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  • 8/12/2019 Dancing with Gorillas



    Dancing with Gorillas: How Small Companies can Partner Effectively

    with Multinational Corporations

    Shameen Prashantham

    University of Glasgow

    Department of Management

    Centre for Internationalization and Enterprise Research

    Glasgow G21 8QQ


    [email protected]

    Julian Birkinshaw

    London Business School

    Regents Park

    London NW1 4SA


    [email protected]

    Paper accepted for publication in California Management Review

    July 4th2008

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    In an increasingly flat and interconnected business world, large multinational

    corporations (MNCs) have emerged as the dominant actors on the global stage. Large

    MNCs inspire awe in some and attract derision from others, and they receive the lions

    share of attention during discussions about the impact of globalization on the business

    world. But MNCs represent only one part of the globalization story. National

    governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have critical roles to play in

    shaping the global playing field. And in every developed and developing country there is

    an existing body of mostly small and medium sized enterprises that are affected often indramatic ways by the increasing presence of MNCs in their home markets. It is these

    often-overlooked small and medium sized enterprises (hereafter small enterprises) that

    we focus on in this article.

    Globalization is, of course, both a threat and an opportunity to a small enterprise. In

    some industries, poorly managed or inefficient local businesses are driven out by ruthless

    foreign entrants. And in other industries, local businesses discover they have a level of

    agility, market knowledge, and innovative capability that allows them to prosper in the

    shadow of their global competitors1. But for those small enterprises that are ambitious

    and growth-oriented, it is imperative that they learn to find ways of engaging with large

    MNCs who have the complementary resources and capabilities that can lead to, for

    instance, an innovative product offering being rolled out on a global scale, or a

    worldwide licensing agreement. In other words they must seriously consider, as C K

    Prahalad put it recently, learning to dance with the gorillas2.

    Consider the case of Dhruva Interactive, a small Indian technology company based in

    Bangalore3. Dhruva grew from a one-man operation in 1995 to a five-person team in

    1997, at which point it made the critical decision to seek out a global partner. Asfounder

    Rajesh Rao observed, In March 1997, we partnered with Intel and began the process of

    reinventing ourselves into a game company. This relationship allowed Dhruva to

    prosper it won a major contract with Infogrames Entertainment, a French gaming

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    company the following year, and then a string of further projects, including being

    enrolled by Microsoft in 2003 to work on an Xbox title, and having two of their offerings

    included in Vodafones Top 10 games listing.

    But in contrast to Dhruvas positive experience, many small enterprises end up getting

    their fingers burnt while trying to engage in joint activities with large MNCs. Managers

    of small enterprises we interviewed during our research spoke of the aggressive tactics

    pursued by some MNC partners, the lack of respect for their intellectual property, the

    wasted time and effort put into building one-sided relationships, and the loss of face

    when plans went awry.

    Of course, MNCs too face risks in entering such partnerships for instance, the prospect

    of wasting considerable time and resource if nothing comes of a relationship or if the

    partner is surreptitiously exploring in parallel a similar initiative with another MNC.

    However if a partnership goes wrong, the consequences are on balance far more

    likely to be debilitating for a small enterprise.

    Small enterprises, in other words, often find themselves facing a very difficult set of

    choices as they consider whether and how they should engage with the MNCs in their

    local market. And there is surprisingly little advice available to them about how to make

    these choices. The purpose of this paper is to take the point of view of these smaller

    enterprises, and to evaluate the strategies they are adopting in a globalizing world. We

    suggest that a primary way for them to globalize successfully is through partnerships with

    local MNC subsidiaries in their own backyard which they can subsequently leverage

    to generate opportunities on a global scale. We develop a framework to help smaller

    enterprises think through the key steps that are needed to form, consolidate, and then

    extend their relationships with MNCs in the local market4.

    The paper builds on five years of research in which we conducted interviews in more

    than 15 companies and collected questionnaire responses from over 100 individual

    managers (see box).

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    When confronted by the forces of globalization including the threats and opportunities

    posed by MNC giants small enterprises face certain generic options in their local

    market5. One is to retreat into a local niche, relying on their intricate knowledge of local

    conditions and the loyalty of their existing customers. This may work for some, but

    sooner or later an inevitable question that arises is how sustainable, in the absence of

    protection from competition through government policy, such an approach is. Anotherapproach is to go it alone and expand internationally in a global niche. Some smaller

    firms have achieved this with great success, particularly when led by internationally

    minded entrepreneurs6. But this lonesome route is fraught with risk, and not every small

    firm pulls it off.

    The third generic option, and the one we discuss here, is for small enterprises to actively

    seek out relationships with the MNCs in their backyard to dance with the gorillas. As

    noted already, this form of collaboration offers great potential benefits but it also has

    potential costs. It is therefore worth evaluating these opportunities and risks in some


    Consider the nature of the opportunity first. For the small enterprise, the opportunity to

    collaborate with a large multinational is self-apparent: the MNC represents a potential

    source of sales revenue itself; it can provide access to a global marketplace and to its

    existing clients, and it offers enormous leverage through its brand and its deep

    technological competencies. But what are the benefits to the MNC in engaging with an

    unknown small enterprise? Our research identified three benefits:

    Small enterprises often have significant complementary assets that the MNC willstruggle to develop efficiently itself chiefly local knowledge, and access to local

    distribution channels and markets. Accordingly, MNCs such as Microsoft and

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    IBM often encourage local software companies to build cutting-edge software

    products using their proprietary technologies as a means of building presence in

    those local markets that they cannot easily access.

    Most large MNCs actively seek out new ideas and innovations on a worldwidebasis; indeed many believe their ability to do this is one of their key sources of

    competitive advantage7. Working with small enterprises in local markets

    represents an important mechanism for doing this8. For example, Sun

    Microsystems engaged with a number of small enterprises in Scotland on RFID

    projects in order to bolster its competitiveness in this emerging area.

