Download - Dane Cobain: Speaker and Writer Introduction

Page 1: Dane Cobain: Speaker and Writer Introduction

your creative

business partner

we are fst >we are…

individually different but

together we are

inspiringly different

Page 2: Dane Cobain: Speaker and Writer Introduction

speaking experience

> SMX (Search Marketing Expo) Milan

> SMX (Search Marketing Expo) London

> ClickIt Summit

> RealEx Business Bootcamp

sample presentations

> YouTube Success Stories for Marketers

> Generating Online Traffic with Killer Content

> PornHub Marketing Case Studies

Page 3: Dane Cobain: Speaker and Writer Introduction

blogging experience

> BA in Creative Writing (2:1, Roehampton University)

> 4 years experience as a social media marketer

> Interviewed thought-leaders, such as David Meerman Scott

& Dave Kerpen

> Two personal blog sites

> Writing as a hobby for ten years – debut novella, No Rest for

the Wicked, due for release in summer 2015

sample articles

> Five People Rocking Vine with Great Content

> AllFacebook: People Aren’t Stealing Your Facebook Photos

> SocialMediaToday: How Vine is Changing the Face of Online Journalism

> Memeburn: 21 Ridiculous Social Media Job Titles

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press coverage

> BBC News: Virtual valets, or how to look good online

> The Guardian: Google search changes will push SEO firms and social media marketers closer

> The Metro: Dear diary… Is the written journal’s pen mightier than the blogging sword?

> BBC World Service: Business Matters Radio Appearance

> The Independent: Just a small town girl: What's it like to move from the country to study in the city?

> The Drum: Burger King Twitter hack: can the fast food giant capitalise on its sudden exposure?

contact Dane

> For enquiries about social media, content marketing and digital marketing

> [email protected]

> @danecobain

> +44 (0)1628 498514

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Dane is a keen writer and amateur musician, with an

interest in marketing and social media that stems from

his youth when he used Bebo, MySpace and a

GeoCities website to promote his music.

After studying creative writing at Roehampton

University in London, Dane graduated with a 2:1 and

began a career as a social media marketer, working on

international B2C brands at a PR and social media

agency before joining fst in the spring of 2013.

In 2014, Dane spoke about YouTube Success Stories for

Marketers at SMX Milan; he's also spoken at a number

of events in London, including at RealEx's Business

Bootcamp, and is also a performance poet and a

regular musical performer.

Throughout his career, he's written for

SocialMediaToday, AllFacebook and Memeburn and

been featured by the BBC on the radio and online as a

social media marketer. He's currently writing a novel

about a social networking start-up and carrying out

research for a non-fiction book called 'Social Paranoia'.

Page 6: Dane Cobain: Speaker and Writer Introduction

your creative

business partner

we are fst >we are…

individually different but

together we are

inspiringly different