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Page 1: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole



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. Vol. 64. No. 168 ,ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND,:WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons· --------------------------------- -

Attacks Oman

• Ine perations

WJNAMA, B:!hrcin (Reuters)-Ten R.A.F. jet Tuesday blasted a mud-walled fort in a

of fire· power against rebelling

\ Radar Chain Across . Arctic

WASHINGTON (AP) - North America's air warning system was extended to a 3,OOO-mil., radar ch~jn across the Canadian Arctic fringe Df

Peninsula tribesmen. The rebels, led by Ghalib bin Ali,. the' Imam

leodet of Oman, ~re figl,ting the pro­S~ltan of Muscat and Oman, Said bin

the continent Tuesday. . • The United States Air Force pronounced th,

Distant Early Warning line ready for operation, The electronically-connected system of detection and warning devices, costing more than $600,-000,000, will go into full scale operation to-day •

The British, at the Sultan's request,. are to Fut down the outbreak.

Tr.e Eritish jets were reported to have flown arainsl a fort at Firq, making the raid

hj~ct!t show of air power over rebel-held •

firq is five m:lcs from Nixwa; the Oman , end the headquarters of the rebels. Ft\lI 1.0(!!;

·1Il('r thc . mcd 1'1 lIarlLhy. said hundreds of ::";.: ': '~f Oel\ tllO persons in Ekbarka abandoned

:: ; ."." ,,; :IN,!,;]!,('r , thrir .demolishcd homes and ran . ,'. ".': [,,:,: ~;:! ()11Ifln ! into the open country callin" for

.. .. .. ···'··· .. 11n JI[1 I I ," ", ." .. ' . .., > ., Ie p ,_.- ;-,'-"" ""rt';H' in i Ekbal'ka could nol be located In ;: ;.;. '.' .: ".' ~N'rII'~d . Inr::r-sc.1le mllps. The RAF made ,,,' ".': .;! n":I:,!1 ,1r' nn mention of such a locality in \ .. ::. ,;r:,"'::"'lo,1 all' it, communiqucs.

' •. ';';,,,~ 1lI"~)' i The RAF saY" it has watched for . ". ""f ; ::';:1;:;r.~ thrlr ,si;:ns 01 life before attacking. 11 " : ,a~'s it is hhtln~ specific military :-'" ."", .. ::,.,. \:"',:",,, 't.1r;:ct" and al'oilling loss of life. -,-_.

It rounds out a vast array of devices installed to, give America maximum warning of the approach of hostile aircraft by the short· rout. across the Arctic between the centres of the CDm~ munist and free worlds.

. The DEW line was b~gun late 10 1951. II stretchcs from Western along the U.S .• Canadian border Alaska across the upper rim of I ., the continent, throu,,"h Cana(l" to am was primarily a United States

u project. Baffin Island. The line is actually ALL.C,\NADIAN n series of radar posts isolated The second line. called the mid­from each othcr in the northern Canada. is Canadian·financed and wastes exccpt for elcctronic c,on- operated. It stretches across Can • neclion,. RELAYIID TO cmmMI'DS ada at about the latitude Of the

spuhern par of Hudson Bay. . The information gathcrcd h~'Ali three lines arc extended sea. these elcctronic devices will he relaycd' through an elaborale wa,·.d by t1!e lise of specially chain of automatic and eqtupped aIrcraft and surface matic relay lHlints to the Conti. ship~, CIQser·in warning is also

MEXICO CITY, Mexico-Rescue crews pi-obe the luins or one or 20 buildings totally or almost. totally nental Ail' Defence Command in proVlderJ hy UIC Texas towers that

M ee' ts destroyed when a p'redawn earthquake struck' Mexico City and a large ~url'oundil1g area. At least 50 per. Colorado Springs. Colo .• and to the ~leb~3;n~i~il~o:~t~ey locations oU sons wcre known dead and more than 300 injured,. with prop.erty damagc running into millions of dollars. canfdian Air Defence Command When first conceived, the DEW

• ' ., _"" . . , ' ........... .'i; ...... r~. __ ,.::If.,:: .. ;''',:;.:;.-;, ,,' ,.' ,. " ',. ,. .. ' ._-- I he~:I~ua~;~ild~n~t :rt.t;:h~rnt~ ~~~~ llinc was expected to provide at

Z "T . ...... II dl d b east s.lx ho~rs warning .. oCap·

e d H . I Ie' 'z Jan e y the Western Electric proachmg aircraft. The Russian

" ~,!'!i1 n 0 a' y O,-rtlCU twra VlnlCl : I Company, Its actual operation and development of fast jet bombers 'Ii I ". I maintenance will be turnp-d OVer hOll'ever, bas thecoreticalJy cut th~ I t? the F~deral Electric Corpora. warning time to nbout three houra

1:, .• :(:. -'!.:l' Sf,' to nl' ol'er Western territories and I tlon, a field scrvice organiZation for key points in the northern tier

• (: ::t l:::'J,1 S\al~> Wcsie'rn planes over parts of Com· I Seek H,·gher Tar,'ff .' Pro'f eel,'on "~~I~~~;;~cr;~!:~~.1 Tclephone and Of United States, . ,., ,c . ,,;-:,' :lI;ulIcnt ' munisl.hehl land to trY to prevcnt 5 .. I,.c':", Z .,;c :"'!~~'.' surprisc nttacks. I . Both the building and lhe opera. This complex continental warn-::::,\. ,;",i T,,\',da," I lIon are under .the direct super. ing system was specifically d&-

. ~ The subcommittee was to halt A· t U ·f d SI I P d vision of the United States Air sign~d to raise the alarm against '.:' ::.~ :.;.: :,,', :,:\~ hr-' its sittings Thu:sday. but the U,S. go, n s n" e a e 5 r 0 U c e r s ~orce with the active co·opera. host.lle, manned aircraft. Its d. "~'" :,', , Z,,:', ;ince I ~las been pressmg for mOl'e feet. I tlon of the Canadian government. fect"'eness in providing detectitn

.' ; ,', t. .;.;. ;0 :ry to' IIIgS, ! OTTAWA (CP)' _ The Canadian that noll' are b&ing marketed to not allowed this to sland In the mend to the government specific DEW line is the last and farth· of intercontinental ballistic mis· :'~;'::'::-'C:': ,,, :i'lhck, ! Britain and France have opposed Ilortlcl\lturai Council, representing the detriment of Canadian grow· way of, its attempt to dominate I changes in any existin" rates the cst north of three radar .chains siles would be nominal, however,

, ,_, .. " .:' ,'.' t"l1 for' this on the grounds that th meet. fruit and vegetable growers In ers. world rade, a ruthlesslY .agress· I board feels need revisi~n. i a(:ross the , cont,ine~t. The first. becaUse of the altitude and speed .. '. , ":::. hl'forc; in~. wcrc not accompliShi~g any. most pa~ts of Ca.nada, say~' th~t By selling these surpluses at cut ive economic imperialism," The council brief covers almost culled the pme tree hnc, stretches of such weapons,

.,t' \ nItcd . thin~, unless. hIgher tanff protec~lon !s rates or giving them away in one The C1Iuncil was first of ~everal every fruit and vegetablc that ap· ----.-- .----- ------.:,'~'. . I provided lor producers III thiS way or another, the U.S. ',Vas vlo· interests to be hear'd by the tariff IJ(!ars on the Canadian iable. It R t R · .. '~ :I nit ! llulte; i~ 1101 cxpected to attend country. United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole question asks for highcr tariffs on, among epor 5 " usslan

.. 1,: .da),. 't()r1ay'~ subcommittee meeUn~, soon will dominate the whole Cana· word of trade agreements." of fruit and vegetable tariffs. The a host of other itcms, tomatoes, ' .. ,_ . . ,,·ur!''' ,which probabty will bc del'oted to dian market. Bul the U,S, government "has board has been asked to recom- cucumbers, apricots, peaches. It· In A ~ ,''', ".", :.'!I~')' to; r1rall'in:: UII a report 101' presenta. "We have lost all, control of our r;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tl pears and corn on the cob. n r Igue· mmam ,:,'" " "":,\I11lltrr. ! tiun ~oon to the UN, ' prlces,"M, M, Robinson of To. W. n. Shaw of Charlottetown; . "',. I •. ,. ronto, president of the council. told I , presenting the council's case on A'I'I'N .... :. :,": :!'.. \I'['.-t.' I ursday s discussions also cal" the tarilf board Tuesda". "Our' At· p' t I " " " ,Jordan (Reuters) - 131'ria . J rgen ,ne 5 05 potatoes. urged that the present Ru' . '" 'd . ' . - '

I :"',l to"!,,. anut!,er, C\'cd all aspects except. nuclear prices are controlled entirely by II , ., June 15·Dec. 31 seasonal duty on SSI~ promls~ I.o.attack Iraq If I Shalamch said Rashid 3Sliured t.;;q:( ,(llIlin; the, tesls of. the proposals for a first.. American Imports." nell' potatoes of 37 'h cents per 100 I !~aq 1lIitervened tg~mst a Jordan·l him that Egyptian forces would

", ,;:,; It:r a ~chrd. ,stage disarmament treaty which In Its brief to the board, .the' pounds he extended to the full ;i~nn ;:it~~~s r~~~~J~~?' tDid Pl'O~~t to.cckuPdY JIsrdacl if I~raeli force'$ at· . .'.';: :"-",'::r.:. I Stassen ha5 becn .unfolding in the council gave shipment details of Eiect,·on Worr,'es year. . t· t a I· ,IC C or an durmg the coup aDd :,::', ::.,~.~~.~~," ~1?~. ; ~\lbcommittec durmg thc last two various f r u its and vegetables . "Wenced protection against Am· a~ cfur.. . . that the Soviet Union, would occupy

(" , r" 'Il ~rk In Illc d ltd i t' f th BUENOS AIRES S(AP) "od nou ced candl'd le! re 'dent k t "'d "c pOOl e Rasilid ccused King H f 1, ...... :, •. ;,n.d l'I>lt I months. which it said sholl' "the trend to- crican selling of surplus potatoes closleCd

u 'del~II,llasboefl tSllhalUlmtchr ~lhsd' Iraq if. Iraqi force~. intervene.d.

, !.,:.,:';~';<n, .' !\uelcar tests mny come up to. war comp e e am nn Ion 0'. e - "'. n a 01' P ~I on our mar c s he 531' I t '1 h'" . I a ussem 0 ;',~,: c,:,' hr;~ l~h1Ch I day. when the British and French horticultUral field by Amerlca.n crate forces who united to defeat who had angled for the Peron vote, The Canadia~ governm~nt. he t~~ t~~~I~f ~~ t e fIrst \\'1:n75

lD wishing to accept the Eisenhower 1 ,. • lDCC, I are expected to urge on Duiles an producers _ unless something IS divided extremists in Ar,entina's mustered 1,127,959. addcd, should at the same time "" t ~en aCCIlSe( ~ ~?n'l doctrine, aimed at bolstering enun· l:<" w"':(:n '[.'t""'I" important modUlcaUon _ that the done and done quickly to give the first post·Peron electlon were The popular results raised the request the U.S. to raise its quotas rt~~~~in 0 over Irow Jordan s Klllg, tries. against the inroads of com·

S'lilt: (,r':~'" : ,are Amcricans should agree to an ini. Canadian producer some encour. faced Tuesday with the task of queston of whether the moder· on Canadian potatoes Sh I . h 'd h mUlllsm, and to join the anti· b): I.:('~oi .~:~ Il~~~~d tllIl 18.month Instead of 1O.month agement so fkr as tariff protec,~ioD staying united for the erueial pres· ales could. come up with a enali· It was lowered re~ently to 2 - C a ~e. S31 .e was asked by Communist Baghdad Pact. ~~ F:,;. . , ' t. ~~, trial suspension of tests, and farm costs are concerned. Identlal election In ,February. tion' candidate for' president if 500.000 hu.shels from 3,500.000 ai. i;P:hc ~:~~I~foSllld Hto ~ake la~ The 14 def~ndants in eourt

I" d' lr an[ Da\ld The couneil seeks a variety of Partles backing caretaker Pres· Peronlsts imd Frondizi combined low.ed Into the U.S. at 37¥.. cents a force 10 ' n. .e ppe 0 pleaded not guilty. ... •. HOT WATEJt increases In tariffs, mostly In sea. ident ·Pedro Aramburu's plan 10 In the Feb. 23 election. hundredweight in reciprocation for watc~ 0 y~~ to I~~te kID; an~d kept The eo~rt denied I d!fenCe plea


'd sonalones, and in the peri,ods such' revamp the natiod's 1853 canst!- The biggest .vote·better. among extension from a seasonal to a R h' n. e p er~, e sal. for an adjournment tc give defence[S:r,. :,"',' m~ior ROTOnUA, New Zealand (CP) tariffs apply. It also urges that the tution won at least 120 seats In' a the moderates was. Ricardo B·al· year',round basis of the Canadian ren;;nt

d I~hne 3f dClgt~t of the tde

. lawyers more time to study the !~ .. '., ,'\' rr ..'Im. I -Colin Castleton reported that a revenue minister set so ~ called 205·member constituent assembly bin's People's Radical party (2,: tariff .of 37¥.. cents on ali but ne'·. Others Sbeing a trip~ in abs'eC;t~~~: casco ',~!(',:".('nt f.I,:n.\ hot,water bore, common in thIs "fair market values". as a basis which is to conyene Sept. 1 The 067,229), Balbin and Frondizi were Am~~lcan potatoes. Over·quota Ca· clude two former chiefs of staff ,.,.. 1:'prcllOn district for obalning boUing wa. for assessing duty against imports, chilif job of the body will be to one·time leaders of the giant tra· nadlan potatoes eXlHlrted to the Maj .• Gen·. Ali Aliu Nuwar and Nfld Sk·

.. ' ,';t !~b~"mmiltcc's Iter frolth~ earth, went wild on The Idea Is that products shipped set up constitutional guarantees ditional Radical party but split up U.S. ar,c assessed 75'cents a hun· Maj,·Gen. Ali Hayyari. I • les ~! o;,t. k' I his pr rt}. covering It .with a into Canada at prices below these against the return of a dictator· after the fall of Peron in 19j5. dredwelght. • Th r t d tl S' . ;:'~!I ~o~ ,r' prrlJlO'nl. thick la 'er of ho mud before it "fair market values" would come ship, The 2,000,000 vote reaction to The council asked particularlv . e prosecu Ion con en.5 Ie .22 unrIse ..... , " 4:36 a.m •..

. I~ he alhmcd was' brought under control.' under stiffer.than.otherwise duties. Present constitutional guarantees Peron's "campaign" from exile in for proteclion from "distress seli, tried to ov,crthrow the regIme, dlS'l Sunsct .......• 7:37 p.m.' The council said Canadian grow. against the return of a dictator· Venezuelil was seemingly midis- ing"-that is from U,S. produce s~~t~ parh~men~, b~!lange the ~~~. H' 1 l~~DES ,

ers don't want subsidies, These ship. turbing to,. Aramburu's provisional sold in Canada at the end of the S! Ulan an es n. Ish ~ r~pu IC Ig I .• ,,~, .27 a.m. 10;45 p.m.

Kelle would ,not solVe their problem Parties OPlHlsed to constitutional government and the moderates. U.S, season at below. normal With the co.()peraiton of Eg)pt and Loll' ... , .431.a.m, 5.17 p.m.

, can't be stored long and subsidies 82 se~ts. scats were stUi 75 per cent of the vote, but got "Di;trcss selling is. a very '~al Ie en a {er did not encourage efficient produc. undeCIded, Places on the Bssem· just· under.' 25 per ccnt. threat to the very existence of thc. --------esses I I ng since most fruits andvcgetables reform were assured of at least Peron had boasted he would win prices·' . ' . D' f h) tion or marketing. bly are determined through a pro- Balbln indicated in a press con· borticultur,l, industry of Ca,nada

Sh . d . "We leel that a system of minI· porteional representation system. fererice Monday, that after the· as· and causes thcloss of many'mill· Extends Sympathy

To . Quake Victims long way to solve the problem," parties had a grand total of 3,747,- presidential powers and other is· some action towards Ulis end is e· ppa r' mum fair market valucswill ,go a In the popular vote, mo~erate sembly opens debate on restricting ions of QoUars evcry year, ... unless

. ' . ,862., There were 2,059,920' blank sues "lhe people will stop fcarin:: taken our whole 'tariff slructure The COUDf:i1 blamed U.S, agricul. ballots-voles for. exiled dictator that Peron -will comc back and will be of liUle value in maintain·

lure subsidies for having built up Juan Peron. Forces for national· Vole for the' party which offers ing the horticultural· industry of

saiel "I think: this gUY did It,'" larg!! surpluses il! that country 1st Arturo Frondlzl, the only an· the best soelal'security program." Canada." . .

The Ilwyer who defended Dr. Sheppard in the trial which re- ·.In ".West .I.ndl,· eS ' suited In his convlcUon for the slaying of his. wife and a life term. saId:' S ." u- S' R · N' 1 B ' OTl'AWA .(CP)-Prime ~lil1ister learned with the grcatest regret"

"The confession of this fan fits .:. gg' . '. t' t . ava '. ase Diefenbaker sent messages of of the disastrous floods which have in

i with sO many of the details .U·.,. e. S,', . I, '. ,. . e alll Msympathy Tuesday to' ?apaln .'and fallen upon the unfortunate' people

II' th which we are familiar alid . . ,. . eXlco over the extensIVe Oss of of Kytishu. I wish to' express to


convInces Us beyond doubt that . . • . Ufe and. materiai damage they you and through you to the Jap. donald Joseph Wedler Is guilty of c!HAGUARAMAs, Trinidad (AP) He .added In an. interview 'the REJECTED REQUEST 'I iion of a new ,base w 0 u I d haVe suffered in recent disasters, anese people the' sympathy of the the murder. . . Unite4' Sta tes :Nav')" officia1s :base Is part of a system and,if it ./I'he U.S" a.t a recent ~~don cntail"slaggerihg"and prohibitive .. Japan last week was hit by tor· Canadjan people and'govern'ment ' PLAN OHIO MOVE, warned. Tuesday the 'western were surrendered as a site for the ·c~nference. rejected the BrItish'· costS."" .' rentialrains in' her southernmost in this great misfortune." . • "We plan, to move Immediately her,nisphre's chain. of defences will :capltal of the new federation "It backed request ~y the West Indies London conferees agreed to formislal\d, ~yushu,' where many ·hun· His message to· President Adolfo In the state of Ohio to.hlng this be I\'eakened serJously 11 the Chag.would be like knock.Lngthe bottom that the $150,000,000 base; de· a committee representing the dr~ds .of persons were drowned Ruiz . Cortines . of MeXicO' read: case to a succeaiful conclusjon .. " uaramas nB val. base Is handed out· of.the chain .defences protect scribed as 'one of the best in the United States, .Britain,. the Wes~ and, thousands were 'made home. ' .. '." A,

"There's nobody who CIDset over to the emerging West Indies ing the western h1!misphere.'!, , ' world' and enclose.d b)' a .strlng.of Indies' an~ Tri~ldad. to .discuss all less " '. "I have heard~fti{ grea~ eon·:; aside a confession. of this nlture federation.. ' , Leaders od the 13 British' held Islands,'. be ,surrendered as, a aspects.' . : . . " Mexico' durinir theweckei\ti ex· cern the first ~rt6 of the 'tragic. ;

How Corrillan,', ,ould' . bring: • ',CaptaIn, Joh~' D. Shea, com~ Cari~bean ls1an~s "goo~wUl gesture.", This body IS expected to report perieiiceil .the seYl~~~t'·~':~~fth: loss of life and~~Yslc'al destruc· murder charge alllnit Wedler be. mander of the. base declared .Itsslsting·the base Is·the ~oa~ logIcal West .. Indies leaders. hav,e sug· bofore .thc;end of ~hls ,ycar.·. quakes ~f her history: .'·;:,:.:~·Y<', tion Which ,pavli'jilst"occurred. iii' . fore a graDd jury for Indictment 'continued qper.atlon Is "vilal for site for the capital,el'~cted ·t~ g\lsted the ,United Statescol\ld~s- Meanwh~:, Trintdad newspapers ,~r. DI;fen~aker's 'me.~sa~e:· ~ Mexico. The Canl!dlan people·jo!n . was not disclosed. Such. a step I ,the' defence of the United Stales, . be es. tablishcd next.. March ,'as la' tablish an?ther ba~e elsewher~··,ln an,d pt,h~rs, III the WesHndle~ are' Pnme. Mlllister Nooo~uki KishI. of me in~ expressing . our greatest would be necessay, to brinl him all of the Caribbean and' South 'first step In attaining' Indepenil- thbr, area. Shea ·sald,no other nat.. ',co,!tinulng to urge the U.S, ,to hand Japan read: sympathy for you and your, people 10 lrlallD Ohio. . , America." . . ence . within the Commonwealth, ural'site'ls available and theerea. over:the baseftee of charge. ,"The. Canadian . people have al' thi" timc.'~


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Page 2: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

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XVI and training' will be aval1!lble to lIng about the things which she siUon' to know-l blame Vruley The doctor returned to his desk hIm, where he can be taught such "saw." At last she glanced up at a great j deal, Valley Stanfield. ,I(

chair and shuffled through the things as he Is able to learn." the doclor and said sTlrewdly. she hadn't meddled - but she papers on the blotter. "I'm pretty Her arm tightened about the "I'm sorry I was rough on you. definitely did. I daresay' it had sure of my' primary diagnosis, child. 'I't's cruel to suggest lak·' You're in quite a spot of your shocked her fearfully to come Mrs, Rose," he saldquletJy; his Ing him {rom me!" , ,own, aren't you? Here in Ihis home nnd find little sister ·plan· quiet was the best possIble thing "I don't mean to be cruel. But o[fice, try i n g to, take Kurt's \' ning- to marry Kul't. Vr:Uey had for her just then. Emotion was -look, Mrs. Ross. I've often, place ••. " jilted the man years before, but as difficult for her' to handle as leaned upon your te nee r,nd . "Yes," he t,:.:reed, "it sometimes perhaps had alwa)'s kept it in

THE STORY: The fad that believe him to be Innoccnt.' It -would have been lor a ,16·year. watchcd a man training a 'young looks like n' spot, But I think I I mind til3t she could give, in and ie ronslantly II being .com. The comparlliOn Mtween Kurl. old boy, ,"But there [,rc other horse to jump. He holds a long can take the one I'm in. Some marry him-once she'd got her .. rM to Dr. Kurt Lillard and Garde Is bron~ht, home doctors more experienced In thesc rein in his hand-" one was needed here, and it's' fill of heing a career woman.


eO,C.OR &I~~ ":~7:=' By ELIZABETH SE,IFERT~\

makes Dr, Garde Shelton feel when Gartle finds It necessary , things who would tell you beller "Oh. that would be Bart Hum. nothing like the spot Lillard's 1 "She wasn't r:nything like a tllal he " a "substitute doc- to tell IIlrs. Mabel Ross that than I could whaUo do about th\! phrey, Spiendid trainer ... " In.'' I good sport over .the maller, you ter" at tbe Bayard Clinic. Dr, oue or ber Iwins is mentally situation. I think they may ,advise The doctor smiled. "I sec.'" • "It was incredible, Y{lu know, sec. Shc1d s'uy disparaging things 'LtII.rd "'as convicted of. a retarded. you to [llace Howard In a school I She, saw, too ... Now s~e 'c~uld ho~ they. built up th~t case i about Nan who is a _ sweet child, murder of which many people • • • of some sort where proper care. relax m her chair r·lld Sit thmk· against lum. And J W,IS III a po· 'ane! . undoubtedly nUlI'e-but the __________ --'______________________ ,. I. -- chances were good that Kurt had

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plus exclusive Balanced-Ride! . ' , And right now, because of record Meteor sales, your Meleor dealel' can

give' you the best deal ever on a mllgnificent Meteor Six, Think it over.

There'll never be a better time to trade the six you're driving now for e

magnificent Meteor Six. See your Meteor ~ealer today,


come to a plt.ze where he wanted a 'sweet child' and a nail'e one! Valley should have kept her hands ~rr. Don't you agree?"

"Since I dOIl'l know what did. ; ."

"She made a constant play for Kurt." she 100 ked &nxiousiy across at Garde, "She uscd little ways ancl big ones-U's impos­sible to define these matters to a man. But believe me, she used them all. Valley knew every trick in the bag, when it com'c~ to attracting r,nd fascinating the male creature."

• • • Garde was inclined to agree.

Though she didn't "like doctors," Valley had made her appeal to him. "Did the means she used work with Kurl?"

"Oh, surely they did! But still he didn't like it that night when _( 11'::'5 there, you see. There was a big dance at the club; it was a holiday weekend, and Ross and I happened to be at the table next to Kurt's. Their' group was made np of the two Str.nfield girls, Kurt Rnd that boy, Ben Laurent. I saw Ben and Nan go off to dance, and I recall wish· Ing she WOUldn't, because it gave Valley a free field-which she used. I c.,n see her now, sitting there, talking at Kurt him smil· ing at her and Jeaning toward her, and the way she'd pul her hand on his 81 e e ... e and sit dreamy, smiling •.•

"She was to blr,me, a~ weil, lor the rOW which Kurt had with the Laurent bo)' that night; it was just the sort of thing she would do, and I !mow that Vallel' , had got, up and gone somewhere I NEW YORK--.Tuanita ~Irarrcro. whl) hOl'ered when those pier lights went on 1 cornice of a five-storey rooftop at ERst to show us Ben trying to kiss' screaming as a policeman holds hr.r down ~ a :\an. I II ' I

"I remember the way she came i coin Hospital ambulance fo oWing ler rE',l back !Jncl said, 'But what hap, I took five to suedur. her ann snap pened?' and 'Oh, how awfulc'; on her \\'l'ists. She was on the rooftop led.e h

"And then, of course, three i ~- . I - -days later when the boy was I nour. and 1 0 rnll~ules before IeI' pOised found dead on the same pier, . . . end It all was fOlled.-( LN. Photo 1. But Kurt Lillard didn't do it, nr.\-----. --' --, ---. --,-Shelton!" 10 ~!itch Miller and, Mi!!er .lis~e~. I tin, _Capitoi /; ,

And Mahel Ross thought. , • ed to 16 bars and saId, ,OK, \\e 11 i (Edd, Arnold:, RCAI. Garde rubbed his cold fingertips, record him." Later, Milch said he i )Iy Scrapbook. ITla togelher and stared at the big, I thought Bowers was the most, ex· I bO)'S," Dot I; .. ,~ ha II r&w.boned worn a n. Did she, citing thing to come along since I1awkc,'cs. Cap/loil, really think that Valley had . .. Johnnie Ray. . Warm summer ,

Such a thing was not possible! Leipzig figured in this era of a light back~round mm • .,. new singer el'ery day, Bowers new, one~: "Snu1!1!1

By the mid die of June it began would need a dimmick, And the Shoulder. featunng to be very hal. Garde brought one he decided" on was a beard. ,mond, hi; hm:on:u augur and a yellow bag of plant Whether or not the public will: tr~ (RC\ /: .. " arm It! food, and the hose, out to the cotton 10 a heard~d singer, no I with I.erOl' Holr.:E! front 1::'lI'n 'to attend ollhat same I mattcr how exciting, remains to' ?!che~tra ,,/ \1r.~1I: Valley's trees, which lVere d~'ing'l be seen. Kenny's fir;t record! I he Sun, a "

Whcn she plantl'd thl'lI1, he had "HolY Come'!" alld "Half a ~lind,'" 1111 alll~IIII, Ir,IU~lOg told her she wasn't going at the 1 is just out. .: and hl~ ~)rc~,~!,rl, thing properll" Jast week he',1 I If Ihel' Jil'e it fin" If Ilot "Tl'ndrr ,"'\, ~lL •.

• , I' ' , ., - 'k [f' ,.' rl i" tal;cn a chance tn suak thclII 1 Iherc's alw;:,ys the socia fuuntain. 0.;: ',IX an ., well. And toni aht he rlecidrd he I • • • ' (!H A I .

"' 'I 'lid 'lIll'ln! r <\ wuuld feed them, and then lay I Worthy Shay. the Park Menue ,,"" " his hose.tape along their roots. Hillhiliie. has a small new career ,~f 1Il1~ '\. I~r

It was h::.rd wor~ and, hot -she,:s nO\~' a personal manager. 5) ml:wlI:" r I', work, and _ remlllrllng hlm,elf I Her ilr"l clwnt IS a talented "oung phon, ;0;. h , ' Ih Con!' ,., 'r ou~ thaI thiS was a small town and, 'singer named Kelt\' Lester. e. ,. h II certainly, hare ,hide was no no\,.: Dottie's re[oSoniill( hehinrl thi;:, :\Iola;;I;: ~.')1/n on, clly at the holtom of this same, new prore,sion i$ itercsting, /\S'iI ' 4().' ,pIC/.

hill-Garde 'peeled off his shirt; rookie ,tartin,; ollt, she lI'a, airier! ~11I1,.h~r",".IJI •. !ch'! and henl his br.oCk 10 the augur. ! tremendousl), by a talent ~collt. ~'rt II "\, ~~Ir'n ,

"What on earth arc you up to!" ,named Betty. Shu)', She el'en' P Ion) I,,"'~ He jumper! as if hc'd bren' adopted her namc. And she prom· -.-

'c aug h t picking a lock. Nan I iscri th"t, somenay, she would re·, lallghed merrily at his confu~ion i pay Belly Shar by. helping Ollt' SOUl1ll~,\ 1 E . andgenel'ai air of guilt, then ;:.nother young girl. Rev, Chari"! came ocr.oss to look down at his: Do~othy Shay is liI-ing up 10 her I ing a oari:h work. ' pr~lI!lse. She's putting every com- 'the obJ,'Cl of

(To Be Continued) miSSIOn she earns as a personal: courtes\" 0" Iii! rold!, manager into a fund to finance . other young talent. },OOTlL\l,L .

• • • IPSWICH. Engll~d: The Record Shop ~osemary Clooney consiners the, porler.s of the Ip?~i;~

children's records she makes as! bal1 Club hare Zil/. ONE IIALF OF A SUCCESS "my annuities." I 000 to help buy, a C!'"

STORY "I don't to make new: supporter" simlilr II ones," she says. "As long as people I Quartel'bal'k Club, tr,t keep on having kids, there's al. / anothcr £9,000 nelt

By DICK KLE[NER NEA Str.If Correspondent

ways a new audience and new I lIl;cmu:S customers." LOt-;]l():.i ,,,o'-.H';;'-

• • • ; Ihur Clark, .

" ~'~

NEW YORK-(NEA)-This Is half a success story. The last half musl wait for the public, to see if tbey think as hlghl)' or"Kenny Bowers as n lot oC big brass in the music business do.

DICK'S PICKS: 1'0111' Bennett' London', r~ should sell a lot of copies of his I eenth- lIa' inwt,eI fine ne\\' record, "[n the )[hldle I Scoui, ill rrrcI110~1!! Of An Island" (Columbia). Others: Hall. "Honeycomb" (Jimmie Rodgers, I' It EIIl'JI.D


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The first hnlC is pretty exciting -and unusual. It begins way back, bec!Juse Kenny Bowers is no fresh·faced teen·ager. In fact, he's a bearded, 30,year·old, mak· ing a comeback at his relatively unadvanced age. Once, he was a star. That began 15 yeau ago, when he appeared on Broadway in a play called "Best Foot For· ward," a happy musical comedy that also gave breaks to a couple of YOllng girls named June Ally. son FJnd Nancy' Walker.

Like them, Bowers was tapped by Hollywood, He was a comic, a dancer, a singer, MGl\I signed him, put him in a eoupie of movies. But MGM also,had a kid named Mickey Rooney around, so Kenny didn't have much chooce,

"I wasn't fired and my option wasn't dropped," says Kenny. "But I quit. I bought up my con· tract." . And he went. back home, to

West New York, N.J., to his father's soda fountain and "jerked ,sodas for a while." In the years th .... t followed, he was In and out of show business many times-and always. went back to the soda fountain. For the last 51f.z years, he's had a couple of loeal TV shows in Chicago. He was resign· cd 10 the foct that he would never be a national figure.

Theil 3n oid pal, Tony Bennett, came through and ~aid it was a $hame. he was buried in Chicago. He suggesled BOIVers see Tony's m~nagcr,. Lloyd Leipri\!, and take another try' at the big time.

It 1V0rked nut well. Leipzig liked him, made a record, took it

Roulette); "Two Dollars" (Ro);e COLl'IlESTER, lIlnrie, Mercury); "The Lady Kil· Work ha~ b~&u~ tl:t 1er" (Sid Feller, ABC.Pr.ramount); projcct to rebUild t! "Wboo.Pie Shoo·Pie" (Lonnie Sat· racks in 1hi' EN! .. .


Page 3: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

·L . ,

r~r~·:-~ I

\:0 "llh ;.r.~ hl"

" ,., .• ,-..,. ". f.' ••.•• ,.' ••••••••• ···0 '.: ... ". '. ,,'" , .. ' ". '.".

ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND ., Daily News WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1957 L ___ _


• oea , erVlces eow

I . Dr. _L. Miller Tells Road Construction

Over 26 . Million Royal Commission. Of Our Pleads For Govt. Building

, sur\'ey carried out on various road . sections delineated on the map ..

GOVERNMENT BUILDiNGS ~Ir. Manning being recalled

i.fler recess gal'e the [\na1 advice on Public Works which was In

I Sllortcomings J21"I?n-Lal Pltt.ients At -OrthopU!ed1ic Uospita,z

,. /cr nrll rrr(ln' cllnnection with government build· cc,·" "a' ~Z6 6 mil· inlls. He tuld where various gov· :1 ~d"d ~.' MB.0Il0 lor crnment offices wcre housed and IlCIU c·,· .aid it was impcrative Ihat the

n \pril I. 19~!l : ~o\'crnmenl get new accommoda. Dr. Lconard Miller, Dc. "Q;'6 ;n:! illnr",rrl ~ lilln as soon as possible. He said puty Minister of Health, told '~"1l 1. 195i. This: there II'US an /:!Cute situation In the Royal Commission yes-. \~, 01 Tr.·n"l·an· ! cunnection with the ofIlccs of ~: ,: of nN 11101' [public Health, Education. Wclfare, terd!lY that N e.',foundland

· \ITo')bnnio;. lIould . and Lahour: These departments docs not come near the 110s· ,; Ihe nell comlrllC' ; \\'~re in offices erected by the pl'tal rcquiI·cmcnt~. aJld there .- : Huyai Canadian Navy and they ~ liT, n, Frrllrh. n".rls ; c.,me to the gOl'el'nment on a car.e WftS stilI much dIfficulty in l

'-""cllirlin: hi; le,ti· ; and nwlnlclluncc basis. The orl' MR. R,\Y MANNING, Dellllly lITinister of Public Wnrks, speaklllj( before the ]loyal Commission serving the isolatod com· i .. ; ~~r'tion (If Ihe ~ ginal pion was il' an emergency t d 'I Mit i I t I II I II 11'1 I nlUJ11·tl·es.- Ima"ffl'lle, lie sal'(1,' '" , r"mr l1p. ! arose Ihe buildings had to he :"cs er ay. "r. ann ng gal'e R cprrec CI s a e men rl!garT ng rnac 01 ca;:e. e sail new con·

\3:d S!50,(ilKI lu.d vacatcd in thirty duys. Latcr since I struclinn would cost $26.6 million. noad mileage April 1st, 1949, totalled 2.29\.6 and al April 1st. getting R message at 5.50 . bul later thc t'onfedcrr.t1on this ouster arrange· I 19.'i7, lolRlled 3,319.8. lIlr. Mallning had also some thing 10 say about lhe nced for a pfovincial I p.m: from a mall in an olit. s;\').l(~1 ;111<1 lin· . menl has been exlended to three I government's orricc building In \'Iew of thc scattel'ed nature of various J(overnmenl orrice~ at I

t:c [~;~a~~:n :~~n;o~~ ::~~~;:s;l~~e si~o~~~n~l~~~: he said, I . ~~~:~t. A~!:nin o~ht:t:m C=~~I~S~~:U~~s m;I:,e ,~~c~t t1~~;~~II~:":r~s~~:lt:~~~I:f .:.h~~ ~:c~a~~.tlonal emer· , 'I ~~'~:lg sa~~in~OI!~~~lC;~~I~t :':~ . · nol ~r Ilwt and TillS {lmshed th~ Public Works , _~_ ------'----------- asking (or R doctor. It is I~' 1:'.1 to clamI' down ~cclion oC the brief. I· M • 'I U' · _, .. , ..•.. '" ISOLATION emOrIa nIversItv: impossible to get a message

rvr,lir.llin: hi; all' Eilrlicl' Capt. ~I. G, llaHon had ~ through because thc tclc-. :~( Wl/lIlI- altr!" heen a;kcd to take the stand by I . I . 't' I d If I

In I-Iealtll

"hn\(,~r;.ph~ ul I\un. 1' .• 1. Lewis who directed NFl grap 1 c)rclll IS c osc • Jr.::' ~IJrl,makin~ in sCI'cral que,lions 10 him relative I ' t . Name'd : it is in wintcr it may not be II: rrfn~h ,aid 10 Ihe CNR coastal sen ices. ~Ir. ew acu y Ii possible to get a plane. Thcj

;:;::::' .;., h~p.,,('d M I.cwis.asked the cr,ptain 10 give his. ! motor boat which call only: ..... :, i,:: _":11\'ll1nr' attcnllon to the northwesl coast. • ., DR. LEONARD iUILLER is shown addressing Ule

. ' .. :r n,l: I In nr "Irr I'~in~ing t~ the map for the. co!n.! . . .., . I cover sIxty mdes ~n a day Royal Commission yesterday, :, .• ~.'.\n t" a qUl'~' nll;;;lOn. C~plaln D~lton explain' Aqdltlons to Facully, ~Iemol'lall m Chcmlstry. :\11'. Dcarcl~n was )IIS5 .lanes was on thc Sli,ff of i must be brought mto ser· , . -,.; .. I/'I\('r J, ell Ihe coast and said one section I: Unl\,crslty of Newfonndland are I employed by Ihe I'I'oviIlChl Dc, Curtis Academy, St. John's. I' nurscs al;o showed a lack in lhe' cd that there were 136 mcntal·

;-::.:' ,\(:. r.1."" up of eoa~lal I'cssels slopped at as IolIows: 'partment or Fisherics, SI. John's, Miss Grace Layman, B.A .. ~!.A. ! VIce. . . . currcct perccnta~c,. h' ill Ilaticnis in f01l1' large _:',.' :,c:r..lIl., ('(.uIci lourlern porls which covered I A. Burnell, B,A .• M.A .. Ph.D.- l'iew[oundland. -Assistant Profcssor of Education. I The Dcp~lly :lhmslcr e~ph",51zed Discussing public heallh he said' li·'lrd~ al the Orthopaedic 1105' ,':' ':, ~ .. "1ntt'L )[r. ,ixty.right ~ettlemenls. It Is ;, I Visiting Lccturer in PSYChOlOgy., Miss 'rheima Gcrtsman, B.Sc. Miss Layman was Principal of the i ~he necessity. of educahon as all the objecl was to try and kerp I pita!. These represent an

, ~ .;_. II.') , ... uI,1 )Ir. slraight ~hol'c with very few har· i Dr. Burnett is presently aUached (P.E.) _ Assistant Professol oj' Amalgam&ted School at St. An·! Important =~Junct tOf gOO~ h~alt~i the people from getting back. In, 1 overflow from the Hospital : ,"1.1 ( . .1: th.: IIlntr), boun, he said. From Bonne Bay I to the staff of the Hospital for, Ph)'sical EducaUon. Miss Gerts,"~n thony. Newfoundland. I From 19<>_-57 New oun an '.I( fant morlr.(jty and maternai mor· for ~1~lItal and l\'en-ous OJ. , \.: {J thr0.I.h"nl Ihc 10 Port Saunders there were sixty Menial ami Nervous Diseases. wns on ,he fr.cuity of McGill Uni. .T. D. Lambcrt, B.Sc.-Assistant I not ~omeb ncar the. need tfOr Hits tality were high. Look at sanita.; seases. This slate of affain,

miics of open roadsleads. Tllere O. Bibersteln. L. es. Sc.-A.;, \'crsity, ~Iontreal, Que. Professor of Mathematics. Mr. hospital ~d req.U1remen s. e tion, continued Dr. ~liller. "[ rio' said Dr. ~IiIlcr, helll make all • r,l"'\! IIl1n, r. J. IIrre six thousand people between sociate Professor of Mathemr.tles. W, J. Gushue, B.A" Ed. :\1._ Lambert was with the Scientific "gave a b~lef outhne ofdlhe ~o~ Imow there are tens of thousands II things nccessary for an ex· : .: (c •.•. )11, Frrnch Bonne Hay and Cape Norman. Mr. Bibersteln WAS on the stal[ (If Assistant Professor of EducatJOI:. Civil Service in England. t~ge hosplt~1 system an qu~ e .. of people who don't know if the treme fire hazard.

