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Decipher Destiny:

Decode God’s Will By Santosh Jha

Page 2: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will


Copyright 2013 Santosh Jha

Smashwords Edition


Other Smashword Titles By Santosh Jha

Onlyness (Fiction)

Back To Bliss: A Journey To Zero (Fiction)

Autobiography Of A Duffer (Fiction)

Habitual Hero: The Art Of Winning (Non-fiction)

Maya And Leela: Utility In Life‟s Futility (Non-fiction)

Why We Flop In Love (Non-fiction)

Wisdom Of Wellness: Perpetuity Of Poise Of Purpose (Non-fiction)

Decipher Destiny: Decode God‟s Will (Non-fiction)

Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture (Non-fiction)

Redeem & Reinvent The Art Of Lost Wellness (Non-fiction)

India Beyond Stampede Of Stupidities (Non-fiction)

Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

Enter 2014 A New You (Non-fiction)


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Page 3: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will

Table of Contents

Let Us Talk Like Friends: Welcome Note

Why Trouble God, You Can Do It

Patterns Around Us

It Will Never Let You Down

Obscure Joys of Entangled Communication

The Quantum Of Life Quintessentiality

The Vacuum Shapes Your Realism

Synchronicities et al

Beyond This Talk

Accept My Gratitude

About The Author

Other Titles By The Author


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Thrilled to have you with me!

I feel truly happy to tell you that this, I do not intend to be a book. Rather, it is like friends

chatting up, sharing whatever we can together to enhance the wellness space.

It is my humble belief that any person, in whatever state of consciousness and life positioning, is

in some special ways, better than a wisdom-book, for the purpose of life & living learning. I

must tell you, I have learnt and more importantly, unlearnt, primarily from people. Books

somehow are people-matter in text-format.

We shall talk about how we all can decipher the unpredictable destinies, which unfold to us,

without we having any inkling about them. We shall also talk about how we can understand the

happening of most of those probabilities, which come to us and which we refer as God‟s will, as

we think; we have no control over them. However, first, we have to come down to one common

premise, which shall help us is the fruition of the issue at hand – Deciphering Destiny.

There has to be a humble admittance – Any word, however well meant and well spelt, is a

possible suspect of „misrepresentation‟. There is a simple reason.

Do you remember when your flight is about to land, the pilot aborts the landing, jolting your

peace, just because something as insignificant as a „stray dog‟ happens to be on the runway?

You already know, how similar is the fate of human words, which we all accept as the best and

worthy carriers of human „intentions‟. This airplane of human words, carrying good and noble

intentions need to make a good, smooth and safe landing on the runway of another human‟s

mind and consciousness, which again is worthy and hugely able.

Still, the good intentioned words sometimes fail to land on the mind of others, as there is some

„insignificant‟, yet potentially fatal obstacle standing midway the runway!

It is believed, “If the hypothesis is right, the idea is accepted as right”. If two people have an

assimilative and integrative attitude, one can easily see that root trouble is in subjectivity of the

hypotheses. This helps in resolution of conflict of ideas.

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Friendship is one positioning, where assimilation and integration about divergent hypotheses has

larger accommodative space. A seed is more objectively accommodative in space than a grown

up tree. Friendship is seed positioning.

That is why, at the very start, I very affectionately request you to be my friend and accept this all

as one long conversation between friends. Kindly, accept this not as a book but a „confabulation‟

between friends. This, I am confident, shall engender smoothness of navigation and fruition of

the entire exercise.

With all humility and sincerity at my behest, I wish to tell you that it needs to be said, there is

only one person on the earth, who can say that he has understood. Otherwise, this domain is

reserved for a metaphor called God. This is not available for humans.

It is also a heart-felt realization that our very worthy ancestors; who had the intelligence and

courage to face the worst, life made them to, so that we inherit a better beautiful world; have

already said almost all good things. What I can do is present them in new set of words with

novelty of references.

The only justification of me telling them is that all goodness and wellness ideas and words need

to be repeated and retold, to add to their all-pervasiveness.

At the age of 46, I can say with innocence that getting old is such a beautiful and satisfying

experience. It makes the „self‟ accept the „utility and fruition‟ of holistic, assimilative and

integrative consciousness. Getting old has probably pushed „me‟ close to the „eligibility‟ of

perhaps beginning to understand as what essentially is there to be understood!

I chat up with you to share with you whatever is part of my consciousness. All wisdoms say,

human is designed to live in state of „flux‟, a state of instinctive semi consciousness. To jolt

oneself out of this, one must challenge itself; something humanity has done since millions of

years. What stays with you is what sinks in. Wisdom is what we internalize.

I share with you whatever I have internalized in my life.


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Why Trouble God, You Can Do It

We always say; things shall happen when God shall ordain. Things do happen at some stage of

time and circumstances and we think God made it possible and thank god for making that

happen. Then, things may not happen and we think, may be God has something else in His mind!

There is also lot many related aspects, which we are too happy to assign to God‟s will. Like,

something unexpected happens and we say, it is God‟s way of endowments to those He loves.

Or, it is some signal of God to lead us to something big and great. Life and living experiences are

so randomized and full of infinite possibilities of precarious positioning that it is always very

easy for us to accept God‟s hands in it. Our archetypal mind imaging facilitates this.

There is actually nothing wrong about it. It is also something, which is very natural to our

consciousness. We have the mind training from childhood to accept that if anything happens,

there has to be a „purpose‟ and something must be there to „move it‟. God is also in our mind

consciousness since childhood and it is only natural that when we cannot see any perceptible and

tangible „purpose and mover‟, we ascribe it to God‟s will.

The trouble starts, when this idea becomes a habit of procrastination and a psychotic belief that

everything is there for God to move and we cannot or should not bother about things. This also

blinds us to the clear and established patterns, which leads to discernible probabilities in life,

which we can and we should manage ourselves, not bothering God for it. This is a huge facility

for personal excellence, which we usually fail to pick up by assigning to God.

Somehow, the question, which comes to mind, is –isn‟t it that things happened because in time,

we evolved ourselves to such a point where it actually happened. Or, it did not happen because,

the necessary elements for its happening could not line up in a way, it should have for it to


There is a way to take this all differently. We need to accept alternative viewpoints to ensure our

personal excellence. We can feel and believe, god is my own intrinsic nature, my natural

emotions, my instinctive me and I am a constantly evolving potential. Naturally, my god is also

in incessant evolution. Therefore, when I attain something, me and my God within, probably

evolved to such a positioning, where this attainment could be made possible. The probability fell

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in my lap as I evolved to a point, where my God stood with His bounties and I got it. If I did not

get it; probably because, my evolution to such a probability could not match with the evolution

of my God.