    MNCs want be seen as good corporate citizens, and building relationships withlocal partners goes a long way towards creating such an image. For instance, one

    American MNC executive with a huge stake in India talked about his

    companys innovation-related programmes in conjunction with government and

    industry bodies, and how they hoped to create a stronger climate for innovation

    and growth in small enterprises. And potentially MNCs could feel a sense of

    responsibility toward any spinoffs created from local subsidiaries, such as

    Mitoken which was spun out of Motorola India and Wide Blue, spawned by

    Polaroid in Scotland.

    The potential opportunity for partnering between small enterprises and MNCs is

    significant. But the barriers and risks, especially on the part of the small enterprise, are

    equally considerable. Our research revealed three particular sets of obstacles that make it

    difficult for smaller enterprises and MNCs to work together.

    First, there is the lack of access and attention. Small enterprises have restricted access to

    the attention of key decision makers in the MNC, which is a very different to the situation

    in a MNC-MNC relationship where executives of equivalent stature will happily return

    each others calls. Despite the growing imperative for MNCs to absorb new ideas from

    across the world, they often struggle to overcome their ethnocentric and bureaucratic

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    biases. Smaller enterprises therefore find it difficult to build the necessary relationships.

    Managers we spoke to commented that it is often very difficult to find the right

    individuals to approach within the MNC. One Bangalore-based entrepreneur commented

    that engaging with large MNCs was the obvious thing to do, but he did not know where

    to start. And a British entrepreneur noted that the problem with big companies is getting

    attention at high levels where decisions are made. These problems are compounded by

    skepticism on the part of some smaller enterprises about the ability of local MNC

    subsidiaries to behave autonomously. As one entrepreneur in India wondered aloud, Do

    these MNC subsidiaries control their own destinies? A British entrepreneur worried that

    while dealing with MNC subsidiaries the plug may be pulled at any time. Althoughresearch has found instances of relatively autonomous MNC subsidiaries, they tend to be

    the exception rather than the norm9.

    A related problem the managers of smaller enterprises face when dealing with MNCs is

    that those individuals they have built a rapport with frequently get transferred elsewhere

    within the MNCs global network. Managers in the smaller enterprises we interviewed

    commented that their interactions were episodic and fragmented. The cast of individuals

    attending meetings from the MNC side changed frequently. And plans and ideas

    developed during these meetings often failed to translate into changes in their everyday


    Second, there are different long-term objectivesfor small enterprises compared to MNCs.

    Most MNCs have explicit strategic plans, established market positions, and well-oiled

    operating procedures. Small enterprises, in contrast, are opportunistic and agile; their

    planning horizon is measured in months not years; and the prospect of being acquired is

    often very real. Faced with such ambiguity over their long-term future, executives in

    small enterprises often take a very different approach to alliance management than

    executives in established MNCs. There is a latent fear that a predatory larger company

    will obtain the lions share of the jointly created value11. And the two parties will likely

    have different agendas and criteria for assessing outcomes, leading to further tension.

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    Third, there is a problem of asymmetryin resources. Small enterprises lack the

    reputation, financial muscle and human resources of their potential partners, which is in

    direct contrast to the situation in a MNC-MNC relationship where resource profiles are

    likely to be more balanced. Indeed, in many respects small enterprises and MNCs are

    entirely different species, which makes communication and procreation extremely

    difficult. MNCs typically have a clear separation between line and staff roles, many

    functional specialists, and explicit processes for every activity. Small enterprises are full

    of generalists, many of whom wear multiple hats, and they get things done through ad

    hoc and informal processes. As a result, there are rarely clear counterparts for the small

    enterprise manager to talk to in the MNC, and the joint execution of everyday activitiescan be problematic. Moreover, each is likely to have differing mindsets and

    organizational cultures which in turn create impediments to communication and joint



    Faced with these points of difference, it is not uncommon for small enterprises to give up

    altogether on forging collaborative relationships with MNCs. But our research suggested

    there are practical and systematic approaches that can be taken to help small enterprises

    engage effectively with MNC partners.

    A useful and thought-provoking analogy is the concept ofstrategic asymmetrydeveloped

    in the field of military warfare. As with all analogies, this one should not be taken too

    literally: alliance partners see their primary mode of interaction as cooperative, though

    with a competitive element12, whereas the domain of warfare focuses primarily on

    competition. But there are some interesting parallels nonetheless in terms of

    understanding how small, flexible entities interact with large, well-organized ones.

    Given these realities, and consistent with the wide usage of military ideas in the field of

    strategy, we introduce the notion of strategic asymmetryhere. Military theorists define

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    strategic asymmetry as the use of some sort of difference to gain advantage13

    . In an

    asymmetric war where one army faces another with vastly greater resources,14


    conventional frontal attack is pointless. Instead, an indirect approach is more likely to be

    effective, as it enables the smaller army to play to its strengths. Military theory suggests

    the following four principles through which a smaller army can apply the concept of

    strategic asymmetry15: (1) Ensuring flexibility; efforts must be applied creatively; (2)

    Accepting uncertainty; initiatives need to be undertaken in a context of ambiguity; (3)

    Undertaking constant review; ineffective tactics must be discarded; and (4) Exploiting

    asymmetric advantages; activities must play to unique strengths.

    We believe these principles can be applied quite readily to the situation facing small

    enterprises that are seeking to dance with the gorillas. In reviewing these principles of

    military theory, and then bringing them to bear on our empirical observations about how

    small enterprises engage with MNCs, we developed the following framework (see also

    table 1 which summarizes our arguments).

