Download - day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

Page 1: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •
Page 2: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •
Page 3: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •
Page 4: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •


Page 5: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •


•• Textbook:getitsomewhere;usedisfine– Stayupwithreading!

• Prerequisite:CS241• Coursework:– Homework,groupproject,midterm,final

• Bepreparedtobringlaptopseverysooften.

Page 6: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

Groupproject• Youwilldesignandimplementyourowndatabase-drivenwebsite.

• Ideas:shopping,auctions,writeabetterBannerWeb,library/bibliographysystem,reviewsalaYelp,bank,finance/stocks,jobpostings,socialnetworkingalaFacebook,recipes,movies,apartments,…

• Groups:probably4-5people,formedonyourown.

• Spreadoutoverthewholesemester;check-insalongtheway.

Page 7: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •


• Academicreasons• Programmingreasons• Business(getajob)reasons• Studentreasons

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• Databasedesign– Howdoyoumodelyourdatasoitcanbestoredinadatabase?

• Databaseprogramming– HowdoIuseadatabasetoaskitquestions?

• Databaseimplementation– Howdoesthedatabaseitselfwork;i.e.,howdoesitstore,find,andretrievedataefficiently?

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• Electronicrecord-keeping,enablingfast andconvenient accesstotheinformationinside.

• DBMS=Databasemanagementsystem– Softwarethatstoresindividualdatabasesandknowshowtosearchtheinformationinside.

– RDBMS=RelationalDBMS– Examples:Oracle,MSSQLServer,MSAccess,MySQL,PostgreSQL,IBMDB2,SQLite

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• Supportmassiveamountsofdata– Giga-,tera-,petabytes

• Persistentstorage– Datacontinuestolivelongafterprogramfinishes.

• Efficientandconvenientaccess– Efficient:don'tsearchtheentirethingtoansweraquestion!

– Convenient:allowuserstoaskquestionsaseasilyaspossible.

• Secure,concurrent,andatomicaccess

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• Professorsofferclasses,studentssignup,getgrades

• Whataresomequestionswe(studentsorfaculty)couldask?– FindmyGPA.– …

• Whyaresecurity,concurrency,andatomicityimportanthere?

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• Advantages?

• Disadvantages?

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• TextfilesandPython/C++/Javaprograms

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• Let'suseCSV:


Page 15: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •


Page 16: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

File1:Hermione,Granger,R123 Draco,Malfoy,R111 Harry,Potter,R234 Ronald,Weasley,R345File2:R123,Potions,AR111,Potions,BR234,Potions,AR345,Potions,CR234,Herbology,BR123,Herbology,A

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• Inconvenient– needtoknowPython/C++/Javatogetatdata!

• Redundancy/inconsistency• Integrityproblems• Atomicityproblems• Concurrentaccessproblems• Securityproblems

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• Twomainreasons:– ThedescriptionofhowthefilesarelaidoutisburiedwithinthePython/C++/Javacodeitself(ifit'sdocumentedatall)

– Thereisnosupportfortransactions (supportingconcurrency,atomicity,integrity,andrecovery)

• DBMSshandleexactlythesetwoproblems.

Page 19: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •


• EdgarF.Codd wasaresearcheratIBMwhoconceivedanewwayoforganizingdatabasedonthemathematicalconceptofarelation.

• Relation:asetoforderedtuples(oh,no,CS172stuff…)

Page 20: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

• RDBMS=Relationaldatabasemanagementsystem.

• Therelationalmodelusesrelations(akatables)tostructuredata.

• Gradesrelation:First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

Page 21: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

• Relationalmodelisanabstraction.• Separatesthelogicalview(asviewedbytheDBuser)fromthephysicalview(DB'sinternalrepresentationofthedata)

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

Page 22: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

• Structuredquerylanguage(SQL)foraccessing/modifyingdata:

• FindallstudentswhoaregettingaB.– SELECT First, Last FROM Grades WHERE Grade = "B"

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

Page 23: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •
Page 24: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •
Page 25: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

Transactionprocessing• OneormoreDBoperationscanbegroupedintoatransaction.

• ForaDBMStoproperlyimplementtransactions:• Atomicity:All-or-nothingexecutionoftransactions.

• Consistency:ADBcanhaveconsistencyrulesthatshouldnotbeviolated.

• Isolation:Eachtransactionmustappear tobeexecutedasifnoothertransactionsarehappeningsimultaneously.

