Download - Deep dive into Nokia Asha UI design: Fundamentals

Page 1: Deep dive into Nokia Asha UI design: Fundamentals

LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha UI Jan Krebber Senior User Experience Consultant OCTO3

Page 2: Deep dive into Nokia Asha UI design: Fundamentals


2 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

•  What’s new? •  Essentials •  Nokia UI •  LCDUI •  LWUIT •  Patterns •  Take home messages

Page 3: Deep dive into Nokia Asha UI design: Fundamentals

3 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

The visualization changed, but the APIs remain compatible.

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What’s new?

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Design drivers are direct access and direct manipulation.

5 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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The Swipe is reserved.

6 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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The screen is optimized for mobility, convenience and effectiveness.

7 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Back-stepping is done via a dedicated hardware Back/Exit key.

8 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Obey the minimum touch area.

9 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Push notification lets people listen to your service if there is something new.

10 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Toolbar area can host actions or tabs, but no combination of those.

11 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Indicating selected items has been simplified.

12 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Launcher icon is cropped automatially from Fastlane icon.

13 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Make sure custom components work with the light background.

14 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Page 16: Deep dive into Nokia Asha UI design: Fundamentals

Use standard gestures as intended

16 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

Drag Move item


Flick Scroll quickly

Pinch open Zoom in

Pinch close Zoom out

Press down Open, select

Long press Opens item menu

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Only one application can run at a time.

17 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Portrait and landscape orientation are supported.

18 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Status bar, Header bar and optional toolbar area are chrome.

19 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Options menu contains only actions affecting the entire view.

20 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Context menu is only a collection of shortcuts of single item actions.

21 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Treat LWUIT and LCDUI as separate offerings – do not mix them.

22 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Select your approach according to your requirements.

23 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

Custom UI on Canvas

LCDUI components

LWUIT components

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Exercise: Do you use LWUIT or LCDUI or full custom solution? Why?

24 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Nokia UI

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Category bar can have tabs or actions. Do not mix them.

26 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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If there is no Category bar, an Option’s item will be shown as textual button.

27 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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PopupList may replace the long-press menu when necessary.

28 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Push notification shows only your service’s information, no app statuses.

29 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Page 31: Deep dive into Nokia Asha UI design: Fundamentals

LCDUI components are backward compatible.

31 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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LCDUI requires only little layout work when using components.

32 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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LCDUI is based on few view types.

33 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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There are 2 types of displayable (views).

34 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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Screens use pre-defined elements, but in a canvas you can draw freely.

35 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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From UX point of view, there 2 different Canvases.

36 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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Use header and optionally the toolbar area to maintain look and feel.

37 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Alerts can only be shown inside an application.

38 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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In Alerts, place positive action at the top and negative action at the bottom.

39 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Lists allow only one list item type.

40 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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Implicit choice Lists are made for drill down flows.

41 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Exclusive choice List must have always exactly one item highlighted.

42 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Multiple selection list should have select/unselect all actions in Options.

43 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Multiple choice List and Exclusive choice List require a ”Done” button.

44 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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No focus in a list (1). Highlight only in a picker (2).

45 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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A form is the most versatile screen to use with LCDUI components.

46 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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Popup ChoiceGroup is preferred over the exclusive ChoiceGroup.

47 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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The DateField components can only be used for setting a date and time.

48 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Hint text disappears now immediately when opening TextField.

49 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Gauge can be a slider or a progress indicator.

50 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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StringItem displays text and allows hyperlinks and button creation.

51 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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ImageItem crops the image if necessary.

52 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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CustomItem allows drawing new elements e.g. a switch.

53 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Spacer adds space between two Form items.

54 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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A text box can show editable text or non-editable text. Nothing else.

55 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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Text color is changed according to the text state: non-editable, edit, edited.

56 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Ticker is available in Canvas, List, Form and TextBox.

57 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber


Screen Canvas

With chrome Full screen Alert List Form TextBox

Choice Group

Date Field

Text Field


String Item

Image Item

Custom Item


Implicit choice Exclusive choice Multiple choice

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Ticker always appears right below the Header bar.

58 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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60 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

LWUIT is based on components instead of ready screens.

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LWUIT runs in LCDUI’s Canvas with or without Canvas’ chrome.

61 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Styled components are made of LWUIT components but named differently.

62 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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LWUIT (Feedback) Banner is only for in-app-notification.

63 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Button may contain text or icon and can be customized.

64 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Dialogs should have not more than one accent button – if any.

65 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Grid or table should not exceed the screen horizontally.

66 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Usually the header is sticky, but not all views require a header.

67 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Group header groups content and does not separate single items.

68 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Use Label to give components a title.

69 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Lists can be customized to create fancy, exclusive and multiple choice lists.

70 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Picker should be opened in a new view and not be an in-line-edit item.

71 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Usually a determinate progress bar is preferred over a spinner.

72 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Use Slider for a continuous range of numerical values.

73 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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LWUIT long-press menu and LCDUI long-press menu work in the same way.

74 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Tabs can use text or icons and they can be customized.

75 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Switch should only be used with truly opposite items.

76 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Text field is for one line. Text area is for multiple lines.

77 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Indicate empty states and enable people to add content there.

79 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Highlight errors and help fixing them; either with an Alert or inline.

80 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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In full screen view show the chrome before you hide it.

81 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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“Delete” should have a confirmation. “Remove” does not require a query.

82 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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If people can populate a list, enable clean sweep.

83 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Refresh content by drag-down from top. Add more content by drag-up from bottom.

84 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Add Cancel to each individual process.

85 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Drill down means also a clear single back-stepping path.

86 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Tabs are not inherited to the next lower hierarchy level.

87 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Since filtering by categories is based on textual items, it may replace tabs.

88 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Progressive Search is ideal for large internal content.

89 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Take home messages

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91 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

The visualization changed, but the APIs remain compatible.

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Back-stepping is done via a dedicated hardware Back/Exit key.

92 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Treat LWUIT and LCDUI as separate offerings – do not mix them.

93 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

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Literature and links

94 © Nokia 2013 LCDUI and LWUIT UI components in Nokia Asha.pptx v.1 2013-05-28 Jan Krebber

UX Library for Nokia Asha:!index.html Nokia Asha Web app UX guidelines:!design-library.html Nokia Asha UI component demos:

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Thanks. [email protected] #krebbixux