Download - Democracy And Behaviourism - Imphal Times June Page 3.pdf · minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday to put across their demands for better security. Officials have said Mamata Banerjee

Page 1: Democracy And Behaviourism - Imphal Times June Page 3.pdf · minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday to put across their demands for better security. Officials have said Mamata Banerjee

Imphal Times Supplementary issue Page 3

Continued from Page 2

AgencyNew Delhi,June 17,

Doctors of the All IndiaInstitute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS) on Mondayannounced that they will goon a strike in solidarity withdoctors across the countrywho are boycotting work inpro test against v iolenceagainst them in West Bengal.AIIMS doctors who hadearlier said they would not beparticipating in the strike, saidthey will withdraw electiveservices from 12 noon todaytill 6 am on Tuesday, astatement issued by theResident Doctor’sAssociation (RDA) of AIIMSsaid today.Emergency services includingCasualty, ICU and Labour

Delhi AIIMS doctors join nationwide strikeafter junior resident assaulted

room services will, however,not be affected.The decision by AIIMSdoctors was taken in anemergency meeting early onMonday and comes amidallegations that a jun iorresident doctor at theEmergency Department of JaiPrakash Narain Apex TraumaCentre (JPNATC) at AIIMS,Delhi, was abused by therelatives of a patient at around1:30 am on Sunday for“performing his rightful dutyof giving preferential care to acritical patient.”“We remain dedicated to theprimary reason of servinghumanity to our fullestpotential. The incident atEmergency Depar tment,Trauma Centre, AIIMS wherea junior resident was assaulted

for performing his rightfulduty of giving preferential careto a critical patien t, wasefficiently managed with thesupport of AIIMSadministration in letter andspirit,” the RDA said.“But this event made usrethink about the warfront- likeconditions faced by our fellowmedicos elsewhere, wherethey are usually left alone tofight for their lives whilesaving those of the sick andeven where the basic securitymeasures like CCTVsurveillance and specialsecur ity deployment atEmergency and ICU’s arenonexisten t,” the RDAstatement added.The association said it hasdecided to continue activeassociation with the

“movement to ensure safetyand secur ity of doctors isessential for it to materializeinto legal concrete results ofbringing a ‘Central Act forViolence against Doctors’ bythe Government of India,which includes invokingstr ingent penal actionsagainst the culprits.”The association has furtherurged the West Bengaladministration to fulfil thedemands of striking doctorsand reso lve the matteramicably at the ear liest.Protesting junior doctors inWest Bengal sought an“immediate end to thisimpasse” and agreed for talkswith Chief Minister MamataBanerjee.On Saturday, West BengalChief Minister MamataBanerjee had accepted theprotesting doctors’ demandsand promised to not invokethe stringent EssentialServ ices Maintenance Act(ESMA) against them for notperforming their duties andurged them to resume workimmediately.Indian Medical Association(IMA), country’s largestmedical body is holding anationwide str ike todayagainst the alleged attacks ondoctors in West Bengal. It hasurged for the formulation of acomprehensive law for theenactment of protection lawfor the doctors andamendment in the IndianPenal Code (IPC) and Code ofCriminal Procedure (CrPC). Italso wants security measuresto be specified.The doctors’ strike in WestBengal has entered its seventhday today and has spread toother parts of the country too.The doctors at AIIMS alsotook out a pro test on thecampus this morning.Meanwhile, doctors at JaipuriaHospital in Jaipur are also onstrike today. Doctors at SirSayajirao General Hospital inVadodara hold protest outsideOut Patient Department today.

AgencyNew Delhi,June 17,

Thousands of doctors skippedwork on Monday againstunsafe conditions at work afterthree of their colleagues wereassaulted in West Bengal lastweek, paralysing healthfacilities across the country.The strike was called by theIndian Medical Association(IMA) after at least three juniordoctors were attacked by thefamily of a patient, who died atKolkata’s NRS MedicalCollege last week. Doctors ofstate-run medical colleges andhospitals in West Bengal arealready protesting since lastweek and will meet ch iefminister Mamata Banerjee onMonday to put across theirdemands for better security.Officials have said MamataBanerjee may hold a meetingwith the agitating doctors atthe state secretariat at 3pm onMonday. Health care servicescontinue to remain affected inthe emergency wards, outdoorfacilities and pathological unitsof many state-run hospitals andprivate medical facilities inWest Bengal on Monday, theseventh day of the strike in theeastern state.The top medical body said allnon-essential services,including outdoor patien tdepartment (OPD) services, willbe withdrawn for 24 hours from6am on Monday to 6am onTuesday. Emergency andcasualty services will continueto function, it said.Doctors at All India Instituteof Medical Sciences (AIIMS)in New Delhi took out a protestmarch on Monday and will goon a strike from 12pm till 6amon Tuesday in support of theirprotesting colleagues in WestBengal. Emergency servicesincluding casualty, ICU andlabour room will function asusual.“We once again urge the WestBengal administration to fulfilthe demands of the strikingdoctors and resolve the matteramicably at the earliest in thebest interest of the general

