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Page 1: Dehydration of ethanol






A dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Master of Science in

Biotechnology Engineering

Kulliyyah of Engineering

International Islamic University


MAY 2012

Page 2: Dehydration of ethanol



Continuous depletionof fossil fuels and the following increase in fuels price have

directed researchers towards producing fuel ethanol from biological materials. The

main challenge encountered in ethanol production process is the removal of large

excess amount of water within the produced ethanol. Distillation, though is an energy

extensive process, is usually used to produce ethanol up to 95% purity. Production of

higher purity ethanol is usually a major challenge due to the formation of an

azeotrope. In this study, an adsorber bed apparatus was designed, fabricated and used

to purify ethanol up to 99.5%. The apparatus consists mainly of fluid delivery system,

storage and sampling unit and adsorption column where adsorbents like zeolite can be

packed. The apparatus is designed to be packed and repacked several times and with

various types of adsorbents. 3A zeolites are used as water adsorbent materials in this

study. 3A zeolites proven to be efficient in removal of water from ethanol-water

azeotrope since their pore size is less than 0.3nm which allows only water to adsorb to

the inner large surface area of zeolite. An optimization process was performed for the

dehydration process manipulating three process parameters, namely; feed

concentration, feed flow rate and adsorption temperature. Optimum set was

determined to be at 95 % feed concentration, 200 ml/min flow rate and 25 ºC

adsorption temperature. Validation of the optimum set resulted in the production of

ethanol of 99.5% purity and with 91 % efficiency of recovery.

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I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion it conforms

to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and

quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology Engineering.


Maizirwan Mel


I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable

standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a

thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology Engineering.


Ahmad Tariq Jameel

Internal Examiner

I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable

standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a

thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology Engineering.


Prof. Dato' Rusli Mohd Yunus

External Examiner

This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Biotechnology Engineering and

is accepted as a fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in

Biotechnology Engineering.


Md Zahangir Alam

Head, Department of

Biotechnology Engineering

This thesis was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Engineering and is accepted as a

fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science in Biotechnology



Amir AkraminShafie

Dean, Kulliyyah of Engineering

Page 5: Dehydration of ethanol



I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigation, except

where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently

submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions.

Fouad R. H. Abdeen

Signature………………………………. Date…………………………

Page 6: Dehydration of ethanol






Copyright © 2012 by Fouad R. H. Abdeen. All rights reserved.



No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the

copyright holder except as provided below.

1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research

may only be used by others in their writing with due


2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make transmit copies (print of

electronic) for institutional and academic purposes.

3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieval

system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by

other universities and research libraries.

Affirmed by Fouad R. H. Abdeen

…………………………….. …………………………..

Signature Date

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My utmost gratitude goes to the Almighty, Allah (swt), for He only made this study

possible, and gave me the knowledge and strength to carry it out to the best of my

knowledge and ability. And I would like to express my sincere gratefulness to my

supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maizirwan Mel for guiding me to successfully accomplish

this study, and for sharing his extensive knowledge on the subject matter. I am

thankful for having the chance to work under his supervision as he was an inspiration

for thirst for knowledge, dedication, and professionalism. I would also like to thank

my co-supervisors Assist. Prof. Dr. Maan Al-Khatib and AzlinSuhaidaAzmi for the

time and effort they spent to make this study a success.

I am exceptionally thankful to my parents, brothers, and sisters for their

continuous encouragement and support during the course of this study. Their

motivation was the fuel that kept me going, and got me through the difficulties and

hard times.

Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who in one way or another

contributed to my study.

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Abstract ……………………………………………………………………..... i

Abstract in Arabic …………………………………………………………..... iii

Approval Page……………………………………………………………….... iv

Declaration Page ……………………………………………………………… v

Copyright Page ……………………………………………………………….. vi

Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………… vii

List of Tables …………………………………………………………………. x

List of Figures…………………………………………………………………. xi

List of Abbreviations………………………………………………………….. xii

List of Symbols……………………………………………………………….. xiii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………… 1

