Download - Declarations of War: Follow this carefully Austria Serbia Germany BritainFrance Turkey Russia.


Declarations of War:Follow this carefully

Austria Serbia

Germany Britain France



German Anger at Versailles/WeimarArticle 231-War Guilt: Being blamed And Having to Pay…Article 232-Reparations-$269 billion Marks = $70 billion dollars. Total US Government Budget in 1919: $5 billionFreikorps Right wing unemployed soldiers attacked Weimar government in BerlinWeimar fails to purge right wing judgesPolitical assassination of Left wing leaders & Jews

(i.e. Walter Rathenau )

Hitler: The Early YearsWounded in WW1 by a Mustard Gas attack, he is shocked to learn of Germany’s surrenderBlames Jews & Commies for lossJoins DAP debate club turns it into National Socialist German Workers Party: NAZISTries (w/ Ludendorff) to overthrow Weimar in Beerhall Putch. His trial makes him a political celebrityGets 5 years for Treason and writes Mien Kampf (My Struggle) in Prison

Freedom & Bread! You Damn Hippie-

Commie B@S***DS

Reparations & HyperinflationFrench troops occupy the Ruhr (Germany’s Industrial Center) and demand reparations paymentsThis crisis leads the Weimar Government to print excessive amounts of moneyThe German Mark quickly becomes worthless wiping out the savings of millions of middle class Germans (if you owed money you made out big time!)

Effects of World War One (the opening act)

Competing empires nations blundered into the war over nationalism, secret alliances, land, colonies and resourcesTechnology created a horrible new type of war: machine guns, poison gas & trench warfareThe world economy was shattered for yearsHuman casualties were worse: 10 million dead; 20 million woundedThe governments tried to claim that they were fighting for democracy, but many did not believe itThe horror and disillusionment from World War One created a cynical, hedonistic (pleasure seeking) “Lost Generation” of survivors that had been psychologically traumatized by the war

The Gender Crisis: What does it mean to be a 20th century woman?

What would happen to traditional society if women got the vote (and became full citizens) and went to work?A crisis in gender roles indicates a society in trouble

Weimar Politics & PartiesThe key parties of the Weimar Government:SPD-Social Democratic Party, a left wing workers partyCatholic Center Party, a moderate middle class religion based partyThe two parties fought over values and ideas and quickly lost majority support

I’m still viewed as a racist fringe

party crackpot. But my day is


All I need is a lucky break.

Hitler’s Lucky Break: The Great Depression (Brother Can You Spare A Billion?)

Wall Street Crash of 1929 effects the entire worldUS bankers desperate for cash demand that the loans to Germany have to be paidSPD/Center Parties don’t want to cut the budget-it would hurt workers and middle classGermany’s government & Hindenburg relies more and more Article 48 emergency decrees

The NAZI WAY Part 1: PropagandaNazi Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda controlled all media led by Josef GoebbelsNazi’s used endless campaigning, ideological indoctrination (education, youth organizations), mass meetings, visual aids, mass pageants, radio, and filmConstant scapegoating of the Jews

We demand a unified and racially pure future for

Germany. We want to create a perfect race of humans.

Pay no attention to my club foot!

The NAZI WAY Part 2: Terror & Force

Anyone within the Nazi party who was not thought to be totally loyal was eliminated

People who opposed the Nazis were often physically attacked

We are manly ruffians &


The July 1932 Reichstag Elections 6 Million+ Germans Unemployed

Germans fed up with Bruening & Weimar

62 emergency decrees in 1 year

Hitler makes a strong showing in loss to Hindenburg

I rule by Article 48 emergency

decree and I really love weird hats!

The Nazi’s & Totalitarian RuleHitler is named chancellor by Hindenburg in an attempt to control him

Hindenburg despises the “little bohemian corporal” but Hitler cleverly places only 2 Nazi’s (Frick & Goering) in cabinet positions with control over the police units

I’m glad you didn’t wear a

hat for this picture.

My mustache is much

bigger than yours!

The Burning of the ReichstagHitler uses the Reichstag fire (accusing the commies of starting it) to declare a national emergency and suspend freedom of speech, press & assembly

The decree also suspended rights to speedy trial, legal counsel and redress for false arrest

Hitler becomes Fuehrer of GermanyEnabling Laws give Hitler even more controlHindenburg dies in 1934 & Hitler is dictator for GermanyNazi’s begin using concentration camps & seize control over the army, schools, press, churches, even the arts…and begin targeting the Jews

Long Term Causes of World War Two: THE FANG

Treaty of VersaillesHitler’s Ambitions Extremism: Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain

Failures of the League of NationsAppeasement Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression PactGreat Depression

Versailles Treaty

Humiliated GermanyTRAWLNever really gave the Weimar Republic a solid chance to succeedDestroyed the Economy

Hey we really put the screws

to those losers, eh?

What about my 14 points?

Point this! Woody!

Failures of the League of Nations-MANSU

Membership: No USA, USSR or Germany


No Real Arms Control

Secret Treaties

Unanimous Decisions

Can’t we all just get along?

