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Data Cleanup: Unlock the potential at a corporate


Page 2: Data Cleanup: Unlock the potential at a corporate scale.

Thibault Dambrine

• IT professional for 25 years– Network Designer– ETL Data Warehouse Analyst– Interface Specialist– ERP Developer

• Data Quality Experience: – Tasked to work on the pre-conversion data cleanup

project during the Shell JDE to SAP transition

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• Premise:“What would a Company-wide Data Quality

Initiative look like?”

• Base:– Experience setting up a data cleanup team, prior

to a JDE to SAP data conversion – Realizing the potential for increasing the data

value within the corporation

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Defining Data Quality

• Intrinsic Data Quality: – Accuracy, Completeness, Uniqueness– Reliability, Security and Accessibility

• Contextual Data Quality: – Timeliness, Relevance – Inter-operability, consistency of identifiers

• Accessibility and Representational Data Quality– Ease of understanding – Consistency of identifiers– Consistency in structures

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Quantifying the cost of Quality: The 1-10-100 Rule - Additional cost = Less Competitive Business




Prevention Cost

Correction Cost

Failure Cost

The 1-10-100 Quality Cost Rule


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The 1-10-100 Rule A Data Quality Example:

The 1-10-100 Quality Rule Applied to mailing Data: It costs: • $1.00 to verify data at data entry time • $10.00 to clean the data after the fact • $100.00 to mop up errors caused by bad data – Packages mailed in the wrong address – Lost revenue – Lost customers – Bad (sloppy) reputation– Additional carrying cost for bad data

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Data Quality: The Up Side!Trust• Consistent data inquiry results build confidence in information

systems• Tractability across Business and IT domains• Consistent data identifiers

– promotes internal cross-department reporting– Consistency– Confidence in results

Productivity • Removing redundant or near-redundant data • Maximizes re-use of data• Reduces the amount of data being processed • Reduces errors

ReliabilityConsistently good quality data is data you can count on!

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A Data Cleanup Initiative

• Where to start? • Who will enforce such quality initiatives? • How will the data quality be maintained on

on-going basis?

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DQB Task 1: Identify Sponsor and Data Quality Boss

To Identify sponsor: • Communicate clear understanding of the cost

of bad data• Use the 1-10-100 rule • Initiative has to be backed with – Money– Authority– Responsibility

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Identify Data Quality Boss – DQB

• Must be knowledgeable on data quality • Must be knowledgeable on the Business• Will be responsible for data quality• Will have authority to make changes

Note: Responsibility without authority will not work

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DQB Task 2: Identify Data Sets• Identify/inventory high-level data sets e.g.– CMDB– ERP • Master Data e.g.

– Customer Master – Item Master

• Transaction Data e.g. – PO’s & Invoices– Inventory movements

• Assign data sets to departments, potential lists of Data owners

• Note: The final data owners may not be the one initially penciled in at this stage

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DQB Task 3: Identify Business Side Data Owners• Data Owners will effectively be the local, more granular, Data

Quality Bosses. Again, they will need to – Be responsible for the data at their level– Have authority to request changes at their level– Have bottom up knowledge of the data, understand what “should be


• Setup meetings with every department, in line with the Data Sets identified, with aim of coming up with a set of Data Owners– Have a presentation ready – Look for individuals who have been in the Business for a long time,

who are well respected, who understand the data, the dependencies, and know who to talk to, to get answers, from the bottom up

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DQB Task 4: Request from Data Owners the “Data Quality Specification” or DQS

• DQS is a document that spells out the data quality rules e.g. – No duplicates or near-duplicates– Data older than x years should be purged or archived– Data Dependencies such as no detail without a header or no invoice

without a PO– No duplicates– Consistency e.g. data format – Quality audit e.g. postal code matches address– More…

• Note: Some rules will apply in all DQS Documents• There is value in sharing, reviewing and updating the DQS over

time. • Data quality issues are not always apparent until a first cut of data

is cleaned up

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DQS (part of Task 4 ) Also look for:

• Data Islands– Lack of consistent identifiers inhibit a single view

of the big picture

• Data Opportunity– Could correlated data sets be more useful to the


• Data Surprises– Misplaced Data– Information buried in free-form fields

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• Data Quality – Cannot be a “side job” or a part-time task– Must be staffed with individuals who understand

data. Best candidates • Proficient in SQL, data extract techniques• Understand ETL tools and techniques • Are detailed-oriented • Experience: Data Warehouse staff is good fishing grounds

for such individuals

DQB Task 5: Build IT Data Quality Team

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Mid-Presentation Recap: All the Ingredients are now in place