    Figure 1: Key steps for the small enterprise in engaging with a multinational company


    The traditional model of MNCs forming relationships with other MNCs differs markedly

    from the approach small enterprises require. Most MNCs wishing to engage with a

    partner of similar size will take a direct frontal approach to that relationship, perhaps

    through a dedicated alliance department, or through key individuals who have direct


    Creating links toMNCs through local


    Building commitment:Using the MNCs

    strength against it.


    Capitalizing on pointsof advantage: Building

    options for growth

    Modularizingknowledge transfer to

    reduce vulnerability


    Utilizing the MNCsnetwork to enhance

    scale and reach.

    Building options forfuture growth:

    Ambiguity by design

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    counterparts in the prospective partner company. In direct contrast, for the small

    enterprise seeking to partner with an MNC, the lack of access and attention, coupled with

    the asymmetry in resources, means that a direct frontal approach is likely to fail. Instead,

    the small enterprise will often use an indirect means of access. In particular, we observed

    two common tactics working with local allies to create links with MNCs, and using the

    MNCs reputational strength against it.

    Creating links to MNCs through local allies

    An important aspect of any collaborative activity is the initial identification of

    appropriate partners16

    . Rather than a direct frontal approach, the smaller enterprise willtypically attempt to build bridges between itself and the potential MNC partner. One

    approach we observed was to coopt regional actors that have access to both sides and can

    act as honest brokers. A trade body or regional institution17may be in a position to

    provide such assistance, especially in regional clusters18. Such mechanisms can be

    particularly helpful for small enterprises given their generally lower visibility within a

    local milieu. A striking example is provided by the Scottish Technology and

    Collaboration (STAC) initiative which sought to bring together small enterprises and

    MNC subsidiaries through alliance activities centered around architecting (of alliances),

    brokering and coaching19. One way in which value is added is through legal input to

    guide agreements concerning intellectual property ownership. This sort of hand-

    holding for smaller enterprises can go a long way in helping them to learn how to

    engage with MNCs.

    In the absence of a suitable forum, another approach for the smaller enterprise is to use

    the MNCs own partnering program initially. Nokia, for example, has a Forum Nokia

    which provides guidance on tools and channels for mobile applications, an Insight &

    Foresight unit through which small enterprises can engage in joint innovation, and Nokia

    Venture Partners which invests in mobile technology start-ups. In India, MNCs like IBM

    are actively working with smaller enterprises through partnering programs for

    independent software vendors. Another route is through interfacing with MNCs as

    clients. While this is not yet the norm, some MNCs are targeting small enterprises with

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    tailored solutions in both advanced and emerging economies. IBM, for instance, is

    actively focusing on offering low cost technical services to UK based smaller enterprises,

    rather than purely focusing on large global companies.

    Irrespective of the specific circumstances in which a tie is initiated, the vital principle is

    flexibility and alertness in the pursuit of an appropriate point of entry. These

    attributes were evident in Regio, an Estonian small enterprise that combines cartography

    and software skills, facilitating track-and-trace features in mobile telephony. It developed

    a successful relationship with the Estonian subsidiary of the Swedish multinational

    Ericsson which began through benign interactions when Ericsson, thanks to Regiosexcellent local networks, wanted to use Regios CD Atlas to demonstrate a radio network

    product to a prospective Estonian client. As Regios Chairman commented, we were

    aware that these relatively low-key interactions were a potentially powerful foot in the

    door for a long-lasting relationship. So I think we were lucky, but we certainly helped to

    make our own luck here by turning an apparently casual initial exchange into a more

    concrete relationship.

    Building commitment: Using the MNCs strength against it

    A second key tactic we observed was securing the commitment of the MNC partner once

    an initial agreement had been reached. Of course, commitment from a partner is required

    in any sort of commercial relationship. But in this unbalanced context, the process of

    building commitment was subtly different to what would be observed in a partnership of

    equals. We observed that the costs of commitment, in terms of time and resources, are

    typically higher on the part of the smaller enterprise, but the costs of failing to honor the

    commitment, in terms of reputational risk, are typically higher for the MNC.

    Interestingly, we observed cases of smaller enterprises making explicit use of the MNCs

    own power and status to ensure commitment similar to a guerilla force using a larger

    opponents strength to its advantage. As one executive observed, social sanctions can be

    brought to bear if the MNC partner threatens to renege on any of its commitments. These

    companies thrive on their reputations for honesty and ethical business. So while we

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    would never want to publicize any episodes of unethical behavior, both parties know that

    this possibility exists.

    Consider the case of the British venture Tarspan Technology (name disguised). It

    believed that it had the capability and opportunity to build a technology centre in

    conjunction with a local MNC subsidiary. Believing that the larger organization was

    committed to this piece of work, Tarspan devoted many man-hours worth thousands of

    dollars to the cause before the MNC walked away from the project citing a change in

    technological priorities. Not surprisingly, Tarspan managers referred to this experience as

    a major waste of time, and they believe that a major error on their part was a failure toobtain, in writing, the MNCs commitment at the outset. With the commitment in hand,

    they believe the MNC would have been shamed into seeing the project through. By

    contrast, in its next project with an MNC, Tarspan entered into a written agreement early

    on. Tarspans executives also consciously identified a senior manager in the MNC with

    whom there was a meeting of minds. This individual was cultivated as an internal

    champion for Tarspan and a focal point for discussions to gain the MNCs commitment

    to the joint activity.