Usually, it is not customary and convenient to question so many things, which we assign as

something in the domain of God. It is truly amazing, how much we delegate to God, without

even bothering that majority of our delegation is actually out of the inertia of comfort, or simply,

lack of understanding of how this cosmic system operates and how we and our immediate

milieus fit in into this vast mechanism.

The archetypal faith patterns, which we have inherited since ages, probably make us accept that

almost nothing moves without God‟s intervention. The fact is, this faith positioning is

completely against what core religion tells us. In all religions, there is a theme of destiny but it is

always concurrent with the theme of karma, the commensurate action-behavior requirements to

land at this destiny. If we objectively look at the theme of destiny, we shall find that it has larger

utility in our secular societal domain, rather than purely world-beyond value.

There is a mechanism to all probabilities in life and in cosmic arrangement. The mechanism has

its own energy and patterns of possibilities. Religion tells us that God created the mechanism,

energized it and left it on the karma of individuals to attain what it could from this mechanism.

Those, who succeed and attain, decipher this mechanism and the patterns, which are there for

anyone to see and work them towards their avowed goals. The wise have said since ages that a

true religious person is one, who assimilates the mechanism of God and works towards seeing its

patterns for personal and societal excellence.

The mechanism has its own energy and as we align our personal energy in linearity with this

energy of the cosmic mechanism, we attain success and excellence. It is like, I do think that I am

ideal for the position of being the President of USA but, it is not happening for me. So I say, it

shall happen when god shall wish. Years pass and as I have this in my mind that I must be the

president of USA, I am actually gradually moving towards this end with an evolution mechanism

which even I cannot visualize as happening because, this energy, which is silently leading me to

this probability is intangible and in my subconscious mind. In reality, I am actually inching

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slowly and unconsciously towards that end. And one day, I do become the president of USA and

I thank god to make it possible for me.

It is interesting to decipher that in reality, it is my own potential that I unconsciously chased and

it happened. What made it happen may be god‟s will but, it is my intrinsic nature which worked

for me in silence, in sub-conscious and in innate me. My personal energies subconsciously

aligned with the patterns of the mechanism, which is already set up for being a president. Of

course, the faith in the subconscious mind that God will is also with me, helped me in aligning

with the patterned energy, which made the probability of being the president fall in my lap.

If it could not happen and if I die without being the president of USA, I would say, God ordained

otherwise. It would happen otherwise as probably, I could not evolve myself to be my god. Or

probably, my evolution process was right but physical circumstances had their own play, as it

can happen to anyone. Probabilities are also dynamic and in constant evolution. Moreover,

someone else too was evolving towards similar goal and probably, his evolution to his godliness

was greater and better than mine. So, my god submits to his god‟s wishes!

It really does not matter who wins and who not. However, it is crucial that our gods must be our

evolved potential and it is truly infinite. Be assured, even if our own god fails to get what we

wanted, it is sure the godliness shall be there for us. Even if I do not become the president of

USA, it is for sure that I acquired all the goodness and qualities of a president. No god leaves us

with empty hands. We just need to know our respective god and that will fill us with all

goodness that we all need to be happy and satisfied. Therefore, even when I failed to be the

president of USA, I stand at par with the benchmark. I am there within the threshold of

excellence. I only missed the probability; however, the excellence falls in my lap.

Please do not wait for your external god to make things happen for you. You will get what god

can give in seconds if you understand and accept that you, standing on the horizon of your true

and ever-evolving potential is your god. God has created the mechanism of absolute excellence

for all of us. We need to have our own evolution right to reach at the point, where our Gods and

we stand side by side. We can make this happen, as it is our domain, not God‟s.


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Patterns Around Us

Everything around us, be it our little home or the colossal cosmos, has a mechanism and a

process, which makes the mechanism work. As this mechanism and process works, perceptible

and discernible patterns emerge, which we all can understand and accept. God is unraveled and

His will is deciphered in the mechanism, processes and patterns around us. The wise have said it

that „God is in details‟. If we open ourselves to this consciousness, where we can understand and

accept these mechanism, processes and patterns around us, we shall not need to delegate all

happenings to God. Of course, still loads of probabilities shall be there for God to handle but we

can make Him happy by picking up those for ourselves, which we can and should do.

As we do it, many of the probabilities of happenings, become replicable and doable by ourselves.

There is no need to trouble God to make it happen. With our personal inputs and with some

calculated design of destiny, we can make many of these probable events and things happen.

For example, an ocean is colossal mechanism. It has a process and patterns. There are trillions of

living organisms and each one having its own destiny in the ocean. Each second, millions of

organisms are killed and another millions are born and survive. There is a pattern of this killing

and surviving in the oceanic food chain. God is not supervising all lives and each second of the

lives of the trillions of organisms. We can say, God created a mechanism of oceans, infused

Oxygen into it to energize the mechanism and created a process of working of the mechanism

called ocean. This mechanism evolves and patterns are created, which we all can see. Scientists

have now known the working of the oceanic life cycles up to its deepest bottom. They have

given us a pattern of how life works in oceans.

Now, I can enter an ocean for fishing and someday I catch a big beautiful fish. I have a

sumptuous dinner and I thank God for that. Another day at ocean, I catch a shark in my net and

escape a certain death. I thank again the God for the escape, though with serious injuries. God is

not interested either in my first thank nor in my second. He created a mechanism, which has all

patterns and they stand in the ocean in neutral probability. It is destiny in my hand.

If I understand the pattern well, I shall go to ocean well prepared. I shall carefully select the

fishing zones and timings. I shall first gather all possible information available to gear myself up

for a safe and successful catch, avoiding probabilities of accidents. The mechanism of ocean has

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both probabilities of a good fish and a shark in equitable proportions. If I am not prepared, I shall

meet with that destiny, which the mechanism‟s own set of probabilities has there.

If I am prepared well, equipped with the knowledge of the mechanism of the oceans and its

multidimensional probabilities, I shall have a destiny of happenings, very much skewed in my

favor. This way, I shall have the larger input in the destiny, which God‟s mechanism has in store

for any person. God‟s will has to be neutral and unbiased as His mechanism is also objective,

neutral and equal for everyone.

The simple idea is; we have patterns all around us and these patterns, emerge out of the processes

of working of a mechanism, which has been created. This mechanism works equitably for all of

us. We need to have our personal inputs to manage our own destinies of probabilities of the

mechanism‟s possibilities on us. We have so many examples in our daily lives, where we see that

if we have prepared ourselves well for multiple factors and have anticipated rightly the dynamic

interplay of these factors, which are there in a mechanism, we are successful in having a smooth

and safe go.

