Download - David Mills, his wife of 10-years, Olya, and his son, …...David Mills, his wife of 10-years, Olya, and his son, Chance. David speaking at OMG Live 2015 in an informal “soap-boxing”


David Mills, his wife of 10-years, Olya, and his son, Chance.

David speaking at OMG Live 2015 in an informal “soap-boxing” format.

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Foreword, by Bob Proctor, From The Runaway #1 New York Times

It is a real honor for me to have been asked to write this foreword for my good friends Mike Long and David Mills. These guys deliver!

It was over 150 years ago that James W. Marshall started the great California Gold Rush when he discovered a gold nugget in the American River. His discovery changed lives, many of them.

Thousands of people became very wealthy. It created a culture and it made people aware that opportunity was all around them.

Mike Long and David Mills have discovered gold nuggets in their laptop and they have started an Online Gold Rush. And, just as James Marshall did 150 years ago, Long and Mills are helping thousands of individuals become very wealthy. They too are changing lives. Through OMG, a company they have formed and populated with a group of incredible coaches like Liz, Kotton,

Fletch, Greg, Steve, Roy, Joe … I could go on and on … they are training individuals in a highly specialized area, an area where gold is found today.

For over 50 years now, I have been helping people all over the world become aware of the tremendous potential that lies within them. My focus is in waking up people and helping them to understand they’ve already got everything they’re looking for; it’s a matter awareness.

Every day I have people who come to our seminars looking for a way to change their lives. Strange as it may seem I have found that people are virtually the same. Regardless of where I go –China, Europe, South America, North America, Australia – everywhere I go, I find people are essentially looking for three things:

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1. They don’t necessarily want to be wealthy, but they want to eliminate financial concern and not have to wonder whether they can afford to pay for something they really want.

2. They want to wake up in the morning and know they’re going to spend their day doing something they really enjoy doing, when they feel like doing it … they want Time Freedom.

3. They want to associate with people who are upbeat, enthusiastic and creatively productive.

For a long time now, I have been recommending people to go and take a look at OMG, to get involved in the programs that Mike and David have created. All three points that I have just mentioned can be realized with the OMG program.

The feedback we get from people who follow our advice is incredible. Let me share with you a note I received from Gord Simms. Gord is someone our company encouraged to enroll in a program that OMG was offering. Gord says: “I really did not know what I was signing up for, but I trust Bob Proctor and took a a chance on OMG. When I first started, there was so much information I was overwhelmed and even had doubts about my decision, BUT 6 WEEKS IN, I am blown away. OMG is the real deal, it keeps getting better.”

This note is not uncommon. Here’s another one form Kaushik Dutta. He said, “I did not know a thing about SEO … how things get ranked … just blindly followed BOB and the first introductory webinar. I was blown away. That same day I swiped my credit card and I’m so glad I did.”

OMG teaches Search Engine Optimization better than anyone else I know. SEO consultants can earn a fortune in today’s market if they’re good at it and with effective coaching you can get good at anything when you make up your mind and stick with it until you master it. OMG has experienced and knowledgeable coaches who are the best of the best. Follow their direction and they will lead you to your Gold Rush!

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In Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think and Grow Rich, in the chapter on specialized knowledge, Hill says, “It pays to know how to purchase knowledge.” With OMG, Mike Long, and David Mills, you are in the right place. Earning a “Million A Month” is not pie in the sky; it is attainable if that is the goal. Do exactly what the OMG Coaches tell you to do and don’t look back.

You will soon see that you hold in your hands, the Gold Rush of the 21st Century, the “Million/Month Manifesto.”

-Bob Proctor


Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz, Fletch, Street Smart Joe, and Stephen Floyd.

I got a letter the other day ago from an OMG’er asking how David Mills, $50,000/day profit, and how I do $30,000/day in affiliate sales.

The short answer is: We tended to foundations.

This Alchemy event, that’s just now kicking off today, is to give you the full answer, and to allow you to take part in something that, for many, will be what changed everything.

I grew up in a 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development.

It was a scary place to grow up. Violent. Desperate. I didn’t know if there was going to be food at night.

And that wasn’t because my mom didn’t try or didn’t car. She even had a masters degree.

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I grew up in a 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development.

These days: $1,000,000/mo affiliate marketer, because of David Mills Law of Implication Click through here for a fun article from


#NOFEAR: The Critical Concept That Caused 500+ Earnings Reports |

I wanted to change my stars. And I promised myself, that if I could do that, I would try to help other too.

But it was David Mills that made the difference for me.

That’s my unique earnings report. I’ve been writing email dispatches for years, and you won’t see me giving credit to anybody but to David Mills.

Oh sure, I’ve gotten hints and ideas here and there.

But I got my SYSTEM from David Mills.


That’s a powerful, powerful word.

The first time I saw David in action, I was like others. I thought it was “luck” that he hit his mark.

And then the next time David succeeded, well I figured maybe lightning just struck twice.

But by the 20th or 50th time in a row, I started to get the picture.

I started realizing there was more to the equation.

Something at the root of things.

Because what David touches turns to gold. Not because he’s a special snowflake, but because of the system.

And as you begin to understand the system, so too do you begin to understand how and why the SYSTEM works.

“Outside of the box.”

But there is one piece of advice I’ve got to share with you.

Don’t expect David’s system to fit inside of the box. Because to have the kind of mind-blowing success he’s had, that I’ve had, and that David has led so many others to, that takes something outside the box.

So if you need something that already fits your world view of the way that massive success and happiness should happen, then you still might benefit from Alchemy, but, in my opinion, you won’t get everything.


#NOFEAR: The Critical Concept That Caused 500+ Earnings Reports etcetcetcetcetcetcetcetceetcetc

In fact, it can help if you imagine yourself stepping to the plate and hammering a money-getting home-run out of the park…

…And then having those around you say “it was luck.”

Then you do it again. And they say, “Sometimes lightning strikes twice.”

Then you do it again, and they say, “Ok, what’s really going on here?”

“What is really going on here.”

What is REALLY going on.

That is a question, that if you set that question firm in your mind over the next several days, during this Alchemy event, that can set the changing of your starts strongly and permanently in motion.

“What is REALLY going on here…”

What indeed.

I’ve already created an Alchemy page for you. In some ways this has all been coming together for 20-years:

That’s how long ago I met David Mills. That’s when we set things in motion.

Now, here, today, we invite you to begin to join us.

So set your curiosity, your fascination to the highest level. Max out your wonder.

Because David and I want to awaken you to what’s really possible.

Incredible, incredible things are possible.

I’ve seen my own life go from that dirty 1/2 trailer park, to where I sit right now.