    Consider also the case of the Bangalore-based software venture Skelta which was

    recognized with an innovation award at Microsofts 2006 Worldwide Partner Conference

    in Boston. The accolade marked the culmination of sustained efforts by Skelta to engage

    with Microsoft, which had begun some three years earlier in its own backyard of

    Bangalore. Skelta was a small company that believed it could become a player on the

    world stage. It aligned its technologies early on with Microsoft, and this strategy caught

    the eye of Microsoft executives. Skelta CEO Sanjay Shah asserted that Skelta shares a

    deep, symbiotic relationship with Microsoft, and he appointed a senior manager to head

    up the companys Microsoft relationship function. Skeltas partnership worked, in part,

    because it leveraged Microsofts professed commitment to the local milieu and channeled

    it to its own relationship, as implied in the observation of Microsofts Rajiv Sodhi, who

    was instrumental in fostering the relationship: Skelta fostered a very strong link with

    Microsoft India and this link is on multiple levelsWhat happens as a result is that the

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    India subsidiary stands firmly behind the local company, and its not a very distant point

    in time when it starts getting elevated to regional levels, to global levels.

    In this case, the positive reputation effects a source of major strength for large MNCs

    associated with the publicized support for an indigenous small enterprise were leveraged

    by Skelta to strengthen commitment from Microsoft India. Although the MNCs support

    was clearly wholehearted, any potential reluctance to continue to be supportive would

    likely be countered by the prospect of adverse publicity. In this way, small enterprises

    like Skelta are in effect utilizing principles of judo strategy which, although primarily

    concerned with small enterprises competingwith large incumbents, can also be relevantin the present context ofpartnering



    In the traditional model of alliances among MNCs, there are typically well established

    processes for consolidating a partnership and making it work such aspects as how to

    structure the relationship, build appropriate governance systems, and appoint the right

    managers. By contrast, the asymmetry in the relationship between a smaller enterpriseand an MNC, coupled with the different long-term objectives of the two parties, means

    that such processes do not apply to the same level. An unstated truth, for example, is that

    the small enterprise is often seen as dispensable by the MNC, and this means the smaller

    enterprise needs to think very carefully about how far, and how fast, to develop the

    relationship. As a general guideline, smaller enterprises should typically plan for the short

    term, though with an eye on the longer-term potential of the relationship. What this

    means in practice is a couple of things one is for the smaller enterprise to capitalize on

    specific points of advantage as options for future growth, the other is to modularize its

    knowledge development activities.

    Capitalizing on points of advantage: Building options for growth

    The successful small enterprises we studied were very clear on the genuine points of

    advantage that they brought to their MNC partners. Typically these advantages were one

    of two types: a specific project that enabled the MNC to gain access to capabilities or

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    technologies that were complementary to its own, or a peripheral non-core activity that

    the MNC outsourced to an external supplier. On the basis of these key points of leverage,

    the smaller enterprises we studied were proactive in seeking out possible options for

    further growth. The ability to respond to, and build upon, an initial mandate with great

    speed and flexibility is an inherent part of most small enterprises asymmetric advantage,

    relative to large MNCs where decision-making can be slower.

    An illustration of non-core activities is provided by Bangalore firm, Ekomate Systems

    which undertook support activities for Lucent Technologies (now Alcatel-Lucent). On

    the back of an initial outsourcing stint, Ekomate succeeded in winning the multinationalsconfidence and moved quickly into more extensive onsite activities. As for more

    specialist projects, consider for example Arnlea Systems, which specializes in electronic

    identification within the North Sea oil and gas cluster in Aberdeen. Arnleas initial

    assignment in conjunction with an oil and gas MNC and the American technology

    company EDS21

    involved a nine-month pilot project to improve safety conditions and the

    management of material flows from the harbour to sea and back. Diligent efforts in this

    initial assignment meant that Arnlea was well placed for more high-value work with

    these and other MNCs. At the time of writing, Arnlea had the prospect of a follow-up

    project to jointly develop a process innovation in conjunction with another oil and gas

    major. By performing well with this initial opportunity, it was able to leveraging this

    success to quickly develop further opportunities.

    In similar vein, the Estonian software firm Regio was able to develop new facets in its

    relationship with Ericsson. The success of its initial dealings, in connection with a

    product demonstration to a prospective Estonian client, led to a subsequent opportunity.

    Once again, Ericsson wanted to use Regios CD Atlas product to demonstrate technology

    that would allow Rescue Board dispatchers to locate mobile phones. Regio adopted a

    proactive stance and concluded, after examining Ericssons technology and its

    prospective clients needs, that rather more could be done and that Regio could help

    deliver it. In so doing, Regio created a new opportunity for itself which resulted in the

    small enterprise being contracted by Ericsson to deliver a sophisticated tailor-made

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    software system, funded in part by a Swedish Baltic IT fund. Regio also leveraged this

    opportunity to broaden its own technology offering, and in the process developed an

    algorithm for improving mobile positioning accuracy, which fed back into its burgeoning

    relationship with Ericsson which led to joint activities across the world in settings as

    diverse as Dubai, Morocco, Mexico, Romania and Slovakia22

    . In all of these cases, the

    small enterprises used their asymmetric advantage to act not only proactively but speedily

    to consolidate their relationships with multinationals.

    Modularizing knowledge transfer to reduce vulnerability

    Many alliances between smaller enterprises and MNCs are terminated for reasons beyondthe smaller enterprises control. But when collaborative projects are structured to involve

    discrete knowledge transfers, there is the possibility of partial success even if the project

    gets shelved at some point down the road. This is especially relevant given the

    atmosphere of uncertainty and ambiguity within which small enterprises and

    multinationals engage, as has been argued. Several of the small enterprises we spoke to

    deliberately broke their joint projects down into specific knowledge transfer milestones

    for this reason. Pragmatic short-termism calls for ensuring that there are milestones

    within a project that ensure identifiable knowledge transfer outcomes. That way, even if

    the rug is pulled from under their feet, some good would have accrued for the small

    enterprise through the partnership.

