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    Perdue jokes about suspending Congressional

    elections for two years

    Submitted by jbfrank on 2011-09-27 13:57

    Tags: Under the Dome | Congress | Gov. Bev Perdue

    UPDATED: File this in the random-things-politicians-say file.

    Speaking to a Cary Rotary Club today, N.C. Gov. Bev Perdue suggested suspending Congressional elections for

    two years so that Congress can focus on economic recovery and not the next election.

    "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it

    against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone

    can agree with me on that," Perdue said. "You want people who don't worry about the next election."

    The comment -- which came during a discussion of the economy -- perked more than a few ears. It's unclear

    whether Perdue, a Democrat, is serious -- but her tone was level and she asked others to support her on the

    idea. (Read her full remarks below.)

    Later Tuesday afternoon, Perdue's office clarified the remarks: "Come on," said spokeswoman Chris Mackey in astatement. "Gov. Perdue was obviously using hyperbole to highlight what we can all agree is a serious problem:

    Washington politicians who focus on their own election instead of whats best for the people they serve."

    The Republicans sure are taking it seriously as they look to score political points. Here's a statement from GOP

    spokesman Rob Lockwood:

    Now is a time when politicians need to be held accountable more than ever. To suspend an election would be

    removing the surest mechanism that people have to hold politicians accountable: the right to vote. Does the

    Governor not believe that people of North Carolina have the ability to think for themselves about whether or not

    the actions of elected officials are working?"

    UPDATED: GOP House candidate Paul Coble didn't think much of Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue's idea that

    congressional elections be suspended for two years so Congress can concentrate on the economy.

    Thats a proposal that only the politicians that have worsened our economic mess could appreciate, said Coble,

    who is chairman of the Wake County commissioners. Governor Perdue and the politicians in Washington may

    fear the message voters send next November.

    Perdue's full statement:

    "You have to have more ability from Congress, I think, to work together and to get over the partisan

    bickering and focus on fixing things. I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two

    years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them

    help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that. The one good thing

    about Raleigh is that for so many years we worked across party lines. It's a l ittle bi t more contentious

    now but it's not impossible to try to do what's right in thi s state. You want people who don't worry about

    the next election."

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:39pm TruthDetector

    ...because even his core constituency is so fed up with this failed, socialist community organizer that his

    single-term fate is sealed already.

    The overwhelming majority of voters will ask themselves one question as they enter the booth: Am I better or

    worse off than I was four years ago?


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    Even his Kool-Aid swigging Obamabots know the overwhelming respondent consensus.

    Congratulations are in order, President Peanut! James Earl Carter, Jr.: Prepare to relinquish your crown.

    We have a new worst POTUS ever.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:33pm jjd1965

    Peter Orszag just printed an article saying the same thing. Obama has opined that he wished he could "work

    around" Congress. Woody Allen and a few other Hollywood libs have said the same thing.

    These are not jokes. Liberals are the most frightening threat to a Democratic Republic. At heart they are "let

    them eat cake" elitists who think the average voter is just too stupid to vote properly. They say shockingly

    arrogant and stupid things like this because, at heart, they are dictators.

    They prove every day the maxim "Absolute power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

    Which is EXACTLY why the Founding Fathers created the system that they did so that absolute LUNATICS

    like these liberals can only hold limited power and remain answerable to The People,

    That is why the Founding Fathers created the election process that they did, and here we have another

    leftwing nut opining how great it would be of Congress were NOT answerable to the People. They ignored us

    when they passed Obamacare' - how did that work out for them? A HISTORIC drubbing at the polls.

    We need leaders that LOVE the institutions as they were created to function to safeguard us from dictators.

    Not those who wish for dictatorial powers. The Constitut ions safeguards are FAR more important thansomeone's agenda.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:31pm PreObamaVeteran

    Hey you Carolinians! If you kick her out you'll be doing her a big favor! She'd have no competition for any office

    she wants in California.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:29pm jschmidt2

    Around this time next year, you'll hear threats of rioting in the streets if Obama is not re-elected.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:28pm dannyvice

    "I really hope someone can agree with me on that." This statement alone shows that Purdue was not only

    dead serious about suspending elections, she also hopes her belief gains traction and becomes reality. No

    reasonable person says "I hope people will agree with me on this" if they are joking.

