Ainhoa Félix, María García, Maria Dolores Hernández, Luis Herrera, Jorge Izquierdo, Fernando Izquierdo, José Manuel

Jiménez, Estela

Lledo, Josep Maroto, Andrés Montes, Carlos Nuñez, Raquel Ocaña, Marcos Quijada, Francisco Javier Recatalá, Montserrat Rivera, Marta Roldán, Antonio Ruiz, Daniel Saiz, Bárbara Santos, Carlos Sguera, Carlo Suarez, Mª Asunción

Valenzuela, Rene

Ayudantes y Becarios (Teaching Assistants and Fellows) Barragán, Iván Cabana, Elisa Carballo, Alba Caro, Angela Carreras, Danae Delgado, Pablo Elías, Antonio Gamboa, Diana Carolina García, David Guada, Abel Hernández, Nicolás Hernández, Harold

Laria, Juan Carlos Limia, Laritza Llorente, Fernando Mendez, Álvaro Nguyen, Hoang Ochoa, Maicol Otero, Roberto Rodríguez, Javier Salmerón, José Antonio Vicente, Javier Yera, Yoel

Secretaría (Administrative Staff)

García, María Gema Secretaría de Departamento García-Saavedra, Francisco Secretaría de Departamento Linares, Susana Secretaría de Departamento

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M. Carmen Aguilera Morillo. Nació en Córdoba en 1985. Es Diplomada en Estadística por la Universidad de Jaén en 2006 (Premio Extraordinario de Grado), Licenciada en Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas por la Universidad de Granada en 2008 (Premio Extraordinario de grado y Primer Premio Nacional), Máster en Estadística Aplicada por la Universidad de Granada en 2009 y Doctora en Estadística por la misma universidad en 2013 (Doctorado con mención internacional). Ha sido becaria FPU durante cuatro años en el departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa de la Universidad de Granada y actualmente es investigadora Juan de la Cierva en el departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Su trayectoria académica e investigadora ha sido reconocida por diferentes instituciones, tales como la Sociedad Estadística e Investigación Operativa, el Ministerio de Educación, el Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía, la Academia de Ciencias Sociales y del Media Ambiente de Andalucía y Unicaja. Publicaciones recientes: An iterative sparse-group lasso (2019), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2019.1573687 (con Juan C. Laria y Rosa E. Lillo); Prediction of functional data with spatial dependence: a penalized approach (2017), Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(1), pp. 7-22 (con María Durbán y Ana Aguilera); Penalized versions of Functional PLS Regression (2016), Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 154(15), pp. 80-92 (con Ana Aguilera y Cristian Preda);

M. Carmen Aguilera Morillo. Born in Córdoba in 1985. Has a degree in Statistics from the Universidad de Jaén in 2006 (with honors), a degree in Science and Statistical Techniques from the Universidad de Granada in 2008 (with honors), a Master in Applied Statistics from the Universidad de Granada in 2009 and a Ph.D. in Statistics from the same university in 2013. She had a pre-doctoral grant at the department of Statistics and Operations Research of the Universidad de Granada during four years. Now, she is Juan de la Cierva researcher at the department of Statistics of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her academic and research career has been recognized by various institutions, such as the Spanish Statistical Society, the Spanish Ministry of Education, the Andalusian Institute of Statistics, the Andalusian Academy of Social Sciences and Unicaja.

Recent publications: An iterative sparse-group lasso (2019), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2019.1573687 (con Juan C. Laria y Rosa E. Lillo); Prediction of functional data with spatial dependence: a penalized approach (2017), Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(1), pp. 7-22 (con María Durbán y Ana Aguilera); Penalized versions of Functional PLS Regression (2016), Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 154(15), pp. 80-92 (con Ana Aguilera y Cristian Preda);

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Irene Albarrán Lozano. Nació en Madrid en 1972. Es Actuario y Doctora en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha sido Profesora Titular de Estadística Actuarial en la Universidad de Extremadura durante los cursos 2001-2006. Actualmente es Profesora Titular de universidad del Departamento de Estadística, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Intereses de investigación: estadística y matemática actuarial, seguros, seguros de dependencia, aplicación de técnicas estadísticas al sector asegurador y financiero. Publicaciones recientes: “Dependent persons in Spain: estimation of the number and costs for their care” (con Alonso P.), Estudios de Economía (2009), 36(2), pp. 127-163; “Non-Linear Models Of Disability And Age Applied To Census Data” (con Alonso P. y Marín, JM.), Journal of Applied Statistics (2011), 38 (10), pp. 2151-2163; “Profile identification via weighted related metric scaling: An application to dependent Spanish children” (con Alonso, P. y Grané, A.), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A- Statistics in Society (2015), 178, pp: 1-26; “Dependence evolution in the Spanish disabled population: a functional data analysis approach” (con Alonso, P. y Arribas-Gil, A.), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A-Statistics in Society (2017), 180(2), pp. 657-677, y “Some criticism to a general model in Solvency II: an explanation from a clustering point of view” (con Alonso, P. y Marín, J.M.) Empirical Economics (2017), 52(4), pp:1289-1308.

Irene Albarrán Lozano. Born in Madrid in 1972. She obtained her PhD in Economics and her M.Sc. in Actuarial Science at the Complutense University in Madrid. Has been an Associate Professor in Actuarial Statistics at University of Extremadura (2001-6). Actually is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Research interests: Actuarial Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics, Insurance, long term care insurance, statistical methods for insurance and finance. Recent publications: “Dependent persons in Spain: estimation of the number and costs for their care” (with Alonso P.), Estudios de Economía (2009), 36(2), pp. 127-163; “Non-Linear Models Of Disability And Age Applied To Census Data” (with Alonso P. & Marín, JM.), Journal of Applied Statistics (2011), 38 (10), pp. 2151-2163;“Profile identification via weighted related metric scaling: An application to dependent Spanish children” (with Alonso, P. & Grané, A.), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A- Statistics in Society (2015), 178, pp: 1-26; “Dependence evolution in the Spanish disabled population: a functional data analysis approach” (with Alonso, P. & Arribas-Gil, A.), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A-Statistics in Society (2017), 180(2), pp. 657-677; and “Some criticism to a general model in Solvency II: an explanation from a clustering point of view” (with Alonso, P. & Marín, J.M.) Empirical Economics (2017), 52(4), pp:1289-1308.

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Andrés M. Alonso Fernández. Nació en La Habana en 1968. Es Licenciado en Matemáticas por la Universidad de La Habana (1991), Master en Epidemiología por el Instituto Pedro Kourí (1994) y Doctor en Economía por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2001). Ha sido profesor asociado del Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid e Investigador Juan de La Cierva en el Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Actualmente es Profesor Titular de Estadística y director del Instituto Flores de Lemus. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen: análisis de series temporales; técnicas de remuestreo; aplicaciones estadísticas y econométricas.

Publicaciones recientes:

“D-trace estimation of a precision matrix using adaptive Lasso penalties” (con V. Avagyan y F.J. Nogales) Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 12, 425-447, 2018.

“Fuzzy Clustering of Time Series using Extremes” (con P. D’Urso y E.A., Maharaj) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 318, 56-79, 2017.

“Electricity Price Forecasting by Averaging Dynamic Factor Models” (con G. Bastos y C. García-Martos) Energies, 9, 1-21. 2016.

Andrés M. Alonso Fernández. He born in La Habana in 1968. He obtained a B.S. in Mathematics at the Universidad de La Habana (1991), a M.S. in Epidemiology at the Instituto Pedro Kourí (1994) and a Ph.D in Economics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2001). He has been lecturer at the Departament of Mathematics of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Juan de La Cierva researcher at the Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Now he is Associate Professor of Statistics and director of the Instituto Flores de Lemus. His main research interests are: time series analysis, resampling (bootstrap & subsampling) techniques; applied statistics and econometrics.

Recent publications:

“D-trace estimation of a precision matrix using adaptive Lasso penalties” (with V. Avagyan and F.J. Nogales) Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 12, 425-447, 2018.

“Fuzzy Clustering of Time Series using Extremes” (with P. D’Urso and E.A., Maharaj) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 318, 56-79, 2017.

“Electricity Price Forecasting by Averaging Dynamic Factor Models” (with G. Bastos and C. García-Martos) Energies, 9, 1-21. 2016.

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M. Concepción Ausin Olivera. Nació en Badajoz en 1974. Licenciada en Ciencias Matemáticas por Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1997) y Doctora por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2004). Ha sido Investigadora de la Xunta de Galicia en la Universidad de A Coruña durante los cursos 2005-07 y Ayudante Doctor en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid durante los cursos 2007-09. Actualmente es Profesora Titular del Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus intereses de investigación son: Inferencia Bayesiana, copulas, riesgo medioambiental, series temporales financieras, modelos GARCH multivariantes, Valor en Riesgo, riesgo en seguros, datos circulares, sistemas de colas, Bayesiana no paramétrica. Publicaciones recientes: “Multi-dimensional risk in a non-stationary climate: joint probability of increasingly severe warm and dry conditions.” (con A. Sarhadi, M. P. Wiper D. Touma and N.S. Diffenbaugh) Science Advances, vol 4, (2018) no. 11; “Vine copula models for predicting water flow discharge at King George Island, Antarctica” (con M. Gómez y M.C. Domínguez) Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, (2018) 2787–2807; “Density estimation of circular data with Bernstein polynomials” (con J. A. Carnicero y M.P. Wiper) Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 47, (2018) 273-286.

M. Concepción Ausin Olivera. She was born in Badajoz in 1974. She obtained a Mathematic degree in 1997 (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and received a Ph.D. in Statistics at Universidad Carlos IIII de Madrid in 2004. She has been Postdoctoral Researcher at Universidad de A Coruña (2005-07) and Assistant Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2007-2009). Now, she is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her research interests are: Bayesian inference, copulas, Environmental risk, financial time series, multivariate GARCH models, Value at Risk, insurance risk, circular data, queueing systems, Bayesian nonparametrics. Recent publications: “Multi-dimensional risk in a non-stationary climate: joint probability of increasingly severe warm and dry conditions.” (with A. Sarhadi, M. P. Wiper D. Touma and N.S. Diffenbaugh) Science Advances, vol 4, (2018) no. 11; “Vine copula models for predicting water flow discharge at King George Island, Antarctica” (with M. Gómez y M.C. Domínguez) Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32, (2018) 2787–2807; “Density estimation of circular data with Bernstein polynomials” (with J. A. Carnicero and M.P. Wiper) Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 47, (2018) 273-286.

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Stefano Cabras. Nació en Cagliari (Italia) en 1974. Es Licenciado en Economia por la Universidad de Cagliari en 1999, Master en Estadística por la Carnegie Mellon University 2003 y Doctor en Estadística por la Universidad de Florencia (Italia) en 2004. En el 2004 fue profesor visitante en la Universidad Carlos III y desde el 2005 es profesor investigador en la Universidad de Cagliari. En el 2011 volvió a la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid donde fue Profesor Ramón y Cajal (2014-2018) y actualmente es Profesor Titular. Publicaciones recientes: “A markov chain representation of the multiple testing problem”, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(2):364–383, 2018; “Two-stage bayesian approach for gwas with known genealogy” (con C. Armero, M. E. Castellanos, A. Quirós). Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, (in press), 2018.

Stefano Cabras. Born in Cagliari (Italy) in 1974. Has a degree in Economics from the University of Cagliari (1999), a Master in Statistics from the Carnegie Mellon University (2003) and a Ph. D. in Statistics from the University of Florence (Italy) in 2004. The same year he has been Visiting professor at the University Carlos III of Madrid and since 2005 he is research at the University of Cagliari. In 2011 he went back to the Univesrity Carlos III were from 2014 to 2018 was Ramón y Cajal Professor and now he is associate professor. Recent publications: “A markov chain representation of the multiple testing problem”, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(2):364–383, 2018; “Two-stage bayesian approach for gwas with known genealogy” (with C. Armero, M. E. Castellanos, A. Quirós). Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, (in press), 2018.

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Ignacio Cascos. Nació en León en 1977. Se licenció en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Oviedo en 1999. Obtuvo el grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Oviedo en 2004 (programa de doctorado: Matemáticas y Estadística). Es Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid desde 2009. Áreas de investigación: Análisis multivariante. Funciones de profundidad. Ordenaciones estocásticas. Conjuntos aleatorios. Geometría estocástica. Riesgos financieros. Publicaciones recientes: "Control charts based on parameter depths ", (con M. López-Díaz), Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 53, pp. 487—509, (2018); "Multivariate risk measures: a constructive approach based on selections (con I. Molchanov), Mathematical Finance, Vol. 26, pp. 867—900, (2016); "On the uniform consistency of the zonoid depth", (con M. López-Díaz), Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 143, pp. 394—397, (2016).

Ignacio Cascos. Born in León in 1977. Obtained his degree in Mathematics from Universidad de Oviedo in 1999. M.Sc. in Mathematics and Statistics (2001) and Ph. D. from the University of Oviedo (2004). Since 2009 he is Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Research Interests: Multivariate Analysis. Depth functions. Stochastic orderings. Random sets. Stochastic Geometry. Financial risks. Recent publications: "Control charts based on parameter depths ", (with M. López-Díaz), Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 53, pp. 487—509, (2018); "Multivariate risk measures: a constructive approach based on selections (with I. Molchanov), Mathematical Finance, Vol. 26, pp. 867—900, (2016); "On the uniform consistency of the zonoid depth", (with M. López-Díaz), Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 143, pp. 394—397, (2016).

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Jeffrey Chu. Nació en Sheffield (Reino Unido) en 1990. He has a BA (Hons) in Economics (2011), Máster en Economía (2012), y Doctor en Matemáticas Financieras por la Universidad de Manchester (2018). Desde septiembre de 2018, es Profesor Visitante en el Departamento de Estadística de la Universidada Carlos III de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en la Modelización Estadística y Teoría de la Distribución, Cryptomonedas y Tecnologías Financieras y Gráficos y Redes. Publicaciones recientes: “Stylised facts for high frequency cryptocurrency data” (with S. Chan, S. Nadarajah and Y. Zhang), Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 513: 598 – 612, 2019. “An alternative measure of positive correlation” (with S. Chan and S. Nadarajah), International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2018.1520931. “Estimating order statistics of network degrees” (with S. Nadarajah), Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 490: 869 – 885, 2018.