Doctors on nationwide strike todayin support of Bengal stir, demand

law for protecting medicos

public,” the AIIMS ResidentDoctors Association (RDA)said in a statement.It said a meeting of its generalbody will be held at 6pm todecide the further course ofaction.Doctors in several o therstates like Gujarat, Rajasthanand Tripura also striking.IMA had launched a four-day nationwide protest fromFriday and wrote to Unionhome minister Amit Shahdemanding a central law tocheck vio lence againsthealthcare workers.Its announcement for a strikeon Sunday came a day afterUnion health minister HarshVardhan asked states toconsider enacting specificlegislation for protectingdoctors and medicalprofessionals from any formof violence.IMA, however, demanded acomprehensive central law todeal with violence on doctorsand healthcare staff, and inhospitals. Security measuresand the determinants leadingto violence should also beaddressed , it said in astatement.Exemplary punishment forperpetrators of v iolenceshould be a component of thecentral law and su itableamendments should bebrought in the Indian PenalCode (IPC) and Code ofCriminal Procedure (CrPC),IMA said.IMA said in its statement thateffective implementation ofthe central law has to beensured by incorporatingsuitable clauses. Structuredsafety measures, including

three-layer security, CCTVcameras and restriction ofentry of visitors should be welldef ined and enforceduniformly across the countryin all sectors, it said.“Healthcare violence has itsorigin in high expectations,lack of infrastructure andinadequate human resources.Issues of medical professioninvolving a doctor-patientrelationship , effectivecommunication regarding thenature of illness andprofessional counselling playa part as well,” IMA said inthe statement.“The IMA expects thegovernment of India toprovide for each of thesecomponents.”Doctors at the Centre-runLady Hardinge MedicalCollege and Hospital and RMLHospital and Delhigovernment’s healthcarefacilities such as GTB Hospital,Dr Baba Saheb AmbedkarHospital, Sanjay GandhiMemorial Hospital and DDUHospital, boycotted work andheld protests on Saturday.However, emergency andintensive care units were notaffected in these hospitals.Resident doctors of AIIMSand Safdarjung Hospital, whoresumed work after a boycotton Friday, gave a 48-hourultimatum to Mamata Banerjeeon Saturday to meet thedemands of the state’sagitating doctors, failing whichthey said they would go on anindefinite strike.They attended patien tswearing helmets and bandageson their foreheads as a sign ofprotest.

AgencyNew Delhi,June 17,

Th e f irs t s es sio n o f thenewly elected Lok Sabhah as b egu n wi thadminister in g of oath toth e Mem ber s . P r o -Temspeaker Dr. Virendra Kumaradministered the oath toth e m em b er s . P r im e

First session of newly elected LokSabha begins today

Minister and Leader of theHouse Narendra Modi tookthe oath . After taking theoath , Mr odi signed ther o ll o f Mem ber s an dgr ee ted th em. Cab in e tMinis ter s inc lu din gRajnath Singh, Amit Shah,Ni tin Gadk a r i , D VS adan an da Go wd a ,Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Ravi

Shankar Prasad , SantoshGangw ar am o ng o the r stook the oath as Memberso f th e Lo k Sab h a .T h eHo us e al s o ob s e rv edsilence for a shor t while tomark the solemn occasionof the f irst sitting of the17th Lok Sabha. The sittingo f th e Lo k Sab h a i sunderway.

Modi could delicate thebiggest war memorial atIndia Gate, New Delhi, Modico uld en deavo ur toconstruct the Biggest PoliceMemorial and Museum forIndia, which was ever firstin the history of India. Foreign RelationsModi could estab lish thebest of foreign relationshipund er b est coord inat ionwith the Foreign MinisterSushma Swaraji, the mostlearned Lady of the Nation,of the era. Modi becameWorld leader with his superbpe rso nal ity. Bu t, hesincerely endorsed that, hispower in born of majorityGovt. if majority not beencommenced he could nothave so much of power onthe platform of the world; heco uld lod ge and boa rdhimse lf to the wor ldpavil ion , du e to I ndianem blem i .e. democrat icIn dia. Bu t p ar li amentelect ion 2019, w ith it ’sconstituent of council o fMinisters says somethingbeyond politics, which is ofnew Foreign Minister, theformer Foreign Secretary.There is public opinion thata recently retired ForeignSecretary placed to the postof the Minister of the Big

