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Consumer behaviorThe changes triggered by the economical crisis

General facts

46.6 millions inhabitants

5.6 millions inhabitants

The toll of the crisis on unemployment

Unemployment distribution in Spain, 2007-2013

Salaries before taxes in Spain, DK&Europe

What are the Spanish consumer general trends today?

The Spanish consumer who belongs to the generation “mileuristas” (or even less) is divided in 2 types of consumer: One with a positive mindset who tries to find creative, smart ways to spend less money. That’s

the “Vida Low Cost” (Low Cost lifestyle) merging with the “Collaborative society”: more public transport (blabla car, mesa AVE…), second-hand clothes apps or websites, price-comparison websites, WhatsApp, AirBnB…

There is also the negative mindset consumer of the “generación Ni-ni”, the NEET generation who is Not in Employment, Education or Training. They come from a rather wealthy background and think working or pursuing a life project is pointless. Some are angry, others apathetic.

The average Spanish young adults have cheap hobbies: video games, illegally downloaded movies or music on their smartphone (no money for Netflix or

Spotify!), drink with their friends on the street or at home, go to the“gimnasio Low Cost”.

Welcome to the NEET generation, no employment, no dignified salaries, no housing prospects. Awesome, isn’t it?

The NEET generation

La familia, a pillar in Spanish society

The Spaniards live at their parents’ home until they get married in their 30’s,

it has never been as hard as now to afford your own house, and people must postpone starting a family,

with very little money for daycare, grandparents are providing the childcare that working parents cannot give and that the state does not offer.

Spanish working hours, partly to blame

Long working days with long lunch breaks mean office workers have to work until at least 7pm,

office culture of not leaving before the boss goes home,

part-time or flexible jobs are a rarity, the Spanish evening usually begins at

10pm, with prime-time television shows starting (and not ending until after 1 a.m.).

Spain, Land of 9:30 P.M. Dinners, Asks if It’s Time to Reset Clock

The Spanish diaspora

1.8 million Spaniards have left Spain to live and work abroad.

There has been an increase of 22 % in the number of Spaniards moving abroad,

many youngsters (with the highest level of education in Spanish history) are forced to move abroad in hopes for a good career and a fulfilling life,

the enrolments for foreign language classes have been increasing steadily.  They move mainly to England, Germany,

Switzerland, the USA and Chile.

Denmark is starting to recover already

General increase in consumer confidence and consumer spending. Consumers are still a little wary, but the Danes are eager to spend their money again: More spending for better quality items, like bigger and better cars, better

restaurants and increase in leisure in general.

Internet Retailing Continues To Show Record Growth: largest revenue increase ever seen in a half year, growth record in e-commerce, almost a quarter of the current Danish consumption, sales in physical stores are expected to slightly improve (+1,6%), while m-

commerce is expected to grow by a massive 27.7%, mobile payments are extremely popular in DK.

MobilePay, mobile payment made easy

So how are the Spanish?

They are loud

Work is an extremely social place

Can you hear me now?

So where are we going after work?

They eat out every week

Inviting people over is not so common

Regional traditions are very serious They have a love/hate relationship

Perfect for showing off social status!

It’s like a Taylor Swift song, really

They are very friendly

Come here, stranger!

So how are the Danes?

You go to work, to work You follow the rules

Will she ever stop talking? Look at that foreigner crossing!

Making light of serious stuff

Mohammed is hilarious, right?

You don’t mince words You trust people outrageously Everybody is equal

You don’t have a word for “please”?!!

Ah, she’ll be fine out there! Got the best grade? Good for you!

Jante Law, aka suffocating social conformity

Danish inclusiveness: we want to include you, but that is only possible if you are equal.

Seen as an outsider, you must have the same clothes, the same furniture and the same lifestyle, to belong to the Danish society,

the Danes are especially scornful of people who boast because they prize equality so highly.

Can you sell anything Danish in Spain?

What is a good Marketer? A good Marketer knows how you think,

he knows what you eat, what you do in your spare time, and what you own in your house.

Is there a market for these products in Spain?

He knows how to sell to you because he knows your needs.