    So you are reduced to believe one of two things. Either this woman is an incompetent fool who can't speak a

    coherant sentence, or she meant her statement in earnest.

    Either way, she is not fit for the job and must be removed from office.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:27pm jschmidt2

    The media has already started their campaign to re-elect Obama. THey present him as a strong leader, which

    he isn't, and are trying to narrow down the Republican field to the weakest they can find. Notice most of the

    Republicans candidates are not getting any coverage. Paul and Huntsman are essentially ignored. THe media

    attempts show the Tea Party candidates as extreme and to marginalize them.

    Obama has clearly lost the independents and comments like this from a Democrat only alienate them further.






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    September 27, 2011 - 9:25pm TruthDetector

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:23pm buster2

    Someone always has to throw the first volley and would bet you will hear more dem govenors coming up with

    the same idea. I truly expect Obama to declare marshal law if he can create the opportunity and stop all

    elections because he is doing so poorly and people have woken up to the change they can't believe in. I hopethe Republicans are on alert.....this administration back doors everything.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:17pm JulianusRex

    She wasn't joking. This calls for either resignation or impeachment.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:16pm pnm823


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    September 27, 2011 - 9:15pm KipNoxzema

    I'd be real happy if you told us how the Tea Party is "obstructing" anything; especially when O'Bummer has had

    everything he wanted done.

    Oh this explanation will be good.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:14pm dannyvice

    There is a difference between spinning a news article vs. outright lying.... Spinning an issue is bad enough,

    but fabricating news in order to provide damage control for a member of congress is blatant cronyism.

    Her statement most CERTAINLY was not delivered as a joke... Nor did the statement contain ANY reference

    that would lead any reasonable person to interpret it as a joke.

    Oh, I'm sure she will issue some kind of an excuse for her that it has gone vira l. But a news

    reporter's job is to report facts and events.... not re-interpret a political candidate's words into a more palitable


    NewsObserver - you are corrupt and worthless as a source of believable news. It's no wonder I've never heard

    of this site before, and you can be assured I will never spend a minute on it again.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:14pm pnm823

    Two more years of irresponsibility? Bye, Bye, Bev!! ! And I thought Oblamer was the biggest numbskull!

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:08pm KipNoxzema

    Notice the State Run Media quickly trying to cover for Perdue. No, she wasn't joking.

    She's following the Socialist template from this Regime. "Trash the Constitution till you get what you want." Ifthese delusional Dems still think we're on the "road to recovery", why think about elections? If you trulybelieve

    you're going to renew the economy and create jobs, the election shouldn't even concern you.

    It's more lies and deception from Left; something we're accustomed to by now. That's why the Tea Party sent a

    message last November and why we're sending a big one in 2012.

    We've had enough! All of this president's bills have been passed (so can the pathetic "obstructionist

    Republicans" blame game) and they've been an epic FAIL. We need someone with proven leadership qualities.

    We can get you a job, and help you chase the American Dream, with smaller government and an improving

    economy.Go with the party that will put more money in your pockets and less in the government's.

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:03pm scottie1321

    Joke or no joke you should be entirely ashamed of yourself. Not only was it an obnoxious gaffe, it was

    unprofessional and the kind of a joke we would expect out of a High Schooler. I would not go so far as to ask

    you to resign but I would totally support a recal if I were a resident of your state. You should have known

    before you said it that it was something that should have not been said. If you did not, then you need to do

    some deep reflection.

    Shameful Gov. Bev Perdue, utterly shameful!

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    September 27, 2011 - 9:00pm Tom1689







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    She just speaking what's on every Democrat's mind. They know it's the only way they'll be able to keep

    power. Comrade Obama isn't willing to take any bona fide steps to improve the economy. And the Democrats

    know the People will revolt against their rule in November 2012. So it slipped her lips, probably as a trial

    balloon, to see what kind of reaction they get. The stupid 1/3 of this Country will of course say: Great

    Idea! Another 1/3 will say that's weird, not a great idea. And the other 1/3, Republicans and tea-partiers and

    other normal people, know that this has always been on the minds of Comrade Obama, the liberals,

    socialists, communists, the Congressional black caucus, the eco-terrorists, and the black-liberation theology

    faction -- nut-jobs all.