Jeffrey Chu. Born in Sheffield (United Kingdom) in 1990. He has a BA (Hons) in Economics (2011), MA in Economics (2012), and a PhD in Financial Mathematics from the University of Manchester (2018). Since September 2018, he has been a Visiting Professor at the Department of Statistics, Carlos III University of Madrid. His research interests are related to Statistical Modelling and Distribution Theory, Cryptocurrencies and Financial Technology, and Graphs and Networks. Recent publications: “Stylised facts for high frequency cryptocurrency data” (with S. Chan, S. Nadarajah and Y. Zhang), Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 513: 598 – 612, 2019. “An alternative measure of positive correlation” (with S. Chan and S. Nadarajah), International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2018.1520931. “Estimating order statistics of network degrees” (with S. Nadarajah), Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 490: 869 – 885, 2018.

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Bernardo D’Auria. Es ingeniero electróni-co y doctor en Ingeniería de las Telecomu-nicaciones por la Universidad de Salerno. Actualmente profesor Titular en el Depar-tamento de Estadística y Vicedecano de Estadística en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. En su carrera investigadora ha sido investi-gador en diferentes centros de prestigio como el Institute for Problems of Informa-tion Transmission de la Academia de Cien-cias de Rusia (Moscú, Rusia), la Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, EE.UU.), el Mittag-Leffler Institute (Estocolmo, Suecia), la Universidad de Jerusalen (Jerusalen, Israel) la Universidad de Nueva York de Abu Dabi (Emiratos Árabes Unidos). Completó su formación posdoctoral hacia el EURANDOM (Eindhoven, Holanda) haciendo parte del grupo “Queueing and Perfomance Analysis” y fue investigador Ramón y Cajal en la Uni-versidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus principales líneas de investigación son: teoría de colas, control de procesos esto-cásticos, modelos estocásticos para redes de telecomunicaciones y finanza, optimiza-ción linear entera y estocástica. Publicaciones recientes: “Proportional Switching in First-in, First-out

Networks” (con M. Bramson y N. Walton) Operations Research, 65(2):496-513 (2016)

“Sojourn time in a single server queue with threshold service rate control” (con I. Adan) SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (SIAP), 76(1): 197-216 (2016);

“Closed queueing networks under conges-tion: non-bottleneck independence and bottleneck convergence” (con J. Anselmi y N. Walton) Mathematics of Operations Re-search, 38(3): 469- 491 (2013).

Bernardo D’Auria. He got his Master degree in Electronic Engineering and his Ph.D. degree in Telecommunication Engi-neering at the Salerno University. Current-ly he is Associate Professor at the Statis-tics Department of the Madrid University Carlos III. During his research career, he did his re-search in many prestigious foreign re-search centres such as the Institute for Problems of Information Transmission, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), the Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA), the Mittag-Leffler Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), the Hebrew Univer-sity of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel) and the New York University in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates). He completed his postdoc at EURANDOM (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) as member of the “Queueing and Performance Analysis” group, and he won the Ramón y Cajal Grant when work-ing at the Madrid University Carlos III. His main research topics are: queueing theory, stochastic control problems, sto-chastic models for telecommunication networks and finance, integer program-ming and stochastic optimization. Recent publications: “Proportional Switching in First-in, First-out

Networks” (con M. Bramson and N. Wal-ton) Operations Research, 65(2): 496-513 (2016);

“Sojourn time in a single server queue with threshold service rate control” (with I. Adan) SIAM Journal on Applied Mathemat-ics (SIAP), 76(1): 197-216 (2016);

“Closed queueing networks under conges-tion: non-bottleneck independence and bottleneck convergence” (with J. Anselmi and N. Walton) Mathematics of Operations Re-search, 38(3): 469- 491 (2013).


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David Delgado Gómez es Doctor en modelaje matemático por la Universidad Técnica de Dinamarca. Ha sido Profesor Visitante en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra durante los años 2006-08. Hasta el año 2010, trabajó en el desarrollo de modelos estadísticos para predicción de suicidio en colaboración con el departamento de psiquiatría de la fundación Jiménez Díaz. Actualmente es Profesor Visitante de Estadística, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Intereses de investigación: reconocimiento de patrones, técnicas de aprendizaje maquina y estadística multivariante. En estas áreas, ha publicado 20 artículos en revistas de reconocido prestigio incluidas en el JCR. Publicaciones recientes: “An experimental evaluation of three classifiers for use in self-updating face recognition systems”, IEEE Transactions on information forensics and security 7 (2012); “Haar-like features with optimally weighted rectangles for rapid object detection”, Pattern Recognition 43 (2009); “Independent Histogram Pursuit for Segmentation of Skin Lesions", IEEE Trans. Biomedical Imaging, vol. 55 (2008).

David Delgado Gómez has a Ph.D. degree from the technical university of Denmark. He has been a Visiting Professor at Pompeu Fabra University (2006-2008). Until 2010, he developed statistical models for suicide prediction in collaboration with the department of psychiatry in the Jimenez Diaz Hospital. Actually he is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Statistics, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Research interests: pattern recognition, machine learning and multivariate statistics. In these fields, he has published 20 articles in JCR journals. Recent publications: “An experimental evaluation of three classifiers for use in self-updating face recognition systems”, IEEE Transactions on information forensics and security 7 (2012); “Haar-like features with optimally weighted rectangles for rapid object detection”, Pattern Recognition 43 (2009); “Independent Histogram Pursuit for Segmentation of Skin Lesions", IEEE Trans. Biomedical Imaging, vol. 55 (2008).

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María Durbán Reguera. Es Licenciada en Ciencias Matemáticas por la Universidad de Granada (1993) y Doctor (Ph.D) en Estadística por la Heriot-Watt University (Reino Unido, 1999). Ha sido Postdoctoral Researcher en Biomathematic & Statistics Scotland (Reino Unido, 1999-2000). Actualmente es Catedrática del Departamento de Estadística y Econometría de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen: Psplines, regresión no-paramétrica, modelos mixtos, datos longitudinales. Publicaciones recientes: “Prediction of functional data with spatial dependence: a penalized approach” (with Aguilera-Morillo, M.C. and Aguilera, A.). Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (2017). “On the estimation of functional random effects” (with Aguilera-Morillo, M.C.). Statistical Modelling (2017). “On the estimation of variance parameters in non-standard generalized linear mixed models: Applications to penalized smoothing” (with Rodríguez-Alvarez, M.X., Lee, D-J., and Eilers, P.). Statistics and Computing (2018).

María Durbán Reguera. She obtained a Mathematic degree in 1993 (Universidad de Granada) and received a Ph.D in Statistics at Heriot-Watt University (UK) in 1999. She has been Postdoctoral Researcher with Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland (UK, 1999-2000). Now she is Full Professor at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her main research interests are: Psplines, nonparametric regression, mixed models, longitudinal data. Recent publications: “Prediction of functional data with spatial dependence: a penalized approach” (with Aguilera-Morillo, M.C. and Aguilera, A.). Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (2017). “On the estimation of functional random effects” (with Aguilera-Morillo, M.C.). Statistical Modelling (2017). “On the estimation of variance parameters in non-standard generalized linear mixed models: Applications to penalized smoothing” (with Rodríguez-Alvarez, M.X., Lee, D-J., and Eilers, P.). Statistics and Computing (2018).

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Antoni Espasa Fellow of the European Economic Association. Premio Rei Jaume I de Economía, 1991. Es Licenciado en Economía y en Derecho por la Universidad de Deusto y M.Sc. in Econometrics (Distinction) y "Ph.D. in Economics" por la London School of Economics. Desde 1975 a 1990 perteneció al Servicio de Estudios del Banco de España, donde en 1985 fue nombrado Economista Jefe. Durante ese periodo diseñó e implementó un procedimiento de predicción monetaria y macroeconómica. Desde 1992 a 2016 fue Catedrático de Econometría, en la UC3M. Actualmente es Catedrático Emérito. Fue fundador y director de la revista bilingüe Boletín, de Inflación y análisis Macroeconómico (BIAM), octubre 1994 a diciembre 2016. El BIAM ha sido un ejemplo exitoso de transferencia de conocimiento de la universidad a la sociedad. La metodología utilizada en el BIAM se publicó en 1993 en el libro “Métodos cuantitativos para el análisis de coyuntura económica”, Alianza Editorial. Posteriormente se ha ido ampliando. Una última referencia es “Twenty-two Years of Inflation Assessment and Forecasting Experience at the Bulletin of EU & US Inflation and Macroeconomic Analysis” (con Eva Senra), Econometrics (2017), Ha publicado el libro The Spectral Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Econometric Models with Stationary Errors y un amplio número de artículos en revistas como International Economic Review, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Forecasting, Internat. Jour. of Forecasting, Econometric Theory, Economic Letters, Internat. Regional Science Rev, The European Jour. of Finance, etc. Sus principales temas de investigación son predicción económica, modelos econométricos dinámicos y modelización y predicción de series de alta frecuencia. Un trabajo (conjunto con J R Cancelo y R Grafe) sobre este último tema se encuentra en Internat. J. of Forecasting, 2008, pgs 588-602; y un trabajo sobre predicción, desagregación y características comunes (conjunto con Mayo-Burgos) en Internat. J. of Forecasting,2013, pgs 718-732.

Antoni Espasa Fellow of the EuropeaEconomic Association. Rei Jaume I Prize foEconomics, 1991. B. Sc. in Econ., Ll. B. (Deusto University) and M.Sc. in Econ. (Distinction) and Ph.D. in Econ. (LSE), was a senior economist at the Research Dept. of the Bank of Spain since 1975 and since 1985 chief-economistInitially, he designed and implemented a short-term forecasting procedure for monetary aggregates. Subsequently, he developed a methodology for short-term forecasting and economic diagnosis. This methodology was initially published in 199in a book in Spanish and later extended in several international publications as “Twenty-two Years of Inflation Assessmentand Forecasting Experience at the Bulletin of EU & US Inflation and Macroeconomic Analysis “, Econometrics (2017), Since 1992 till 2016 he had a chair on Econometrics at the UC3M. At present he is Emeritus Professor. He was the founder and the director of the monthly Bulletin of EU and US Inflation andMacroeconomic Analysis (BIAM), October 1994-December 2016. The BIAM has beena successful example of the transfer of knowledge from university to society. He has published the book The SpectraMaximum Likelihood Estimation oEconometric Models with Stationary Errorand articles in the Jour Ame Stat Ass, InteEco Rev, Jour of Fore, Internat. Jour of ForeInternat Jour of Techn Manag, EconometrTh, The Euro Jour of Finan, EconomLetters, Internat. Regional Science Rev. anin different Spanish journals. His mairesearch interests are dynamic econometrmodels, economic forecasting, anmodelling and forecasting high frequencdata. A paper (with J R Cancelo and Grafe) in the last topic is in the Internat.of Forecasting, 2008, pp588-602; and paper on forecasting and disaggregatio(with Mayo-Burgos) in Internat. J. oForecasting, 2013, pp 718-732.

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Pedro Galeano San Miguel es Doctor en Ciencias Matemáticas por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Ha sido Profesor Ayudante de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid durante el periodo 1997-2004, Visiting Assistant Professor de la Graduate School of Business de la Universidad de Chicago durante el curso 2004-2005 e Investigador Postdoctoral del Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela durante el periodo 2005-2008. Actualmente es Profesor Titular del Departamento de Estadística, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Es editor asociado del Journal of Time Series Analysis y de Heliyon. Recibió el “Premio de excelencia para jóvenes investigadores” del Consejo Social de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid en 2014. Intereses de investigación: Análisis de series temporales, Análisis de datos funcionales, detección de datos atípicos y cambios estructurales, Inferencia Bayesiana y Estadística en alta dimensión. Publicaciones recientes: "Estimation, imputation and prediction for the functional linear model with scalar response with responses missing at random'' (con M. Febrero-Bande and González-Manteiga, W.), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 131, 91-103, 2019; “Parallel Bayesian inference for high-dimensional dynamic factor copulas” (con H. Nguyen and M. C. Ausín), Journal of Financial Econometrics, 17, 118-151, 2019; "Particle learning for Bayesian semi-parametric stochastic volatility model" (con A. Virbickaite, H. F. Lopes and M. C. Ausín), Econometric Reviews, in press, 2019.

Pedro Galeano San Miguel has a Ph.Ddegree from Universidad Carlos III dMadrid. He has been an Assistant teacher aUniv. Carlos III de Madrid (1997-2004Visiting Assistant Professor at the GraduatSchool of Business, University of Chicag(2004-2005) and Post-doctoral Researcheat the Department of Statistics anOperation Research at the University oSantiago de Compostela (2005-2008Currently, he is Associate Professor at thDepartment of Statistics, Universidad CarloIII de Madrid. He is associate editor of thJournal of Time Series Analysis and HeliyonHe received the “Excellence Award foyoung researchers” from the UC3M Board oTrustees in 2014. Research interests: TimSeries Analysis; Functional Data AnalysiOutlier and structural change detectionBayesian inference and High-dimensionStatistics. Recent publications: "Estimation, imputatioand prediction for the functional lineamodel with scalar response with responsemissing at random'' (con M. Febrero-Bandand González-Manteiga, W.), ComputationStatistics and Data Analysis, 131, 91-1032019; “Parallel Bayesian inference for highdimensional dynamic factor copulas” (con HNguyen and M. C. Ausín), Journal oFinancial Econometrics, 17, 118-151, 2019"Particle learning for Bayesian semparametric stochastic volatility model" (coA. Virbickaite, H. F. Lopes and M. C. AusínEconometric Reviews, in press, 2019.

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Eduardo García Portugués. Licenciado en Matemáticas con especialidad en Estadística e Investigación Operativa (2010), Máster en Técnicas Estadísticas (2012) y Doctor en Estadística e Investigación Operativa (2014) por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en la Université catholique de Louvain (Bélgica) y en la University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (EEUU). Ha sido investigador postdoctoral en la University of Copenhagen (Dinamarca) hasta 2016, cuando comenzó como Profesor visitante en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación principales son la estadística noparamétrica, los contrastes de bondad de ajuste, la estadística para datos direccionales, el análisis de datos funcionales y los procesos de difusión. Más información en su web personal: Publicaciones recientes: Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., García-Portugués, E., Febrero-Bande, M., and González-Manteiga, W. (2019). Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly projected empirical processes. Ann. Stat., 47(1):439–467. García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019) Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications. Stat. Comput., 29(2):1–22.

