Download - Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

Page 2: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

Long-term climate change

Page 3: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

Climate Since the Industrial Revolution

Page 4: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

“In the light of new evidence and taking into account the remaining uncertainties, most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations”

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001

Page 5: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

Future Climate Change?

Page 6: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

How long a weather forecast do you trust?

Source: Monday…

Page 7: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

How long a weather forecast do you trust?

Source: Tuesday…

Page 8: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

How long a weather forecast do you trust?

Source: Wednesday…

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How long a weather forecast do you trust?

Source: Thursday…

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How long a weather forecast do you trust?


On Friday…

Page 11: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

What affects the weather?

Page 12: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

What affects the weather?

Page 13: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

What affects the weather?

Page 14: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

What affects the weather?

Page 15: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

What affects the weather?

Page 16: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

“Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get”

Page 17: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

What is a model?

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Results so far…

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Page 22: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.

Thursday, 25 September, 2003 French heat toll almost 15,000

France's summer heatwave killed a total of 14,800 people, according to official figures released on Thursday.

The figure covers 1-30 August, including a fortnight of record-breaking heat.

The number is almost 4,000 more than previous Health Ministry estimates.

The heat saw temperatures consistently above 40C in parts of Europe. ESTIMATED DEAD

France - 14,800 Italy - 4,200

Netherlands - 1,400 Portugal - 1,300

UK - 900

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The Russian Academy of Science issued a statement after the conference saying that it found "no scientific basis" for the Kyoto Protocol, and that a warmer Earth is actually positive for Russia,

July 2004

“Climate change is the single most important long-term issue that we face as a global community “ Tony Blair, April 2004

Climate change is a far greater threat to the world than international terrorism, UK Government's chief scientific adviser, January 2004

President George W. Bush courageously rejected the Kyoto Protocol on global warming. In abandoning the agreement, the President cited the uncertainty of the science, the lack of commercially available technology, the loss of American jobs, and disruptions to the U.S. economy it would cause if the drastic cuts in carbon dioxide called for in the Protocol were implemented [2001]

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The aim of the 1997 Kyoto protocol is to roll back global carbon dioxide emissions to

1990 levels.

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Page 28: Day after tomorrow film clip. Long-term climate change.