(.() mII(. mi~hl Di'cussin!! the Isolation period. the University of Oltawli, Ottawa :\Ir. Gushue Is completing stUdies Robert Ortman, :\[.Sc" Ph.D.- I figures winch stroted ~!hat Nelli: waleI' they're drinking is pure." I Asked by Commissioner Sir A. .T •• r ",,,I "f frum Capt;,in Dalton said last year the I ant. at Boston University. Boston, l\Ia5.1. Associate Professor of Biology. Dr. ,foun~land ~as short j~5 genera ,Sewage .rlisposal is another prob .. Walsh how long this situation had ~:'.",.l rr: m,ir in ~hippill~ season closed In Decem. P. Copes, M.A .• Ph.1>.-Associatc P. G. Gardiner, M.A., C.A.-As. Ortman was on the f,,culty of I hospital bc s. ,Iem and Dilen a mClmce to health I been obtaining. Dr. II. Pottle, ask· ,.~,!.rri r.n" to "~:;., Ilrr and 11 was nol possihle to get Professor or Economics. DI·. Cope' soclnte Professor or Commerce. Tulane UniVersity, New Orleans. In ,19~\; co~lInhn,::i rr. ~m· I in many communities. rd h.l· Dr. ~liIler, said since

;_ ',"I! ,- '''G'I rtlad'. lip the coast again until June I. I waA employed by the Dominion ~Ir, Gardiner has been working JS I J. T. Sioker. B,A .• M.A" Doclenr Icr, NO\a • cot a all llc same I In the afternoon ,c~sion Dr.: Dccemuer IMR. It started with _ 1., :~ :'rl. h"i ""t I;;olallon thero is complete, he I BureRtt of Statistics, Ottawa, Ont, a Chartered Accountant in New. -Professor of '~Iodern Languages. nllmher o[ ho~pltal "~d:, on Its ~Iillci' continued with menIal 111\'0 wards being taken over, then

,. _ I,. ,aid. rxcepl (or R small mall' O. K. Crocker, B.A., Ed.!II,-As. foundl".nd. Dr. Siokcr was on the faculty or percentage (1 l'OIlII a I~n aR ileRlL1! and canc~r conlro!. He an"lthrC€ and nolV fOllr wards are ",.,<1 ~ 1:lIr'''' ~\~ Illanr. A road would hrcnk this I ~ocli'tte Professor of Erlttcalion. Mr. D. G. lIuhzlcy, B.Sc.-LectUl'et' Ihe Unil'ersity uf Aberdeen, Aber· New~onndlalll! ha~ .h~. IOa~. 0 i wered rJueshon~ from Hon. 1'. ,I. neerl-rl.

'. "., ,I rl"I""r" i;oIatifin. he rlcclared. Crocker was Principal of the in Bnllineering Uni\'el'sity of 'for. decn, ScotIanrl. .Qllcrtpd. hy ~01~lm1Sslonrl~, r. I.ewis, the memhp.r~ of Ihr. Com I ",,', . . , ',<I"l-1r .... r tllr ,\'k.ed ~hullt schcdulrd dela),s, Anglican Regiunal5choo\' i"oxtrap, unto, Toronto, 0111. P. N. West, M.A.-Assistani I ~1.llIer SLlHi Nelllol1ml\~,nrt ha~l. llIi"ion all~ COlln~rl flitehie. CHn .IHIkllll:- "Imll~ ~h~ fel~r. !{os. • W'l[,'1I\ r,.,t!. 111 he ~nHI ('Nfl ~11[ mudl from I Newfoundland. ilIi1<s Antonia Iglcsias, B.A.-lIS' Profrssol' of English. Mr. West i 060 b.crls M or the pre\lllll~ da). 'rer morlahty W'·S hli!h~r In 51. pllal, t I. ;\\lI,kl raid, It I\a_: a

:' .... ' I'll :'" r Thr'~ and Ihe cost was high.' I ~islant Professor of Moclel'll Lall. is cOInplelillg dutics with lhe Royal j lip d.'sclI,scrt. the fall of tlllJ~I" .• lohn·s than in all)' 01 hel' Ilart~ o[ 1 \:'n"lol'." hUlhh~~ hJr ,I'molls .' "('r ,.1 llll!r \;;lIIr. • Paul Clifford, B.Sc." Ph.D.-A!· J:uagc5. Miss Iglesias was on the Air Force ill Englalld. I culoSl~ bll~ salrl the ralc, wa.s stili Canada bul I\'as ~teodil." rising. ,I) prs 01 \'nn111111I11c~hle dl~ra5P5. .! ~ ;.1 "r Irl1m .tT,lrh :-:EW DELHI (AP)-The Indian ~stant Professor or (,eology, Dt·, facult)· of Westfield College, Uni. A. D. Wlishere, B.A.-AssocIate . I~o high, III fael a,lmost tl\'ICC as . IIE,\LTII BATTLE ' lie Ihought lhrl'C ~holll<l not b£

.:" ;""in~l,l 111.--1-. \Ir. :\II'crnmcnt in ~n economy move ~ CIIf(or~ was employed by the I'crsit)' of London, London, En~ Profcssor oC Fl'ench. Mr. Wilsherc ! Il1gh .as the mamlanrl averag? Dr. )Jillcr conlinued to unfolr! allY pr.tlcnt~ on thr, second flat ',: .,': h:l,n:r \I;.nlcn to ha~ set aside plans (or a telcl'i. I Geological SUrl'ey of Canada, Ot- land. was on the Coculty of Ihe Vni, l.le. did nO.t fiee Newfo~ndl&nd. s ~ bitler story of ~o\'crnmcnts try- hecause of the fire hazard. I.' •. \ : ';C., \\err '"I", ~ion slalion here anel a possible lall'r,. Miss Elhel Janes, B.A. (E!ll.- I'crsity of Bristol, Bristol, Eng" 1~IIO ~lro~plRg to th.e' mamland In : Ing to combat the health Imllie. Earlicr in lhis session cxlract~ r: ':! I:ucmt I~rc~ 01 nationwide TV nc[work. J. C. Dearden, B.Sc.-Lectul'pr Assist~nt Professor 01 EdllcatlUn, lanel. Jus lIfctrllmc'h dCSPlthc dthe dne.w I Pholographs of the General lIos· 'from Ihe bricf cOI'ering an his· _ __ ___ _ __ ____ __ dru~! an ot er mel 0 s usc In: pital were produce,1 as e\'idence' t 'I . [h It! d I

Nfld P .. combatting the disease. Dr. ;I!iIIer I and Dr E Wilson Sup' erintenrlent ~tnclaf r~I':tl~II' o. eNa If an dl IOds' . F t '·t 0 rs artIcIpate' 'd tl h d h d th' .,. I pi a aCI lies In j ew oun .. n • _ hard core of. the disease hcre:;- Ihe CommlSSHl1I and Counsel I Ing a a I Y n · ~,al ICY" a now ~eac c e , o[ Ihe Gcne~al., identified these for I were read by ~Ir. A. B. Perlin.

. ~I.dcrly people, I:'er~ . fOI!nd l~ llitchic, Thc,e lulll a. slory of ill' SEA DOG

I J . tOt· greater JIlI.mhels 111 sanllorla tOlla~ anNluate f.-cromI110datlOll [or slarr.

I I d Y• kl 11 OlD per a Ions tha~ pre~IOUS. amI many oll"'r ~ht1l·tcol11iugs Ihat: :-IEII' YOHI\ (Al'l-Cliola Peg.

S a n I C e ,Dlscu,;~mg Ihe. ng~ 0, ~ !ol1~e ~f : should he recilir"d. ~ 11L'1\' Ilurs('s .' a coci;er spanid Ihat Iral'elled an . the m.edlca,1 InshlwlUus. 01. jllil, , home was needed II'llh aCCllmm", : p,timaled 2.000.00U miles at sea

• I~r said part. of .the :"!Ientnl liDS' I dation lor :lOU Ullrs(·s. IJne !I II 11· . as Ih(' pel of C"pt. .lohn W. Ander·

O A t S 1 R t Illtal was In 1875, 1u lhe 1 dred should he trained earh year. ! SUIl of tht· liner Uniled Slales. dicd .\i:01hrr dro\l'11ill~ rllialit~· occurred in Newfound-

l'f!lerda~' nft~rnool1 when 12-year.old Phillip · Ion of ~Ir. mHll\lrs. Patrick Lahey, Armoury Iklll\lallri. Inst his lifc when he feU {rom the '~ipawo" while the hont was ncaring the Pot· (Olt Inmina1. '

TIr accit!rllt nITurl'(-,! at :1.::0 and the Ind wft~ IIrar th~ r~nr III the hoat by the f1agsta[f

Ihe nnlllrtUII:lIr. accident occurred. At the th~ Imy "irS IIhnllt ft half mile from the Por. (ole terminal. and dcspite efforts of one of

!ltw IItrllthcr~ whn sal\' the lad' ,{all from his ~o,itinll. the child disappcnrcd under thc'

The alarm was sounded but attempts to ~1 Ih p YOltl1~ lad wcre fruitless.

!I11hrrs 01 the Xfld. Diving Club went to the 01 the .( nrclc l'n! shlll·tJy aftcrwards, but up to

"",hol darkness Inst \light they {ailed to recover

Tbt .d:Plh of thr \\'nter whcrc tbe lad fell over­II J' tlllllatcd til he nhout 400 feet.

II PF.ftLts ~ ~f if~~f~btr of the Newfoundlana Comml5l10n,

q, ~' klad comprehenllve brief for the Royal 0(It1\tJl I lag an aethe part Iinee the Com ·.tI .. ~~Ir .:: July Undo He hl.1 been o,n band In . tfa4l.~ th IIID Ie rud lome' 01 the brief. Here'

)tI(fldf ,ortion lin Health which eame berore. 11.


n rc IC Upp Y ou e Ge~era[ HospM,1 s?m~ .aceommo. Discus5ing federal gr;;nls as iiii' : here reeclIlIy ;It thc age of It datton dates back flrt~ ~ears. He result o[ a question from COlln<el !

said it was intended to remove lhe R n'l h' D '['II 'd t'l -----------------. . I C Ie. r. _I I er sal Ie I Wallcr Moyst of Signal Hill Road. Illd wmg of the General when the grants available tot~lIed SI,441.·1 -' PEPPERRELL AFB - Twelve minal Command (727B) and the

Newfoundland civilians are parti· B70th 'fransport&lIon Corps Ter· clpating In a joint U.S. military mlnal Service Company to the Air services mission to resupply iso· Force's GAP·FILLER and Pine· laled Air Force communications tree eommunlealions sites where sl(es along the NeWfoundland and I' the Army longshorcmen are off· Lflbrador coasts. ioading I'ital cargo.

The resuppiy mission is lIn:lt,r Both vessels arc crewed and , the over·all control of Joint Ta.k II skippered by Civil Service civilian ~ Group 6.2, a compiete, scJ[·suslaln, personnel. ,

St. John's; Kevin Stamp of Adel .. new had been completerl hut ~he 000 per year, of which 5365,000 aide Streel, St. John's; and Patrick i ~eed was too great. A. new wing was for capilal gr,·nt. These grants I J. Walsh of RiVer Head, H!ll'bour IS now under construchon for can· were exclusil'e ot those givcn for I Grace. . ccr treatment. war \·clcrans. Of thc amount rc- 1

The only Newfoundlander 1V0rk- . DO~TOR SHORTAGE cci\'ed the tolal was SI,U7l.0UII'j ing aboard the USNS Sagitla is, p~sCUSSI?~ cJoc:ors,. the Deputy : The ~rnnts are. made up hy 051000 . Able Seaman ,lames Kcrwin of 3~ ~hm~t~r s .. I!1 lh~le I\as ahout one i for each hosplt •. 1 hcr!. $500 ror: Lime Street, SI. John·s. : pI~yslclan 10 Nell'fo~mdlann f?r: eacil nurscs bed and SIOOO for cach : I clcry 2000 poplllahon, If SI., aoo square fect or Ircatment

John's anci Corner Brook arc takcn , clinics. i i ing and mobile organization which I Working aboard thc USNS Lin· i is equipped with all the material, I denwilid as Marine ~Iaintenance MORE I

machines and vehicles which will I Men are Francis Stone of Harbour be needed in handling an es!i· Grace Soulh, Conception Bay; Ray·

i mrlted 9,000 measurement tons 01 mond F. Barrelt of Vickers Ave.,

out or Ihe al'eragcs the (olal would . I run .one in 3.500 of population:, I )lIES'!',,!. CA~ES. AT

cargo over the beaches at loea· Sl. John's; William Doyle of Gull Uons where few developed pori Island, Bny de Verde; Charles F. facilities exist. Roche of Branch, Placentia BilY;'

The men working aboard the Heginald Power of Cochrane

Vandalism The nursing shorlage was equal, ORTIIO(,AhDlC :

Iy I>S bad nnd there was only one Discussin!: chronies In ans· : dentist for len to eleven Ihous-I wer to a question from lion. I and of population. Public health I'. J. I.ell'is, Dr. "mlcr disclus·

VJEATHER Clnwl~' with fCI\, little ~ho\l'­t'1':; tili, cI·cnin:!. Hi~h r"" Tr111Ilcratlirr. .t 3:30 a,m. 52.

Toronlo .. ... . ". li9 :'Iontrcal __ .. ,,'., 63 ~[onelon .. " ... .i8 S)'dne~·,.. .. ..... 18 51. .Iohn's .. .. .. 5~

8i 81 ;0 68 68

Lakeside 1'ransportation Service, which are lia Bay. •

USNS Sagitta and the USNS Lin· Street, SI. John's; and Daniel J./ A f denwald of the Navy's Military Sell While oi Great Paradise, Plncen-,

carrying the Army's Sub·1·ermlnal Employed as Able Sellmen , GAp.PINE of Transporlat.lon 1'er. aboard the VSNS Lindenwald are Reports 01 vandalism in St.

Jolm's Is on the Increase and sometime . yesterday morning between mldnlgbt anel sIx o'clock another example of. vandalism In tbe Capital was Illustrated wlten 50 seats placed at the head of quidl Vl!ll Lake were riamalltd. ReJ:atta rrcsir1ent, Mr. James D.


CAPTAIN M. G. DAI.TON, former MarIne ,Superintendent C.N.H., 11 shown dl!llcrlblnl' to Royal Commission the C.N,H.· coastal service. aroand NewfoundlaDd' during tbe, hearIng yesterday mornlnl. He laid on the northwest coast were fourteen porls

. of call eoverln'l ~Idy.elght settlemr.nh and described Ihe regions where ·llIIl.tlon ltarts In, December and encls, as this y~ar, the' OrM week In JURe. .

nil!!!ins. told the Dally News 1~5t night thl\l the scats embedded in concrete were all toppled over and damaged anrl two o[ th~:n were taken and thrown over the bridge and were completely ruin· cd. •

Thnsc scats were placer! thcre by the City Council for the bene. m of the general 'puhlic who visit the Lake~lde dUring the summer monfhs while erews are practicing on the Pond for RCl!attn Day. The scats are I'alued at ahout $20.00 eaeh and, arhled to I he many into provements . at the Pond hi beau· liCyinJ: I he location, .

The RCMP have heen notifie.1 o[ the incident and arc. now mal(· I Ing an inl'csti!(ation and if tho~e re.~pon5ible fnr such actions arll I fonnd the proper legal proceed. i ngs will follow. • .

The responsible persons did. not : stop their destructive rampage with the seats .however as they proceeded to the northside 'of til<' Ponrl anrl a sland erected lherr for Re!!at ta Day was also toppled over and damaged.,

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Page 4: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

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I~ ____ .-:...-:...:--------:--------------~-------------==---------:-____ ~_T_H_E_D_A_'Ly_,_NEWS, WEDNESD~Y, JUlY 85 7,:mSICiiiiiiA!IiCEii~,.,..,.......~:I.'r'....T.r~n.t1!!~ T''U

'I :.' I

THE DAILY NEWS The Case I For Revision , ~"f"~LU:":::J.:~_IDt:.~~":l1i:.C.~..a.~t:·";I:'J.:;A'Ct:~"1..'T"!'!1~1.!.!l

, - . N.wfoundland's Only MornIng 'ap.r




Canada """ .. " ....... ,$10,0{) per annum United Kingdom and all

forelln Countrlet ..•••. $14.00 per annum Authorized" second class mMI Post OffiCi

Departmeat. Ottawa.


Our Road Services It has been trequently said that we

have entered the motor age with a hOl'se­and· buggy rand system: 'rhat' is the simple truth. And while we have built a substantial mileage of new road in the past ten or fifteen years, we have never kept pace with the rapid growth in the weight ancl volume of molar traffic or the needs of the people,

From a commercial standpoint, any kind of road :;ur!'"cc ma" do. '1'ho~e \\'ho opel'ate hig commerci~l vehicles are mterested principall~' in Ihe ability to mO\'e about.' But I he a\'Cl'age motorist looks for ~oll1ething more, He wants c(ln\'enienL'~, comlort and safety. These are 110t thing5 to be fOllnd very easily on the Newfoundland highway system.

En:'n our nne ICIng ~lretch o( pa':ecl hlgh\\'a~' ha~ no shoulder!; for 11105t of its route <lnd ~eclion~ of the roael between Seal CO\'c and Carboneal' are extremely dangerous, Almost all other roads have gra\'el surfaces which quickly crumble into dust in a dry season with gl'a\'e dis­comfort to all who travel over them, The bl!st are none too good. The poor roads are "en' bad. But because we ha\'e had so littl~ in 'the wnv of motorable road­ways in the past. w~ nre grateflll for any­thing we C;11l get.

There nre two problems LId nre of outstanding illl)lOl'tlllwe, Dlle is lhe I'elil'f of isolatioll I.J~' prll\'idillg ael'ellS to high­ways 01' the l'Hilwny fot· people in <ll'pas where depenrietJ('e is now llolely Oil inade­quate water trall~po['t. The other is the necessity of providing adequale mads in the congested areas whcre the traffic conditions arc getting out of hand.

There is nlso Ihe o\'el'l'iding condition that roads r1e~ignerl to relieve isolation should be fI\'llil;lble {or all-weather lise. Bnt the cost of. huilclint! an I'II-wcather road "'OI'k~ oul lIt abolit ~50,OOO 1\ mile where gaorl mflterial is close al hnml. Snow-c\eal'ing i~ another high cost fartor, Both capital and mainlenance C05tS will be higher than we can hope ,to afford to pa\' for out of ollr foreseeable resources,

'VIlat then? If we cannot afford the cast of keeping up our present limited standards of rond services, do we stag­nate? The record that caused Lord Salisbury some seventy years ago to call Newfoundland the sport of historic mis­fortune mU5t not surely be permitted to afflict U5 with it:; consequences fot' the re~t IIf lime.

If Newfoundland is to play /l fl1l1 part a:' a }.lI'UViIlCl· or Cantllla, if her economy i~ to <Ic\·elllp. if her people arc to have pt'oper IlCl'l'~S 10 such vital social sel'vices as health Ilnd education on a ba~is that approaches a minimum Canadian stalld­ard, we must ha\'e more durable and mMe useful l'oHds,

the DAILY NEWS Is. morning paper established In 1894, and published at the News Bulldin&. 3~~-3511 Duekworth Street, St. John's Newfoundland, by Robinson " Company, Limited. ME~BERS OF THE CANADJAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled

to the use for republication of all news dcs\lat~hcs in this I>app.r credited to It or to the A~sociatcd Press or Reuters and also the local ncws published therein.

The prohlems of education create~ hy isolation and dis­pet'SIlI hnve heen cOllsidered briefly, The economic report af­firms that "if thc overcrowding which exists in Newfoundlanrl wen' reduced to the Il\'erage level prevailing in the maritimes, Newfollndlnml would hnve required 450 more classrooms in 1\)54.55, This figure, howevcr, makes no allowance at all for the IInnual increRse in enrolment. Recently the rate of incrrase has heen about 5,OO{) pupils per year, NewfOlllldhmd will hill'C, to tnke strong continuing measures if Ihe pl'Ilblem of OI'ercrOlv(hng is tn he met."

All PrC5s lervice and fealure articles In Ihis paper al'e copyright and their reproductiol is probibited. '

• MeMber Audit Bureau' Of


On the Al'gentia route or with st.

Bllt it is all WI'V well to tlll1< 1I1)out "strong alld continuing mcasures:" It is anolher think In takc' thl'm. For cduclllion hilS become very largely II finnncial problem. Government lind peoplc IIrc duing whllt th~!\' cnn with Ihe lIlellllS IIvailllhle, Thcre is no doubt lit nil ahout populllr appreciation of the necd of impruvcment in educntion. Thllt menns not merely a IlIrJ~er supply'of wcll.equippcd clllssrooms- and wcll-'Iunlificd tcnchers hut IIlso n broadcning of tile curricululll. It requircs op' IlOl'hmities for the children in the schools of Newfound· lund to equip themselvcs for the technical age in which Ihcy have to live. John's as her eastern terminal, she could

probably get a full complement of cars llnd pa~sengers on every trip and bring hel' cargo from Sydney as well. The round tl'ips might ,be less frequent but not by a hll'ge margin an~ her earnings ought to be substantially greater. Thcy :;hould certninly exceed the additional cost of the extra crew and services needed to cateL' to passengers.

fill' from moving lowllrds that goal, a situation exists wllPre in man\', isolutC'd communities no teac:hel's can he placed amI in ' others tlw tellchers are handicnpped by youth, in cxpCl'imcc ant! inadelJuacy of their traiuing,

El'clI in the IlIrgcst communities in Ncwfollndland, ol'crcrowding of classroom~ hus been long n vcry serious difficulty Dnd, scarcity of highly.skilled tCllchel's IIml WlIllt of Illenns havc contributed to preventing thc d\!· velopmcllt of thnt measure of specinlized training that is so l'mincntlv desirnblc ill this modem age. III the ccntrnl nnd regional high schools, specialists arc fewer tlinn the nced mid oppnrluuili('s fill' the c:\p:lllsioll .. f hl'nllclrr educational facilities or for thc prDl'ision of im· 110rlllllt extra,clII'riclllllr activities dCIllIIJ1lI.

The service she could render is badly needed, But because she was built for the Cabot' Strait route, it has been de­cided that she must not make all .h~r facilities available until Port aux Basques becol)1cs a safe harbour. Then she will probably be of more benefit to mainland comml'rcinl travellers than to the people of Newfoundland.

A Permanent Speaker All the talk ahout a permanent Speaker

fOI' the House of Commons in Ottawa arises out of the unfortunate confusion of the pipeline debate and the unhappy position in which it placed the Speaker at the time. But much of the comment seems to be inconsistent with the place that the presiding officer of the Commons has in British pal'linmentary pI·Hclice. nefel'ences have been made, iOl' example, which Heem to point til a belief that the Speaker ill the British House of Commoll!> i~ :1 pl'l'l1Inllellt up[Joinlnll'llt.

Til n prodllce ill II'hich mal1~' t(,;lI'h1'l's arr cilllPl' Ilt1lrainf'd 1"1' onll' parth' Imilled allli I1l.\1l\' of Ihl' pOIIl'ly-qllalifirrl teachers 111'1' I'cqlliJ'l'd to lakl' enr!' of all ~rad('s ill i~()Ia(t'(1 O1It'·l'flom

sl.hools. Ihl' qll~stioll of illS]1l'dioll allll sll]1en'i~ioll aeqllires im­]10l tallt'f'. This is anotlll'r Il1iltter that i~ l'onsilir'rt'd ill drtail ill Rook Two of thl' Casl', Bul tht' poinl is mad!' ill lhc er'1l111lllllC: appr.lisal th,lt Ilw il\'t'r.l~(, loael of the cighlcPIi Silperl'isors wlin \\'l'l'r al'ailahll' I.lsl \ rar was 157 classrooms, Wit h tnll ('I dilfi· ellit ill fall allli lI'ini!'1' in manv arcas, ~\lJ1l'r1'hioll is 110 longrr possihle Oil thp. dl'~il'cd scale .;nd C\'CII inspci!lion Oil a limited hasis imposed a SI'\'CJ'I! hardship on 11m SUlw\'I'isory srJ'vkl', Till' sllprrvisol's oughl In he nh1l· to give l'nollgh time to cach 6chool to nppreeiatc fully Ihe prohl('ll1s of the teachrrs. to gi\ e gllid .. alice 10 those who nccll iI. alld cvrll to stimulate grcatl'r popular interrst in cach COlllJllllnitv in grealer cHort and saerifice ill br.· half of local pclllcation, The point is macle that ill No\'a Scotia thrrC' is not a place whirh is more than a day's drive from Ilali· fax, The roatl I1l't\\'ork in the ~Iaritim['s allows for,! sropl' 01 school supP.J'\'ision whit'h is 'Illite impossible ill "l'\\ fO\JJHllaml.

Il is II'lie thal all partie:.; genel'ally 'agl'l'e Oil a Spl'akel' unci that the nWIll,bel' selected i~ sustained fl'Om pal'liament to parliament. Blit that is only by the will of the members at the beginning of cach new parliament. 'I'he old tradition that the Speaker should not be opposed in his cOllo;litllcncy in II general election no longer holds good. But if he slll'"i\'cs the election, he has been always able to coun~ (111 vil'tl1ally unanimous support for his return to the Chair.

Wh:'\t i~ reall~' meant b)' a permanent Speakel' for the Canadinn Commons is adoption of the British practice that a Speaker who has served 'we\) in the past parliament should be kept in office in the nelV one regardless of' changes in the government. That reqUires in the first instance the selection of a man in whose judgment and impartiality the whole House may have implicit confidence. And wh,m a Speaker of that kind can be found, he shOUld be retained for as long as he is willing to serve.

Strength. For The Day By EAHL DOUGLAS

The simule Il'ulh is hard to tillie hul it \I ill he rllll" dCl'l'lupl'tI ill lIuuk Two III thl! Cast'. It is lliat tlw IIle:\I1'S :\\ ailahll' iu Nl'lI'flllllllllaud ful' tht' til'l clu)l11l1'lIt 01 l'tlu· l'alillual ulll1UrlllJlity arc Iill1it~d tn Jill l'xln'lIlt' dl'gl't'l' hy IlId; "I' roads lIuli lad, of' fillanl'ial 1IIl';1115.

'I'll(' silllalioll \\'011111 Ill' much \l'IlIS(' ir tlll'I'I' \\'l'n' 11 lit in fOll11111;1I111 an a('IIII' awa\'l'n('~s ill l1Iany arl'.IS of III(' iJ1l[l!lll.lIll'" 01 hetter I'c\ncational {a('ilities, TIJI' result is that l'l'gilln,11 hi~h scholils hal'c brcmne an important item on the ec\lIc.llirmal a~('nrln, The CO\ I'rIllllL'nt 01 the Province makrs sonll' prol'isioll for 11ll' pl'llJnotion of this plan, It has pxl<'JI(IPtI 10 fifll'rn F.lrs thl' al1nllal ~Ialiis ful' huildillg of \'I'gion,11 hi:.!h ~t'hools wliir'lI \l't'l'l' originath' pstahlislJ('d {or fin! wal'S, Bllt 1'1'('11 \l'ith thi, assishlllt'~' tl\(: '11111 prol'idpd is total I" imllll'qllai r (0 liIp I1rl,d, Thr dcvdopllIpnl 01 tIll' I t'~i(!nnl hi~h sehonl SySII'lll and nl th" cputraliz('(1 1'1,'nlf'utary ~l'honl pro~raJ1lJ11(" has hrr:1I madl' pm. sihll' h\' thl' Iiheral \,IlIIIII(,'I'\' t'ontl'ihutinns of ttlf" C'olll1lllJlliti!', whit.h 'tllt'sr schnnls hal c hrrn d('si~llPd 10 sr\'\'il-r, Til m:llI\" casps l1Ion' (hall !1llp·llillf the wsl has bcrl1 pnJ\ icier! by \',,!l1I1' tar), conlriillltioJ)S 110m the Jl~oplc, .

Thc ceollornic report on educational sel'l'iecs cllIls with this statcmcnt:

"This low level of cducational serviccs is not soH" Ihe problem"of :i'lc\\'folllHllalld, it is a mattl'1' of lIatioll,;) conccrn. Tilc importance of a high level of eliucation, both acudemic nnd technical, to Canada's future gro\\ th nnd nrosperity is widel)' cnnccclc<l. The dcsirahilit~· of cljulllily of opportunity for nil Canadians is IikclI'ise conceded. Neverthcless. bccause of II Ion)! hel'ilagc of I)O\'l'fty and isolatinn, thc young people of the newest )'I'ovincl' lire not bcing given the cllllentionul OPPOl'tu· Jlilil's cnjuycd h)' the yuuth of Cmullh's IItlll'r provinces. Anel yet, the uddiliunul fimmcinl nssist:mce \\'llil'll NI'II" fOlllldland rellill'sts undcr Tcrm 2!1 is inllmtll'd to cnahll' her (111)' til conlinue the inferior len'ls ond stuIHIlIl'tls of C!iIll'1I1i1ll1ll1 sel'l'ices rcnl'!ICcI."



President Chiang the dedi-A ul d The alte\'llatin: is not pleasant La con­

template, For want of roads" all sen:ices must suffer, For want of efficient com­Inu!1IcatiOlis and services, the gap be­tWEEn our sl,mdards and those of the mainland must widen until the lit ate of thing5 111 Newfoun91and will Q!come a byword throughout the Dominion for inadequacy. It is difficult to believe that this condition will be allowed to come about in an enlightened federal system.

cation of his book "Soviet Russia in China' speaks 'of the part which his mother and his wife's mother played in developing the ideals of their childhood and, bringing about their complete com­mitment in the cause of liberty and de­mocracy.

"My wife and I,", writes Chiang, "share the acute sense of fail4re in not living up to the lofty ide~ls inspired in us ?y our mothers through our childhood tram­in~:' And Rt the end of the dedication hc says. "My wife allrl I dedicate ourselves ollce mOl'e to the supreme task to which we lire cnJled ,md thus strive to be 110L'

25 Lang Syne? Years Ago 'Today

An agrr.ement 1m been !ignfd h;o APorial Wnrld TOllrs Inc, and'the GOl'emment, throngh Mr. C, E, Hunt and Captain Ol!on. f~r ~ '~l'ecialll'orJrl tour flillht in the course of which Ne\l!nllnd. land p051age stamps will be !old for 8 lpecial airlllail, A flying b,~" nolV under construction will start from Minneapolis, flying fIrst to Toronto and Montreal, and thence to Holyrood Arm, The NEWS bas been told that the Government expects to net $80,000 from tbe venture,

Back On The Wrong Route 'I'he William Cill';;on is going back into

the Sydne~'-ArSFmtia freighl service to' lose a few morc dollars, She has been a ' losing propo~ilion all the wily and Olle rEason is the obdurllcy which prevents

• her trom being used for lhe purpose for '~'hich she was built. ,

The Carson is a passenger ,ship with accommodation fO!' about fifty 'motor cats and some 800 tons of freight. Since she wu commissioned, she has carried only freight, and it is going to 'be pretty hard to eam tile interest on her cost on that basis. That cost, If the special ter­minal facilities and the cOI'l'eclion. of el'ror piled on elTor are taken into con­~ideralion, has been of the order of about twenty-five million dollar ••

,'un \Vol'lhy of our upbringing." It hilS been tllmosL a didle La declare

that behind e\'el'Y gl'eat I'I1l1n sland:; a PUI'po:;eful and dedicated ,mother. One thinks of the in(luence which Lincoln's mothel: and stepmother had on his career. There is probably not a man who has held a position of any lrust in this coun­try or any other country who woulCl not attribute to maternal influence much of the success he has made.

All this' adds up, does it not, to' this sum fatal, namely, that being a gIJod moth!!t· is at one alld the' same time the l1'iost difficult and worthwhile job in the world. Even behind God's physical en- '

,try into the stream of human hislory stands I mother. " , ....... _I __ ~ ..... "":"'"-~·

, • ,Iolin K Ii.illl;, one o[ the :<l1ll1mer, ~chool 3Iuilelll&, II~S

droll'uell on Salur~.IY afiel'lloun in Hogan's l'onrl while .Ilim' ming, He I\';'S lallin!! the Teamer Training Course unrler 1111', Gordon Hatchel' and W:;~ Purcha:;e,

* Salurday II ild rlllllUUl'S were current of draotic ECOIIOllllr"

lome e\'en gOIllJ: <11 l.r an to say (he education· grant was to be cut uut ..... iil! no ~chools to opcn till Christmas,

'fhree re:'id,cnt& of Mar:';vale ware before ~[aglslrate's Court on Saturd3,: and charged willi rioting on Jul), 16th, as the reo IUlt of the affair in prote~t of th~ curtailment of the dole.