    It's been a cold-civil war so far (credit D. Kahane). But the public could go unhinged with loose talk like that.

    And if they're serious? Articles of Impeachment & conviction for any public official who seriously proposes

    such an outrageous suspension of our rights.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:57pm bluemold0

    How fortunate we are to have a leader who cares so much about her citizens more than re-election. Such as

    selfless atti tude is to be commended. She has placed us all above politics. Thank you Gov. Perdue.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:49pm GordonTrenchard

    Please tell me someone has this on video. Her comments do not seem to be made in jest to me. The tone

    seems pretty serious to me. Worst gaffe ever. She makes Biden look like a piker.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:42pm itchyz

    Nice try, N&O. You did your liberal best to characterize her comments as a joke. Her full statement gives no

    credence to that notion.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:32pm KFodor

    Your comment suggesting the suspension of a Congressional election is a comment I never thought I would

    hear from an American politic ian. It is not something you do in jest.

    Yes, the economy and the lack of jobs are serious problems. But, let me assure you, the American system of

    government...a government of the people, by the people and for the people is more than capable of dealing

    with it.

    And it begins by dealing with the people who are responsible for the problems. This includes (in no specific


    All the politicans, both Republican and Democratic who have stolen our Social Security to pay for their

    hometown pet projects. Who have spent our precicious cash resources on such "important" things as

    bridges to nowhere, gay sex studies, $16 dollar muffins, $5 dollar meatballs, $110 toilet seats (and that's

    just a few)...and now have the audacity to demand more in taxes from us for a jobs program that even Bill

    Clinton says won't work!

    The President Of The United States is a liar. Yes, I said it. The jobs program and the stimulus he proposes

    is chock full of "fees", which will not be assessed only on "millionaires and billionaires", it will be assesed

    on, middle class and yes, the poor. It's a power grab...and a money grab because he

    knows nothing else to do, but spend money...a supposed answer to our problems already discredited by

    his spending over the first two years.

    We've spent enough. It's time for this "spending like drunken sailors party" to come to an end. We have to get

    our fiscal house in order. It will be painful. We do not need to be financing the arts, public broadcasting, an

    energy department, and an EPA which is hindering business from taking steps which can put people to work

    immediately. We don't need an education department, either...we need good teachers and good administrators

    who are allowed to do their jobs and...yes...parents who care. We need a social safety net, yes. But we don't

    need 100 plus weeks of unemployment...we don't need constant handouts that go, in part, to the same

    derelicts of society who refuse to contribute to it. And, we don't need dozens of czars not approved by

    Congress or the Constitution with powers to rule over our lives.





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    I can barely make it from paycheck to paycheck. I have less than $500 dollars in my savings. My side

    business last year made $2,000 profit. Taxes took 75 percent of that!

    And you suggest (in jest? Yeah, right.) that we suspend the Constitution to leave the same bunch of bozos in

    office that have made this mess even worse? You are one ignorant person if you do.

    As Americans, we remember. And we November.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:31pm chucksierra

    I called it! I predicted this kind of tyrannical govt. overthrow a long time ago. And now we're

    seeing it coming to fruition. Resident baraq last seen nodding in approval and giving Gov. Bev

    a huge standing O!!! Traitors to the People and to the Constitutional Republic. They'll do

    anything to stay in power. Shred the Constitution even....

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:27pm flyme33

    I hope there is a recording, I would like to hear it. No punchline and I bet no one laughed. What I hear is we

    should consider suspending the Consitution. Really Bev?

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:20pm jeremiah177

    Actually I can believe what the gov said. The dem party is Socialist at heart and I for one say NO! They have

    dumbed down a third of our country to believe in this redistribution (stealing) of others money and property.

    Listen up America and NC we better keep the pressure on and while your at it ask for the Gov to resign and

    move to Venezula where she can watch elections be controled and manipulated. Govenor it was not funny. I

    am old enough to remember the USSR and I have lived in Socialist Europe. I want our America back, the one

    that JFK and MLK and Regan believed in and not the America the progressive (communist) dem party wants.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:17pm Taxpayer550

    Typical liberal tactic.