Democracy And BehaviourismChamber where he works,wo uld be a b iggestpromotion, but deviates thepubl ic opin ion . Per hapsadministrative perceptionwould be right, but, it seemshi tch a l ittl e; because abureaucrat turn politicianhas been promoted to themo st v ita l Democrat s/Diplomats post has beensurprised. But, I would notfavour to point to the leaderwh o b ecame P oli ticalleaders from bureaucrats. Although it might notre f lec t a s I tho ugh t,becaus e, m an to m andi ffer ence a re ther e.Ho wev er the next f orsecretary might be postedout, so that dif ference ofegos may no t tuss ie infuture. But Modi’s personalreach ou t to theneighbouring countries ofSARC, as well as U.K.,Russia, U.S, China, German,France, Saudi, Iran, Iraq,Japan , Korea, Vie tnam,Israel, Palestine, PhilippinesIsland , South Korea andsmall islands like Maldiveswas fo und to becommendable on the part ofForeign relationship. Also,hope next tenure of IndiaGo vern men t w ill b r ingre lations with the o th er

countries on the journey ofpeace.In ter nal P oli tic s/AdministrationMo dij i m ould thein surgency s tr in gs inKashmir a s w ell as inPakistan with appropriateac tion . Mo dij i p r omotessports in the country; hecould improve public healthand public economic status.Modi is the leader who couldexpan d h is p ar ty a t theutmost desire with his partyPresident Amit Shah; butleftist bound govt. in Kerala,rather Bengal with stubbornleader have to overcomepo lit ica lly. But , n o w inBengal would not have theproblem. Because, Mamata’spo lit ics sh owinghollowness, but trying tiedgrip as last straw of a personwhen sinking in the water.Bu t, Ker ala has beeninducted cadre promotedleaders like B.J.P. But, onlydi ffe ren ce i s BJP isna tion ali st andconstructive; whereas, CPItrying to fool the people inthe nam e of secu rali sm,which is unmatched in the21st century.Of course, by saying Globalv i llage is a n oun bu t,unending question marks

remain in it. Has a stateunless societies or numberof societies include ? It islike that, unless number ofstate s r emain n o n ationshall be built. After nationth ere is the te rmmultinational which has nosymbol of existence in oneas communist party of Indiadream. But segment of thena tio ns in s ove reigncharacter can not administerto gether und er a s ingleumbrella.Also acco rding to thephilosophy of India, theadministrator either of kingor of Ministers have beenbless ed with the Ved icSloka . As S WAS TIP R A J A B H Y AP A R I P A L AYA N T A M ,Nyayena Margen Mah imMahisam, Gau-BrahmanevaMastu Nityam Loka SamastaSukhino Bhawantu. (let thead min ist ration keep thesu bject hea lthy; le t thesubject guide and justify; letcow and Brahmans be kepthappy and regard all thetime) . BJP led NDAdiscussed and adopt Vedicimportance of manu-smriti,vedas and puranas of VedasVyasa; sanatana marga of adisankaracharya; nyay, arthaand rastrya niti of chanakya.

IGAR (South)Imphal June 17,

Thoubal Battalion of 9 SectorAssam Rifles under the aegisof IGAR (South) organised ahealth awareness drive atHongbi village on 15 June 2019.The awareness dr ive wasorganised by Upper KhoripokCompany Operating Base(COB) with an aim to spreadawareness about variouscommon diseases related tomonsoon season. The eventcommenced with aninformative lecture onwaterborne diseases andsignificance of health and

Assam Rifles Organises HealthAwareness Drive

hygiene in life. Various issuesrelated to diseases caused dueto intake of impure water,health hazards due to opendefecation and relatedprecautionary measures thatneed to be undertaken werecovered during the lecture.The lecture was followed byan interactive session in whichvarious queries raised by theattendees were clarified.As part of the drive, a routinemedical checkup was alsoconducted by the UnitMedical team during whichmedical assistance wasrendered to locals of the area.In addition to the medical

checkup, consultation onvarious diseases and healthrelated issues was providedand free medicines weredistributed to the needypatien ts. The eventconcluded with tea andrefreshments for all theattendees.The initiative of Assam Rifleswas appreciated by the localpopulace who conveyed theirhear tfelt gratitude to theAssam Rifles for providingmuch needed medicalassistance to the people. Theyalso requested for more suchcamps in the near future for thebenefit of the entire community.