1.1 Background………………………………………………………………... 1

1.2 Problem Statement and its Significance…………………………………… 2

1.3 Research Objectives………………………………………………………. 4

1.4 Research Scope……………………………………………………………. 4

1.5 Research Methodology……………………………………………………. 5

1.6 Dissertation Organization…………………………………………………. 8


2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………. 9

2.2 Overview on Ethanol………………………………………………………. 10

2.2.1 Global Production and Demand of Bio-ethanol…………………. 10

2.2.2 Bio-ethanol Production Process………………………………….. 13

2.3 Ethanol-Water Separation Techniques…………………………………….. 15

2.3.1 Distillation……………………………………………………….. 15

2.3.2 Pervaporation…………………………………………………….. 17

2.3.3 Adsorption……………………………………………………….. 18

2.4 Molecular Sieves Zeolite Technology……………………………………… 19

2.4.1 Common Industrial Zeolites……………………………………... 20

2.4.2 Zeolites for Ethanol Dehydration………………………………… 22

2.5 Fixed Bed Adsorption……………………………………………………… 23

2.5.1 Equilibrium Studies of Fixed Bed Adsorption…………………… 24

2.5.2 Kinetic Studies of Fixed Bed Adsorption………………………... 26

2.6 Apparatuses Designed as Fixed Bed Adsorbers…………………………… 28

2.7 Adsorption Process for Ethanol Dehydration………………………………. 30

2.8 Summary…………………………………...………………………………. 32


3.1 Introduction………………………..……………………………………….. 34

3.2 Material and Chemical Preparation……………………………………….. 34

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3.2.1 Zeolite Materials…………………………………………………. 34

3.2.2 Feed Ethanol Preparation………………………………………… 35

3.2.3 Hydrometer……………………………………………………….. 35

3.3Equations and Apparatus Design Considerations…………………………... 36

3.4Experimental Procedure…………………………………………………….. 38

3.5Data Analysis……………………………………………………………….. 41

3.6Statistical Analysis and Optimization Method……………………………… 41

3.7 Summary…………………………………...………………………………. 43


4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………… 45

4.2Adsorber Bed Apparatus Design and Fabrication…………………………... 45

4.2.1Calculations and Design Constraints……………………………… 46

4.2.2Fabrication of Adsorber Bed Apparatus…………………………... 49

4.3Ethanol Purity and Efficiency of Recovery Results………………………… 52

4.3.1 Ethanol Purity…………………………………………………….. 52

4.3.2 Efficiency of Recovery…………………………………………… 53

4.4 Statistical Analysis and Optimization Results……………………………... 56

4.4.1 Design Model and its Evaluation………………………………… 56

4.4.2 Parameters Effect on the Process Responses……..……………… 62 Parameters Effect on Ethanol Purity….……………… 62 Parameters Effect on Efficiency of Recovery………... 67

4.4.3 Optimization Results……………………………………………... 71

4.5 Validation of Optimized Parameters……………………………………….. 74

4.6 Summary…………………………………...………………………………. 75


5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………….. 76

5.2 Recommendation…………………………...………………………………. 77




PUBLICATIONS …………………………………………………………….. 84


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Table No. Page No.

2.1 World Production of Bio-ethanol in 2005 and 2006


2.2 Different Types of Adsorbents Used in Industry


3.1 Zeolite Properties as Provided by the Manufacturer


3.2 Set of Experiments Performed with Different Parameters


3.3 Design of Experiment for the Adsorption Process Using Design

Expert v6 Software


4.1 Important Calculated Terms


4.2 Ethanol Purity Results


4.3 Efficiency of Recovery Results


4.4 Design Data as Keyed into Design Expert v6 Software


4.5 ANOVA for Ethanol Purity Response Selected Model


4.6 Statistical Terms for Ethanol Purity Response Model


4.7 ANOVA for Efficiency of Recovery Response Selected Model


4.8 Statistical Terms for ‘Efficiency of Recovery’ Response Model


4.9 Parameters Effect on Ethanol Purity and Efficiency of Recovery


4.10 Constraints Made for Optimization Process Using Design Expert

v6 Software


4.11 Solutions Obtained from Optimization Process Using Design

Expert v6 Software


4.12 Ethanol Purity and Efficiency of Recovery Results (Validation



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Figure No. Page No.