For example, I am driving a car on the busy highway. Highway has its own mechanism and

driving too has its own mechanism. Now, whether I meet with an accident or reach my

destination safely depends very much on my own personal input – the knowledge of both

mechanisms. Of course, the precarious probabilities of highway driving shall always be there.

However, whatever shall be my destiny; it shall have larger inputs of my own preparedness and

less of the probabilities of the mechanism of highway driving.

Driving itself is a multi-tasking skill. Those, who have better coordination of their eyes, hands

and legs, shall be driver with lesser chances of accidents. This is however only one part of

successful driving. You also need to have intuitive anticipation towards possible mistakes of not

only your own driving, but also of others, who shall be ahead and behind you on the highway.

You have to anticipate correctly and in time, if a driver ahead you does something silly. Accident

happens not only when you do a wrong, but also when others do wrong with you. You are in

trouble both ways.

Moreover, on the highway, you need to know, where those accident-prone zones are and where

drivers usually make errors of judgment. There may be a signboards warning you but you must

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have this pre-knowledge, back in your subconscious. It means; you must be very aware of the

entire stretch of the highway.

We can see, how a simple thing like driving a car opens up so many probabilities for us, which

are always there for anyone driving. While driving, we have to master the inter-play of so many

factors, which the mechanism has. Somehow, accidents can happen to anyone, even when he or

she is best prepared. Still, for a driver, who understands the mechanism of highway driving better

and is well aware of the patterns of highways as well as driving, has lesser probabilities of

accidents. Knowing the mechanism and discerning its inherent patterns can mould the destiny in

our favor. God‟s probabilities for accidents or safety are neutral as it is part of the mechanism.

It is believed that some people are born with the quality of an „intuitive‟ mind. There is a belief

that they could predict events from past and future. There is a cult of „Tantricism‟, an occult

tradition as well as mainstream tradition of meditative powers to develop intuition, which was

used to predict past and future.

The core idea behind all these was to have a mind consciousness, which could have the receptive

brilliance of discerning the ambient patterns of life-living mechanisms. It is clear that the ability

to predict right about past and future, which masses called magic, the artistry is essentially that of

a mind consciousness, which has special abilities of deciphering the patterns, which are

intangible but can be unraveled.

The aggrieved people would come to these „magicians‟ and „tantric‟ and tell them their

problems. For example, a woman came and asked a tantric to trace his son, who had gone

missing for last one year. The tantric listened to the woman and then closed his eyes. Minutes

after, he said, he had the divine vision that her son is still alive and he left home on his own

accord. Tantric asked the woman to search for the son in a place 500 kilometers east from the

place he lived.

The woman found her son after a year in a city around the same vicinity the tantric had said. I sat

with a tantric and talked about all this. My friendliness to him made him say things, which he

would not reveal to others.

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He said, “when a person is in trouble, especially for long period, his or her natural abilities for

rational thinking is eclipsed. People who generally come to us have little education or unsound

reasoning faculties. They tell us everything. We then ask for some specific information about

their trouble and about the environment, where the trouble started. We then close our eyes, sit in

a meditative consciousness of complete reception. All these information we leave with this

meditative unconscious mind for churning. We have evolved this facility to switch off our

conscious mind. The intuitive unconscious mind has a strange facility of doing its own strange

mathematics and pattern building. It does its own interpolation and even extrapolation. It may

take some minutes or few hours but the unconscious mind finally puts all these information into

a template of sorts, where we can see pictures of past and future arranged in a particular order.

We then use the faculty of the conscious mind to create a pattern or sequence of events. On this

basis, we predict and it usually comes true.”

There are great similarities between what the tantric did and what doctors used to do 50 years

back. Then, there were little specialist diagnostic tests of modern times available to the doctors.

For diagnosis, they had to depend largely on the symptoms the patients described of his troubles

or any external symptoms visible. The most popular doctor was one, who could diagnose the

disease correctly.

Many of the doctors of old school used the power of „intuitive mind‟ to diagnose the diseases

correctly. Many of them practiced the art of meditation, worships and even playing musical

instruments to attune and align the mind towards a state of high reception. They depended

heavily on details and then used the intuitive minds to work out a pattern, which would then help

them in predicting the right diagnosis.

Somehow, we all do it in one form of the other. Just visit a casino to see how the master gambler

is the one who is sharp and prompt enough to predict a pattern in all games and make the right

choices. It is our mind, which is constantly doing the calculations of the permutations and

combinations, scattered all around us. The interpolative and extrapolative mind consciousness is

a random facility of mind, which we all can master.

The mechanism and its pattern works on its own accord. The probabilities, which emerge out of

the processes of the mechanism is what we can say as „common destiny‟ for all, who are part of

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this mechanism. God is neutral as His mechanism is neutral. What falls in our laps as destiny of

probability is a function of how much personalized input we can assign to the working processes

of the mechanism. We cannot avoid the destiny, as we are part of it. However, we can alter the

probabilities of destiny by adding our personalized input.


It Will Never Let You Down

There always is a lurking realization that mathematics is at the core of understanding what all

human endeavors are all about. Why only human, everything in this universe has a calculative

brilliance about it. The unconscious mind has this well placed and ever willing to assist the

conscious mind with it.

Success also is nothing but a calculative arrangements and juxtaposition of some random

elements of life-living situations, in a particular pattern, which at a particular linearity of time

and space fetches optimum utility. Deciphering and then replicating the pattern is success code.

We all do our mathematical patterning. In common parlance, everyone and everything seems to

be toying up with the idea of useful and redundant (profit/loss) computation. Nothing seems to

rise above the inevitability and universality of „calculations‟ and, it actually fuels the energy of

life and living ingenuities.

There seems a quintessential trend, which lands math in the core of cosmic endeavors. The world

around us is a constant and infinite interaction between „nature‟ and „nurture‟; the former is a

randomized energy whereas, the later is a calculated and planned one. In nature, things are

usually highly randomized and very hard to calculate a pattern. In nurture, humanity has always

looked for establishing some pattern.

As, much about evolution has been known now, nature always presented all living creatures with

challenges, which were unpredictably randomized. The genius of humanity has been that it

unraveled and established a calculative pattern in almost all such randomized eventualities;

finally making these patterns, part of its cultural mechanisms. This creative skill seems like basic

mathematics, the calculative mechanism of pattern building.