I’ve seen lives change all around us, in a way that’s humbled me and brought me tears.

Let’s begin a journey together. The journey of Alchemy.

Here’s your touch point for Alchemy, you’ll want to bookmark it, and visit it, and re-visit it. This is earth-shartting stuff. Lets get started:

See you on the inside, Mike Long


#NOFEAR: The Critical Concept That Caused 500+ Earnings Reports

Mike Long here, on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz Herrera, Fletch, Street Smart Joe, and Stephen Floyd.

I've been a broken record on money- getting: it's all about leverage. You BUILD it or you BEG for it.

But what's the best kind of leverage to build? The answer is counter-intuitive.

Now when I tell you the answer, I predict it sounds like "common sense." But if you look around the money-getting landscape, as I have, for almost 20-years, you'll find it is the road less traveled, by far.


People. One at a time.

Ok so, after that buildup, what say you? Is it common sense to develop individuals? Greg Morrison today.

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A common complaint amongst business owners is that they are "Creating their own competition."

But you don't even need that whole phrase to capture one of the biggest overwhelming advantages I learned from David Mills, a pressure point, that let me hit $30,000/day as an affiliate marketer.

Look at that phrase:

"Creating their own competition."

You only need one word:


What I learned from David, the pressure point that led to some of my biggest breakthroughs was learning to cast out the word "competition" from my money- getting vocabulary.

Because that word is pure poison, when it comes to Alchemy.

Ok now I bet I have at least a few takers on the "counter intuitive" nature of what I'm saying about developing individuals.

In fact the idea of competition is so deeply ingrained in business best-practice, that there might event be many, or even a majority of readers feeling resistance.

David Mills has a golden touch.

Everything, and I do mean everything, that I've ever seen David go after, in the last 20-years, turn to 24-carrot gold. Everything. Every game. Every money-getting venture. Every relationship.

Now I'm not saying that every inkling, every turn of phrase, every wiggle of his eyebrow was perfectly calibrated.

But what I am saying is that every venture that David deemed worthy of his focus turned into unbridled success.

Ok so back to "competition."

Here's one of David's key "pressure- points" (because with David's Alchemy, as he develops you, like he developed me, and so many other 5-fig/mo, 6-fig/mo and 7-fig/mo money-getters...

...And something you should know with David is that all it often takes is 3-4 "Pressure points" or fine tune adjustments, and you're off to the races.


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(There's a story Tony Robbins tells of a consultant who went to a factory that was completely shut down. He turned 1 screw, and the whole factory roared to life. The bill was $1 for turning the screw and $9,999 for understanding which screw to turn!)

Anyways competition is one of the common "Pressure points" David might cover with you, like he did for me.

Now it's not that there is never any competition. It's that what you want to do is go into a market where competition is 100% irrelevant, like SEO client consulting, and many, many others.

Because markets where competition doesn't matter, because the market is so big, and the opportunity for joining forces is so huge, that even thinking "competition" is absurd.

(SEO client consulting is a $65,000,000,000 per year market in the US alone, and yet very few in the market can spell SEO, much less competently deliver.)

Because developing individuals is so, so, so incredible. And if you can get in a money-getting market where your hands are free to develop others, then your upside explodes.

Take Greg Morrison.

David Mills and I were in SEO long before Greg Morrison fired his first back link, of before Greg even had any idea of what importance of anchor-text was.

But David was dead-set on developing Greg Morrison. And the difference for us, and for hundreds of OMG'ers has been epic:

Now Greg, like me, has come to understand the counter-intuitive nature of David Mills pressure points.

I included a video from Greg here.

The video with Greg is worth watching 3-times over.

Money is flying around all over the place.

And there's even a much, much bigger influence you can have on the world, than making your fortune many times over.

It's time for Alchemy.

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz, Fletch, Street Smart Joe, and Stephe Floyd.

I remember vividly what it was like growing up in a 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development.

I so badly wanted to change my stars.

When I got in what easily could have been a fatal car crash when I was 19, the very First thing I did, when my mom picked me up, was go quit my day job at Chi-Chis where I worked at Fair Oaks mall.

Because Chi-Chis was mediocre Mexican restaurant, where the kitchen was constant chaos and the job of manager was a revolving door.

And I didn't want to live my life that way, working for one boss after the next.

I didn't know it at the time, but I was already sick and tired of begging.

Fletch and his wife Natalie.


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I've said it here a number of times. And I'll keen saying it. Money getting is about leverage and the bottom line is you BUILD or you BEG.

When you're selling the same old tired worn-out thing as everybody else, the only way left to differentiate, is to blow hot air.

I knew there had to be a better way.

But I didn't find that way until I met David Mills.

My stumbling block is that I kept chasing after treasure maps.

Treasure maps vs Alchemy:

Let's be real: treasure maps are easy to sell.

Because who doesn't want to believe they are a few moves away from the city of gold.

But let's examine the flaws:

1. somebody selling you a map will sell the same map to the next guy or gal. And that means competition, which ties into what I was saying.

2. Now you're in a foot race for the gold.

3. Oh and by the way, is it even real?

Because would you sell the map to gold, if it was real, and do-able?

Yeah, right.

The bottom line is drag vs dopeness.

Drag comes in where these all this inefficiency and conflict.

Alchemy is all about dopeness.

And listen, what works, real world, is going to be counter-intuitive.

So an incredible skill is developing vision for things that are counter-intuitive.

Think of Alchemy.

You get in there, and you have a small number of key pressure points that David Mills, the $50,000/day profit man prescribes...

...And you make it happen. You turn lead into gold.


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Now there's no guesswork, and no foot race.

That's how I got out.


Here's the Alchemy resource page:

Here's an earnings report from Fletch to put things in perspective:

A few days ago Fletch hit a $33,000 profit payday for an ecommerce business.

And the bottom line was Fletch built his leverage in a big way.

That leverage put Fletch on a whole different playing field.

That allowed Fletch ultimately to make more money than the average American makes for a few hours work.

Fletch had developed with David Mills like I have, and like Greg Morrison has.

It's all about Alchemy.

Here’s the alchemy resource page:

It’s all happening,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz, Fletch, Street Smart Joe and Stephen Floyd.

Two guys, both in their 40s. Similar backgrounds. Above average smarts. Both caring, and both with a drive that goes well past his own self interests.

One lives in his parents basement.

The other reaps $23,000/day from a “secret” 65 billion/yr niche market.

The first is Kotton 2-years ago. The other is Kotton today.

I was there, behind the scenes, when David Mills spotted an underground niche, in the early days of it, and put OMG’ers like Kotton in a position target millions plus.

