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Decision-making processes in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region Mobility Master Plan (pdM)

“Polis - 2008”

Lluís Alegre Valls

Head of the ATM mobility service

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Catalan lCatalan legal frameworkegal framework

The drafting of the Mobility Master Plan of the RMB is a consequence of the National Mobility Directives (DNM), which constitute the orientative franework for the application of the Mobility Law. (art 7.1)

The ATM is responsible for the functions of regional mobility authority (Additional Provision Two), and has drafted the pdM. (pdM)

Mobility Law

National Mobility Directives

Mobility MasterPlan (pdM)

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Minimum ContentsMinimum Contents

On the basis of the Mobility Law:

1. Monitoring and management of the mobility of the zone.2. Planning of inter-urban car traffic.3. Promotion of collective public transport.4. Fostering the use of bicycles and trips on foot.5. Planning and operation of the principal road network in the zone.6. Organisation of intrazonal parking.7. Transport and distribution of goods.

The pdM will also include with regard to its region:The guidelines that have to govern the urban mobility plans. The environmental targets to be reached.The monitoring indicators of the plan.

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The pdM seeksThe pdM seeks::

to improve existing mobility: PT offer, non-motorised, network

greater energy efficiency: less petrol per veh-km

to respond to environmental challenges: externalities

to respond to economic challenges: competitiveness

to respond to social challenges: social exclusion

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Scope of the plan: the counties in the RMBScope of the plan: the counties in the RMB

area of 3,261 km2

10% of Catalonia

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2005 population2005 population

164 municipalities4.7 million inhabitants

66% of Catalonia

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Population density and Population density and modal distribution modal distribution 20052005






Alt Penedès



Alt Penedès

Vallès Occidental



Vallès Occidental

Density of 1,468 h/km2

In the central zone, the most dense, 30% of mobility is by private vehicle. In the rest of the RMB, this figure climbs to

higher than 55%

Foot Public transport Private vehicle

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Compulsory mobility Non-compulsorymobility

Return home

Foot Public transport Private vehicle

23.8% 31.3% 44.9%

52.4% of journeys due to compulsory mobility are byprivate vehicle, just 14.6% are on foot.

Almost half the journeys due to non-compulsory mobility are made walking (47.0%).

Distribution of mobility depending on the Distribution of mobility depending on the reason for the journey (EMEF05)reason for the journey (EMEF05)

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PProjection of the rojection of the mobility variablesmobility variables

2004 2012 Form Vehicles -km Vehicles -km Variation Annual rate

Road passenger transport 16,137,859,515 17,669,309,283 9% 1.14%

Rail passenger transport 172,149,000 211,402,306 23% 2.60% Tn - Km Tn - Km Goods by road 23,390,876,915 29,262,341,290 25% 2.84%Goods by rail 1,298,000,000 2,523,138,000 94% 8.66%

Vehicles – Km. Per form

The trend projection for 2012 predicts significant growth of mobility by mechanical means

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PProjection of the rojection of the mobility variablesmobility variables

Travellers by form

However, no significant growth is predicted in non-motorised forms of mobility, just 3.1%

2004 2012Form Travellers Travellers Variation Annual rate

Bus 349,296,160 389,493,204 11.5% 1.37%Taxi 89,408,120 89,408,120 0.0% 0.00%Private vehicle 1,299,075,960 1,456,840,000 12.1% 1.44%

Total rail passengertransport 537,060,988 613,962,063 14.3% 1.69%

Total mechanical formpassenger transport RMB 2,274,841,228 2,549,703,387 12.1% 1.44%Foot and bicycle 1,050,222,600 1,083,040,000 3.1% 0.39%Total mobility 3,325,063,828 3,632,743,387 9.3% 1.11%

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The trend scenario does not manage to reduce the energy density of transport when the Energy Plan of Catalonia proposes a 5.8% reduction