Eduardo García Portugués. He has a BSc in Mathematics with major in Statistics and Operations Research (2010), a MSc in Statistical Techniques (2012) and a PhD in Statistics and Operations Research (2014) from the University of Santiago de Compostela. He did research stays at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). He was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Copenhagen (Denmark) until 2016, when he started as Assistant professor at Carlos III University of Madrid. His main research lines are nonparametric statistics, goodness-of-fit methods, directional statistics, functional data analysis and diffusive processes. More information on his personal web: Recent publications: Cuesta-Albertos, J. A., García-Portugués, E., Febrero-Bande, M., and González-Manteiga, W. (2019). Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly projected empirical processes. Ann. Stat., 47(1):439–467. García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019) Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications. Stat. Comput., 29(2):1–22.

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Aurea Grané. Nació en Navarcles (Barcelona) en 1971. Licenciada en Ciencias Matemáticas por la Universidad de Barcelona en 1994. Doctora en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Barcelona en 1999. Es Profesora Titular del Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Áreas de investigación: Bondad de ajuste; Análisis multivariante para datos de tipo mixto; Análisis de datos funcionales; Detección de outliers. Publicaciones recientes: “Assessing scale-wise similarity of curves with a thick pen: as illustrated through comparison of spectral irradiance” (con Hartikainen, S.M., Jach, A., and Robson, T.M.), Ecology and Evolution, vol. 8 (20), 10206-10218 (2018). “On visualizing mixed-type data: A joint metric approach to profile construction and outlier detection” (con Romera, R.), Sociological Methods and Research, vol. 47 (2), 207-239, 2018. “A wide review on exponentiality tests and two competitive proposals with application on reliability” (con Torabi, H. and Montazeri, N.H.) Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 88 (1), 108-139, 2018. “Goodness-of-fit for randomly censored data based on maximum correlation” (con E. Strzalkowska-Kominiak), SORT–Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, Vol. 41, 119-138 (2017).

Aurea Grané. Born in Navarcles (Barcelona) in 1971. She obtained a degree in Mathematics from Universidad de Barcelona in 1994. Ph.D. in Mathematics from Universidad de Barcelona in 1999. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Research Interests: Goodness-of-fit; Multivariate analysis for mixed-type data; Functional data analysis; Outlier detection. Recent publications: “Assessing scale-wise similarity of curves with a thick pen: as illustrated through comparison of spectral irradiance” (with Hartikainen, S.M., Jach, A., and Robson, T.M.), Ecology and Evolution, vol. 8 (20), 10206-10218 (2018). “On visualizing mixed-type data: A joint metric approach to profile construction and outlier detection” (with Romera, R.), Sociological Methods and Research, vol. 47 (2), 207-239, 2018. “A wide review on exponentiality tests and two competitive proposals with application on reliability” (with Torabi, H. and Montazeri, N.H.) Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 88 (1), 108-139, 2018. “Goodness-of-fit for randomly censored data based on maximum correlation” (with E. Strzalkowska-Kominiak), SORT–Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, Vol. 41, 119-138 (2017).

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Vanesa Guerrero Lozano. Nació en Llerena (Badajoz) en 1989. Licenciada en Matemáticas (2012), Máster en Matemática Avanzada (2013) y Doctora en Matemáticas (2017) por la Universidad de Sevilla. Desde septiembre de 2017 es Profesora Visitante en el Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus intereses de investigación se centran en desarrollar técnicas basadas en la combinación del Análisis Estadístico de Datos y la Optimización Matemática para mejorar la interpretabilidad de bases de datos con estructuras complejas. Publicaciones recientes: “Visualization of complex dynamic datasests by means of mathematical optimization” (con E. Carrizosa and D. Romero Morales), por aparecer en Omega, 2018. “On building online visualization maps for news data streams by means of mathematical optimization” (con E. Carrizosa, D. Hardt and D. Romero Morales), Big Data, 6(2): 139 – 158, 2018. “On Mathematical Optimization for the visualization of frequencies and adjacencies as Rectangualr Maps” (con E. Carrizosa and D. Romero Morales) European Journal of Operational Research, 265(1), 290–302, 2018.

Vanesa Guerrero Lozano. She was born in Llerena (Badajoz) in 1989. She has a BSc in Mathematics (2012), MSc in Advanced Mathematics (2013) and a PhD in Mathematics (2017) from the University of Sevilla. Since September 2017, she is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Statistics, Carlos III University of Madrid. Her research interests are related to the enhancement of interpretability in complex datasets by combining methods of Statistical Data Analysis and Mathematical Optimization. Recent publications: “Visualization of complex dynamic datasests by means of mathematical optimization” (with E. Carrizosa and D. Romero Morales), to appear in Omega, 2018. “On building online visualization maps for news data streams by means of mathematical optimization” (with E. Carrizosa, D. Hardt and D. Romero Morales), Big Data, 6(2): 139 – 158, 2018. “On Mathematical Optimization for the visualization of frequencies and adjacencies as Rectangualr Maps” (with E. Carrizosa and D. Romero Morales) European Journal of Operational Research, 265(1), 290–302, 2018.

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Raúl Jiménez es Doctor en Ciencias por la Universidad Central de Venezuela (Mención de Honor, 1992). Ha sido Postdoctoral Fellow del Center for the Mathematical Sciences en University of Wisconsin– Madison (1992–1993) y Profesor Titular de la Universidad Simón Bolívar hasta el año 2007. Actualmente es Profesor Titular del Departamento de Estadística, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Intereses de investigación: Estimación funcional no paramétrica; Análisis de datos electorales; Modelación estocástica de redes sociales; Análisis estadístico de sistemas complejos; Teoría de juegos evolutivos; Estadística espacial y teoría de información estadística. Publicaciones recientes: “Forensic analysis of Turkish elections in 2017-2018”, PLoS ONE (2018) 13(10) e0204975: e0204975. “Testing for voter rigging in small polling stations’’, Science Advances, (2017) 3(6): e1602363. “Forensic Analysis of Venezuelan Elections during the Chávez Presidency”, PLoS ONE (2014) e100884. “Forensic analysis of the Venezuelan recall referendum”, Statistical Science (2011) 26:564-583. “Nonparametric estimation of surface integrals” (con J. Yukich), Ann. Statist. (2011) 39:232-260.

Raúl Jiménez has a Ph.D. degree from Universidad Central de Venezuela (Honors, 1992). Has been Postdoctoral Fellow at Center for the Mathematical Sciences of University of Wisconsin–Madison (1992–1993) and Full Professor at Universidad Simón Bolívar until 2007. Actually he is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Research interests: Nonparametric functional estimation; Election forensics; Stochastic modeling of social networks; Statistics analysis of complex systems; Evolutionary game theory; Spatial Statistics and statistical information theory. Recent Publications: “Forensic analysis of Turkish elections in 2017-2018”, PLoS ONE (2018) 13(10) e0204975: e0204975. “Testing for voter rigging in small polling stations’’, Science Advances, (2017) 3(6): e1602363. “Forensic Analysis of Venezuelan Elections during the Chávez Presidency”, PLoS ONE (2014) e100884. “Forensic analysis of the Venezuelan recall referendum”, Statistical Science (2011) 26:564-583. “Nonparametric estimation of surface integrals” (con J. Yukich), Ann. Statist. (2011) 39:232-260.

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Regina Kaiser. Nació en Rabat (Marruecos) en 1967. Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid en 1989. Doctorado en Economía por el Instituto Universitario Europeo en 1995. Actualmente es profesora titular en el Departamento de Estadística y Econometría de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Áreas de investigación: análisis de series temporales, extracción de señales y modelización de observaciones atípicas. Publicaciones recientes:”Time Series Segmentation Procedures to Detect, Locate amd Estimate Change Points” (con A. Badagian y D. Peña) in Empirical Economic and Financial Research (2015); "Seasonal Outliers in Time Series”, (con A. Maravall), Estadística (Journal of the Interamerican Statistical Institute", 53, pp.213-249,(2001); "Combining filter design with model-based filtering (with an application to business-cycle estimation)" , (con A. Maravall), International Journal of Forecasting,21-4,pp.691-710.(2005).

Regina Kaiser. Born in Rabat (Marocco) in 1967. Obtained a degree in Economics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1989. M.Sc. in economics (1990) and Ph. D. in Economics (1995) from the European University Institute. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Research Interests: Time series analysis, signal extraction methods and outliers. Recent publications: :”Time Series Segmentation Procedures to Detect, Locate amd Estimate Change Points” (con A. Badagian y D. Peña) in Empirical Economic and Financial Research (2015); "Seasonal Outliers in Time Series”, (con A. Maravall), Estadística (Journal of the Interamerican Statistical Institute",53, pp.213-249,(2001); "Combining filter design with model-based filtering (with an applicationto business-cycle estimation)" , (con A. Maravall), International Journal of Forecasting,21-4,pp.691-710.(2005).

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Rosa Elvira Lillo Rodríguez. Nació en Mérida, 1969. Se licenció en Matemáticas con Premio Extraordinario por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1992 y obtuvo el Doctorado en Ciencias Matemáticas por esta misma universidad en 1996. Desde 2010 es Profesora Catedrática de Estadística e Investigación Operativa en el Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. En la actualidad, es la directora del Instituto UC3M-Santander en Big Data. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen técnicas multivariantes en Big Data y sus aplicaciones en Medicina y redes sociales; medidas de riesgos multivariantes, análisis de datos funcionales, procesos BMAP y sus aplicaciones en finanzas y redes de colas, ordenaciones estocásticas y fiabilidad, Modelos GLM para alta dimensión y optimización de portfolios. Publicaciones recientes:

Azcorra, A, Cuevas R., Chiroque, L., Fernández A., Laniado, H. Lillo, R.E, Romo J, Sguera, C. (2018) Unsupervised Scalable Statistical Method for Identifying Influential Users in Online Social Networks. Scientific Reports, In press.

Laria, JC, Aguilera-Morcillo, MC, Lillo RE, (2018). An iterative sparse-group lasso. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. In press.

Yera, Y, Lillo, R.E., Ramírez-Cobo, P. (2018). Findings about the BMMPP for modeling dependent and simultaneous data in reliability and queueing systems. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry.

Rosa Elvira Lillo Rodríguez. Born in Mérida, 1969. Obtained her B.A. with Honors and her Ph.D. in Mathematics from Universidad Complutense (Madrid) in 1992 and 1996, respectively. Se has been Associate Professor in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where she is Professor of Statistics and Operations Research since 2010. Currently she is the head of the UC3M-Santander Big Data Institute. Her research interests include multivariate techniques in Big Data and their applications in Medicine and social networks; multivariate risk measures, functional data analysis, BMAP processes and their applications in finance and queue networks, stochastic ordering and reliability, GLM models in high dimension and portfolio optimization. Recent publications:

Azcorra, A, Cuevas R., Chiroque, L., Fernández A., Laniado, H. Lillo, R.E, Romo J, Sguera, C. (2018) Unsupervised Scalable Statistical Method for Identifying Influential Users in Online Social Networks. Scientific Reports, In press.

Laria, JC, Aguilera-Morcillo, MC, Lillo RE, (2018). An iterative sparse-group lasso. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. In press.

Yera, Y, Lillo, R.E., Ramírez-Cobo, P. (2018). Findings about the BMMPP for modeling dependent and simultaneous data in reliability and queueing systems. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry.

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Juan Miguel Marín. Nació en Madrid, 1960. Es Licenciado en Biología (rama Fundamental) y Doctor en Genética por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Licenciado en Matemáticas (rama I.O.) y Doctor en Estadística e I.O. por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha sido T.E.U. en la EUE de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, en la ESCET de la URJC y T.U. en la ESCET de la URJC. Trabaja en Modelos Lineales Dinámicos, Análisis Multivariante, Estadística Bayesiana y Bioinformática. Publicaciones recientes: F. Leisen, J.M. Marin, C. Villa (2017) Objective Bayesian modelling of insurance risks with the skewed Student-t distribution. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Vol 33(2), p 136-151. Quinto, E.J., Marín, J.M., Caro, I., Mateo, J., & Schaffner, D.W. (2018). Bayesian modeling of two-and three-species bacterial competition in milk. Food Research International, 105, 952-961. Tesis dirigida: Título: Flexible Bayesian Nonparametric Priors and Bayesian Computational Methods. Author: Weixuan Zhu.

Juan Miguel Marín. Born in Madrid, 1960. Lic. Degree in Biology (Fundamental) and Ph.D. degree in Genetics from University Complutense of Madrid, Lic. Degree in Mathematics (Statistics and O.R.) and Ph.D. degree in Statistics and O.R. from University Complutense of Madrid. He has been T.E.U. professor in EUE from University Complutense of Madrid, ESCET from URJC and T.U. professor in ESCET from URJC. He works in Dynamic Linear Models, Multivariate Analysis, Bayesian Statistics and Bioinformatics. Recent publications: F. Leisen, J.M. Marin, C. Villa (2017) Objective Bayesian modelling of insurance risks with the skewed Student-t distribution. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Vol 33(2), p 136-151. Quinto, E.J., Marín, J.M., Caro, I., Mateo, J., & Schaffner, D.W. (2018). Bayesian modeling of two-and three-species bacterial competition in milk. Food Research International, 105, 952-961. Direction of thesis: Title: Flexible Bayesian Nonparametric Priors and Bayesian Computational Methods. Author: Weixuan Zhu.

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Karen Miranda Gualdrón. Nació en Bogotá (Colombia) en 1987. Licenciada en Matemáticas (2011) por la Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Colombia), Máster en Estadísica e Investigación Operativa (2013) por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (España) y Doctora en Economía (2018) por la Universidad Rovira i Virgili (España). Desde septiembre de 2018 es Profesora Visitante en el Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus intereses de investigación se centran principalmente en el modelamiento econométrico, análisis de datos (espaciales) de panel, econometría teórica y aplicada. Publicaciones recientes: Miranda, K., Martínez-Ibañez, O., and Manjón-Antolín, M. (2017). Estimating individual effects and their spatial spillovers in linear panel data models: Public capital spillovers after all? Spatial Statistics, 22(1):1-17.

Karen Miranda Gualdrón. She was boin Bogotá (Colombia) in 1987. She has BSc in Mathematics (2012) from SergArboleda University (Colombia), MSc Statistics and Operations Research (201from Polytechnic University of Catalon(Spain) and a PhD in Economics (201from the Rovira i Virgily University (SpainSince September 2018, she is a VisitinProfessor at the Department of StatisticCarlos III University of Madrid. Her research interests are related econometric modelling, (spatial) pandata, applied and theoretical econometric Recent publications: “Miranda, K., Martínez-Ibañez, O., anManjón-Antolín, M. (2017). Estimatinindividual effects and their spatispillovers in linear panel data modelPublic capital spillovers after all? SpatStatistics, 22(1):1-17.