    For example, Edinburgh-based HMD Clinical created a venture to offer bespoke Web-

    and telephony-based solutions for the control of large clinical trials. Once this project had

    got off the ground, HMD then turned its attention to developing a new productized

    offering based on RFID technology to overcome human-error based inefficiencies. HMD

    believed that an effective way to take their idea to the next level would be to form a

    strategic partnership with a large established MNC. Around the same time Sun

    Microsystems, the press reported, was keen to set up an RFID testing centre on its

    Scottish premises. HMD succeeded in forging a link with Sun and, within six months,

    had developed a prototype of the new offering. At that stage, however, decisions beyond

    their control led to the termination of their collaboration with Sun. HMDs modular

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    approach to knowledge transfer, however, meant that it still ended up with a perfectly

    functioning prototype of its innovation using Suns hardware platform. And it required no

    further additional technological development going forward.

    Successful small enterprises in India such as Skelta and Ekomate similarly adopted

    modular processes to gain learning outcomes. Those that failed to do so were less

    effective in capitalizing on their partnerships with MNCs. For example, Knasse (name

    disguised) failed to make the most of a promising relationship with Intel in Bangalore

    because it did not anticipate the uncertainties and ambiguity that may characterize such a

    relationship. As the Knasse executive who oversaw the joint activity with Intelcommented, We did not do justice to the potential to acquire knowledge through that

    association before it ended. We should have managed the process better. This was a

    missed opportunity

    Breaking up projects into sub-parts can also yield more manageable experiences to make

    sense of, and gain greater insight into, the gorilla mindset and alliancing process. In so

    doing, small enterprises can cope more readily with the markedly different character of

    their partnership compared with conventional alliances involving more evenly matched

    MNCs who are well-versed with the art of partnering. And it is all the more relevant

    given the pervading ambiguity and uncertainty as small enterprises ponder the future

    prospects of their relationships with MNCs.


    The final part of the framework is concerned with how a successful relationship between

    a small enterprise and a MNC gets extended. Of course, alliances are unstable by nature,

    and even those between large and experienced partners will often end up being dissolved

    as the two parties evolve in different directions. However, there is still an important

    difference between partnerships between equally-matched firms and those between small

    enterprises and MNCs. The traditional equally-matched alliance typically unfolds in a

    somewhat predictable pattern, with both sides bringing their prior experience to bear, and

    both sides building in contingencies to the contract to allow for dissolution on mutually-

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    acceptable terms. In contrast, the model for how smaller enterprises and MNCs work

    together is rarely so well specified, in large part because of the asymmetry in resources

    and the differences in long-term objectives. More specifically, the relationship is often

    vague by design: for the small enterprise it is presumptuous to push the bigger picture

    opportunities too early; for the MNC it is not worth the effort to think the options through

    the smaller partner is typically viewed as a strategic option, and little more. This

    means, of course, that the opportunity to extend the relationship for the small enterprise is

    often wide open, but at the same time very hard to do, so it becomes a process of

    proactively building networks inside the MNC and seeking out ways of adding value

    across those networks, while also keeping an eye on the bigger prize. We observed twoapproaches in this regard one involved utilizing the MNCs network to enhance the

    scale and reach of the smaller enterprise, the other involved building options for future

    growth, perhaps including being acquired by the MNC partner.

    Utilizing the MNCs network to enhance scale and reach

    The very characteristics that make MNCs so different from small enterprises far greater

    scale and reach can be especially attractive as a means of pursuing long term goals such

    as going global or becoming acquired by a major player. However the trajectories of

    opportunity generation through these relationships are unpredictable. Indeed, there may

    well be unintended consequences as in asymmetric war of certain activities and

    efforts. The key, then, is for a small enterprise to capitalize on its position as a non-

    threatening, low-risk partner, and identify how it can leverage the vast networks the

    MNC can give it access to. This calls for deliberately embracing uncertainty and

    ambiguity, and on occasion undertaking activities that may only indirectly advance the

    small enterprises cause.

    For example, Mitoken, a software start-up in Bangalore, successfully transformed a

    technology-based relationship with Motorola in India into a valuable commercial one.

    Initial activities involving Motorola centered around product development in Bangalore.

    Subsequently, Mitokens product offering was, after rigorous evaluation by the Motorola

    Global Software Group based in Chicago23

    , installed in Motorolas software development

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    operations across 20 countries. This represented the start-ups first major international

    business breakthrough. Key to achieving this broadening of the activity scope was the

    strong commitment to the venture from a Motorola executive in India who had acted as a

    mentor to the co-founders who had developed their ideas while working for Motorola in

    Bangalore. HMD, the Edinburgh start-up mentioned earlier, also provides an example of

    the potential for a broader scope of joint activity. When the prototype of its new offering

    was developed, HMD made a joint sales call with Sun which helped enormously in

    opening doors to prospective clients. Co-founder Ian Davison described how HMD

    actually managed to demonstrate that prototype to one potential [international]

    customer, at the Sun facility in Linlithgow, Scotland.

    To increase the odds of greater joint activity, one way of extending the relationship with

    the MNC is for the small enterprise to build networks beyond the local MNC subsidiary

    and into other parts of its global organization. A key advantage of extending the

    partnership with an MNC in this way is that the small enterprise could enjoy

    disproportionate influence with the MNC, which in turn could yield valuable intra-

    organizational resources. This is especially so when managers in the small enterprise

    interact with MNC managers who have worked in other geographies and thus have

    personal knowledge of key individuals in other parts of the MNC24. In our research, the

    small enterprises that were most successful in collaborating effectively with MNC

    subsidiaries were those that built links with such boundary-spanning individuals who

    could, in turn, gain access to resources and knowledge elsewhere in the MNC network25


    Thus one firm in Scotland dealt with an MNC technology specialist who himself was

    well connected with other European and North American subsidiaries and therefore

    could, potentially, obtain useful information. Wider networking within the MNC also

    helped to build interpersonal links that resulted in greater visibility for the small

    enterprise. For example, Skeltas alignment with the Microsoft agenda went hand in hand

    with the development of a variety of linkages within Microsoft that allowed it to span

    boundaries, such as between Bangalore and Redmond, WA. Interestingly, the transfer of

    key personnel within the MNCs global network can be a blessing in disguise for the

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    smaller enterprises, because these managers become useful contacts and boundary-

    spanners as they rise up the ranks within the MNC.