'" . . Mr. Douglas Fraser will leave for St, Anthony today, If the

weather Is suitable, He Is taking Mrs, HUYWflrd to thl! hos· . pllal at St. Anthonr for 51l~elal tl'CnllOfllt,

* ~ • :'.11'. Arthttr Cohen, manager of Frank Slamp.' hat! a Illes'

sage yesterday saying that' Phil Li~hlhMrt and his nwnaller 8rp. due In the City on Thursday. The fight will takc placc next Monday at the Rink •

h::: ::

~--.................................... ----~---

Wba t Otllers Are Saying '-Edson In ~Vashin

Wl~:-;I~r. " STt.:llr.OIf:-o; fiGHT (Vallcoul'er :-l1n)

Ahnllt the bc,t ncws f()1' fan· a,dian>; this ),t'al' is that mrnlal ill'allh In this cOlllllry is hc;:!in· nin;! 10 impJ'O\'c, This is especial­ly encouraging in an era when ~ocinl ~tr;lins allrl internatiollal ICIIsillns imposc el'er fresh anxie· tics ipon indil'iciuals and com· !nUllities,

tong-lDead' RFC Prn\'(~s To Be A Lively C()I'P~C

'I hc :mth report of the Cana· dhm ~Ientnl 1tealth Association drliVt'recl t() the annual meeting in Toronlo, \l'as presented in "an atJallsplll'J'c of liuhstantial hopc ill III optimism" lH't'aUSI' or Ihis f~!l'l. So ""hI 1'1'I',iileul .1. S, D, 'J'''r~;, II!',

II .,1 III);IlIly II'IIuhl 1,(' a tli"h'· I'icoe In Ihl' a,·uciatloll ;IIHI 10 Ihe IIt'lotell :11'01) of l,,~chillll'bis ;illd 1I11'lIt;,I- llt'~!llh workers III lIIal;,' Ion II1l1eh 01 til(> imprO\'I" 1I1C'llt III 1111, ~t:1:':I', )'I!', Tor)" hO\\I'\'er, ('ilt>d tllt'st LII'ts: that "nel'l Imoll'lellge, new forms of treatment, incrcP"l!rl atl~ntlon II\' the puhlic to melltal health Fci" I'\rc~ hale hegull 10 turn the tielc,"

The di.('h"r~p ratr f1 Oill mpn· lal 11O'llIl:,", lIP nll'lcd. h~< in' ('I'ra,pcl ,.i~llIlltantl)' in ~nllle P;I1!, of ( .. marla nIJIi thl' ;nerage prrlOd or cnnfinrm~nl in 1ll<'l1tal hO;;\lil~h I~ III'ill!! l'crhll'cd,

'I'hlle IIII' II11PI'O\'C'I!lCnl io be, ing haileil, II ~hnuld hI' l'eahzl'cI thal Ihe (<1s]( still fI'lllains great. At IC:I;l 1,000,00U Canadians­olle oul of cI'cr,v Hi-arc ~uffcr· ill'; frol1l wnw (ti~nhililr bec:1Ul'c of mcntal illncss, Ahout 70.000 IIrc in menial hO"!lilals and more than 20,000 new Jlatients are ad· mitted cvery year.

Jlfr, Tory adds Ihat there are still stubborn problcms to ol'er· come. But Ihe cncouraging thing, as lie stresses, is thnt "these trends m<1l;c it clelll' Ihat mcntlll i1lne.s is nut n hopl'le~s l'nusl'­Ihal tilt' IIIt!III:!1 health mOI'I'li","t if il is !'illllit'iI'lIl1y Vlg"l'OIlS IlIHI illll'llj~"llily Ulalllll'd. can IHllIg alwul ga111, ill thi> Iidd a, gr"at ", th",,, gaills 1II:lItl' loy \ oltm· 1~11)' IIl'gallizalwlIs ,ill till' li,'hl~ uf 1';1111'1'1'. tllllt'I'chlllsis alltl )loti ... "

'fo thp. l'l'ctlit of the Canadian :llenlal Hcallh As>oeiati"lI, it 1m.> spcarhealll'd thl! fight for men·

~~-_--...F-=--=---~~--;'~--:-~';-~------'-"~',",,,"-"":"--By PETER EDSON

WASHINGTON-(NEA)-It 1m \11 laugh. clay, when they took down the sign or the -Finance Corp. to celebrate the fact that it II'.S ,

cially dead. RFC was ordel'cd killed hy Congre~s as of

1954. Three years later it still ha~II't stop~ed ing, There are around 100 cmployees tl'~'ing 10 estate, It consists of ao million dollal',;' worth and properties the gu\'cnlllwnt can't get rid of thal's the le(lst o[ It.

Rl"C left half u dllZCIl (wi\';-; \1 Ito ill p ,till in ' al nile same old ~tallds, 'I'he~' 11,I\'t' a ~olllhmed I authorily uf betweell :W HilL! :!5 billioll dollars, slead of curlailing this business. COllgl'eo; is 110',;

el'ing a number 01 ll'CaSUI'CS which \· .. elliid ' For instanee. small business, RFC got

business loans in' 1934, Its portfolio was lurn~l Small Business Administl'ntion \\'hen il was a "temporary" agency in 195:J. Si!lCe Ihell SBA ~ome :mo million c1ull a n:; ,

But the House recent 1:-' p~~~e"l ;; hill to SBA'~, ICllding authority to iiOO millioll, 10 lowe: lIlllm interest rale from 6 In 5 pl'!' ('eJll-€\'1l' 1ightll1onc,\' mal'ket-and to l11;Jkr. il ~

Thals liquidating 'em with a \ cpgcancc,

Then lake tbe case of Fcderal National Association, an RFC daughter known familiarly nie Mae. RFC sil'ed tihis one to pl'ol'ide a Federal Housing Administration mortg~ges late 1930's couldn't be sold by'lcnders,

Fannie Mae was set up in bllsille~s for 1950, Today she owns more Own 400,000 erans -Administration mortgages \\'orth sraud lion dollars. ,

But Congress has just passed a nell' which will illcrease Fallnv IlIac's lending gllO million dollars, ThiS" is 550 million more administration a!Jkcd.

And fol' spedal mOl'tgagl' l,l,lll;, Cilllgl,r~ \'idetl additioll~tIlille~ of cl'edit tU:llil1:', .j~5 nnllo::

Dcpal'tment of AgriClllllll'l"~ ('01 , Corp, offers an example of hoI\' :lIJllther nrC and is still growing. The gO\'el'lll1ll'I1('S program began in 1953 when HFC ~el up ~ mere three-million-dollar capital to m"~e 1 pound JOHns to distressed cofton filf'l11t'1~,

Today CCC hilS 14,5 billion lel1dlllg ,

, ';11 hl';illh fol' 39 ;1':11', 1II111er Clln· clitions II hich ollt'n made it :;rcm :1 hopelr~5 Oll~, 11 has 5110nsorell iipecml Sl'rl'iI'eii foJ' the ml'nl"lI), ill, It is now ~pIJlfEor· int: rc,,,"nrrh, II, ~reatcst ser· \:lr~ lin' hr~n, to ellufill(' JIlt! puh, in farm surplw;es_ To help 1I1110~rl Ihem, lie 1~ICl rrall7.lM t~lal only b)' rr· nm' authorized a billion-dollal' i1.,'re?~E f~r

13.4 billion in 1011115 outstill1dillg, EI:!ht bIllIOn

mOl'lng the foolish old FO~I"I. \, .' I Elit ~tisma [I'om menIal ilInm, by surplus disposal prograr;p dunng t 1e n fighling in the open, can good be If CCC needs additional ,money to flOance

achie\cd. it will unquestionably be provided by The Canndian Mental Health deficiency appropriation.

Association Is an agency of the d Greater Vancoul'er Community RFC provided the first money an flle,!. Its conlinflin!! prollram lhr. E:-;p0l't-Import Bank in 1!l:1-l. It \\ it' to rn~ he 5np[lorlp,1 hl' (Ollll'ihu· creditable l\\'aiJable to fOl'ci;",'11 gil', 1'1 ,J1 rtl Cl,l l: {, liolls til the l'helot's J!1~7 fUlid ~. " driVE', buy ,1f'S. expor~s, :rhe u\l(lerlyil1~ :11111 \1 'C

_______ Amerrcan cxpol'ls 111 tIl(! depr(!,'~t[)ll, Hr

A FES11\',\\, OF (',\:"1.\11,\ madc some forcign loans ill HlP. \\,;11', '/ il (l'~lrrhomlll:h ExalJliner) But the reslrictions Oil tltr~r. In;m3 II"~

If 0111' pl'llarpf~ rOlltill11r;; in the ~;.Jr'y to set up 1>of1er filles o[ c:redil ;.:; thF i'n next tell )'r3l'!; in 1111' ~allle way shifted from grants to loans undel' the fOlC,. a~ it has since Confrilrra!ioll, lIT \lill hare nnlhinlt for whirh we gram. can he prl1llll (ill l!J(i7) 1\lwn So COllgress has tel1tali\'el~' c;uillOl'lled Canada will he cr,lrbr:l'ing a dollars as the first year's contributIOn 10 'I~/ centl'nnial, The lask will be 10 billion-dollar' revoh'ing fund, 'I'his \1'11l en draw it, wilh rtii!lIit~·, 10 Ihe "t- t tention of other nations. thaI national Cooperation Administratton 0

they might take pride with us In foreign loan pr~,am. the achievement o[ an adult so' ~ cietl', RFC:s strategic materials programs 1,la~:e,rJti(('

Sueh D ta,k will take muc11 transferred to General Sen'ices A<inlllll! p1r~lIl1lnr., II 11'111 nol be un enll'!', .' t" '. • I '11' 'I '1;IJile, JlI'I~1' which 1".111 be undel'lakcII IIOW malll ,llmi ,\ se\ ell- JI lOll S O~ f ttl lighlly U1' '\\'i~h tittle thought, and • HFC's disaster loans ha\'c been tran~~:ral t~n Y?aI'S \~'Ill not he, too lIIuch Business Adiministration, Agriculture, f , lime III whIch to ra~hlnn a ceil" Ad 'n'l~lt' t'r" th "P e 'd t' cmcr"ellC) hl'ation whirh will lurn heads ml" a 1)\1, C r SI en s b

In' our direction, other agencies.



Page 5: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole


s c ) .. . \ 1" I;,\t/!h. tn! : ti1 c RCtClns1:1'llI

~at it was nOi\'

lin do! br" ~ \'l~'" j" JlO\\'

':011 1.1 1I1l'rC3.5e

'T hot into the \\,il~ tumcd

n :1 \\'a~

e then SBA

;. c.)t1gr,'» pJS :.! ~~5 million i. -ullllll lX1i I~' Jlhel" RFC boy nt's ;lgricullural

!Oct up ecc o make 10

. and helped . kC : \\ .. ~ to m~

" "

, ., • ' •• '.' .,', ,. ,' •• , ",' ," I' ..... : ", •••• , •• ~. ,Ot • .. ••• " , " ," • " ',. "': " ~ •• t. ""', ' .

. '

_ 5 WEDNESDAY, JULY·31, 1957 Y ~~W ,

Th D k I, M' ter, the Council regretted that its T - • Mo es W I WArt d F . P' h E I e ar mportant eetlng Treasurer, Mr, S. E. Goodwin, was IlCWIIl V e come agon res e or . ans ngages n being transferred. It Was moved ' i

, Safety Council ~~~ I~n~~~~!~fng~~s:~ct~~~~:~~: To Montreal Newcomer's Club DrUnkenness WeUs Organizatioh Th 'UI'11n I Mgumentntlon In Hyde Park is will be asked 10 join the Counell It has been announced tbat 1t~r. Arrested by police last night, SPANIARD'S BAY, July 211 _ lb:,h,'I~1 . 1'(,r;,ling; wordy enough and sometimes "Many matter. covering sev· In his place, r.nd that Mr. F!ed H. M. Spencer Lewin, Vice Presi- The Jllly meeting of the WeI· a young city resident was so drunk At a mutlnl of the sellet ve.u,

;rc·i.I1~. III cr holell fierce, but good humor usutllly eral fields of safety were discus· Baines, who succeeds Mr. Good· dimt and Chief Executive of Bo. come Newcomers' Club was held when he arrived at the police of Holy Redeemer Church, h,ld !, !t~,rrtP lanr is I prcvails, and most people are sed at an important meeting of win, would be asked to accept the waters Newfoundh)nd Pulp and at the. YWCA Club rooms on Fri· station that he did not even know about two weeks aao it Wit d.

11r.:~UI I'~r"hl "II·,'lIld 'Ihm-and 1 noted !hls specially the Safety Council. of 'Newfoun~. Treasurership, Mr. Roderick Guzz· Paper Mills Limited, wl1l be leav. day evening, July 26. The presi· his name. cided to enaages the lervlces 01 III h()'"'I(lill" in in Ihe case of tOUTlSt visitors- land held Thursdl'JY, 25th Jul~. well, Safcty Supervisor of the I'ng 'Ne'v!o'undland in September dent :Mrs, Jean Beaumont, wei· H . k d ' - th W II i II fhl I I

II!'I;I hal " I I for Ihe fun they get out o[ The work of the Council bas been 'comed three new members: Mrs, e was. pIC c up neFtr e the e s Orgln za on. I. II , II .;',II,j h" 1'~'I::~f,~~ Spcnkcl's' Corner, It is a unique going all!ng steadily, particularly Workmen's Compensation Board, to take up residence in Montreal, Dora Allcorn from Sherbrookc, Siadium after tbe wrestling match. keepine with an over.all dloeellll

. " 'j' m;r.~ ,1'111 "1 ,. <alrly \'ah'e and however wrong. along educational 1lnes, and also Is ulso being Invited to join the Mr. Lewin, who was formerly He is the owner of a car ,which Plltt~rn In the ~'Anglleall Forwar4 ;lll"~~1r",m; \IUU I {111, I iICatied sume ~f the views, a In the work of coordinating tbe Board of I?lrectthors. 11 General Manager of the mills .at ~~~ir~[S~n:%er~. ::;~~~~ i~~:S apparently had been laken away Movement Campailn" , , ree.ntl, , \ I f d efforts of all engaged in the enm· "Presmt at e mee ng were: Corner Brook and who was suc· r S d N S PI' from him by friends. He had over adopted by the Diocesan Synod 01 ~!f fl

l. . l'dull' and I suprcme exalllp e 0 emocr~y pnlgn for safety. . President Arthur Johnson, Vlee ceeded by Mr. Albert Martin IlISt rom y ney, ,'. ans were $70,00 in his possession when ar. Newfoundland, •

t,;I!;l' Jr.I"" ui\(; ;\i,. ami indil'ldual liberty. "Communications were received .Presldents Harvey C. Dawe &nd year, Is an Executive m,cmber of made for a' Wemer Roust and I restcd. He will nppear in court M' T . LI d the Welb ' IHUm~n q,l I)(,;·ul\'" Beauty and Big Businesa W It 11 Did DI tor Savanger Hunt 10 be held on, h" tb r. revor ox,

• < I:! ur,~"ohlr ,\ '1I'~I:d: The skyscraper hotel, If It {rom Fire Chief F. G. Vivian and a er • av s, an ree I Bowater's North Ameman cor· A t 24 II b' d th' h t IS morning to answer to e representative hal been hi the' ,<.. II 'un" . , I' 'II b f ',Ir. F. R. Kennedy, Director of the George Nightingale, In, spector Eric poratlon which has headquarters b UgdUS ,!clmderts an t elr

t lUI s, charge of ordinary drul!ttenes5. parish for ove'r I weck now and ~\!",,; fr.r "11 " l'rnll'n, malerm IZCS, 11'1 e out 0 car· " R d M I P t an s are as (C 0 mec a 1C ',. '

'. " "O~, ,r"l- I L (th I I Ih I d of Audio·Visual Edu· Porter, aymon ann ng, e er lit Montreal, home of 'Irs, Clal're' Stell',",rt, 36 has hiS' office set up In the school. !I\r 1': 'f Ihan 41111 )'r,H'; ,101 0 I S~ moks ,euc cry· unlself ca.tlon. Fire .Chlef Vivian drew al. N. Out~rbrldge, Herbert K, Wyatt, Mr. Lewin came to Newfound. .. w r.~, " •.• r;"'!' ami, ora or a pea ars orner, In • tention to the number DC false Men'ln Green, Lloyd Bishop and land In early 1930's and Is Circular Road, at 7 p,m. on ~Iat the YWCA on August 16, So far only prepar.atory work hll

, ~·r,II,I.l.' . "Inl'lc all'a l ' nt the other end of S I Offi S I " • evenl'n~, 'Inmbnr. \I'ere also rn. ;'Ilrs, .~Ionl'qlle Gaudet, a memo been d.onc, and t.hlS, \I.'e und,e!' ' .' 'I Ih;,1 111111' ,,", al~rms Wilich were -Ic'adily being Mrs. S, ega, ce. ecre ary. I I n Ible for the great ~ ". • n " lor :r,~" '\ .111'1' (If I'ilrk Lane, Judging (rom the u. arge 'I' respo ~I h h b t kc minded of the Bazaar 10 be held al ber of the Welcome Wagon New· stand, IS p~ogreSSlng· sa\lsfactorlly.

'f! nl,ln, . , nrwh' cxcavated -ile surrounded received, With the Chiel, the S\\'cd·en',. highest peak, Kebne. development w eCst ~~oa~ten al

enr tha, Y'\'CA on Septemher 21, comers' Club has le!t SI. John', In addlhon to the literature :;I:~' "II h3; IlI'I'n ~ .' , " Council deplored the risk. Involv·" place at th W "0 p PI" , h h d II 1::1":)' ' "'IHh'l' h)' early 19th centur~' ll;Ianslons, kaise in norlhwest Sweden, reach f C·e B k' The .Sewing group will meet at 10 accompany her husband to whlc will' have reac e a par· " ;[0:10"":1' 1'( Ih(" and Ihe Architect's drawings, the ed and decided to draw the at, town 0 orner roo, the home of Mrs, EileclI Ham. Syracu,c. N,Y" whcre he will IshlonerA by now, Mr, Lloyd will

, r,,;il'!" Ihr '~Ui; "nd :1~·'llIr)' lower would make an tention uC Ihe parents of the city a~~et 7~~0~~~~ of the excursion T e trombone, brass wind in. mond, 20 Barnes Rooo, on Tues· stlldy Public Administration for & ~e available to answer all quell­~,';:';I;(:: "I ',iil:r, fI" all'c·inspiring mark on the skyline. to thfl lact lhat a large propor· boat sull~na in the Mississippi strument, originally was known IS day, August o. The nc;.;~ general yc~1' under. a (jovcrnmen( scholar· lions Ihat parishioners mlllht eare ~!/ 't~" I.~ ~,,~II:II)n:'. ' ) :\(.11 611,r prislngl)" the project Is tion 01 these false alarms are Rive .... In 1865 cost 1,'.0 lives. I the "saelcbut." meeting o[ the club Will be at ~hIP, 10 ask.

S II 11 I' II I I d b th L rung In by children. It was also '::.-=::.-=:..:.-= .... :.::.....::..:.~_-= ____________________ _ .. ) I ,. r \lrln"I'r:\l'~ ,II Icmg pone ere 'I c on' decided to ask Ihe principals of ---

rulllP r 0,. lil-I",rl dOll COllnty Council's planning I\!'r.n" 'tt 'II h tit school& when Ihey reopen in Sep. . . _rl'I'l'lItinr l'omml ee, \I Ie res 0 pre· h I I

, in I h f I" '"11 wi'l H'I'I'e If nice balance between tember, to emp as ze to the pup Is J~'~'Ir ,JI . • I I I b' b I the grave danger involved when ;' .'" I I "Ildoll I i,i· wau y nne III us ness, '·'a ~ .1 . false alarms were given,

~'i;~f 3ni 'l\"T"'"~ . Undoubtedly the hotel as cn· "Excellent use of safcty films ult,. ~n" r;I"'\'I;Ill,1 \'i;u~cd 1I'01lid be full of comfort 15 being promoted by the Depart.

(,'flu'r al \I;lrhh' ant! dclh:hts Cor overseas visitors, ment of Audlo·Vlsual Education, ;. 1,lr ~, I~I::!. 11';'" hul !.ondoncrs have 10 remcmber rond lIIr. Kennedy cited the {act

"i'.:',lI11. 1!1I' 1':""(' 01 IlllIt thc grcate~t city in Ih~ world Ihqt 300 schools had filmed one ;U(~;:,'~· . " attracts "isitul's for its elcgance or more snfelY films, .' I:,' ;:',,! ,. 11',.,,1) ~ as 11'1'11 as for Its IInportlJnce' as a "Arrangements were complet. ". (:Ii; hl·,'II,I. ~I'rak I'('l1lre Ut' IntCl'nutlonal affairs nnd ed for the erection of three safely

"h!ch I 1';1"1'1~' Ir,ule. and nothing likely to truns· posters at approved places on jhe , ::1 I,':,r :::I,rr.I I1 ", 1111 Ill: lorm its achilectural chul'aeler lIIghway, the matter being arrang . . \~ ,I lhr 11t"" h"111 '111, ~houlcl hc embarkcd 011 unless the cd with the cooperation 01 Ihe

. ',,1<'1'.( r.J,J~ .1:i!1<1 llll change will be for the bcttcr: Reglstr&!lon Department o[ Pub. , ','r ~r. , ",.,]1hux 111' The latesl heRI'tenin!: sign Ihat IIc Works and the Department of

,,(,~ rl;,lI nllll. ;11((1 11'1' ill Ihe United Kingdom arc be. Natural Resources. Ir.c ,;liI',' \lItil hI' ('nmil1~ mOrL' concerned uith ap· "The Sccretary reported that

It I i'I'" ,II i,'ll" ,I' Ill" pCarill1CC is Ihe tormatlon of the over 2,000 pieces of lilerature had :' ",I ,,1<.,', "I'. hl'I.'· ('il'ie 'I'I'USI. 1\ has heen set up been distributed, mnlnly COllccm'

I· .;: :::,,:, ,,:, Hi I ... \ ullder Ihe lu'csidenry o[ Mr. Dun· cd with Ira[flc, and Ihat heside ~ ,~( WII "<III !:iall!lys, ~Iinlstel' of Defene!', Ihis. a gl'rr,t deal o[ material and

C,' ,.,,: 1,<1 ;;"j ,,,0111'.'" aeling in a purely pri\'f,te capac· adl'ice ha(1 been furnlshcd, "I 'I"J:~. ·,f. 'I,l! I'l'jlr<' it)" In slimulate public intcrcst in "in addition, len safely '1'I'3f. , , i "'!::.,;\ •. 11 1"1',1 111(' gcnerHI aPllcarance DC towns, fic Kits for youth are bclng pur· • :':. w··:,·I,1f II,' 1111::1'\" I iI!;I~I'S and the eoulltn'slde. chased and will be Inlrorlucert '::, f:,,:;1 ..t .;'1 ;"I,IiI'I:<'(' "'hal is so rncOlII'adllg Is that Into some of the lar!:cr 5t. John's ; •• ;r "'" nt'" ,'1", 'I',,; Ille 'I'l'lIsl'~ 1111'01111' wltl be sup. sehnols: ' ,.:,1'/ • 11":";11 1;/),- plil'd h,l' induslry. sn often ac· "The Council placed itsflf 1m

·,;.:n.: q, \f'.1 101 1hl' "II;!'!! (If h~illg 11 dcspoilc)' of record as I'cry apprcclr,tivo of Ihe H' I rC:'~:"'" '1"';lhl'r hri,:II,\': .\It'cndy .£:.40,000 a ycar excellent vcoperaLion of the • ,:, 1([1,,:11' rlill hln~ hil' hl'('n gURl'anlerd hy a small prcss and radio, particularly the

.' I',.: m;;,1 PI"rlllliIlJl. II 11 111 hrl' nf Icndinll companies firllls bpon60rlng programs which . I 11"",1 [11'"11' "1\:111"11 IIndl'!' ~cI'cn·~'car cOI'cllanls, and emphasile saCI'll',

'. r.1 t,! • ·fllcOl:·:' \'i\'~1 IlIl)rc is expected, ·~~Ir. Walter H. Dal'is reported (lin I, udn '''it( ,:nrl iI The ;,illl of Ihe Trust Is tn nip thnt while In VMlcotl\'er he had

"t;~'~!:. ll~lillr~s In the bud, 10 prevent investigated the CRr lnspection 'iH1rr I ;wd III "Io"l1,h unrouth indllslrlal and civic plan. Service which was of sucll help to ,1!'ltrr 1'1"'J:i"'ri m"Il('),. nin~ while ,schemes f>re still In ali concerned, botll drivel'S and ! t:, ,"11".1 pifly were Ihr I'Ill'ysalis slllgc. authorities, The measure had \'1: :.:wl.J:,r 1\,,, rr,"I)' It lI'ilS two years ago, when Mr, broughl down the Bccldents in.

liw . ~, 11<' IJlIl II.: SilIldys was ~lInlster o[ Housing volvlng defective vehicles in 10 ::0 ~1i,~;rr'I'" ,111 ~.Il)' and l.oCJI Gorernment, that he years from 7% to 1 %. It was _'r II 1n·1"n ( hllrril1ll, . Illude the speeclt her are the Ro~'al I decided to ask the Deputy Minister

Ir"m I,~,' rld\ld IS, Inslilute of lIrllish Architects thnt I oC llillhwcys for a Conference on ,;,h 11:1'4'1<11 ~ ~lIIn;:: I initial('d Ihis line moremrnt. lie! this and severnl otlter matters

,h .. Idk. l,nddll'llg"11 Ili('n ,1',111: "1'1'01111' must ~how I on which It wos teU both pnrlies IIl1'Y l'~'lil\y l'are Rhollt Ihe henlll~' I tOllld coopel'ale,

:~," 'If I" I", 1'''1'1'''''.' ilnd Il!gnll~' uf t1ll'il' hOllll' tOWII "Insprclur gt'ic Pnrlt'r of the -~:: I"", ill, JWIit-UI'I' ,111(1 Ihill 1111')' lnke a pridc lind HeMP staled thaI Ihe main fnelllr ~1,,, ".11 ,1.11 "II :'\'~II' l,h'lI,urI', ill II, Abo\'e all, thl'I' I in ('«(Itlcing lIC('idellts Is til in.

11111,1 lllulH' it drnt' thai tlic,v wiill cI'easu the ~Iundl)rd 01 dril'ing,


. "; : .. ;;;.; ,:411,: I'.tt fI

f:rl:lt',' Pl~'P .:r ~mdll ~r;" 11 III "f

,X' tP\~', p:,,:n rl~d :1'1111-

'1t:!lJl!,rr",~ldf ·;.~!r'~ in

:(I!r~r kr, I '0 ~

These w(JI'(ls wcru lhe \131'1ing ,Ill· vice of Ihe In~\Icctol', who is be· ing lransferred 10 Calgary vcry shorlly. The whole Council regl'ct his departure and showcd th,elr appreciation o[ the constructive

I help he has ~ivcn by a vote of

I th..,nks. "A lal'£e numher of other mat,

I leI'S were dealth with, In addi· . : tion 10 Ihe loss of Inspcctor POI"

i~;;t T~~C1~~~t:~~~d;~!~:~~r~~i~';;'-I I,'ilms are to he made for tele·

vblon showing how a touch of aestJietic Eense can make all thl! rlifference. A panel of experts Is to def.1 specially with the contro· versial question of high buildings In London.

Meanwhile, after some lusty argument, everyone seems happy about the tallest building to be erected In London's ·Pall Mall. New 'Zealand House, wlt~ its 16 storeys, will soon take' .hape. When I passed the old Chr..rlton Hotel this month, workmen were strlpplna the Palm 'Court, Ihe prelude to wholesale demolltlon.

This corner of 19th·century I.on· don will be unreeoenlzDhle . two 'leal's h~nce. 'l'he erstwhile Palm Court will be a lDall lind IlIfnl'ma' tlOII office for visitors from New ZealullIl, f1anl,ed by II IIbr .. r)· Blld I'eeeplion rooms, and topp~d by a gl'aclous l!luSI tower seemingly afloat uver tile trees of tilt Mull allli SI. Jumes's J'ark,

The Highest Quality Developing and Printing.

comel from

TOOTON'S Phologrtlphy and Photo finishing has been our

only bUlinen for 52. yrl.

TOOTON'S. Nfldl. Original 6 Hour Photo·Flnllh.n

, ,

..... In by 10 o'clock - •• Out by 4 o'clock

• JSt/ " ._,' ''I

..... In the vehicles we use to transport our frozen foods", say. Mr. Paul Hlgslns, President, Higsins & Burke Limited, Frozen Food. Brokers, Toronto, Canada. "We have found the performance of Chevrolet Trucks con.lsten,ly first rate and very dependable" •

Mnjor shippers ana truckers arl! clear tJI1 lila Me point: 11111 .. you want a trucll witll special wpect fw dtdula, )'0" choo. Chel'rOict.

PERISHABLE CARGOS Chevro]pt Truck~ haVe proved their superior mying POWIII' OIl some of Calladu's tOllghest operating &ebedules. And Ibl/ word gels around. That's the way IIIIles·ll!aderli are made. .

NEED CHEVROLET· AIIIl from the way Chevrolet il:ll!lf is Pllt togetb4'l', you can tbll why thiK truck stay~ Ull the jnu, savt'tl on the job in indusiry-1C'11(ling fllHhioll. 'l'Iwl'e m:e facts you should know about ehev­l'Olers Ion gel"life engines - more·power·per·pound VB's, world­famons work·horse Sixps, Thl're Ilre "am·lake-it" facl1l about Chcvrolet's highly pcrfeclNl transmil!Sions, frames. axlell, 1II1~' pensions - and you should' lmow them before you buy just any truck. .DEPENDA'IUTY ! Look into the unmatched dependability of th! bluMt IeI1erJ, the 'biggest savor:;, Your Chevrolet dealel'. the man with the

HEAVY­Chevr6Jel's ~ot Ihe champs in the heavy· Weight class! Super·hauler:; offer spectacu· lar stamina and rugged strength, in GCW's .uP 10 50,000 Ibs, Ultra-short·stroke VS's standard on all models.

details~ See him soon. /"

~ ~~ MEDIUM-Like all superbly engineered '.17 Chewolels they're loaded with modem {eatmes that mean more on·job hours, Versatile, top. efficiency favorites - time·savers, money· Mvers, schedule-savers!


LIGHT--Chevrolet builds easily the mM popular pickups and panels on the road! They'll! landslide favorite6 - making It name for themselves for minimum maintenance and ' "bruU!·for·punishment" practicailty!



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Page 6: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

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;PERSONAL CHI.T CHA 1 --'-,. -------*'---. ..--.-,----. __ --~JJ~--, ... ----ADIVED n~M mCBENER dau&hter of Mr. and M~S, Willis FOIR' THE LADiES

: lin. Walter Evans (former Whalen, 29 Coronation Street to .

, :~ =~Ie~~relnr'!c~~u; e~~ ~~~~'ls~~v~;L~;e~~~.'~lrs. John . ' •

TCA from Kltehener, Ontario, to IIJ8IId • holiday with her mother ud flJllilJ, Mr •• E. Bransfield, 16

__ ..... _.,..~ ___ ,.---... ,,. __ -- _#,. # , ___ 01 __ '*''' ----- - - -,,-----..,.

P1Jmouth Road.

BACK BOME JIr. Harve), Voke), of Spaniard'.

_ hal returned home follow· iIII three weeks visit to the city, duriq which he Hslsted in the JIIII'kiDI of til. PubUc Examlna· tIoDI.

.OLIDAY lin. William Saulter arrived

: 0ftI' the weekend from Greenfield, .. K .... to spend a holiday visiting

ill the city. She I. the guest of Mrs, Basil Fearn, 1 Prince WII· liam Place. She is the former

I Edith Moore of St, John's. :. TO BE MARRIED '

The marrlase will take place at We!ley United Churcb on Tuesday AUiust 11th at 7.30 p.m. of Sadie

HOME FROM TORONTO Mrs. Cecil K. Duff la home

from Toronto on a visit with her mother, Mrs, T. Godden, Coch· rane Street.

FROM NEW YORK Mrs, Julio .Velluccl, the former

Marie Hand and son Lennie ac· companied by her sister Margaret, Mrs. Taylor Thompson arrive from New York by T.C.A. July 23rd to spend a month's vacation In New· foundlMld, They are guests of their brother J. B. Hand of the city,

ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement was recently

announced of Maric Elizabeth, daughler of ~!I'. and Mrs. Leo O'Relll)', to Damlen Joseph, son o[ ~!r. and :llrs. Joseph Ryan. Their many [rlends in the clly wish them sincere congratul~tions.

• EDITOR'S NOTE: The Family Council consists of a judge, I

JlS)'chlatrilt, three clergymen, a newspaper editor, a women'. editor lind two wrlten. Each article Is I summary of an adual ease history. Tilt Council reports on problem. that Ilave beeD dealt with b1 responsible aieDcle. aDd cOUDseklr.. ' ~IRS. D. F.-Dan's gotten just to meet. E\,ery failure, every word Gardening b the favorite slimmer hobhy of many women. It's awful. of criticism he hears, further relaxing, rewarding and just plain flln. But It can be rougll on

DAX F.-They're right, •• I'm prol'es his suspicion Ihat he Is the gar~ner IInless she takes meAsures to protect herself from I bad apple. worlhless, a hopeless case. He 511n, chemicals and 8011. his gardencr (left) wears a cotton

, • • probably likes to wear dirty blouse and patch·pocketed denim skirt as she uses spray. She

over shoes or socks. Soles alld shies arc walerproof fabriCS, can be whlcil off with a sudsy sllOllge amI rinsell with a gardcn bose when chores ~re finisbell. Washable denim apron (rigbt) malches boots, l13s knee guards attached to protect ,knees while )'ou dig in Ihc dirl.' Allogetlwr/ ii's simple for a gardener 10

slay l'retty Il'l.'.lc ~he uses a green thumb, . ~ms. D. F.-T am' al nll' wit's clothes br.cause he feels he de- wears glo~es to protect her hands. Boots (center) can be worn

end to knoll' whal to do about my scrl'es no better. He daydreams ' Hi.year.old boy. Dan. He was became h'c cannot face the dread- BY ALICIA, HART I damAgc often can result from a' arc subjected (0 planting and lecl c10llling that i, thoroughly. nr\'er I problem before but during lui "trluh" about himself: oe With the increasing exodus from bad sunburn. I wccding without lhe protedan of' washable. for it should be wa.ihed the past ytar or two he's just all" COlll'~C, Ihis trulh he sees Is all the city to co~mtry and suburban I The, hair, too, can be harmed ': gardcning gloveS. GloI'es tha! a~'e: after each scsoion. in Ihe garden. ful. . wron/:. It Is JURt an cxa~gerated living, ~ardcnlD!! has become a by the hot sun in summ~r wcat· I eRsilr laundcI'cd arc best. 'OU II ,GIve el(tl'a atlentlOn tu Ihe neck


Are Behind Your Those 'Hidden P


I never dreamed I was so sus·: a I)'pical con'U eeptible to suggestion until I read: a loa·1 I'OU ~ l~er, t'1, the fascinating n CII' book, "The "bou~ht ; hi" on t kn)l Hidden Persuaders." I car instead ~i rO~:n),

Il's about the latcst lechniques little model Ba , used by advcrtising agencies 10 II researcher; kn~!' the find out what makes me "buy, be·, Thcy al,'J kn~ : lieve.and even vote" Ihe way I! housewife· aoe 11, t1:U d I .SI~!1

o. trance when -he I If I'm a typical consumer, I' mar!(ct. Thel: k tn~ll

h I k d · . nl" '. sop, 1'0 e, mar et an even give she apprehensivel" 1.

moneY 10 charity for the darndest items bein" run. r O

• "0 UD reas ns, . register that -h •

It seems as though everybody I realizes ,he h e who has something to sell knoll's' with a :reat 3S

m ' so much more ab~ut me Ihan I didn'l W:llIt Ill)'

~n~w a~out myself. Thanks 10 the i Tiley I:r.~\;' '0 : ]IIslgh mto human nalure ad\'er· I abaut \1'-tho, .. ~I~ tioing agencies haVe been getting; ;Hh'crti;~r~ h~~ ~~O from "motivational researcher~."! our ,trcn~:h Or 0: thai can take advantage of all my th.t 1'011 can lea r frailties to sell me an~'lhing. I ),Olll';C\[ a, the ~~,~I

, They I{now You I tisin~ by .. rcadin;u:~!1 Don I laugh. You are prohably I PCl'Sllancr." " lit

'Biscuits With C ,

Oat Cereal Can

• ; He ha.n't ;:olll'n Inlo an)' ~rrious piclure of his oll'n inadequac)'. very popular hobb)'. I her. But injury to the hair can! find many that hal'c a lining to I and slceves of your blouse. for sun I :. ~ trou,ble. It's .iust )jltl~ thin;:5 _I' These parents, and others with The wise llnrden~r will natur~l. 'I be al'oiued b,l' wearin~ one 01 the! absorb p~r>piration and th,at arc tan loti?" can caUSe stains Ihat 1 ; leasln!: thr ~'ollll~er cluldrcn. back. slIch a problem bo)' or girl. need! I)' choose Ihe sllnmest spot al'all· many attractil'e gal'denin:! hats.: water·repellcnt on thc oulwlc. ' are (hf£lcult to remure, , i . ' 't lalk!o his Dad. ~rumpinrss and elldim . p~tirnce. Thcy sho~ld I able nea,r the hO~lse in which. to I Thcy arc light and con~lort3hlc'. Whether ),our ta,1e rli~tatcs hlur Plantin;! ~,hi!l~s and walchin


;'1 I I n,oodl~e~5, TIe abo ~re>ses ~loJl' i a\'old critiCIsm. Dan needs praIse. do plant mg. So It Is vitali)' 1m·, anu, abo,'e all. arc eaSIly kepi: ,1cans. ,hort, Or I'olummous ,Iort ~hem grow 11; a wonderful expel'· , , ,. '1 ",,.-m,,,"" " .. ,," • ffiIh,', ,m' .. , p""" ", ... b. ,n',,' ,."." th., ,b. ''''',,\ b",,11 ' ,'". b,' "",., ,ltb,,' m • b.". ' f", ,>C" ,,' .p, ,.." 'n """' "f'" ''''', ,\ ,," ,m,'Op, "',, • ,,,.,! ,I.' 1'1 ' 'f,'hirt and jeans, although he has for his success In some cOllrses, agalns the hours she will spend in 01' with a spouge. ~ pretty while you're at 11'01':<. This. Ileal of pride in her garden, i :'1 '~'l Iwh. Iclcab

n shirts


in his drawer. (or the way he 100115 when he docs theA bright SU~lIghth' il . To keep ~'our hair in \np ronrli· i scawn Ihere arc mun)' delightful' !lui bef' surc to tl~fkc eBqUlhllY !:oodd I '.1. I ~t~. illS anel an I do ollr best put on thai clean shirt. for the good lo\lon t at II' I screen hon, wash it olten, lor oil and dirt! costumes for Ihe green·lhumbs. carc 0 )'ourse. at e an 'f 1: to brin; up all the children right. I way he'lI someiimes do something the rays of the sun is a must II accumulate more rapidly in hot, but it would bc foolhardy n~t to, chan;!e as soon as )'OU ~el indoofs" .. I' ' but il looks as Ihough Dan is Ihe 10 help a younger sisler or bro. she wants 10 indulge In her hobbY wealher. 1 be sUfe Ihat the )!armcnts )'ou ~uard ~our hair an,d skin. again5t I ~ ( ,d bad apple who is spoilin? Ihe Iher. He can be praised for how and still preserve her go~d look~. Well·kepl hands aud nails are a I choose fit comfort~hlY, with plell'. the dr~'lIIg Sun ra)'s. YQuli be as I' 'I;~ b3tch, They are all slarlmg to lall and strong he is get ling and Blislers and scaly, peeling Sklllj great bealllY assel. Bllt their I ty of room for aellon. ,Ia\'ely 10 lOJk at a, the garden I

