Download - DCDIAG I F SERVER 2012 - … 13, 2014 · 1 INTRODUCTION: DCDIAG one of the powerful tools for Active Directory Administrators and it’s a trouble-saver for most painful issues related



Prepared By

Sainath K.E.V

Microsoft MVP –Directory Services

Dated: 13/04/2014


1 Introduction: ......................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Technical Details: ................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Scenario1: ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Scenario2: ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3 Scenario 3 ....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4 Win32 Time Modules .................................................................................................................... 7

2.4.1 Function Details .................................................................................................................... 8


DCDIAG one of the powerful tools for Active Directory Administrators and it’s a trouble-saver for most

painful issues related to Active Directory infrastructure. For any troubleshooting, the first request from

Microsoft or either in the forums is to produce DCDIAG / <switches> output ( Eg: DcDiag /V or /e ) which

helps in validating the Active Directory infrastructure data.

Microsoft TechNet and Forums provides exceeded information about DcDiag usage and scenarios, this

article addresses underlying building blocks which makes DcDiag to work. This article lists different

Dynamic Link Libraries and all the imported function calls used in DcDiag.


DcDiag utility analyzes Domain controller’s state in an Active Directory Forest and reports back

configuration information and errors. DcDiag runs different tests to provide detail information to

Administrators, below are the tests

Advertising : checks whether DSA is advertising itself

CheckSDRefdom: Checks all Application directory partitions have appropriate security

descriptor reference domains.

CheckSecurityError: Checks security errors and performs initial diagnosis of the problem.

Connectivity: Tests whether DSAs are DNS registered and responding to LDAP / RPC


CrossRefValidation: checks for invalid cross-references

CutoffServers: Checks for servers that won’t receive replications because its partners are


DcPromo: Tests the existing DNS infrastructure for promotion of Domain Controller. If

the infrastructure is sufficient, the computer can be promoted to DC in an Active

directory domain.

DNS: Checks the health of DNS settings for the whole enterprise. This test further has

subtests that can be performed to check Forwarders, Dynamic Updates, Delegation etc..

FrsEvent: This test checks to see if there are any operation errors in the FRS

DFSREvent: This test checks to see if there are any operation errors in the DFS

SysVolCheck: Checks SYSVOL is ready

LocatorCheck: Checks for global role-holders status and whether they can be located

Intersite: Checks for failures that would prevent or temporarily hold up intersite


KccEvent: This test checks KCC is completing without errors

KnowsOfRoleHolders: Checks whether the DSA know its role holders

MachineAccount: Checks to see if the Machine Account has the proper information

NCSecDesc: checks the Security Descriptors on the naming context have appropriate

permissions for replication

Netlogons: Checks that the approrpirate logon privileges allow replication to proceed

ObjectsReplicated: Checks the Machine Account and DSA objects have replicated

OutboundSecureChannels: Checks for the Secure Channels from all of the DC’s in the


RegisterDNS: Tests whether the directory server can register the directory server locator

DNS records

Replications: Checks for timely replication between directory servers

RidManager: Check to see if RID master is accessable

Services: Check to see if all the required AD services are running

SystemLog: Checks that the system is running without errors

Topology: Checks that the generated topology is fully connected for all DSA’s

VerifyEnterpriseReference: This test verifys that certain System references are intact for

the FRS and Replication infrastructure

VerifyReferences: Verifies that certain system references are intact for the FRS and

Replication infrastructure

VerifyReplicas: This test verifies that all application directory partition are fully

instantiated on all replica servers

Administrators can use different switches with the use of DcDiag, please follow the below link


This section will describe the major module imported by DcDiag executable which will be required for

understanding of DcDiag functionality.

Components: DcDiag.exe – executable

When DcDiag runs, it imports a series of modules which are responsible for displaying information with



NetAPI32 NTDSAPI32.dll Shell32.dll

User32.dll WS2_32 Msvcrt.dll







Below are the list of functions used by different imported modules. This list is extremely useful when

understanding DcDiag functionality and for advance troubleshooting. These modules when paired /

graphed together will provide DcDiag Architectural implementation detailis. Below function are not

documented in TechNet, these are learnt from by debugging the DcDiag and validating different dumps

to analyse the stack and functions imported by DcDiag executable.