(To be specific, David emphasized hitting $3,000,000 realistic.)

Kotton Grammer.


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There were two other “big” trends others pointed to instead.

1. Going “Viral” through luck or the good fortune of a gate keeper.

2. Building a huge list of adoring fans ready to buy recommendations.

Both are pre-internet phenomenons.

But what David called out for OMG’ers, SEO client consulting, which today is a $65,000,000 market in just the US, is brand new to the internet, because it relies on the all-new search engines.

Going Viral is about either stumbling into massive good fortune or kissing just the right @ss just the right way.

List building is either once again luck, or incredible writing skill, + paid ads, which was newspapers TV + magazines, and now includes Facebook, Google PPC etc.

I tried to scale up initially with PPC ads. But it took time and was boom bust.

Now I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds have success:

And I’ve also seen people struggle and even give up.

By far the biggest thing that worked was harnessing search engines for huge gains.

Years ago David was shouting from the rooftops about SEO client consulting.

The result is massive, massive success.

OMG’ers like Kotton who paid David heed have had unbelievable success.

But David also hard-wired things to position individuals like Kotton to emerge and change others lives.

When Kotton joined OMG Gregory Ortiz was stocking shelves at Bed Bath & Beyond. Kotton took Gregory under wing.

Today Gregory makes over $100,000/mo.

Armando had a day job. Now he’s $50k/mo.

Kotton has changed so many lives I’ve long since lost count.


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Shannon, a single mom, was at whit’s end.

Now she’s quit her day job at $10k/mo.

Kotton is a deeply caring person.

What a difference between nipping Kotton's ability to share incredible help, which is what most would do in the name of watching out for "competition"...

...And how David developed Kotton.

And that’s the whole point of David’s method. I’ve written, in previous Alchemy Journals, how David focuses individually.

David didn't just built OMG around the emerging $65,000,000,000/yr SEO client consulting market…

…It was also built around developing the talents of individuals joining our cause.

So how did David do it?

How did he spot the 65 billion SEO market?

For one thing David looks at what scales.

And Alchemy scales so, so much bigger.

Because Alchemy is aimed at solving our greatest problems. Which financially means a many trillion dollar and beyond market.

But much more, for the especially caring, as with Kotton, it means no glass ceiling.

What a thing. Kotton is currently at or over $23,000 profit in the bank per day, and here I am talking about much more.

And when I say especially caring, I’ve found reasonably financially stable people by and large very caring.

I’ve caught wind that David and Kotton are planning an Assimilation webinar, open to everybody, coming Wednesday, and it’s a total absolute NUKE.

Here's where it will all appear:

Get ready because it’s getting exciting.

It’s all happening,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz, Fletch, Street Smart Joe, and Stephen Floyd

For months I've been hitting on a number of related topics, including Leverage Building vs Begging, the Sweet Spot and the Million/mo Manifesto, my upcoming Ebook with a forward by Bob Proctor.

Now as we're really heating up with the Alchemy event I'm finally nearly ready to release the Million/mo Manifesto, which gets the Sweet Spot back on my mind.

Now it's one thing to say you want to build leverage instead of what we're taught by teachers, friends, family, employers and even TV, books and beg.

But how do we get an overwhelming advantage with building leverage.

It starts with picking what we're going to build leverage in.

Street Smart Joe Marfoglio and his wife.


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Well I gave a Live Cast on the Sweet Spot, while also giving a sneak preview of my Million/Month Manifesto, from Tai Lopez's compound, just minutes away from my home, in February.

I placed that Live Cast for you here:

There are 3 aspects to business that you must cover from two angles each: Traffic, conversion and product are the aspects, and the two angles are relationships and infrastructure.

So for example the relationship angle of a restaurant's conversion process might include how a manager might script the restaurants daily specials, so the restaurant owners connection to the manager, and the managers relationship with the waiters.

The sweet spot for OMG'ers is focusing in on the infrastructure of traffic, and especially free traffic. That's because free traffic can both be their product that they sell, in the $65,000,000,000/yr SEO client consulting market, and it can be their method for attracting clients for client consulting.

And SEO is so sexy right now, so exiting that businesses in the US alone this year will spend over $65,000,000,000 this year for help with Google.

But the reason it can all come together is the other Sweet Spot - that David and I are focused on with OMG, the relationship aspect of profit...

...Specifically making OMG a playground for our caring and duplicatable, 6-fig/mo player coaches, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz, Fletch, Joe Marfoglio and Stephen Floyd…

Because the player coaches handle the relationship aspect of free traffic…

…They create our blueprint OMGers follow along with as they master the infrastructure of free traffic... so they know how the "wiring" of the sites they are nurturing all works as it relates to Google.

So David turned OMG into an incredible playground for our player coaches. To where OMG feels very magnetic because it's so valuable:


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Take Joe. He came to OMG as somebody with start and stop success.

Now OMG had the planned effect... Greg Morrison helped Joe get such a strong grasp on getting free traffic to his sites, and to his client sites...

...And then I helped him add affiliate marketing where he was piling on 5-figures per month as pure icing...

So his income really started adding up.

But then when Joe became a player coach and started getting developed directly by David Mills, and to where he was in constant touch with people of Kotton's caliber, Joe exploded to 6-figures per month.

And Joe has expressed to me he's much much happier, not just in his career, but also of course as he helps OMG'ers explode past barriers to money-getting and sees the earning reports roar in, it's just incredibly rewarding.

Now with Alchemy, David is doing something so incredibly special because, in the past, the only way to get developed by David Mills, the guys with a $1,500,000/mo profit business, was to be an OMG player coach.

Here's the Alchemy resource page:

It's all happening,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg M o r r i s o n , Ko t t o n , L i z Herrera, F letch, “Street Smart” Joe and Stephen Floyd.

Here’s your Mil l ion/Mo Manifesto ebook, with a foreword by Bob Proctor:

(There’s also a link on that page to sign up for Wednesday, when Kotton is going to present David Mills in an amazing Alchemy Assimilation webinar and you’re NOT going to want to miss it live, because it will be incredible.)

13 June 2017

Your Million/Mo Manifesto ebook, foreword by Bob Proctor, is ready + David Mills, Kotton, Alchemy Assimilation webinar Wednesday 8 EST


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I remember years ago when David Mills swaggered into my game store, like Val Kilmer in Tombstone, and he told me: “Pick anything.”

I had known David for several years at that point, and I’d seen him, go underground for years on end, focusing on developing his Law of Implication Alchemy methodology, while others, me included, chased money directly.

Now David supported himself with his fantastic speed learning course he taught on the campus of the University of Virginia as a private program, and he made just enough to get by.