;'.', i}. Im~tatc him. PC,rhaps we ar~n't holl' his ha,ir shines when .he are most unatlrac\i\'c, Serious beauty will be short·li\'ed if they I Make certain too, Ihal )'011 se·, y()u're taken ,uch pains 10 create, II

~ i I $trlct enough. "e try rearonlng brushes It m place, He should ----- -' ,','.: with him. but it dtesn'l help. nel'er be told he is "a bad apple." FI" gure-Flatt'ery 'Next Week'" Ne~v Elol11e P \ I ) t : )". husband and I rio our best ,e1


1J1a nen t ~ t ': ' :' . to b~!n~ liP all the children rV,.lht. Thcse parents should also tr)' , i I' ..... \ hut it looks as thou~h Dan Is the 10 dlreel Dan to some area In Dieters Forget :~, !:, h~rI aprlc who is ~poilin~ Ihe which he ~an lasle succcss. ~ pa!t· E11(JS l){ 'l' tIL, Slla11"pOO \ j! I': batch. ThE)' arc all slartlng to iml· !ime job IS ollen hclpeul In gIl" Goal /,. v, I " I I' ';. laIr him. PerhaJ1~ II'C aren't slrict !nlt a )'~ung man like Dan a feel· . , c I ',;, rnou~h, We try rrasnning wilh 1II~ of Importance and ~ sense of \ for \l'mll wc~ther intr",tllrr, hoi .: 1 • him. but it doc,n'l help. belli!! able to cope WIth adult _ \ as rClli;lcemcnt for hiscuit.~ IlI'rI' Ivhich In put rrr.mrd

i ~ • • , problem,.. Sporls. Scout work BY ALICIA IIART TIY (jl\Y~on ~l.\J)J)OX ::", J)":'\ 1'.-1 I!UCSS lilY pilrenls arc chuI'eh and school aclh'l~l~s offer The women who say. "I'm 1(0. i The warm wC<1l1ler bu[ret ,lIP" ~al'lne, ~ Ira'poons ,! f ': "'hf" Tb,,. . f ,,. ,. f '~. h '" " " , m,d,,,'" "r .""',,., h" I", '" "" • .., , .. , ""'," '" tho : ." ,h""f" b. .",. " p,"" '" ",' ! "', " ''',POI" "," . :'" ~.: Ihc rIght thm::. but I m j~lst a bad, Dan to. plole he can do many ones who somehow never get I call for the minimum ill last·min-' 3 cups rrady·to,~at 01! , \ ' . " ~\lplc. In school I lallcd 111'0 I things \1 ell. around to dieting, ule preparation, . )Iclt hutter; add ' • I ,.~ eour5CS b~t term. I ca~'t scem to 'l'he reason for thi~ Is simple: Plu,mp slell'ing chickens .arc poultrY 'ca'onin;; [,.; make oul main)' \\'ay. I m not pop. 0, WI"fe things )'ou put off cease to ha\'e plentiful noll', Cook Ihe day be· I' cereal. Spread on

ular wilh glr seither. Imporlance, Therefore, if )'OU [ore. remove meat in large pieces ba~e in rnollmte OlE:

: ,:: One of my teachers last term Of TI M '1 IlIIow you need to lose \\,cight from bones. chill, For Ihe parly, \ grec; 1', I ah<lllt 10 ' I. " : lold me I'm just a dreamer and 1 Ie ont I (your mirror and your scale tell 5erl'C delicatel)' seasoned crc:lf· til tiloroughly healei, :.....1 t:Uf~S it's true, You don't get any. you so), don't make any resolu. I cil chicken. ('rcamed rhithto 1\ ,1 ':.; where b)' day.dreaming, hut I seem tions abollt starting 10 diet next In,tead of making hOi biscuit.! One,qual'lt'r rup , : '~, ;. to do it all the time. Somebody week or next month, start wilh \ to servc il on. USc reailv·!o cal oal garinc. I, cup dlirk!l, , ',' r 1 ,,", ,. m. ,,' ." ,I • .odd.. I th. ,,,I m"l, .. ,,' h.' ""f b"""'J. Th'" ,,,.' ,'p" "" "h, " ,","" : i' .-: '" ,.. , , .. ', "'" • w",' ,h.,'. N .body "" If will b. "., .f : "" b. ,,"p' co" .f .. ,,' .1 "," f" 1 "hf,.' f""'" " .. , ... '(' "'., ~id, Ih. "f"', B~' ki., • b., b. rut ' f,'" m ,,",. "" .. ",g, ,Lfk. """ "f" ,,"k m '" "" 'I " . ':' , , .. , k".'" wb of" ,.f" to b., "'" ;, ... , .. , lb.", ."ctW b .. ,k<"" .... ,"~ .. f', .,," ,,,,,. '''' ,hI.k" ''''', "l .. '; come of me If thmgs keep up like what overeating is. a load of extra nulrlllOn and arc cooked ;~";'>n~d

, h;::C, th", Oth" ,,,,.. ,,,. ,~ 1m." It', ".,," ",', ,,\ "",.f" '",p''''''' f"" p"w, f', '" 1 " f. • b '" th., w'"f f' ,. f. h f., "" f f".bI., th.,'. "",,,,'b1, I", Ih. D,f B'I~ .. d 0., C.~,' ,"",1m," "", .. I ha\'p no rncr;y or amhltlon and fact that some women go aboul

, ; . I can.t el'en (tecide what I want to wilh them extro pounda,,~e of from P uzzle Mdt butter .nrl "

f t I

" Combinc <ra"mir:,

), '''' Ad,l In f~t .n,1 ;tir , : .•• , rln, I'm ~(\rr ~'or 01)' paren!, la\" II'I'C =unds way 0" lip. Since Ihis ,..' • • • lump', "rIllOl' fi"':'1 .. ;) in~ me [or R ~on. is about a, comfortable as carry·

n ~" " h milk "nd ftir until .

'i,,' " l'll~ " ha~ of nroceries of lhe same :f' TilE rou:-:rJlr-UnhnpPY an \I'eiltht taking ofl the excess ,. .4 , ,!: i~ nrohabll.' ;:oill~ tlll'lIlll1h Ihe Illakcs' .sense. And dela"in" the ,. '3 I'd, nctlll'O to ,a'" • I' I J ~ ~Iirrin~ ron;tantl)'. '

• wor~l prriod III his life, Per laps daY rloesn't. thickrnrrl, ,\rld it 1I'0uhl help him and hi~ parenls In this cl'a 01 good home per- Servr o\'rr heater! to realize this. They should also manents, cream hair drcssinJ;s ccreaL

, I: understand that altholl!!h he is and hair sprays that hold a curl, 'a, ." 1.

," "U"f" •• " th" m'" hl' "f U' m"f. , .. ~. ,m ...' "',. .w. fO' :' ~; ,"'.. ". ,b,,,11 ,. "m' ", .. , '" f,'"'''''' " ,~.,:" 11 , '. bl' all leenaJ:ers. On a teen·age budget, this .5,

: I • Just nOlI' Dan [eels lile 15 R ter, ~IZES makes sense. Tbe gals just can't lias ae '11 "~ : rible ehallenl!e he'll never be able Pcpperrell's N.C.O. Wlfe.of.the 1"'Ia-2"~ afford a weckly hairdo at a high· permanent that leis her usc shaml'oo as the

Beautr Briefs


P U M PS Instep s t rap st)'le with CLOSED TOE and CUBAN HEEI,. .... Sizes 4 to 9 (D. and EE fittings).

$7.95 pr,



~Ionlh honors for July go to Mrs. /J I priced salon. Besides, they like to waving process ralher than wailing a ,,·eek. ~Iamle Miller, wHe or Spll John -f1:'IfMfI$ develop skill In llandling their own BY AUCIA HART Ihe weck alter she got it. She E .MllIer. TTC (7278). / hair and this. too, Is a good Idea.' f But there is onc spot where salon Most women consider a perma· couldn't shampoo her wave or

Mrs. Miller has been an Army Half·Sizers will love this simple, help comes in handy. And that's nent to be indispensable. Barring fear of relaxing it too much. So wife since January, 1945, In the graceful dress - it's the ideal for expert haircutting. the lucky lew with naturally clIrly ,he went ahout yearning fOr Ihe years since Ihat time, Ihe Millers fashion for any occasion. Slimm· No girl can cut her ball' as or partly curly huir, women \\,oulill week to go by. ?Olca~while, she have seen du!.v at many different Ing lucks are easy to sew with our well, even wilh the help of a be ugly ducklings withoul Ihe gla. al'oided d:llcs or ~ocHiI engage·

Sa\'e cornplicJteJ fall and winter, f:.

, plul'time trl' a !iC:;J. • '. ~> care.for slyle, .• ;~ ~

PRINTED Pattern: ami you have t I I t f ny kind posts: Schofield Barrocks, Hawaii, Mend, M an expert can. And, if mor a permanen em s. men s 0 a . Fort Ja)" N.Y., and Fort Benning, a smart choice o[ FOUR sleeve she has hair' problc,ms. ~he'd do But there's more to it than Ihal. Somcone was hound 10 come up Georgia, to name a fe'v. They ar. ~euions for all year! lI'eli to cIll do,"n on her clothes. It gels a girl out of the Iime.eon-I

with a solution and somcone IJas. , Printed Pattern 4875: Half Sizes' ' b' f' I' AUk ke of home per

rived at Pepperre)) AFB In 1955. budget' a bit and spend money on sllllllng usmcss 0 pm'l'1lr mg I we, 'nOll'n ma r . Since joining the NCO wives' 14Y.1, 16lh, 18Yz, 20l'l, 22V~, NIh. Ireatments at a salon. hair every night. It keeps her, mnnenls has brought ollt a home

Cl b ft I ." t P SIZe 161J• lakes 3V. yards 3S·lnch. Be'st tl'me 10 c",Ieh an" ba'lr looking neai through rain. heat,: wave Ihnt leIs )oU shampoo your

u soon a er a\'r vmg a cp- Prlnled directions on each pat- ,," I h ' th f' 1 t f th e perrell

'Irs 'Iiller h wo k d problem-dandruff, dry scalp, ol'ly humIdity and fog. nlr as c ilia s cp 0 cpr· ,n ... as r e on tern p~rt, Easler, faster, accu. Th'I' d tAd th ' n need 10 the Thri£t Shop Committee, (the 'rate hair. thin hair or bushy hair-is ere was, unll now, a perm I manen . n ere 5 0

club's funds.!oHharlty activity)" at the very bcginning. of time when every woman de· shampoo hefore you wave, the, ~I: .0.1 .2.~ "4' _ ,:),1,

:15 i:: ;:~f;~~:;::1,~1~~~:i,~ :::t,(ia:~,~:~:E,:i,\~ ;:::,~i~~;):~:~~:~}~~~;'t:: , .. f., b .. ",m:".' .:h'" -"~'(!~:T~~~h~i~~_. -k-:'-- -~- -Ii Icc .Beln/: extremely Inlemted in plainly SIZE. N A,M E, ADDRESS shoulrln't wear It In Ihe evening ~~r1~r.~-'4! ,'n Ing , anylhing concernln!: chihlren. ~he ,STYLE JliUnIBER. , hour~, same as an)'ope else, If, vt7 . teaches In tile Primary Depl .of Semi or/ler to ANNE ADAMS: Bul, there arc ~,Iell' trick, to THE LI'I'TI.,E READER Ihe Base Protestant Sunday care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS r~membcr in using it. 'rhe color It 0 School, PatterD Dept, fiO FRONT STREET' of your frames Is a factor to be Ben Burrouvh. ve r \i Roberl Is \'cry fond of reading

WEST. TORONTO, ONT, considered along wilh the color of rr:J and he also has a great deal of

page _ bOY can tt shape qllickl)' aod : A swept·hack dreCi plaCe with a rib!J," leathcr cut is the can wear the st)'le. --A hairdo ),ou on your"elf is ~(l()d ' holidayin~, YoU car~ drl' \'11111' hair in 1,,1 eh:lttin~ lI'ilh [rilr,/;,

Sp/1 ~nd Mr~. Miller are the your eycs. ·Don'tlet tile two clash 't' H h b d parents of two children, Rachel 4 ,," • imagma IOn; c as een rca • ~'ears. And Rebecca. 4 mllnths old. They should harmonize. Anrl Ihe "LAST NIGHT" What arc people? Arc Ulcy \ ing about King' Arthur and his The Millers are due to return to MANNERS maks-up should not be so heavy Last night Ihe silver slar.1 shone mere physical beings made up ,,! Knights of the Round Table, the \ the states next month. and are as, to be starlllng. bright. : . the moon was all agiow skin, and boncs? Arc they bund·1 stick hc is holding Is Excalibur .. looking forward to seeing their Make sure that it doesn't inter· ... and in your tender eycs r les of nerves, circulation systems, If you would like to see a pielure : families and friends once agai'D. ferC' with the '~weep of he frame lound the 'thin"s I J "I I digestlvc systems, and reproduc· of Exealibur take a pencil and j

Beln,,' named N.C.O. Wife.of.thr.- , MAKE In nny way. Cillor of r~'e51,~doll' know ••. Ja~t night II' ~~~~( i 0 th'e cells held togethcr by a skcle· join all tbe numbered dots loget., anrl mascara, the'llne 01 Ihe hrow., ' .. '. e ' alrr a t'll framework 'hcr, from one to twenty·eight. I month Is an' honor bestow'cd 'II .• hollirl fl't I'n perfectly \"1' til II arm. embrace ..• a, mo .• t endear· So I ' I

thl d I .. , lin" kISS i f me say that, luman, are an-I Color wilh your paints.

mon y on some eserv ng mem., FRIEN S vou nl. r.~ If 'I' no e I' ~ ..• •• your IPS were ra· imal-,. Others bclieve that men ber of Ihe N.C.O. Wives' Club, D I' rth .. a.s '''It Ih s Irl "b propett • ·ltrant rosebuds •.• hathed in en· ' b d I h

Thi I t. I b d th I )'.' e rcs11 5 011 e pre Y ch'nll'n" bll'. I"t '''ht th are collections of emotions ex· lorm. The 0 y is on YaP ys·

I se ec Ion sase on e n., ' ,1I~hIlY shadow. and' very mys. .. ~ ,S... <1, D1,: ere perienccs ancl ideas cenl(!r~d ill ical ~truct~lre in which the char· I

~~I~~~J; a~l~hpe~sa:~~~w:.tion, ap· terlous. ~ , ;·r .,,!~~'\.~\~;.~ m\~~s ~~r~~I~in~~e all' of these ~ec~e~si;:.lts relaled human quar· , l{ )'/111 h,lve to make a talk or and you were mine .• , 10 truly things and many more. We are AbOVe ~I! elsc, we are I~mples

Household Hm' t~ even Just, say a few words" don't For years men hnve been war· have and hold ••. last night swcet patterned afwr the Creator Him· o[ the spmt after ,whose likeness

.~ begin ,by saylng what a poor ned against wearing ,tight hats. dreams were fashioned • , .; and sclf except for the mere human \,:e were cr~ated. We are not speaker you are. or how frighten. Women should heed experts' ad· laughter filled the air .'. ; \\'e SImple organisms. ed you are to be standing up be. vice, too. Tighl hats hamper eir. swore to love forever ... Ihrough ways will enshrine •.• for now We a~e complex 'with weak·

If your home seems dark and lore so many people. Just forget culallon and' Ihus lead to scalp stormy da)'s and fair •.. last (he night is over •.. stars arc no nesses and frailties. If we use dreary, try painting walls, ceiling yourself and stallt 10 lalk. uroblems. Disregard fashion a ni~ht thrills hovered ncar us ... I longer bright ... I hope it was these temples of worship I\'C shall and trim \\'hlte \0 make It lighter Then' there won't be any' need little. remove )'our hal occasional. T felt their louch divinc .. , Ihe I not nil in vain ••• the lol'c we enjoy a power which we Mnnot and brighter. ' for 'SUch apologizing. Iy and let your scalp breathe. memory o( you. my dear ..• I ai·: knelV last nighl. olherwise know.


rew rTh ISLAND - A teodered ~Ir. and

and ~!r, and bl' the Bell

Club, Fridt.y night.

D. Taillon was evening. The wu group .j",,,or,"

llurpb~', Ihe lending

number old and

was al the Dr. Watter introduced

(erms of the D and on behalf

wished them all future activities 01 Canada. Mr. presenled with and ~r. Godin

Barl~mellel. hoth the doctor f

remarks and the presented to

would al of their

fine Moakler

Page 7: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

urchase maders'

Tlfl:t :;.!f (l\(:':' :.!'" ;:: 10 ::i1Ii;':~U.

. 1:~h ~~ d~f~. -d ('hic1.11 "

~eauty Briefs

,., ' ... " ••••• "r. '. ~ •.. , ~. ' •.


WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 1957 Ir.nd last Friday. The olher dele· Sport Actl'Vl'tl',es gate Councillor Stephcll Neary who was' elected president of the . Federation' Is spending a week at In the absence of the Execullve Grand Falls ,before returning' L:rcctor of the BOYS: C~ub home E. A. Cotton, who IS vacallonlng

• on the Canadian mainland, club Many happy returns or the day Mrs. Thomas Sweeney who reo nctlvlties are in charge of his as· to Mr. ~!ike Byrne who celebrated NEWS'

Birthdays Batterv Members . Return From Camp

cently ~vas operated on' In a elty sistant Pat Hamilton of Bell, Is· his birthday July 28. hospital is reported as feeling land .. ' BELL ISLAND-Some fortY' '" Cine. Pat spent some time in the I - five m2mbers of 214 Battery.·


Mass At R. C. Cemetery R.~.U.[>. beCore huvill;:: .to . resign' standing player with St. F. X. I~st 166th.· Newfoundlund Regiment Mr. pnd Mrs. Bert Blackmore o~vm' til. a health conc11tlOn. winter, Is spending the summer on R.C.A., who had been campln, .. ~

from Toronto arrived here lasl The ·mlRo~ lea!lues baseb~1I ser· Bell Island. He has been selected Petawawa during' the holldl3 I week on a holiday visit to Mrs. les a~e .movmg n;:hl along toward for a tryout with Canadiens. this shut-down of the mines, returneD. 'i. Blackmore's parents, Mr. and the ~mals. Those who are n?t .at· fall. Ray suys that he may go up to Bell Island Sunday, after •• :: :\11'5. Gus Con\lors, MemorIal SI. lendmg the games al'e mlssmg for a trial but he has to continue very enjo),able week under canvlli·:.::c ~Ir. Blackmore has since returned plenty of action besides doing his education and is not now in· 'I'he Bt.ller:; was in charge 0,",-but ~Irs. Blackmore will be stay. nothing to encourage the kids. terested in a hockey career. Major J. G. Archibaid. ing for another week. A great many of the hoys are ',__ showing promise. With the propel' Bell Islanrl's junior star Nick The· ship Grosvenor sank off til.':

Mother .Edward of the Present... coaching they co~ld go places in, Kennedy l]1ay go to the mai~l~nd II east coast 01 South Africa in 1182. tion Convent visited the Island \ fulure ~·cal's. ~ I for a few weeks hockey trammg c.arrying a treasure that would . Sunday to attend Ihe annual Ray Murphy. who was the out·: fall.' . now be worth '$90.000.000. -,' Mass in the R.C. Cemetery. - .-. . -- .:. Mother Edward is former Florrie ,. . • .'

T·.· :I'nll;' , l •• lh·

Jackman, sister of Mr. Walter Jackman and Mrs. Gtls Connors of this town. !

Miss Je&n Sellars, stenographer, Dominion Wabana are Engineer· ing Dep.artment, is now on vaca· tlon while away she Is been reo leived by Miss Thelma Power.

Master .Douglas Carew Is apend. ing a holiday with his gr&nd· mother, Mrs. J, J. Murphy in St. John's.

Miss Daphne Neary who Is working at the. Torbay Airport spent the week·end here visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Neary.

Mr. Phonse Kavanagh Is spend· ing a holiday with friends &t Corner Brook. •

Annual Flower bn~r.1 tllrnout of pnl'i,hinnw In I Att~Dlling IIle mm Crom SI. 'Ing !hc dccp blue \\'alm or Con· Service t;oI' ill,· '.11'.1 01 II:t' Jlill'i>h. Thc .l"hn·s \\'.:s a fMIllcr B~II Islal'ucr cepllon Bay, nevel' looked more, . rl\ Ii'r II'llil'h I\".!' \'t'I')' imp. c; .ire i in the pCI',on of lIev .. ~Iot~rr Ed· beautiful than 1t did on Sunda), BELL ISLAND - It was an· 11;;_ l""lr~ur:ClI h~ thc 1':I'tor, IIcl"l ward of the Pl'e~cntatlOn Conl'ent morning. _ nuunced at St. C.\·prlan's Church

With the pronouncing . of the on Slmdn)', July 23th. thr·t t he I bencdiction. the cl'own dbnersr.d. I annual ~Io\\'cr service al the ccme·

_ _. ____ .... -._-- 'tcry Will be held Sunday after·

1'1', .1. II'. ~i,'(;( :Iig:'!l. who \'CI'~" in Sl. John's. All the plots wcre Iil\ldlln~!I' ;Iwl;c on "tilb lite and I: rcl'~' ncat and the picturesque 1,Ir hCI r' '1'." c~mrtcr~' on the hlllsldc, ol·erlool;·

areweU Party; APRON ALLEY \,"",'A"'1IIb'

Ttle Dickey's, I Pork chops will he our muin Line hottom 01 8.inch-::;::

. ---- -- --- .--_. __ ._-------

lSL\XIl -.\ f:trpwcll ru lIt~r:rrl ~!r ami ~Ir;. M!I' Ir.J ~Ir, an~ ~11'~. G)::n b\ Ih~ 1\~i1 1;land C!':b. t'rI6"~ r.i;:ht. .Iul)·

dish for today's dinner, and wc pan with waxed paper. Grease )11'. (icdin was sarety director for, would. like to .hal·e tlm.e to Ir~·. out paper and sides of pan. Heat ol'en the past three year.; t(' Wauana Ilhls. !Irsl r~elpe. loda~: but smce to ~~~~s~~:rc:~~rlening into large with the mlnin!( compllllY. Ithel e s on I) a hltle over an hOU~ mixing bowl. Sift on top of It the

Tht' nnlh' News wi3h ~Ir. and I till dinner, we sholl have to tue' flour, baking powder, salt and 2/3 ~Ir,. Dklce;' and )Ir. nd )lr5.' tht recipe away ,fo~ next. I\eck. eun su"ar. Add milk and vanilla. Godin and there f~millc. health, Sonnd. !!pod, don t lOU thmk. Be'~t 2" minutes on low speed of happin~s~ and prosperity In the .SPlCY PORK CHOPS electric mixer or 300 strokes by prol'ince nf. Ontario. Ii rlh or loin ~ork chops, cut llan(l.

thick (\ Inch ore more) 1 tahlesDoon fat Beat egg whites until 'they will

GI.'celiu!!s T () 1 can (6 oz.) frozen orange Juice holr! a soft peak. Gradually beat v concentrale in the 3 tablespoons sugar and

I) , , P 1 tahlespoon lemon Juice continue beating until whites will .1 till ~f'~" }enJCUnll1 enney \2/3 cup .wnter hold.a stiff peak. Add this mer·

. Dr \I'.I:[r Tl'mplr' . 2 mechum onlon~, ~lIcl!d ingue to bailer and heat 1 minute • . -, - ., 2 tablespoons brown sugar longer.

m.L1. tSL,\ BcnJamm III~ teaspoons powdered. ginger Pour batter Into prepared pan. I'('nnl')' celehrated hiS j!!nd birth· 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning Bake in moderately hot ol'cn for tlr.,·. !lnnrIIlY. Jul)' 28. )11'. Penn.ey 1.:: teaspoon marjoram 25 to 30 minutes. " a rC'lul'lted pensioner of Dunlln- 1.' teaspoon monosodium gluta· While stiff hot. spreall almond 11111 \\'abJnn On'. nnd hdol'e the .2 m~ie mixture (all topping ingredients minco wel'c mechanized )Ir. Pen· I' t n poon salt combined) ol'er top of cake. Place lit.). 1I'urkcd for the crcater pari '''i:~ ~ ~hops with damp cloth. under broilcr. until bubbly on top of his long service with Ihe Illro1l'n on both sidcs in heal'y ski!. -about 1 mmute. (Or place on rnmJ1an~·. II~ 11 hand shovcller In. 1 I . top rack of hot oven) . ;"0;". :l ;nhmarine. lie was indC'cd .c Arran~p broll'neil cllops In 2· ;' 1 alualile ~mplo~·cc. and has thc • t bakind rlish hal'ing a tight P 1 I rrrf'l'd of 100rlln:: more ure by ".nnr " • eop e n hanrl. thrn on)' other man who I' ftletln!! 1 ~ol-erf' it Iii e~' and water ""; rn"a~rcl at this rla;s of work. om IInc I'll ,I r ~ s Arran e rrl N ' lip i~ -lin \'cr~''e. ami as and ponr around eh p • aeh eh: le e\\ s I'trrOll~ ~< tl'r!' a([p.r hi~ life time I o~io.n ~1i~~ on top of e In re~: _ f)f r';r~ptionnl hr.~d work. S;lI'lnl.le Illth remaining g . f . lents mlxcd together. Mr. A. T. Bonnen, chiC ae·

"". c;,t.rnd .onr con~rntulati~ns e~\'I!r. Bake in a moderate ol'en countant, Dominion Wabana are, ~n ~I~ Icaehlll,!! anothc~ mile· of 350 dc~rees (or 1 to p~ hours Limited, Is presently on a business ·tnn ~n't tm,t that he 11'111 cdc· or until mNt Is fo:k·tender and trip to-Montreal. He Is accompanl· In'ate mony more. f,nions' are teneler. ed by Mrs. Bonnell.

• • • r. 't n tl .. • ., h q b~~ ht\fln

, If'! '.r;'f!.;1 fl13n· W'ol'l\· S1,at·t 011 V:::.:;'Irn \\,.h.n., Orf n ..

Since the weather Is cool today, no c\oubl many of you will lie bak· mg a frw things. The Idea has oc· curreri to us also, and we will prob­nbly let the ironing go until to· morroII'. We have two recipes set aside, and Just now noticed that holhof them have chopped al· monds In the topping. Guess we will malte just one today, and keep the srcond for some olher time. They nre too much alike for makinr. the same day .

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boland tire \'acationing on the local main· land. They are accompanied by their two children. f~r~r.! ,fr:.~l ~~~{~/r:~~ Pllhll'c "l~l'ld:ng

rnu .~: 1'"1;1 Iplt 'n i . .a. .' I:: f~l trr main::lnd nELl. lSL"~D -;- Work on the ~ !.Iurr m!r1r at Tn· rrrctinn of the new Public Build· , •. ~.~ ~b. (;n:!in al;o In~ at nell Island 11'111 be com·

It( II\' thc·ir menein,:: I'cry'soun, It Is rellabiy nr'lf'ri!'),: 1'1·\(·r "rportcd. The Dominion Volunteer

. I'll! lie Pl'lltt'l·d. Firr nail which prcsentl~' occupies llir.r!. Limilcd. thnt sitr Is 10 b~ movcd to thc ~hrr" ~Ir. (iodin' north 01 thp old Public Building

. In i:n(lOII;,nl posilion. on Dennett Street.

Sol" ,IIliS lORD

1tI1 .... IlY" IInDtOn

. 5.1·' '"US IAONAttK


Stln ,l\US fOlD


------- TOFFEE NUT BARS .. ~ CUJI bultL'r

112 CliPS hrown' ~lIgar 1 clln smell pastry flour 2 eg~s 1 tenspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons pastry f10llr 1 tcpspoon baking po'wder

I,~ tellspoon salt • 1 cup shredded coconut 1 cup hlanched almonds, coarse·

Iy chopped . lIeat oven 10 350 dc~rees F.

Cream hutter and gradually add 1h elm Ilf the brown sugar. creaming until fluffy. Blcnd In the ~up of sifted pastry (lour .

'Spread mixture ol'er. bottom of IIrl!rca~ed pan, 8 x 12 x 2 inch~s. Bake 10 minutes In preheated oven. Benl e~gs well, add remain· Ing cup of brown usgar, beatlng thoroughly. Add vanllla.

Mr. Anthony Simon and two sons, Michael and Donald, return· ed to the Island last Friday after spending an enloyable holldr.y at St. Pierre,

Mr. Richard Walsh made a visit to St. John',. Sunday afternoon. -Mrs. Hilda Reel Is coming' along flne following an operation at the Grace Hosplt))\'

Miss Betty Murphy has return· ed to' St. John's after vacutioning here for a week as guest of Miss Dorothy Ann Carew.

Mr. Dlc)(son Tallion left (or Sydney, Nova Scotia, Monday on a brief visit, He wlll be returning to the blimd lod))y.

Mr. Frank King representative o( Heap and Parlners, Ltd., w~s here Monday on business for his lIrm. '.

:'Ir. Ralph Roberts tral'cUing salesman visited here Monday doing business.



Preparl? graham crack~r pie crust. Rnd spread on bottom or lightly buttered s· x 8" cake pan. Dis!lolve 1 pk/:. H.aspberry Lushlls in 1 cup boilinlt wateri arid 5! CliP enid water, ~'I tsp. ~rRted iemon rind, and 1 tbsp. lemon Juice; chill until consist,ener of unbeaten egg whites. Fold in 2 egg whites beaten stiff (but not dry) with 3-3 cup sugar. Whip Yz pint Whipping cream and fold in. Refrigeratl! until firm. Serve in squares, garnished with whipped cream and grated chocolate. Try al110 Lushus "bud" Jellies soon. They're noW mOTC flavourful than erer.

Fo,.. other delicious L!!Bhu8 recipe, write: HELEN STEWART, Home Economllt, Shirriff.Horsey Corporation Ltd. BOX 201, Poslol Station "J", Toronto.

Comhlne the 2 fabll!spoons nour, baJ1ng powder and salt and add to egg.sullsr mixture. Blend thor· oughly, then fold In coconut and almonds. .

Spread ovet" baked layer,' Bake 25 mlnlltt's or until golden brown. Cool '~lIghlly Hnd eut Into bars. :.t'lkcs ahollt 48 hArs •

Mr. John Nea!1 o( the account· Ing department has return~d (rom his vacation. -Mr. Ron Clarke of the Zurich Insurance Company paid' a busi· ness trip to· the Island Monday morning,

Fishing' .. ,'. and the Future

• • • AL~rONn Rm'171;~ CAKE

1/3 cup snit shortenin!! 1 1/3 eupi lifted cake flour

2 tAblespoons bakln, powder % teaspoon salt

2/3 cup Illgar Ih cup mllk

Mr5. Amelia Pitts Is uver an operr'(ion at the Grace Hospital and Is feeling fine. her many friends will be pleased to learn.

Mr. Edward Kavanagh of Island , Sales arrived here Monday . from

St. John's on a business trip. % teaspoon vanl\1a 2 egg whltee Mr. William CI&re of the 3 tablespoons sugar (or egg cashiers office Is now on vacation.

whites Topping: ~2 cup chopped almonds lI. cup brown sUijar, packed 3 tablespoons honey

112 tabltspnons melted butter or margarine

Deputy Mayor Brian Murphy and COllnclllor Kirby Hunl who wcre attending hte "annual con· ,'enlinn of the Newfoundland Federation of ~lunieipalities It Corner Brook returned to the' Is·

"Saving made this liolida:v possible, Continu~d saving will help me look after Deboy's future. She's one good· reason I save regularly at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE"


Main Branch ................................... E. E. EWiNG, Ma~ag~r Hamilton Avenue and Cashin Ave. Branch, .

J. E, JOUDREY, Manager

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Page 8: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole




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Montreal Aug. 10th fol' St. Joh!l's, Aug. 31st, Toronto Aug; 30th Ind Newloundland leaving LlverpOolj M.V. London loading at Mont· Montreal Sept. 4th for St. John's. Sept. 14, due St. John's Sept. 20.

real Aug. 18th [or Botwood. NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS Leaving for Halifax and Boston. M.V. Dundee loaalng at Hamil· Bell Isle II due St. John's July Sept. 21, due Halifax Sept. 23 amI.

ton Aug. 18th, Toronto Aug. 17th 31st. Sailing Friday; AUII. 2nd. Boston Sept. 26: Leaving Boston I and Montreal Aug; 21st for St. Bedford II leaving Halifax July Sept. 27 and. Halifax Oct. 1 due I D. rro ectory John's. - " 31, due 5t. John', August 2, sailing St. John's Oct. 3. Sailing agaln'same

Waterfront Stock

, ,


Market j M V Lunan loading at Hamil ugus • ay or L verpool. Br Tb. Cana4lan· Pr... C Den wll 150, $IOl; 10 lOll +!. Ormtby

. A t ~ , d fl· TORONTO CLOSING STOCU I C Denison lOSS SI8 17;1 17'. - II I Or.n">h

THE NFLD. GREAT LAKES ton 'Au'g 23rd Toronto AU

d 22nd' Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Aug. Nova Scotia I,eRvlng Llverpooi f ______ ~_ ..... __ ,!j Toronlo 510ck E.cban,.-Julr 2ft C ·Dlscovery .l()11 ~'7. 27~ 275 U,I:'<I

no ., ro' 6 d 'It J h' A 8 1lI S . d (QuQallonl In centl unle.. marked t. C Fen 19.; 148 1-17 147 I P.c 1;.,1 STEAMSHIPS LTD. and Montret.1 Aug. 27th for St. ' Ue,. 0 n lug. ,sa ng ept. 211, ue St. John's Oct. 4. AT, DRY DOCK ,-Odd lot. xd-Ex·dlvldend. xr-Ex'rI~hts, CG Arrow 3000 2m 25 23',:' i"II>amotir

II.V. Perth loading at Hamilton John's. ,Allg. 10. '. Leaving for Halifax and Bosclon The M.V. Swile, the Nobellte, xlV-Ex·warr •• ls.) C IJ.IUwell 10923 75 69 72 +3 P.romnq lUI- 11th, Toronto Ang 7th and M.\'. Perth loading at Hamilton Bedford n leaving Hallfall\.Au· Oct. II. due Halifax Oct. 7 and Bas- thl\ Arctic, and the fishing trawlcr Sloe" SlI., Hl,h Low CI ••• ~~. ~.nM~:::Y J~~ =tr 2!g 2:~ ::~~~;~ 'ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii .. , gUst 9, due St. John's Augusr 12,' ton Oct. 10. Leaving Boston Oct. BI F ~lINES , Con M and S 810 S22'" 222m "." I PO)'ln;"t III A t 13 ue oam. TAead Uran 5000 9 ,. 9 C Morrison S05() 5J Sij (,2 ., I Pcnon

The most "r~le hearina.llid

."rbuih ,\MMIU(, II) Ir~ 1


(on 8, Worn 9 EXTRA WAYS for

I II1Dlthless new tDnvenilnee and versatility I I 0 .. Don', IImll yourself to a single-lISt eyeslass hear·

~ Ins aid! The new Zenith "Crest': cenvcrlS in-stantly inlo many other Iypcs ... 10 suit evcry

• mood, occasion or act Iv Ity!

_• Wear the "Crest" as a clasp, a clip, a pocket


_ piece. a pcndanl-any number of olher ways,loo! I .} AI Itasllwlce Ihe pOller of the alcrase C)'estass

, ald. 10· Day Moncy-Back Guaranlcc. Other ~ and 5.transislor Zenith Hcarins Aids, fr!lm.

