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Page 1: Dark Clouds & Silver Linings

Dark Clouds & Silver Linings

• The Dark Ages & Monastic Scholarship

• The Renaissance and Secular Humanism

• IT During the Era of the Second Platform

• The Age of The Cloud

• The IT Renaissance

Anthony Owen D’ErricoEMC² | Emerging Technology DivisionRegional Territory Manager – OK | ARMobile: (405) 513-2971

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Book of Hours, Valenciacirca 1460

Collection of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek

Books were beautiful works of Art (e.g. Illuminated Manuscripts)

Monastic Scholarship in the Dark Ages

These handcrafted masterpieces were created by specially trained monks

They focused mainly on religious texts

They were only available to the Clergy, the Nobility and the Wealthy

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Jean Miélot copying manuscripts in a scriptoriumcirca 1450

Self Portrait

Creating these works of Art was a lifelong pursuit

Monastic Scholarship in the Dark Ages

These monks were equal parts author translator, illustrator, scribe and priest

Their work was performed in specially-designed scriptoria

Some books took multiple lifetimes to complete

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“Le Livre et le vraye hystoire du bon roy Alixandre”Master of the Royal Alexander, C. 1420

British Library

Monks became stewards of nearly all human knowledge in this period

Monastic Scholarship in the Dark Ages

The Clergy also created and preserved new material in Science, Medicine, Farming and the Classics

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“Les élèves sont assis sur le sol avec la tonsure”Grandes Chroniques de France

Late 14th Century

The majority of scholarship took place inside the Church

Monastic Scholarship in the Dark Ages

Institutional knowledge was passed on within the Church and to those they tutored

The common man relied on oral traditions and communal knowledge to advance society

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Agenda: Dark Clouds & Silver Linings

• The Dark Ages & Monastic Scholarship

• The Renaissance and Secular Humanism

• IT During the Era of the Second Platform

• The Age of The Cloud

• The IT Renaissance

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By 1480 there were 110 printing presses in operation

By the end of the 15th century the printed book was in universal use throughout Europe

Illuminated Manuscripts were produced primarily for the Church and Nobility, and eventually died out completely

The Renaissance and Secular HumanismIn 1440 Johannes Gutenberg introduced his moveable type press

Functioning reproduction of original Gutenberg PressOne-third scale

C. 1877

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“Gutenberg und seine Mitarbeiter bei der Arbeit”Lithograph

Gutenberg-Museum Mainz

The Renaissance and Secular HumanismBooks could now be created with comparative ease by common tradesmen

Printing presses began turning out leaflets and pamphlets, increasing the reach of the written word

Advancements in printing technology drove down costs and further increased literacy

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“Shakespeare Reading” by William Page 1873-1874

Smithsonian American Art Museum

The Renaissance and Secular HumanismThe availability of the printed word had far-ranging consequences

The Classics, which until 1490 had been preserved in monasteries and hand-copied by monks, could now easily be spread among the literate classes of Europe

These ancient texts led to the growth of new artistic, literary and philosophical movements throughout the Renaissance

Shakespeare, not an aristocrat but just a merchant from a small town in England, was now able to read Greek and Roman texts, which would have a profound effect on his own writings

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Renaissance humanism sought to create a citizenry that could read and write with eloquence and clarity

This was to be accomplished by researching the studia humanitatis: grammar, rhetoric, history, poetry, and philosophy

This would allow the common man to engage in civic life, creating wider societal benefits for all

The Renaissance and Secular HumanismNew authors began to attack the status quo

Page from “Das Narrenschiff” by Sebastian BrantC. 1497

Gutenberg-Museum Mainz

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Agenda: Dark Clouds & Silver Linings

• The Dark Ages & Monastic Scholarship

• The Renaissance and Secular Humanism

• IT During the Era of the Second Platform

• The Age of The Cloud

• The IT Renaissance

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Complex solutions require knowledge from all disciplines:

• Compute• Storage• Network• Application

IT Solutions are like Beautiful Snowflakes

IT During the Era of the Second Platform

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Complexity pushes out the timeline:

• Application Updates• Server Patching• Storage Deployment• Network Upgrades• Scope Creep

Enterprise Projects can take years to complete

IT During the Era of the Second Platform

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“Might as well be Witchcraft”

• Boolean Algebra• Amdahl’s Law• Regression Testing• Shotgun Debugging• Boehm Garbage Collecting

Nobody in “The Business” really knows what IT does

IT During the Era of the Second Platform

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There was no alternative due to:

• CAPEX Models• Internal Controls• Application/Platform Specificity• Service Provider Maturity

Internal IT was the ONLY RESOURCE to get your projects done

IT During the Era of the Second Platform

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Agenda: Dark Clouds & Silver Linings

• The Dark Ages & Monastic Scholarship

• The Renaissance and Secular Humanism

• IT During the Era of the Second Platform

• The Age of The Cloud

• The IT Renaissance

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The Age of the Cloud

People CentricAgileFlexibleSelf-ServiceDeveloper CentricLower effort

AutomatedFast to provisionResilientIntegrated Lifecycle Management

Efficient/TransparentCost per UnitUse ReportingLess expensiveOnly use what you need

“The Cloud” isn’t a product- you can’t buy it shrink-wrapped

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Solutions that were once individually complicated projects are now deployed with the push of a button:

• File Shares• Web Sites• Database Servers• Virtual LANs

IT Solutions have become commodities

The Age of the Cloud

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“The Business” demands increased speed, flexibility and reliability from IT solutions

Users expect IT solutions to be deployed at the same speed as consumer-grade solutions (e.g. mobile applications)

The Cloud has sped up the deployment of new technology

The Age of the Cloud

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The Age of the CloudIT staff cannot keep up with the increase in theoretical complexity

The level of complexity IT staffs face today is increasing at an exponential rate

The Cloud will create more jobs, but not fast enough to keep up with the real increase in complexity

“The Business” will still demand IT staffs to do more with less

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The Age of the CloudFor the first time ever, “The Business” has a choice

Internal IT resources are not the de facto option for deploying IT projects

Individual departments with budgetary autonomy can shop numerous cloud providers for server, storage and application resources

“Shadow IT” is on the rise, creating security and governance risks for organizations

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Agenda: Dark Clouds & Silver Linings

• The Dark Ages & Monastic Scholarship

• The Renaissance and Secular Humanism

• IT During the Era of the Second Platform

• The Age of The Cloud

• The IT Renaissance

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The IT Renaissance

The business tends to focus and drive revenue abovethe line




Mgmt Tools




Traditional IT infrastructure

groups expend more effort below

the line than above

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The IT Renaissance





In the Age of the Cloud, businesses that make it around this circle the fastest will win

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The IT Renaissance




Mgmt Tools




• What do you want to be great at?

• What are you responsible for?

• Does it give you a unique advantage?

• Is it sustainable?

• What is the opportunity cost?

• How else could you better serve the


• How could you move from cost center to

profit center?

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Go Paint Your Masterpiece

“The Birth of Venus”BotticelliC. 1485