But that day, years into his research, when David came into my store and told me that we could do ANYTHING with what he’d discovered…that day changed it all.

That was the day my starts started shifting. And fast.

I went from a promising but ultimately struggling entrepreneur, trying to boot strap my way through, because I came from a 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development.

To where I am now today. But it’s a win win win.

Because it’s not just me winning of profit and reputation. I see how the products I sell are helping others.

And I mean really helping them, to where sometimes my customers move me to tears with the kinds of differences I’ve made in lives.

And in many cases, those customers pass things on, and pay it forward to the next guy or gal.

And that’s a win, win, win situation.

Now I didn’t become a million/month affiliate right away.

That’s something I’ve built up to.

Because David Mills showed me how to BUILD leverage instead of Begging. This book, the Million/Month manuscript comes from that place.

It’s a collection of these most recent email dispatches that I’ve been sending out, which I call the Alchemy Journals, because they are pulled from my life, which has transformed BECAUSE of David Mills golden touch.


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Because I was developed by him.

And soon it can be your turn too.

Here’s your Million/Mo Manifesto ebook, with a foreword by Bob Proctor:

It’s all happening,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz Herrera, Fletch, “Street Smart” Joe and Stephen Floyd.

Andrew Palmer posted this today:


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Andrew posted this, about the Alchemy coaching webinars that David Mills has been putting on, to roaring approval, currently exclusively for OMG coaching m e m b e r s ( b u t starting tomorrow, available for others to feast on:


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During one of the Alchemy webinars, there have been 4 so far, which tomorrow you’ll get the opportunity to get immediate access to, during one of the webinars, Andrew responded to one of my comments with this, regarding David's Law of Implication:

Now there's two things that you must have, for success, in my 18-years of experience with my own online business projects.

You need a blueprint, and you also need  a framework.

Now you'll see people, time to time put out blueprints, to where they are a real honest to goodness roadmap of how that person had success, at least to a reasonable extent...

...But then you'll also see people struggle to adapt the blueprint to their own situation,  and then there's very little. success.


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It turns out the few who do succeed typically by some good fortune, had a reasonable enough framework in place, to where they are still able to benefit.

But far and away most people don't start out online with the framework they need.

That's one of the miracles of OMG. Because OMG started as a program where we give people the blueprint that Greg Morrison used and now uses, to have success.

But a silver bullet, that David Mills slipped in was a number of tasty morsels from his Law of Implication framework.

And that was enough of an edge, to give enough of our members a framework where Greg's...and now Kotton's and our other  player coaches blueprints suddenly became very, very useful.

That's how we have amazing earnings reports:

Well now, with Alchemy, for the first time ever, we're getting the full framework.

People wonder often, and they ask me, on Snapchat DMs twice today for example, of how I went from living in a 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development, to  where I am today, a million/month affiliate.

Well I'll tell you one thing, I got my framework from David Mills.

And before I had that, I struggled too.

Frustration. Debt. Desperation.

There are blueprints out there. You may already have one or more that you can  adapt...once you have the framework.

Alchemy is going to give you framework, that basis, or foundation that's needed for success.

Speaking of Alchemy, tomorrow, Kotton is hosting David Mills at 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific:

Here’s the link to go to the Alchemy resource page, where you can also sign up:

(You can also get my all-new “Million/Month Manifesto, the Alchemy Journals” ebook, with an incredible foreword by Bob Proctor on that same page, linked above.)

The comment thread will be here, in The OMG Way closed Facebook group, which you have to request to join:

It’s an incredibly, incredibly exciting time to be alive.

See you on tomorrow’s webby,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz, Fletch, Street Smart Joe, and Stephen Floyd

In about 1 hour, at 8 PM Eastern, 5 Pacific David Mills and Kotton setting OMG ablaze with their Assimilation Alchemy Mash-up webby:

David and Kotton have put incredible preparation into this event, behind the scenes, and today will be the day that many OMG’ers look back on, as the day that their stars began to change.

I got a Snapchat direct message in from Caliph, an OMG’er who joined in January, and who now makes over $4000/mo with his OMG money-getting… …And Caliph linked to a video of me playing Magic: the Gathering, in Paris:

h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ?v=HLa8GMQAMu4


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Caliph pointed out that it was 20-years ago, and he asked me what I would tell myself, if I could go back 20-years.

I immediately wrote back:

“I’d tell myself to listen to David Mills, even when I feel sure that I’m right.”

On second thought, I should have said ESPECIALLY instead of even…

…Because it’s been the times when I was “especially sure” that I was right and David wasn’t that I’ve missed out the most on opportunity, and even cased harm.

The first time I heard of David, I was playing Magic: the Gathering, which is a strategy and math game with a key element of gamesmanship…

…Now I considered myself to be one of the best out there…

…And a doctor and psychologist from Harvard, Brian Bouton, who was also a top player, came to me and asked if I’d be interested in approaching this guy, David Mills, to get him to coach us.

Well I was f ’n pissed with Brian.

Who did he think he was, thinking there was somebody out there so smart that it would be worth it to get them to coach.

The funny thing about it was I was a champion wrestler at the time…

…And I actively sought out coaches to improve my wrestling technique,to great gain. But Magic “felt” different.

It’s an extremely competitive game with a cut-throat tournament circuit, and I prided myself…pride being the key, as being the most talented.

Well that all came crashing down when I met David. Because when I saw the plans he created, and witnessed him in action, I was humbled, and jealous.

Now in the June 8th entry of my Alchemy Journals, now included in my Million/Month Manifesto, I talked about the idea of competition, how harmful it can be to creativity and success.

In a key moment, I set aside my jealousy and sense of competition with David and decided to do everything I could, to try to work with him…

…And yes, to get coached by him.

Within a year David and I were ranked #1 and #2, respectively, in the Professional Magic: the Gathering circuit.

In fact, that You Tube video link above was me playing Magic, using techniques and strategies from David, that won me a massive tournament.

But I still had much to learn.


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Because several times over the next few years, as David and I transitioned away from Magic and into the online business world…

…Several times I took the advice of others, counter to David’s guidance.

Each and every time I didn’t listen to David I created frustration and drag for myself.

In fact it wasn’t until I reached a whole new level of ruthlessness for David’s Alchemy advice that I shot massively up to where I’m now a Million/Month affiliate marketer.

Not long ago an OMG’er emailed me, asking what he could do to get directly coached by David Mills. He offered $1000/hour.

The first thought that came to my mind was, that what I had done, now for the last 20-years, which is to live my life to best get coached by David, because he’s just that good.

Now just yesterday, in the June 14th edition of my Alchemy Journals, I distinguished the difference between blueprints and framework.