Below list provides rich list of functions imported by DcDiag. There are 343 + functions used by DcDiag.

Function Name Module

OpenServiceW ADVAPI32

ImpersonateLoggedOnUser ADVAPI32

LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName ADVAPI32

QueryServiceConfigW ADVAPI32

QueryServiceStatus ADVAPI32

LsaSetSecret ADVAPI32

FreeSid ADVAPI32

ReadEventLogW ADVAPI32

OpenEventLogW ADVAPI32

RegConnectRegistryW ADVAPI32

LsaOpenSecret ADVAPI32

GetNumberOfEventLogRecords ADVAPI32

RevertToSelf ADVAPI32

EnumDependentServicesW ADVAPI32

AllocateAndInitializeSid ADVAPI32

CloseEventLog ADVAPI32

EqualSid ADVAPI32

CloseServiceHandle ADVAPI32


OpenSCManagerW ADVAPI32

ControlService ADVAPI32

ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW ADVAPI32

ConvertSidToStringSidW ADVAPI32

StartServiceW ADVAPI32

IsValidSid ADVAPI32

GetLengthSid ADVAPI32

LsaQueryInformationPolicy ADVAPI32

LsaOpenPolicy ADVAPI32

LsaFreeMemory ADVAPI32

LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight ADVAPI32

LsaClose ADVAPI32

LookupAccountSidW ADVAPI32

LogonUserW ADVAPI32

DnsModifyRecordsInSet_W DNSAPI

DnsQueryConfig DNSAPI


DnsNameCompare_W DNSAPI

DnsUpdateTest_W DNSAPI

DnsValidateName_W DNSAPI

DnsFlushResolverCacheEntry_W DNSAPI


IcmpCreateFile IPHLPAPI

IcmpCloseHandle IPHLPAPI

Icmp6CreateFile IPHLPAPI

GetUnicastIpAddressTable IPHLPAPI

Icmp6SendEcho2 IPHLPAPI

GetAdaptersAddresses IPHLPAPI



IcmpSendEcho2 IPHLPAPI

RegOpenKeyExW KERNEL32

RegQueryValueExW KERNEL32

ReleaseMutex KERNEL32

CloseHandle KERNEL32

CompareFileTime KERNEL32

CreateEventW KERNEL32

CreateFileW KERNEL32

CreateThread KERNEL32

DeleteCriticalSection KERNEL32

lstrlenW KERNEL32

EnterCriticalSection KERNEL32

ExpandEnvironmentStringsW KERNEL32

FileTimeToLocalFileTime KERNEL32

FileTimeToSystemTime KERNEL32

FreeLibrary KERNEL32

GetComputerNameExA KERNEL32

GetComputerNameExW KERNEL32

GetComputerNameW KERNEL32

GetConsoleMode KERNEL32

GetConsoleOutputCP KERNEL32

GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo KERNEL32

GetCurrentProcess KERNEL32

GetCurrentProcessId KERNEL32

GetCurrentThreadId KERNEL32

GetDateFormatW KERNEL32

GetLastError KERNEL32

CompareStringW KERNEL32

GetModuleHandleExW KERNEL32

GetModuleHandleW KERNEL32

GetProcAddress KERNEL32

GetProcessHeap KERNEL32

GetStdHandle KERNEL32

GetSystemTime KERNEL32

GetSystemTimeAsFileTime KERNEL32

GetTickCount KERNEL32

GetTimeFormatW KERNEL32

GetTimeZoneInformation KERNEL32

HeapFree KERNEL32

GetModuleHandleA KERNEL32

InitializeCriticalSection KERNEL32

InterlockedCompareExchange KERNEL32

InterlockedDecrement KERNEL32

InterlockedExchange KERNEL32

InterlockedIncrement KERNEL32

LeaveCriticalSection KERNEL32

LoadLibraryExW KERNEL32

LocalAlloc KERNEL32

LocalFree KERNEL32

LocalReAlloc KERNEL32

LocalSize KERNEL32

OutputDebugStringA KERNEL32

WriteFile KERNEL32

WideCharToMultiByte KERNEL32