The real work can start! 1. Name Data Quality Sponsor & Data Quality Boss (DQB)

2. Identify Data Sets

3. Data Quality Owners

4. Data Quality Specifications (the DQ Roadmaps)

5. IT Data Cleansing Team

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Introducing: the Data Quality Cycle

• We now have – a sponsor– Identified data sets and data owners• They have produced Data Quality Specifications

– An IT Team ready to work on the first Data Quality measurements, based on the DQS

• Next step: Initiate the cleanup– Not a single iteration but one that will be repeated

in a cyclic fashion

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The Data Quality Cycle: Simple View





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Data Quality Cycle - Corporate Version

Step 1: Identify Bad Data

Step 2: Data Cleansing

Step 3: Measure Progress

Step 4: Data Hygiene

– Schedule Cleanup/Reviews

– Ensure progress visible

Step 5: Sharpen the Saw

Analyze Data

Improve Data

Monitor Progress

Formalize ScheduleMake Progress VISIBLE

Continuous Improvement

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Step 1: Identify Bad DataBad Data Definition: Does not adhere to DQS

• Coordinate meetings to translate DQS documents into a suite of repeatable data cleansing procedures

• Very important that these procedures should be repeatable, schedulable on regular basis

• Initial Focus: Identify Bad Data– Bad data(does not adhere to DQS), – Inconsistent data– Old Data – Note: DQS will spell out rules for “old” and “inconsistent”

• Ensure results are reported in a format readable by Management at executive level. This initiative has to be VISIBLE

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Step 2: Data Cleansing• Data Cleansing can be done in two ways:

1) Automated, IT based cleanup 2) Business-based, manual cleanup

• Once the bad data is identified, determine who must do what– Business-based,

• manual cleanup appropriate for more subtle tasks, e.g. to determine which of two duplicates identified should be kept. These tasks may require additional research, phone calls etc.

– Automated, • IT based cleanup good for simpler tasks e.g. making telephone

number formats consistent• Can be also sub-contracted to specialized data quality


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IT-based Data Cleansing and Outsource Considerations

• Data cleansing may take valuable time from the Business, which is not available – Data Cleanup effort may suffer as a result

• Not all data cleansing is a simple SQL• Not all data is most confidential

When considering data cleansing tasks, look at all possible options

• Outsourcing some data cleansing tasks may be more economical than doing it all in-house

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Step 3: Measure Progress• All programs, procedures written with the aim of

identifying data quality issues should– Be stored, like any other programming assets– Be repeatable and be schedulable – Provide aggregate measures to describe the data cleanup

status e.g. • X duplicates • Y old records • Z invoices without PO

– Progress • Has to be measured in a published dashboard• Has to be visible by the entire organization to provide a

sense of value

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Step 4: Data Hygiene: * Schedule the Cleanup/Review Tasks * Ensure results are visible

• Bad data is created EVERY DAY• Data quality is an on-going effort • Establish, publish a schedule, part of the dashboard• Ensure there is visibility and accountability to ensure

the levels of bad data – are going down with time – Or are kept at a minimal level

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Step 5: Sharpen the Saw

Once the data cleanup cycle is established• Review Results • Review DQS documents periodically (setup schedule) • Get Business input– Improve process– Give input on improvements to be made

• Ask the Business to come up with performance improvement measures born from the Data Quality initiative

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ConclusionTwo sets of Five activities best define the Data Quality The Foundation Setup 1. Identify Data Quality Sponsor & Data Quality Boss (DQB)

2. Identify Data Sets

3. Identify Business Side Data Owners

4. Define Data Quality Specifications (DQS) - the DQ Roadmaps

5. Appoint IT Data Cleansing Team

The Data Quality Cycle – Ongoing 6. Identify Bad Data

7. Initiate Data Cleansing

8. Measure Progress

9. Initiate Data Hygiene, Data Cleanup Cycle– Schedule Cleanup/Reviews

– Ensure progress visible

10.Sharpen the Saw

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Links• How to improve Data Quality

• Predefined data quality rule definitions

• Creating Effective Business Rules: Interview with Graham Witt

• Gartner Magic Quadrant on Data Quality Tools – “Demand for data quality tools remains strong”