1.1 Flowchart that Explains the Research Methodology 7

2.1 Global Production of Bio-ethanol from 2000 to 2007 12

3.1 Adsorber Bed Column 39

4.1 Ethanol Adsorber Bed Apparatus for Ethanol Dehydration 50

4.2 Design Expert Half Normal Probability Plot for ‘Ethanol



4.3 Design Expert Half Normal Probability Plot for ‘Efficiency of

Recovery’ Model


4.4 Effect of feed concentration on the ethanol purity response when

flow rate is fixed at 400ml/min and adsorption temperature is

fixed at 37.5 ºC


4.5 Interaction Graph Showing the Effect of Feed Concentration on

the Ethanol Purity Response


4.6 Effect of flow rate on the ethanol purity response when feed

concentration is fixed at 90 % and adsorption temperature is fixed

at 50 ºC


4.7 Interaction Graph Showing the Effect of Adsorption Temperature

on the Ethanol Purity Response


4.8 Effect of feed concentration on the efficiency of recovery response

when flow rate is fixed at 400 ml/min and adsorption temperature

is fixed at 37.5 ºC


4.9 Effect of flow rate on the efficiency of recovery response when

feed concentration is fixed at 90 % and adsorption temperature is

fixed at 37.5 ºc


4.10 Effect of adsorption temperature on the efficiency of recovery

response when feed concentration is fixed at 90 % and flow rate is

fixed 400 ml/min


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3Å 3 Angstrom

PSA Pressure swing adsorption

TSA Temperature swind adsorption

mm millimetre

nm nanometer

𝐸𝑡𝑂𝐻 Ethanol

Kg Kilogram

kW Kilowatt

ANOVA Analysis of variance

V6 version six

Page 13: Dehydration of ethanol



Å Angstrom equals 10^-10 meter

q adsorbate concentration (mass basis) in the adsorbed phase

T temperature.

c concentration of the adsorbate of the liquid solution.

A adsorption surface area or coefficient of the Freundlich isotherm


K Henry’s law constant

n reciprocal of the exponent of the Freundlich isotherm equation

mq value of q corresponding to complete monolayer coverage

Cadded concentration of adsorbate in the feed, expressed as gram of adsorbate

per milliliter of feed

madded mass of feed added

V added volume of feed fluid added

V liquid volume of effluent solution collected after adsorption

V medium volume of adsorbents used

M w molecular weight of water (g/mol)

V bed volume of bed adsorber (ml)


bed density (g/mol)

mbed mass of the zeolite used in the adsorption experiment

bed bulk density of the zeolite used in adsorption

bedV volume of the adsorption column

Page 14: Dehydration of ethanol


C adsorber bed capacity measured as mass of water adsorbed by bed

eqC equilibrium water adsorption capacity

mf.ethanol maximum mass of ethanol-water mixture used per run

Water% percentage of water in the ethanol-water mixture used as feed

𝑉𝑑 volume of ethanol-water mixture drained from the adsorber column


EffR efficiency of recovery measured in percentage

𝐸𝑡𝑂𝐻𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐. concentration of feed ethanol measured in percentage

𝑉𝑐 volume of pure ethanol collected at the end of the dehydration process


𝑉𝑓 volume of feed ethanol-water mixture (litres)

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Fossil fuels diminution and the following increase in fuels price have directed

researchers towards finding other sources of energy. In particular special attention has

been given to producing fuels from biological materials. Such fuels are meant to be

environmental friendly and replace the depleting fossil fuel. In fact, ethanol is being

considered as one of the major renewable fuels contributing to the reduction of

pollution impacts generated by the utilization of fossil fuels(Balatet al., 2008).

However, in the ethanol production process, ethanol is being produced with a

large excess of water. The high cost associated with the separation of ethanol from

this large amount of water is considered as a major challenge in the ethanol production

process(Cardona and Sanchez, 2007). Conventionally, ethanol is separated from water

using distillation. However, distillation cannot remove water completely due to the

presence of an azeotrope.

Hence, producingfuel grade ethanol (ethanol of purity higher than 99%) in

commercial amount has been a major challenge facing ethanol producers. Researchers

have been seeking a process that can reduce the water content in ethanol below 1%.

One of the most potential processes to be used is adsorption onzeolite molecular

sieves (PruksathornandVitidsant, 2009).

Dehydration of ethanol by adsorption process has been performed over

different types of zeolite materials.One of the most efficient zeolite materials used for

dehydrating ethanol was 3Å zeolite which has proven to be capable of producing very

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pure ethanol. The purpose of carrying out this research is to study the water adsorption

process and optimize its different parameters on 3Å zeolite materials. An adsorption

system (adsorber bed apparatus)wasdesigned and fabricated for this purpose and an

ethanol of less than 1% water content was produced.


In the industrial production of ethanol, whether by chemical or biological process

routes, the raw product is generally a dilute aqueous solution. Ethanol yield of a

biological production process is usually 5% to 10% by weight only. Further

concentration of the ethanol by traditional distillation processes usually is used to

produce an azeotrope containing about 5% water by weight (Ginderand William,


The recovery of ethanol to dryness in excess of the azeotropic composition is

normally achieved by azeotropic or extractive distillation processes. However, such

separation processes are energy intensive(Carmoet al., 2004; Sowerbyand Crittenden,

2001). Therefore, there is a high demand for non-distillation methods that

economically produce anhydrous fuel ethanol.