, $65.QO to $165.00 Ont'l/ear !Carron 11/. Five lIenr service plan. Dcl. time pOl/Jllellls.




sa ng ugus. I. '11 and HaUfax Oct. '15, due 51. AT DOCK t\conlc 3730' sm~ IIlI lZ - 1. C Mosher 5000 11 38 18 -5 Pick c",,,, Belle Isle II leaving Hal'if·ax,Aun. John's Oct. 17. Sailing again same ,The M.V. Santa Adreesee I'S AA°llv°'oleC'teVI 400 SI2I'. 12,1 12'., - I. Con N./IU' 5000 28 21 ~'7 -I PltrlHJr< .. d f Li I 600 550 550 '.0 -50 C Northland 30110 ~I 61 6' _9 PI,,·.,

14th, due 'St. John's Aug. 16th, ay or. verpoo • wr.iting to go on drydock. AI~a Expl moo 9 m 8 -I\> C Red Pop 1D17 17 17 17 + I Pr Bord CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. AT H M C DOCKYARD AIRom 22Il sm~ 191,619'.' - II C Hegcourt 35~0ll jO 4! 48 _2 Pr.,to"

salling. Aug. 17th. Gulpo' rt leaving' M' ontreal July • • • Algom, wll 440 Sl1 10!~ IOH, Con Sud 10300 132 IZ1 127 -3 Pronlo Bedford 11 I vi g Halif A g , The tug Otterville, will eventual· Anacon 700 120 115 120 +4 l! Tungllen 3800, 161> 16 16 8 Pro. ,Iir

ea n, ax u. 30, due St. John's Aug, 2, sallLng ly go' oh drydnck, and the dredD~e Am. Hare E 600 170 170 170 Conwe.! 2,0 300 .l()0 "110 Q,. .\!t,,1 17th, d.ue st. John s Aug. 19th, Aug. 5th (Bay Roberts), (refrlg- " Anglo Hur 1160 SO 10 10 -1'1. Cop Corp 1000 41 38 41 Que Cit:>, salling Aug 21st P.W.D. 400, will be sailing in a Ang nou)'n 1030' 57 51 55 +2 Coper.,! 2360 ~O /46 ;0 ,~ I Qu, I.:tlt

• , • eration.· '\ few days for northern ports. Apex R.. 3000 6 6 6 + 1'0 C.p~and 302, J!l JIS 3~0 -5 Q .It!.1 .Belle Isle II .Ieavln, g Halifax Novaport leaving Montreal Aug. Ar.a 7000 95 90 91 +4 Coul.e 23:0 60 S9 60 Qun.lon

Aug 23rd due St Jolm s Aug 26th AT T. HALLETTS LTD Atla. Yk 2000 9",' 91'0 91'0 Couroor Il~0.9 9' 9 Q:I,,,,onl • , • , • '7, due St. John's Aug. 12, saling The M. V. Ernie and Loretta, Atlln,nul' 3200 ~S '53 31 -3 Cowlch 100 120 120 120 -3 . H.~:or.

salling again Aug. 27th. Aug. 14'.h (refrigeration). Aubell. 7900' 81'0 81'0-' \" Crolnor leoo 13'h 131-\ 13'.: I Jlo,'rock Btdf d II I vi g H IIf A g loaded a cargo[or Burin and AUbelle 7900 9 8", 8", -", Cusoo 5aC0 12 II II -1 1I'"p,tr or ea n, a ax u: Gulport leaving Montreal Aug. Marystown and wl'll b 1'11'''' Aumacho 70CO 20 20 2!l Daln. 7500 R 7'" 8 lI'x Alh,,. 26th due St John I Aug 28th ' d' e sa no m Aumaqu. 2000 9", m 9", + V. De Cour 21073 Yo 46 33 is J:oohc

" ., 16; due St. John's Aug. 20, sailing r. ay or two for the above ports'. 'Aunol 500 m 190. 1!lIl _5 De Cour wi. !COO 7 6 7 + ", I ilock',ln sailing Aug. 30th. Aug. 22nd .(rtfrlgeration). . AT CANADA PACKERS LTD Avilla 1000 I I I D·Eldon. 301>0 12 I~ 12 Il)'a.ltr

Belle Isle II leavl~g. Hall£ax \ Novaport leaving, Montreal Th C d A ~ Bank.n. 2(lOD 2S 24 2S + I ,!lonald. 3;(0 l6'.~ 1m 16'10 - t, 5t ~l',h'.1 Aug. 31st, due St. John 3 Sept. 2nd, Aug 24 due 5t John's Aug 28 e .. an . Brown, of which Ba •• · M.tals 5500 73 70 72 W%W Ponalda 3300 :6V. If,\, 16'1 - I' San "n!

salll,nU.gRNseEPtS'S4twh. ORREN LINE sailin' g A' ug. 30th' (Bay Robe'rts),' Ct ak~t g,.Bflac.klhYtOOfd isAth? mcasler, idS ~~~q Lod ~~ ~ ~ ~~ _z ~ .. ~":..'I~: I~:~ I;~ 12~ 12~ : I 1\ ~i"~IlIJ~;" no a In relg or SPin ave an Bethlm. 300 165 164 164 -1 E .. t Sull 923 :95 290 :9~ -1-2 S',.n.

(refrigeration). the other usual nortllern ports. Bevc.n :z.;oo 16", 151'1 16'h +1' Ea.1 Min 52r,O 2GI :m 20,0 -S ,<t,nl'"h Newfoundland due Halifa,x Gulport leaving Montreal Aug. Blbl, 5l00' 7V. 71'1 71> Eld.r 10JO JI 31 31 5lanl~h ',b July 30 due St St John s AT CROSBIE AND CO., LTD. Blerofl 1600 17S 173 175 -2 Eldrtch 1000 16 1l 16 -I ~!''''TI;

, •• 31, dUe St. John's Sept. 4, sailing The M. V. Roy Alga R., is tak. Blcrof!. ",'to 900 90 90 90 -3 EI p.n,R.y 6250 2m 21 21 -I 'S! .. ",! August 1. Sailing again sallie day Sept 6th (refrl'geratlon) I nJdcop 4100 18- 17 17 _I EI Sol SSIU ~2 21 21 S,'c!.,· for Liverpool.. • • ng freight for the following Bonvillo 5110 7 7 7 Eurek. 760ll 56 ~ 51 -9 5!, .. ·,' II

ports, Port Union, Blnaviila, Bonlul.. 4.1()0 10'h 10 10 - 10 Expl All 1000 28 28 ~8 -I S!lIr.,," Nova Scotia left Liverpool July FURNESS RED CROSS 'Bouzan 3700 53 52 53 ~'.Icon m SlI 33',,< ml + '.1 Sud ('It,1

27, due St. John's August 2, Fort Hamilton leaving New York Greenspond,. Wesleville and the Boymar 201:0 6V,t 6'h 61~ Faraday 2100 23,; 232 2~2 -3 5,,11:",10 other usual northern ports. Braloml 200 400 400 400 tI F'.'e,t Tung 2nco 17 13 13 -3 Sltnhll:,t

Leaving for Halifax and Boston July 31, Saint John, N.B. August ON TI BrJlund 3900 40 ·ID 40 Fl. Can 2100 87,; RU SU ~'3 SlIrf In"t August 3, due Halifax August 5 3, Halifax Aug. 6, arriving St. . IE SOUTIISIDE Bmhrol 17no 7V,t 71. 71'0 -1 Frobisher 1730 m 233 211 +S Syh'''''lc There are the Portuguese fish. Brun,man IilOO 8 & 8 +!'. Gall",ln loon 11 II 11 Td<.11 and Boston August 8. Leaving Bas, John's, Aug. 8. sailing Aug. 12· t I Gill Hrunswlck 130 liS lIS 115 -35 Galk,no 3~67 00 90 9~ -5 T.,",: ton August 9 and Halifax August for Halifllx and New York. Inthg rar'lvhc.r t Eanc~, and an· nu{fad 30(\() 8 I & -", Geco Mines 1120 Sl311 13 1.1 - '. Thom I.

S h A a er s mg rawler In for sup: Bull Cdn 1000 12 n 12' Genex 2000 27", 27'" 27 u, + III TIara.

13, due t. Jo n's ugust 15. Fort Avalon at present on dry· I' d [ B b II 11200 41 40 40 -1-1 Goo Scln 625 6·J 60 60 Tomlllll S III g gain m d v f r Llv r d k H IiI L I H I'f pies an ~. ler recciving same C urcp' Chlb 1735 985 ,980 980 -20 GianI YK ,103 4~) 39l 400 ,'rih".

a n a sa e a,. 0 e· DC, a aX. eav ng a I ax will sail [or their respective c~::' A.torla 1000 IIR 111\ IIV. -1 Glacier z23 lIU 110 110 ua·Sh ... ' pool. Aug. 3, arriving St. John's' Aug. 5, t C Drno B960 )54 147 150 +1 Glenn Uran 13~1 3l 33 31 11 )llnin:

Newfoundland leavIng Liverpool sailing August 6 for Saint John, por s. C Malart 2000 27~ 26 26 -3 Golderest 5000 10 9 9', U A<bo'lo< A 14 d St. J h ' A" 20 Cdn Thor 1000 71> 7V. 7!; G<JId Ea~l. 1000 6 ! 6 U ~Ionl

ug. ,ue a n s ug. • N.B. only and leaving Saint John AL IN Candor. 17333 4% 40 40 -s Gold M.. zlO 75 75 75 Upp Con Leaving lor Halifax and Boston Aug. 10, HI)Ufax Aug. 13 arriving B 0 STARLING Can.Met 5160 33S 3~ :r.!5 -10 Grandin.. 10110 11 1 I 11 I'.ndo.' A 21 d H IIf A 23 d ORILLlA, ant. (CPJ-A baby Nlet wll 200 230 230 230+5 Greyhk 3100 Jl 3m 19 \'Ieo

ug. , ue a ax ug. an St. John's, Aug 15. Sailing Aug 17 nlbl'no starling II'", s fOllnd at Caplaln, 1500 25 24 21 _1 Guleh 2000 16 16 16 _2 l'lol'm Boston Aug 26 Leaving Boston fe' B k Phil d I h' d " C.r1boo 3200 50 47 50 -3 Gull Lead 2000 91> 9', 91~ \\,,11. Am • • or orner roo t a e p I! an nearby Cumberland Beach. The Ca .. lar lOll 680 600 610 Gunnar 14%5 $11 171. 17l. tis \l'ml,n AUg. 27 and Halifax Aug. 31, due New York. hi d Cont P.t 100 172 172 In +1 GUM,r ""0 1060 SIO 10 10 W,,'r.n 51 John's Sept 2 Sal1l .... for Llv, Refrlgeratl'oD r i~ all white exccpt for pink Ch .. kl,k 2000 910 9 910 - V. Hanl. Ro<k 500 12''; 121'0 J21" W Malar . ...... - . eyes and yellow legs and Jireak. Chlb .Iac 49.1() 201 198 199 _1 Hn·Mln 3300 18 171'0 17!' + '" 11·IlI,o.'· erpool Sept. 3. CONSTANTINE CANADIAN Th h b b' ChlboKay 3200 20 19 10 H 01 Lake. 2~OO 10 9\'. 9'10 - I, Will \It.

Nova Scotia· lellvlng Liverpool M.V. "Avonwood" sailing Hamil. ree at er a les in the same Chlb M 300 160 160 160 Headway '5200 52 .I() 50 -4 Wilt ..... d

nest wcre black. Chlmo 11)1~0 93 sa III -I Heath 3000 8 71, 7'.' 41, \\'oo,le,n Aug. 28, ue St. Jo~ I Sept. 3. ton July 30th., Toronto July 31st, Cobalt 5.1()O ~O 49 SO Hlgh·Ben 300 W 115 141 +29 Wr 110ft Leaving for Halifax And Boston Montreal Aug. 5th. ArJiving St. GULF & NORTHl:RN SHIPPING C<Jch Will :17000 1!2 m Jl9 + 4 Hollln,er 218 532"; J2\1 3m - ',' Yk Boar 5 t 4 d H Ilf S t 6 d h

Cody·Reco 6500 39 36 3l! +2 110),1. 1400 500 491 500 Yukeno Cp. , ue a ax ep. an Jo n's Aug. 10th. COMPANY Coin Lake 1010 IJ 13 Il Hud Bay 187 $65~' 65!'. m. - l. em'

Boston Sept 9 Leaving Boston M V "Edenwood" saill'ng Hamil PEl St J h' S I Cold.tnn 11400 9!T 'IT 'i1T t1. Ind Lak. now 14 13 II p,tn,m ,'>l :'1 n • • • • • • ..- • a n 5 ell' ce Colomao 1000 91'. 9',; 9~ Int Nickel ~947 smi 92 9%!, -I- " Yukon rnn ;~1!1 f: DIAL' 80021 ST. JOHN'S Sepjt. 10 and Halifax Sept. a, due ton Aug. 13th. Toronto Aug. 14, M.V. "Fergus" sailing Charlotte· Conlu.. 1600 160 160 160 IrI.h Cop 4100 103 IIll In2 -I Oltl

St. John's Sept. 16. Salling for Montreal Aug. 0th. Arriving St. lown and Piclou Aug. 2. Arriving C BeUokon, 68.1() 20 11 20 J 5100 21 22 21 .. : AI>. rd. 01 jly25.29.31 LIS h ~ C Call1na. 3265 %1 U' %1 JacnllU. 5375 115 I~O liS -\4 AP l'nn. 1;'1 'I

~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~~~.~ Iverpoo ept. 17. Jo 1\'5 August 24th. 51. Jo~n's Aug. 5th. can C Cad 7000 10 10 10 _I Expl 3500 3l! 37 1R Am l.ed!lc :,,'1 l! ____ ._ ______ _ __ .. _. . .. ~~_ •. _______ . Jundte 40000 60 54 IiO ... 5 Anchnr lil'lll 1: JelUcoe ~OOO lei,".: 111 18 - \'z Ranff !~'1'1 3:0 Joburke )700 22 :0 20 Rat:. jl'tO II



'. ' .. :. -: " '. ,.

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his is the. house that trucks built

At fll'st, it was only a hole in the groUnd-, A dump truck went off with the dirt in a mound.

Here's the foundation, with stre~gth and to spare; A transit·mix truck brought the wet concrete there.

Its timbers and flooring - in fact, all its wood Was hauled from the forests by truck.

(What eL'le could?)

The furniture, carpets, the home needs galore­Were it not for this van, would be still in the store! ..

The food on, the table, Dad's suit, Mother's dress­All made their appearance by motor express.

There's always hot water for son and fo~ sire: A'tank·truck delivers the fuel for the fire,

The garde~ is pr~tty. Its shrubs and its trees Were brought in a pickUp - there's wide uSe for these.


And daily,.though weather is wet-or it's shivery­The family milk's brought them by predawn delivery.

While via the sch~ol bus, kids seek e4ucatioI'l~, Dads reach, in a transit bus, 1:iusiness locations. '

~just look aro~d yo~ and think of your luck - . . . -

How much of your living you owe to the TRUCK!

',' .

'. .. '. '" l

• • •

alld there's Ilobellet truehlhall a G GMc.16S11

________ -:._---: _______ -:-_,:--_____ -:-______ ~-------A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE-

'*-~ .


.1 \


JoUel 1000 3! 3; :16 -I Bral·, ".1 " ~ Jon.mllh ,500 14 13 mil - \', Brlt.I" I~" !~ I!I JOWSty 2100 65 65 6:; -1 C3hi'n~:t l~;M 11' ll' Ken,'me 100II 7!! 7', 71-1 - '.' Cal.lI. :,QI') :~ Kerr Add 540 SUI}. U~I 1·"~ "- ~~ Cal Ed ~l$ m', Kerr I •• k. 5&00 164 160 161 -4 I COil l.d. m lil Kl1cmbe iSO 180 ]80 180 C Oil L wh ~:G ~\ KlJem Wi, 800 &4 60 60 C S /)iI ~b l~ ':>J 11 Kirk: lIud :!OOO l1'h 11 111, - I, CS Pel. :11)1 ;;1 li Kirk Min .~o 75 7~ 7:; +I Cdn Ad 011 21111 OJ ~ Kirk .To.... 3000 19 I~ 19 C~nAU Oil 1II0!'l II Labrador 4S8 S22~, 221~ 22~, C Br };mp :3~ j5 ~ L.k. Cln 2700 115 110' 115 + 5 C Chilln 1:00 ::0 !l I Dufaull !!900 111 105 105 _s C Dr" wi, 1!iO'I 111 II I: Shorl ~ "'212 65() 6~O 650 + %0 Cdn TIfO" 7!iJl 130 n r.. Lu. 100 :l70 370 :l70 -5 C r.x G.. 1'031 '11 n Leitch 7M III 113 I H + 6 C 1I00n .. ld lall 3-1'1 III Lexlndin 2100 15 ' 14'" 15 " I C lIu,ky lllill I::'; LL I .. c 3700 Wl 270 2S0 +15 C n",k)' ~II :00 lJ11, Lorado 3100 lID 105 100 C Pro'~0l1 I31Q m lJJrado wtll 100 65 6j 65 - 2 Canso r-;"t 3'flIl:ol Ll'ndhlt 500 31Y, 3l\~ Jm + I> Can,o Oil 4100 MJlcalu 1000 :15 215 :1:; C Del Rln ilrt Mad.en 600 14S 145 .145 Charter 011 1100 II Magnet 1500 6\'i 6l-1 6'10 Com Pel. 100 I» ~Ial.rtl. 7000 157 1.0 155 + 5 C Dragon 5100 II a ~Ian ... t If 4100 17"; 16 16 -1 C t-;asl cr 1111 1/ G ~I.ralg. 11000 ~\i:zt5 71 - I> C ~lIc Moe ~'Il 5111 '" ~larltJm. 7300 130 12!I US C We .. r.l. S2S!l1 II M,rtln 2000 12~, 12 12 '- I> Cree 011 !!llQ !3l 11 Maybrun 1700 36 35 35 -1 Cree Ms IlSI P III Mcintyre x.d lB. $1031'0 103 10m _1 De,·.Pal 10307 217. III M.nt 4600 28 25 28 .. 2 Dome ~\3 IU'I ~Ierrtll 3170 129 122 I~'!I + I Duve. 1500 15 ~Iel. Ur.. 1000 13'h 13\~ 13", + 1'0 F3r~0 Ill? 101 Mldrlm 1900 149 145 141 _1 Gen Pel. lOll Milliken 11)275 283 275 2a6 +2 GGenplPleI A 1000 III Mind. 1000 9'" 91'1 9'h r a no , Min Corp 120 IISh 15¥a Ill. H. ~Un End 1000 23 23 23 ~lIn,Ore 500 14 14 14 MO/IUI 3100 122 120 120 Monel, ~oo 75 . 7~ 7~ N am, Cr 500 40 40 40 Nat Exp) 16C0 28 %1 26 -;; 1'1 .... Alger 1000 11 11 11 + I N .... Alh 1500 19 29 29 New Bid 9600 10 8 81il -1\\ N.w Deihl 6200 Ir7 8~ 16 N Fortu.. 8500 15 14\1 15 N Hurt 1300 24;<' 2111, 211'1 + ;; N HISh 3000 19 19 19 ' N .... 1I0ico JOOO 17\1 15 IS-I N .... JalOn 3000 111'1 11 II N Keloro 3000 13 1~1> 12 - \I Newlund 8500 at 37 38 N MIn 4350 70 6.1 70 + ! N MInda 1500 191> 18 19\1 +m N Mylam. 120W I~'" 15 15 N.... RouY1I 5500 10 10 10 +1'., -N Son.tor 3000 7~ 71'0 7', - \l Nick RIm 1080 119 ~7 276 + 1 NI •• in, 100 201 201 201 NI,1o 1000 7", 71> 7,", + 1'1 Noranda :\35 $48 47~4 -4.11i + 1 :-;or,oJd 5000 21 22 22 Normet.1 2205 3-\5 3110 335 + S Norpu l!1OO0 91 90 92 ... 2 Norsyn. 1!!900 II 3t :Il1'I + " N Rank 30200 134 12.1 1:10 +5 Nortlllp 6US fi2f) 600 600 -20 NorS!> A "I. 1900 445 430 410 ,-10 Norvill. .I()O 18 18 IS Nudul 1500 32 ')1 31 Obuka 2000 7 7 7 Olam. 8000.9 I 9 O·tearr lOOOO!f.! 28 30 +2 opcm 320 SlO% 101 10% - ~.

. -

CARELESSNESJ is the greatest

s'ingle cause of 'fire loss

Signs bl!aring this warning are available in (It! colour on cardboard or metal, free of charg' ~ organizations' engaged in fire prevention.

These are produced as a public service by


, t


Page 9: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole


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rYi~ by


SECTION " The. Daily News


__ ------....I~--------------T.:.:.H.:.::.E.:D;:::A:::ILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31,1957

World Events In

F~:\-.~.,LJ\d!'~ nn thc balls of her feet and heels actually o\'e~ the ledge. Juanita Marrero teeters :'::":' lcr~I' of :hc fh'c storey building at 1020 Roogers Place, East Bronxe, The Rev, Ignacio Zul1.!eta,

. ..'c .. :;:!1~ p:·ic.-'- I third from left). appeals to the girl, who wears slacks, to step back to the rooftop, ,:(::.:: :lWt!flllbs. It took the combined efforts of three Spanish-speaking priests and 75 policemen and

~O-ycal'·old girl from jumping-(I.N. Ph?to). ,I.

, .





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LONDON, England-A bobby is putting the quietus on one striker while other strikcrs stand in the path of. il tl'uck-load of potatoes en route to Spilaficlds slrike-boull(l market. S·.riJ.;e!'~ .mel police c1:1':hed in the prcGawn as j; the .striking market workers tried to prc\'cnt employer;' 'rom m:,j:il1g thci' (I,,::, d'2!i\'~i'!c~ and di~triLu:ion to the I retail stores,-(LN, Photo). . i, l

,'I . , :

'. . Cal:r.-Pinncd b~' a giant auger screw at the' bottom of an orange peel loading bin, John F, ,: . .';';::,;ruck dril'cr. is comforted by a ,fellow worker during rescue operations, Lewis lost his left leg ... , .... 1" h,I'1d was bn(Il~' mangled, FIve departn'lent and ambulance crews worked for an hour and ; ::-,:r.ute> to f1cc Lewis,-f LN. Photo). \ .... l.. _ .. --._ .. ,

AZUSA, Calif-Hysterical witb joy, Theodore R. Conroy, Sr.,' hugs his'. 7-year"01d son, Theodore, Jr., after the. youngster walked out of the rugged canyon-scarred San Gabriel Mountains, The lad, footsore and weary, had spent the night scaling an B,OOO-foot peak, He was Wh'isk ed by helicopter from the prison road camp to whicH hf

. I . had made' his way, fc, 'the reunion »,ith his father~-(l

1 •. , "I? W' ' Cr;rntl! ';'d'" Ing .C0r:'r:'~nc1cr, Donald J, G:' Jackson. RCAF Exchange Offic.e,r serving , ~~:n' a s 6·!th All' DIVISIon at Pcppel'l'cll AIr Force Base, looks over the cockpIt of a USAF C-54 wlll~i1 , tu VI ~CtlJOdic insllccliol1, S/Sgt. Pl'entiss. Stevens, engineer on ;the C-54 is explaining the ,inspection.

~~n. .'

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N, Photo),' .'

. I . ,I

LAS VEGAS, Nev,-.:..The top of the mushroom from 'to­day's A-bomb test shot starts. to form an ice cap as it rises 35,000 fee tover the tfevada test site. The blast, titled "Ownes," ~as detonated from the gondola of a captive balloon anchored 500 feet above the atomic energy commission's Yucca flat fi'ring range, Today's shot .marked approximately the half-way point of the ~urrent series of atomic weapons test~ on the Nevada Desert.­(LN. ~hoto) ..



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Page 10: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole


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Labour Board

Expiains Itejectio~ fit I. W, ,the Newfoundland Labour Re· . The Applicant presented as the 0 .•

latio~.5 . BO,~rd last nhiht p~~lis~;. evide!lce. before the Board, its jec\.; ~:~~Ol~.of tf.! 2t, ~:I t,.elr . reas:J!ls for. DeC!SIO~, con51It~ltlon, the local charters is· spectin" P:~~.Ql~1 Ii ~ In connection With their rejeclIon sued since the date of the pre!.~nt lI'u-t .t' .. t~.l1t:(d of an application for'Cerli[ication: application, one of which cOl'ered' emrl~:c·;II~ a ca!<l . rpcently ,received by the Internrr thl! employees in the unit applied abicic 'hl' i ran be tlOnal \\ ?odworkers Union, who I for by the Applicant, bank stGte· While il t; • ... "w· .• . , &1'': .seekmg to become the bar· \ ~ents relating to i)~counts opened n~ce5;ar:e BO;'~d g&~llmg agents for Newfoundland· m Newfoundland and a list of has s ~,t:' rule fn . Loggers: I properties acquired by the Appli· .a ~ .. ,~nk (,flU!)! as to

REASONS FOR DECISION cant in this l'rovince. In addition 5i .ti~o ,ulch as tr.~01 . On ~Iureh. ~lh, .1957 lin applica' I to this, there was oral evidence ill i~ce is '~Il)II), ~ut!:it

tlon Cor. certifIcatIOn was made by relation to the organ;zation of tile fur cer . , p~orlr 1"1\ InternatIOnal Woodworkers of! Applicant Union tond oC its con· A IIUCOllon. • Americ~ and its Dislric~ Council stltnt~on. The applicant contended stitll~~~l>ual ollhe No. 2 mrespect of a umt of em- that It was a trade union within pro ," rl!sclosf; ployees of Anglo-NewCoundland the meaning oC the Act and that' "~c~ISI~.t, rdalinl Devel~p!l1ent Company Limited: it had acquired a str,:us wilhin ~l; n r~'r l memberl il. comprISIng all employees oC the Ihe Province at the date of this lnr 'I 1·lhre that Company in its woods operation application. t lP,,·\N t .·I)U~h .'1", s v d t f • \ h • . pDI. nnt'l . • a e an excep oremen, t ose It .... as explained at the hearing ,r I~c; ;. I '( .1. a~ove the rt.nk of foremen and oC· that District Council No. 2 was :.1 .. 0 ,,'., here . flce staff. At that time a collec. r. sub.division of Ihe Internatiollul i,p·.·

l III It.' ,

tive. agre~ment was in force af. Union comprising all of its locals PI';\' 11"1.' lIac~t, I" fccllng thiS unit oC employees in Canada east of Alberta with il .. r.,., th~re it r.Q

made between the Respondent I jurisdictio~ over each 01' ti1c~c l11~n~"~' .tulton q Company and the Intervener, Bo. ~ Provinces in which locals had nul c'mt )~~ at I·r;e walel"s Newfoundland Pulp and i as yet been established • . II r Board Paper Mills Limited of the one I The Council operate~ undcl" ~~lIlpr rd 10 t~e part and the Intervener, Ne.w. con~tilu(jon subject to the Inter~ o/t1{..e~'nm. c1aln:!d C?undland Lumbermens Assocla. nallOnal Con~tilution fur the pur. of this ;I1PI~ca~t. fer lton, Newfoundland Labourers' pose of regulating to a limited ex· ; m h ppltrallon. a! Unlo.n, Workers ~entral Protective tent Ihe affairs of locals in its em(~~s of the rr~t: l!nlon a!ld the FIshermen's Protec. area. A member of the APplicant: r.ttnueo on live 'URlon of the other part. This in Newfoundland has been r.p. I agreement was exe~uted on Apr!l pointed as an executive member I 30th, 1956 and terminated on April on the Executive Board of District I 301h, 1957. The applicant claims Council No 2 '

. ~h;:.t a ma}or.ity of the employees The first' q~eslion we must con.; --------

Ib,.. ..... ." 1".1 dll"" J. •. ...... ",,,1.< L. R,,,,",,, ""'"" mlH." I""",." I '" "m, • "m","od b, I,h., ,"hi. nm' ,,' wiH ,pp,~. ,,(h, "m' "Ih' "", .. ,,,", .Cd" h'" \, Ih' "'m ., (h, I prfplrin~ to enplane on a Special Fred W. Klrhy, Rev, r, F. Honey. Camp Aldersbot. ITh!s Includes Brigadier J, A. W. Bennett, CBE. inte the opportunity of meeting I empl~y are In Its ~nion as memo Applicant in this Province as a' RCAF Flight at Torba)' Airport gold, G. R. Renouf, Rev. R. R. nlnet). mllltia soldiers taking the. CD, Commander Newfoundland this ~rollp before taking up his bel'S In good s~andlng. . trade union. The Labour Relations for a 11alson visit to Aldershot Babb, 2/Lt. F, A, G. Homer, Con. Jl:lnlor NCO Course and two hun Area, and a number oC the officers ne\\' post in Newfoundland. I The Intervemng ,Unions have Act defines a trooe union or union S,,,,,,.. C."', C. m, .. "... .1 "ct", Offi .. " E. P. .m""'. "I" ,,' !C1ly "my C ... ct. 'ok. ., bI, "''' ." ,,,.. ,.,. Ih' I ". ,·"lIm, "rty _III i",,,\· ~""dy b .. , ,""fi" .. b" ,d,· ,~ m.". " . . . . '" "",,,,. R

OCK HrD,,,

(h. ",9d\" "my. W," ",hi "". G. S,,,... \. 'h'''' " (h. \". ,.,.... .IId J "',,, .• M· S"',, A'" II"" ".on ,. !t. J. h' ',. I f "iii n" • \ c,., AId",h,' ,,' i " "d'" \"ct Ih. ,!,I( ,,,,., "" '" '."'Y'" '"m,' f" n" L.' mx ·'t'li Ift:~obn J. Conran, Major .J. R. background taking partial shelter Leader Courses, plus some fifty Brigadier Bennetl's succ~ssor 11'11 meet and observe Newfound· I e~pr~ a ~ ~ a[ tumt

. of the purpose of regulating relations be· I "WRITrr.~ OS Roztt, CD, A/Commander Nfld. from' the high winds. This sum. teachers who are taking tbe Cadet as Commander Newfoundland land cadets in training They i p"n/h~e: j . / nt1~ve~lng Com· tween employers and employees I A magnificent A .. " Ri ... ,,,hi, ",'" ..... "'"." , .. , h""'"' ." .IId 50".... of C,,," Qq,,",',, An, •• ""de" S. E. E. "." ... "",, ,. SI. ,.,,,', h; RCAF >of i ........ ,;;" "" ,,'"' .ro" . ' ...... Whll, Ihi' ,."~iU", i, ' •. """' " 1M Lt..col. Gordon Stirllng, Rev. Bro. bo)'s Crom' Newfoundland are un. Course, lCD, wlU also be at Camp Alder· spedal f1i!fht today. i Prcliminar~' objecll'on qu~t~ broth ad, .the Board IS of the with the "Writlen ...__ ."_ . . .. ...... __ ._ I raised b' th' s were opinion .at ~t must be reslricted !

___ '_I' _.. ..rlll! •••• 1_ _... _ ._ ........ , _ .... n. 6.30-Top Tunes of Our Timns I (' ~ c Respondent and the to organlzatlOns of emplo\'ccs in Tcchnicolor . • . n erveners that th A I' t' . h' . .' .


1.30-CBC News

',On 10.1O-Hlt oC the Day. IO.I5--lris Power. 10.25--CBC News. 10.30-Mornlng Musicale. 10.45--Musleal Programme. H.OO-BBC VarIety. 1l.30-Showcase, 1.33-Top of the ~ornlng. News and Weath'!r. 8.15--!dusital Clock. 9.(){)-~lorning De\·utlons. D,I5--Program Preview. 9!0-0rJ:an Stylings. 9.30-Records at Handom.

10.OO-Cream of the West.

t ~ >la-Parade of Stars. 12.00--Announcers Cluilce. 12.15-.Dinner Bell Breakdowa. 12.30-Form Broadcast. i2.45-Mid Day Serenade. l.OD-Doyle Bulletin. • .

.. -.- --_ •.. -"-' ------_. __ .. ,

Hawaiian Honeymoon


lOne or the HawaIIan Islands

5Mftuna­is Hawali'l blehes! "olcano

• Honolulu Is on the 1~llnd

~4 S~a eagles 55 Masculine

nickname 66 Plant part

DOWN t-Loa is

world's largut actlre "olcano

2 Skelcher 3 Incapable \I Unllind 37 Tacltum


alder trees

4 RI~hl ot exit • (Scots law)

5 Egyptian 22 Straighten' 38 Seanty 23 The hula Is 39 Han, In foldf

B _ dance 40 Drive olf, 13 Bitter vell:h 14 Mythical kin,

of Britain 15 Westem ltata 1ST .. r 17 Exudl SlPen point

wel,hl ft Ireland 1Savol')' meat

jelly 8 Subdivision

of I phyle or' clan

g Armed fteet 10 Greeted 19 Blackbird

20FOIIrill Anblan caliph r.-_ .... ~-..

21 Obliquely 24 Scottish monk 6-4-..:.I--J.-I 27 Anatomical

tissue 21 Peruse 29 l'ollowtr JI Turkish

Dlllttr UNolhlnl

· 13 Seatter, al hlY .t Ukrainian

, cit)' · SS PromonlDl'1 I .1 More soUd : 41 Di\'fstl

25 Exlgen! as an attack 26 Conduclor 41 Pillpel1l 30 Cloth measure 42 Invlslbl. 31 Near vapor 34 RetaIner 45 Painful 35 Hosplla~ 48 Slblln, ot

resident bud phY3iclan 50 possesses

· 43 Soale ftax t4 Ea5! (Fr,)' trColumn 41 Mimics 48 Hawaiian 1M" h.-4--I~ ... JDWalklld

aelchis­• 1 Persian falr7 ~Befora

DHuldl~':"" _~~~~


-~- - .. ---=-- --, HELD' OVER

............. Also-UP·TO·THE.MINUTE NEWS

TIMI:S OF t=HOWS F."ENING SHOWS: '7 p.m.-n.OO p,m,


",OMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENTs S\'t~ll\Ii-ADtLTS ....... 'J5e. CHILDREN ....... ak. WATINEES-ADULTS ....... /lOc. CHiLDREN ...... !ial.


\ '

Today. •• ·1


WEDNESDAY, July 31st 5.!~Chlldren'l Program. 8.30-:noonUght Bay. 6.00-8wlng Your Partner. 9.00-Kraft Theatre . 6.30-News and Weather. 10.00-To Be Announced • U5-Summer Theatre. 11.00-News. Un-Mark Sabre. IUD-Late Show.

1.30-J.aura LImited. t30-CBC News and Wealher.

,1.45-Musl~al Prngramme. 2.00-Words with Music. 2,30-Musical Rendezvous, 2.45-The Happy Gang. 3.ltl-The Way of the Lord. 3.3O-CBC News, 3.33-Trans Canada Matinee. 4.30-CBC News, 4.35-Timely Tunel. 4,45-Children'l Storr. U5--Musle of the West. 'S,30-Fisheries" Broadcast. ri.45-Songs £or Summertime, 6.00-Intermezzo.

I, 6,25--Program Preview.

S.30-Supper Guest. 6,ol5--Don Messer. 7.OI).....CBC News and Weather.

, 7.Ili-Curtaln Calls. 7.30-Tops Today, 7.45-Doyle Bulletin, 8,45-Roving Reporter. r,l'-"onps by Ll!roy Soper. 9.lO-Reminlscenct oC the Riel

•• ooJCllion. 10.OO-Music from Stratford., I I.OO-Katherlne Mansfield. 11,3\)-CBC Nationil News. News

Roundup and News Talk.


1,30-Bob Lewl, Sbow, D.3tJ.-Nfld. New •. 1.45--NeWJ and Weather Fore-

, east. 7.00-Ne~. and Sports. . 7.15-CanadiBn News and Sports. 7.3~Round tbe World Newt, 7.35--Weather Forecast. U5--Newl Summary, B.OO-Nfld. New •• 8.05-Proylnclal Weatber. B.lli-Shlpplng Report. 8.20-Tbe Bob Lewl. Sbow.

8.25-Kiddics Corner. 8,30-Nfld, News .. 8.35-Complete W ~ather Forecast B.ol0-The Bob Lewis Sho\\', 8.45-M"rning A\P.rry·Go Round D,OO-Provincial News. 9,05-Juke Box Reivew. 9.30-News. 9.30-l'/clVs in a ~linule. 9.31-Juke Box Review. 9.45-Women'! News,

10.00-News in a Minute, lO.OO-Martln's Corner. 10.15-Ma Pepper. lO.30-News • lO.31-Who Am 11 lO.40-Juke Box Review. to,45-Eleven for the Money.' 10.55-Juke Box Review .. 11.00-News In a Minute. n,OI-Three Generations. 11.30-News in a lIIinute, 1l,31-News from Coast to Coast. 12.0()-News in a Minute. 12.D1-Tops Today and YesterdaY· 1.00-Local and National News. l.OI-Top, Today and Yesterday. 1.05--Weathel Forecast. 1,I5-Ne .... s. 1.35-Editorial Comment. UO-Sports Review. 1.45--Art Baker', Notebook. '.l.OO-News. 2.01-The Story of Jane

, Armitage, 2.l5--This Man's Family. 2,30-News in a Minute. 2.31-Matinee, , 3.01-Housewives Club. 4.oo-Gen. Provincial News, 4,05-Ranchtlme. 4.90-News. Ranch Part)'. . 5,DO-News, The Record 1!bop. 6,(){)-News and Weather, B.05--Bulletin Board • B,tO-National News. 6.l5--Sports Parade. 6.25--National News.

NOW' PLA,YING ---..,,-~' - --- ... _" ............... _--

A/lO-NOVEL 1')'-



ADMISSION .PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENTi' EVENING:-ADULTS , ...... 'k. CHILDREN .... "S5e, MA'rINEES--Ab~LTS ..• ;. ~ ,.50c. CHILDREN .. "~" .• 25e.