I want to give you another angle on that, because it goes with what I’m saying here right now.

Imagine two different scenarios in the stock trading niche.

The first scenario is where a guy invents a bot or software to do trades at a profit, and allows you to buy it.

If that guy can show you how he’s had success and continues to, under present conditions, then you might buy his blueprint. And that is reasonable.

Here’s a second scenario to compare:

Imagine a different person has a 20-year track record of investing where he’s made millions, following a framework he’s created.

Also imagine that person has a small handful of proteges who are all insanely successful, using his framework.

And he invites you to immerse yourself in his world and get advice, answers and training from him, multiple times per week for months on end.

Now that person may not have have a bot of software, but if I was in the market for investment advice, I’d sure as heck be interested in that 2nd deal.

Because while blueprints are great, and I like to have them, they often come and go. And more importantly, no matter how good a blueprint is, if you don’t have a framework for success, you won’t succeed.


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Alchemy is about you getting David’s framework, though direct coaching with David, which outside of a few instances with me and the OMG player-coaches, has never happened before.

Now OMG has been about getting you current up to date blueprints on free traffic and money-getting, since day 1.

But David has also added in a secret sauce, by quietly embedding a number of juicy morsels from his Alchemy framework.

And OMG’ers have thrived with just that.

Here’s a few hand picked testimonials I put together for David’s handiwork a few months back:

But OMG has more than testimonials.

Elizabeth Engen posted this days ago:

$23,000 in a month is about what an average doctor makes after 14-years in school and $300,000 in debt.

Now here comes Elizabeth. #BOOM.

Today is a day I’ve been licking my chops for a long time in the coming.

Today is when, for the first time, people will get the chance to get in on the coaching that has taken me from the 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development start I got…

…To where I am now.

My thank you to David, and to the world, is me telling you about this now.

Today is the day that many will look back on. The same way I look back on the day when my stars started changing…

…The day I started getting coached from David on his Alchemy framework.

Here’s then link to go sign up for the webinar with David and Kotton, at the top of this page:

See you on the webby,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz, Fletch, Joe, and Stephen Floyd.

David and Kotton threw down last night:

Here's the transcript.

At the end of the day your money- getting and your whole lifestyle springs from your offer, and fulfilling on your offer.

I've been saying you Build leverage, or you beg.

Another way of looking at your offer is the building blocks for your offer.

That's how David has built a $50,000/ day profit business.

To give you a sense, most businesses operate at 5% profit - if not at loss.


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So you'd need around a $150,000,000/yr business to hit a $50,000/day business.

David pulled this off with a business started from scratch, in 2012 from a boot-strap $2000 budget.

And the lifestyle that David leads is pretty darn incredible.

But it's not just David's success with with his offers, that's made him a multi-millionaire. It's his personal life a runaway fantasy.

It's not just David.

I'm a million dollar per month affiliate. I just got off the phone wirh a vendor I did $1,250,000 in sales for in just the last 6-months.

And I've offered a window into my personal life through Snapchat (Username: Aykarus) and As motivation and insight because I share snapshots and videos from the life I lead...

...I'm typing this on my iPhone from the rooftop of my 8 million West Hollywood residence next to the fire pit, enjoying my relationship and my friends...

And I started out in a 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development, which was NOT nice.

It's because of David Mills and what I've learned and been coached by him, on my offer and fulfilling.

Listen at this point I bring great leverage to bear in my offers.

But I built that leverage. You won't get the lifestyle you want flat footed & begging.

Because that's not how it works. Now I think this last webinar, with Kotton and David was one of Kotton's greatest.

Because you got this raw real angle, one after another person, who like me, learned to build leverage and pack that leverage into a nuke level offer...

I'm talking Fletch and Joe who are now 6-fog/mo guys.

I'm talking Kotton who's racked up close to 10-million in his bank from where he started, back to wall.

Here's the replay and David's offer: See you on the inside,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz Herrera, Fletch, Joe Marfoglio and Stephen Floyd.

4 New earnings reports flashed in the OMG news channels today:

(Love what Sanoe said about Alchemy!)

Each of these news posts represents either a new money-getting venture springing to life for the first time, or somebody strengthening and growing rapidly.

I was at the gym today, re-listening to the very first Alchemy webinar, which David recorded in front of hundreds of wonderful, live minded OMG’ers, late May.


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And he was talking about mixing, which is the core of what we’re doing with Alchemy…

…Because we’re mixing good building blocks together in a way that David guides us, navigates us, energizes us in doing…

…And because we’re BUILDING leverage instead of begging, we’re piling up plenty of juicy money-getting and lifestyle leveling-up ingredients to foundational build our OFFER.

Because when you have an OFFER you have something real, especially when you know how to craft, “price” (including what you’re willing to give in your personal relationships) market, and ultimately and powerfully FULFILL… so that you SNOWBALL.

Now while I was listening to David today it hit me that the very act of real-world mixing is why what I call “face to face sales.”

Face to Face sales doesn’t necessarily mean you’re chin to chin with your prospect or knocking on doors,though there’s nothing wrong with that.

(Magic the Gathering is a collectable card game that’s math based and very competitive, with a popular pro circuit, David and I were #1 and #2 in the world at one point.)

…I found that when I was online, playing the game, Magic, to film new content for our program…

…That when I was also SELLING while I was playing, and winning customers over, that when I went to write emails to our list that I made a LOT more sales and we had a lot more success from our members.

That's the result of real world mixing instead of theory. Kotton says you're the only one who can tug on your jersey and put you in the game.

But why would it be any other way, once you start to wrap your head around the physicals of David Mills’ Alchemy, because what he’s distinguished, is that we mix our ways to success, as we cook up our OFFERS…

…Now that first offer online made David and I a few thousand a month each, but we really had incredible success with our members.


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One of our members went all the way from struggling to win games at his local store to becoming a pro tour champion:

Today, from those humble beginnings David runs a million dollar per month profit business. It’s staggering.

But it all snowballed, because he did it right. People want to know how I became a million/month affiliate.

Same thing. Snowballing on strong offers.

Oh and by the way, you bet your bottom dollar affiliate marketing takes a serious understanding of OFFERS, just like SEO client consulting and selling physical products, like on Amazon or Shopify.

Alchemy is now available:

At the top of that page you’ve got the insane webinar Kotton and David Mills put together Wednesday.

It’s an exciting time to be alive.

Money is flying around everywhere, once you’re willing DIG IN and BUILD leverage to build your OFFER, instead of begging…

…Like Sanoe, Danny, Brad and David Nguyen.