    Whatever it takes to stay in power.

    We know what's best for everyone.

    You're rights mean nothing!

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:17pm chucksierra

    Dear Pat, keep drinking your koolade and remember our now slogan, "Obama 4 Life"!!!

    Sincerely, Comrade Bev.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:16pm AgentPierce

    The best part of this "little Dumplin' foot in little Dumplin' mouth"incident was how quickly her crisis

    management squad got The N&O to change their original headline and edit the original story to lessen the

    ridicule ..... but not before it had gone viral.

    "Editor Drescher, Bev is on line #2"






    THE BEST JOKE .....

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    "Hi Bev, what's up?"

    "John I need you to powerwash my stupid remark about suspending elections. I need you to do it RIGHT


    "YES Ma'm. I'll take care of it MYSELF."

    "You better."

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:11pm John_Locke

    OhBummer is a fool for attacking the American Tea Partiers. Heck, he thought that he had all of us

    hoodwinked, hornswoggled, and bamboozled. Hes annoyed that the Tea Partiers are not grateful to him for

    hijacking the American healthcare system --- the greatest act of vandalism perpetrated upon the American

    people since a gang of jihadi frootloops and loonytoons hijacked some planes and crashed them into the World

    Trade Center towers --- and the Pentagon, and made a failed attempt to crash into the White House --- and

    instead drilled a hole in a Pennsylvania farm thanks to some very courageous American passengers.

    And --- now widely seen for what he is --- the president presents a problem for the Democrat-captured media.

    They pump out his propaganda for him --- and, like the opinion monitors in Ayn Rands novel, Atlas Shrugged

    --- they are dodging brickbats and rotten vegetables.

    Hes pompous, pampered, and pretentious --- a pseudo-intellectual fop. Hes a glorified, smooth-lyin dandy,

    and slicker than Sick Willie Clinton. Hes a dictator-on-the-make, a bloodsxcking, predatory humanitarian thug,

    and a low-down skunk.

    Hes a fraud and a swindler. He lies when he inhales and he lies when he exhales; his oxygen is the

    falsification of reality. He lies, placidly and laconically, as if deception were a soporific drug.

    Hes a friend of the poor and the downtrodden --- indeed, you can hear the milk of human kindness sloshing

    around inside of him when he walks.

    He declares himself the post-racial leader --- Let me be clear! he intones --- and he hides behind his race,

    daring his critics to put their reputation for fairness at risk.

    He pauses to ponder the portent of his propaganda --- and it is fakery; he smiles and his mendacity comes

    shining through. Shake hands with Barak Hushpuppy OhBummer --- The Mistake of 08 --- the illegal alien

    squatter in the White House until his papers have been lab-tested for age and chemicals, etc --- and

    Americas first and last Arab president --- King of The Republic of Lies. Now count your fingers.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:09pm TruePatriot

    Not only should we not suspend elections, but we should begin more recall elections to remove ignorant, inept

    leaders, such as yourself, from the offices they are incapable of leading. Thank you, that is all.


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    September 27, 2011 - 8:08pm GozieBoy

    If this was a joke, where was the puch line? What part of this was people expected to think was at all funny?

    WHere did she ever let on that this was intended to be humorous? It was the furthest thing from a joke


    Impeachment hearings should commence immediately.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:07pm John_Locke

    Dear Bev,





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    Thanks for your great speech of today at the Rotary Club.

    Sincerely yours,


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    September 27, 2011 - 8:07pm doublee

    The comments I'm reading warms my heart because if this blog lives up to its name (The News and

    Observer) it should be liberal bastion and the comments seem to be overwhelmingly negative toward the Guvs


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    September 27, 2011 - 8:05pm John_Locke


    "You darkeners of counsel, who would make the property, lives and religion of millions depend on the evasive

    interpretations of musty parchments; who would send us to antiquated charters of uncertain and contradictory

    meaning, to prove that the present generation are not bound to be victims to cruel and unforgiving despotism,tell us whether our pious and generous ancestors bequeathed to us the miserable privilege of having the

    rewards of our honesty, industry, the fruits of those fields which they purchased and bled for, wrested from us

    at the will of men over whom we have no check.