., CINEl\fASCOPE. ' 1·' , ;'

7.00-New' in a ~linute t t., ,e pp Ican IS WIt JQ the Pronnce of Newfound· sludded cast heade' . ., no a raue umon 'th' th I d . " 7.0l-Right to Happiness. meanin r of h WI In e ;)n, sl~ce theSe are the em·: son, Lauren Hmlt

7.15-Progl'amme Report til'l f£'t.t e t~ and alterna· ployees Intended to he affected by and Dorothv 7.30-Ne\\'s, . i e y, I I I~ B r".e union 'Yit~. this legislation. In the instant The stllr;' is B.OO-News. n~t the mealllng of the A.ct,. It. IS case,. there are no H!ucals" of Ihe' of a nll,n ;rho H.Ot-Dest on Wax. I eith:rm~nahle to. t~e JurlsdlclJon Applicant formed In Ncwfound· I of Iil'in~ happifr a.30-Nell's. in a ~linllte. 'lor th ioti:~ ~ltm:~er of Labour lanlt at the time of the applica' I wife. iii, conflict a.31-Drst on Wax. . the A~t a or e purp.o~e of tio~. The employees who are: friend. who 101'e5 ii! 9.00-Nell's in a ~Iinute. Section~ g~n~tI12 a~~ sf4eclfl~al~ claimed r.s .members may Iherefore : admitting it. maklS 9.01-Fred Warin~ Sho\\', The Bo~rd' , • an.' be ca~egoflZed ~ 1\ sort of memo i the mn,t . 9.30-News in a ~finllte. hearing to d r~~~dth a spe~lal b.erslllP at large of the Applicant, I slories to hil 9.3l-The Three Sons. lions ea .... l ese oblec· sln~e they dl,d not belong to any As the filenl D.45-News. ' of 115 locals when this application. Bascall, hi! frien:t

IO.OO-News. 7.J5-lIIlIsic from the Shows, w~s mooe. Such a group cannot i Hudson turns in 1O.Dl-The Fat. ~Ian. 7.30-Rl'ndezvous with Records. said to he an organization formed II performance in I

10.30-News in a ~Iinute. B.OO-Top Tunes oC the Day. for. the purpose of regulating re·, h!t dramatic roles 10.31-Smilin' Ed ~lcConnell. 9.45-News. lations hetw.een .employers and i hIm ;;t the pinn.cie 10.45-:\0Iional Newscast 10,00-1 Was a Communist for the employees, since It had not reach· I stardom. Hudson', 11.00-News in a ~linute: FBI. ed the stage of organization where' malic ability, , 1l.01-Sports. 10.30-0rgan Encores. !l could ;:.ccomplish such purpose I quiet charm ,,:hich . 11.10-Houseparty, r-,'ews. lO.45-Nell's. In the manne~ ~ontemplated by the I' a bo?hy·sox Idol, tOO-Queen and Sign OU. Il.OO-Sportcast. Act f?r c~r~lfled umons .. In the, mantlc scenes

11.10- Forecast. Board s opinIOn membership alone I among Ihe most 1l,I5-Club "590." in a union outside the Province I season. 12.00-News. does not give that union status in Miss Bac,,:1 i! at 12.05-Club 590, the Province for the purposes o£ part of a !2,30-.News. certiCication as contemplated by who ,attracts l.OO-Closedown, the, Act. It seems doubtful that her S\'clte

6.SO-Breakfast Club, Ncws. the Legislature could have intend· hard·hitlin~


7.30-News. V 0 USed to confer the brnefils uf cerl',· Stack makes 7.35-Breakfast Club. ' fic;)ti.on upon a Union, such as the I the besl ~,ding

i 7.00-:\ews, ' WEDNESDAY, July 31st Applicant, whose only qualific3. car~er. Ilt~ G.OO-BreakCa',t Club. tion of &talus as a trade union in I ligate hpir to a a.30-Hit of the Day.' 6.00-National Anthem and ~iia this Province is the enrollment d definitely of 8.30-News, Breakfast Club, On. memberships at large in its or· stature. M ~:; 9.00-Date wilh Denys. 6.05-Sundial. ganization. ' I man of ':;cak 9.l5-FOXlZlove Street. n.30-World News and Weather, According!)' .the Board fin(ls I hri~gs .a psycholic cf 9.30-A Date With Denvs. 7.00-News Highlights and W .' that. the Appllc;)nt had not e~·' fulile kllld to Ihe m/ft 9.45-Hearts in Harmony, ther. ea tabltshed the status of a IraJe' ------

10.00-News. 8.00-Breakiast Club. union in this Province at the date i 10.05-A Date With Denys. 1l.30-Make up Your Mind. of the application. r-,'or did Ihe 10.30-Here Comes O'1lalley. 8,45-Rex KoUry, forming of a local comprising the l0.45-A Date With Denys. 9.0D-It Happened Last Night, employees in the proposed bar· to.55-:\ews. 110.00-CoCfce Time. gaining unit remedy the APPIi.! 11.0Q-.Burton's of Banner 51. 11.00-Turn Back the Clock. c~t's lack oC status as a trade 1I.15-Juke Box Jamboree. 1l.25-Sporls Detectil'e. uRlon at the lime oC applicatiun. ' l2.00-NelVs. 1l.30-Pepperrell Juke Club. An appllcant's status as a trade i 12.05-Ramblin' wf!,h RecordJ. l2,10-News and D.B. union within the meaning of the' 12.30-News. 12.30-Hillbilly Matinee. Act must be established beCore it 12.35-Ramblin' with Records. 1.00-Behind the Story. can make E!rpplication for certifiea-

I I .

1.15-Sportscast. 1.l5-0ne Man's Family. tion, The appointment o£ a resi· 1.30-News. 1.30-Musical Express, dent oC this Province to the Execu· 1.45-Ramblin' with Records. 1.45--American Music Hall. tive Board of the Dislrict CounCil 2.55-News. 2.00-VOUS Music Room. likewise cannot give the Union 3.00-Dollars on Parade. a.OO-Sports Page. status since this appointment is 4.Otl-News. 3.l5-March of Events. cumbent may he replaced by & per· the 4.05-Rr.inbow Ranch. 3.30-Baseball. son located outside the 'Provlnce 4.55-News. 5.30-Pulse. whenever elections for officers arc Welcome 5.00-Cisco Kid. B.OO-Sports Today. held. In any event this appoint· 5.30-Melody Man. B.15-The New Yorkers. ment was made after the date of HoslelS 6,00-News and Weather, 9.00-Groueho Mar.x, the application. Will Knock on O.05-II!elody Man, . 930 R II . T1ICn tbe question arises liS \0,

615-5 . - ceo echolls at Thirty. whetller a trad" unl'OII out-I'de tile I w'lth Gifts and

. portscast. W.OO-Final Edition. ' ~" 6.20-Melody Man. lO.30-Fred Robbins Show. Province with membership in Ihe trom Friendly 6.45--News, 11 00 M . Province could be subject matter I 7

. - USIC 'til Midnight. within the leol'slatl've J'url'sdl' otl' "n Neighbours or .OO-Dark God, 12.00-Sign orr. b· v d -r~~~~:=~====:;:=====::::::::;-:-- of our Provincial GDvcrnment. It is Civic an difficult to visualize how our Gov· Welfare

"ASTRO.GUIDEn B C ernment could pass I~gislation af· .1 y eean feeting a trade union in some Otil' On the occosion (1!

er country or Province in Canoon. The Birth of c For Wednesday, July 31

Present-1=or You lind Yours, •• Best day of the week" so make 800d use of iL Take lime now 10 make out a schedule inslead of going at things hap·

, hazardly, Finances lake an up· 1um, with better than usual profit denoled. AspeCIS favor buying. signing legal papers and doing mearch. You should wind .UP ahead of the llame.


Past, ... On July 31, 1921. Future ••• The office boy Will qen, Billy Mitchell. prophet of soon become extinct, )'oungmea Blrpower, stunned the Navy with no longer want to climb the an airplane bombing tesl that ladder uf success from the low· sank the supposedly unsinkable est rung. The gap may be f!lled German battleship "Ostfrees· by pensioned men. . land."

The Day Under Your Sign ~RIE5 I,"ft M.,.h 21 I. April 201 LIBRA (Sepl, 21 I. 'Oel. {:I ::'1Il'iy ~U!I \lflfl ~ud ,H rhnrt;uy in· ~r.l1ten ,,·iIl .matltillite .a:.d patienct fI.uell~tl 're bthind )'OU IOO':"~. Al'cid Will bt nw.ardccL P. ont), and rrt'Hil!l't IlI.tractlOns, . denoled. ..

TtoURUS ("'pIli 21 10 Mev 201 ~otll:C how "l~tn IllfllHe liml!:ar ,itua. ti~n. ~nd (Or)' .heir prOtcduru. \'cnl WIll w!n.

~EMINI (May 2t 10 Jun. 21) . . Kttp ),our frel on dlt ,rcund-eyu

on tile baU" To aecomrlisb, ccnctnUalc.

SCORPIO (0,1. 2i 10 No., 221 J-;tCf' rmolicn:ally .Indy-there', no .tir· '.clIlly now. Ycu'Jllct heir. .

SAGITTARIUS (N ••• 2110 Dlc.2t\ U~r Feloure,cI, llliU. and opponunillt •• ~llck 10 ttbl~1 proc:eduru, Atecat r&dl.· Mm.

CANCER (June 22 I. July 22) t:;APRtCORN (OK, 22 1o J.n, 19) , A.peeu ;ueelltr.l fer ntw· rarcnrrs'htp ~.ou rlli)' havt to 'j~lylr for an In(tiJg't· ' or IttlYlt,. Carte-r' Ia\;tf urJurn. ILon. lIa ... ncT, )'OU knew ih. timt WQlt1J

LEO,(Juty 2] to Aug. 22) AJrlcnd l!r u4th't aiclli liner mOfC-. At any .. tt, ~void iml,.,sini on bim or hn.

I VIRGO (AU9. 23 I. 221 II rcn.jd~rinl ne .... job. be lure ,au are beuersnr t'ou,,,elf,

tamc-. .

AQUARtUS (Jan. 20 to F.b. II) Aund (t)nhl$ion. De IU:lil;l:lforwOIr. in )'our nlatiOllships, S~lk frankly.

~ISCES fFeb. t9 t. Mm. 20) r~ to ~eJ en!}', II', betn a hittle, arttl. h'lnr d.-y, Tomorrow w111 be demlndinr.

~ 1.957. field EntcrpriJfJ, lilt.

Certainly such unions would nut A' I / ~e subject to the enforcement and, . rrlva 5 0

penalty provisions of the Act. In City. co II 2503


(. '-or more




Page 11: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

I. W.

-Hrn~os ;X .11 \r.\u ~ EX OS THE ::iflrrr.t CI'<l.Q at l~t Clp;loi "Wr:lIrn D~ lr.!c-rr.:-tlnr..l

1:r 'I,,~

Ic":l if 11 her 1 f.tlphalialtd

~cU II l1yt't1 of ~tp M.:1U:Y

:.elln. 1l1'1lOrtuDiq ;'11' pr1 rmyd 01 'IT tn 1 ,',51 oil ,. of .-\cJdt::11 · A5 an ir,ltlli,ftI Q·r. k dl1nrttf.

.1\ p~ cho:ic DI nd 10 Iht !Crt!! ..

./ • LOG · , rY

. J unior Football Grim Has Turned Ace' On

Cross Explode, For 'Seven Yankees Pitching Staff Guards ,And Curtis Take Wins 7th. To Swamp Guards 12·4 ::&h;~;l~{~i;:~~~J. :;~~'!!~ ~A;1:~.~~d q,!~Ld 1~!~i!!I!~J'okl:'~d ~~, .'''I'~~~IH'''' ~~!!,~

. ,lOll hH hit< Inlllngs ~dded' great support 10 Russell and Lconard attempthig taking a deep bow In 'the direction winner 10 timcs and has saved as \ DIvIsIOn A of Third Dlvl~lon foot· and sho~t1y afterwards. North agam ,RICe, C. Collms, F. \, Iscman, E ,. _ ''',,~~.,,", G",d' Woo,." i,!h. "'" ,on""", .... WM """d In ""dow', " Grim, . m." ohll. 'Mm, m>J, !h". b.1I ", "hi "d C"[,, m",d m,~d ml' Ib, ,oo'm, oo,"m" Ad.m" C. BI"k."d, It Bort

:-..... ';' ;~r !lall Par\;. Coach Swa~ey mOl'ing his players but .got back safely to third as A sore.arm case on and off the "To win 'cm like that ydu've into second place tie with st. when he combined with Jcnkins Churchill. :::::. \::rrl • homcr, ~rollnd and moving his junior rookie calcher Al Woolgar tried to last two seasons, Grim suddenlY got to have something w'hen the Bon's in Division B as the Guards and Gene Garland to give the Feildians: Davc Adey, Ed. Pen

, ".<;,,: ", ,. ,,,., do<'. , I~'I" n.,. 1,[, [b. II"" .". m.k. lb. ,'" h ..... , I, !h. h" d ",I,,, d I't' lb. ." ,I !h, "~I"~ I •• ""h," ", ",I "id To,. ""mpo'.!h, CL.B. b, .' ;0 '"'" G,ud, • ,. ,,,'. ,,,II, II. ""I., G . Mil .. ", • , .. ' . , 0'"'"' '" ,I" ""'" I, ,., ,IL Ch"II, Won ~".m, G,IU,,, b.d "m. "" y",,, ,1I.hI" .,.U "d, "d.y, "D,ri', I .. , .. ''''. IIdm I. "d Co.", look • ~, wm ",,!h. Th' ~."d h.1I ""' "I, II"" B=" ~. S"" .. , II. S,m"m, · _', "' ." "I I:do"" .1' h i,,1 m.d, • II" .. I.b I, I", '''''' "d .lIh L~"nt """I" ",,' ,I, lb. ".1, """ !h. Y .... i, !h '" I, !h,,, I.,,, i"i,,, • b" Y" Id '"... . ?~I, ". ,.". I, I.n m I ,,,.. ,Id .h" .. ,,,,,," J "kim I D, ." ... , D. I' • .,.", J. R",.11 '.' :~:.;r ;11r. "l1r Ilmd Icrrilor~' on Lons Leonard high the base he retraccd his steps tn hold first place in the American a bad pitch can lose thc hall game. I~ cach dIVISIon 10 co~plele the got his lone markcr (or thc ni::ht I D. Frcnch . . : • .', " :11" r.ln •. lhr;lIl pop nnd Wml handlcd centre field his base and was caught In a second League over Chicago White Sox. I'm glad 10 say he's been all right first round. , when hc hooted home the Icalhcr -------\":":n ~ Ii ~e"I.rd r

ilrh. in finr fashion In the absence of run down with Leona!d taking ad. The Brooklyn.born righthander 150 far." Fred .North c~me !hrough With from a scrimmage and the last goal I S · F .

" :.'," .,,' '" , .. '" """ ,'""h .. 31, D,,, .Id, Phllll ,. m.d. ""I." ,I th' G"ro, ". ,.. "d h" b." d ,i" II 'rom tho "'II". C." ,.1,,", whop h. ,," ".11 I ' h.I.,," 1 .. 1 .. ,hi " Ih' "" "d, ,I th. ,.m' ~", " "" , .. ," USpenSlO n or ~, ""1 '"" :11< n H:~ lin hi' firsl appearance at first base catcher out of position to score -and oClen-to rescue such falter· right," with good rcason. In 20 i 5·0 wm ol'cr the C+.B. Norlh now two minute mark whcn Fred North! , •. , .• ' h ,:~, ,11 \I "ik,. and rrccil'ed lI'ell as ~Iax Howcll eRs!1~' and Gullil'er gcttlng back ing Yanltee slarters M ,Iohnny games, Grim has pitched 47 1·3 jlcads the Icague With scven goals hit thc twine; 10 gil'c the Guards IT1

11'ce Games ". '. " :1~ orc 1'1 111m \la' mlll'cd to ri::hl ficld ami did without a tag. K11cks, Don Larscn, Bob Turley, innings, allowing 35 hits, slril,ing I (,~r Ihece gam«:s, Hc. bootcd two I a 5·0 lead which Ihcy held onto i t

, .. :.,.:.~ .• , ..... ,r. intll 11ll' a hirl)' ~oO(I joh 110 to the se\'enth The Crusadcrs twelfth and finnl of late, Tom Sturdivant. out 40. and pcrmitting only 12,1 markers h0!l1e I~ thc. flr~t hal! and I until Ihc linal whistle b~' Refercc I TII'o senior foothall players have :._':,,: r." ir~' cwltlllr;1 II'hrn hc Ict Brcen's ~rollnd ~iMle run came as Maunder doubled Whilcy Ford's continuing arm carned runs. He has not bccn I c.a!nc uP. With hiS tlurd m the ~ast I Andy Joy. I heen put on thc suspcnsion Coothall

· '. "(Ii .,"-"it''' ~n" throu~h him with thc ba~es loadcd and adl'anced to second as Russellj adn shouldcr Iroublcs, and Bobby scored on in his last sel'cn appear· I ~J1Irty mlnule~ o.f pI~'y- H~n Sklrv· In the second game the Fcildians ,li:;l1Col' lhl'ec games the st. John's t.:.:.r I-ro.";' I'ul hJ'tlkr ,1nrl all r\1nncr~ ~cor('rl. walkcd the next Iwo men and seor. Shantz' !etdown after a brillianl ances and has givcn up only t\\'o , ;"g and Roy ~lIdgc Jenkms wcre 'wcnl into an carly lead II'hcn Stan II Foolhall League announced last : ..•. ,.i:ln.," 111 IlIr Thr GlIarr!s lacin~ Short In Ihe cd as Short med to right flelr!. I slal't, Grim's prcsence has becomc I'uns In his last 13 appearanccs dat· 1 ,he other scorcrs for the ~uards, Brecn put thcm oul in front on a I night .

. : .f :.~ ,,: r,lli' ,,,,,IiP un 'opcnin~ innin!: and IIntii the filth Philllps started the Guards ninth I all the more important. ing back to Junc 16. 1 In I.hc second game thc. Curtis mo~': penalty kick after one of the Curtis i Holy Cro~s nctminder ,filling In , 1I1'~' "',UlI i'lilut II'rrc ~coreless and hitlc~s and Jim with n douhle advanced 10 third I • , cll IIIt~ second place WIth 51, Bon. real'guards handled Ihe hall in5idc' for l'c~ular goaltcnder Charlie 'I'i~ \\'"ril Ilit hi' Ru~'rllwalkln~ in the second and as Russell forced Ward at second Jacks n Hosplt liz d j .. " his own cightcen yard line. ThclBhnisch and SI. Bon's (orward

.' ., •• , .... " 1': ~n of .. Wnrr in Ih(' Ihird wcrr Ihc onil' who hAd free passed previously an.d 0 I a I e Feilcl held onto Ihc one goal margin Frank O'Gra~y have bccn suspend· ~ '. r. .. r enlr ..• I'd runnrr~ on Ihe ha~epath< wlthOlit scored on Crockers single for tlmr un Iii the 18.15 mark whcn Edgar ed front scmor league games for , •.. " .... ,' I," "'"'" '" ""I" d,m"', ""I ~" " !h. ,..... Ad.m""k '~"$I" ,Ilb, I .. "· II ... "h.d"I." ,.m .. " • ""II 'r:: ,:' I,' :Ih' C\:elll.lIIc, The Cr1l'aders li'erc seorele~s In Short winning hiS fourth gave Aft Yltl M t h er during a scrimmage and lapped of Ihcir conduct in lIIonday night's ,:, •.. Ir f' .• ~- <" \lO'i' thr nn~nin~ thrrc InniMs \lntil Ihe up flvc runs on four hits, walked er I e a c it home for Ihc cqualizer. The half j!amc bC!'l'cen Holy Cross and St. ", (~i~'~; lrl: :I:' ru ,. (ollrlh as Woolltnr free nas~erl five and fanned four batsmen. ' cndcd \Iith the score deadlocked Bon's in which thc Crusader.

:' •• ( ~ :'1'. ::"' Hollin Sholt and Leonard and Woolgar flolng [or. six innings at one each. I' cQl1stcri to a 4·1 win. ~l:1untlrr cha'ed Ih~m Ilomr wilh gal'e up eight runs, !JI'e hits, nine " ~ , " 11 was midway in the scconri Both pla)'ers mixcd it up lI'ith

II,i, rin'lIit clollt Into fir-ht fie1rl \\'~Iks and struckout two, for his EAsr ME~DO", N.Y. (AP)- SECOND 1 ~"'E hal{ Ihat thc winning marker \l'as' nnly five seconds Iclt in the game \\hiCh hit thr top of the hoarrls slxlh loss of the senson. Tommy HlIrr~canc ,Tackson. wa.\ It was the second tlm~ that Jack· tallied b\' Bill Rollings, Rollings I ond I\'ere ordercd {rom the field


hrlnre dropping ol'cr for three Russcll worker! threc Innings sen~ to h.ospltal Tucs~ay With a so". IlR(~ gone to a hospItal after a carricd i'n the ['cild zonc and let, o{ plHl' by Ihe refcrce. Thc league I'UIl~. (our hits. four runs, walked three. ~rUls,ed kldnc~' :ud. ,,:111 hal'c to losmg fight. On oct. ?~, 1~55, after go a hard grnllnder which got pa,< . ye,terday receil'ed thc official re-I Thr l'l'Il'Allrl'~ arir!r,1 nllmher Final ~core .Holy Cross 12; lcmam .under lor. sev· he had dropped. a .deels~on In Cleve· Adry for (hc winnin:: ~oaJ. It \\a~: port and as a rcsult both playerr : (nllr ill Ihr fifth p< Frank Nohn Guarrls 4. cral,da~s as Ihe result 01 Ihc flclce land to il~ht hilling .11.mmy .Slad~, only with fil'c minules Icft in the 1 will ,it oul the next thrce game!. II'hn ral11r on for 't"~1 F1arrnn II'ho Holy Cross AB R II E Ih,e~~mg h~ a~sorb~d !rolll heavy· I~e J:Iurrlcnne eomplam~d 111 .IllS gallic Ihat Ihe Curtis hoys camr up 1 The ,:;uspcnsion o{ players [or "arlc


l in ri~\lt ficld wolkcd. slole P. Barron rl , ••• 1 0 0 0 Ilel~ht ch~mplOn Flo~d Pattcrson dlcssmg room that he was unahle with their in,lIrancc marker II'IIPn' ungenllcmanly conduct on the field ~r~nnd and 'Ihirrl 'anrl scorcd on Nolan rf ., ..• ..3 1 0 0 Monday night.. [to \l'a!k,. He wa~ .ordcrcd by thc Cec Blackwood, scored at the 25: of play is a ruling set down by : ~hort''' Around ~inglc throu~h .Tackman 3b " .... 2 0 0 0 The e~centr,lc. 25·yacr·olrl can·, com~1I5slOn phys,cla~ to ~o 10 a minute and dcspilc efforts I the Leaguc itsclf. .hnrl,top. Brcen 3h ., .... 1 1 1 0 t~nrlcr. \Iho lIas, dropped' thrce Iho~Pltal for.obscrvatlon. He wcnt . hI' Ihr Drmble Blues 10 plIllllp lI'ilh! -------.---

Thrre nf thr Guards fum' 1"1. R. Short Ib " " .. 4 2 2 0 times and ~to~ped In the lOth round to Ihe hospital bul ~hen refused 10 FRED 1IIORTII the Curtis the final whlstlc 11'3, IS]' J : lie. ('amc in Ihe sixlh as Ed. Wool. I.conard If " •• ,.4 2 2 0 at Ihc Polo (,rounds. was reported I remain for ollsen·atlon. I h t1 II' d r I I' I soundcd hv Rrfcl'cc Gr.I'I'), Smith L tan{ In frs n • ," I", wilh , ,I" I. i ,', • "',, H ,,,I,, ,,, ., " " ,,0 0 B 0 "", Ii" ro~I"t'bI'" .1 31 "dow· , .. ,k .. ,.", ,i,li.d T,,·")' by ~;" "\~' I:' [ :~ 'k'. '"., ';' i wllh "" C "Ii' ,,' I,' f ,," by .' b


f. II 1 I dId ~IAundel' ss ..... 4 2 2 0 \ brook Hospllal by Dr. George C, I Patterson anrl later hv Tommy's f··leI5clcOlr.r' t.'a All I rea 'IRonll~ a '31 'COI'C ' J . F tb II ' Ir' anr ar I'ancc 0 ~econ as II' f' El'I'ckson "sslstant s pe 'I'nl nd nt "L' B' 11 • t Ir;; la Ie. ( ams 0 lOgs,"· , , llnl()l' , 00 a '11 "I I,.'. , Ik I G C" GlI I\'cr c ,. .. ..3 1 1 O· ' ,.,:. . u Ice I mana~cr, IPPC rel( Jar. I BI k' I ' , II' 'k I Two morc "ame, in junior fonl· , .. 1I~ I la,er \la C[. .co. le\\c ~I 11 . f 0 0 0 0 or the hospital Asker! whether he planned to reo am ac IIOO( \\Cle Ie mal smen ~. . I ramc in 10 pinch hit and landcd I'

R ~ o~21 c .. .. .. 1 Jackson k~o;I'n as the "animal" I tire Jackson Br"idbart said "I't's Cor the Curtis while Stan Brccn I b~11 are on t:IP for Thur,rlay Jl1::ht The followin)! ore Ihr st"llrlil1~~ .

I, , ,'nl • fornc Ollt 0" "\'ool"ar ~an 1 •••• " •• 3 1 0 ., .' . , C • d th I I" 'Id' "I With SI Pat 5 and C I, B mcclln" f' . f th'll h tl I' I)' '1' "on ra. rl I (l.. • • "' ~ Ed 51 .t 3 1 loin boxing circles for his ability 10 [UP to him, I'll "0 along with what. SCOlC e .onc CI Ian ooa on. .. " . , . ~ " Junlflr.?~ a n I n 1\"

II'cnl on 10 Ihll'd and Ryan Ihro\\'. G' .101 P "AB R H E take punlshmcnt and his trcmcnd. ever he wanls t"o do" a penalty kICk. i In .DlvlslOn .A a~d ~1~cphcrs()11 and I A and DI\'I~lon B as released last in~ 10 fil."t 10 douhle Crc\\,e over. ,.:101'05

31 0 IO'us stamina was taken 'to hospital Tile Pat'ter'son N; r E"enl'ng In the first ~ame the Guards FClld "!eellO~ m Dl\'Is.on B., I ni~ht by Lca:;:ue Sccretary Ed!:ar II~I ell' Short and Wooigar ~eorcd. C'~~c';h ':, .. 1 0 ~ 0 aflcr he co~plaln~d "felt bad." Ncll's ur!(ed in a~ crlito'rial i~esday : \I in was .their third in as many! as Ti~II~~~:'uPs lor last IlIghl's II'CI'C Squire';:

\\ adrrllicame onlhto Gcllea~ IhteotablastC~ King 3b " :: :: ~ ~ 0 0 Dr. Erickson said Ihe rangy thai Jackson be retired because sthta~ts Whllcdthle f Ct·L:B. thsu(fered Guards" Hoddinott Gerry Win· Tcall' DIVIS~01l'\/. I T l'

. j

;111 Ie run e.1 ar s 1m

d f 3 1 1 0 I fi"hler han bloorl in his urinc when sendin" him I·nlo the r'ln" now ell' seeon ( e ea In e same .. .. '

th .'11 hi I' d I\'c drll'e n ar c .• , . ~ . eo eo b f t· 'rh'" SOl' L Stoodlcl' R A~h H Plkc I G d 3 3 0 () 6 rcc 1\ I I S me r Phlll' Ib '1 1 0 he was admitted to hospital five would be "as cruel as sending anum er 0 ou lOgs. e Illnmng .. ':'......, uar s .. .. .. ,

. I't 10llt into the bullpen IpS., .. ,... . , ,. ' . g I I th g f th R Barlcock S Plnscnt R SkirVin'" 1

St P t' 2 1 1 0 2

me 11 c • Russell pH ., " ,.3 0 1 0 hours after r~Icree Rub~' Goldstein blln into the arcna." b~~t ~f R:n ~~re"l·cnagm\~h!Ommol·ede F: North Ro~ Je~kin~ Gene Ga~:, H 'I/C:O~~ .. " 3 1 2 0 2 Thn Crusaders went on a scorln" Ho . II f 2 0 0 1 halted the rmg slaughter over The cditorial was imsigned bul. . ' ' I 0. . .. .-, ... lie r ,. ,. .. J k' t t Ab J G ..' f fast to pick up a loosc ball In front land. C.L.B. .. .. ..2 0 ZOO

.prcr in the ~e\'cnth to notch ~cven Crocker s~ .. , ••. 4 0 1 0 ac son s pro es S. e . reene. commiSSioner 0 I th C L B t d ' . C LB' D Ralph I AI'c'· :\ Fol· DIVISION B

I 'ff \', Ig nd A. "rDol~ar ~ ., " ,.4 0 lOIn a statement, Dr. Erickson the National Boxhi~ Association 0 C d' h' b' net R lurllOtg tal SCrim· lett' II' ·C·lal:'·c' A ·Pc·arcc ·D' 's'tone ' 'I h 2 '2 rlln~. ollr coming 0 00 ar a fl, ~ ~ 1 1 'I' . . t d't 'i th ' mage an e ea a p laIC open ,. h.' ,. '.1 aep erson .• . 0 0 of

Ihree at the expense oC Russell ~. '~oolt~r fr" " "i ~ sa~~x.rars and p~'leograms have IS "~~?scl~kea~:' I's~~d a patt:r~:~\S;'It corner. Minutes latcr Fred North G. Follctt. B. NC~l'hook, D. Rogers. Curlis ...•.. 3 1 1 1 3 ~~~'~n~~~lclno~hi~nin~~~e~l'iI~\e~~~ /YJoms2~ ..... 2 ~ ~ 2 failed to' reveal any other serious ~eems 10 he ~o;e mcntal than 'phy. put the Guards .out in front 2·0 S, Wes.cott: W. Lilly. "'. : St.. B.on·s .. 3 1 1 1 30

ard on Ihll'd and Gllllil'cr at second r~~~lres:' nu'fry: 'DoWney, Can. or~Bnic problems and in the abo sieal. He said he felt a bit sick wIlen hc took a nice pass Crom Roy Curhs: D. Holloway, Lawr·: FClldJaos ... _._.2 __ 0 __ 2 __ 0 __

Ryan's ~rollnd ball was nabbed by nors, Risban. Scorer· Eric Moore. senee of further findings, urologists but I Ihink it's nothing serious. _. . believe his present condition is a I Hope not. Hc's depressed, I guess,

)eal~ St. Bon's':'Feildians result of last night's boxing boul." to a certain de-grec."

, D • I T IPlav In Baseball; I B b II Roundup e s eCISIOn 01 Allhe BaH.Park this mnlng SI. ase a I Bon's and Felldlan! are scheduled

H. F PI to meet In an Imporlant. encounter r 1m rom ay Ifor hoth learns. In two prcvious AMERICAN turns retil'ing the Dodgers in the

I lIleeUng~ both nines ha\'c ft win I New York 10. Kamas 4. ninth 01 Ihc ni!:hlcap after Sandy each to their credit and it's Iikcly Boston 4 Dclroit O. Amoros opened with hi! sixth

"'1 ~ hclw'en St. Bon's ami Holy I that Coac1~ Charlie Doyle 11'1\1 be Chicago 7. Washington 1. homer, a drive Into the lett ficld -,' me,. . sending hiS rl:!!ht hander Johnny Clevclanrl 6. Baltimore O. scats. olf winner Da\'e Hlilman.

· . lI'O>' foolball learns In wInch I am II Power 4-1 ailer Ihls one. NATION,l.L Droll )!ave up I\\'o walks. sanel· ': ~.:n' 1"":1 .' ',,'pcn,I, a playel' ~or 51, Bon·s. I was ordcred Coach Adams may pit his hopcs I Chicago 4. Brooklyn ~. wiched Charlcy Neal's sacrifice,

., l{~ n .1 I.I:(,C :.Hllr utf Ih~ fwlll by rcfcrce, Sid. Cooke, [for \'ictory on Billie Whecler who 51. Louis 7, New York ~. before Elston came aboard to get ,< ! rt'llil ,.t 11'IIrll!!~ ,for !i~hlil1~. I honestly thln~ and hasn't sccn too much action Ihls ~liIwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 2, I Randy Jackson, a pinch baUer, on . , "Ironql)' prolcst ~Ir. Cookc s de· season but should he decide to Philadelphia 8, Cincinnati ~. a fly and end the game on Junior

.(",r~','.~: P.,,~., ior. ci>ion as I delinitel~' did not strlkc Ihrow' a lefty In all probabillly NEW YORK (APj-Yogi Berra Gilliam's grounder to Jack Littrell, ':u '," 1~~':"~\i(1 III ;; IIIIX' ~ blow against .the opposIng pla~" Howie Young would gct the nod as drove in four runs' with fonr hils the Chicllgo shortstop. ;.: ~ (.:.. r,r:lII~ndcr cr. .. Davey Hall nurses a sore arm. and Whitcy Ford pitched his first Don Newcombe was charged with '. [,::~, ' ... r" lIol~ Crr''': I Th~ inCident occurred In front of 'tonight's action gets under wa~' complete game since opening day the loss, hIs ninth, a{ter giving up :.: .. , ',~:. :, .. ,C \1:lh Ie;,: Ih.e Holy £ross /(oa.1 moulh, with ore at 7.00 p.m. and It should provc Tuesday as New York Yankees·celc· the Cubs' first three runs. :::; ,.: .~.Ih: ,rmc :r'

l n1lnulc left In the game. The ball a thr!l1er for the many lans in at· brated Case\' Slengcl's 67th hirth· The Dodgers hrew out t\\'o Cubs · ._~.'~:.r. .. ) .,IIlnz 1\'lth 11\',15 klc~crl ol'er from the outside tendanee. 'day with a iO·4 rout of Kansas City at the plnte n the thrill·packed

,::': t:'I.n 'lI,~[.nrled: 1~1t position and thcn headed 10- : ALL STAR PRACTISE. Athletics. opener to save Sal Maglie's 10th r- ~.,) r. ,r1l1 :111'; for wwls the goal by one of nur play· The Capitals representatives are It was the American league Istraigbt win over Chica"'o. Ma!(lie ;:!~ ';,:r ~:.;'I; of ~ rr~.1 m. Hacln:: In I sild at the ball reminded of a scheduled practise leaders' 14th victory In 15 ~ames has not lost 10 the Cubs ~since they ,.. , I ') Il1r ex. h.oplng .10 sUp It bntween the up· Immediately following this el'en. with their Kansas ClI)' "cousins" I beat him here, 5,3, Aug. 4, 1953.

H Ir" 'T\\,S I r1):h!s. JO doing ~o I slruck the Ings scheduled conlest and Coach Ihls scason and their Mventb' Bonus hoy lIIoe Drabowsky, who 'h' ',. 1_,1 ~oalie anrl also one of the uprl~hts. Adams requcsts all players to be strnh~ht over the A's at Yankec yielded only five hlt~ In the einht

":r:: :Ir',.,{lh·,l .. I,ro.' 1\' I lifted m~'self from thc ~Ia"~ng present. Stadium innlnns he worked nnr! fanned"n ' •••• "I 11 .. ",1 "I Ih~, firht I \\'a~ 5truck from helllnd by Plavcrs II'l\h unifor",~ In their Bena' \l'carln~ glas'c~ In an at· Dorlg~rs during this ~pan drcll' the .' '::'::r~'\':;'::::'::~;I: I;~ l.h: I!oa!ie rccci\'in~ a ~tarvn lhe posse~slon Are asked 10 bring them tempt to i,!ct oul of '; ~cason·lon~ loss-his 10th agai~st six victorie!, . r',' p"'" "I" 11 r . II~hl <IIlc of my nee. ~rn !Ig along Ihis evening so that Ihey slumJ1. &ma~herl his 17th llOme run ", .... '. I IHI aroullril \\'a~ chal'~crl hl' the ~081Ic. may be dry cleaned (or the opcn· 8nrl arlded thrce singles Ford ace BAlTIMORE (AP)-Jllhn Grat'. ,~ .;;, rll:~'l'r"i'lltll h~11 ,anrl rlrfCI;dill ll m)'rrH ~ h~ld 1~'.llllns: of the All Nfld. scries which i leflhander ha~I';el'rd hV sho~lder I makin~ hsi first slart In the major

!. ,~, 1~" !I(;'~ ~,~rr I ~ al'ms ~f tiC OppOS n~b ~ hayn: ~!n I flcls unr!er Ivay Saturday at misel'ies much o{ the season, sur· Icallues since 1954. thrott~ed Ba~ti. 'rrir,', t -). \Ir IICle pllll~d apart ~ t e lallO\1S 12.30 p.m. . I'h'cd a shaky starl to go Ihe dis· mOl'e Oriolc~ on threc hits while

r'~(.:r! nl I:~r,'. ~hc: leam mcmhcls.. .' . S P , F "Id" lancc for the first time since hc pitchin;! Clevelond Indians to ~ ,. i\ f"II,":h. Lr •• uc .1 did not at all) time stllkc ~n~ t. at s- el IanS beat Washington 2·1 on April 16. 6·0 l'ictory 'fucsrlal' night.

•. ! kl.nd oC a hlow and I hope ) ou Ford allowed 13 hils, eight hits The 29·)'ear·old righthander, who ,wIll.takc. all these fa~t~ Into consld· M tT" ht and three of Kallsas City's runs In had a 3·12 record wilh the old

II mllOn In )'our de~lslon. ee onlg Ihe first three Innin"s. in winning Philadelphia Athletics in 1954, was

Your~ I'ery slncerel)', . II I tl • t t . " I II 1 f S D' "0 of Ihe • FRANCIS P O'GRADY Second DIVision football con· ISS X I agalns 110 osscs. reca er rom an IC~ a . j • • , • tlnues at the Ayre Athletic Field Although Car from hi~ bl's.t, Ford Pacific Coast Le~glle la~t. Sat lIrday

Ih~ Bolwood 1,lons Club Ihat a crew tonight with thlrrl place SI. Pat's coa~ted after thc early innings after 2VJ years In the mmors. \l'ill he coming here for the Derby mectinll cellar dwellcrs Fe!ldinns. behind a 16·hit Yanke~ attaek oH Gray Ilad heen plagued by Wild: Day rares hut up to pre~~ hour this At Ihe present time Ihe Irish A's starter and lo~er RIp Col~man. ne;s in the oast. bul.walltcd onb morning thr namcs of the crew hal'e collecled five points In the nml sucee~sors om Morgan, IIIlcke~' two baiters Tu~sd~y night a~d had member! had not been received. championship series one poInt be. McDermott and ,Tack Urban. a one·hiller /(01O!! mto the IlInt~.

