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  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion


    ae Editinn Basic EditionMaslefe?i ipm astets dition

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  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion


    THE SECOND EDITIONThe second edition was published in two folio-sized volumes, one targeted at Players (184 pages, Basic Edition and

    400 pages, Master Edition ) and the other at Game Masters (180 pages, Basic Edition and 462 pages, Master Edition ),both in soft cover.

    In each case, the Basic Edition was a subset of the Masters Edition (and the DPI catalog listed the additional Mastersmaterial as an Expansion volume). For insights into the material differences between Basic and Masters, it is possible tocompare the Tables of Contents of each of the books (provided on the following pages).

    Players Handbook Basic Edition 184 pagesPlayers Handbook Masters Edition 400 pages

    Referees Guide Basic Editio n 180 pagesReferees Guide Masters Edition 462 pages

    Referee's Screen (Dark Conspiracy, 2nd Edition) This three-paneled referee's screen (33" x 8.5") is beautifully illustrated by fantasy

    artist Larry Elmore. This Referee's Screen has everything a Referee needs for quickreference to speed up game-play.

    Also included is a 48-page book with material from the previously released IceDaemon and Nightsider adventures, both of which are sure to frighten and delighthorror role-players of any age.

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    The Shadow FallsSin City, Vol. 1

    Welcome to New Centennial City, or"Sin City" as the people who live herecall it.

    New Centennial City is a new HongKong - a place of commerce,opportunity and dark secrets. It is a

    foreboding place, crouchedsomewhere in the shadows betweenTim Burton's Gotham and the Los

    Angeles of Ridley Scott's BladeRunner.

    New Centennial City is a placewhere powerful men prey on theweak-minded with disastrous results.

    A series of violent crimes and amysterious explosion, draw theplayers into the clutches of theCalendites, a modern-day Mayan cultled by the enigmatic Ethan Rayne. Intrying to learn its secrets, the playersare caught up in the frenzy ofimpending doom. The stage is set!The end of the world is nigh!"

    Of Gates and GodsSin City, Vol. 2

    Something strange just crashed intoa heavily populated region ofNewCentennial City and someone istrying to keep it a secret.

    As the players investigate, they willbe introduced to the subculture of the

    Citadel. The Citadel can be bestdescribed as the personal playgroundto the elite of New Centennial City.Big parties, big business and bigmoney flow through this area at neck-breaking speeds.

    The Citadel is dangerously out ofcontrol. Greed and corruption can befound on every corner. Certainelements attempt to change the worldas we know it. What is happeningbehind the scenes and can your partystop it before it's too late?

    And no matter what happens in SinCity, just remember...


    Masks of DarknessSin City, Vol. 3

    "Just what the hell is going onhere?'

    Something is happening behind thescenes in New Centennial City. Agang war has erupted in the Projectsand an influenza epidemic sweeps the

    city. Meanwhile, a man has gonemissing and no one seems willing tohelp find him. The players get askedto help and inadvertently get pulledinto a web of lies, deceit andconfusion.

    Masks of Darkness introducesseveral new underground ernpathiccells that are active in New CentennialCity. They, together with the players,will work together to uncover the truththat lurks behind the facade ofeveryday city life. If the players aren'tcareful, they could get more than theybargained for."

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  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion


    DEMONGROUNDDPIs support of Dark Conspir acy 2 included the innovative electronic fanzine Demonground , featuring many of the

    same authors who contributed to the rules and its supplements (and who had contributed to Dark Conspiracy 1 ).The first issues of Demonground were exclusively Dark Conspiracy material, but as the publication matured, it

    expanded to cover other games in the genre.

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    PagePage 44 Demonground Issue 1Demonground Issue 1 EditorialEditorial

    AAAA SSSS hhhhoooorrrr tttt HHHH iiii ssss ttttoooorrrr yyyy oooof f f f tttt hhhheeee D D D D a a a a r r r r k k k k C C C C o o o o n n n n s s s s p p p p i i i i r r r r a a a a c c c c y y y y GGGGaaaa mmmmeeeeBy Lester Smith

    Did you ever wonder how a role- playing game comes to be? Well allowme to pull back the curtain over the his-tory of the Dark Conspiracy RPG, and letyou take a peek.

    The GenesisThe GenesisEarly in the summer of 1990, I was

    taking a break from grad school, whenMarc Miller called to ask if Id be inter-ested in designing a new project for GDW. I had some time on my hands and you know what they say about idlehands. So I said, Sure.

    When I met with Marc and Frank Chadwick to discuss the project, they ex-

    plained that they wanted a role-playinggame of ecological horror. I have a softspot in my head for horror, so naturally Isaid, Sure. We discussed the ecologicalaspects: a world in danger of ruination; a

    plot of some sort to take the earth fromhuman hands. They pitched some ideas. I

    pitched some ideas. We shook hands allaround, and I went home to start work.