To produce ethanol at a high level of dryness, adsorption process on zeolite

material has proven to be of great potential. There have been several researches on

adsorption of water from ethanol-water mixture using zeolite media. Most of these

researchers studied the adsorption of ethanol in vapour phase and/or liquid phase

using some common commercialized zeolite material (Kupiec, 2003).

The effects of feed flow rate, feed concentration and adsorption temperature

are among the interesting factors that are examined. In fact, dehydration by adsorption

on 3Å zeolite is known to have the advantage that the micropores are too small to be

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penetrated by alcohol molecules. Thus, water, in the water ethanol mixture, is

adsorbed without being competed with the ethanol molecules in the liquid phase

(Simo, 2008).

Therefore, dehydration of ethanol by adsorption on 3Å zeolite requires little

energy input compared to other methods(PruksathornandVitidsant, 2009). The

aforementioned dehydration process is believed to have high adsorbent productivity

and is often capable of producing very pure product (Tianet al., 2004).

In fact several studies have emphasized the fact that 3Å zeolite is efficient in

dehydrating ethanol (PruksathornandVitidsant, 2009; Simo, 2008; Teoand Ruthven,

1986). However, only few studies have highlighted the effect of different controlling

parameters in the packed column system on the dehydration process.

Nevertheless, it is well recognized scientifically and practically that different

sets of process parameters will yield ethanol with different purities or produce pure

ethanol with different efficiencies. Hence, there is a real need for evaluating the

different performance of an adsorber apparatus using different set of controlling


This study presents the dehydration process as an alternative to the existing

conventional methods. This study also aims to determine the actual effects of different

operating parameters on the efficiency of adsorption of water on 3Å zeolite through

experimental works system mainly in terms of product recovery and enrichment.

The significance of this study arises from the fact that reducing water content

in fuel ethanol below 1% is a crucial step in the ethanol production process. In

addition, with the absence of special researches done to compare between different

sets of parameters on the ethanol dehydration process, this study is considered of a

high importance. This study does not only compare between different sets of process

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parameters, but also sets up an adsorption system that can be packed with different

types of zeolites to dehydrate ethanol.


This study aims at attaining the following objectives:

1. To design and fabricate an adsorber bed apparatus for ethanol dehydration

on zeolite based media.

2. To purify ethanol and produce final product of less than 1% water content

using the fabricated apparatus.

3. To optimize the controlling parameters in the ethanol dehydration process

using the fabricated apparatus.


Adsorption process is usually performed under different conditions based on the

controlling parameters. The combination of different parameters, of the ethanol

dehydration process on zeolite materials is expected to yield ethanol of various

purities which is worth optimizing. However, to get an optimum set of adsorption

process parameters, an adsorber bed apparatus is usually needed.

In this study an adsorber bed apparatus containing a column that can be packed

with different materials was designed and fabricated. The adsorber bed apparatus was

used for manipulating the different parameters of this process; namely, feed

concentration,feed flow rate, and adsorption temperature at a certain range. An

optimum set of these process parameters was determined for selected zeolite


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The first step of conducting this research was to study the previous research work

done in this field. Based on the subject of this research work, studies concerning

azeotropic separation process, molecular sieves adsorption, zeolite adsorption,and

fixed bed adsorption system are significant for this research matter.

The second step wasdesigning a bench scale separation system following

findings and calculations based on the prior literature. This system was fabricated and

set up in the bioprocess lab in collaboration with ENK BioscienseSdn. Bhd.All

required materials like zeolite molecular sieves and ethanol of different purities were

ordered and prepared as well.Column was then placed in its correct position and

adsorbents (zeolite beads) were added slowly with the aid of a funnel.

After zeolite beads were loaded,a set of design of experiments was determined

using the Design Expertv6 software byvarying three process parameters (feed

concentration,feed flow rate, and adsorption temperature) as recommended by the


After the set of experiments was completed, statistical analysis was performed

with the aid of the Design Expert v6 software. Significance of each parameter and

interactions between parameters were determined. Then the optimization was carried

out to come up with the optimum set. The optimization step was followed by

validation of the optimum set.

After all results were tabulated and analyzed, discussions,conclusions and

recommendations were made.Results analysiswas performed aftermonitoring thetwo

responses of interest in this study, namely; ethanol purity and efficiency of recovery.