1 2

Final energy consumption forecasts

Gasolina Diesel2004 2012

- 5.8 %

Energy consumption projections

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The trend scenario does not manage to reduce CO2 emissions and neither does it reduce pollutants to the levels set by the EEC in the denser zones. (40 municipalities)

GEI and pollutant emissions projections

CO2 emissions (Tn) 2004 2012 Variation Target

Total CO2 emissions 6,856,045 7,055,935 10.14% -20%

Pollutants (Tn) 2004 Total 2012 Total Variation Target

Total NOX emissions 34,319 22,351 -34.87% > 40% Total PM10 emissions 2,988 2,048 -31.46% > 45%

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pdM pdM targetstargets byby 20122012::

Evolution of modal split: sustainable transport means 2/3 of the total mobility

Increase of total share of public transport by 5%

Decrease of energy consumption per inhabitant by more than 7,5%

Decrease of CO2 emissions by 20,5 % and of pollutant particles by 48%

Decrease of casualties 25% below the 2005 level.

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To change the currently mobility patternsTo change the currently mobility patterns

The The pdMpdM recognises the recognises the participatory process as a key participatory process as a key

element in achieving a element in achieving a sustainable mobility model in sustainable mobility model in

the RMBthe RMB

What are the challenges that we face in the What are the challenges that we face in the participation process?participation process?

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Participation challengesParticipation challenges::

to join all the stakeholders and social organizations around a table

to launch a participatory process of municipalities and other regional institutions

to launch a participatory process of public in general

To guarantee technical reliability by means of technical interchange and collaboration with consultants and professional organizations

to resolve its interactions with the rest of the plans in the sector

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• Institutional Mobility Council

• Technical Specific groups

• Citizens Public meetings / Web

•Counties and cities County meetings

•Government depart. Specialized meetings

•News Electronic magazine

•Legal process Public proposal process

Participation processParticipation process::

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Mobility council members Mobility council members

ATM Mobility council

Catalan GovermentRegional institutions

Business associations

Environmental associations

Mobility institutionsUniversities


Neighborhood associations

Neighborhood associations

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•To establish the targets of the plan

•To put forward the opinions and proposals of the members

• To be committed to a new mobility culture

• To collaborate in spreading information about the pdM targets

• To asses the future scenarios regarding mobility growth and their probable environmental and mobility impacts

•To discuss the different proposals

•To accept the mobility master plan

Mobility council functions Mobility council functions

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•Soul of the process

•Integration of all the stakeholders

• Taking into account the negative impact of some proposals on certain groups of inhabitants and inclusion of formulas for solving this .

•To bring closer different mobility visions

Mobility council valuesMobility council values

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Technical groups members Technical groups members

5 technical groups composed of:


University professors


Very specific social groups

More than 114 people have been involved

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•To establish the technical level of the plan

•To put forward the opinions and proposals of the members

•To participate in brainstorming processes

• To agree the methodological process

• To asses the global technical proposal

• To asses the future scenarios regarding mobility growth and their probable environmental and mobility impacts

•To discuss the different proposals

Technical groups functions Technical groups functions

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•To establish a high technical level

•To avoid confusion in technical results

• To agree methodological processes

•To bring closer different mobility visions

Technical group valuesTechnical group values

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Citizens participation Citizens participation


To inform the public in general

To be sure that all the mobility institutions and associations are involved in the process


3 Public meetings

Open WEB

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•With easy technical information

•Published in news papers and web

•Not many not specialized people but some “worried public”

• Time for reflexion

•Small towns have the opportunity to participate

•Some institutions with mobility interest find here a place to participate

Public meetings Public meetings

More than 650 people have been involved

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Origin of those present in the public meetings

A juntaments de l'R M B


A ltres administracio ns


R epresentants agents cí vics i so cials R M B


Operado rs de transpo rt


C o nsulto ries18%


A ltres 5%

D iputació i C .C o marcals




Other public institutions

Social institutions

Transport enterprises


Universities Others

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•To disseminate the new mobility culture