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Elisenda Molina Ferragut. Nació en Barcelona, 1969. Es Licenciada y Doctora en Ciencias Matemáticas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha sido profesora Titular de Universidad de Estadística e Investigación Operativa en la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Desde marzo de 2007 es profesora Titular en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Ha desarrollado su investigación en los campos de Teoría de Juegos y de Optimización, colaborando con distintos equipos de investigación de ámbito nacional e internacional (Universidad de Tilburg y Naval Postgraduate School, entre otros). Como resultado de su investigación, ha publicado diversos artículos de investigación en revistas científicas internacionales. Publicaciones recientes: “Variable Neighborhood Search strategies for the Order Batching Problem” (con B. Menéndez, E.G. Pardo, A. Duarte y A. Alonso-Ayuso), Computers & Operations Research, 2017; “Improving polynomial estimation of the Shapley value based on stratified random sampling with optimum allocation” (con J. Castro, D. Gomez y J. Tejada), Computers & Operations Research, 2017; “Assessment of groups in a network organization based on the Shapley group value” (con R. Flores y J. Tejada), Decision Support Systems, 2016.

Elisenda Molina Ferragut. Born in Barcelona, 1969. Has a degree and Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has been an Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics of Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche and currently is an Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her research interests include Game Theory and Optimization. She has collaborated with different international research groups (Tilburg University and Naval Postgraduate School, among others). From that research there published various papers on international journals. Recent publications: “Variable Neighborhood Search strategies for the Order Batching Problem” (with B. Menéndez, E.G. Pardo, A. Duarte and A. Alonso-Ayuso), Computers & Operations Research, 2017; “Improving polynomial estimation of the Shapley value based on stratified random sampling with optimum allocation” (with J. Castro, D. Gomez and J. Tejada), Computers & Operations Research, 2017; “Assessment of groups in a network organization based on the Shapley group value” (with R. Flores and J. Tejada), Decision Support Systems, 2016.

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Isabel Molina Peralta. Nació en Madrid, 1975. Licenciada en Ciencias y Técnicas Estadísticas por la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (1999). Doctora en Estadística e Investigación Operativa por la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (2003). Profesora titular del Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid desde Diciembre de 2009. Publicaciones recientes: “A  generalized mixed  model  for  skewed  distributions applied  to  small  area estimation”  (con M. Graf  y  J.M. Marín), Test,  en  prensa;  “Best prediction  under  a  nested  error  model with  log  transformation”  (con  N. Martín), Annals  of  Statistics,  46,  1961‐1993,  2018; “Small  area  estimation  of  general parameters  under  complex  sampling designs”  (con  M.  Guadarrama  y  J.N.K. Rao),  Computational  Statistics  and  Data Analysis, 121, 20‐40, 2018.

Isabel Molina Peralta. Born in Madrid, 1975. Master in Statistical Sciences from Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (1999). Ph.D. in Statistics and Operations Research from Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (2003). Associate professor in the Department of Statistics of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid since December 2009. Recent publications: “A generalized mixed model for skewed distributions applied to small area estimation” (with M. Graf and J.M.  Marín),  Test,  in  print;  “Best prediction  under  a  nested  error  model with log transformation” (with N. Martín), Annals of Statistics, 46, 1961‐1993, 2018; “Small  area  estimation  of  general parameters  under  complex  sampling designs”  (with  M.  Guadarrama  y  J.N.K. Rao),  Computational  Statistics  and  Data Analysis, 121, 20‐40, 2018.

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Alberto Muñoz. Nació en Madrid en 1965. Licenciado en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Salamanca en 1988; doctorado en Matemáticas en 1994, por la misma Universidad. Actualmente es Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Estadística y Econometría de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación incluyen Support Vector Machines y métodos kernel en general, redes neuronales para la estimación de densidades y clasificación de datos, mapas autoorganizativos de Kohonen y reconocimiento estadístico de patrones en general, así como la aplicación de estas técnicas a la recuperación de información en bases de datos. Tres Publicaciones recientes: “Visualizing Asymmetric Proximities with SOM and MDS models”, Neurocomputing Journal, 2005, vol. 63 (con M. Martin-Merino), “Estimation of High Density Regions using One-Class Neighbor Machines”, PAMI, vol. 8, no. 3, 2006, “Support Vector Machines with Applications”, Statistical Science, Diciembre 2006.

Alberto Muñoz. He was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1965. He received the B.S. degree in Mathematics from the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) in 1988 and the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics in 1994, from the same university. He is currently an Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His research interests include Support Vector Machines and Kernel Methods, neural networks for density estimation and data clustering, self-organizing maps and statistical pattern recognition in general. He is also interested in the application of these techniques to the information retrieval field. Three Recent publications: “Visualizing Asymmetric Proximities with SOM and MDS models”, Neurocomputing Journal, 2005, vol. 64 (joint with M. Martin-Merino), “Estimation of High Density Regions using One-Class Neighbor Machines”, PAMI, vol. 8, no. 3, 2006, “Support Vector Machines with Applications”, Statistical Science, December 2006 (both with J. Martinez Moguerza).

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José Niño Mora. Catedrático de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Director del Departamento de Estadística. Licenciado (1989) en CC. Matemáticas por la UCM con Premio Extraordinario y Premio Complutense de Licenciatura en el Área de CC. Experimentales, y PhD (1995) en Investigación Operativa por el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), con una beca Fulbright. Ha sido investigador postdoctoral en el MIT (1995/96) y en el Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) de la Université Catholique de Louvain (1996/97), como Marie Curie fellow, y Profesor Visitante en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (1997/98-2002/03. En 2003 se incorporó a la UC3M como investigador Ramón y Cajal. Su investigación se centra en modelos de optimización dinámica y estocástica. Ha sido IP de varios proyectos de investigación y ha recibido un Premio de Excelencia UC3M para Joven Personal Investigador. Publicaciones recientes: “A verification theorem for threshold-indexability of real-state discounted restless bandits”, Mathematics of Operations Research, en prensa. “Resource allocation and routing in parallel multi-server queues with abandonments for cloud profit maximization”, Computers & Operations Research, 2019. “Whittle's index policy for multi-target tracking with jamming and nondetections”, Proc. ASMTA 2016, 23rd Int. Conf. Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Appl., Springer, 2016.

José Niño Mora. Professor of Operations Research and Statistics and Head of the Statistics Department. Licenciate ’89 (MSc) in Mathematics from Complutense University of Madrid with Extraordinary Graduation Prize (top GPA) in the Area of Experimental Sciences, and PhD ’95 in Operations Research from MIT on a Fulbright fellowship. After postdoc stints at MIT and the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) of the Université Catholique de Louvain (as Marie Curie fellow), he was Visiting Professor at Pompeu Fabra University, and is at UC3M since 2003, where he first came as a Ramón y Cajal researcher. He has published widely on dynamic and stochastic optimization. He has been PI of a number of research projects and has been awarded a UC3M Young Investigator Excellence Award. Recent publications: “A verification theorem for threshold-indexability of real-state discounted restless bandits”, Mathematics of Operations Research, in press. “Resource allocation and routing in parallel multi-server queues with abandonments for cloud profit maximization”, Computers & Operations Research, 2019. “Whittle's index policy for multi-target tracking with jamming and nondetections”, Proc. ASMTA 2016, 23rd Int. Conf. Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Appl., Springer, 2016.

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Fco. Javier Nogales Martín. Profesor Titular de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) desde 2007. Desde 2015, miembro senior en el Research Institute UC3M-Santander of Financial Big Data. Director del Máster y Doctorado en Ingeniería Matemática en UC3M. Previamente, Profesor Asociado en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2000-2002), y posteriormente Profesor Visitante en el Departamento de Estadística de la UC3M (2002-2007). Licenciado en CC. Matemáticas (1995) por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Doctor en CC. Matemáticas (2000) por la UC3M.Premio de Excelencia a jóvenes investigadores (UC3M) en 2010, 2013 y 2017. Líneas de investigación Optimización en Big Data; Gestión activa y cuantitativa de carteras financieras; Técnicas cuantitativas en energía Publicaciones recientes: “Combining Multivariate Volatility Forecast: An Economic-Based Approach” (con J, Caldeira, G.V. Moura y A.A.P. Santos). Forthcoming in Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2017. ``D-trace Precision Matrix Estimation Using Adaptive Lasso Penalties'' (con V. Avagyan y A. Alonso). Forthcoming in Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 2017. ``Improving the Graphical Lasso Estimation for the Precision Matrix Through Roots of the Sample Covariance Matrix'' (con V. Avagyan y A. Alonso). Forthcoming in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2017.

Fco. Javier Nogales Martín. Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) since 2007. From 2015, senior member in the Research Institute UC3M-Santander of Financial Big Data. Director of the Master and PhD Programs in Mathematical Engineering at UC3M. Previously, a Visiting Professor at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2000-2002), and after that, a Visiting Professor (tenure-track) at the Department of Statistics of UC3M (2002-2007). B.S. degree in Mathematics (1995) from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Ph.D. in Mathematics (2000) from UC3M.Young Investigator Award for Research Excellence (UC3M) in 2010, 2013 and 2017. Fields of Interest Big Data Optimization; Quantitative Portfolio Management; Analytics in Energy Markets Recent publications: “Combining Multivariate Volatility Forecast: An Economic-Based Approach” (with J, Caldeira, G.V. Moura and A.A.P. Santos). Forthcoming in Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2017. ``D-trace Precision Matrix Estimation Using Adaptive Lasso Penalties'' (with V. Avagyan and A. Alonso). Forthcoming in Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 2017. ``Improving the Graphical Lasso Estimation for the Precision Matrix Through Roots of the Sample Covariance Matrix'' (with V. Avagyan and A. Alonso). Forthcoming in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2017.

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Daniel Peña. Nació en Madrid, 1948. Es Diplomado en Sociología y Estadística por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Ingeniero Industrial y Doctor Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, e ITP en Business Administration por Harvard University. Ha sido Catedrático en la ETSII, UPM, y en las Universidades de Wisconsin-Madison y Chicago, miembro de la Comisión Gestora, Vicerrector y Rector de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2007- 2015), Director de Estadística Española (1984-1994), Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (1989-1992) y presidente de ECAS (European Courses in Advance Statistics) (1997-2001). Ha publicado 14 libros y más de 200 artículos de investigación en Series Temporales, Modelos Lineales, Métodos Robustos, Estadística Bayesiana, Econometría, Teoría de la Decisión, Análisis Multivariante y Métodos para la Mejora de la Calidad. Es miembro del ISI, Miembro de honor (Fellow) de ASA y IMS y recibió el premio Jack Youden al mejor artículo publicado en Technometrics, el Premio de Investigación Jaime I en Economía, y Medallas por el Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid, la Asociación de graduados de la ETSII, UPM y la Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Publicaciones recientes: "Fast and robust estimators of variance components in the nested error model", (con B. Perez, I. Molina, A. Thieler and R. Fried),Statistics and Computing. 27,6, 1655–1675, 2017. “Generalized Dynamic Principal Components” (con V. Yohai). The Journal of American Statistical Association, 111,515, 1121-1131, 2016 “Common Seasonality in Multivariate Time Series” (with F. H. Nieto and D. Saboyá). Statistica Sinica, 26, 1389-1410, 2016.

Daniel Peña. Born in Madrid, 1948. Has degrees in Sociology and Statistics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a Master and Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and an ITP in Business Administration from Harvard University. Has been a Full Professor at ETSII, UPM, and at the Universities of Wisconsin-Madison and Chicago. He was a member of the Board of Directors, Vice-rector and Rector (2007-2015) of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Estadística Española (1984-1994), President of the Spanish Statistics and Operations Research Society (1989-1992) and president of ECAS (European Courses in Advance Statistics) (1997-2001). Has published 14 books and over 200 articles on Time Series, Linear Models, Robust Methods, Bayesian Statistics, Econometrics, Decision Theory, Multivariate Analysis and Quality Improvement Methods. He is ISI member and ASA and IMS Fellow and has received the Youden Prize for the Best paper in Technometrics, the Jaime I Award for research in Economics, and Medals from the Industrial Engineering association in Madrid, the Alumni Association of ETSII, UPM and the Spanish Statistical and Operation Research Society. Recent publications: "Fast and robust estimators of variance components in the nested error model", (con B. Perez, I. Molina, A. Thieler and R. Fried)Statistics and Computing27,6, 1655–1675, 2017. “Generalized Dynamic Principal Components” (con V. Yohai). The Journal of American Statistical Association, 111,515, 1121-1131, 2016 “Common Seasonality in Multivariate Time Series” (with F. H. Nieto and D. Saboyá). Statistica Sinica, 26, 1389-1410, 2016.

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Francisco J. Prieto Fernández es Doctor Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y Ph.D. en Operations Research por la Universidad de Stanford. Ha sido Profesor Titular en la Universidad Politécnica durante el curso 1989-90, y Visiting Assistant Professor del Departmento de Operations Research, Stanford University. Actualmente es Catedrático del Departmento de Estadística, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Intereses de investigación: optimización de problemas de gran tamaño, optimización bajo incertidumbre, problemas de optimización en empresas eléctricas y procedimientos de estimación robustos. Publicaciones recientes: “On Rank Driven Dynamical Systems” (con J.J.P. Veerman), Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 156 (3), pp. 455–472 (2014); “Combining and scaling descent and negative curvature directions” (con C.P. Avelino, J.M. Moguerza y A. Olivares), Mathematical Programming 128 (2011), pp. 285-319; “Combining Random and Specific Directions for Outlier Detection and Robust Estimation in High-Dimensional Multivariate Data” (con D. Peña), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16 (2007), pp. 228-254.

Francisco J. Prieto Fernández has a Ph.D. degree from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Stanford University. Has been an Associate Professor at Polytechnic University, Madrid (1989-90), and a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Operations Research, Stanford University. Actually he is a Full Professor at the Department of Statistics, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid. Research interests: large-scale nonlinear optimization, optimization under uncertainty, optimization problems in the power industry and robust estimation procedures. Recent publications: “On Rank Driven Dynamical Systems” (with J.J.P. Veerman), Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 156(3), pp. 455–472 (2014); “Combining and scaling descent and negative curvature directions” (with C.P. Avelino, J.M. Moguerza and A. Olivares), Mathematical Programming 128 (2011), pp. 285-319; “Combining Random and Specific Directions for Outlier Detection and Robust Estimation in High-Dimensional Multivariate Data” (with D. Peña), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16 (2007), pp. 228-254.