The Botwood crew entry Is the hind second place Holy Cross and Rookie Tony Ku~ek and Elston ST. LOUIS (AP)-~Oe C~nmng· rr<ult of an earlier arrangmeent two behind first place Guards. A Howard each drove In tI~o runs and ham, who only hih em m the II here Mr. Levi "Sholly" Rogers, win tonight w11l move them Inlo Mickey Mnntle drove 10 another clutch. smashed a nrand slam· I'eteran oarsman and coxswain first place tie with Ihe Guards and while enjo),!ng a J1c:fect day at cr off. the light to~~er m~ht Ilcnl on loan to the Botwood Lions a tic will move them Into a tic the rlatr. 11'lth two smgles. sacrl· boostm!! 81 •. LOUIS Cardmals past Cluh for a couple of dal's prior with second place Holy Cross To {Icc fly and two walks. Mantle New YOl'k Glanl~. 7·:1. to t hcir annual Regatta at the In. dale ihe Felldlans have not eR~ned boosted his season's slroll total 10 Cunninl!ham'~ bla~t was tllP only lanrl tuwn. Mr. Rogers spent some a point in the champI~nshlP series 112. hit. off R!1b~n Gomel.

o! time traini~ oarsmen and cox. and will be out tonight for thcir Bp.rro'~ homc I'un was the Yanks the Olanfs In thr nlnlh. comlll rl ,wains onel laler the Patricians £ir.t \'ictory 1ooth, giving them 34 seasons In aftcr three walks. 'fhr 25·ycar.ol crew present holders of the eham. Only one' lineup for tonight's which they've hit 100 or more. left·hander! swi.n~er [rom. New pion~hip hcrc In the Capital went Ilame could he ohtaincd up to press BOSTON (AP)_Vcleran Roh .Icrscv heat Pltlshurgh With an and competcd In the Regatta win. hour and that was the Fcl1di~n Porterfi~ld a!lo\Verl' only (our 11th. in.ninl!. homcr S!1~[\a)' and has ning the spceial trophy donated llneup which will be as (allows: slnglcs an~ [hd~ t wal~ a haUer ~pCClalll~d III clutch hits all SCi\son, for St .• lohn's.Bolwood competition, Goal Max Burt: Fulls, Gordon Tuesday nlghl In hurlm/! Boston It was hIS sevenlh hom;r. .

In Ihe Fishermen's District race AnthO~y and Cy Gourner' hal\'es Red SO)( to a 4·0 I'lctory over the II was the fourth strau:ht vlcl~ry the Botwood crew w!l1 be rowing Doug. Squires, Jim Br~mbl'idg~ iniury·riddled Tigers, , Cor thc Cards, and seventh In nme against Portugal Cove, outer Cove and Bob LeMessurler' forwards The 33.ycar-old righthander, a starts In Ihe current home sta?d. and Logy Bay In the first race In Stan Breen, Graham 'Young, Bob big disappointment to the Red, Sox and kept ~hem ~ half·game behmd

~I' ~inidian Press . the afternoon schedul1! which starts Balten Vic Wright and. John AI· since being obtained from Vi ash· frollt·rllnnmlt MJlwaukee. '.!r't" I.rn:llr \at 2.30. cock I Ington before the slart of the 1956 MILWAUKEE (APj-Le\f Bur·

I I\' '.. John Alcock Is an En~llshman campaign, stru~k out three In pitch· delte pitched f!ve.hlt ball.Tuesday "( fi.1 ~ P.'t, G nT, - who h~~ bren employed here In In~ hlR seeon... siraight complete nl~hl to win hiS fourth v~ctory as

fli J~ .nln I Harbour Grace the Ca ilal for the past tew months game. . the leaJ!ue.l~adlng 1If.'lwaukrr.

1J 4~ • earance In local soccer tonight. season for Porlcrfle!d, who un II 2. Scotia, 10 compete In the Domin· at Sydney. racing at the week·ends.




,. ,

~! Il :~;i ~,. R T d and hi will be making his first'" ap- Thp. tl'1umph was .the third o[ t~.e Rraves beat PIIIsburgh Pirate!, 5·

4~ 4n .• iOfl \41: egatta 0 av p (\ve days ago had faJlcd to go the Two errors and a passed hall-;ave ~~ .49!i 1.i" dislance since .ruly. 1056. the Bral'es three unearned runs JIj ~~ .4~n 17\2 The annual Harbour Grace Re. Practices Boston's Jackie Jensen provided of! honu~ hah)' Art Swanson. Gene J~ 6ii .~!I 27 c~tta will he held today at Lady the offensive powcr hy drIving in Freese drove in hoth Pirate runs,

Lt .3JO 29\1 L~kr. al Harbour Grace. The Holy Cross junior and senior three runs with hl~ 14th homer and onc with a home run. .9 ~gUe The Regatta under the jurlsdlc· football teams will hold a workout a single. He upped..,hls rbl total The victory preserved Ihe .1 ~ .~90 _ lion of a CItizens Committee has thIs evening at the Shamrock Field to BO. Braves' hal! game lead over St. Sl ,.88 I,~ been held for over one hundred starting at seven o'clock sharp, CHICAGO (AP)-Chlcago Cubs Louis Cardinals In the National

Bo\\'rlnl!~' Sallin!( Club announc· ,lral'ln!! Cor S)'clney 10 compcle In f Im·r. ~Ial'led a sailing club, with ~d yestcrd~y that it \l'ill bc ~end.jlhe National ChampionshIps held' six snipes pUl'chased this ~'ear, and mg three crews to Sydney, NO\'a I betllcen August 4th and August 9th the tll'O clubs are rll'a\; during

ion Snipe Sailing Championships. Bowrings' Sailing Club was start· The facilities of the club were 'I1le rrews were ehosen by a ed .. two years. ago by a group of impro\,ed this year in the form of

series of elimination races held ~al1l~g enthus,'.asts amon.g Bowl" a wharf and small club house, built during June and July on Quidi' Vidi lOgs. staH. "llh the, amstanc.e !lC by I"olunteer labour from the Pep' Pond. Bowrlngs announced that the fum, four boats ,wer~ acqUired, perrell A.F.B. and Bowrings' Sail· : the crews 10 represent the Ctub at and t~e Club. hel~ Its fIrst season ing Clubs. I

;; -12 .~~7 21• years and Is one of Ihe most popu. Tuesday needed two starting pitch· League pennant'race. Sl H .~~ 2'~ lar sporting activities of Concep· The Guards senior and junior ers to snuff out a ninth inning U ~ .~,ll 4 tlon Bay. football teams 11'111 hold a work· Dodger l'ail~' to saI'e a 4-3 win af· BIG MAI\liUAI.s lo\ fi4 ,434 151.~ The R~alla w!1l slart .at apo out this evening at 6.45 on the ter Brooklyn rode to a 1·0 victory. A full·gmvn walrus may meas· 3J 6J 'i?! 2.1 proximately at 10,30 and continue Upper Pitch of the Ayre Athletic In the opener o[ a d,(llIoleheader. ure 10 or 11 Icet' In length and

. .., U throughout the day, Grounds, Dick Droit and Don EI!ton took weigh more than 1 ton.

of smpe racing 10 Ihe harbour. . Sydney will be lIfr. Jack Hillyard Since then the Club mcmbership The abol'e photo shows one of • and Mr. Bill Fisher, Mr. Bob Card· has increased, fil'e boats arc noll' the snipes in action during week· ! well and Mr. Ray Morris, Mr. P. D. registercd, and the club's activi· end racing belwccn Bowrings' Sail· Bowring and his son Dal'id Bowr· lies take plnce on Quidi Vidi pond., ing Club and Pepperrell A.F.B.. ' Ing. Thcse three crews will be Pepperrell Air Force Base also Sailing Club, on Quidi Vidi Ponei-. . .

i I !'

I ,. 'I

I , f' : I I I

I ' I , ,

. ,

, '


Page 12: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole


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'.' :.: '. .' .. ;" .. . ',:,"

WASH1NG M·ACHINES A sleek, 5~reamlined Wash&r, finished in

gleaming white porcelain en?met,

LOCOMOTIVE'S 35 year record in the

manufacture of quality Washing Machines

is your assurance of a lifetime of trouble·

free performance,

The simplicity of design and ruggedness of

construction have been proven by the most

rigid test of all-the tesi of time.


$156·00 CASH PRICE

Ti,e New . .



5249.50 FROM



5229.50 CASH PRIc.e'ls a combination of quality feature. and

modern deslin that Will win the heart of an,

home maker. This factory built Rang! con·

forms to the latest standards of lafety and

servlcei featuring a breele pol typ~ bUl'ner;

durable while enamel finish and pullshed sleel

top, Available with c~lIlce of warming closet

or high sheU and with or without fOl'cetl dl'aft

B~ying on hire purhase From the Gt'eat Eelslern . 011. does nol. involve a Ihird party. You buy direct

from and pay direc:! 10



BY OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Service

Here is another duplicate hand, South's opening spade bid is cor· recto lie hli 16. high card points but his distribution deflnit~ly

, makes the suit opening preferable to one no·trump.

West's overcall Is reasonable although many pl"yers do not overcall at the two h!vel on a five card suit, Norlh's two dla· mond bid Is automatic and South is entirely correct In his two no· trump rebid. (

As a matter of fact, a few un· fortunllteSouth players bid three diamonds and the hand played right lhere.

North's raise 10 three no·trump is also automatic and the bidding should go exaclly the same way in rubber bridge,

The correct dcfense against

I three oll·trump iIIustr&te~ the

1 difference b(!l\Vcr~l rubber bridge and matcb point play.

West should open the jack of

NORTH H • 65 'Q12 .A'KI0853 ",42

WEST EAST ':\lOS .932 ,AK6 '98543 +98 . .2 "'1~JI093. oft.BiS3


• KQJ14 'J 10 .'Q ,r 7 4 ",AQ '.'\

r;olth and south vulnerable . South ~ WesL North· £al& I. '" 2 '" ~ 2 • "~Pass 2 r-r..T •. Pass p. 3 N,·T!_l'aN Pass ~ Pass,.! ... t"'( ~" ~.' ~.~

~ Opening lead-",:r ;:;~~: I. 'j

clubs In either game and South should win the lrick, lead his

I jack of dlamunds, overtake with ; dummy's king and play a spade : to his king, : In rubber bridge West should . win the trick, by down ·hls king

u[ hearts and clear the club suit. South will nolV make five no· trump but should East happen to hold either the epade queen br the guarded d i a m 0 n d queen South.lI~ould have been set.

In dllplica te West should take both his high hearts and hold the h .. nd to four. A little thought should show him that South was romancing with his jack of dia· monds lead and thnt West had better get his tricks in before the roof falls on him.

, Q-'l'hc bidding ha~ been: · East South We~t ~orth 3~ :IN,·T. Pas~ 4'

· Pa!~ Pas~ Double Pas. · Pas~ ? , You, Soulh, hold: ; .K <1 ¥,\ 7 .,1 n ·1 .A K Q J 8 6 , Whal do you do? : A-Pass. West may be tr~ing I tn drive YOll lIut flf four hearts, i In the event that he has a good

I, double you will probably be just as badly off In clubs IIr no·trump.

TODA Y'S QUESTION i The bidding has been: I West North East South 13. . Double Pass ? I You, South, hold: ,5" ,Q 10 8 '1 .K J , 6 5 "'Q 2

What do you do? Answer TOIllOITOW


I The aver:l!:e life of a cuin Is 25, which is due 10 living from • hand to hand,

l * • • i About the time men slarl leal" ling 0(£ Iheir coals Pop discol'ers II he nced! some new shirts.

• • • i Ah Ohio judge ordered ! man

to pay his wife $1,000 a week

alimony. A real case or court plaster.

• • • ~ . rlr,ll~r s;:,)'~ there I~ more

nt'lll'lly Ihan 1I.,ual in ~11':tw hat,. We've had a 101 DC slrong winds,

REUS CAI.I. )1 1-:1-:'1'1 Nr; SEUl:L (AI' )-The United t';n'

lif)n~ c()mmand anl1uunred Frida)' tJlat COllllllllni~1 Norlh l\url'a ira& call~d a 1111'~lin~ of the mililarl' al'lI1i~tire commi~~ion ;,t Panmll~' .lOin Sunday 10 "ctisclI~'" introduc, tion of model'll weapons Inlo South I(orcn, Anolhcl' ned Itrolest was a

I r.ertailll~·. The announcement said the Commullir,ts had advised tbat

'the HI'lolalion" of the l~orcall ;;rmi5Ih~e agreement by Ihe UN conllnanrl i~ alilong the subject;; the), wanl 10 discllss:


Kalamazoo men. havu heell flnel! $25 for posting signs reading "speed trap" before a radar check point outside' Kalamt.zoo. John Cartel', 36, and Dwayne A. Wood· I'uff, 24, were acc.used of posting .. ______________ .... _~-----~--.... -====:..-J I an lIIe~al ubslacle to ol'dely law' enforcement. .


THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE rr-~;';;";;';';;=;;;;;;;";""';;';;;;

IMeE sq arT I S\>lE 9M'mAT6I~ WIlO ~ RtS' 1'1<14=1

BOOTS ANb HER BUDDIES ~c.\.\., ,\JI\>i\'S

\\-\~i' \i, t..\~." &~'=>i' ",~~\)\.. ,0 ~\".\''K. ~D~~ '\\JI'i:. ,:>~'C.'C:i ~~'i) t'.~'i: ~o D~'i: 'C.1.>'i:.~ 'i<.'r.CDC;~I\'Z.t ~'E.\


!>.~' '1. ~\~''T ~'i: t'.E'\\~~ '=>"II=>.C'K ~!>I'" ~OCt'. iltlO ~'I'\'M '\f\ 1:'->'i:. ~;'\'D??=-~ "iQ.I>.~rv:. ~ F>. SiCC.\I.\j.,)'

!>I~t.)!>I<{. '\f ~I>.o;, ~\o:) ~'R~\o:.\~1Q W'C.'K8D~'i:., t.:l"",=>~''T '1, ~~

rr~==I'"'1T"-''-1 ~..,....--! C~? C\.')\


I1ficient servlCl DI,u, 2037

• Accessories

Insurance JOHNSON

ar.d In Neldollndllan(.

Bill O'Chlp. DIAL 2668


Page 13: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

, " I

£U~~~~----l~~~--------------------------------------------~--_____ -------------------,j

Welding Cleaning Compounds


Newfoundland's Cleanest word. Obtainable at

R •• T. COLEftlAN T.TD 2U • 2411 Dl'rKWORTH ST


Confectionery 11llE ----l HEIJ)'S -----_-. \Till' : CONFEC'fIONERY

Ci~arclll·5. Frllil. Ice CI'cam and [)rillks.

Wr Gh'c {lood Srfl·lre. ROllau Street. Dial 91t1~4

Parts [Whole] Contractors' "ilil.

." F'I1i"fI~k ~lTfrl

1';;1 ;W12

Dial 7&51

W. ntlHTO,,' R(1II.IHmS OF

.\lIlDt:l\~ HmlES A1!l1lcrn;zin~, Hcmuuclllng,

Repair Work. &1 Lr~lnrchant Road.






I Indlulrlal Electrician.

Electrical Appliances


AgeDe, DepartmeDt 2t3 Water 8t . Dill %10%



Wlrtn, Materials, Wlrl Ind Cables, Motors, starter.,

Lamp., Switcbes, LlghUna J1ixtures, etc.


Electrical Service JONES ELECTRIC----.


Speclallst.~ In Motor., Generators, Stearn Iron. anll all Household AppllallceJ.


SERVICE Electrical Contracto!

408 Water Street, 151. John's, Newfoundland.

Phone 63(4,

I 77 HamlltoD Street. I Office 2274 ReI. 435'

'Engines I E. and S. BA:BOUR LTD.

8\KEny -- Ct. mnsm Ilnf.AIl. I on ractors Suppltes

i 1 l!~ITED Nt\ll AND ---,

Rill IIThlpl OI,\L ~66S


Jlratln~ and \'enlilalion.


1!\lnlHf ~r ~Itr ~rnl"l,

rlrml~fDI IN ~,\, , r"~t, ~1, ni~l ~~5! I

Structural Rnrl Re.inlorcing Slce!.

DIAL 80171

Customs Brokers P. F. COI.LINS -----.



DIAL 71148 • '1049

--------Delicatessens BELL'S PASTRY nnrl -­DELICATESSEN

152 PUCK" UnTn ST. DIAL 7197

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK from 9,00 a.m. to IUO p.m.

I Dlstrlbutorl of: Keh'in Marine Diesels

Kelvin Ricardo Gas EngInes. FilII Line of Spare ParIs. m . 474 WATER ST.

DIAL 4611


Serl'ln, St. John', from 2 locatlons:


302 WATER ST. DIAL 7410

Fruit Stores }t~MPII\EFRUIT STORES -

For the Freshest Fruit In Town call ...

EMPIRE FRUIT STOn lit Pltrlck Street, Dial 2852

L Si6 Duckworth St., Dial 3911 2 Locationl:

Fire Insurance _D_ru_g_St_o_re_s ___ CROSRII!: CO .• LTD.---'

0'\1'1:, LTD.­

r n.ln~ TOr~.\ 11, Itn. ! ~ III lour Rllildin~ I tnl1!lntD13 ull

1+151 - lUll




I call b~ obtained lit


I S3~ \VATU ST. DIAL 2208



~t. Clm 1m ..".DI.l lUI Lnng'~ Hili and

QuetD'1 Rnld •• Dlal 1487 T.A. lIulhUng, • Duckwortb St ••. Dial 3154

Dry Cleaning DOWNS nRY-----CLEANING LTD.

Cn\'crin~ St. John'. with Fast, Imlclent Service. 14 HAMILTON AVE.

DIAL 6985


Z4 Hour SerVice for Repair. to ~lotlJrs, Generators and

Household Appliance •• . DIAL 15199

LOW RA us mAl. 6031

Fish' Stores CITY. FISH SHOP -----.


DIAL m. Service, QUllltJ, VlrletJ


TORSAY ROAD Packhig. Crating, Shippinll

Agents for AlIJed Van Linea T. C. HIBBS, Mana~er Re~, 6~55; Office 900fi1·2


II! IJUCllI'OIl'lR n. l,oeal .nd lon, dlll'n'o movlnl, plCldft'. < .. Iln, And .• hlppln,. Mombe" .r C.W.A. Ind M,M.T.A.

A ••• t. lor lIolld Van IInrl, D. R. LeDREW, Ma.ager Office U11. Warebouse 90522·

Designed For ,

Gift Shops LARACY'S


Noveltlel, Cout's Card. 'for all occaslonl

DIAL 4%65

Jewellers . THOMPSON'S -----,


When lelectlng a DiamoDd Ring lee our privata 1)IamJnd Booth.

, DIAL 4102 •

Picture Framing ART SUPPLIES --­ART SHOP

1" BOND ST. Water Colour and Oil-PaInt· Inlll painted Oil requeat by Paul Parsons,



I ";.,

-Re-cr-ui-ti-ng--- '::"St-OY-e-S -, ---~; ':;::: I,:: : I '~I-' 1";1' ': ,,,' I

FLY \VITH THE R C A F --------- Iii:, I : I ::. , . . . . . ,," ,.:,' , , .. ' .. For full Information R. W, BARNES ----..... : :!,~: [,,::'1-1 ' 'I;

y DIAL n5S la.. IN STOCI: ": . i'[ I" ItO AL CANAD lU'I •.. i 1 :

Alit FORCE .olTON BUID . ,I' , Recruiting UDlt: OIL BUKNEBI i' 177 WATER ST. Immediate DelivtlJ ., ,I' ,

D~n7~ ;1' ,\. P:

Grocers ----___ . Matches GARLAND'S STUDIO--'

roll, A UAL FUTURJ: See the NAVAL


1%3 WATER ~T.

TRASI FOUNDRY LTD •. lit "'AU. IT. lIillutaetlll'tll tl


I! 'i,' 1 i, i.' ;: I .' III ::


You Choice of what )'00 need DIAL 816G



." PORTUGAL COVE ........ " You can buy your groccrici just as cheap as in St. John's and hal'c them dclivered to your door without charcge.

We give D.P,S. Siamps

Garbage GARBAGE -----,

DISPOSAL Do you have a garbage Dis. posal problem in ~Dur base­ment or garden? If you have, call 3386·F and your worries are ours.

Hardware Stores CALLANAN &: CO. --­


CALL ·CALu..\'A~ and CO. FIRST

opp, C,N,R. DIAL 6961


DistributOr! for Sunbeam Electrical Appliances.

Sporting Goods and Sports­wear for all occasions.

DIAL 501&

Heating D'IC, BISHOf-----,

1%7 NEW GOWER eT. DIAL 3317

Complete Plumblnl aH Heatlna Servlc.



110 WATt:K ST. DIAL IlRJ l__________ ____ ~


CONTRACTORS Ie,. GeDeral Eledrla

IS ~ni'. Road Dlal me

Hearing Aids



Home Industries ,


Certainly a handmade article

from NONIA if only the Best . will do.

----------------BRYMAY ____ _


Distributed by

FJlANK McNAMAKA I,Tn. Queen St. Dill 5~,43·«


Reprtlu\lnl .vGRAOE rooD PRODVcn


Meat Wholesale H. C. SPARKES ---~

Wholesale Pre-Pak Meatl, Royal Hams and Bacon. Pork Cub and Carcalll Sausages and Puddinll "

DIAL "51

Meat Markets, JIM SHIELDS


"IAL lU9 Complete up·to·date

Meat Market

Mill Supplies WM. NOSEWORTHY I


TAPS and DIES. Etc. m WATEr. ST.

DIAL 51211 L-___ _

Oils; Lubricating J. H. ROBERTS LTD.--I

Solt Agellt. 111 NewfouDdiand 101


IUld all oyer Newfoundland Dl.U %!111 •



Advice for tvery paint job. Complete up-to-date .tack. For fist servitt call 811198. 111 PENNYWELL ROAD


Weddlnl Photo., Portraltl

IDd Commercial Photography

CA}.1ER1 SHOP ----, 17 LONG'S BILL

DIAL 7612L



Paper Products THE LAWRENCE __ -.-,

NFLD. CO •• LTD. New Location:

SOl .!U DUCXWORTH ST. Paper and Paper Products.



Commercial Publishing and Advertising.

Magazines, Pamphlets, Brochurel, Company

Newspapers, Program~ IlUL 1287 P.O. BOX E·5141



All work Guaranteed for Fast Service.

CALL 7313 or 64012 9tI CAMPBELL AVE.




DIAL 3001 to 3005




XldI •• , r.Y" Appu.... .nd 011 lurner Roplln.

DIAL 1801 ••• aIII.. ••• lloldllJI T!tIP.



I)pteialists III Aulo n~dtul. DlAI.7HI


TV-Radio-Car 1Iadlo Rr.paln '05 WATF.R STREET

CALL 6865 .-\t Night. Day, Holiday •. or Sunday for rast Service and

Guaranteed .work call 7727A.

Pianos and Organs Real Estate A. W. BROWN ------,

A. L. COLLIS I Piano lInr! Organ Showroom:




'PHONE 2005

DIAL 10361



Electric Melt 8'~J DIAL Z51B

Service Stations PALMER'S '-------.





Gr!DS~ and on Chan,N. Auto Acceasorie •.

OPEN 16 HOURS DAfi..Y DIAL 8&301

Service Stations MARSHALL MOTORS-­

FISK TIKES Guaranteed agaiDst C1ItI,

Blowouts, Bruises, Under IDflation. Can

MARSHALL MOTORS Water St. Dill 80051






Cor. Elbabeth & COy. It ... • GREASING, WASHING'

SIMONIZING our ' SpeeJallty. DIAL HOI,

Shoe Repairing


Now i5 the Um. to have )'0l1l' SHOES REPAIRED

THr. MODERN WAY Tw() Lor.~tion,l: ON WATER ST •

opp, Bowrln,. Illd lI!,etra.

Snack Bars

ED'S LUNCH ___ _

DIAL 53711

~BGAL 1UiGU DIAL Jill • 7111

Taxicabs \ A·1 TAXI----__

(ALvn An. DIAL IlB • If,.

Anywhere, ~ p14et, Any Urn •.




ACE or IIUPrR TAD DIAL 1m· .1 ••

Tile Floors NO DOWN ______ •







Dlmlbuted. "' "Am:


DIll lUI'"


Iprlllidal, St. 'l'hoae 'Ilt Fllrullure and PI .. o M,vll •• Specl.U,.; II.. Crt.1 ,,_ lur Hlr-.

UplVllsteril19 STANDARD BEDDINC-...,









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. ': . :. ~'.' I '.,.

Factery: Water St., Hr. GracI!


. DEPEND ON CALL , P.O. Box 358


Ansco Cameral and Films, Eltpn~ure Meters, Flash GUDS,

Enlarger Accessories. DIAL 30'71


Recruiting Soh Drinks




DIAL 802114

FRESHIE· With Free tricolour nullllte

CALL 5675 ALLIED AGENCIES 217 New Gower St.



I We Give the Futest Service • In St. John',

Our , J Readers'-. Convenience


, . I

Page 14: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

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NOW (Continued from page 10) HIGHER PAY ~0\Q

SEW TIlREE ' POUND DANISH til a chartcr has been issued en· " 8,\:\1 IS TASTY ASD H,\NDY compassing these workers, thcy - FOR YOU (uf-

_ cannot •. under the Applicant'~ '<I.

American Menu Labour Board BIDGOOD'S

S\" GA\'SDR :\tADJ)OX ~onstitull?n •. become members. 01 I ~~ TH': A D\~ Y 'I _.$':: .'.-~ We Icarned 10 rclish lean. lcn· 115 orgamzallon. The rules of .he AI fCT(O~T . Pot,,:.: i(;~<:\,','J,n0 din '11 Pani'h hams on ollr I BON'd require Ihat 311 employee I I.~ New pa~' increases




in furnace heatea' situated jUlt eQ11

, Sanatorium on

r crtan.~ 'tllt< Denn·lark Now we to be considered ~s a membcl' in ST. JOI.JN'S . J. cffcctil'c immcdiatcly. '. ELECTRICITY .Ir~ I lSI 0 ", I d di t bin. '1 I' f II . f t' t I h • • • 'Phone 7583 \ For furlhcr . b tl m' thc ncll' 3-pounli 517.e I goo staa ns mils e a mcm l.1 M I 'or u 'm orma lon. c cp onr or " I~ l~c I~"<l and IISC Ihcm in of lhe Union at the dale of ~". UNICIPAL COUNCIL i liTHE GABLESII ,I'isit your local Arm:. necruitin~~ I 0 I I

I , ; jly26,31

(I. SCT\In". , I plication. Since the Aprlie~nt had Z 1117 WATERfORD BRlJ)GE RO\D Stalion, or mail the c~lIpon heloll'. j t le F\ E BR GHT >uml\1C~c"l~~~I~ lIalnia (In-12, nu members in N~wfoundland un· oning Appeal \ On the premiscs I Pleasc .scnd full (~elall;, ~h()ut Ihl' i .

B~k d. )' dcr its oll'n conslltutJul1 al Ih,~ THURSDAY AUGUST 1 ~CIV. Il1c!lcr Army pa~ r.llcs. and. SPOT In your 2·~·-~·i-·.-"i-IIII.-'-il""--iiiiiilllliil

. ----Free for Taking ~--.;;.;;~::... ....... srn In~sl . I I ' d-.t If applic'lttun the Bu;nu I B d ' "! S! information 011 Army careers., •

011 3'!'Jund can Pall1,h lalll I • e ( ". I oa r A'l' 12 O'ClOCK NOON I I eu clcach jam. I 10n,poon whole cannot furl he\" cnlerlam Its ap· • . '. ARMY RECRUITING Family B\.!dgct I p. I, ~ lal1lespoons I'illc::ar. I~ plicatioll. I Th f'" r f All Ihe frcebold mtercsl In thaI' I f O\c.. .' alllon i tablespoon For Ihe above rensons lhe Bumt e 0 oWing appea s rOrr riel' hlful properly wilh dwcllin": STATION -bca,p()(lnu~l!~. finds thaI il must rcfusc this ap.: the decision of the City Build., house thereon. known as "THE i 431 '~.'tttcr Street, -.~~=-

r('llln 5 to • I tn I plication for certUic~tion. . \. I t '11 b h GABLES", silualc . ,Vi LIGN "p--a Rrmm'c ha~\ (1'0111 c~~I~~I~ce re. Therc is prima f.:de el'ldclll'C 1n9 nsp~c or WI e eard b)· I' 147 WATERFORD BRU,GE ROAD'jl c: J h ' I V'_ ~nI~\~ roa:'lln"l31

11 •• l preud C half i beforc the Board indicating that a the Zoning Appeal Board c' It has a frontage of approxim. wt. 0 n S, f 0 .. • A .. Y • , .. , , (D ,

mnln~I~:: In1!r~c ICr.S, s l' 'in! substanlial numh~r 01 the elll' Tuesday August 6 1957 ,atcly 136 fe.c~ by a rearage of 235 1 IPhone 80294 II . I

Away FILL or

GRAVEL. 'Phone 6869H

o( nllxlurc OHr 1ol~1, ~ aei t I ployecs of the Hespondcnl favollr 1 ',' '.' a I fcet; maglllflecllt shade and or·, Cheap, Reliable Electricity Ii 3~; drgrcc oven. bakr ~ m nil. cd' I the applicant as theIr bal's.:4nlng 2.00 0 clock Noon, In thr 'I Irces.. . ~A~IE .......... '..................... I d d h' I lIalf\\'a~' Ih~ol.lsh bakm:: perlO, " t Because of the seasonal i City Hall. . Thls.'s one ~f thc few rC.llIalll· AnDRESS .. ' n an Aroun St: Jo n s " , rcad remaining glaze on ham. aocn • , , I 109 chOIce lots 11\ a I'ery deSIrable CITy/TOWN .................. · ................ ,I I . P 113," t'lnuers 13ft smings) natul'c. of the ResIIOn~el\t ,s \lOads Newfoundland Light and : residential locality. Immediale PROVINC,. . ..'.'.':.::::',','.:::::::::::::::::::::::: '.

("111 \.POIlI1;\ mild loan ham In\o operallons, .the extfcnSl\e area Power Company limit~c' pusses~lon. Low rcservc. I TELEPIlO:,{E ........ " _____ ~. __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ •. . " .," I.. in~h hI' 2 inches., covcrcd by Will ely sct) tCl'cd groups . ' . i For further particulars and per· i --------fm,rl~. 'f t cu' sour cream II of workmcn ,and the conslant lIuc· Substation Topsail Road i mission to view plcase apply to-;

Scne !lIp 0 r . I d tuation 01 the lIumber 01 em· th'd btl hlrndcd \\ilh I table,poon m nee II I' thO k II nor Sl e, e ween IJ h D O'D' III p o~'ces cngagc( III IS 11'01', IC R d d l d . 0 n rg seo I nmon. i) task of continually recruitln" Hlld oa e uxe an •

II a III Krhalls III ~er\' n~s an)' mailllainins membcrs in th~ ap., Molloy's Lane I AUCTIONElm ("UI nanl~h ha m (,poI~n c' l pllcanl's union would appcr,r 10 I' 0'1 C· L' i Dial 6149. Star Hall, IIcnry Street

:nlo I·inch cubc;; l'omblllC ge ~ rcquh'e' an cffort which 'WOUld tax 1 rVlng I ompany, 1m· I jly29,30,3I,~gl ' lin from can ~l'1th I, cdu~. clnc thc c~rabilitics of any union. In' ited, Service Station cor· ! . __ ._._ .. , " .-------.---ulad oil and "mcgar an ~ ca·. h' ,I ' H'I A I . r \I' I I 10 a froth VIC\I' of 1 cse clrcumslances tiC I ner ami ton venue illonn :ar Ilc. sa "nIC~hb: se\'crai Buard is of lhe. opinion t,hat if i Extension and Cornwall ~tartnal(' 1,Im I. those cmplo~ces In the \\1111 who I .

hour; u ilh r!llInks of ::~:~lt~CP~~~, support Ihe applicant ;.re com· I Avenue, aJ\~ thlri ,hcl'~ of n~ 'halll on I pcllcd to walt six 1II0nths or mure Any persons whose propel' omnn. (1 coo • arr~ .• c . " . before anolhcr appllcutlon for' )4' I. .I;c,\crs alternatel)" \IJlh lhc \c"e certification. lheir richl to be re.! t '1 papaHo aJO saH lahlc;: :r.11I O\hw. ~hnrconl (~~ I presented by the union of Ihcir i above appeals have the righ' \lnrler hl'Ollcr l • a'IJO~ once I h' . I I ff '. I' b' d b h d •. .' .' I "1'1' lixlure nnli!; c Dice 1I1Il: It )e e cctl~e) .Irrc. to e ear and to give eVIc, 1\\ Ire III~ I ~c a In .11. , i The Board Iherefore will conscnt ham is h;ht1~· bro\\ ncd. I to .thc makIng o[ a sceond appli. ence thereon.. • . '. "ORSJ.OSSIRI r. r.\. cr,llon lJ)' the Applicant through Any person tntendtng to'

~F.\\cnFl~"\~1 :\i \J)E . ,\T 'HO~IE I its ne~'ly csla~llshcd local with·. appeal before the Board i ICE .... ; out wailing until the required tCIl i h b d •

- monlbs of the collective agree. ere y requeste to notlf: 1\\' r.,\\"~OR '1,\000:( mcnt now in force has expired, or the undersigned.

Lookin~ lor 3 nell' na\'or In .. • \" II thc usual period of six months E B FORAN h~:l1cnlad(' icc cream. _ c, aflcr the rejection of an appliea· • • S t' brrc', ~,n~ ~'n\l'1I welcome. tiun for ccrtlflcation, eere ory

Spiced Peach Icc Cream (~I:' pins) ANCIENT BREED

ronr to 6 ra~ncd elins peacbes istorical records indieale that 1 hr:"Cl (approxImate!)'). ] tea· sheep existed on the earth 5,000 ;p~on nn!la\'ored gclatln: ] c.up I years bcfore the birth of Christ. m!I~:. I: CUll sll~ar. fo\\ grams I

sail. I, teaspoon cinnamon, I. tea· I GREATEST LAKE nutmc ~ I, teaspoon clovcs . ,poon . c' '\ Lakc SUPCrlOr. largest of lhe:

2 cups lable crcam. . f" G t L k h ' ' Drain !,eaches thoroughh·. and l\.c rca a es, as an a \Crage I wbh or forcc through sie\'c to dellh of 900 feel. \ m~ke 1 Clip .pulp. Soften BUE:'IiOS AIRES .. .m"_,,,,~ In 1 i CliP mIlk. Heal rcmalnlng . [ A

'lk ··th ~'r alt and splcc Buenos Aires, cap tal of rgen· ml III 5U..... 5, • t' 'f d' 1534 b P d Dis;oh'c ~oflcncd gelntin in hot Ina. II as olin m y e ro milk. Cool. Stir in peaches and de Mendoza. crt':m.

Pour into re(rigCl'ator tray. Plare in freeling comparlment with contral sct at 10ll'est tempera· lurc and frceze until firm. Turn into chilled bowl and bcat \l'ith rolan' bcater until smooth and fluff':. Return to freezing com· parlm'<'nt and frccze until firm. Rc;cl temperature conlrol to nor· mal. .

.Ii. new ~alad is all\'ays hot, wcathcr news. This is cerlainly nCI\,-and equally good.

RainboW Ga~den Salad One.hall cup ripe olives, 1

POWERfUL DOG The pure·bloodcd EskImo dog Is

a powerful animal weighing up 10 100 iounds,

GREAT EASTERN OIL & IMPORT CO., LTD. lIadlo, Television, Washers, Refrigerators, Deep Freezers.

EleetrUe Ranges, Floor Polishers. Gramuphones,

Public Addresr Systeml, Tape Rccorders.


DIAL 3001 tD 3005


medium,sized carrot. 1 green on· inn. :! cups finely shredded cab· ba::c. I, cup thinl)" ~liccd red radi;h. 2 tablcspoons finely cut j:rcen peppcr. 1~ (30unee) pack. iI~e crcam cheesc. 1<i cup butter- ~==================~' m'"i1k, 1 tablcspoon lemon juie~, ~, teaspoon sall. dash Tabaseo ~allce. dash dry muslard, dash bIn ck pepper.

Cut o1ircs inlo lar::e piece~. Grate carrot coarsely. Slice onion thin. Comhine all \'cgntables and O!iI·C;. Softcn cheesc with a fork anrl ;;raduall)' blend in buttermilk and lemon juice. :'Ilx in sail. Taba~co saUce. mustard and pep, ppr. POUr ol'cr vegetable mixture and mix lightl~·.


nefJPp/e Nut ..

1(£ CReAM


jy 19,22,24,26,29,31 ,ag2.5. 7·9


Now is tl.~ time lor your Dew



Cabot Construction and Supplies Ltd.