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The road for humanity on mathematical path is long and tedious. The randomized nature within

human body and mind, as well as the world around still has lot more that needs understanding

and, a measurable pattern building is the real challenge. The biggest challenge being the

revelation of the mathematical pattern of the human mind whose randomization still opens up

more questions than answers.

However, we all have this genius and ingenuity to see and read carefully and sincerely some

„pattern‟ in all „randomized‟ issues and questions, life and living situations throw upon us. If we

accept that all randomization are beautiful and ultimately „patterned‟ and they look puzzling and

beyond us only till we do not decipher the inherent and in-built pattern. Once we unravel the

calculative and measurable rule of this pattern, we have the mathematics of order and success.

We all do our math and calculations, we all can do it, we know the basics and we all are

intuitively good at it. We just have to be open, aware, respectful and sensitive towards mind‟s

own randomization energy and use our „higher consciousness‟ as smart tool for calculative

success in an objective way.

We have done it since millions of years, shall do it all the more well in decades to come as we all

are on the threshold of unraveling the randomized mind‟s calculative mathematical genius. Trust

your mind; tell your dear „heart‟ that „mind‟ is a true friend, it would never let you down, never

ever, as this mind has the calculative brilliance to decipher all intangible patterns of life and

living, which can make us successful and masters of our own destiny. As they say, “God helps

those, who help themselves”, we shall be helped more by God, when we shall do, whatever is in

our part and not unnecessarily delegate everything to God.

We have not done it before, naturally, we have a trust-deficit. It is because we have not truly

known and understood this „friend‟ called „higher mind consciousness‟. Since long, it has been

part of all popular culture to blame all human troubles on the „devilish machinations‟ of mind.

We all are culturally trained to accept the mind as the source of all human conflicts.

This is because we never ever understood the mechanism of the mind and as we did not

understand this „mind‟, we never accepted it as our true friend. We are now in the millennium of

new thinking where we have the facilities to understand our mind consciousness and its

multidimensional potentials, through holistic, assimilative and integrative perspectives. A

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completely new knowledge is knocking at our doors. We all need to understand the „new friend‟

and as we do it, we would know, how this mind mechanism opens up the doors of the myriad

shades of consciousness, which were so far bracketed as mysticism.

This new friend shall reveal to you the new thinking and techniques in calculative genius of

consciousness. We have been in this mathematics of life and living for long but this new

technique shall land us all in a state of empowerment, which shall clearly distinguish the psychic

from rationality and logic.

The cosmic realism shall never change as it is what it is but we all shall now have a worldview

that would be based on the knowledge of the mechanism and the more as against a worldview

based on the guesswork and mysticism of psychic realisms. The popular perception needs to go

away. The devil is not in the mind, it is in the preoccupation of the culturally trained

consciousness that mind is the troublemaker rather than a trusted friend. The devil is in ignorance

of calculations. It is time for a new thinking over all human calculations.


Obscure Joys of Entangled Communication

Obscure is beautiful. Well, this was a common refrain decades ago when we were not living in a

society fashioned by extremities of openness and transparency. The liberal world of „bare-all‟

preferences may not adhere to this clichéd but, still, obscurity is a turn on, a definite curiosity

call and still, a staple feedstock for artistes, mystics and also scientists.

What we know and is revealed to us is a boring proposition. Obscurity keeps the curiosity and

interest alive and kicking. That is probably why, men find wives as boring and girlfriends

interesting as later is still on the other side of the threshold of known and an idea muffled in

obscurity! Sorry, no offence meant! Just an innocuous metaphor.

Dabbling in obscurity is truly mesmerizing. It gives you the leeway for expanding the horizon of

your imaginations and often, illusionist interpretation of hypothesis in the realm of obscurity. In

addition, if this obscurity is what science extends you as palette to paint your imagination,

nothing better; it gives you a reasonably confident basis.

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We have a word that we use very cheekily in common parlance called „entanglement‟. Science

gives this word to us in somehow very interesting and also obscure domain. Quantum physicists

use the term entanglement in a rather interesting connotation. It says, when two atoms are closely

associated, they are in a state of „entanglement‟. They say, “Take the two hydrogen atoms for

example and take them to the opposite ends of the universe (about 42 billion light years apart).

Now, change and observe the state of one of those electron‟s spin, and the electron of the

„entangled‟ atom on the other side of the universe is changed at that same Planck Interval. This

means, light speed does not regulate everything after all as information from one entangled atom

to another one reached in almost fractions of a second whereas the fastest thing in the universe,

the light would have taken at least 42 billion years to reach the same distance!”

In common language, we would say, it was like the speed of consciousness, our mind, which

only has this speed to attain that! Scientists say, “This exactly shows, in quantum realism that

information, distinctly describable bits of information, can be communicated without needing to

adhere to Einstein‟s rule about light speed.”

Do not get puzzled and troubled. This energy is not always required to deny you the right to play

with this energy and use it as a feedstock of mysticism, artistry as well as philosophizing. This is

the real joy of it. Science and philosophy has this beautiful symbiotic relationship. Philosophy

often feeds scientific quests and scientific quests often are subject-line of philosophizing.

What we have as raw stock for philosophizing are two words – „entanglement‟ and

„communication‟. What we can think of entanglement and communication can take infinite

meanings. What we are attempting to philosophize about is an aspect of life and living that

somehow suits to both the terms in a single framework. We are taking about the two „entangled‟

entities of our „consciousness and intuitiveness‟.

The two identities of „consciousness‟ and „intuitiveness‟ are almost like two sides of a coin. If a

tail comes, you have a situation but there always remains a potential of head and its resultant

situationalism in one‟s life and both are inextricably „entangled‟. The toss of tail always affects

the untapped potential of heads and vice-versa. Similarly, the call of „consciousness‟ in a

particular life and living situation always affects the potential and probabilities of the „entangled‟

call of „intuitiveness‟.

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In our lives, we are usually intuitive. Therefore, we also somehow unconsciously decide the

eventualities of what could have been, had we listened to and acted according to a „conscious‟

choice. One choice instantly shapes the eventualities of other choice and for this to happen, you

do not need any medium of communication as both are entangled such a way that both in finality

are in total singularity of mind-mechanism.

There is a famous quote of a very great man, which reflects this entanglement. He said, “there is

virtually no doing that you would not consider undoing and the vice-versa; and even regret doing

or undoing after it is past you but still, the momentary pride and utility of the doing and undoing

almost always makes it happen or unhappen… and this is the obscure joy of life and living


What we are attempting to bring about, through this illustration of entanglement of intuitive and

conscious minds is something related with our destinies, which unfolds to us and we call it God‟s

will. What we wish to point out is, at any point of time and space, we are only half of our actual

potential as the other half is always in the realm of obscurity with a feeling of still being at the

door of it? It is because, a choice we make in our life, is entangled with another choice, which we

could have made but did not make. However, unconsciously, we still remain entangled to this

another probability, which may sometime later present us with another possibility.