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Mª Rosario Romera Ayllón. Licenciada y Doctora en CC. Matemáticas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha sido Profesora Titular de Universidad en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, donde actualmente es Catedrática de Estadística. Ha sido Vicedecana de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas y Directora del programa de doctorado en Ingeniería Matemática de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. En la actualidad, es la Secretaria General del Consejo Social de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Publicaciones recientes:

“On visualizing mixed-type data: A joint metric approach to profile construction and outlier detection” (con A. Grané), SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS AND RESEARCH (2018) 47, 2, 207-239. “Ruin probabilities in a finite-horizon risk model with investment and reinsurance” (con W. Runggaldier), JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY (2012) 49 (4), 954-966. “Controlled diffusion processes with Markovian switchings for modeling dynamical engineering systems” (con H. Cañada), EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (2012) 221 (3), 614-624.

Mª Rosario Romera Ayllón. Ph.D. in Mathematics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has been Associate Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Carlos where she is currently Full Professor of Statistics. She has been Vicedean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Director of the Ph. D. Program in Mathematical Engineering at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She is currently the Secretary-General of the Social Council.

Recent publications:

“On visualizing mixed-type data: A joint metric approach to profile construction and outlier detection” (with A. Grané), SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS AND RESEARCH (2018) 47, 2, 207-239. “Ruin probabilities in a finite-horizon risk model with investment and reinsurance” (with W. Runggaldier), JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY (2012) 49 (4), 954-966. “Controlled diffusion processes with Markovian switchings for modeling dynamical engineering systems” (with H. Cañada), EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (2012) 221 (3), 614-624.

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Juan Romo (Madrid, 1959). Obtuvo la Licenciatura en Ciencias Matemáticas con Premio Extraordinario en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y el Ph.D. in Mathematics en Texas A&M University. Realizó una estancia postdoctoral en City University of New York. Fue Profesor Titular en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, donde actualmente es Catedrático de Estadística. Ha sido Vicerrector de Tercer Ciclo y Postgrado, y de Profesorado y Departamentos en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, de la que es Rector desde marzo de 2015. Presidente de la Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) desde septiembre de 2015. Vicepresidente del Consejo de Universidades desde septiembre de 2018. Comisión Permanente de la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE), desde julio de 2018. Coautor de cuatro libros, ha publicado artículos en revistas internacionales de investigación sobre análisis de datos complejos, de muy alta dimensión y funcionales, big data, remuestreo, series temporales, extremos y datos atípicos, con aplicaciones en genética (microarrays y SNPs), datos financieros y análisis de redes e imágenes. Publicaciones recientes: “Unsupervised scalable statistical method for identifying influential users in online social networks” (2018) (con A. Azcorra, L.F. Chiroque, R. Cuevas, A. Fernández Anta, H. Laniado, R. Lillo, J. y C. Sguera). Scientific Reports. “Homogeneity test for functional data” (2017) (con R. Flores y R. Lillo). Journal of Applied Statistics. “Shape outlier detection and visualization for functional data: the outliergram” (2014) (con A. Arribas). Biostatistics. “Testing for statistical arbitrage in credit derivatives markets” (2014) (con S. Mayordomo y J. I. Peña). Journal of Empirical Finance.

Juan Romo (Madrid, 1959). Obtained his B.Sc. in Mathematics with Honors from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Texas A&M University. Postdoc in City University of New York. He has been Associate Professor, both in Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he is Professor of Statistics. He has been Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Vice-President for Faculty and Departments in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and he is its President since March, 2015. President of the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) since September, 2015. Vice-President of Consejo de Universidades since September 2018. Permanent Comission of “Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE)” since July 2018. Coauthor of four books, he has published articles in research journals on complex, high-dimensional and functional data analysis, big data, resampling, time series, extremes and outliers, with applications in genetics (microarrays and SNPs), financial data, networks and image analysis. Recent publications: “Unsupervised scalable statistical method for identifying influential users in online social networks” (2018) (with A. Azcorra, L.F. Chiroque, R. Cuevas, A. Fernández Anta, H. Laniado, R. Lillo, J. and C. Sguera). Scientific Reports. “Homogeneity test for functional data” (2017) (with R. Flores and R. Lillo). Journal of Applied Statistics. “Shape outlier detection and visualization for functional data: the outliergram” (2014) (with A. Arribas). Biostatistics. “Testing for statistical arbitrage in credit derivatives markets” (2014) (with S. Mayordomo and J. I. Peña). Journal of Empirical Finance.

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Esther Ruiz Ortega. Nació en Vizcaya en 1961. Es Licenciada en Ciencias Empresariales por la Universidad del País Vasco en 1984, Master en Estadística por la London School of Economics en 1988 y Doctora en Economía por la London School of Economics en 1992. Ha sido profesora colaboradora en la universidad del País Vasco y profesora visitante de la London School of Economics. Es Editora jefe del International Journal of Forecasting. Publicaciones recientes: “Model uncertainty and the forecast accuracy of ARMA models: A survey”, (con J.H.G. Mazzeu and M.H. Veiga), Journal of Economic Surveys (2018), 32(2), 388-419; “MGARCH models: Trade-off between feasibility and flexibility”, (con D. De Almeida y L.K. Hotta), International Journal of Forecasting (2018), 34, 45-63; “Estimating non-stationary common factors: Implications for risk sharing”, con F. Corona, F. y P. Poncela, Computational Economics, (en prensa).

Esther Ruiz Ortega. Born in Vizcaya in 1961. She has a degree in Business Administration from the Universidad del País Vasco (1984), a Master in Statistics from the London School of Economics (1988) and a Ph.D. in Economics from the London School of Economics (1992). Has been Lecturer at the Universidad del País Vasco and at the London School of Economics. She is Chief Editor of International Journal of Forecasting. Recent publications: “Model uncertainty and the forecast accuracy of ARMA models: A survey”, (with J.H.G. Mazzeu and M.H. Veiga), Journal of Economic Surveys (2018), 32(2), 388-419; “MGARCH models: Trade-off between feasibility and flexibility”, (with D. De Almeida and L.K. Hotta), International Journal of Forecasting (2018), 34, 45-63; “Estimating non-stationary common factors: Implications for risk sharing”, with F. Corona, F. and P. Poncela, Computational Economics, (in press).

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Carlos Ruiz Mora. Nació en Ciudad Real en 1984. Es Ingeniero Superior Industrial por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2007) y Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2012). Ha sido Investigador Postdoctoral en Supélec y École Centrale Paris, Paris, Francia (2012-2013) y en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España (2013-2015). Desde 2015 es Profesor Visitante en el departamento de Estadística. Publicaciones recientes: “Retail Equilibrium with Switching Consumers in Electricity Markets.” Networks and Spatial Economics, 1-36, 2018. (con F. J. Prieto y F. J. Nogales); “Robust Transmission Expansion Planning”. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(2015):390–401. (con A. J. Conejo); “Revealing rival offer prices via inverse optimization”. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28(3):3056-3064, Aug. 2013. (con A. J. Conejo y D. J. Bertsimas);

Carlos Ruiz Mora. Born in Ciudad Real in 1984. Has a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (2007) and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2012-2013). He has been a Postdoctoral researcher at Supélec and École Centrale Paris, Paris, France (2013-2015) and in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (2015). He is an Assistant Professor at the Statistics department since 2015. Recent publications: “Retail Equilibrium with Switching Consumers in Electricity Markets.” Networks and Spatial Economics, 1-36, 2018. (with F. J. Prieto and F. J. Nogales); “Robust Transmission Expansion Planning”. European Journal of Operational Research, 242(2015):390–401. (with A. J. Conejo); “Revealing rival offer prices via inverse optimization”. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28(3):3056-3064, Aug. 2013. (with A. J. Conejo y D. J. Bertsimas).

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Ismael Sánchez Rodríguez-Morcillo. Es Profesor Titular del Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid en el Campus Politécnico de Leganés. Es Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Doctor Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Ha sido también Profesor Visitante en el Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico de la Universidad de Alicante. Sus principales líneas de investigación son series temporales, modelos dinámicos y control estadístico de procesos. Además, participa con diferentes equipos multidisciplinares, tanto a nivel nacional como europeo, para el desarrollo de métodos estadísticos aplicados a la gestión de energías renovables. Publicaciones recientes: González, I., and Sánchez, I. (2013). “Optimal centering and tolerance design for correlated variables”. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 66, 1499-1510. Lobo, M.G., and Sánchez, I. (2012). "Regional wind power forecasting based on smoothing techniques, with application to the Spanish peninsular system", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,27, 1990-1997. Bermejo, M.A., Peña, D. and Sánchez, I. (2011). "Identification of TAR Models Using recursive estimation," Journal of Forecasting, 30, 31-50.

Ismael Sánchez Rodríguez-Morcillo. He is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics in Universidad Carlos III of Madrid, at the Polytechnic School in Leganés. He received a degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and he is Doctor in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He has also been Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at Universidad de Alicante. His research interests are time series, dynamic models, and statistical process control. Ismael works with several multidisciplinary teams, both at national and European level, involved in the development of statistical methods for the management of renewable energies. Recent Publications: González, I., and Sánchez, I. (2013). “Optimal centering and tolerance design for correlated variables”. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 66, 1499-1510. Lobo, M.G., and Sánchez, I. (2012). "Regional wind power forecasting based on smoothing techniques, with application to the Spanish peninsular system", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,27, 1990-1997. Bermejo, M.A., Peña, D. and Sánchez, I. (2011). "Identification of TAR Models Using recursive estimation," Journal of Forecasting, 30, 31-50.

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Helena Veiga. Nació en Lisboa, 1972. Es Licenciada en Economía por la Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Doctora en Economía por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, y Master en Matemática Aplicada a la Economía por el Instituto de Economía y Gestão da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Ha sido Ayudante en la Faculdade de Economía da Universidade do Porto desde 1995 hasta Abril de 2004 y Profesor Auxiliar en la misma Facultad de Abril 2004 hasta Septiembre 2004. Actualmente es Profesora Titular en el Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Sus áreas de interés son la Econometría Financiera, las Series Temporales, la Econometría, las Finanzas Empíricas y Datos de Panel. Publicaciones recientes: Mao, X., Ruiz, E. y Veiga, H. (2017). Threshold stochastic volatility: Properties and forecasting. International Journal of Forecasting, 33(4), 1105-1123. Mazzeu, J., Ruiz, E. y Veiga, H. (2018). Uncertainty and forecasts of ARMA models: Comparison of asymptotic, Bayesian and bootstrap procedures. Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(2), 388-419, 2018. Deng, Y., Veiga, H. y Wiper, M.P. (2019). Efficiency evalutationof hotel chains: A Spanish case study, SERIEs, en prensa.  

Helena Veiga. Born in Lisbon, 1972. Has a B.A. in Economics from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Master and Ph.D. degree in Economics from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a Master in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Business from Instituto de Economía y Gestão, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Has been Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Economics, Universidade do Porto during the period 1995-March 2004 and Assistant Professor at the same Faculty, from April 2004 till September 2004. Currently, she is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her research interests are Financial Econometrics, Time Series, Econometrics, Empirical Finance and Panel Data. Recent publications: Mao, X., Ruiz, E. y Veiga, H. (2017). Threshold stochastic volatility: Properties and forecasting. International Journal of Forecasting, 33(4), 1105-1123. Mazzeu, J., Ruiz, E. y Veiga, H. (2018). Uncertainty and forecasts of ARMA models: Comparison of asymptotic, Bayesian and bootstrap procedures. Journal of Economic Surveys, 32(2), 388-419, 2018. Deng, Y., Veiga, H. y Wiper, M.P. (2019). Efficiency evalutationof hotel chains: A Spanish case study, SERIEs, en prensa.  

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Santiago Velilla Cerdán. (1960) Estudió en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde se licenció en Matemáticas en 1982 y se doctoró en Estadística e Investigación Operativa en 1987. En 1988 es nombrado Profesor Titular en el Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa de la Facultad de Matemáticas de la UCM. Desde 1990 trabaja en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, donde, desde 1998, es Catedrático del Departamento de Estadística. Sus líneas de investigación son Regresión, Análisis Multivariante y Series Temporales. Publicaciones recientes: “Reply to Prof. Ronald Christensen on Velilla (2018),” (2018), The American Statistician, 72(1), 117-119. “A note on collinearity diagnostics and centering,'' 2018. The American Statistician, 72(2), 140-146. “A Goodness-of-Fit test for VARMA(p,q) models,'' (with H. Nguyen). 2018. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 197, 126-140.

Santiago Velilla Cerdán. (1960) Studieat Universidad Complutense de Madr(UCM), where he obtained a degree Mathematics in 1982 an a Ph. D. IStatistics and Operations Research 1987. In 1988, he became AssociaProfessor of the Department of Statistiand Operations Research of the School Mathematics of UCM. In 1990, he joinUniversidad Carlos III de Madrid wherfrom 1998, he is Professor of Statistics the Departament of Statistics. His researclines are Regression, Time Series anMultivariate Analysis. Recent publications: “Reply to Prof. Ronald Christensen oVelilla (2018),” The American Statisticia72(1), 117-119. “A note on collinearity diagnostics ancentering,'' 2018. The AmericaStatistician, 72(2), 140-146. “A Goodness-of-Fit test for VARMA(p,qmodels,'' (with H. Nguyen). 2018. Journof Statistical Planning and Inference, 197126-140.

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Teresa Villagarcía Casla. Es ingeniero Industrial por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid y Doctor Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Ha sido Profesora Titular en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. En la actualidad es profesora titular en el departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Campos de interés: Medición de expectativas y satisfacción de clientes. Enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Estadística. Publicaciones recientes: Ruiz-Capillas, C, Moral, A y Villagacía, T "Use of semi-trained panel members in the sensory evaluation of hake (merluccius merluccius, l) analyzed statistically" Journal of Food Quality 26, 181-195. (2003); Villagarcía, T. "The use of consulting work to teach statistics to engineering students "Journal of Statitics Education (1998); “Calidad percibida por los clientes” Travelturisme (2002).

Teresa Villagarcía Casla has an Engineer degree (1983) and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering (1988) from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. She is associate Professor of Statistics and Operations Research. Research lines: Measuring satisfaction of customers in services, Quality and teaching of statistics. Recent publications: Ruiz-Capillas, C, Moral, A y Villagacía, T "Use of semi-trained panel members in the sensory evaluation of hake (merluccius merluccius, l) analyzed statistically" Journal of Food Quality 26, 181-195. (2003); Villagarcía, T. "The use of consulting work to teach statistics to engineering students "Journal of Statitics Education (1998); “Calidad percibida por los clientes” Travelturisme (2002).