WaitForSingleObject KERNEL32

WaitForMultipleObjects KERNEL32

QueryPerformanceCounter KERNEL32

MultiByteToWideChar KERNEL32

RaiseException KERNEL32

ReadConsoleW KERNEL32

FormatMessageW KERNEL32

ResetEvent KERNEL32

RegCloseKey KERNEL32

UnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32

TerminateProcess KERNEL32

SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime KERNEL32

SystemTimeToFileTime KERNEL32

RegEnumKeyExW KERNEL32

Sleep KERNEL32

SetUnhandledExceptionFilter KERNEL32

SetThreadUILanguage KERNEL32

SetLastError KERNEL32

SetEvent KERNEL32

SetConsoleMode KERNEL32

WNetGetResourceInformationW MPR

WNetCancelConnection2W MPR

WNetAddConnection2W MPR

NetApiBufferFree NETAPI32


NetUserGetInfo NETAPI32

NetUserSetInfo NETAPI32

I_NetLogonControl2 NETAPI32

DsRoleFreeMemory NETAPI32


DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation NETAPI32





DsFreeNameResultW NTDSAPI


DsReplicaSyncW NTDSAPI

DsReplicaSyncAllW NTDSAPI

DsReplicaGetInfo2W NTDSAPI

DsReplicaGetInfoW NTDSAPI

DsReplicaFreeInfo NTDSAPI

DsWriteAccountSpnW NTDSAPI

VariantInit OLEAUT32

VariantChangeType OLEAUT32

SysFreeString OLEAUT32

SysAllocString OLEAUT32

SafeArrayUnaccessData OLEAUT32

SafeArrayAccessData OLEAUT32

VariantClear OLEAUT32

RpcErrorStartEnumeration RPCRT4

RpcErrorGetNextRecord RPCRT4

RpcErrorEndEnumeration RPCRT4

RpcEpResolveBinding RPCRT4

RpcBindingToStringBindingW RPCRT4

RpcBindingSetOption RPCRT4

RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW RPCRT4

RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExA RPCRT4

RpcBindingSetAuthInfoA RPCRT4

RpcBindingFromStringBindingW RPCRT4

RpcBindingFree RPCRT4

NdrClientCall2 RPCRT4

I_RpcGetExtendedError RPCRT4

I_RpcExceptionFilter RPCRT4

UuidToStringW RPCRT4

UuidFromStringW RPCRT4

RpcStringFreeW RPCRT4

RpcStringBindingParseW RPCRT4

RpcStringBindingComposeW RPCRT4

RpcMgmtEpEltInqNextW RPCRT4

RpcMgmtEpEltInqDone RPCRT4

RpcMgmtEpEltInqBegin RPCRT4


LoadStringW USER32

ldap_result2error WLDAP32

ldap_modify_sW WLDAP32

ldap_msgfree WLDAP32

ldap_next_attributeW WLDAP32

ldap_next_entry WLDAP32

LdapMapErrorToWin32 WLDAP32

LdapGetLastError WLDAP32

ldap_search_abandon_page WLDAP32

ldap_explode_dnW WLDAP32

ldap_search_ext_sW WLDAP32

ldap_search_init_pageW WLDAP32

ldap_search_sW WLDAP32

ldap_set_optionW WLDAP32

ldap_get_dnW WLDAP32

ldap_first_entry WLDAP32

ldap_first_attributeW WLDAP32

ldap_unbind WLDAP32

ldap_err2stringW WLDAP32

ldap_count_values_len WLDAP32

ldap_count_valuesW WLDAP32

ldap_value_freeW WLDAP32

ldap_count_entries WLDAP32

ldap_bind_sW WLDAP32

ldap_value_free_len WLDAP32

ldap_add_sW WLDAP32

ldap_get_next_page_s WLDAP32

ldap_get_optionW WLDAP32

ldap_get_valuesW WLDAP32

ldap_get_values_lenW WLDAP32

ldap_initW WLDAP32

ldap_memfreeW WLDAP32

WSALookupServiceNextW WS2_32

getprotobyname WS2_32

WSASetLastError WS2_32

