Download - Data types and Operators Continued

Page 1: Data types and Operators Continued

VHDL 360©

by: Mohamed Samy Samer El-Saadany

Page 2: Data types and Operators Continued

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Page 3: Data types and Operators Continued

Module 3 (Continued)

Data Types and Operators

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• Introducing Data Types & Operators• Skills gained:

– Familiarity with data types– More on Expressions & Operators– Modeling Memories

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Outline• Expressions & Operators• Aggregate• Attributes

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Operators• We have discussed some operators in Module 1*• Operators are subprograms defined for specific data type(s)

– Operators of the standard types (eg. bit, integer,…) are defined in "STD" library; in "standard" package. This package is visible by default to all VHDL design units.

*Module 1: Create your first model for a simple logic circuit

res <= (a and not(b)) or (not(a) and b);

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Example 1:

• Parentheses are used for readability and to control the association of operators and operands

• Unless parentheses are used, the operators with the highest precedence are applied first

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Operators Precedence• Operators’ precedence are in the following descending order:

– Miscellaneous operators **, abs, not– Multiplication operators *, /, mod, rem– Sign operator +, -– Addition operators +, -, &– Shift operators sll, srl, sla, sra, rol, ror– Relational operators =, /=, <, <=, >, >=, ?=, ?/=, ?<, ?<=, ?>, ?>=– Logical operators and, or, nand, nor, xor, xnor– Condition operator ??

• Operators of the same precedence are applied from left to right

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Items in blue were added in VHDL 2008

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Logical Operators

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Operation Package Comments

bit <= bit AND bit;bit_vector <= bit_vector AND bit_vector;

Standard Similarly NAND, OR, NOR, XOR…etc

std_logic <= std_logic AND std_logic;std_logic_vector <= std_logic _vector AND std_logic_vector;

ieee.std_logic_1164 Similarly NAND, OR, NOR, XOR…etc

std_logic_vector <= std_logic AND std_logic_vector; ieee.std_logic_1164 VHDL 2008 standard*Similarly NAND, OR, NOR, XOR…etc

*Not yet supported by all tools in the market

• When the operands are arrays they must have the same size• Operations on arrays are done starting from the left towards the right

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Addition Operators

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Operation* Package Comments

integer<= integer +/- integer Standard

std_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector +/- integerstd_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector +/- std_logic_vectorstd_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector +/- std_logic


Unsigned addition/subtractionSigned addition/subtraction

std_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector +/- naturalstd_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector +/- std_logic_vectorstd_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector +/- std_logic


VHDL 2008 standard*

std_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector & std_logicstd_logic_vector <= std_logic & std_logic_vectorstd_logic_vector <= std_logic_vector & std_logic_vector

Standard Operands can be of different size, result’s size will be the sum of both sizes





A <= B & C

-- A: 3 bits-- B: 5 bits-- C: 8 bitsC <= B & A;

Example 2:cin : in std_logic; a, b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);cout : out std_logic; y : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));

signal result : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);

result <= ('0' & a) + ('0' & b) + cin; cout <= result (8); y <= result (7 downto 0);

Example 3:

*Addition operators are Commutative*Not yet supported by all tools in the market

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Relational OperatorsOperator Description Operand Types Result Type



any type but file type or protected type Boolean


Smaller thanSmaller than or equalGreater thanGreater than or equal

scalar or discrete array types Boolean


Matching equality (VHDL 2008)*Matching inequality (VHDL 2008)

bit or std_ulogic or any one-dimensional array type whose element type is BIT or STD_ULOGIC

same as operand type or the elementType of the operands


Matching ordering (VHDL 2008) BIT orSTD_ULOGIC

same as operand type

Reference page

• Operations on arrays are done starting from the left towards the right• When comparing arrays; always ensure that the arrays are the same size• Notice the return type of the matching operators

*Not yet supported by all tools in the market

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Shift OperatorsOperator Description Left Operand Type Right Operand Type Result Type Package

sll Shift left logical (fill right vacant bits with 0)

Any one-dimensional array type with elements of type bit or boolean

Integer Same as left type Standard

srl Shift right logical (fill left vacated bits with 0)

same as above Integer Same as left type Standard

sla Shift left arithmetic (fill right vacated bits with rightmost bit)

same as above Integer Same as left type Standard

sra Shift right arithmetic (fill left vacated bits with leftmost bit)

same as above Integer Same as left type Standard

rol Rotate left (circular) same as above Integer Same as left type Standard

ror Rotate right (circular)

same as above Integer Same as left type Standard

Reference page

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Shift OperatorsOperator Description Left Operand Type Right Operand

TypeResult Type Package

SHL Shift left std_logic_vector std_logic_vector std_logic_vector ieee.std_logic_unsignedieee.std_logic_signed