Dial 5658 Duckworth St. After Iwurs call '




CONTRACTOR InstallatlnD and RepaIr.

to all typc~ systems.

'Phone 5578F 48 FOREST ROAD







All the above complete with spare parts and two lobeller~ as well as a quantity of assorted fruit syrups.

Interested parties please write:

P.O. BOX 478 or 'PHONE 3083

PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY The following list of persons whose licences to operate Motor Vehicles have been suspended is published in accordance with Ihe provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 94 of the Revised Statutes, 1952, as amended:

NA:IIE AIJDRESS Date of Suspension

Long, Donald E ....................... Pcppcrrcll, A.F.n ................... Junc Wall. KC\'in ...................... , ... :.159 Watcr St ........................... Junc Rowc, Allan D ........................ 10 Guy S( ........... " ...... " ........... ,June Loiselle, Lucien J ......... , ......... Goosc Bay, Lahrador .............. ~lay Greene, James J ..................... ll ~lcFarlane St. ......... , ........... June NolaD, Lco ................................ 6 Angel Placc ................. , ..... )lay King, Clayton .. " ...................... Chambcrlains. C.B ................ J[ay Castonguay. William W ......... U.S. Navy, Argenlia ................. Junc Brcnnan. William W .............. 12 Bell St ... "" ....................... :llay Sug~s, Charles ........................ Peppcrrcil. A.F.B ................. ..lllay ;lIahoney. Nicholas lIl ............. Collicrs, C.R. ." ................... " . .:\Iay Tobin, Christophcr .................. Witless Bay ... "" .. " ........... , ..... :llay Berrigan. Patrick .................... 47 ~Ionkslown Road..."" ..... ~lay Bolanu, Anthony .................... Outcr Cove. S1. ,rohn's East.. .. )lay nose, Joseph " ......................... Jlal'hour Gr<ICC . " .. " ... , .......... TUIlC Kelly, William D ..................... W :llorris Avcnuc ..................... Julle Hyncs, Patriel, , ....................... Ncw Cnvc Road .. ........ ; ..... ,JUIlC Burden, Harold ...................... Elllpire Al'cnuc Wcs( ............ ,Junc Alford, Lc\'ern ........................ U.8. Na\·~', Argcntia ................. runc· O'Brien, nicharcl .T ... , .............. Bcll Island ... " ..................... June Ford. Frcd' ......... " ................... Watcrford Brid~e TIo'HL ........ June

, Kenl, Frcd .............................. Bell Island "........... ." ........ June Crotty, Tholllas ........................ nidgc Road orr Jliggins Line.Junc Baker. William ........ , ............. S:)\Ithsidc Hoad ....................... June TIa)', Horace W .... , .................... Peppcrrcll, A.F.B ...................... Junc Clarke, Eric ............................ 177 Ncw GOlVer St.. .............. July Hickey, ~Iartin ........................ Outer Covc, St. John's EasLIuly Furlong, John ........................ Pouch CO\'c. st. John's Easl"July Oliver. ,Tohn R ........................ .l8 Torbay Road ......................... Tune Boles, Truman B ..................... Pcpperrell, A.F.B .................... 1unc Lane, lIfark .............................. )Iakinson's, C.B, ..................... Tuly Howell, Albcrt (Alex.) .......... Top Battery .......................... July Harding, Gerald ...................... Portugal Cuve, St. John's EastJuly Healey, v.;miam ............. ' ....... Goulds, SI. John's West.. ......... July

3/57 6/57 6/57

Ill/57 4/57

28/57 21/57 3/57

17/57 23/57 21/57 27/57 25/57 28/57 17/57 18/15 19/57 13/57 17/57 18/57 12/57 :l/57

11/57 12/57 27/57 4/57 3/57 6/57

21/57 26/57 2/57 1l/57 4/57 8/57

Period of Suspension

12 :\[onths 12 ;\[onths 12 )[onths Ii llonths

12 ~Jonths 12 ;llonth5 12 )Ionths 12 :llonth5 12 ;llonlhs 12 Months 24 Months 12 Monlhs 12 ]IIonths 12 1IIonlhs Ii :lJonths !l ;llonlhs

12 ~Jonlhs 12 Months 12 ;\Ionths 12 Months 24 ~Ionlhs 6 Months

12 Months 12 :llonths 12 :llonlhs 12 Months 12 l\Ionths 12 :llonths 12 :llonths 12 :llonth5 6 Months

12 ~Ionlhs 12 Monlhs 24 :I[onths

Brcach of Scction of C.C. Colle

223 223 223 223 225 (3) 225 (3) & 221 (2) 223 223 223 22:i 222 223 223 223 :!22 223 223 223 223 223 222 222 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 222



FREIr.1lT COn~El\ Frei~hl for

isporte and !:ular porls Brook Scr"ice the Railway Wedemd~)', 9 a,m.

rnEIGIIT ST. (iOOSE Il.\\'

Frei"ht for portS i " 'S ., Goose Ba)' per •.. I accepted .( Ihe I t·o·d~'·, I and to·m{lrroll'. . NO'lIl.

I'll r:U;!IT ~tl~:TII i

' SER\I[[ ' Fl'ri~hl i, mtpltd !Jock (Ilaqal 5hed

: South (oa,t S~rm! to guarantee

i of the 5.S. Bar k IlIllst be al Ihe Doc

. I not hIler Ihan 5 p.l'l. nesda~·.

~to~'TREAL (CP) - The new Lalemant Pa\'iUon at Jean·de· Brebeuf College will open ahead Cf schedule in September. It will add a 300.000·book Ilbrar)', work rooms. com'enllon .halls and lodg· Ings to the college's facl1lties.

FEW CITY BOY~ KITCHENER, Onl. (CP)-Lal· jiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii~

est census reports show 108 men F T lor evcry 100 women In surround· . or Fastaxi YOUR TELEPHONE SECRETARl ing Waterloo to\l'nshipe but the lollr ci1ie~ of this area. Galt. Service Gllrlph. Kitehener and waterloo. all ha\'1! less men than women. HOTEL TAXI

f.'Rl!RCn ""AWl. ROOM" . SCUNTlIOnl'E. Englanrl (ep) i ~ HoI), SOI!I~ TI!lman Catholic Chllrrll in thi' Lin~olll~hh'e lown l< t'l ha,'\, a "b~\\'1 rnClm' 1'·(1r.rc 'parents can leave nols), chiltlrcn durin~ FeTl·ice~.

rOSTF.'l 'TnTTlEn BRANTFOnTl. Onl. rep)

1\'hen ~ ~~\\' hlrth tn . 19 1l1:;lel~ on 1.~I\·rrn"" Stratrnrd'~

farm. 'he rnllid frnr\ on)" 17 (If .th~",. One e1lcrl anel thr orld Ili~. I~t i~ nur'er! h,' a hortler collie 'Fher"rl~;; that recentl)' beCAme a moth~r. .

: " ,~.yr.~" COUln.1': . ~Er;f.IlA (ep) -, WhcnMr~.

. r.:\i',he'" .lrr\·h nl tho n~"I""rn 5Hk.I""r.\\"~n r~mnt\l .. lh· r' Hucl· t"" lI~v 1"n c"I"l!cl her ,.s·year· "in frllm Inn Can.dl~n Pnslmas· ' 1_ •• A .... ,\qllnn .• Ion ~n~ hl!r "tu. hRI'''. 'rlo~ reMI,.~~ I'M In t~·~'1 ~I'."" ·h •. ,.,.Iv married couple . . ,::~~. pills. . .


Dia I 2424 • 2410 Open 6.30 a.m, 10 2 a.m.

""'~ .. -.~ -~-. --'-"=--.-"'---':_- - _ ..... , .

Steers \)\l\\;S~Q1'





OUR PERSONNEL ARE COMPETENT SECRETARIES We" can' accommodate an unlimited number of customers on O~I


'~ You .can call us for your Messages Day or Night. We're aiwaysl WHY NOT FIND OUT WHAT WE CAN DO FOR yoU,



'. ~, ," ' .'



For ,inlr o I A l COU



ONE CONe Model 11

All IN

APPly to-

Page 15: DaVince Tools Generated · United States prodUcers lating "the spirit If not the actual board studying the whole

e heated u;t eOlt I e, 1 on TOPloil r informOli:,

• flllr

·T.\mo • ~ Ih. Stk, EW IIXIO~S 5\1 110 S',k. :W c\un.\Gt 5(1 Ih Il.;s

.\I .. u·

~o"<1 {Irm O:i r,n Illur ;U: rOT.\ It'll LOW 1St:; ~tn


:("TIOS GII[[.-: Sf.R\'ICE

rhr C:mbo<;" :no to·lOOrrtlT.

~ connrclio~ II I )I.\". Sonillo: cn Bay Strlitt.


The Cmbou" ~:n. fridlY. . connrC':ion "'lIh S.S. om Soulh (Nit

-ARIES lers on ollr

• : alwayS I"' OUt

WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 19.'i'7



I N G 56


SOME NUMBERS Irf better than

other. ! Fo, finu drY clranlno DIAL 5155 COUSINS


o 68

PONTIAC ....... ",., ... : ... ".,.,.,.,,' $1000.00




OUR EXTERIOR BOND PLYWOOD l:llfl tn lar~~ arra rO\'rra~c, 115 waterproof qualities

plorcn Ind II !~II~ at an ex\remcly economical prIce, rlralrr or write direct for further in.



O:-lE TRlP" 460 WATER ST. DIAL 7840


Real Opportunity" ABOVE.AVERAGE I ' th f \I " NCOME IS open to a man . 0 OWing qualifications-age 26 to 38 pre-

lllfuarried: presently employed but dissatisfied lure hll 'to ff IQOd pall Ion 0 ers; likes meeting people, manager of personal affairs.

~ 0 lal~s POI't' • h' h Tn I Ion In w tC you earn while you i~ co~pany with which you would be as.

,nahonally advertised and is one of the In Canada A I' .. . , pp Y In wrltmg staling age

. tr on? experience to P,O. BOX 809. Ali toted In ;tricl confidence. .


ONE JAGER 2. BAG CONCRETE MIXER Model 11.5, Trailor mounted

MOTO~E f~OC~LO;CALES Capacity 1 S tons'


,:ith reduction gear. Length 40 feet: gravel plant, etc.


APply to- '.

C. PRATT & CO. LTD. '.0 BOX ' ,

. 866 ST. JOHN'Sr NFLD. Or TELEPHONE 3820 .


TO-NIGHT Music by I'The

. Simpson-Sears Quartette '.

No Cover

Velvet Horn


9 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.

Food at its best


. TO·NIGHT at 7

ST. BON'S vs.

'FEILDIANS Admission 50c Kids 5c


2nd Division



Referee: John Doyle

Admission 25c. Children 5c




PRINCES ORCHESTRA Dancing from 9 to 12.30

Admission 75c.


Frieze covering, walnut frame work' In originals, spotless condition, with hand made slip covers. $100.00 without covers; slip covers $30.0C

I extra~P~~ne 3739 jlylll,:li

. WANTED Z Experie"ced

Waitresses· for Night Club 'just

outside of Town.

Call 90024.

CASH PAID for comles, maga· zlnes, pocket books. accordl' ons, guitars. guns, typewriters, sewing machines, men's clothes nnd footwear. John D. Snow. 9 New Gower 51. lm,june20,

Insur::lnce NSURANCE-Dowrlnl Broth­" Limited Insurnnce Depan, ment-Fire, t\utomoblle. Mar­Ine and all Casunltv linn Telephone 'ittlb or 5167,

SECURITY Is the "usenCi of insurance," The Sun is out , , ,to give tile best possible sl!curity and service in re· spect of ali cl~sses of Insur, ance experienced," W, F Caldwell, Provincial General Agent. Temple BuildIng. Duckworth Street. 'Phone 2465.

t08ERT C"WE • SON, FIre and Autumobile InsuranC1!. Be safe, be slire. Insure. Tele-phone 2&82, P,O. BOl ~ ROYlll Bant ChaMbers. St. John's

Wall Washh;g I __ •. ---.•••• ~ -_0 . ----: WALL W~SHING-WaIlN el •• " I ed by new 1Il6rhlne, Results

perfect; save- palnt.-New' Method RIll( ar.d W:.II Clean, ers. Freshwatp-, Roar!. 'Phone 91033, ag25,lm



• r1E CENTRP.L BARBER SHO. We are. nO'~ Ofol'ratlng shl chairs. You' ("ill' bp assured of the besl possIble service plus the I tllst pORslble walt· ing. 24 Npw Gol'.er Street. opp, '<\,Ielalrtl' MIllor! If you prefer app .!t"mrnt serv\cl! Phone 5281 A •


~TONA RYAN Bel1Jlty Salon. T,A. Building. Duckworth Street, speclallzin'c In all methods permanent lYaving. tinting and cuting, Open Tuesday and Thursday nights, six operators. Dial 5477 for :lppolntment.


WOODWORKING. MACHINES of every description, Fast feed matchers. Moulders. Band Re· saws. Blowers Electric or Die­sel motors. Generators. V pul· le)'s and belt, Everything in Mill Supply I-Eastern Machin· ery & Eq1l1pment Ltd., 5100 Hochelaga St., Montreal 4,

"INVEST IN REST," Slelp comfortably. We specialize in repairing and recondillon' Ing all t~'pe5 Springs and Mattress~s. G I' a I ant e e d work. Mattresses for back aliments a s."lecially, 'Phone 6449 or 3361. Standard Redding Company. Ltd., Flower U;", '


WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 st DANCE 9 to 12.30 p.m. Prince's Orch&.tra.

NEW METHOt) RlJG CLEAN· ERS, Rugs and Car pet, mnde to I.~~~ hkr new Von Schrader :lr()f~e~~ adds yearri to life of rug~ Cleaned In home 01 :1t \lUI plant. Phone 91033, Nt'w Mr.thod Rug Cleaners, Fres~water Rond. _____ THURSDAY, AUGUST . 1st:

WEST ENC l:OAL SERVICE ROLLER SKATING, 8 to 10 p.m, (W. Sna,,' C'J8 •. nOD bag; 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd: bags f(ol $270, 4 bags for ROLLER SKATING, 8 to 10 p,m. $3.50; P bags tOI $6.75. For' SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd quick delivery dial 92959-,\ . ROLLER' SKATING, 29 Pearce AVl'nl'p. lanll.1m 2 to 4.and 8 to 10 p.m. .-.--- ... ---Bally Haly Golf & Country ClUb

DANCE In honour of the visiting



Admission $1.00 per person.

Dining. Room open until 11 o'clock



(for one month only)




Mileage 400. Specifications as. 'follows: Built:in Hale V-8 pump capable of delivering 500 gallons of water per minut~, from' 4 2'h-inch lines. One. 40 ft. exten·

. sion ladder. Two 2V2 gal. copper' fa mite tonks. Two 1 qt. carbon tetr,a chloride fire extin'guishers. One ~uilt in chemical tank sod,:! ac1~ type with J 25 ft. 01 1. in. hose. This machine as good .as new a'nd in per-feCt running order. . .

For further particulars apply to . . ,



AUCTION Wednesday,

July 31st 11.30 a.m .

41 Head Choice " I

Butchers' Cattle 8 Young Pigs

Ex "FERGUS" from P,E.1.



For Inrormation re~arding em· ployment. bomesleadinl!. com, mercial fishing, !raping, farm· ing. mining and. living condi· tions, Send self·addressed en· veiope to Northern Service Co., P,O, BOX 406. Fairbanks, Alaska,

jne28.29.J\y30,31 .


Dr. Patrick J. Whelan,

has opened an Office for the practice of General Surgery at No. 4 . FRESHWATER ROAD, St. John's, Newfoundland

'phone Numbers: 3994 and 4696L.

Office hours: , 2 p,m. to 4 p,m.

and by appointment, jlly31.agl,2.3


Snackbar Musto have references, and be neat in appearance.

Dial 6144H

To Who", It May. Concern

I, the undersigned, wish Ie give notice that I am nc longer connected with' the firm of Stan Condon, Real Estate. .

MISS MARIE KIELLEY, 9 Pleasant Street




DANCE Modernaires Orchestra SUNDAY, AUGUST 11th

GARDEN PARTY' Turkey Teas, etc. .. DANCE 9 p.m,

Johnnie Francis Orchestra TUESDAY, AUGUST 6th,

DANCE 9 p.m. Jazz Quints


1.951 R 0 V E R

$700.00 .

Baird:Motors Ltd . '. ·.DIAL 80378~9 '. I MERRYMEETING ROAD l



Church ,CI England 'Orphanage

Garden Pa',rty in the beautiful Grounds of The T. R, Job Memorial

adjoining the Girl's Orphanage




Reg"atta Dance af Memorial Stadium

WEDNESDAY 1 AUGUST 7th (no postponement)

PRINCE'S ORCHESTRA will supply the musIc

and other attractions to be announted at a

later date.

• 20 MAMMOTH· DOOR PRIZES donated by

City Firms will be given to Lucky Patrons.

W.atc'" this space for further particulars.

Tourists To st. Pierre STAY.AT

ISABEL R.UELLAN'S Good food and lodgings; English speaking. Price for six days $3.00 a day. Two days $4.00 a day. Children half price. jly31,2i

T ea(her Required FOR PRIMARY ROOM,




CARBONEAR jly31,3i -- _._---------------


The University is seeking rental accommoda· tion for families·of a number of new Faculty members who will join its staff in September.

Apartments or houses" of one, two, three and four bedrooms capacity will be required. Will any persons wishing to lease for' occup­ancy not later than lst September, please write or telephone the President's Secretary giving particulars, including whether heated or unheated, rent required, etc. Leases will be with the occupants and not the University . jly31.ag7 ,14,21,28


Mount 'CaS/lei . -,




Sunday August 4th jly30.5i

CLOTHES make the man if CHAFE makes the dothes

:·'WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor.~. I '. '. • _ ~ • ... ,


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The Men Who M~ke Up

Britain's Streamlined Army

Ills application tactically In the' field .means that We must rtsort te smaller formations, with greate; mobility. a simplification of weap-00! and the most drastic reduction In headquarters and administrative echelons., . OF


,New Pota~oes, Onions Ett, ,

Our Minds This Is ellactIy what Is planned Cor the new British Army. To deal

NEW POTATOES ........... , ..... , .................................. 75 Styled by liSA V J1.G~" leaturln~ F 0 n m !1l1hb~r ~ole~ nnd Iu'ds. Slzcs 4 to 9 (M, B whllhs).

NEW YORlt, (NEAl - Whlle By Major Generai L.· O. Lyne firs!. wit I( weapons on which much Vtnc~ Packard has gone home to who after distlnguished mlll· more than numbers, the power of work on a new book, Madison tary service' in Iraq, North' a modern army depend; the aim

....-.wOOK NEW ONIONS ...... , .... ' ...•....... , ..................... " ......... SO lb. SQ.~1

Avenue-the motller·ulcer of 'the ,Africa ,and Italy In the earlier will be to provIde a complete ar· nation's advertising . Industry-Is years of World War II, .com· moury which is a fine balance F still Ir~'lng to ~Igest his first book manded .the 59th 'and Mlh DI· between the requlrcments of global Air orce

NEW CABBAGE ............. " ..................................... 50 lb. Sack,

wthout ~W;!llinll. visions and. the 7th Armoured war on the one hand and oC limited Martin Caidin ........ $10.0C ll';! called "The . Hidden PCI' Division,. Britlsh Llber~tlng operations on the otller. Care will The Incredible

sunders" and drscrlbes in minute .. Armles In North·West Europe. be taken to ensure that there is tleta!! how we arc being ~old one no duplication or overlap and that Ivar Kreuger •

. LIMITED ;QUANTITY Of GOOD STOCK (large for chips) OlD


$6~SO pro ,



hl·tncl instead c,[ another. one can· Before the last war, we In Brit; equipment Is standardized and II CI.: h'll $3 9' . d f th i d . d d i . I lifl d ~ A en r;urc I .......... •• 'clidatel:~lrn 0 ano cr. onc a n epen c n peace upon an s mp e as muc" as possible. point cir \ 'ew 11I>:ead of anoth~r. army recruited by voluntary en· The first surface·to·surface guid. Extra Special

\\'h'· ;'!ks P::rhrd (who knows IIstmcnt tc carry out all our cd weapon regiment, Royal Arti!· . d 'Ihl' ait:i\'Hsl, (io em keep gettlnJ '~e~c2Iim~ repulrements. Since thc lery, equipped with the American Correspon ent lonicr :i Co lal';r~'! Why are m~n'F war it has not so far been possible "Corporal",. is now forming and a Gwart Price ............. $4.5C cl,,;he~ !;(.~nmln:: feminlled? Hu\\' to fulll10ur obligations to Ol1r second will be added during the The Innocent '\0 ~::r'('l',"nfk~" M·lJ 25 per cp.·~1 'llier. In the North At!nntlr. "{'renty ·year. The potentia1.ilre.power of llIo"r • ,;,n th.' ~h(,r.)ler 'needs? Oraanl~.1lJon, and to provide th~ these unhs when their missiles are Ambasadors

On nnd on the questions roll., "rcp.rrnry Ilrrrisons at home and armed with atomic warheads far P'h'I' W I' $49' And the ar.sll'er according to this overseas, without a I~rge el.ement exceeds the heaviest artillery con. . I Ip Y Ie ............. •• sImI)" I~ becatl;r, mcrchant1Ise:~. !If ~'at'on~1 Rprvlce men servmg on centratlon. of the last war, While We Live By Sun ~c' '/'1'''.1. llubli,'I\:s are applyln~ a f···o ye~~ basis. - I employing a mere fraction of the J G d C k $26' ____ ._.. f . i I R I It h b • or on 00 ..... .,

.. -- thl flndin~s 0 Mot;vat onn e· Noll'. lOwe vel'. as ecome manpowcr

From Daily Ne1\'s sc~rch. . n'rct!('abl~ to reduce the National Much experience was gained by Global Strategy • ., ~ I' Mr. is p,),chology ap)llird to <'?fvlce .dry progressively ol'cr the army in the nuclear trials in E. J. Kingston- .

Fil 25 Y A sc11inq. ..\nl! ~Iotivntlonal . Re· . the "e~t few years until, in lP.61. Australia last year, where a full $37' i es' ears go . srnrchers arc derth mcn I"hose II a point Is reached when, with 8 ran[!e of army equipment was lest. McLoughry ............... .,

)lhile~oph)'. accordln~· to ore of ~'IHhtl)' Increased reqular. inlnlte. ed. The equipment of the· army Victoria, AlbElrt, and thdr trade journals, say~: '.'In very .1"-lIn~·1 Sc"vice can be ~b!llished with operational radlac instru·

At the weekly meeting o! IIw few Instances do rcople renlly 'I aJlc.~ether. How Is this reduction ments to measure nuclear radl. Mrs. Stevenson Cilr Council held . )'esterday l:noll' "'hr.t IhC,'v want, el'en when of manpower po~·lble and will It nUons from both a nuclear explos. Edited by afternoon, the Sireets Committce the)' S3Y they do" : mrnn a ,"ealter B"ltish Army are Ion and from radioactive fallout is Ed d B k' $50C rccllmm~lJdd Ihat the and FOf ihc most pnrt. hchlnd our: tll'O. ouestions which will be wide· making good progress. During the war ay In ........ • Puwer Cllmpany in.ltruel Ii tit car srednc purchases. and polnls of 1 h' dl .. r" .. r~. year troop trials of the new Belg. The Life and Times of dfiv~n In sound lhdr C:tl' -':IlJl:!~ I'iew arc unconsclolls Bnd Irrn·· A COMPLETE ARMOURY. bn' F. N. rifle have been com· Clarence DeCatur Howe ~t ,.: rl"U~ roinl~ in :hl c;::' as a lionnl motil'nling faclors. 1"01' ex· Fh'st It must be remembered I pleted and fully justified the hiogh .1II'N'r~ of salcl~. amole. Pac!mel cites "I he drive thr.t a great nu",ber of regulars expeciations of performance and leslie Roberts ............ $5.0C

Two boys who g~I'C IhclI r.:.m~~ to conformity Ihc need for ornl ~re now tied up In training Nat· accuracy. These rifles are now Th A . f P' a, Hawco and their resltlcnrc .as . stlrlulntloll. y~arni'1g for security." lonal Service men. whose turnover rapidly going inlo service. Larke. e ge 0 .racy Bl~ckheacl /(Jud WeTC left lu Ilulk Oi'ee thr'e vulnerp.ble )lolnts In soshorl a period of service as scale production o[ a new machine Robert Carse ........... $4.5C h~,~le ye,:cr~~)'. from lh~ oiJ arc isolale,l. he cXI"ai~s. thc ps>" 1\"0 'years I.~ very rapid and waste· gun Is planned to replace the Sten From Russia with Love 1\'lIy lI:tl buur Road. IIt;Ic!~ Ihe cholo~lcal hooks arc and ful. L~n~er service re~ular reo .qun and trials are taking place to .. Guulds. a; ~ .ca~e of 'mal;'n!! III(> I ""rotl in the mc"chandlslro1 sea cruits will greatly reduce the find a successor to . the British Ian Fleming .............. $2.75 I.:::,;"hmeI1t Iii the crlm~' when for the unwar~' cOPs'lmer who has str,ln on Ihe trainln\( machine. Vickers machine gun. New type Tatting thry had lew c:lI~hl ndil:'J \1\0 I no WRY to defend himself. We have now reached a stage In radio sets and nell' pattern com· I . ho~sp~ \\'h~ch .thrr had stol':I. (r~m I Under clo-nter Imdlngs like: I (he c1evrlooment of hydrogen and bat equipment will receive furt- FaIth Co~p~on the V~lIe~ Nurseries farm on tne ~tarketinll Eighl Hidden Needs; atomic weapons when the power ther trial~ this year. MacKenZIe ................ $2.50 Toosall ~oad. . . • . The Built.ln Sc::unl Overtone; of the deten'~nt weapon transc~nds On ils flel dtrlals the Conqueror d' I .

The. S.S. Homeslcnd \llucn lor Babcs In CimsUlT'er!~nd: The Pack· al other military considerations. tank proved it could defeat any Vagabon s Cast e . ~om~ t~me past has been used a~ ~ R~ed Soul: etc" Packard points 10 known tank. though Britain has Lois T amplugh ......... $2.70 fl03t!n.. factors for seolch ';ur·, product arter product alld cam· er men will smoke them. an antl·tank guided weapon which. hmlng In lIumber Arm. ~nnk n! )laign after eamp~i.~n whicl1 ~1I·.· And an item from Blank Art In the words of the Secretary oC The Lighthearted Quest h:r . ~uorln~s o~ Tuesday last In has ~uccessfully snld to liS. Studios \I'ho supply much of the State for' War "should, If all goes 'd $3 00 42 f •• homs o~ Ilater. n, "They're not selllnll pl'oduet~ art you see In ads explains that well, remove the heavy tank from Ann Bn ge .............. .

.Tt,e Imperial Tobacco milch al1ymo~e." Pnckard said· they "have been giving a lot more. the battIeliell!." A new medium d WIll ~ponsor anol~er pr~llranllr.e about his finelin;!s. "Today, one emphasis to tlte people rather Ilank In an advanced stage should D.·cks & Co Lt of !puslc etc;, tOnight oler local brancl is orten about the same as tha nlhe product In the ad." be valuablp. in providing the close I,' 5~nbon V.O.N.A. Las~ \\:e~k the another. So the mer,chan,di5crs El'en quallfled market reporters snpport for· infantry which the Booksellers The fIrst of ~ serieh ,Of \\fckl~ pro· i hal'e to sel1 us as )lcoo1e. It 5 In· find themselves ballled by what guided weapon cannot give. gramme~ was e d anc 50 r.njo~·, I human And dan~erous." people say about a product before . ab'e an:~ successful was II that It Read)' confirm:ltion of 1115 con. they buy it. Here's a news report SMALLER AND MORE FLEXIBLE 'PHONES 2008 - 3191 • 4425 \Ias deCided to continue these on cluslon I~ al'ailable to mOl;t work· on a new automobile style: "You • Smaller and more mobile forma· future Fridays. ing newsmen in the morning ·mail. mav not like the looks of this lions mny well mean thp. end of STILL l~ SHAPE


~ ..

'PHONES 5143 - 5144

. To The Editor 1.\ D~ar Sir-Mr. Nightingale may I thQught his letter was clever and funny, particularly tbe last part. But I do not think so. It may have .been flippant but fool· ishly flippant on a serious public matter.

it Is useless to give statistics showing the distance in which a cur can stop under certain speeds. Drivers In such tests are prepared for the test and can Immediately apply the brakes at tile proper times. But in an emergency it takes a halC second or a second for a motorist to re!ICt and at that time' the statistical distance is passed and tbe damage is done.

Surely he is nonsensical also. In effect he says that the police are powerless to enforce the Iilw. Why should this be so? Cars that during school hours go up Military Road at more than twenty miles an hour when the road is filled with children are a menace.

Y~sterday af(crnoon two \\'i1~ A )l'ubliclty release' b)' a c\.~ar car.. but the public' h going the divlsio~al organ,lzatlon which .Dshn~s ~ent up from HO)ledale b). firm. lor example, proclaims that Cor it-blgl" served us so. well In two world llr. ~. H. B:olI'n o[ the ~larconJ it has hIred R good.lool:ing woman In both subtle and obvious ways, wars. The BrIgade group is hand· C~" to the fish and game associ· to "glamorize" cigars so that Packard said, we're being ex. ier, smaller and more flexible, and all on. were taken to Octagon Pond women will buy them and young. loited in our unconscious: our Is likely to be about as large a for· b,· Mr. Hazen Fraser and placed _ P d laces malion as can be effectively com· hi the hough hul there, after I speaker yesterday. Mr. C. W. Iliff h.~'pes, fea~\ ::a~:fe;e p manded and administered In the being banded by ~Ir. Cowan. It Is of London, England. who gave an \I ;re de t age t t th se fe~lIngs difficult conditions which any use the intention that thcse should mix I interesting and informative addrcss Pa ~::d e~o:nd e ~r :eople hav~ of atomic weapons would bring

SYDNEY, N.S. (CPl-lIIalcolm A. Pattson, 67, who has held four Nova ScoUa cabinet posts and served two terms as Clown prosecutor, recently won an ac· Ijuiltal In his first court case when he returned to private law pracice after an absence of 24 years.

Does he mean that, because the speed limit is twenty miles an hour, therefore no matter what speed a car is going the police cannot be expected to summons the driver? Is that the reason why cars can go forty miles an hour (and this can be seen on Le· Marchant Road, the Boulevard

'11 thil the hidden picnic spot that nobcdl knows about'?"

and. King's Bridge Road -many .-_ ... -... ;.:.:~:;,.:...-----= times evcry day?) Is that the C Of reason why our highways' have are become speedways and car! can •

"ith the other five geese there. on paper making an industry that I~ d n 1\' ge professors oC about. Reductions are also being The Rotar)' Club had as its Is comparitively new., ~~Y:boi~gy ~~d \oclalogy to devise made in tile size of many units. RODENT RAIDERS

go sixty to seventy miles per Summer·Awnmgs hour on them with Immunity? Is . that the reason why motor.lsts can To keep summer awnings bright

,.:':":,!\Il'CL.liisl'r.Tiid.l':'11".r.~nt1l!h!i6&lt""""":' !.,!I[\ • a_ • depth questlonalres and te~h that All these changes, neees~ary as will by.pass conscious guards. they may be from manpo.ller con-

LONDON (CPl-Despite a r6' ward for the tail of each grey suuirrel killed in Epping Forest, there seems W be an increase In the number of the rodents, blamed for' damaging trees and birds' mists and causing the di50 appearance of the native I'ed squirrel.

break. other laws, as for mst~nce and prolong their life. Chatelain~ Ignormg the wltlte lined lanes. Institute advise lowering them a5

He tells us that If the speed soon as possible after a heavy rain limit Is put at thirty miles an storm to let them dry thoroughly. hour t~e law will be: obeyed. By Tllis prevents mildew and dirty what right or autllonty does he water from collecting in the folds h.ave the effrontery to telI other and staining the awning. Leave the citizens that. he can lay down the awnings while damp or in a damp law that WIll be obeyed! Why area as mildew attacks canvas read· ~oh he say that. when the lIU!lt lIy. Keep awnings fresh and bright IS put at thirty miles the law WIll ·th an occasionl hosing. Dust •



"It's .getting to the place," IC. slderatlons, are also deSIrable to cording to Kenneth Scllwartz, an reduce ntlmbers and hence con· expert market reporter "where gesllon In a possible atomic global Ir you want to Interview' a college war or indeed In a more limited professor you have to look for war where atomic weapons are him at supermarket openings." uscrl. The proble~ remains of how

But one psychology professor at to produce suffiCient for~e-and an eastern college who has been this aiways means, where mternal l.gnored by Mr. firms said wist. security is at slake, sufficient in· fully: "Of course I'd be glad to fantry .. men In any trouble spot consult with these researchers. I in a~ short a time 31 possible. understand th'ey pay very wei!." He~e, air transport very largely

They charge very well. It costs p:ovdes the answer. The formation a medium·slzed ad aagency about of a highly traind central reserve $1,500 for a day·and·a·half con· In the United Kingdom and a suItation. And witll each new Mr. smaller reserve In Africa, both succe~~, lhe fee climbs. wIth an adequate allotment of

About the only thing, Packard transport aircraft, sllould allow said, that can pull the frightening quick reinforcement when trouble structure dQwn s awareness by threatens. The home reserve of all the consumer of what ·the mer· arms, including paratroops, would chandsers are doing to him with enable the most rapid deployment Mr. . possible of a force varying in

SERVICE A 5110rt Memorial Service fOI the late MRS. SARAH ROSENBERG

will be held at the Jewish Cemetery, Blackmarsh Road, at 11 a.m. SUNDAY, August Uh.



And ad men are frankly wor· strength according to the require· rled that "The Hidden Persuaders" ments IYh!le ensuring that all wili do just that. The book Is units 'are kept at a high state of s~lIil1g at the rate of' 1,000 per· training and readiness .• week and as one Madison Avenue CHAFE-Passed peacefully away

at the home for the aged on Tues· Western Canada cbipmunks are· day, July 30th, Jacob E. Chafe,' age

smaller and have narrower stripes 74 years. Leaving to mourn are

man nidI "How can you tell who's reading it? If It's just us ad men, It's. oby. But. what If It's a eon·

than the eastern species. two brothers:; William T. and sllmer?" '. Packard sadly admitted his own

fear that the. middle majority -the market which Mr. manipu· lates-does not read' books like tillS.

"About the best I can hope for," he said. "is that the Mr. people and the advertising men wili read H :md discover a sense of moral-

. Ity and responsibility toward the I1n~I'!Lre consumers who can't de·

• BIG DITCH Arthur G. Chafe of Petty Harbour, The Blue Nile, one of two rivers and one nephew, William E. Chafe.

which forms the Nile in Africa, The funeral wlll take place on has carved a canyon whleh Is 4,- Thursday at 2.30 p.m. by mo,lor 000 feet deep in places. hearse from his brother's resid·

LONG LABOR < ence, William r. Chafe, Petty Har. John Mlll, English philosopher bour.

who died In 1707, worked 30 years POPE-Passed peacefully away on bls famous "Greek Testa· at the General Hospital after a ment. II short illness, on Tuesday, July 30th,

. MEDI~VAL BUILDING Angus Pope, aged 44 years. Leaving I· fend themselves against the ex· , ploitlttion of their unconscious."

The historIc: Cloth Hall in Mech- to mourn loving wife, one daughter, clen, Belgium. was built In 1320. Shirley (Mrs. Robert Amidon, Bur·

POLAROID@ Land .CAMERA masniflc.nt pictures In 60 seconds.

Y'UR OlD CAMERA 15 WORTH AT LEAST $10 npnIns of ., type or condltlDnl

rw. will PItY up to $60 for I·om. cam.ras.) .'

mington, U.S.A.); one son, Claude; mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pope; two sisters: Evelyn (Mrs. John Drake, Stones Cove); Cora (Mrs. Warren Francis of tbe City) i two brothers: Howard of the City, and William of Halifax; and one grandchild. 'The funeral will

. . take place from his late residence, 110 Prowse Avenue, time of which will be given later •.


be enforced (as he says himself WI • I II' "l" t h th t' k tid")? Wh soot, tWIgs nd eves mcrese

'. a e. e}c e s ssue '? 0 chance of mildew. I authOrIZed hIm t~ say th~t.? Has Don't overlook small rips or he got the ear. 01 autllorlty. t. It our wning dealer

He must know that once we cars, c?nsu.y a . rarely had a fat &1 accident for repaIrs adVice. AWnln~s cannnot through motor cars. Doe. he be dry·cleaned because they arc realize that tile number of fatal ~ot col?r.fas!. To .keep metal aw~· accidents has heavily increased lOgs shmy and bright apply a thm for the past five years or. more layer o[ hard ~aste or car wax. and that all or most of them Let dry and polish well. have been caused by speed? that they are carried 011t. Parlieu· Surely if the authorities did their larly does this apply to laws pass· duty there would be fewer fatal· ed for the protection of'the publlc. ities. Perhaps Mr. Nightingale Progress is important but this is does not agree with this. 'not achieved by catering to those

1 want to tell the gentleman who break the law to tbe detri· that the laws are made to be ment of the public. obeyed and those who have the Yours truly, duty to enforce them should see COll1MONSENSE.

Don't miu this chance to own the exciting Polaroid Land Camera-the only camera in the world that delivers'a ftnilhed picture ili just 60 seconds •. You snap the ahutter, and a minute later lift out a finished picture'":"" a picture that 1aata Uke any fine print., . . .

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