What „intuitive‟ self does or undoes, opens up the dimensions of what „consciousness‟ could do

or undo and the vice-versa. Life and living choices always seem to be half opportunity and half

potential or half success half failure or half joy half regret. When we make a choice, we attain

something, which essentially is blocking the probabilities to take any other shape. However, it is

like opting a tail of the coin. The alternative entangled option of heads still remains open and its

probabilities shall unleash its energies sometime later, when we shall not even be aware. It has to

affect our destiny as this open option is entangled part of our being.

What usually happens is – we opt for or get either a head or a tail in life. Nobody can get both at

the same time. If we get tail, this opens up the gates of set of probabilities, which we ourselves

have energized and are prepared for. However, the head was an entangled probability. As tail

probabilities take off and we get focused on its manifestation, the entangled probabilities of

heads remain hidden and dormant. But these probabilities are not dead, as they are entangled

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realisms of the other option. They shall surface up later and as we have forgot or ignored these

probabilities, they would seem to us like God‟s will, when they shall surface.

Almost all things we consider important for us, are in varying degrees of „entanglement‟ with

each other and each one dimension automatically affects other. Secondly, most entanglements

have „communication linkages‟ and they speak in a language we either do not understand or

happily ignore. There is a systemic causality, which surrounds as and communicates with a

purpose. We often fail to pick them up.

Blaming it on the fast speed of life and innumerous pressures on us is no solution. We all have to

develop the art of understanding this „entanglement‟ in all walks of our live and living, especially

that between „consciousness‟ and „intuitiveness‟. In addition, we have to be emotionally as well

as intelligently at it to listen to and understand the „communication‟ going on between the

„entangled entities‟. That shall help us in making much more informed and well-poised life and

living choices, making us the masters of our destinies. We need to accept that this „entangled

probabilities‟ and „communication‟ between them are brilliant patterns, which we all usually

ignore or do not factor in, in our life-living preparedness. These patterns are huge segment of our

destiny. If we take into account these patterns, we shall have larger excellence in shaping our

destinies with our personal inputs.

Such is the arrangement of this universe and everything around us that they are in varying

degrees of the state of „entanglement‟ and the „communication‟ between all these are in the air.

Doing, undoing, joying and regretting are endemic part of the entangled life-play. However,

maximizing joys and minimizing regrets is our core business and also our core competence. We

are human after all! Understanding the multi-dimensionality of the world around us and

accepting the multi-dimensionality of knowledge makes us achieve that. We can do it… we



The Quantum Of Life Quintessentiality

The study of quantum mechanics is garnering lots of attention and curiosity of scientists. Good it

would have been if they could come up with a generality of the mechanics for common person‟s

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lives. The quantum mechanics, it seems, has lot to offer as it looks like a leap of science towards

assimilation of all wisdoms. It also has lot to offer in terms of „scientific spiritualism‟. The term

may sound stupidity for now.

The best part of quantum reality is its emotional proximity with nature and life in general. It

offers patterns for understanding the randomization of the multidimensionality of a hugely

probabilistic energy called nature. It is seems like a definitive perspective on the myriad colors of

consciousness, which is a huge facility for us to understand the patterns all around us, which

either land us in loss or profit, success or failure. Asymmetrical and somewhat randomized

causality is the most common, widely prevalent element in nature and even most precious human

attainment. It is a natural bequeathal to all, thanks beloved nature!

What we shall talk below is the fact that now; the humanity has the knowledge about strange but

ubiquitous causality and cyclicality of almost everything around us. First time in the history of

humanity, we have come to a stage of knowledge, where we have begun to unravel the

interesting and magical details of the mechanism called the cosmos and its elements around us.

We now also have the knowledge about how our own consciousness operates in beautifully

complex mechanisms, which is a microcosm of the cosmic complexities. This helps us a lot in

unraveling our destinies as we can now decipher much of the prevailing patterns of the

„mechanism of God‟s world‟, which landed us in the uncertainties of randomized probabilities,

which we called God‟s will.

As scientists say, some aspects of quantum mechanics can seem counter-intuitive, because they

describe behavior quite different than that seen at larger length scales. Many types of energy,

such as photons, behave in some respects like particles and in other respects like waves.

Interestingly, quantum mechanics theory ordains that the more closely one pins down one

measure, such as the position of a particle, the less precise another measurement pertaining to the

same particle, such as its momentum, must become.

Put another way, measuring position first and then measuring momentum does not have the same

outcome as measuring momentum first and then measuring position; the act of measuring the

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first property necessarily introduces additional energy into the micro-system being studied,

thereby perturbing that system.

Even more disconcerting is the quantum notion that pairs of particles can be created as entangled

twins. It means that a measurement, which pins down one property of one of the particles, will

instantaneously pin down the same or another property of its entangled twin, regardless of the

distance separating them. We have talked about it above.

On the face value, it seems, no better way to describe and understand life, its absurdities and its

relationship with the cosmic realism that most humans live to die unresolved. The quantum thing

is a great learner. Accept the absurdity, at least as metaphor aimed at paradigm building for

larger wellness!

Consider „attainments‟ of life. As the quantum mechanics says, when you get into a “position” of

this particle (attainments), the „momentum‟ of it (resultant satisfaction) becomes less precise for

measurement. We usually believe; getting into a position of an „attainment‟ shall make us

equally positioned to calculate its momentum, the flow of joys and „satisfaction‟.

Another beautiful absurdity of quantum mechanics is, measuring attainments first and then

measuring satisfaction is not the same as calculating satisfaction first and then measuring

attainments! We generally think, it is a two-way-equal process! This we are talking about to

bring up the idea that somewhere, we have been at some fault in calculating the hidden and

intangible patterns in our lives. The quantum mechanics present novel dimensions to life-living


Sample another brilliance of this quantum thing, if you get to measure one goodness of a particle

(an attainment), you instantaneously get to measure same or related goodness in an attainment

which is an „entangled twin‟.

Quantum thing says, photon behaves sometimes as particle and sometimes as waves. We all

seem to do the same. Love sometimes behaves as compassion, sometimes as consumption; wild

and untamed like nature but with a defined pattern, unpredictably beautiful and still devastating!

All this unravels how intricate and colossal is the mechanism that we are and we live in. It is

only very natural that such a mechanism unravels itself in hugely large and complicated

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processes. The patterns, these processes engender, may seem beyond perception of an average

person; as much of the patterns are intangible and operated in our subconscious mind domain.