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Dandan Wang. Ella es Doctora en Economía (2017) por la Universidad de Cardiff. Desde septiembre de 2017 es Profesora Visitante en Departamento de Estadística de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Sus principales líneas de investigación son la Econometría teórica, especialmente en series temporales y grandes volúmenes de datos. También está secundariamente interesada en la econometría aplicada y el método de estimación en modelos DSGE. Publicaciones recientes: -Bias Approximation and Reduction in the pth-order Dynamic Reduced Form (with Garry Phillips), Journal of Time series Analysis (Forthcoming). -A Comparison of Limited Information Estimators in Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models (With Garry Phillips) (R&R). -Bias Assessment and Reduction for the 2SLS Estimator in General Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models (With Garry Phillips) (submitted)

Dandan Wang. She holds a in Economics (2017) from the Cardiff University. Since September 2017, she is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Statistics, Carlos III University of Madrid. Her main research interests are in theoretical econometrics, especially in time series and big data. She is also (secondarily) interested in applied econometrics and the estimation method in DSGE models. Recent Papers: -Bias Approximation and Reduction in the pth-order Dynamic Reduced Form (with Garry Phillips), Journal of Time series Analysis (Forthcoming). -A Comparison of Limited Information Estimators in Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models (With Garry Phillips) (R&R). -Bias Assessment and Reduction for the 2SLS Estimator in General Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models (With Garry Phillips) (submitted)

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Michael P. Wiper. Nació en Darlington, Inglaterra en 1964. Obtuvo el BSc. (Hons.) en Matemáticas por la Universidad de Warwick, Inglaterra en 1986, el MSc en Estadística por la Universidad de Manchester, Inglaterra en 1988 y el PhD por la Universidad de Leeds en 1990. Ha sido Profesor de Estadística en la Universidad de Londres, Goldsmiths College desde 1990 hasta 1997. Desde 1997 ha trabajado como Profesor Visitante hasta el año 2001 en el Departamento de Estadística y Econometría en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Actualmente es Profesor Titular de esta Universidad. Sus líneas de investigación, dentro de la especialidad de la estadística bayesiana, incluyen la inferencia para procesos estocásticos como las colas y los modelos de fiabilidad de software. Publicaciones recientes: “Density estimation of circular data with Bernstein polynomials” (con J. A. Carnicero y M.C. Ausín), Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 47, 273-286, (2018). "Bayesian analysis of the stationary MAP2”, (con P. Ramírez-Cobo y R. E. Lillo), Bayesian Analysis, 12, 1163-1194, (2017). “On the Importance of the Probabilistic Model in Identifying the Most Decisive Games in a Tournament”, (con F. Corona y J. de Diós Tena), Journal of Quantitative Analysis of Sports, 13, 11-23, (2017).

Michael P. Wiper. He was born in Darlington, England in 1964. He has a BSc (Hons) degree in Mathematics from the University of Warwick (1986), a MSc in Statistics from the University of Manchester (1988) and a PhD from Leeds University (1990). He worked as a lecturer in Statistics at Goldsmiths College in the University of London between 1990 and 1997 and is currently an Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His research interests, within the general area of Bayesian statistics, include inference for stochastic processes, in particular queuing and software reliability models. Recent publications: “Density estimation of circular data with Bernstein polynomials” (with J. A. Carnicero and M.C. Ausín), Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 47, 273-286, (2018). "Bayesian analysis of the stationary MAP2”, (with P. Ramírez-Cobo and R. E. Lillo), Bayesian Analysis, 12, 1163-1194, (2017). “On the Importance of the Probabilistic Model in Identifying the Most Decisive Games in a Tournament”, (with F. Corona and J. de Diós Tena), Journal of Quantitative Analysis of Sports, 13, 11-23, (2017).

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El Departamento ha impartido docencia en las siguientes titulaciones: Grado en Administración de

Empresas Grado en Economía Grado en Estadística y Empresa Grado en Finanzas y Contabilidad Grado en Turismo Grado en Información y

Documentación Grado en Ciencias Políticas Grado en Periodismo Grado en Relaciones Laborales y

Empleo Grado en Sociología Grado en Estudios Internacionales Grado en Historia y Politica Doble Grado en Derecho y

Administración de Empresas Doble Grado en Derecho y Economía Doble Grado en Ingeniería

Informática y Administración de Empresas

Doble Grado en Estudios Internacionales y Administración de Empresas

Doble Grado en Estudios Internacionales y Economía

Doble Grado en Estudios Internacionales y Ciencias Políticas

Doble Grado en Estudios Internacionales y Derecho

Doble Grado en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

Doble Grado en Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual

Doble Grado en Periodismo y Humanidades

Doble Grado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología

Grado en Gestión de la Información y Contenidos Digitales

Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica Grado en Ingeniería Informática Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial

The Department offers courses included in the currículum for the following degrees: Bachelor´s Degree in Business

Administration Bachelor´s Degree in Economics Bachelor´s Degree in Statistics and

Business Bachelor´s Degree in Finance and

Accounting Bachelor´s Degree in Tourism Bachelor´s Degree in Library and

Information Bachelor´s Degree in Politics Bachelor´s Degree in Journalism Bachelor´s Degree in Employment

and Labour Relations Bachelor´s Degree in Sociology Bachelor´s Degree in International

Studies Bachelor´s Degree in History and

Politics Dual Bachelor in Law- Business

Administration Dual Bachelor in Computer Science

Engineering- Business Administration

Dual Bachelor in International Studies- Business Administration

Dual Bachelor in International Studies- Economics

Dual Bachelor in International Studies- Politics

Dual Bachelor in International Studies- Law

Dual Bachelor in Law- Politics Dual Bachelor in Journalism-Film,

Television and Media Studies Dual Bachelor in Journalism-

Humanities Dual Bachelor in Politics and

Sociology Bachelor´s Degree in Management

of Information and Digital Contents Bachelor´s Degree in Biomedical

Engineering Bachelor´s Degree in Computer

Science and Engineering Bachelor´s Degree in Aerospace


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Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica

Industrial y Automática Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía

Grado en Ingeniería Eléctrica Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica Grado en Ingeniería de la Seguridad Grado en Ingeniería de Sistemas

Audiovisuales Grado en Ingeniería de Sistemas de

Comunicaciones Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías

Industriales Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías

de Telecomunicación Grado en Ingeniería Telemática

Además el departamento colabora en la impartición del Master Universitario de investigación y Doctorado en Ingeniería Matemática. Por último el Departamento también imparte docencia en los siguientes Master Universitaros y Propios de la Universidad: Master Universitario en Economía de

la Empresa y Finanzas Master Universitario en Economía

Industrial y Mercados Master Universitario en Finanzas Master Universitario en Ciencias

Actuariales y Financieras Master Universitario en Marketing Master Universitario en Métodos

Analíticos para datos masivos: Big Data

Master Universitario en Ciencias Sociales

Master Universitario en Estadística para la Ciencia de Datos

Bachelor´s Degree in Industrial,

Electronics and Automation Bachelor´s Degree in Energy

Engineering Bachelor´s Degree in Electrical

Power Engineering Bachelor´s Degree in Mechanical

Engineering Bachelor´s Degree in Security Bachelor´s Degree in Audiovisual

System Engineering Bachelor´s Degree in

Communication System Engineering Bachelor´s Degree in Industrial

Technologies Bachelor´s Degree in

Telecommunication Technologies Bachelor´s Degree in Telematics

Engineering The Department is also envolved in the Official Master and Ph.D. in Mathematical Engineering. Finally, the Department is also envolved in the programs leading to the following Official Master and programs of the School of Continuing Education: Master in Business and Finance Master in Industrial Economics and

Markets Master in Finance Master in Actuarial and Financial

Science Master in Marketing Master in Big Data Analytics Master in Social Science Master in Statistics for Data Science

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ACTUARIAL APPLICATIONS OF BLOCKCHAIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCIES Director: CHAN, S. Participantes: CHU. J. Año inicio: 2016, Año fin: 2019.

ANÁLISIS EXPLORATORIO LOG FILES Director: JIMENEZ, R. Participantes: ELIAS, A.; VICENTE, J. Año inicio: 2018, Año fin: 2018.

ANÁLISIS JUEGO-TEÓRICO DE LAS REDES SOCIALES Director: TEJADA, J. Participantes: MOLINA, E. Año inicio: 2016, Año fin: 2018.






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ESTUDIOS SOBRE VULNERABILIDAD SOCIAL. CRUZ ROJA ESPAÑOLA. Director: ROMERA, M.R Participantes: GRANÉ, A. Año inicio: 2017, Año fin: 2020


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RIESGOS OPERACIONALES Director: NOGALES, F.J. Año inicio: 2018, Año fin: 2018.


STAT WARS, EL DESPERTAR DE LOS DATOS. FECYT Director: LILLO, R.E.; CADARSO, C. Año inicio: 2017, Año fin: 2018.


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a) Publicaciones en revistas1



a) Publications in Journals

ALONSO, A.M.; BASTOS, G.; GARCÍA, C. Bias correction for time series factor models, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 88, Núm. 8, 2018, pp. 1576-1602, REINO UNIDO.

ALONSO, A.M.; SIMON DE BLAS, C.; GARCIA, A.E. Forecasting financial short time series, Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, Vol. 11, 2018, pp. 42-57.

AVAGYAN, V.; ALONSO, A.M.; NOGALES, F. J. D-trace estimation of a precision matrix using adaptive Lasso penalties, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, Vol. 12, 2018, pp. 425-447, ALEMANIA.

MARTINEZ, C.; BUCES, E.; SERRANO, D.; KWON, M.; GAYOSO, J.; BALSALOBRE, P.; DIEZ, L.; BUNO, I.; AGUILERA, M.D.C.; LILLO, R.E.; ROMO, J.; PICORNELL, A.; GONZÁLEZ, M. A novel predictive approach for GVHD after allogeneic SCT based on clinical variables and cytokine gene polymorphisms, Blood Advances, Vol. 2, 2018, pp. 1719-1737.

CARNICERO, J.A.; AUSIN, MC; WIPER, M. Density estimation of circular data with Bernstein polynomials, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 47, 2018, pp. 273-286, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

GÓMEZ, M.; AUSIN, M. C.; DOMINGUEZ, C. Vine copula models for predicting water flow discharge at King George Island, Antarctica, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Vol. 32, 2018, pp. 2787-2807, ALEMANIA.

SARHADI, A.; AUSIN, M. C.; WIPER, M. P. ; TOUMA, D.; DIFFENBAUGH, N.S. Multidimensional risk in a nonstationary climate: joint probability of increasingly severe warm and dry conditions, Science Advances, Vol. 4, Núm. 11, 2018, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

CABRAS, S. A markov chain representation of the multiple testing problem, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27 (2), 2018, pp. 364-383, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

CIARAVINO, G.; GARCIA, A.; ALLEPUZ, A.; CASAL, J.; CABRAS, S.; GARCIA, B.; CANO, D.; GUBBINS, S. Assessing the variability in transmission of bovine tuberculosis within Spanish cattle herds, Epidemics, Vol. 23, 2018, pp. 110-120, HOLANDA.

CASCOS, I.; LOPEZ, M. Control charts based on parameter depths, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 53, 2018, pp. 487-509, ESTADOS UNIDOS.


1 En esta memoria están incluidos los artículos una vez que son publicados en soporte papel (cuando la publicación tenga ambos soportes: online y papel) y los artículos de publicaciones solo con soporte online.

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Evaluating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder using ecological momentary assessment: a systematic review, ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders, Vol. 10, Núm. 4, 2018, pp. 247-265.

SEDANO, A.; AROCA, F.; BARRIGON, M.L.; BACA, E.; DELGADO, D.; PENUELAS, I.; FERNANDEZ, C.; RODRIGUEZ, A.; AMODEO, S.; GONZALEZ, M.; BARAHONA, I. WHODAS 2.0 as a measure of severity of illness: results of a FLDA Analysis, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2018, REINO UNIDO.

MAZZUCCHELLI, R.; GIL, A.; CRESPI, N.; PÉREZ, E.; DURBAN, M. L.; GUZÓN, O.; QUIRÓS, J.; GARCÍA, A.; CARMONA, L.; RODRÍGUEZ, G. Weather conditions and their effect on seasonality of incident osteoporotic hip fracture, Archives of Osteoporosis, Vol. 13, Núm. 1, 2018, REINO UNIDO.

MAZZUCCHELLI, R.; VILLARIAS, C.; PÉREZ, E.; DURBAN, M. L.; GARCÍA, A.; QUIRÓS, J.; GUZÓN, O.; RODRIGUEZ, G.; GIL DE MIGUEL, A. Short-term association between outdoor air pollution and osteoporotic hip fracture, Osteoporosis International, Vol. 29, Núm. 10, 2018, pp. 2231-2241, REINO UNIDO.

SIMPKIN, J.A.; LAWLOR, A.D.; TILLING, K.; DURBAN, M. L. Derivative estimation for longitudinal data analysis, Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 37, Núm. 37, 2018, pp. 2836-2854, REINO UNIDO.

GRANE, A.; ROMERA, M. R. On Visualizing Mixed-Type Data: A Joint Metric Approach to Profile Construction and Outlier Detection, Sociological Methods & Research, Vol. 47, Núm. 2, 2018, pp. 207-239, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

GRANE, A.; TORABI, H.; MONTACERI, N.H. A wide review on exponentiality tests and two competitive proposals with application on reliability, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 88, Núm. 1, 2018, pp. 108-139, REINO UNIDO.

HARTIKAINEN, S.M.; JACH, A.; GRANE, A.; ROBSON, T.M. Assessing scale-wise similarity of curves with a thick pen: As illustrated through comparisons of spectral irradiance, Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 8, Núm. 20, 2018, pp. 10206-10218, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

SOLETO, H.; GRANE, A. El proceso penal, mecanismo ineficaz de compensación a la víctima: un estudio de campo = The criminal procedure, an ineffective compensation mechanism for the victim: a field study, Revista de victimología, 2018, pp. 35-81, ESPAÑA.

