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m Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City

C- Tel. Nos. (632) 929-66-26 to 29 (632) 929-62-52

IWebsite: http:/ E-mail: [email protected]



Pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 9184, the 'Government Procurement Reform Act" and in accordance with DENR Administrative Order No. 2007-08, mandating the adoption of customized procedures in the conduct of bidding for government projects and pursuant to the Cadastral Act (Act 2259) dated February 11, 1913, the following guidelines are hereby issued for the compliance of all concerned in connection with the conduct of bidding of cadastral survey projects:

SECTION 1. Scope. These rules shall apply to the conduct of bidding and awarding of cadastral survey projects of the DENR.

SEC. 2. Objectives. This Order aims to:

a) set a standard bidding and awarding procedures in order to accelerate and facilitate the conduct of the cadastral survey of the entire country; and

b) formulate a mechanism to support the regional bidding and awarding committee (RBAC)in the bidding and awarding of cadastral projects

SEC. 3. DdXnition of Terms. For the purpose of this Order, the following terns shall be used and mean as follows:

a) Cadastral Survey - a survey made of extensive areas covering an entire municipality or city consisting of several or many parcels of lchd undertaken for the purpose of land registration.

b) Bill of Quantities - a list of the specific items of the Work and their corresponding unit prices, lump sums, and/or provisional sums. It shall contain items of work for the construction, installation, testing, and commissioning of work to be done by the Contractor such as but not limited to establishment/recovery/conversion of main control points, manufacture and planting of monuments, reconnaissance and survey notification and other related survey activities.

c) Lot Survey - the field execution of defining the boundaries of the lots by using appropriate surveyinginstruments.

d) Political Boundary Survey - a survey showing the terrestrial extent or limit of a unit of government such as barangay, municipality and province.

e) Project Control Survey -a survey made for the purpose of establishing main and subsidiary control points for reference in the conduct of all kinds of survey.

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f) Regular Cadastre - the conduct of cadastral survey which shall include the Project Control, Political Boundary and Lot Surveys.

SEC. 4. Creation of the Regional Technical Working Group for Cadastral Smey (RTWGCS). The Regional Executive Director (RED) shall create RTWG for cadastral survey (RTWG-CS) projects) through the issuance of Regional Special Order upon the recommendation of the RBAC. It shall to be composed of the following:

Chairman - Chief, Surveys Division, Land Management Service Members - 2 Geodetic Engineers from LMS .

1 Representative from Finance Division 1 Representative from Legal Division

SEC. 5. Roles and Responsibilities of RTWG. The following shall be the responsibilities of RTWG:

a) Recommend to the RBAC the terms of reference and evaluation criteria for the bidding and awarding of cadastral survey in accordance with the approved standards and specification; and

b) Assist the RBAC in the eligibility screening and technical and financial evaluation and post qualification.

SEC. 6. Bidding Observers. To enhance the transparency of the bidding process, the RBAC shall, in all stages of the bidding process, invite two (2) observers to sit in its proceedings namely: one (1) representative from the regional Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines (GEP) Association, an accredited organization by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), and one (1) from a non-government organization. However, a representative from Lands Management Bureau (LMB) may, at any time, attend as bidding observer.

SEC. 7. Scope of Work. For purposes of bidding and awarding of contracts, the works may be divided under the following categories attached as "Annex 1"

a) Category "A" Projects are composed of Regular Cadastre

b) Category "B" Projects are composed of Project Controls and Political Boundary surveys.

c) Category "C" Projects are the conduct of lot surveys and the related activities such as sketching, monumenting, and land use mapping on a modular basis. Modular Projects are the conduct of lot survey and the related activities covering a single barangay.

SEC. 8. Cadastral Rqject Costing. The total cadastral cost inclusive of all administrative costs shall not exceed the approved yearly budget ceiling. In determining the survey cost for cadastral survey bidding, the Land Management Sexvice (LMS) shall prepare and submit to the RBAC the required Activity Costing as provided through the adoption of the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) as provided under "Annex 1" which is used to calculate the approved budget for the contract (ABC).

SEC. 9. Additional Requirements. In addition to the requirements prescribed under RA 9184 and its IRR, the following documents must be submitted by the bidder to the RBAC:

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a. ÿ or Individual

i. Certification of good standing from the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Association;

ii. Sworn statement that he/she shall act as Project Chief for the project; and

iii. Geodetic Engineer's Profile/curriculum vitae

b. For Partnership or Corporation

i. Current employment contract of the Project Chief who must be a registered Geodetic Engineer;

ii. Certification of good standing of the Project Chief from the Geodetic Engineers of the Philippines Association;

iii. A board resolution certified by the Board Secretary for the Project Chief authorizing him/her to be the signatory of the contract; and

iv. Profile/curriculum vitae of all geodetic engineers involved in the Prtijzct n., .

SEC. 10. Qtaalltications of a Project Chief

The Project Chief shall have the following qualifications:

a. Must be a licensed Geodetic Engineer as per R.A. 8560, as amended;

b. Had been a Chief of Party working from beginning to end on a cadastral or public land subdivision project or a complex subdivision project;

c. Has no pending or abandoned cadastral survey project previously contracted;

d. shall not be involved in more than one (1)cadastral project during the contract implementation.

e. Has undergone an orientation workshop/seminar on cadastral projects conducted by the DENR in coordination with GEP or by the OEP in coordination with the DENR.