However, if we first come to accept that there are discernible patterns of life-living probabilities

and we can decipher them, half the task is accomplished. We can then work towards attaining a

„higher consciousness‟, which is adept at deciphering these patterns. Then, we have the road

marked for our journeys. We can then have larger personal inputs in our destinies. Some of the

destinies may be assigned to God, as it shall be good for our peace and prosperity. However,

most of our destinies we can make. We have the potential within us.


The Vacuum Shapes Your Realism

In trying to discover the physical basis of consciousness, it may first be helpful to consider the

physical structure of the universe from which consciousness somehow arises. Everything that we

see or otherwise perceive is comprised of quanta that are „best described as energy waves

oscillating as excitations or disturbances of the quantum vacuum‟.

In the view of some physicists, “it is the vacuum, which is fundamental rather than the quanta.

These waves of energy are seen as excitations of the more fundamental vacuum. The quantum

vacuum is not a void or nothingness, but could better be described as a plenum, as being full of

virtual particles or photons that leap in and out of existence, and whose existence can be made

permanent by the presence of energy, such as the energy of an extreme gravitational field or

equivalent acceleration.”

Some physicists are at pains to emphasize the existence of the quantum vacuum as a reality

rather than an abstraction. We can say, our lives are just like that. We are microcosmic model of

the cosmos. In our lives, we too have a large vacuum, which we consider as useless and focus

more on a small particle called „self‟. The vacuum is not actually nothing, it is far more


Our consciousness is shaped and guided more by the excitations and disturbance of this vacuum.

What this vacuum is? It is a huge intangible world where different intangible and virtual waves

of abstract ideas and emotions are created and destroyed.

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It is up to you. It is the choice of your life positioning, which creates a gravitational curve, which

in turn makes this wave to collapse into a subjective reality. What and which way you position

your life, shapes the realism for you. This realism engenders your subjective consciousness. You



Synchronicities et al

It is such a beautiful and yet so difficult a position to find. Arriving at such a position and

situationalism is tough and being there is tougher but when there, it fills up the consciousness

with all joys, satisfaction and exhilaration within, which nothing in this universe can. The

treasure grows within and everything outside becomes redundant.

It is extremely sad and unfortunate that since ages, only a handful of humans have thought of the

need and utility of arriving at such a position of ultimate joy and still lesser people actually arrive

at this. They call it ordained and God‟s will but this idea surely cannot be subscribed to, as God

can never wish a design or mechanism, which prevents and debars anyone from the ultimate joy.

This is high time, humanity stops making God responsible for all his personal and subjective

assumptions and weaknesses. This attitude is not only dangerous for humanity rather it also

makes the millions have wrong notions about divinity as well as human abilities and potential. It

is high time, humanity stops taking God for granted!

We need to understand this and we all can. Of course, it is not easy, it is very tough and needs

mind training from early childhood. Lots of practice follows. One life is too little to comprehend

the intricacies and perplexities of the intelligence as well as the beautifully mystical and intricate

mechanisms of the nature and the conscious life. Still, a life is good enough to arrive at the

positioning from where the journey into the right direction begins. What distance towards the

avowed destination one traverses may vary.

Albert Einstein elaborated about this „joy‟ so beautifully. He said:

“It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all

eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we dimly perceive, and to

try humbly to comprehend an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature.”

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Knowledge is humbling. More knowledgeable you are, more modest and humble your entire

consciousness becomes. As your consciousness grows in humility, you ready yourself to open

the gates of „evolved innocence‟ and once innocence shapes and shades your consciousness and

subconscious in perfect harmony, you arrive at the wisdom from where the real journey to the

ultimate joy begins and it never ends!

The toughest part is the very start. Usually, most people do not have the basic thing required to

make even a small beginning. The biggest trouble is, only a „poised positioning‟ of a conscious

mind is the key to do so successfully, even though in bits. Most people have this poise missing,

either by whisker or by huge margins.

This is so difficult and the poise is missing because the „psychosis‟ is just round the corner. Most

people are in varying degrees of psychosis of mind and consciousness and that is why they are so

prone to rejecting any other knowledge or wisdom apart from what they think they know.

Understanding psychosis is very important because, psychosis blocks the consciousness, which

has the innate ability to decipher patterns around and then create personal inputs to shape up

destinies. It is crucial to understand the difference of positioning between a mind „poised‟ and a

mind „psychotic‟. As people in contemporary chaotic world may have psychotic minds and

consciousness, this kills the poise required for the beginning of journey towards real pursuit of


It is said, „life and realism is what you see and accept‟. Objective realism is one but there are as

much subjective realisms as the number of humans on this planet. A poised mind would

understand this dualism and the multidimensionality of subjective realisms and yet, accept one

that is as close as possible to the singular and objective realism.

Psychosis is there when someone accepts only his or her fixated dimension of subjective realism

as true and all others as wrong. He or she even refuses to believe that there can be many

dimensions or subjective realisms. Simply, the realism he or she accepts is either a very

underrated or an overrated version of realism, far off from the objective realism. This hinders the

artistry of deciphering patterns of destiny.

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More than often, when in psychosis, the causality or the a-causality of cause-effect is excessively

off target. However, the person experiencing it thinks that this is perfectly reasonable and

everyone else is wrong. He or she hears voices from within and feels these voices are completely

real, as real as any other thing one can hear. Experts say, „the speakers are inside your head‟.

Most psychotic people are trigger happy to call it „soul voices‟ or „divine guidance‟. Kindly keep

God out of that! At least for a while!

This poise comes through the „innocence‟ of consciousness and acquired through rigorous mind

training. The psychotic mind and consciousness shall always be perilous for the poise of mind.

The psychotic mind is a killer of innocence and blocks the consciousness from entering the

journey of ultimate joy.

Let us understand the psychosis and poise of mind with the help of something, which is very

powerful experience for almost every single human and is everywhere. The example of

„synchronicity‟ is a huge example how normal and cherished poise is so susceptible to


Synchronicity is simply co-incidence experience. It is referred as, „the uncanny coincidence, the

unlikely conjunction of events, the startling serendipity‟. You think of someone for the first time

in years, and run into him or her a few hours later. You go to a library looking for a rare book not

available easily and as you look dazed at thousands of books on the shelf, the book you were

looking for falls out of nowhere!

We have already talked about how there are hidden and intangible patterns all around us and as

we happily ignore them, there is a complete wow factor, when they present themselves in some

tangibility of probability. The synchronicity is one complex, beautiful and intangible patterning

of the mechanism around us and they present themselves in a way, which seem like God‟s will or

simply destiny.