GUERRERO, V.; CARRIZOSA, E.; HARDT, D.; MORALES, D. On Building Online Visualization Maps for News Data Streams by Means of Mathematical Optimization, Big Data, Vol. 6, 2018, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

KLIMEK, P.; HINTEREGGER, A.; THURNER, S.; JIMENEZ, R.J.; HIDALGO, M. Forensic analysis of Turkish elections in 2017-2018, PLoS One, Vol. 13, 2018, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

AZCORRA, A.; CHIROQUE, L.F.; CUEVAS, R.; FERNANDEZ, A.; LANIADO, H.; LILLO, R.E.; ROMO, J.; SGUERA, C. Unsupervised scalable statistical method for identifying influential users in online social networks, Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, 2018, pp. 1-7, REINO UNIDO.

QUINTO, E.J.; MARIN, J.M.; CARO, I.; MATEO, J.; SCHAFFNER, D.W. Bayesian modeling of two-and-three- species bacterial competition in milk, Food Research

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International, Vol. 105, 2018, pp. 952-961, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

GUADARRAMA, M.; MOLINA, I.; RAO, J.N.K. Small area estimation of general parameters under complex sampling designs, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol. 121, 2018, pp. 20-40, HOLANDA.

MOLINA, I.; MARTIN, N. Empirical best prediction under a nested error model with log transformation, Annals of Statistics, 2018, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

MUÑOZ, A.; HERNANDEZ, N.J.; MARTINEZ, J.; MARTOS, G.A. Combining Entropy Measures for Anomaly Detection, Entropy, Vol. 20, Núm. 9, 2018, SUIZA.

GOOS, P.; MYLONA, K. Quadrature Methods for Bayesian Optimal Design of Experiments With Nonnormal Prior Distributions., Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Vol. 27, 2018, pp. 179-194, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

NOGALES, F. J.; MEI, X. Portfolio selection with proportional transaction costs and predictability, Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 94, 2018, pp. 131-151, HOLANDA.

TORRECILLA, J.; ROMO, J. Data learning from big data, Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol. 136, 2018, pp. 15-19, HOLANDA.

RUIZ, C.; NOGALES, F. J.; PRIETO, F.J. Retail Equilibrium with Switching Consumers in Electricity Markets., Networks & Spatial Economics, Vol. 18, 2018, pp. 145-180, HOLANDA.

RUIZ, E.; TRUCÍOS, C.; HOTTA, L. Robust bootstrap densities for dynamic conditional correlations: implications for portfolio selection and Value-at-Risk, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol. 88, 2018, pp. 1976-2000, REINO UNIDO.

ALLEVI, E.; CONEJO, A.J.; OGGIONI, G.; RICCARDI, R.; RUIZ, C. Evaluating the strategic behavior of cement producers: An equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 264, Núm. 2, 2018, pp. 717-731, HOLANDA.

ALMEIDA, D.D.; HOTTA, L.K.; RUIZ, E. MGARCH models: Trade-off between feasibility and flexibility, International Journal of Forecasting, Vol. 34, Núm. 1, 2018, pp. 45-63, HOLANDA.

GONZALVES, J.H.; RUIZ, E.; VEIGA, M.H. Uncertainty and forecasts of ARMA models: comparison of asymptotic, bayesian and bootstrap procedures, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 32, 2018, pp. 388-419, REINO UNIDO.

VELILLA, S. A Note on Collinearity Diagnostics and Centering, American Statistician, Vol. 72, 2018, pp. 140-146, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

VELILLA, S. Reply to Prof. Ronald Christensen on Velilla, American Statistician, Vol. 72, Núm. 1, 2018, pp. 117-119, ESTADOS UNIDOS.

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VELILLA, S.; NGUYEN, H. A goodness-of-fit test for VARMA (p,q) models, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 197, 2018, pp. 126-140, HOLANDA.

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b) Colaboraciones en obras




b) Contributions to joint books

ALBARRAN, I.; ALONSO, P. J.; GRANE, A. Using deepest dependency paths to enhance life expectancy estimation, en: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF 2018), SPRINGER, pp. 25-31, 2018.

ALBARRAN, I.; GRANE, A. Inversión en justicia. Inversión en Justicia Gratuita, en: XII Informe del Observatorio de Justicia Gratuita, Wolters-Kluwer, ESPAÑA, 2018.

CABRAS, S.; CASTELLANOS, M.E.; PERRA, S. Lastest advances on objective bayesian model selection for survival regression, en: BIOSTAT at 25 - Invited Essays in Theoretical, Biomedical and Social Statistics, Edizioni ETS, pp. 215-226, 2018.

CASCOS, I.; MOLCHANOV, I. Band depths base don multiple time instances, en: The Mathematics of the Uncertain. A Tribute to Pedro Gil. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, SPRINGER , pp. 67-78, 2018.

CASCOS, I.; MONTES, I. On the combination of depth-based ranks, en: The mathematics of the uncertain: a tribute to Pedro Gil, SPRINGER, ALEMANIA, pp. 79-88, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; CRUJEIRAS, R.M.; GONZALEZ, W. Smoothing-based tests with directional random variables, en: The mathematics of the uncertain: a tribute to Pedro Gil, SPRINGER, ALEMANIA, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; GOLDEN, M.; SORENSEN, M.; MARDIA, K.V.; HAMELRYCK, T.; HEIN, J. Toroidal diffusions and protein structure inference, en: Applied directional statistics: modern methods and case studies, CRC Press & IEEE, 2018.

JIMENEZ, R.J.; THURNER, S.; PERICCHI, L.R.; KLIMEKL, P. Fraus Detection, en: Electoral (stat08006), pp. 1-10, 2018.

BENCHIMOL, A.G.; MARIN, J.M.; ALBARRAN, I.; ALONSO, P. J. Mortality projection using Bayesian model averaging, en: Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, SPRINGER, ALEMANIA, pp. 111-115, 2018.

RUIZ, E.; HARVEY, A.C.; SHEPHARD, N.G. Multivariate Stochastic Variance Models, en: Volatility, Edward Elgar, pp. 247-264, 2018.

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c) Documentos de trabajo



c) Working Papers

CARO, A.; PEÑA, D. Estimation of the common component in Dynamic Factor Models, UC3M Working papers. Statistics and Econometrics 18-03, 2018.

D´AURIA, B.; SALMERON, J.A. A short note on "Anticipative Portfolio Optimization", UC3M Working papers. Statistics and Econometrics 18-04, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; PAINDAVEINE, D.; VERDEBOUT, T. On optimal tests for rotational symmetry against new classes of hyperspherical distributions, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; VERDEBOUT, T. An overview of uniformity tests on the hypersphere, 2018.

GRANE, A.; MALGESINI, G.; GIL, P.; ROMERA, M. R.; MONTEROS, S. La vulnerabilidad asociada al ámito de la vivienda y pobreza energética en la población atendida por Cruz Roja., Boletín sobre vulnerabilidad social, num 17, 2018.

HERNANDEZ, N.J.; MARTOS, G.; MUÑOZ, A.; MARTINEZ, J.; MOGUERZA, J.M. Entropy Measures for Stochastic Processes with Applications in Functional Anomaly Detection, UC3M Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics 2018-02, 2018.

NGUYEN, H.; AUSIN, M. C.; GALEANO, P. Variational Inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas, UC3M Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics 18-05, 2018.

GONZÁLEZ-RIVERA, G.; RUIZ, E.; VICENTE, J.D. Growth in Stress, UC3M Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics 18-01, 2018.

CASAS, I.; MAO, X.; VEIGA, M.H. Reexaming financial and economic predictability with new estimators of realized variance and variance risk premium. CREATES 2018-10, 2018.

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d) Otras publicaciones



d) Other publications

BENITO, M.; CASANI, F.; ROMERA, M. R.; SANZ, E. El impacto económico y social de las Universidades públicas madrileñas en la región. Análisis en el corto y largo plazo. Colección de Informes económicos monográficos de la Conserjería de Economía, Empleo y Hacienda de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2018.

CORAZZA, M.; DURBAN, M. L.; GRANE, A.; PERNA, C.; SIBILLO, M. Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance, SPRINGER, ALEMANIA, 2018.

GRANE, A.; MALGESINI, G.; ROMERA, M. R.; MONTEROS, S. Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived Programme (FEAD) Impact Assessment in Spain. The perception of beneficiaries, organizations, staff and volunteers, Boletín sobre vulnerabilidad social, num 16, 2018.

GRANE, A.; MALGESINI, G.; ROMERA, M. R.; MONTEROS, S. Valoración del impacto del Fondo de Ayuda Europea para las personas más desfavorecidas (FEAD) en España, a través de la percepción de las personas beneficiarias, organizaciones y personal de gestión. Boletín sobre vulnerabilidad social, num 16, 2018.

SOLETO, H.; GRANE, A. La eficacia de la reparación a la víctima en el proceso penal a través de las indemnizaciones. Un estudio de campo en la Comunidad de Madrid, DYKINSON, S.L., ESPAÑA, 2018.

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a) Presentaciones en Congresos



a) Meeting

AGUILERA, A.M.; AGUILERA, M.D.C.; ROLDAN, J.B.; JIMÉNEZ-MOLINOS, F. Functional data analysis of resistive switching processes; 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group onComputational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018). Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, ESPAÑA, 2018.

AGUILERA, M.D.C. Classification of kinematic data via functional data analysis, BiDAS 3- Third Bilbao Data Science Workshop, BILBAO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

ALBARRAN, I.; ALONSO, P. J.; GRANE, A. Using deepest dependency paths to enhance life expectancy estimation; en: Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial sciences and finance; MAF 2018, 2018.

ALONSO, A.M. Clustering time series by linear dependency, I Simposio Gadea Ciencia, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

AUSIN, M. C. Variational inference for high dimensional factor copulas, ISBA World Meeting, Edimburgo, REINO UNIDO, 2018.

AUSIN, M. C; GOMEZ, M.; DOMINGUEZ, C. Bayesian hierarchical vine copula models for the analysis of glacier discharge;; 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018)and 11th International Conference of theERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group onComputational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018), Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, ITALIA, 2018.

CARBALLO, A.; DURBAN, M. L. A general framework for prediction in multidimensional smoothing; 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group onComputational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018), Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, 2018.

CASCOS, I. The loss function approach in multivariate risk measurement, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF 2018), MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

CASCOS, I. Process monitoring of a shifted exponential distribution through the origin-scale depth, 13th International Conference on Ordered statistical data (OSD 2018), CADIZ, ESPAÑA, 2018.

DURBAN, M. L. Derivate estimation for longitudinal data analysis: examining features of blood preassuremeasured repeatedly during pregnancy, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadistica e Investigación Operativa, OVIEDO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

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DURBAN, M. L. The impact of immigration on the internal mobility of natives and foreign-born residents: evidence from Italy, The Economy as a Spatial Complex System (ESCOS 2018), Nápoles, ITALIA, 2018.

DURBAN, M. L; AGUILERA, M.D.C. Modelizacion de datos espectrales complejos mediante analisis de datos funcionales, XXXVII Congreso nacional de estadística e investigación operativa, OVIEDO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

DURBAN, M. L.; LEE, D.-J.; CARBALLO, A. A general framework for pediction in multidimensional smoothing; 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of theERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018) Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, 2018.

ESPASA, A. Euro Area Macroeconomic Outlook, EUI-nomics 2018: Debating the Economic Conditions in the Euro Area and Beyond, ITALIA, 2018.

ESPASA, A. Discovering specific common trends in a large set of disaggregates: statistical procedures, their properties and an empirical application, Workshop on Time Series in Econometrics, ESPAÑA, 2018.

ESPASA, A.; SENRA, E; CARLOMAGNO, G.; SANCHEZ, A. Top-down and bottom-up disaggregation approaches for econometric analysis of macro variables, Internatiobal Conference on Statistical Methods for Big Data UC3M, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GALEANO, P. Redes de clientes: aplicaciones en banca, IBM Meetup- Big Data, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GALEANO, P.; AUSIN, M. C.; NGUYEN, H. Variational inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas, 2018 World Meeting- International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Edimburgo, REINO UNIDO, 2018.

GALEANO, P.; FEBRERO, M.; GONZALEZ-MANTEIGA, W. Estimation, imputation and prediction for the functional linear model with scalar response with missing responses; 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group onComputational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018), Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, ITALIA, 2018.

GARCÍA, D.; ALONSO-AYUSO, A.; MOLINA, E. Nuevos modelos de optimización matemática para la gestión del tráfico aéreo; XXXVII Congreso Nacional SEIO, XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública: Oviedo, 29 mayo-1 junio 2018, UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; GUADA, A.; D AURIA, B. Inferring the optimal stopping boundary for a brownian bridge, Statistical Methods for Big Data, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; PAINDAVEINE, D.; VERDEBOUT, T. On optimal tests for rotational symmetry against new classes of hyperspherical

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distributions, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, OVIEDO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; PAINDAVEINE, D.; VERDEBOUT, T. On optimal test for rotational sym- metry against new classes of hyperspherical distributions, 4th Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, SALERNO, ITALIA, 2018.

GARCIA, E.; PAINDAVEINE, D.; VERDEBOUT, T. On optimal test for rotational symmetry against new classes of hyperspherical distributions, Statistical Methods for Big Data, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GUADA, A.; D AURIA, B.; GARCIA, E. Optimal stopping and Volterra type equations: application to the Brownian bridge, 8th International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GUERRERO, V. On Mathematical optimization to interpret factor analysis, 29th European Conference of Operational Research (EURO2018), ESPAÑA, 2018.

GUERRERO, V. Making factor analysis interpretable, Workshop on Data Science. Instituro de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla, SEVILLA, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GUERRERO, V. Enhancing interpretability in factor analysis by means of mathematical optimization, Statistical Methods for Big Data (SMBD2018), MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GUERRERO, V.; CARRIZOSA, E.; ROMERO, D.; SANTORRA, A. Enhancing interpretability in factor analysis by means of mathematical optimization; XXXVII Congreso Nacional SEIO, XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública: Oviedo, UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO, 2018.

GUERRERO, V.; CARRIZOSA, E.; ROMERO, D. MINLP to visualize dynamic proximities and frequencies; en: 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programing: ISMP 2018, Bordeaux, 2018.

JIMENEZ, R.J. Exploratory functional data analysis from depth-based neighbourhoods, CMStatistics2018, Pisa, ITALIA, 2018.

JIMENEZ, R.J. A depth-based method fot functional time series forecasting, ISNPS2018, SALERNO, ITALIA, 2018.

LARIA, J.C.; LILLO, R.E.; AGUILERA, M.D.C. Influence of grouping in the sparse-group lasso regularization method; XXXVII Congreso Nacional SEIO, XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública: Oviedo, 2018.