If we could, we wouldn’t be here.

What’s our next

unanimous move?

The Great DepressionThe Depression followed the Wall Street Crash. When the American stock market collapsed, US businesses called in international loans, which in turn made foreign stock markets collapse. The end result was a vicious circle of collapsing businesses, unemployment and poverty.

I put all money in bank so I get free coffee too!

I put all mine in stocks

Free coffee for the unemployed, what

a great country

Rise of DictatorshipsMussolini-Italy





Hyper nationalism


AppeasementBritish Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

Attempt to “fix” Versailles Treaty

Wanted a strong Germany to keep USSR in check

“Peace in our Time” World War 1 devastated Europe

Britain’s military took big hits during the Great Depression & France needed the UK’s support

I have a signed piece of paper from Hitler that says I’m the

biggest loser of all time.

After this, he can manage the Cubs!

Nazi Soviet Non-aggression PactAugust of 1939Shocks the Allies: Stalin & Hitler together!Stalin mad about appeasementAgree: not to attack each other, USSR gets free hand in the BalticsSecret Deal to Split PolandAllows Hitler to fight a one front war

Nice jacket Joe. What are you a waiter?

Nazi Humor! I

love it! We get half of

Poland right?

The War OverviewedWorld War Two was fought mainly in: Asia, Europe, Africa, Pacific Islands & Ocean, Atlantic Ocean.,

55-60 million people dead

Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, & Japan

Allies: Great Britain, France, USSR, USA

Churchill rallies Britain“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”“We shall fight on the beaches…we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender” Rallies Britain to hold off Hitler. Works closely with FDR trying to get US involved in the war Lend Lease Act- “neutral” US sells, lease or lend military equipment to nations vital to US security. US got British naval bases

This ain’t a peace

sign, kids. V is fo’ Victory

The Final Solution: The Holocaust10 million dead in Nazi camps

Systematic slaughter of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs,Homosexuals, Mental/Physical “defectives”, & Political Opponents

The “Final Solution” architects are tried at the Nuremberg Trials

Eleanor RooseveltCivil Rights Activist-Women & Minorities

Pioneered Day Care, Women working in wartime factories, 1st US rep to the UN

FDR’s “Conscience” traveled the US meeting common people

Most controversial 1st lady ever I was despised for my support for

equal rights for blacks & women

Josef Stalin: Leader of the USSRRose to power after V.I. Lenin’s death

Ruthlessly eliminated political opponent via assassination, prison camps “Gulags” in Siberia, forced collectivization of farming and “purges” of Army & politburo

Killed somewhere between an estimated 8-20 million

Became a member of the Allies after German invasion

Churchill hated me but FDR thought he could charm me…that was a mistake

The Big 3 at YaltaChurchill FDR StalinConference to plan for a post world war 2 world:Divided Germany after the war into 4 zonesDemocratic PolandSoviet Union attacks Japan

More Brandy & Cigars Guys?

We always have more Vodka & Caviar!

These party animals are

wearin’ me out!

The New Big 3 at Potsdam Conference

Churchill, Truman, & StalinUN structure formedTruman knows he has the A bomb and is “tired of babying the Soviets”Group didn’t get along; beginning of the cold war Reaffirm “Unconditional Surrender” Demand

A bourbon drinking poker

player from Mizzou?

I’m not feeling the


Impact & Effects of the Atomic BombsEnded World War Two

Caused Japan to surrender

Represented the beginning of the arms race

Culmination of “Total War”

Led to many countries trying to ban the development of nuclear weapons and negotiate for peaceful relations

World War Two Aftermath: The United Nations

Roosevelt & Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter which is the forerunner of the United NationsInternational Organization dedicated to human rights, open diplomacy, & peaceful resolution of disputes

World War 2 Aftermath: Women’s RightsRosie The Riveter: Millions of women enter the work force & find they can do the job wellThousands of women are laid off at the end of the warChanges women’s perspective about their lives and goals-want more than just motherhoodForerunner of the women’s liberation movement of the 1960’s

World War Two Aftermath: The Cold War US vs. USSR

A cold war is a war with no direct fighting between the countries involved. A cold war often involves countries with different ideologies (e.g. USA capitalist and USSR communist). A war of mistrust, spying, propaganda and deception.

Total War & Propaganda

US uses propaganda (mass media, posters, film, radio) to boost civilian morale & get them to make sacrifices (victory gardens, rationing)US forced to “live up to” its propaganda later: GI Bill, civil & women’s rights

No Excuses: ExistentialismJean-Paul Sartre, Viktor Frankl, and other European

philosophers were affected by World War II deeply. The war left many Europeans disillusioned with traditional philosophies, science, and faith. World War II (1939–1945) gave rise to widespread feelings of despair and of separation from the established order. These feelings led to the idea that people have to create their own values in a world in which traditional values no longer govern.

The underlying concepts of existentialism are simple: Mankind has free will. Life is a series of choices, creating stress. Few decisions are without any negative consequences. Some things are irrational or absurd, without explanation. If one makes a decision, he or she must follow through.