SHR Shift right std_logic_vector std_logic_vector std_logic_vector ieee.std_logic_unsignedieee.std_logic_signed

sll Shift left logical std_logic_vector Integer std_logic_vector ieee.std_logic_1164*

srl Shift right logical std_logic_vector Integer std_logic_vector ieee.std_logic_1164*

rol Rotate left (circular) std_logic_vector Integer std_logic_vector ieee.std_logic_1164*

ror Rotate right (circular)

std_logic_vector Integer std_logic_vector ieee.std_logic_1164*

Reference page

* VHDL 2008, Not yet supported by all tools

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Shift Operators• The left operand is array to be shifted and the right operand is

the number of shifts (must be integer)

Example 4: signal A: bit_vector := "101001";

A <= A sll 2 -- A = "100100" A <= A srl 2 -- A = "001010" A <= A sla 2 -- A = "100111" A <= A sra 2 -- A = "111010" A <= A rol 2 -- A = "100110" A <= A ror 2 -- A = "011010"

Reference page

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Multiplication OperatorsOperator Description Left Operand Type Right Operand Type Result Type

* Multiplication Any integer Same type Same type

floating-point type Same type Same type

/ Division Any integer Same type Same type

floating-point type Same type Same type

mod Modulus Any integer type Same type Same type

rem Remainder Any integer type Same type Same type

Reference page

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Defined using the equation:A = (A/B)*B + (A rem B)Where:

A/B is an integer(A rem B) has the same sign of AAbsolute value of (A rem B) < Absolute value of B

Defined using the equation:A = B*N + (A mod B)Where:

N is an integer(A mod B) has the same sign of BAbsolute value of (A mod B) < Absolute value of B

Example 5 5 rem 3 = 2 (-5) rem 3 = -2 (-5) rem (-3) = -2 5 rem (-3) = 2 11 rem 4 = 3 (-11) rem 4 = -3

Example 6 5 mod 3 = 2 (-5) mod 3 = 1 (-5) mod (-3) = -2 5 mod (-3) = -1 9 mod 4 = 1 7 mod (-4) = -1

Multiplication OperatorsReference page

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Miscellaneous OperatorsOperator Description Left Operand Type Right Operand

TypeResult Type

** Exponentiation Integer type Integer type Same as left

floating-point type Same as left

abs Absolute value Any numeric type Same type

not Logical negation Any bit or Boolean type Same type

Reference page

x <= 5**5 -- ok y <= 0.5**3 -- ok

x <= 4**0.5 -- illegal (the return type is not integer)

y <= 0.5**(-2) -- ok

Y <= 5**(-2) -- illegal (the return type is not integer)

Example 7:

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• Provides an easy way of assigning objects of composite types

Example 8:

Signal data_bus : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

data_bus <= (15 downto 8 => '0' , others => '1');

--data_bus(1), data_bus(4), data_bus(7) are '1' while data_bus(2), data_bus(3) are '0';others are 'Z'

data_bus <= (1 | 4 | 7 => '1', 2 | 3 => '0', others => 'Z');

data_bus <= (others => '1'); -- fill data_bus with ones

data_bus <= ("0100", others => '1'); * -- data_bus <= "0100_1111_1111_1111"(carry_out, sum) <= ('0' & a) + ('0' & b); * -- target of an assignment

data_bus <= B"0001_1111_0110_0000"; -- _ for readability data_bus <= X"1F05"; -- X stands for hexadecimal thus data_bus <= "0001_1111_0000_0101"

* VHDL 2008

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Attributes (')• Attribute: a characteristic that something has

– used to return information about a signal, variable or a data type– consists of an apostrophe “tick” mark (') followed by the attribute

name• Predefined Type Attributes

– 'left, 'right, 'low, 'high, 'image, … • Predefined Array Attributes

– 'left, 'right, 'low, 'high, 'range, 'length, …• Predefined Signal Attributes

– 'event, …

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Attributes (')ARCHITECTURE examp OF attrs IS Type myInt is range 0 to 15; Type states is (red, yellow, green); Type word is array (15 downto 0) of std_logic; Signal count: integer; signal mySig: myInt; signal state : states; BEGIN process begin mySig <= myInt'left; count <= word'left; state <= states'left; wait for 10 ns; mySig <= myInt'right; count <= word'right; state <= states'right; wait for 10 ns; mySig <= myInt'low; count <= word'low; state <= states'low; wait for 10 ns; mySig <= myInt'high; count <= word'high; state <= states'high; wait for 10 ns; count <= word'length; wait; end process; END ARCHITECTURE examp;

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Example 9:

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Knight RiderLIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY knight_rider IS port(clk, rst, enable: in std_logic; knight: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); END ENTITY; ARCHITECTURE behave OF knight_rider IS signal temp: std_logic_vector(knight'range); signal count: integer range knight'low to knight'high; signal direction: std_logic; BEGIN process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then if rst = '1' then temp <= (knight'left => '1', others => '0'); direction <= '1'; count <= 0; …

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Example 10:

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Knight Rider … elsif enable = '1' then if direction = '0' then temp <= temp(knight'left-1 downto knight'right) & temp (knight'left); else temp <= temp(knight'right) & temp(knight'left downto knight'right+1); end if; if count = knight'length-2 then count <= 0; direction <= not direction; else count <= count +1; end if; end if; end if; end process; knight <= temp; END ARCHITECTURE;

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