Figure 1.1 shows a flow chart that clarifies the research methodology. Based on

the chart the research methodology is divided into the following main steps:

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1. Study relevant previous works done and writing literature.

2. Design and Fabrication of adsorber bed apparatus.

3. Design of experiment and preparation of all required runs varying

parameters of interests.

4. Performing the required runs using the constructed apparatus.

5. Performing statistical analysis of the results obtained of all runs. Taking

into consideration responses of interests.

6. Optimization of results and determination of optimum set.

7. Validate results by running optimum set three times.

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Figure1.1: Flowchart that Explains the Research Methodology

Design and fabrication of

adsorber bed apparatus

Statistical analysis followed by optimization using Design Expert


Loading the adsorber bed column with zeolites.

Validation of

optimum set


Satisfactory results?




Performing set of runs varying three process parameters (feed

concentration, feed flow rate,and adsorption temperature). 8

runs were performedeach including adsorption and regeneration


Literature review

Design of experiment

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The research work done in this dissertation was divided into five chapters. Chapter 1

includes mainly background information about ethanol dehydration process. It also

discusses the problem statement of this research and its significance as well as

research objectives, research scope, and research methodology.

Chapter 2 provides a review of literature concerning ethanol production

process and its global demand, ethanol water separation techniques, molecular sieves

technology, fixed bed adsorption, adsorbers design and fabrication, and different

adsorption processes used for ethanol dehydration.

Chapter 3 provides the materials and equipments used in this research as well

as methods followed. In addition, this chapter presents the equations and

considerations used in the design and fabrication of the adsorber apparatus. Moreover,

an explanation of the experimental procedure is presented in this chapter followed by

data analysis and statistical analysis methods.

Chapter 4 presents and discusses the results and findings of this research work.

A detailed discussion of the apparatus design considerations and calculations are

provided. In addition, ethanol purity and efficiency of recovery results are analyzed

and discussed in this chapter. Furthermore, this chapter presents all the results of the

statistical analysis and optimization process.

Chapter 5 includes a summary of the findings and conclusions of this research

work. Some of the recommendations for future studies are also provided in this


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Ethanol bio fuel is being raised world-wide as a supplement for fossil fuels. The

production and use of ethanol as fuel has been implemented in many countries around

the world. The optimization of ethanol production and recovery is considered one of

the most potential fields to be studied by researchers.

The dehydration of ethanol has been the major challenge for ethanol producers

since the very first beginning of its production. There have been various methods to

dehydrate ethanol using different materials and apparatus. Each method has its own

pros and cons, and so, it is of great benefit to compare between these methods and

highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

The concern of this study is to dehydrate ethanol on zeolite based media using

adsorption process. Thus literature survey done in this chapter summarizes the

different methods, materials and apparatus previously used by researchers and ethanol


The following paragraphs are to give an overview on ethanol production

process, ethanol water separation techniques, Molecular sieves technology, fixed bed

adsorption, apparatuses designed as fixed bed adsorbers, and adsorption process for

ethanol dehydration.

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Ethanol or ethyl alcohol, C2H5OH, is conventionally produced by catalytic hydration

of ethylene with sulphuric acid. A process which makes ethanol regarded as a

petroleum product.However, the continuous depletion of petroleum has directed

ethanol producers towards finding other possibilities for ethanol production. The

current most potential route of producing ethanol is the microbial fermentation of

agricultural crops and/or wastes.

2.2.1 Global Production and Demand of Bio-ethanol

Ethanol (bio-ethanol) is regarded as the most bio-fuel to be used in transportation

either as a fuel or as a gasoline enhancer. When ethanol is used as an oxygenate it will

have several advantages over conventional gasoline additives. Ethanol is known to

have a high oxygen content that helps reducing the amount of oxygenate required to

be added. In addition, the high oxygen percentage leads to a better oxidation of the

gasoline hydrocarbons. Thus,carbon monoxide (CO)and aromatic

compoundsemissions are reduced.

The aforementioned advantages of using ethanol as a fuel or fuel additive have

led to an increasing demand for fuel ethanol production in several countries

worldwide. Different governmental regulations and strategies are being made by

dedicating a great concern for the production of fuel ethanol (Prasadet al., 2007).

Several countries including Brazil, United States, Canada, Japan, India, China and

Europe have been implementing strategies to increase their market use of fuel ethanol

(Mussatto, 2010).

The world leading countries in bio-ethanol production in the year 2005 and

2006 are shown in Table 2.1(Balatet al., 2009). The table shows that USA and Brazil