    Building options for future growth: Ambiguity by design

    The other key aspect of extending the relationship with an MNC is for the smaller

    enterprise to develop a point of view about its long-term objectives, while deliberately

    keeping this point of view hidden from the partner company. Even if the executives

    running the small enterprise are interested in being acquired by its MNC partner, it is

    typically ill-advised for them to let this be known. A multinational partner is likely to be

    far more impressed by a small partner that is investing for its long-term growth than onethat is positioning itself for sale. There is, in other words, a value in the small enterprise

    setting itself an oblique goal (e.g. build for the long term, with a view to getting acquired

    in the medium term), and for its executives to deliberately keep quiet about their long-

    term objectives26.

    The small enterprise faces three generic options regarding its future: it can plan to pursue

    an independent future, it can attempt to build a long-term partnership with the MNC, or it

    can plan for the possibility of being bought by an MNC. Planning for an independent

    future involves the small (and growing) enterprise making some clear-cut decisions about

    the markets it wants to play in, and using its relationships with MNCs to help achieve its

    objectives. This approach requires vision and tenacity, and it is unlikely to offer an easy

    ride, but todays gorillas Microsoft, Cisco, SAP and so on were all small enterprises

    in the 1980s that chose to take this path, and are testament to its potential. A

    contemporary example of this approach is Dhruva, the Bangalore-based game company

    mentioned earlier. Dhruva needed its partnership with Intel to transform itself into a

    serious international player, but it subsequently charted its own independent course.

    A long-term partnership with one or several MNCs offers a certain amount of security but

    may constrain the small enterprises growth, and may also lead it into the low-margin

    world of subcontracting. But to the extent that the small enterprise is offering a

    distinctive product or service, this approach can still be highly successful. For example,

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    the Scottish software company Arnlea is poised to engage with a range of MNCs in the

    North Sea oil and gas cluster in Scotland, on the basis of its highly-specialized offerings.

    Such long term development reflects a mutual sustained interest in the relationship on the

    part of the parties involved.

    The prospect of being acquired by an MNC can be both daunting and alluring, and every

    successful small enterprise particularly in the high technology world- has to take this

    option seriously. For some small enterprise managers, acquisition is the best way to

    leverage its ideas and capabilities. For example, Roslin Biomed, the UK start-up

    company behind animal cloning, actively courted the US biotechnology company Geronto help it leverage its platform technology, and this led to a full acquisition in 2001. For

    other small enterprise managers, acquisition is a Faustian bargain that would ideally be

    avoided, but often occurs anyway. The Economistrecently reported of IBM that: In the

    past four years it has spent about $16 billion on over 50 acquisitions, mostly small

    software firms that have thrived after being stitched into the company27

    (for some

    takeaways for multinationals, see the sidebar Dance Lessons for Gorillas).

    Our research suggests that the small enterprise needs to be alert to all these options, and

    to invest in a way that keeps as many as possible open for as long as possible in other

    words, the small enterprise needs to adopt a strategy of ambiguity by design. Consider i-

    flex, arguably Indias most successful software product company. It was formed as a

    spin-off from Citibank, so it relied in its early years on a long-term partnership with its

    former parent. But it gradually distanced itself from Citibank as it began selling its

    banking software products to competitors, and then built an enduring relationship with

    IBM alongside which it engaged in considerable international sales activity, including in

    Europe. And it was ultimately acquired by software giant Oracle with which it had had a

    long-standing technical association. Whatever the approach taken, the key is for the small

    enterprise to dance with the gorillas in a manner that furthers, not diminishes, its cause.

    * * *

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    There are real opportunities for smaller firms to engage meaningfully with MNCs,

    especially if they do so proactively and with a view to the long-term evolution of the

    relationship. Of course, given the considerable challenge involved, it is conceivable that

    some small enterprises will wonder whether such collaborative relationships are really

    worth the trouble. Indeed for some, specifically those that are content to focus on

    relatively less knowledge-intensive offerings and pick the low-lying fruit, engaging with

    MNCs may not be truly beneficial. However for those that have cutting-edge

    technologies to offer, spurning the prospect of engaging with MNCs will result in missed

    opportunities. There may really be little option for innovative small enterprises with

    global ambitions but to learn to dance with the gorillas.

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    Financial support from The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, and

    encouragement to pursue the research from the UK Advanced Institute of Management

    Research (AIM), is gratefully acknowledged.