It’s all happening,

Mike Long


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz Herrera, Fletch, Joe Marfoglio and Stephen Floyd. Now is an incredible time to get in on Alchemy, $50,000/day (profit) business man, David Mills’ all-new, unbelievable coaching program.

Because the official start date for the Early Bird leg of the program kicks off Monday, which give you time to get up-to -speed, by going through the 5 pre-game webinars that David has all-ready to go for you, right now.

David Mills has a clear-cut mental system of “hacks” that give you an overwhelming advantage both in your money-getting, and the lifestyle you lead, which is tied to money, but by no means limited to just that. I grew up in 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing, and I struggled incredibly before David Mills intervened.

His though strategy constantly acted like a “guardian angel” in my life, cutting me to the head of the line, to where, now I’m a $1,000,000/mo affiliate.


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David’s plan for himself, for me, and for you is all organized around understanding your offers, crafting them, “pricing”, “marketing” and, perhaps most importantly, FULFILLING. So what do I mean by offer?

And why is it all-important?

Let me start by saying what your offer is NOT. And almost everybody I’ve ever met gets this completely wrong, me front and center.

Plus why it’s so incredibly inefficient to NOT see it David Mills’ way.

Here’s what your offer, whether it’s for a money-getting bargain, or personal relationships:

Your offer is NOT you.

Now some might be saying “I know that.” Here’s a self test to see if you “get it” already: Ask yourself if you feel ANY fear AT ALL in any of your money-getting moves, or your personal relationships.

I mean even 1% fear. Or one time per month or several months. Or really ever.

Because if you experience fear in your offers, then you don’t get it yet.

And the great news is, when it does hit you, it’s going to feel like the weight of the world came off your shoulders.

Let me give you an angle on your offer.

If you have a guy, and he’s nervous about approaching a pretty girl, it shows he has no idea of what an offer is.

Because the fear is of rejection. But who cares if somebody doesn’t take part in your offer.

Right now there’s around 6-billion people who aren’t taking me up on any offers. Why then do people feel fear. And why does that fear itself seem so natural.

Because if your friends and family aren’t saying THERE’S NOTHING TO FEAR, they don’t get it either…and I mean both by their words and by their own actions, where they feel no fear in their offers.

It turns out the default way of seeing the world is packed with panic.

Because we accidentally see our offers as being, in essence, us. And if we get rejected, then it actually fully feels like death.

I failed public speaking in University because I was scared to death to speak.

Because I didn’t understand my offer.

The way I see my offer now is this.

Let’s say it’s a personal relationship.

Now I’ll tell you right now I’m wild about my significant other.


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Never been happier. But I’m not afraid of her. Because it makes no sense to be. I’m not saying I don’t care what she wants. I care very much.  I feel mind-blown every time I think how lucky I was to meet her. Several times every day.

My offer is that we happen to really like each-other, in a way that really works for each-other in almost every case, then that we can really talk if we need to get back on track. From there it’s fun and respect.

And I really go for following through. Including what it took to prepare me to follow through.

Where in that offer is fear?

1. 3-4 billion women, by their actions,couldn’t give a f ’ about me, romantically.

2. Some number of women out of say, 1000, will find me attractive. Some number out of a billion, or several billion, will.

So where does the fear wind up, coming in, by default?

It comes when a guy accidentally, but fully, feels that if a girl rejects him it lowers his chances.

Now I’ve heard it said that’s because man used to be in small tribes. I guess, but even if it is, that’s besides the point.

Because it’s every bit as adaptive as burning half your money every morning.

Ok so what does this have to do withmoney-getting?

Well for one thing your relationships will STRONGLY impact your ability and motivation.

For another thing, the deals we make to get paychecks invariably come from our offer. This goes for affiliate marketing, for SEO client consulting, for ecommerce, and every other job under the sun.

Once again where does the fear come in? We know from David Mills’ dissolving fear lesson, fear is our mind getting stuck to where it calculates that some future event that has some % chance of happening will permanently screw us over.

Since we can’t know that it’s even possible to be permanently screwed, even by death, that’s something that shouldn’t impact us, so long as we follow David’s training..

(David’s Dissolving fear video is here:

So what does my money-getting offer look like? Let’s say I’m selling software, as an affiliate.

I recently offered Smart Member, which I really like, and I use.


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That offer had to be crafted, priced, marketed and fulfilled.

What I arrived at was to craft an offer where I’d deliver a hard-hitting bonus on how I use Smart member, and include additional coaching sessions from Smart Member creator Chris Record, and OMG player-coach, Stephen Floyd.

That bonus had to be something I could get to people who joined Smart Member through my link. And I used Smart Member to deliver that bonus. Here’s where my bonus is:

People were wildly happy and I sold somewhere around $300,000 in Smart Member.

But as you look at that, what I didn’t tell you yet, was all the other offers I created, priced, marketed, and fulfilled before Smart Member. Because all of them worked together to SNOWBALL my success.

Because, again and again it comes back to BUILDING leverage, instead of begging. By the way, BUILDING leverage, the leverage that is the building blocks for your next offer… because you so often get to STACK your gains, with David’s Alchemy…so you want to be BUILDING leverage, because that’s your building blocks for your offer…and then as you nail one offer after the next you SNOWBALL.

Nowhere in there is room for fear. Because there’s so very much good leverage BUILDING to get to!

And that is the ONLY thing you have to do. Now it’s the HOW of each of those phases of the offer that I’m rolling out the red carpet to you,to David Mills’ Alchemy program’s doorstep. This is such an incredibly exciting time to be alive.

Look at Kotton. He’s now profiting over $20,000 per day, because he learned how to NAIL offer after offer, getting coached up by David Mills.

Look at hundreds of OMG’ers earnings-reports:

Here’s hundreds of OMG’ers testifying about David:

For the next 4-months you’re getting mentally, and philosophically transformed by David’s coaching program.

It’s worth $10,000,000 in the sense that I would tell ANYBODY, that the only way to get Alchemy was to earn $10,000,000 to then buy it, if they asked me if it was worth it, I would say ABSOLUTELY.

Listen, you can be like a Labron James of money-getting and lifestyle. Really. It’s out there for you.

What it has been like for me is saying materials David has provided me, mostly recordings, and MP3s, and then coaching calls with him, where he feeds me fresh, cutting edge understanding on the offers I’m involved with, and then,answers.


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David is going full force, with 2 webinars per week starting when the “main-phase” of the Alchemy program kicks in, early July. But right now you’re benefiting from several additional live coaching webinars between now and then, and the first of the Early Bird sessions is Monday.