    "Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say, What should be the reward of such

    sacrifices? Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, and supplicate the friendship, and plough, and sow, and

    reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us

    from the face of the earth? If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the

    animating contest of freedom go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and

    lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our


    Courage, then, my countrymen, our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there

    shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty. Dismissing, therefore, the justice of our

    cause, as incontestable, the only question is, What is best for us to pursue in our present circumstances?

    It does not take a majority to prevail.but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires offreedom in the minds of men.

    Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to

    property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can.

    The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable

    citizens from keeping their own arms.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:05pm jschmidt2

    Guess she wouldn't know it was a violation of the Constitution. But Dems don't seem to care about that.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:04pm Jst4140

    That comment sure doesn't sound like it's coming from a party that is confident they'll win the 2012 elections.

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    September 27, 2011 - 8:04pm John_Locke






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    What this country needs is a truly LIBERAL president and congress and judiciary!

    And I forgive the reader for suspecting that this must be some kind of bad joke!

    But the Democrats believe in "statism" --- not "liberalism."

    Strip them naked of their fake "liberal" label and expose their ugliness for all the world to see.

    They benefit from the imprecise American political terminology ---- we say "the government" here in the USA

    ---- rather than "the state." And that's a dangerous problem. Famous brands of statism in recent centuries have

    been Nazism, socialism, fascism, communism, and welfare statism ---- this last is sort of a mix of fascism and


    Liberalism, on the other hand, is a political philosophy of small, cheap government ---- it is a constabulary ----

    and the job of a liberal government is to enforce human rights within its own jurisdiction. I speak of the

    unalienable and perfectly-natural and universally-valid human rights of life, liberty, private property, and the

    pursuit of personal happiness.

    The first article of private property is "the self" and all other rights are derivatives of and flow from these

    cardinal rights. These rights ---- The Rights of Man ---- are the gift of nature or of nature's god ---- and they

    belong to all human beings, everywhere.

    Show me a Democrat who subscribes to all of the above, without qualifications or weasel words. The words

    "liberal" and "liberalism" were hijacked by the Democrats and socialists and fascists long ago ---- and it was the

    mistake of conservatives and libertarians to let them get away with it.

    It is long past time that liberalism be reclaimed, defined, and explained by its rightful owners ---- by the

    champions of freedom, i.e.: not by Democrats.

    Well, how about "progressivism?" Whuzzat?! Cancer is progressive, too. Isn't progressivism just another

    statist cancer? It chews you up, piece by piece, in the name of Da Peepul? Eat Da Rich? Moral cannibalism,


    Friends of freedom! Friends of peace-through-strength! And friends of prosperity! Declare yourselves to be

    "liberals," then ---- and kick over the bloody coffee tables --- and overthrow and trounce the Democrats in


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    September 27, 2011 - 8:02pm haywoodjablomie

    Please explain to these boobs that there should be no such thing as a career politician. Therefore there

    should never be any worry about the next election.

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:59pm lorettame

    Dear Bev,

    Thanks for your great speech of today at the Rotary Club.

    Sincerely yours,


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    September 27, 2011 - 7:59pm shlee69

    We need Congressional session limits. Congress can meet 3 times per year. Each session can last no more

    than 30 consecutive calendar days. The minimum time between sessions must not be less than 90 calendar

    days. Congressmen and Senators will receive pay for days in session but all pay will be limited to a maximum

    of 90 days per fiscal year. Congressmen will have neither a government retirement program nor a government

    supported Healthcare program. Every state is required to have a re-call statute for elected government officials

    both state and Federal. Moreover, each state must enact a Responsibility and Accountability Law (RAL) to

    ensure all elected officials act in consonance with the will of the people they were elected to represent.

    Legislative excesses in spending or taxation will be punishable under the provisions of the RAL at state level.

    Now let's see how much trouble they can cause.




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    September 27, 2011 - 7:57pm John_Locke




    We were the first to assert that the more complicated the forms assumed by civilization, the more restricted

    the freedom of the individual must become.