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    About the Research

    This paper draws upon research conducted as part of a five-year investigation,

    comprising 70 interviews and a survey that elicited 102 responses, into the

    internationalization of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The research focused

    on small software enterprises in India (particularly Bangalore) and the United Kingdom

    (notably Scotland). Scotland and Bangalore provide informative settings in which toexplore the topic given the concentration of information technology companies both

    indigenous SMEs and MNC subsidiaries found there. Additionally, they jointly provide

    a range of perspectives covering both advanced and emerging economy contexts. 25

    interviews were conducted between October 2005 and September 2006 among

    individuals associated with SMEs, MNCs, trade bodies and economic development

    agencies. Supplementary field interviews were conducted in Bangalore, Glasgow, Lahore

    and Tartu, Estonia. Multiple perspectives were elicited in order to explore the prevalence

    of, barriers to, and measures to facilitate, SME-MNC linkages. This built on previous

    research within our investigation that included a detailed case-study of a Scottish

    initiative to foster SME-MNC linkages, a set of case studies conducted in the Bangalore

    software industry and a survey of Indian small software enterprises, which were

    concerned with the role of social capital in SME internationalization. In particular, the

    issues explored included the differential effects of social capital types on SME

    internationalization, temporal effects (including decay) of networks and firm-level

    capabilities such as proactively leveraging network relationships. For the interested

    reader, some findings of the above studies from an academic perspective have been

    compiled in: S. Prashantham (2008), The Internationalization of Small Firms: A Strategic

    Entrepreneurship Perspective, London: Routledge.

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    Dance Lessons for Gorillas

    Although we were looking at joint activity between small enterprises and MNCs from the

    perspective of the former, our research indicates some useful lessons for the latter as well

    who also stand to gain immensely from such partnerships.

    Reach out.The message of proactive engagement applies equally to MNCs as it does to

    small enterprises. This may of course require some mediation given the various

    differences between these sets of organizations. In particular, the message that a gorilla

    interested in dancing with a small enterprise will have to be transmitted loud and clear

    because this could come as a (pleasant) surprise for some. Apart from an MNCs own

    partnering schemes, it may be useful to tap into the networking efforts of regional

    associations. Thus many MNC subsidiaries in Scotland have found it useful to participate

    in an open doors event at a local science park that attracted some 150 young

    technology-based companies and featured one-to-one meetings with senior

    representatives from the likes of IBM, Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle and Sun Microsystems to

    discuss potential collaboration.

    Engage nimbly. MNCs global partnering programs do not always do the job, often

    because of unique local conditions. These forums may then have to be innovatively

    tailored. An example of such an innovation, selected to be showcased at a recent

    company conference in Beijing, is seen in the efforts of a Microsoft executive in

    Pakistan. Vaqar Khamisani found that while he encountered promising small enterprisesthey needed rather more structured guidance than the partnering program allowed for.

    With entrepreneurial flair he modified the design of the partnering program into a

    sequenced set of activities. Along this journey the small enterprise would develop

    technical and market capabilities that would ultimately make it far more effective in

    leveraging the Microsoft partnership. This approach of adapting innovatively to local

    conditions is well worth emulating.

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    Incentivize parterning.Where we found MNC subsidiaries to exhibit proactiveness and

    flexibility in reaching out to small enterprises, we generally detected the efforts of a do-

    gooder manager with an altruistic interest in aiding the local economy. By contrast, a

    number of other MNC managers tend to adopt a myopic perspective in dealing with small

    enterprises as clients or partners. In particular, they may be unwilling to help extend a

    small enterprises dealings with other parts of its global network if they perceive that

    resultant benefits will be enjoyed elsewhere in the MNC. It may therefore be worthwhile

    introducing incentives so that middle managers, including those in a sales function

    (where middle managers often admit that myopia abounds), pass on partneringpossibilities to other subsidiaries or at the very least to boundary-spanning managers

    within their own subsidiary.

    Commit realistically. To address the concern that small enterprises often have about

    MNC subsidiaries lacking sufficient autonomy, it is important to be transparent about

    what can be realistically offered. A relatively modest commitment may be reassuring, not

    a turn-off, if a more substantial commitment of resources is not warranted due to

    constraints from headquarters. We found that MNCs with a track record of working

    closely with a range of small enterprises exhibit such realism, generally by adopting a

    case-by-case basis in dealing with these various companies. Different deals for

    example, transfer of intellectual property in one case and joint sales activity in another

    are struck depending on the specific situation, as well as the subsidiarys limitations.

    Thus neither are blanket promises made nor false illusions created. Such behavior helps

    to establish credibility among local small enterprises and increases the odds of entering

    into valuable partnerships and engendering a trust-filled climate within which to engage.

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    Table 1. Strategies for Dancing with Gorillas

    Stage of



    model: MNCs

    partnering with

    each other

    New model:

    Small enterprises

    partnering locally

    with MNCs

    Strategies for small enterprises

    partnering with MNCs

    Forming A direct frontalapproach througha dedicatedalliancedepartment or keyindividuals whoare directcounterparts

    Given asymmetryof access andattention, thedirect approach islikely to fail; souse indirect means

    of access

    Use local allies such asregional institutions orpartnering programs; makeyour luck by convertinglow-key interactions intoconcrete relationships

    Use the MNCs reputationalstrength to gain supportthrough written commitmentand bringing to bear socialsanctions

    Consolidating Well establishedprocesses forstructuring,governance andstaffing alliances

    Given asymmetryof resources andlong termobjectives, theseprocesses dontapply; soplan forthe short term withan eye on the longterm

    Capitalize on points oftechnology by proactivelydemonstrating skills andcreating opportunities

    Ensure modular or discreteknowledge transfer to ensuretangible outcomes (e.g. aproduct prototype) if thepartnership is prematurelyterminated

    Extending A relativelypredictable patternfor the furtherdevelopment ofalliances,

    including built-incontingencies forinstability anddissolution

    Given asymmetryand thereforedispensability ofsmall enterprises,theres greater

    uncertainty vis-

    -vis MNCs ownplans andpriorities; so bevague by designwith an eye on thebigger prize

    Proactively build networkswithin the MNC and addvalue e.g. extending fromtechnological to commercialactivities, and from local to

    international business Adopt an ambiguous

    approach by design; pursueoblique goals withoutshowing all cards initially,and keep options open for aslong as possible

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    J. Hagel and M. Singer, Unbundling the Corporation, Harvard Business Review 77, no. 2 (March-April1999): 133-141.