• Durability:Anychangesatransactionmakesmustneverbelost.

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• Awayofdescribingdata.– Better:adescriptionofhowtoconceptuallystructurethedata,whatoperationsarepossibleonthedata,andanyconstraintsonthedata.

• Structure:howweviewthedataabstractly• Operations:whatispossibletodowiththedata?

• Constraints:howcanwecontrolwhatdataislegalandwhatisnot?

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• Structure:relation(table)• Operations:relationalalgebra(selectcertainrows,certaincolumns,wherepropertiesaretrue/false)

• Constraints:canenforcerestrictionslikeGrademustbein{A,B,C,D,F}

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

Page 29: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •

Othermodels• Semi-structureddatathatisstill“structured”butnotinrelationalformat.– XML,JSON

• Objectdatabases,orobject-relational• Graphdatabases• NoSQL,NewSQL

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• Structure:Treesorgraphs– e.g.,XML

• Operations:Followpathsintheimpliedtreefromoneelementtoanother.– e.g.,XQuery

• Constraints:canconstraindatatypes,possiblevalues,etc.– e.g.,DTDs(documenttypedefinition),XMLSchema

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• Similartorelational,but– Valuesinatablecanhavetheirownstructure,ratherthanbeingsimplestringsorints.

– Relationscanhaveassociatedmethods.

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• Simple:builtaroundasingleconceptformodelingdata:therelationortable.– Arelationaldatabaseisacollectionofrelations.– Eachrelationisatablewithrowsandcolumns.– AnRDBMScanmanagemanydatabasesatonce.

• Supportshigh-levelprogramminglanguage(SQL)– Limitedbutusefulsetofoperations.

• Haselegantmathematicaltheorybehindit.

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• Relation==2Dtable– Attribute ==columnname– Tuple ==row(nottheheaderrow)

• Database==collectionofrelationsFirst Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

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• Arelationincludestwoparts:– Therelationschema definesthecolumnheadingsofthetable(attributes/fields)

– Therelationinstance definesthedatarows(tuples,rows,orrecords)ofthetable.

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

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• Aschemaiswrittenbythenameoftherelationfollowedbyaparenthesizedlistofattributes.– Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade)

• ArelationaldatabaseschemaisthesetofschemasforalltherelationsinaDB.

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

Page 36: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •


• ArelationalDBrequiresthateverycomponentofarow(tuple)haveaspecificelementarydatatype,ordomain.– string,int,float,date,time(nocomplicatedobjects!)

Grades(First:string, Last:string, Course:string, Grade:char)

Page 37: day1 - Rhodeskirlinp/courses/db/f16/lectures/day1.pdf · Equivalent representations of a relation Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade) • Relation is a setof tuples, not a list. •


Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade)• Relationisaset oftuples,notalist.• Attributesinaschemaareaset aswell.– However,theschemaspecifiesa"standard"orderfortheattributes.

• Howmanyequivalentrepresentationsarethereforarelationwithm attributesandn tuples?

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

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• Degree/arity ofarelationisthenumberofattributesinarelation.

• Cardinality isthenumberoftuplesinarelation.

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

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• Keysareakindofintegrityconstraint.• AsetofattributesKformsakeyforarelationRif:– weforbidtwotuplesinaninstanceofRtohavethesamevaluesforallattributesofK.

First Last Course Grade

Hermione Granger Potions A

Draco Malfoy Potions B

Harry Potter Potions A

Ronald Weasley Potions C

Grades(First, Last, Course, Grade)

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• Keyshelpassociatetuplesindifferentrelations.


123 777 A

111 777 B

234 777 A

345 777 C

SID First Last

123 Hermione Granger

111 Draco Malfoy

234 Harry Potter

345 Ronald Weasley

CRN Name Semester Year

777 Potions Fall 1997

888 Potions Spring 1997

999 Transfiguration Fall 1996

789 Transfiguration Spring 1996

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• Let'sexpandtheserelationstohandlethekindsofthingsyou'dliketoseeinBannerWeb.

• Keeptrackofstudents,professors,courses,whoteacheswhat,enrollments,pre-requisites,grades,departments&theirchairs.– Onlyonechairperdepartment.– Studentcannotenrollinmultiplecopiesofthesamecourseinonesemester.

– Otherconstraintsthatarelogical.