Let us not go on the rational and scientific explanation of the idea and action of synchronicity.

Let it be the way most people love it – the mysterious and divine – the God‟s way to say to

people that He or His angels are everywhere to help humanity and show it to humans that They


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However, it may be very useful for a poised mind to know, what a rational interpretation of

synchronicity and other such so called „miracles‟ could be. A psychotic mind would be least

bothered as his or her „preference‟ for „divinity‟ would be unaffected by anything.

Experts say, “the phenomenon of synchronicity is primarily connected with psychic conditions.

Synchronicity is primarily the influence of the archetypes, those subconscious and unconscious

patterns inherent in the human psyche and shared by all of mankind.”

There have been huge breakthroughs in understanding and interpreting the subconscious and

unconscious mind as science has unraveled much of the mysteries of human consciousness. This

is the „new thinking‟, we are all invited to in the current millennium. Procrastinating it shall be


Now, whether synchronicity is God‟s way or anything part of the larger mechanism of the

cosmic realism does not anyway make any difference in how it subjectively lands different

humans in varied situations and positioning. How one‟s mind accepts and interprets them does

make the final difference. The destiny is largely a personalized realism.

A poised and a psychotic mind take a single synchronicity in entirely different way and land in

different situations ultimately. Lets us understand this.

Experts warn, “Not all synchronicities are positive. Do be careful. If you are psychotic,

dysfunctional, have emotional problems, and therefore are a drama person and off poise of

thought and action, your synchronicity will attract and manifest dysfunctional people and events

as reflections of your own inner turmoil. Do not blow them out of proportion. You must look at

the bigger picture of the synchronicity; think outside the box, look at the wider patterns of

reality, not at the actual experience.”

Let us take just two examples to make it clear what we are saying:

For example, you have been feeling ill with no clear diagnosis. Suddenly, some day, out of

nowhere, you meet someone who knows a doctor, a healer or a mystic with the answers. The

mind; already inclined towards accepting „God‟s Hands‟ in everything happening around his or

her, is quick to accept it as „miracle‟ and „divine interference‟.

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A poised mind surely does not commit or jump into a preoccupied and predetermined conclusion

of mind. The poised mind shall also explore other explanations. It is now a reality that, most

physical problems stem from emotional issues. Gradually, more humans are falling victim of

psychosomatic troubles. What happens is, or what may be accepted as alternative answer is; your

subconscious self will point out and lead you to the patterns of a chain of related sequences

towards solutions. Your attitude changes your future!

Why not accept the proposition that “when the person is ready to heal, the doctor will be

invariably there. That person will often show up by synchronicity!” The subconscious and

unconscious self is the „orchestrator‟ and as there is a „will‟, the „ways‟ start to fall in place. All

one has to do is keep oneself ready!

Check this example; you meet someone who interests you and touches your soul. Through

synchronicity, that person seems to come into your life over and over again. You begin to feel a

destiny with that person. You begin to think with your heart instead of your head. You connect

with that person. Finally, however, after a period of time, it proves out he was a very wrong

choice. Why?

The problem may not be with „God‟s signals‟, but with one‟s subjective consciousness, which

fails to see and appreciate the synchronicity in its holism and multidimensionality!

A poised mind would accept everything with open and „non-fixated‟ mind. The poised mind;

unlike a psychotic mind, would not reject the subjective multidimensionality of probabilistic

interpretations. A poised mind would always accept holism, assimilation and integration of all

subjectivities and then, cautiously but humbly lead his or her consciousness towards an answer

that shall be closest to the objective reality.

This is not easy, very tough, and needs a rigorous and persevered practice to create a

consciousness, which is humble, full of innocence to accept all realisms in a holistic, assimilative

and integrative perspective. The knowledge leads us to this state of consciousness still, one first

needs to rise above psychosis and attain the poise.

The simple idea is, there are clear patterns, which unravel the way this colossal cosmos works. A

mind consciousness, which is in perfect poise with all elements around and is in a receptive

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mode of higher consciousness to decipher these patterns, amid loads of randomized probabilities,

can understand much of the intricacies of destinies, which we usually assign to God‟s will. This

surely leads us to optimize our potentials of excellence as we can then put in our conscious

inputs into these patterns to mould our own destinies. God also shall help us.

God shall better appreciate this as His design of mechanism called the cosmos is neutral and all

probabilities are open for all. Those who understand His mechanism and come up with

personalized inputs, should ideally be dearer to God, as he or she has done his or her karma,

which all religions say, God appreciates and accepts as best human duty.


Accept My Gratitude

Writing something is a daunting task as there is always a lurking apprehension of it not being in

utility for some readers. I however feel at ease, because of my faith in magnanimity of readers. I

am happily sure; you shall forgive if my efforts could not be up to your expectations. Thank you

so much for being with me and allowing me to share with you. Wish you an empowered life;

with the prosperity of the consciousness.


About The Author

People say, what conspire to make you what you finally become are

always behind the veil of intangibility. Someone called it „Intangible-

Affectors‟. Inquisitiveness was the soil, I was born with and the seeds,

these intangible-affectors planted in me made me somewhat analytical.

My long stint in media, in different capacities as journalist, as brand

professional and strategic planning, conspired too! However, I must say

it with all innocence at my behest that the chief conspirators of my making have been the loads

of beautiful and multi-dimensional people, who traversed along me, in my life journey so far.

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The mutuality and innocence of love and compassion always prevailed and magically worked as

the catalyst in my learning and most importantly, unlearning from these people. Unconsciously,

these amazing people also worked out to be the live theatres of my experiments with my life.s

scripts. I, sharing with you as a writer, is essentially my very modest way to express my gratitude

for all of them. In my stupidities is my innocence of love for all my beautifully worthy



Other Titles By Santosh Jha


Literary Fiction: A novella about life-living choices from the perspective

of a very successful contemporary woman: Word- 38,000 approx:


Short Description:

Dumped by her billionaire fiancé, a resplendently beautiful woman, the

reigning royalty of Hollywood‟s dream factory, lands herself in all sorts of

woes – hospitalization for slipping pill overdose, bad Press, peer group

backstabbing and paparazzi. She escapes to anonymity at India's Yoga capital but the threat of

paparazzi follows. A young yogi bails her out and detours her to an unusual world where he

introduces her to the super consciousness of „Onlyness‟ within her. The redeemed empress

unconsciously discovers her true elements being in linearity with that of the yogi and believes,

she may be second time lucky. However, more shocks await her.