WSAStartup WS2_32

WSACleanup WS2_32

getaddrinfo WS2_32

getnameinfo WS2_32

freeaddrinfo WS2_32

GetNameInfoW WS2_32

FreeAddrInfoW WS2_32

closesocket WS2_32

GetAddrInfoW WS2_32

inet_ntoa WS2_32

inet_addr WS2_32

WSAGetLastError WS2_32

WSAIoctl WS2_32

WSALookupServiceBeginW WS2_32

WSALookupServiceEnd WS2_32

ntohs WS2_32

socket WS2_32

__wgetmainargs msvcrt

_amsg_exit msvcrt

_atoi64 msvcrt

_callnewh msvcrt

_cexit msvcrt

_controlfp msvcrt

_except_handler4_common msvcrt

_exit msvcrt

_fcloseall msvcrt

_ftol2_sse msvcrt

_initterm msvcrt

_iob msvcrt

_local_unwind4 msvcrt

_lock msvcrt

_onexit msvcrt

_purecall msvcrt

_snwprintf_s msvcrt

_stricmp msvcrt

_strupr msvcrt

_ultoa msvcrt

_unlock msvcrt

_vsnprintf msvcrt

_vsnwprintf msvcrt

_wcsdup msvcrt

_wcsicmp msvcrt

_wcsnicmp msvcrt

_wfopen msvcrt

_wtoi msvcrt

_wtoi64 msvcrt

_wtol msvcrt

atoi msvcrt

__p__fmode msvcrt

exit msvcrt

fflush msvcrt

free msvcrt

fwprintf msvcrt

iswdigit msvcrt

iswxdigit msvcrt

_ltow msvcrt

wcstoul msvcrt

wcstombs msvcrt

wcstol msvcrt

wcsstr msvcrt

wcsncpy_s msvcrt

wcsncmp msvcrt

wcscspn msvcrt

wcscpy_s msvcrt

wcschr msvcrt

wprintf msvcrt

wcscat_s msvcrt

vswprintf_s msvcrt

towupper msvcrt

towlower msvcrt

_CxxThrowException msvcrt

_XcptFilter msvcrt

__CxxFrameHandler3 msvcrt

__dllonexit msvcrt

__p__commode msvcrt

malloc msvcrt

mbstowcs msvcrt

memchr msvcrt

memcpy msvcrt

memcpy_s msvcrt

memmove msvcrt

memmove_s msvcrt

memset msvcrt

__set_app_type msvcrt

printf msvcrt

putchar msvcrt

qsort msvcrt

realloc msvcrt

setlocale msvcrt

__setusermatherr msvcrt

sprintf_s msvcrt

strncmp msvcrt

strtoul msvcrt

swprintf_s msvcrt

time msvcrt

?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ msvcrt

?terminate@@YAXXZ msvcrt

??1type_info@@UAE@XZ msvcrt

??1exception@@UAE@XZ msvcrt

??0exception@@QAE@XZ msvcrt

??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z msvcrt

??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z msvcrt

RtlAllocateHeap ntdll

RtlSubAuthoritySid ntdll

RtlSubAuthorityCountSid ntdll

RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor ntdll

RtlFreeHeap ntdll

RtlNtStatusToDosError ntdll

RtlLengthSid ntdll

RtlIpv6StringToAddressW ntdll

RtlIpv6StringToAddressExW ntdll

RtlIpv6AddressToStringExW ntdll

RtlIpv6AddressToStringA ntdll

RtlIpv4StringToAddressW ntdll

RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW ntdll

RtlIpv6StringToAddressA ntdll

RtlIpv4StringToAddressA ntdll

RtlIpv4AddressToStringExW ntdll

RtlInitUnicodeString ntdll

CoUninitialize ole32

CoSetProxyBlanket ole32

CoQueryProxyBlanket ole32

CoInitializeSecurity ole32

CoInitializeEx ole32

CoInitialize ole32

CoCreateInstance ole32

EvtFormatMessage wevtapi

EvtCreateRenderContext wevtapi

EvtRender wevtapi

EvtQuery wevtapi

EvtOpenSession wevtapi

EvtOpenPublisherMetadata wevtapi

EvtNext wevtapi