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Volunteerism as a Key

Resource for the LG&LD Approach

Tapiwa Kamuruko

UNV, Development Division

13 Nov 2012, Kiev-Ukraine

UNV is administered by the United Nations Development Programme

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• Volunteering & Mobilization Strategies;

• the Structure of the Volunteer Infrastructure;

• the Comparative /added value of volunteerism to the approach;

• the Resources/Modalities• Suggestion and recommendations

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Volunteering & Mobilisation Strategies

1. Promote Global recognition of volunteerism for peace and development;

2. Ensure the integration of volunteerism into development programmes;

3. Mobilization of increasing numbers of volunteers, and increasing the diversity of volunteers contributing to peace and development;

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Integration of V4Din Development Planning

Global Advocacyfor V4D

Mobilization ofVolunteers

the AIM

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the Volunteer Infrastructure• Strengthening the policy/legal

environment for the promotion/recognition of volunteerism in development initiatives;

• Support existing national volunteer involving schemes at the local level;

• Support specific volunteering interest groups such women, youth and minority populations to enhance their participation in national/community level development activities;

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Volunteerism impact in the LG&LD sector

• Facilitates and enables voluntary action/cohesion at the local level;

• Empowers individuals and communities;• Connects stakeholders towards mutual

accountability;• Fosters depth and diversity of participation;• Powerful social capital for improved

governance;• Fills in the gap of limited state action-services

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Areas of Distinctive Contribution in the LG&LD Sector

•Linking policies with Communities: Poverty reduction activities• Connect duty bearers (Officials) with rights holders (Citizenry):

•Build Local Capacity

empowerment & Voices

Access to Service and Service Delivery

Inclusion and Participation\

Community/ Mobilization

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Volunteerism forPeace and Development


Access to Service

Community-CentredSustainable Development

Local ownership

StrengtheningLocal capacities


Volunteerism Impact

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UNV Volunteer Modalities• National UN Volunteer Specialists; (Serving in their own countries)• International UN Volunteer

Specialists; (Serving outside their own countries)• Online Volunteering; ( Serve from off site)• Corporate Volunteering; (Short and focused assignment)• Youth Volunteering;

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1,530 registered development organizations

10,127 online volunteers in 2011

15,109 assignments in 2011

In English, French and Spanish

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Who are UN Volunteers



38 years average age

5-10 years average working experience

158 nationalities

100+ professional categories:

Project managers and administrators

Policy advisors

Engineers & technicians

Doctors and health professionals

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Mobilization of Volunteers











7,708 assignments in 2011


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Stats on Mobilization7,765 UN Volunteers/7,960 UNV assignments

5,224 International (34% women, 66% men)

2,541 National (43% women, 57% men)

32 percent in own country

132 countries of assignment

158 nationalities

80 percent from developing countries

98 percent specialists

37 percent women, 63 percent men

Average age 38 with 5-10 years relevant work


Financial magnitude: $235 million

Poverty eradication

and achievement of MDGs


Democratic governance


Crisis prevention

and recovery


Environment and

sustainable developmen


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Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will require the contributions of millions of

ordinary people through voluntary action –

Kofi Anan (2001)

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Integration of V in the Approach

• Embed and integrate volunteerism as deliberate and intentional strategy for the LG/LD approach beyond human resource but programmatic;

• Identify specific/potential pathways such as Upstream support for policy review/analysis and formulation;

• Downstream for direct service delivery and capacity strengthening at the community level;

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