Here’s where to get Alchemy:

We have hundreds and hundreds involved actively right now in Alchemy, and they love it. John Susko says Alchemy has “kicked in”:

He’s one of a wave of people going through a money-getting and lifestyle awakening. And now is an unbelievable time to join, because you take full advantage of the Early Bird part of the Alchemy program, starting Monday!

See you inside,

Mike Long

P.S. I’ve been going all-out, shouting from the rooftops about Alchemy. Here’s the Million/month Manifesto (Alchemy Journals) so far, with a forward by Bob Proctor:


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz Herrera, Fletch, Joe Marfoglio and Stephen Floyd.

David Mills’ Alchemy program early bird begins at 8 PM Eastern, 5 Pacific tonight, and the buzz is thrilling.

Even though we’re just starting early bird registration, we’ve already got tons of testimonials:

h t t p : / / o m g m a ch i n e s . c o m / a l ch e my / a l ch e my -testimonials.php

The most recent testimonial there is from Jen, who hit $9,400 in April with her consulting business.

Here’s where to sign up for Alchemy now:

(Members of OMG Project Assimilation, and Director's Cut 2016, already get to take part in Alchemy, and others can get in right now for a bare fraction of what it’s worth.)


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David Mills, who’s built a million dollar per month profit business, based on showing others how to wildly successfully consult and JV (joint venture) for huge paychecks, is now, for the first time ever, revealing the framework he’s used to make millions…

…Plus David has shown his framework to a small number of individuals, proud to get coached up by David Mills, including Kotton and I…

…And the success has been absolutely off the charts.

The most exciting thing is that Alchemy is something you can do if you're starting from ground zero and have zero experience or background in client consulting or JVs.

Part of the reason why is that this is one of those “right place, right time” situations where consulting and JVs are white, white HOT because people are realizing that in today’s fast paced age, consulting and JVs can keep costs low, and build up steam fast…

…And yet so few know how to properly craft, “price” “market” and FULFILL their offers, so that they have incredible success, and so they can snowball with no ceiling.

Look at me - I started out in a 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development.

Yet in the last 30-days I hit leaderboards, credited in public with over a million dollars in affiliate sales.

I’m now able to do that because I’ve been stacking one successful offering on top of the next, on top of the next with my consulting and JV (joint venture) deals.

Kotton was living in his parents basement when he joined OMG.

Today he banks and profits well over $20,000 per day. It’s unheard of.

Let me use Kotton’s example to give you another perspective on things.

Because before David Mills stepped on the scene there was already such a thing as SEO client consulting, where consultants tried to get deals to rank businesses for keywords in Google.

But today, because of what David designed with OMG, there’s a night and day difference in what an individual can do to generate huge profits as a consultant doing SEO.


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Here’s OMG’s earnings reports compilation:

Now David baked his framework for success with consulting and JVs into OMG, but he’s never revealed that framework before today.

Which is why this is such an incredibly exciting event. Because there’s no limit to the power of consulting and JVs, when you know how to do it right.

David has been consulting for 20-years, in every niche from learning to gaming to product launches to relationship advice.

These days you can practically sit around Google, looking up the solutions to people’s problems, and then charge excellent consulting fees and even making blockbuster JVs.

But that’s only if you know how to craft, “price,” “market,” and above all FULFILL your consulting and JV offers. And THAT is what Alchemy is all about.

Plus Alchemy is perfect for beginners, even if you're just getting started from scratch and have no business or background.

If you imagine yourself as a business owner trying to expand your business without hiring on a bunch of employees, or piling up a bunch of risky fixed

without hiring on a bunch of employees, or piling up a bunch of risky fixed costs, then getting involved in a consulting deal or JV sounds sexy.

But what kind of consulting of JV partner would you be on the lookout for?

How about one who knows how to turn things into GOLD, Alchemy style?

Inside of Alchemy, David teaches, guides, navigates, coaches and helps answer your questions about this incredible new world of consulting and JVs, which can now be at your fingertips.

And it all starts with the early bird program, which kicks off TONIGHT at 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific:

Hundreds and hundreds of people are already involved and, like me, so many of them are so excited they can hardly hold it all in. Tons of testimonials already.

This is an exciting time to be alive!

See you on the inside,

Mike Long


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Mike Long on behalf of myself, David Mills, Kotton, Fletch, Joe Marfoglio, Stephen Floyd and Liz Herrera.

Two big things that changed with the Internet was 1 an opportunity to do business with low fixed costs, because you don't need a physical location, or workers to perform tasks like answering questions or working the register.

And 2 is the search engines.

One emergent property of the first change, low fixed costs, is the rise of the consultant and JVs (joint venture partnerships.)

That's because suddenly people don't have to be in the same place to join forces on projects.

David Mills started consulting & JVs full time in the early days of the net.


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He's done it in math, speed reading, relationship advice, product launches, and most recently OMG.

OMG is now a million dollar per month profit program with no employees. In 13-years of doing consulting and JVs I haven't seen many team-ups last long.

And OMG has helped launch any number of consulting and JV successes, in huge part because David baked his framework into OMG.

Now for the first time ever he's explaining and coaching on his consulting and jv framework and how to focus on your offer I including crafting, pricing, marketing and fulfilling your offers.

Last Wednesday when Kotton presented David Mills on the Alchemy Assimilation Mashup, Kotton brought up how John Maxwell judges coaches on their ability to help students become good coaches.

David Mills developed Kotton who's incredible inside OMG, and now a $700,000/mo consultant.

I'm a million per month affiliate from leveraging a whole jv marketplace.

The earning potential here, coupled with a very low barrier to entry is nothing short of breathtaking. Thing very big.

Yesterday David Mills had his first earlybird coaching webinar, that stacked on to the 4 prelaunch coaching webinars, and it was electrifying and actionable.

I filled notebook pages and I've been working in Alchemy all day.

Right now is an incredible time to be alive if for no other reason Alchemy will give you overwhelming advantages for breaking in and BLOWING UP with consulting and JVs.

Here's where to get in on Alchemy's Early bird phase:

See you on the inside,

Mike Long

PS James Pemberton hit me on the DM on snapchat (username: aykarus) with a $70,000 earning report last month

I uploaded it to my Instagram.


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Mike Long here on behalf of myself, David Mills, Greg Morrison, Kotton, Liz Herrera, Fletch, Joe Marfoglio and Stephen Floyd.

I want to speak out to members in their 20s:

David Mills and I met as Magic: the Gathering players. Magic is a collectable card game that’s math and strategy based, with a very competitive tournament circuit.

One player who we faced went on to run a hedge fund. Several are World Series of Poker champions.

Now shortly after David and I met, Wizards of the Coast, makers of Magic, created professional circuit with top prizes of $25,000 or more for a single event.