•To raise the public in general awareness of the importance of their individual behavior to get the targets for a sustainable mobility

• To allow everybody to put forward what they think

•To weigh the interest of the mobility matters in the public in general

Citizens participation valuesCitizens participation values

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Counties and Cities Counties and Cities


To achieve the participation of 7 counties and 164 cities and towns

To engage to the sustainable mobility policy all the stakeholders


7 counties meetings with the participations of more than 65 towns and cities

Specifics meeting in the biggest towns

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Towns and cities participation map

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•To know their problems and worries about mobility's matters

•To ensure towns and cities will foster the same kind of mobility basis

•To foster changes in the town and cities planning

•To agree the territorial mobility targets

Counties and cities meetings Counties and cities meetings

65 towns and cities have been involvedthat they accounts for more than 80% of RMB population

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Government departments Government departments and other mobility institutions and other mobility institutions


As the mobility master plan establish actions for other institutions as the Catalonian government, the Barcelona regional government and more, it was necessary to hold meetings and to agree the steps for a synergic action towards sustainable mobility.


More than 10 meetings with the participations of more than 40 people

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•To agree which are the most relevant actions to start

•To decide how many funds are necessary to carry out the plan

• To schedule the actions of the plan

•To establish communication systems to ensure everybody has a completely information of the plan

Government departments and other Government departments and other mobility institutions functionsmobility institutions functions

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Mobility news Mobility news

As the participation plan had to hold a lot of events and to putforward every step he made a digital magazine was launched with a monthly frequency

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Public proposals and opinions mail

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The legal participatory processThe legal participatory process

At the end of the process and previous to the pdM approval a legal participatory process was set up:

54 institutions and people put forward more than 500 proposals , most of them were included

Four specific government commissions were consulted and they agree with the pdM proposals

Traffic commissionMobility commissionEnvironmental commissionEconomic institutions commission

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The The pdMpdM and the day afterand the day after

Recognises that the participatory process must go on:

The mobility council as a guarantee of the participation in the future

A strategic axle, EA9, in the pdM devoted to manage in a participatory way the pdM targets and actions

A specific group to endeavour the pdM actions and to push all the others stakeholders in their own measures

The participatory process as guarantor of citizens participations

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Core actions of the PDM


Channelled into 93 measuresAxle 9 planned to foster the participatory process

as a strategic element for achieving the objectives of the pdM

EA1: Coordinar el urbansmo con la movilidad

EA2: Fomentar una red de infraestructuras de movilidad segura y bien conectada

EA3: Gestionar la movilidad y favorecer el trasvase modal

EA5: Conseguir un transporte público de superfície accesible, eficaz y eficiente

EA6: Modernizar la actividad logística y acelerar las infraestructuas ferroviarias de mercancías

EA7: Garantizar el acceso sostenible a los centros de trabajo

EA8: Promover la eficiencia energética y el uso de los combustibles limpios

EA9: Realizar una gestión participativa de los objectivos del Plan Director de Movilidad

EA4: Mejorar la calidad del transporte ferroviario

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The Mobility is a function with a transverse nature that should be planned in agreement with all the agents affected so it is necessary to carry out a participatory process

The participatory process should be included in the Metropolitanmobility planning the moment its gestation begins.

A global participatory mobility plan it will be very difficult to carry out then It’s convenient to engage a complex participatory process that identify stakeholders, organizations, associations and interested public. The process must treat each group in its proper and specific way.

To Raise the citizen awareness of the necessity of a change in the current model of mobility is a key element to get the pdM targets so it is necessary to involved the citizens associations that are the best way to arrive to the public in general during the writing of the plan.

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The participatory process: a key element to achieve a safe and sustainable mobility pattern

The participatory process: a guarantee to achieve the objectives set out in the pdM

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Thank you very much for your attentionTo exchange ideas:

Lluís Alegre VallsHead of the Mobility Service of the [email protected] about the pdM at