The singularities of life have elemental eccentricities of happening and un-happening; almost as

weird and randomized as love. The elements of one‟s own life and that of the equally precarious

milieus are both patterned as well as un-patterned. The juxtaposition of symmetrical possibilities

amid the larger probabilistic asymmetry of arbitrary milieus engender such beautiful marvels of

life-living experiences, which people can accept only in one way – the destiny! The true and

lasting relationship can happen only between similar and generic elements. Destinies shape this

Page 29: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will

way. What destiny has in store for Melissa, the empress, who finds a yogi in her new and

metamorphosed life, shall be decided not by factors outside in her near and far milieus, rather by

what she finally accepts as something, which is her own internal positioning of consciousness.

The moment, she accepts, love shall happen and destiny shall be signed in.


Back To Bliss: A Journey To Zero

Literary Fiction: Novel: A Love Story In Contemporary Culture Of Conflicts:

Word- 78,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Battling against hypocrisies, sadomasochism and perfunctory pursuits of pop

benchmarks of successes, he refuses the passion-oriented male worldview of

karma and life‟s purposes. Metamorphosed by compassion, that love‟s innocence fills him with,

he opts for a journey that takes him far away from the stupidity of self-worth, calculated in terms

of personal utility, individualistic possession and unfettered consumption. Does he arrive?


Autobiography Of A Duffer

A witty but insightful narration of „normal‟ and „orderly‟ cultural realisms of

contemporary world, from the perspective of a young duffer. This duffer

believes; a normal person should know how this world looks to a stupid, whom

the world loves to label „abnormal‟ and „disordered‟, to truly visualize realities

of benchmarking. This duffer‟s wife asked him to make it different; he truly

does it!


Page 30: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will

Naked Solutions Of Dressed Up Life Woes

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 23,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

The world we live in; is what it is, neither good nor bad. It is people, who

are the „Theatre‟ of all pains as well as joys. The human mind is the most

capable and instinctively galvanized mechanism to solve big problems.

Still, the same human consciousness is the most potent trouble. The core

trouble is, modern day problems are so „dressed up‟; partly by our complex environment and

partly by our consciousness that we fail to see the „naked‟ reality of the nature of problems. We

can see them clearly, if we „undress‟ them. It is an art, we all can master. How?


Habitual Hero: The Art Of Winning

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 19,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

In all of us, there is this definite „winner‟, the genius of this universe.

However, this champion is what we can label as „Random Warrior‟, as it

wins but not always. We all have the determination, patience, courage,

discipline and the mastery to be a sure and sustained „all-weather-all-

season-Hero‟. However, as many of us miss the knowledge and acceptance of this „mechanism

of winning‟, this warrior turns out to be only a „random‟ winner, unable to sustain the artistry of

winning, to qualify as a „Habitual Hero‟.

Page 31: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will


Maya And Leela: Utility In Life’s Futility

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 21,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Most of us, living in modern contemporary world of complexities, conflicts

and confusion, have questions as what a good and righteous person should

consider as „perpetual-utility‟ in life, amidst the general feeling of „futility‟

of everything around. What is this singular life and living positioning,

which can make us live the life in a perpetually joyous state of consciousness, endowed with

„true utilities‟, shunning away all those „futilities‟, which land us in pain and regret?


Why We Flop In Love

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Love is ideally accepted with three elements of Mystery, Magic and Marvel.

The three „M‟s‟ land most of us in inexplicable troubles and pains of love.

The magnificent dualism is – love‟s mystery makes it flamboyantly attractive

and joyful. Still, the mysticism engenders loads of confusion, making many of us flop in love.

Success of love is in non-dualistic positioning, which is simple and practical realism, most of us

refuse to accept.

Page 32: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will


Wisdom Of Wellness: Perpetuity Of Poise Of Purpose

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

One needs to be in lasting physical, emotional and ideational wellness. Tips,

pills, and „shoulds‟ abound; still, wellness is elusive. Wellness is largely a

function of emotional „poise‟ of consciousness. Wisdom of wellness is in being the „master of

mechanism‟, „internalizing‟ the multifaceted life-living realisms and then, creating a

personalized model of wellness. Nothing „external‟ helps.


India Beyond Stampede Of Stupidities

Short Description:

An analytical commentary on how energies of ideas for socio-

political changes, create a stampede of stupidities, when they are

reactive and participants of change fail to observe assimilative

perspectives, compromising the sanity of system, which could weed

out loads of aggression, chaos and conflicts from the soil of struggle.

A global reality, elaborated with India as a case study.



Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture

Non-fiction: Life Choices for Wellness, Youth Issues of Sexual Behavior,

Personal Excellence: word- 17,000 approx: Language-English

Page 33: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will

Short Description:

In contemporary culture of hypocrisy, conflict and confusion, where even adults are in a flux

over benchmarks of real success and self-worth, the young being advised about sanity and

sensibility, lands as big joke for them. The youth needs a worldview, enabling them to see

through the hypocrisy and perplexity of pop culture, offering them a date with real intelligence

and life realism.


Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will

Non-fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal

Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

There is a mechanism to all „probabilities‟ in life, which we call God‟s

will. This mechanism has its own energy and patterns of possibilities.

Those, who succeed, decipher this mechanism and the patterns, which are

there for anyone to see. We attain success and excellence, as we align our

personal energy with this energy of the cosmic mechanism. God‟s will is then in linearity with

our wish.


Redeem & Reinvent The Art Of Lost Wellness

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal


Short Description

The world we live is what it is, neither good nor bad. It is neutral and

objective. Wellness is largely individual onus. As we acquire and practice

those life skills, which make life wellness a beautiful journey for us, our

Page 34: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will

mind is attuned to them. We then have an auto-mechanism for larger wellness. Time to test our

Life Skill Quotient (LSQ)!


Karta: Life-Inspiring Essays On Cognition, Consciousness & Causality

Short Description

The essays in this book unravel the Karta (subjective consciousness) from

the perspective of the new thinking of 3Cs – Cognition, Consciousness and

Causality. The effort is to make you – the Karta, assimilate the core idea

as how a holistic, assimilative and integrative perspective of the 3Cs helps

you in attaining and enhancing personal excellence and wellness. Makes

you meet a new empowered you.


Enter 2014 A New You

Non-fiction, Personal excellence and empowerment.

Short Description

Five simple steps, which can make us a super person, endowed with

required skills and personal resources to: Solve our problems; Be a winner

in life situations; Be great in love and relationships; Have a personal

spiritual wellness model and Accept a worldview that makes us cool and

collected, to have a happier and better New Year 2014.


Page 35: Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will

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