(Which David, and I, both in our early 20s, that was HUGE money.)

I remember the first pro tournament, in ice cold New York City, February 1996.


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Back then they had younger group, 17 and under, and then everybody else.

One group of these younger guys sprang up.

It was centered in New York/New Jersey (with significant members from as far as Dallas - Dave Williams, who today has won millions playing Poker.)

And these guys were just exceptionally talented.

David Mills and I happened to have an excellent record against them, but these guys really were just awesome.

And I noticed, as I watched them in the early days, that a lot of them struggled early on. But the more they watched the way that David and I did things…the moves they made paid off more and more.

Today these guys are in the history books as some of the most incredibly successful Magic players, in a game that’s still wildly popular world-wide.

Some of the mistakes I saw those guys making in their teens had to do with confidence. Others had to do with really shooting aspirationally with their preparation.

A word about being aspirational and visionary. It matters.

One of the things on the table, once you’re working with David Mills, is that ANYTHING is possible.

David came to me one day, after we both walked away from Magic to focus really sharing a message with the world about David’s strategies…

…David came to me and said PICK ANYTHING.

That we could CRUSH one thing that we went for.

We arrived at spreading David’s Law of Implication, which is what Alchemy is all about…

…That we could spread it to the world through online marketing success.

Well now David has built a $1,000,000 per month profit business, where we show people how to become SEO consultants, and where our member success is outrageous.

Yesterday one of our members, Jake, sent me a Snapchat yesterday from behind the wheel of his brand new Porsche.


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Jake’s collecting 6-figures/month in paychecks from people hiring him on as a consultant every month.

Jake is 25.

When he joined us he was a personal assistant.

He had zero leverage.

But he learned to BUILD his leverage inside OMG.

Oh yeah, and one of the biggest ways Jake did that was by studying David Mills HARD.

I mean Jake said to himself that he didn’t have to be Kotton or Mike Long to really go after getting what David Mills has to share with people.

Well Jake was right.

Here's the very first earnings report we got from Jake:

The opportunity with consulting out there is insane.

Not just with SEO, but for thousands of skills.

(For example Jake also offers pay per click ads consulting to cients, and that's something that gets some people in the door he wouldn't get otherwise..)

Here’s where the Alchemy early-bird event is going on right now:

See you on the inside,

Mike Long


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Mike Long on behalf of myself, David Mills, Kotton, Fletch, Joe Marfoglio, Stephen Floyd and Liz Herrera

I just uploaded an earning report to Instagram from Jeremy, who joined OMG in January:

There has been an explosion of earnings reports since David Mills unleashed Alchemy in late May.

David designed Alchemy to do just that for OMG 2016 members. He baked Alchemy, his unique silver bullet framework for making and stacking one breakthrough after the next into OMG, starting in 2013.

Now OMG began in 2012, and by then we already had lots of earning reports...

...David's addition took things to the absolute next level, both in


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terms of numbers of earnings reports, now hundreds and hundreds, and also where, in 2013 we had several $20,000/mo earners as the tops for what members achieved...

...But now, today, we've got several OMG'ers hitting 6-figures per month!

I was talking to David last night, and I was saying that I remember when $50,000/month seemed like an audacious dream. Now inside omg we just have a LOT of people at that level.

Doctors work 14 years, and go $300,000 in debt, to begin to make $20,000 per month. Kotton makes that much or more every day.

Today David is leading us to a new level.

With Alchemy, David wants OMG'ers to not just have the proper framework baked in, but now he wants OMG'ers to understand what the Alchemy framework is, and how to create using it.

Because once you have the right

framework, then the blueprints out there, that really work, become truly duplicable.

So a blueprint might be a formula to rise to #1 in Google for your keyword. Or a method of landing new clients. Or even paid traffic, or getting viral traffic from various sources.

It turns out, that in my 18-years experience, that I've seen again and again, and again, that if you want big, consistent gains, a step by step blueprint is not enough. But when you mix in the Alchemy framework, now you've got an incredible foundation and massive success follows.

So when I saw Alchemy on the horizon...and I'm somebody who went from a bad 1/2 trailer park, 1/2 low income housing development to now where I'm now a million per month affiliate, and my happiness with my lifestyle isn't anything I'd dreamed of growing up...

...When I saw David preparing it, and I started to realize what was possible,


Click through here to check for an update to Million/Month Manuscript (Alchemy Journal.)

now that David was unleashing the method he uses to have success, without having to start with experience or a particular skill...

...I just got so excited!

There's one skill with David's teaching required, and that's partly where I come in, because I'm the one to tell you my experience, and the way to have it change your life:

Do Alchemy all out. now that David was unleashing the method he uses to have success, without having to start with experience or a particular skill...

...I just got so excited!

There's one skill with David's teaching required, and that's partly where I come in, because I'm the one to tell you my experience, and the way to have it change your life:

Do Alchemy all out.

When I go to the gym I listen to Alchemy. When I'm relaxing I'm often in the Alchemy "Goalscape".

When I feel stuck I let Alchemy help navigate me.

I am all in on Alchemy.

Don't worry about how you think things should be. Because the exiting thing is that the experts and gurus don't know this, so you're in on he ground floor of somethings so explosive, so consistent, and yet so unknown...

Here's a shortcuts I use:

The more you feel like you might have heard something "like" what David is saying, or that you've already taken David's advice into account, and *especially* when you disagree with David, then that's the time to double down on your focus, and to really try to "get" where David is coming from.

For example, I listen to everything David shares at least twice.

And I do it with my attention undivided.

I wish I could show you all the ways


Click through here to check for an update to Million/Month Manuscript (Alchemy Journal.)

this method has benefited me.

I've seen my earning go from scraping to get by, and even falling behind, to where my income makes my head spin, and my lifestyle is just so ideal for me.

And I'm really present to that. I remember where I came from, and how badly I wanted to change my stars.

So I asked David to open things up on Alchemy, to not just OMG 2106, but to a select group of individuals, ready to jump in with most feet with me, on taking fullest advantage of Alchemy.

I wanted people to be able to get in on Alchemy even if they haven't joined OMG just yet.

It took more "work" on behalf of David, me, and others like our Player Coaches.

But it's been incredibly worth it.

The energy it's brought, the life- changing testimonials and earnings reports have been amazing.

And we're just scratching the surface.

Alchemy early bird webinar 6 is Monday 5 Eastern, 2 Pacific.

I hope you'll be there with me.

David Mills just created a new version of the Alchemy sales letter to update current members of Alchemy and to speak out to those who haven't jumped in on the early bird just yet:

See you on Alchemy 6,

Mike Long