    I was very excited. But as a role- playing game designer, I was still a littlewet behind the ears back then. My RPGexperience to that point had been to revisethe Traveller: 2300 RPG, filling in someholes and expanding the original to twicethe size. And Id done several adventuremodules and a few board games. But Iwasnt quite sure how to start a role-

    playing game from scratch. So I just gaveit my best shot. I jotted down some basicmechanics, wrote up a few monster de-scriptions, plotted out an adventure, andgot some friends together to start playing.

    Along the way, I just hoped to generateenough material to fill a 250-page book.

    The MechanicsThe MechanicsIt might surprise you to learn that the

    game started with a d20 mechanic basedon skills. At the time, I was of the opinionthat a d20 was just about a perfect die for a role-playing game. It gives a reasonable

    range of numbers, without the clunkinessof a d10 on the one hand, the needlesslyfine divisions of a d100 on the other, or the bell curve of multiple d6s on the thirdhand. (Its Dark Conspiracy, remember,so I can have three hands.) In my originalsystem, the number of points by whichyou succeeded or failed determined thequality of your result. In competitiveactions, that quality helped determine

    just how much of an effect the victim suf-fered. Still, the effects of that qualitywere left up very much to the referee to

    decide.A few months into my work, Frank and Marc called again, to let me knowthat the second edition of Twilight: 2000was going over very well for the com-

    pany. They explained that they thought itwould be a good idea for GDW to havesimilar mechanics for all its RPGs, sothey wanted me to adapt my current rulesto match T2K2.

    At first, I wasnt thrilled about theidea. As Ive mentioned, I thought the d10system to be too coarse-grained, with-out enough variance. Still, I could see theappeal of a game company having com-mon mechanics throughout its RPGs, andI like to be a team player. Also, it meant

    that I didnt have to come up with newstats for all the modern and futuristic gear I wanted to include in DC.

    That clinched it. I got to work con-verting my notes to T2K2 stats (or per-haps more properly converting T2K2 tomy notes). Empathy was added as an at-tribute, two of T2K2s physical stats weremerged, and skills were juggled to suit.The project took a great leap forward as Iwas able to concentrate on mood insteadof mechanics.

    The BackgroundThe BackgroundFrom the beginning, I set myself the

    goal of making a background that couldincorporate absolutely any horror story. Itwas my opinion at the time that AD&Dsucceeded largely because a DM couldimport pretty much any fantasy story, andI wanted to do the same for horror.

    Nowadays, Im not so sure thats a validapproach. Chill tried just that, and itsdied at least a couple of times. Call of Cthulhu didnt really try that, and its stillas strong as ever. Vampire: The Masquer-ade and its siblings all focus on one vi-sion, too, without trying to incorporateabsolutely every type of horror, andtheyre going strong. Fortunately for me,two focuses developed early in Dark Conspiracys development, and they gavethe game the identifying mark it needed tosurvive.

    The first focus was the guns. GDWwas a wargame company at heart, and itshowed even in their RPGs. (In fact, if you used the abbreviation RPG atGDW, it was usually assumed you meant

    rocket-propelled grenade.) Rather thanfight that fact, I decided to try making ahorror game where the point was ulti-mately to blow the monsters to little

    pieces. I just tried to create monsters thatwould rip you up a time or two before youcould come up with a workable plan todefend yourself. But once you had, it was

    payback time in spades. Pretty much all

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    EditorialEditorial DemoDemonground Issue 1nground Issue 1 PagePage 55

    of the DC adventures I ever wrote and ranwere designed exactly that way: Id maimor even kill a PC or two, then let the restescape, catch their breath, equip for the

    baddies, then come back and blast them to bits. It isnt how I run Call of Cthulhu, but

    it certainly works for DC.The second focus was the ETs. As a

    kid, I watched lots of sci-fi movies inwhich the aliens were beneficent. Then asa teenager, I read reports about ETs per-forming head transplants on helpless hu-mans. So I built that change into the DC game. Once the ETs came in peace, butnow they were corrupted. Franks thefellow who came up with the rationalethat they had opened a mystic gate tohell and became possessed. That centralconcept gave DC an identifying mark it

    needed.As for the other monsters, I just triedto come up with a rationale that fit the oldstories, but didnt stretch the laws of sci-ence too far. For example, it seemed morereasonable to me that werewolves werealways bestial-looking in reality, but pro-

    jected a hypnotic power to disguise them-selves, than that their bodies could meta-morphosize in seconds. That rationalewas one of the things that sold Frank onmy vision for the game.

    Finally, I needed a world where suchcreatures could break loose. But it had to

    be a fairly modern one. So I described agrowing dystopianot quite cyberpunk in which lawlessness plagued the rural re-gions, allowing for monsters to prowl, yetdark secrets were held at the center of theovercrowded cities. It was never my in-tent to detail the megacorps or metro-

    plexes. Remember, I wanted a worldwhere referees could import stories theyread or viewed, not one that dictated their campaigns. The plan was to allow for

    Howling -style werewolf packs on the onehand, and Aliens- style corporate horror onthe other. The rest of the dystopian visiongrew from those two extremes.