    --- Benito Mussolini, fascist dictator of Italy

    $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

    "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

    --- Karl Hess [libertarian speechwriter for Senator Barry Goldwater]

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:53pm John_Locke

    No surprise to me that a political party which claims always to be the instrument of "the people" would dream of

    thwarting the peoples' ability to replace that political party with representatives and executives who are very

    serious about getting the USA back on track toward prosper ity "ASAP." The Democrats are too busy stuffing

    their pockets with tax money to be worried about such petty concerns.

    We are ruled by armed force and by fraud by lying, arrogant, greedy-for-the-unearned, bloodsxcking,

    tax-eating Democrat thugs and gangsters who would steal your eyes if they weren't SCREWED INTO YOUR

    HEAD! Destroy them!

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:49pm no2ships

    If she would just focus on what it is the people want and not spend so much time trying to figure out ways to

    spin their agenda, then she wouldn't even need to campaign.

    She can say she was joking but for the synapsis to be there that means she thought it. Either she really

    believes it and just threw it out there or her edit feature is broken. Nevertheless, NC is probably an easily

    place to run for office now.

    Just keep feeding them the rope, they will do themselves in given enough time.

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:48pm mikec2

    You hear a call (like those that came from the white house) to bypass the democratic process so that the

    people cannot be heard ... and anyone taking exception to it needs decaf. Hmmm. If she is replaced by a

    conservative on the next election and that conservative reIterated her suggestion ... would you be equally fine

    with it and defend it from those of us who would be equally appalled by it (as we are now)? Or are you just

    going to be a liberal apologist regardless of how absurd their ideas.

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:46pm albert13






    ue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years | ne...

    12 9/27/2011

  • 8/4/2019 Dem Governor Perdue talks About Suspending Congressional Elections for Two Years


    With Obama he is no joke.... :(

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:45pm gadjotman

    I'm not the least bit shocked by her statement! I've been hearing those rumors for almost 3 years now. Just to

    keep it pc obama's puppet masters will probably wait till October to surprise voters with ....Oh my God there is

    something so grave that has just happened that we will for your protection have to suspend the election until

    all calms down.....when that will be?....we'll make that decision at the appropriate time.....Now sheeple I meanpeople.....everything will be back to normal in a few years....I mean a few days. Hope and change takes time

    folks.....they need more time to change America for good.

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:43pm albert13

    God forbid if a (conservative) Republican made the same statement about suspending the election all hell

    would break out from the drive by media. Even if it was said in a joking, matter that Republican would be hung

    from the news media gallows.

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:35pm doublee

    folks, this a trial balloon straight out of the obama administration from his visit to NC 2 weeks ago. we have got

    to resoundly flush this dude in Nov 2012, he will play every trick in the book to keep the regime going. if the

    election is close you will have drag him out of the white house kicking and screaming (al gores Florida forray

    will be tame comparitively) , if he has't already declared an emergency and suspended elections for some

    reason like the "perdue chicken" is suggesting.

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:35pm tosmarttojoin

    Do not fear-there will be no elections--Obama will soon be telling us that he is President for life

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:32pm coastalconnection

    Why is it that all our elected officials have gone brain dead? Perdue is a disgrace to the State of North

    Carolina. The only thing she can do to fix things in NC is to resign, cause she darn sure will be a one-term

    governor! Maybe Bev and Obama can get together and figure out how many states there are in the US!

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:25pm dwhit

    1934 Germany Obama....whoops...I mean Adolf Hitler suspended the Constitution and rigged the elections.

    Barb is obviously watching The History Channel emulating her idol Adolf.

    America is so asleep she MAY be successful.

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    September 27, 2011 - 7:25pm nandordu

    The Governor and her party sure won't be partying the night of Nov.6 2012. They can read the writing on the








    ue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years | ne...

    12 9/27/2011

  • 8/4/2019 Dem Governor Perdue talks About Suspending Congressional Elections for Two Years


    walls, or what is now known as the polls and they must conclude that they will get an embarrassing loss.

    When you cling to coattails, don't complain when you get sent to the cleaners Bev.

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    ue jokes about suspending Congressional elections for two years | ne...