LILLO, R.E. Detección de atípicos para datos funcionales masivos, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública, OVIEDO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; AGUILERA, M.D.C.; LARIA, J.C. A variable selection approach in High dimensional problems, Statistical Methods for Big Data (smbd2018), MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

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LILLO, R.E.; AGUILERA, M.D.C.; MENDEZ, A. The sparse group LASSO regularization method in quantile regression models, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública, OVIEDO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; LANIADO, H.; CABANA, E. Multivariate outlier detection with robust Mahalanobis distance based on shrinkage, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública, OVIEDO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; LANIADO, H.; CABANA, E. Robust regression using a robust Mhalanobis distance based on Shrinkage estimators, Statistical Methods for Big Data (smbd2018), MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; LARIA, J.C.; AGUILERA, M.D.C. Regularization parameter selection for the sparse-group lasso, III Jornadas Científicas de Estudiantes de la Sociedad Española de Biometría (SEB), BILBAO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; LARIA, J.C.; AGUILERA, M.D.C. Influence of grouping in the sparse-group lasso regularization method, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y XI Jornadas de Estadística Pública, OVIEDO, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; RAMÍREZ, J.; YERA, Y.G. Findings about the BMMPP for modelimg dependent and simultaneous data in reliability and queueing systems, 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in reliability, Grenoble, FRANCIA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; YERA, Y.G.; RAMÍREZ, J. Modeling dependent and simultneous risk events via Batch Markov- Modulated Poisson Process, Eighth International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; YERA, Y.G.; RAMÍREZ, J. Simultaneous risk events modeling by the batch markov-modulated Poission process, 7th Workshop on risk management and insurance (RISK2018), SANTANDER, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; YERA, Y.G.; RAMÍREZ, J. A bivariate Markov arrival process, 13th International Conference on ordered statistical data (OSD2018), CADIZ, ESPAÑA, 2018.

LILLO, R.E.; YERA, Y.G.; RAMÍREZ, J. Simultaneous and correlated events modelled by the Batch Markov-Modelated Poisson Process, EURO Working Group on Stochastic Modelling (EstoMod2018), Lancaster, REINO UNIDO, 2018.

MARIN, J.M.; DE ZEA, P.; VEIGA, M.H. Data cloning estimation for asymmetric stochastic volatility models; 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of theERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018) Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, 2018.

DE ZEA, P.; MARIN, J.M.; RUE, H.; VEIGA, M.H. Estimating threshold stochastic volatility models using integrated nested Laplace approximations; 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of theERCIM (European

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Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018) Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, 2018.

MIRANDA, K.A. Growth heterogenous technological interdependence and spatial externalities: theory and evidence, International Conference on Regional Science, VALENCIA, ESPAÑA, 2018.

MOLINA, E.; CASTRO, J.; GOMEZ, D.; TEJADA, J. Game theoretical centrality in social networks with multi-valued, 29th European Conference on Operational Research EURO-2018, VALENCIA, ESPAÑA, 2018.

MOLINA, I. Poverty mapping in small areas, Workshop on Data Science, SEVILLA, ESPAÑA, 2018.

MOLINA, I. A review of small area estimation methods for poverty mapping, 10º Colloque Francophone sur les Sondages, Lyon, FRANCIA, 2018.

NGUYEN, H.; AUSIN, M. C.; GALEANO, P. Variational bayesian inference for high dimensional factor copulas, Workshop on Financial Econometrics, Orebro, SUECIA, 2018.

NGUYEN, H.; AUSIN, M. C. ; GALEANO, P. Variational bayesian inference for high dimensional factor copulas, International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA 2018), Edimburg, 2018.

NGUYEN, H.; GALEANO, P. Variational inference for high dimensional structured factor copulas; en: 12th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of the ERCIM (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group onComputational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018). Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, Pisa, ITALIA. 2018.

NIÑO-MORA, J. Numerical instability in average reward Markov decision processes, 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2018), VALENCIA, ESPAÑA, 2018.

NIÑO-MORA, J. Numerical instability in average reward Markov decision processes, 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2018), Bordeaux, FRANCIA, 2018.

PEÑA, D. Clustering time series by dependency, Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), CHINA, 2018.

PEÑA, D. Quantiles for high dimensional time series, Workshop on recent development of time series and econometrics, Copenhagen, DINAMARCA, 2018.

PEÑA, D. Recent advances in high dimensional time series, Conference on Statistical learning of high-dimensional dependent data, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2018.

PEÑA, D. Clustering by subspace projection, Kagawa International Symposium, JAPON, 2018.

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PEÑA, D. Forecasting with dynamic factor models, Waseda International Symposium, JAPON, 2018.

PEÑA, D. On statistical learning, Conference in data analysis in honor of Domenico Piccolo, Nápoles, ITALIA, 2018.

PEÑA, D. Dynamic quantiles in time series, IMS-Vilnius Conference 2018, LITUANIA, 2018.

ROMERA, M. R. Efectos cuantitativos del impacto de las universidades en su entorno, Jornada sobre el Impacto económico y social de las universidades en su entorno, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

ROMO, J. On robust nonparametric techniques for dealing with the analysis, CMStatistics, Pisa, ITALIA, 2018.

ROMO, J. Recent advances in complex data analysis. Organizador de la sesión, 4th Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Salerno, ITALIA, 2018.

ROMO, J. New developments on robustness and functional data analysis. Organizador de la sesión., CMStatistics, Pisa, ITALIA, 2018.

RUIZ, C.; FALBO, P. Spot market, futures and risk management in the integration of renewable resources, EURO 2018: 29th European Conference on Operational Research, VALENCIA, ESPAÑA, 2018.

RUIZ, E.; GONÇALVES, J.H.; GONZALEZ-RIVERA, G.; VEIGA, M.H. Testing for VIX forecast densities: A Generalized Autocontour approach, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance (MAF), MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

GONZALEZ-RIVERA, G.; LUO, Y.; RUIZ, E. Prediction regions for interval-valued time series; Symbolic Data Analysis Workshop SDA 2018. Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, PORTUGAL, 2018.

SGUERA, C. Depth analysis for sparse functional data, IV Conference of the International Society for Non-Parametric Statistics (ISNPS), Salerno, ITALIA, 2018.

VEIGA, M.H.; RAMOS, S.; TAAMOUTI, A.; WANG, C. Quantile consumption-capital asset pricing model, CFE Conference 2018, ITALIA, 2018.

CASAS, I.; MAO, X.; VEIGA, M.H. Reexaming financial and economic predictability with new estimators of realized variance and variance risk premium, Workshop in Time Series and Econometrics, ZARAGOZA, ESPAÑA, 2018.

CASAS, I.; MAO, X.; VEIGA, M.H. Reexaming financial and economic predictability with new estimators of realized variance and variance risk premium, MAF, MADRID, ESPAÑA, 2018.

VICENTE, J.D. Looking for gender bias; en: 12th International Conference onComputational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2018) and 11th International Conference of the ERCIM (European

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Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) Working Group onComputational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018): Ecosta Econometrics and Statistics, 2018.

VICENTE, J.D. Growth in Stress, 38th International Symposium on Forecasting Boulder, ESTADOS UNIDOS, 2018.

WANG, D A comparison of limited information estimators in dynamic simultaneous equations models, MAF, MADRID, 2018

WANG, D A comparison of limited information estimators in dynamic simultaneous equations models, Time series workshop, University of Kent, REINO UNIDO, 2018

WANG, D A comparison of limited information estimators in dynamic simultaneous equations models, Econometric Study Group Conference, University of Bristol, REINO UNIDO, 2018

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b) Conferencias y seminarios




b) Conferences and seminars

ALBARRAN, I. Long term care insurance pricing in Spanish population: a functional data approach. University of Salerno Actuarial School. 2018

AUSIN, M.C. Parallel bayesian inference for high dimensional dynamic factor copulas. University of Münster, Alemania. 2018

D´AURIA, B. Portfolio optimization with insider information on the interest rates. University of New York of Abu Dhabi. 2018

ESPASA, A. Top-down and bottom-up disaggregation approaches for econometric analysis of macro variables. Management School, University of Liverpool. 2018

GARCIA, E. Goodness-of-fit tests for regression: the functional data case. Mathematics Colloquium Series., New York University Abu Dhabi. 2018

GARCIA, E. Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model baased on randomly projected empirical processes. ECARES, Free University of Brussels. 2018

GARCIA, E. Testing for rotational symmetry against new hyperspherical distributions. Research Center for Statistics, University of Geneva. 2018

JIMENEZ, R. A depth-based method for functional time series forecasting. Universidad de A Coruña. 2018

LILLO, R. Scalable Statistical Tools for social data analysis. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 2018

PEÑA, D. Clustering time series. University of Hong-Kong. 2018

PEÑA, D. Dynamic quantiles for time series. University of Chicago. 2018

PEÑA, D. Forecasting with dynamic principal components. London School of Economics. 2018

RUIZ, E. Accurate confidence bounds for principal component factors. Instituto de Econometría y Estadística, Universidad de Colonia. 2018

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RUIZ, E. Accurate confidence bounds for principal components factors. CREST, París. 2018

RUIZ, E. Growth at risk. Dpto de Economía e Historia, Universidad de Salamanca. 2018

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c) Estancias en otros centros



c) Visits to other Departments

D´AURIA, B Título: Estancia de investigación en la University of New York of Abu Dhabi Centro Externo: University of New York of Abu Dhabi País: EMIRATOS ARABES UNIDOS Duración: 22/08/2018 a 31/12/2018.

GALEANO, P. Título: Estancia de investigación en el Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Centro Externo: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela País: ESPAÑA Duración: 15/10/2018 a 18/10/2018.

VEIGA, M.H. Título: Estancia "Estimating threshold stochastic volatility models using integrated nested Laplace approximations". Depto de Estadística, Universidade de Lisboa Centro Externo: Universidade de Lisboa País: PORTUGAL Duración: 01/03/2018 a 05/03/2018.

VEIGA, M.H. Título: Estancia "Quantile consumption-capital asset pricing model". Depto de Finanzas, Essec Business School Centro Externo: Essec Business School País: FRANCIA Duración: 10/01/2018 a 17/01/2018.

VEIGA, M.H. Título: Estancia "Reexaming financial and economic pediitability with new estimators of realized variance and variance risk premium". Dpto de Economía, University Southern Denmark Centro Externo: University Southern Denmark País: DINAMARCA Duración: 01/06/2018 a 07/06/2018.

VICENTE, J. Título: Estancia de investigación en el Department of Statistics. London School of Economics and Political Science. Centro Externo: London School of Economics and Political Science País: REINO UNIDO Duración: 27/04/2018 a 27/06/2018.

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PAINDAVEINE, D. (Universitè Libre de Bruxelles), “Halfspace depths for scatter,

concentration and shape matrices”, 12 de enero de 2018. TAYLOR, L.N. (Aarhus University),“Judging the Justice system – Ana Econometric

approach”, 19 de enero de 2018. RODRIGUEZ, D. (Universidad de Buenos Aires), “Predicción basada en reducción

suficiente de la dimensión”, 23 de enero de 2018. LUGOSI, G. (ICREA and Pompeu Fabra University), “How to estimate the mean of a

random vector?”, 2 de febrero de 2018. GRAFFELMAN, J. (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya), “Statistical methods for testing

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium”, 21 de febrero de 2018.

WOODS, D. (University of Southampton), “Closed-loop automatic experimentation for optimisation”, 2 de marzo de 2018.

JACQUES, J. (Universitè de Lyon), “Co-clustering for functional data and application to

electricity consumption analysis”, 9 de marzo de 2018. CHACÓN, J. (Universidad de Extremadura), “A population background for nonparametric

density-based clustering”, 16 de marzo de 2018. SORENSEN, M. (University of Copenhagen), “Bridge simulation and estimation for

multivariate stochastic differential equations”, 23 de marzo de 2018. PARRELLA, M.L. (Università degli Studi di Salerno), “A variable selection and structure

Discovery method for high dimensional nonparametric regression”, 4 de abril de 2018.

TAAMOUTI, A. (Durham University), “Measuring nonlinear granger causality in quantiles”, 13 de abril de 2018.

HARVEY, A. (Cambridge University), “Co-integration and control: assessing the impact of

events using time series data”, 17 de abril de 2018.

CAPORIN, M. (University of Padova), “A Meta-analysis of systemic risk measures for gauging financial stability”, 4 de mayo de 2018.

ZAMAR, R. (University of British Columbia), “Ensembles of regularized linear models”, 11

de mayo de 2018. GRAF, M. (Universitè de Neuchâtel), “A distribution on the simplex of the generalized Beta

type”, 18 de mayo de 2018. HUALDE, J. (Universidad de Navarra), “Regression-based analysis of I(2) cointegration

systems”, 25 de mayo de 2018.

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CARO, A. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Seminario de estudiante de Doctorado “Estimation of the common component in Dynamic Factor Models”, 25 de junio de 2018.

LLORENTE, F. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Seminario Trabajo Fin de Master, “Breve

estudio de métodos MCMC avanzados”, 3 de julio de 2018. BARRAGÁN, I. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Seminario Trabajo Fin de Master,

“Herramientas analíticas para series temporales masivas: aplicación a consumos eléctricos desagregados”, 5 de julio de 2018.

GUADA, A. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Seminario Trabajo Fin de Master, “Inferring

the optimal boundary for a Brownian brigde”, 5 de julio de 2018. SALMERON, J.A. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Seminario Trabajo Fin de Master, “

Pricing the inside information about financial assets”, 5 de julio de 2018. GAMBOA, D.C. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Seminario Trabajo Fin de Master,

“Métodos de agrupación en series de tiempo”, 6 de julio de 2018.

LIMIA, L. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Seminario Trabajo Fin de Master, “Cluster analysis methods base don projections for high-dimensional data”, 6 de julio de 2018.

GUARDIOLA, J. (Texas A&M University), “A comparison about bayesian, máximum likelihood and máximum entropy inference methods”, 19 de octubre de 2018.

PORCU, E. (Newcastle University), “Modeling temporally evolving global spatial data”, 9 de

noviembre de 2018. VAN KEILEGOM, I. (KU Leuven), “Flexible parametric model for survival data subject to

dependent censoring”, 16 de noviembre de 2018. CHU, J. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), “A statistical analysis of cryptocurrencies”, 23

de noviembre de 2018.

MIRANDA, K. (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), “Estimating individual effects and their spatial spillovers in panel data models”, 30 de noviembre de 2018.

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Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Department of Statistics

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