SEC. 11. Specification Requirements

1. The minimum number of registered Geodetic Engineers (GE) for each category of survey project shall be as follows:


Category 'A" project 1 2

Category 'BWproject 1 1

Categary 'C" projects 1 -

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2. The required minimum requirement for major equipment (owned or leased.) for the different categories of projects shall be as follows:

Category "An Category "B" Category "Cn

1)GPSReceivers 3 2)Total Stations 3 3)One Sewnd (1')

Theodolite /Transit 4) 100-m.tapes (If no EDM

or Total Station )

The survey instruments (GPS, Total Stations, Theodolite, Tapes, etc.) to be used must be registered as prescribed under the existing Manual on Land Surveying

3. All surveying instruments and other technical equipment shall be listed in the management plan. The use of additional and/or replacement of any listed equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Regional Technical Director for Lands.

4. In the case of lease of equipment, current contract of lease of surveying instruments made available by the contractor for the project.

8EC.12. Repealing Clause. All orders, circulars and issuances which are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly.


Sec. 13. Effeativity Clause. This Order shall take effect filing with the Office of the National Administrative days after its complete publication in a newspaper

Publication: The Philippine Star A U ~ U S ~ 11, 2008

Registration: ONAR, UP Law Center A U ~ U S ~ 12, 2008

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Municipality: Average No. of l o t per Bamo: Province: Average area per Barrio: Approx. No. of lots: Total Cost of project: Appmx. Area: Total No. of Days: No. of Banios: Total No. of Days:

1. I E L D W O R K SPECIHC ACTIVITIES Re8pondblc personnel no. o f I NO. of

1. Establishment of Hdn Control (DAO 2007-29, Art. 8 Sec. 34; M.7, Sec. 28-29 and Art. 6, Sec. 25, Item c)

1.1 Establishment/Rewvery /Conversion (whichever is applicable) a) PRS 9 2 Reference Control Point

(AS per DAO 2007-29 Art. 6, Sec.23)

b) Main & subsidiary controls I I I 1.2 Manufacture and Planting of monuments

a) Hauling of materials

I b) Primary & Secondary Monuments I I I C) Pairsof BLLM's I I I I

2. Establishment of Political Boundaries (DAO 2007-29, M8 ,Sec 34 and Art 7, Sec 28-29)

2.1 Rmnnaisance & notification (Survey Notification Dao 2007-29, Art 12, Sec 58) a) Meeting w/ Barrio officials

(Within the Jurisdiction of the Municipality)

b) Meeting w/ Municipal ollicials (Including All Adjoining Municipality to avoid future conflict )

c) Lining and Determination of Position for BBM's

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11. 0 1F F I C E W O R K SPEaFIC A m T I E S Ruponaible personnel NO. of No. of Materiala/ Coat of -timated TotalCaat

Rnona WOrLing auppllea material. w0rkIo.d a n d days aaed umd

1. Computation In Digltal Swvey Retmna (Dio2007-29, M6, SOC26 )

1. Reconstruction 2. Main & subsidiary controls 3. Connectiontraverses for

BBM's/CBM1s/MBM's/PBM's 4. Traverses for lot s u ~ ~ e y s 5. Adjustment of old surveys (Dao 2007-29, Art 6,

Section 26) 6. Lot data preparation Computer Generated ( Hard

Cowl 7. Case Boundary computation 8. Political Boundary computation

2. R e ~ o n l P l o t t i n gof W a Computer Qenerated (Dao 2007-29, M9, Sec 36-42)

1. Prep. of CM's (54 cm x 54 cm) 2. Prep. of Progress Map (105 cm x 105 cm) 3. Prep. of map (54 cm x 54 cm)showing

BBM's/CBM's/MBM's/PBM1s Points in PRS'92 4. Prep. of land use information 5. Plotting of control points in bdry. Mons. In Progress

Map6. Plotting of control points in CM's 7. Plotting of tertiary stations and sideshots 8. Plotting of Barangay Boundary Index Map (BBIM's) 9. Plotting of City Boundary Map (CBM's) lo. Plotting of Municipal Boundary Map (MBM's) 1 1. Plotting of Political Boundary Map (PBM's) 12. Plotting of land use information map (LUIM)

(Per IX)C No. 9 dated July 2, 1975)

I 13. Labelling of Books & other reports

3. Clerical Work I I 1. Prep. of notices & communication B wages of Chief

of Party Staff 2. Prep. of survey & sketch cards 3. Prep. of list of claimants 4. Prep. of reports &transmittals 5. Salaries & wages of Chief of Party B S M


NOTE: Item I1 applies to Category A and Category C only

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1. Preparation of LUCM's in txacing cloth at P per Page P 2. Preparation of BlM's (CM's & LUCM's) at P a piece 3. Preparation of monument descriptions book 4. White prints for :

at P a piece

a CM's LUCM's BIM at P a P p e b. Lot Descriptions a t P a plece c. Monument description books

5. Preparation of lot descriptions a t P at P

per sheet a piece

6.Computer Generated Computation a t P Percase 7. Correction aRer verification

a Computation & maps b. List of claimants

a t P a t P

per case per lot

8. Rental of field office a t P a month 9. Representative expenses a t P a month 10.Inspection fee deposit- Using 5.251' +0.5P + 650 11. Maintenance, repair & gasoline of vehicle 12.Supplies & materials 13. Others



I1 1. Establishment of Main & Subsidiary Controls P

I2. Establishment of Political Boundaries P

1 3. ~ e s e m h ,not- surveys P Isurvey ~otificafion & ~ o t

4. Preparation of survey refurns (Ofice Works) P

( 5. Miscellaneous expenses P II

TOTAL -940 Profit


NOTE : Incladon and oxcludon ofactivities maybe deemed necessary upon evaluation and review of the concerned Radon.



Note: Items III and IV applies to dlCategories (A, B, and C)