    2Professor Prahalad mentioned this during a question-answer session following the presentation of the2006 Booz Allen Hamilton Distinguished Scholar Award at the Academy of Management meeting inAtlanta, USA.

    3T.L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Globalized World in the Twenty-firstCentury(London: Allen Lane, 2005).

    4J. Birkinshaw, J. Bessant and R. Delbridge, Finding, Forming, and Performing: Creating Networks forDiscontinuous Innovation, California Management Review 49, no.3 (Spring 2007): 67-84.

    5Some of these ideas are discussed, in the context of emerging economy firms more generally, in N. Dawarand T. Frost, Competing with Giants: Survival Strategies for Emerging Market Companies,. HarvardBusiness Review 77, no. 2 (March-April 1999): 119-129.

    6W. Kuemmerle, The Entrepreneurs Path to Global Expansion, MIT Sloan Management Review 46,no.2 (Winter 2005): 42-49.

    7Y.L. Doz, J. Santos and P. Williamson, From Global to Metanational: How Companies Win in theKnowledge Economy (Boston: HBS Press, 2001).

    8J. Birkinshaw and N. Hood, Unleash Innovation in Foreign Subsidiaries, Harvard Business Review 73,no.3 (March 2001): 131-137.

    9Y. Doz and M. Kosonen, The New Deal at the Top, Harvard Business Review 85, no.6 (June 2007): 98-104.

    10Ongoing research on strategy making episodes suggests that their ritualistic nature could paradoxicallylead to creative ideas during a meeting but to little subsequent action thereafter; see G. Johnson, S.

    Prashantham and S.W. Floyd Toward a mid-range theory of strategy workshops, AIM Working Paper#35 (2006).

    11S.A. Alvarez and J.B. Barney, How Entrepreneurial Firms can Benefit from Alliances with LargePartners, Academy of Management Executive 15, no. 1 (2001): 139-148.

    12Y.L. Doz and G. Hamel, Alliance Advantage: The Art of Creating Value through Partnering (Boston:HBS Press, 1998).

    13Strategic asymmetry relates to irregular war, an issue of considerable contemporary interest in ageopolitical environment where the US and its allies face threats from unconventional nonstate entities.See, for example, C.S. Gray, Irregular Warfare: One Nature, Many Characters, Strategic StudiesQuarterly 1, no. 2 (Winter 2007): 35-57. Also Metz ad D.V. Johnson II, Asymmetry and U.S. MilitaryStrategy: Definition, Background, And Strategic Concepts (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, 2001).


    Our use of the asymmetry war imagery reflects gorillas greater power vis--vis small enterprises. Ourargument is that small entrepreneurs must therefore adeptly use various means (strategies that we identify

    here) to achieve their ends (e.g. growth). This is consistent with recent research on MNC power relative toother low-power actors; see C. Bouquet and J. Birkinshaw, Managing Power in the MultinationalCorporation: How Low-Power Actors Gain Influence, Journal of Management 34, no.3 (2008): 477-508.For a more general treatment of power, see J. Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence inOrganizations (Boston: HBS Press, 1992).

    15C.J. Ancker III and M.D. Burke, Doctrine for Asymmetric War, Military Review 83, (July-August2003): 18-25.

    16P.S. Ring, Y.L. Doz and P.M. Olk, Managing Formation Processes in R&D Consortia, CaliforniaManagement Review 47, no.2 (Summer 2005): 137-156.

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    17B. McEvily and A. Zaheer, Bridging Ties: A Source of Firm Heterogeneity in CompetitiveCapabilities, Strategic Management Journal 20, no. 12 (1999): 1133-1156.

    18P. H. Andersen, Regional Clusters in a Global World: Production Relocation, Innovation and IndustrialDecline, California Management Review 49, no. 1 (2006): 101-122.

    19For more on this initiative, see S. Prashantham and R.B. McNaughton, Facilitating Links between MNCSubsidiaries and SMEs: The Scottish Technology and Collaboration (STAC) Initiative, InternationalBusiness Review 15, no.5 (2006): 447-462.

    20Principles of judo strategy (somewhat akin to asymmetric war) include avoiding a frontal assault, as weemphasize in our framework, and are concerned with using a more powerful rivals strength against it; seeD.B. Yoffee and M.A. Cusumano, Judo Strategy: The Competitive Dynamics of Internet Time, HarvardBusiness Review 77, no. 1 (January-February 1999): 70-81; and D.B. Yoffee and M. Kwak, JudoStrategy: Turning Your Competitors Strength to Your Advantage (Boston: HBS Press, 2003).21STAC e-zine, STAC Project Updates, June (2006); Available at the following URL:

    22For a partner profile of Regio, see a case study by Ericsson at[Accessed 7 May 2008]

    23As featured in the Nasscom publication titled India is Innovation.

    24A.C. Inkpen and E.W.K. Tsang, Social Capital, Networks, and Knowledge Transfer, Academy ofManagement Review 30, no. (2005): 146-165.

    25For an academic treatment of the notion of boundary-spanning within MNCs, see T. Kostova and K.Roth, Social Capital in Multinational Corporations and a Micro-Macro Model of its Formation, Academyof Management Review 28, no. 2 (2003): 297-317.

    26In an article in Fast Company (Built to Flip, Issue 32, 2000), Jim Collins discussed the relative merits ofa built to last versus a built to flip mentality among start-up founders, and he observed that the start-ups

    most likely to be bought for a good price were paradoxically the ones that were seeking to become greatcompanies themselves, and not the ones seeking to get acquired.

    27The Economist, Hungry Tiger, Dancing Elephant, April 7 (2007): 69-71.