    The Other PlayersThe Other PlayersWhich brings me to Mike Stackpoles

    novels. At the same time I had been ap- proached to do the game, Mike had beenasked to write a series of novels. Neither

    of us was much aware of the others work until both game and first or second novelhad been completed. Mike depicted amore cyberpunkish world at first than Ihad, but the two visions began to feed off each other after the game was released.

    Ted Kocot, the fellow who turned meon to cyberpunk before it was a phe-nomenon, is to blame for the tabloid tie-into the game. He got me to thinking aboutthe ways in which those bizarre tabloidstories could serve as clues for actualevents in the game. I found tabloid storiesto be a great inspiration for adventures. Ionly wish I had taken the idea further, and

    built them more fully into the back-ground.

    I think my favorite writer for DC material was Michael LaBossiere. He be-

    gan writing short adventures almost im-mediately, mainly for Challenge maga-zine. I immediately fell in love with hisapproach to horror, his bent vision, andhis delivery in writing. I looked forwardto seeing his every submission. I hopehell do some new work for the secondedition.

    For what its worth, my favorite of the full modules, however, is Among the

    Dead, for whatever you can make of that.

    Late DevelopmentsLate DevelopmentsEventually, I finished writing and

    went back to grad school for one season.

    After finishing grad school, I went back to work full-time at GDW. As luck wouldhave it, my first task was to finish getting

    DC through production, then take over management of the line. Through the nextcouple of years, as the line expanded, Ihad a great deal of fun. But the D10 sys-tem continued to bug me. I talked withFrank about it often, and his reply was

    always something like, Sure, you canchange it, as long as all the currentsourcebooks for it and T2K2 remain in ef-fect. So I couldnt just double the attrib-ute and skill numbers, because things likegun recoil ratings wouldnt work any-

    more. I tried a provisional change in the PC Booster Kit, but it was kind of clunky.About a week after the booster kit hit thestands, however, I smacked my foreheadand said, Of course! Just add the skilland controlling attribute together, and usethe total as the target number for a d20!It was such a natural adaptation that weall wondered why we hadnt thought of it

    before. Thats the version thats in thenewest edition of the game.

    What brought about that new edition,long after GDW was gone? Well, at pretty

    much every convention I attended, some- body or the other would ask me if thegame would ever be reprinted. I men-tioned that fact to a couple of different

    publishers over the years, and finally KenWhitman decided it sounded like a goodidea. He talked with the folks who cur-rently own the license, came up with a

    business plan, and got to work. It wasKen who decided to split the original

    book into two sectionsone for players,and one for refereesthen incorporatematerial from various sourcebooks intoeach. Hes also the guy who decided torepackage them both in digest sized

    books. At first, I was skeptical about thatformat, but when he showed me a sample

    page, I had to admit it looked nice, andwhen I saw the finished books at GenCon,I was impressed. They definitely stand outamong a sea of 8 x 11 books.

    Im gratified to see the books back in print. Im not certain at this point howmuch involvement Ill be able to have inthe lines further development. Lots of water has passed under the bridge since Iran the line at GDW, and I have severalother irons in the fire, as they say. But Illcontinue to advise Ken as he pursues fur-ther publication, and Ill be running DCevents at a number of conventions. MaybeIll see you there

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  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion


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    Shapes that rip and tear. Shadows that live in corners. Windows in the space and time thatlead to realms of madness and decay. A dark, lurking horror that feeds off the echoing an-guish of a billion souls. When an ancient brooding evil is released from its dimensional

    prison, humanitys worst nightmares come to life. Set in the near future, the world of Dark Conspiracy is fraught with peril and challenge. Can you face the forces of darkness?

    The Players Handbook contains all of the rules to create and run characters in the world of Dark Conspiracy. Including material from the previously released Dark Tek and EmpathicSourcebook , this book contains revised character sheets, expanded equipment lists and in-depth empathic abilities section. 6 x 9 format, 400 pages, US$20.00

    The Referees Guide contains material from the previously released Dark Races and Proto-Dimensions . This book contains a large section on creatures and new dimensions for players to explore. You will find all the rules, start-up adventures and creatures from the dark abyss needed to play in this dark game of sci-fi horror. 6 x 9 format, 462 pages, US$25.00

    To order Dark Conspiracy 2 n Edition, contactDynasty Presentations, Inc.

    PO BOX 221Lake Geneva, WI USA 53147

    On the web, go to

    Copyright 1998 Dark Conspiracy Enterprises. Dark Conspiracy is a trademark of Dark Conspiracy Enterprises. All rights reserved

    hnson order 2093395
  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion


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  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion


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  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion


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  • 7/26/2019 DC2 Guide to Dark Conspiracy 2nd Edtion
