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Evans 1Halle EvansL. M. Raymond, MAUWRT 110330 June - 27 July 2015Daily Writings6/30 My Godbrother- When I was little, I spent a lot of time at my Godmothers house with my Godbrother. He first started teaching me how to read, write, and do math after I turned three years old and My Mother- She read to me nightly from ages three to six. My Sisters- Both of my older sisters helped me with any type of work that I received from elementary school and helped strengthen my reading and writing skills. My Father- Every summer throughout the time I was in elementary school I went to work with him where he would give me books to read while he worked.7/1My special place that has significantly shaped my literacy narrative is my bedroom back home. I have several paintings on my wall that I have always had from a young age. Over the years, I have added to those paintings with some of my own. These have inspired me in many different ways. Throughout middle and high school, these works of art inspired me to write stories of my own. They also reminded me of some of the topics that I had to write things about.7/2Whenever any of my elementary or middle school teachers took us to School Book Fairs I never remembered to ask my parents for more money for books. I would find a few books that I liked and Id use the emergency money that my parents gave me to get about two or three novels. Sometimes Id even get a set of smaller books that went together. When I got home I would always get in trouble with my parents because I would spend most of my emergency money. I wouldnt be in trouble for long though because I spent the money on something educational like books.7/6When I was in middle school, most nights I would read before bed. I had to be in my bed by 9:30 and have all electronics shut off by 10 oclock sharp. Most of the time, instead of watching television, I would read a book. These books ranged from the Twilight saga to hand-me-down books from my older sisters such as A Walk to Remember. In the span of a whole week, I would read two to three books.7/7The first time I used a computer in first grade. It was at home on my familys giant windows desktop. I had just got a couple of CD games and my sisters were showing me how to work the computer. After I knew how to use it, the only things I would do on it were listen to music on a program called Limewire, play games that came on the computer such as solitaire, paint, and pinball, and play my CD games Reader Rabbit and Freddy Fish.7/8A connection that I had with the book is August telling stories to Lily. When I was little, my mother would tell me folk tales and stories that her mother had told her when she was younger. Since August had heard these stories that she told Lily from her maternal figures, I connected because my mother had this same experience. Also, my family would be confused at my love of books just like how T. Ray didnt understand why Lily loved books so much.7/91. What country did my family originate from?2. Am I related to anyone important?3. What other races are mixed into my family heritage?7/13Something that I have recently discovered that has to do with my family is that my fathers birth certificate has the word colored in the race section. When I discovered this, I was very angry. I may want to learn more about the different treatment of black and white infants in the 50s. I understand why this was on his birth certificate but it reminded me of the time that he was born in and what he probably had to go through.7/14On special occasions, my mother makes skillet-fried apples. The only thing you need to make this delicious treat is an iron skillet, sliced apples, cinnamon, and a stove. The reason that my mother makes this is because when I was little, I read the American Girl books that came with the dolls. My favorite was Addy and in her book, one of her close family members had a recipe for fried apples. When my mother makes them now, it comforts me and gives me a sense of nostalgia. When I think of comfort food, this dish is one of the first things that pops into my mind.7/15Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. This quote from Zora Neale Hurston speaks to me on a different level. I have never really thought of a definition for research. Every time research has been mentioned it has involved another topic that was more important than the word itself. Now that I think about it, research is a fancy word for being nosey. It is indeed poking and prying with a purpose. Usually when people are doing research, they are doing it on something that they are curious about, i.e. formalized curiosity.7/16Whenever I experience the Peer Review process, I always receive constructive criticism and give it. Most suggestions that I am given are helpful but some I dont acknowledge. I dont agree with them and feel they are unnecessary. I always make sure that I check the checklist that is given. When a required element is not in the paper, I make a note of that on the paper and try to help them.7/17I feel that since so much importance is placed on error free work that no one is as focused on content as much as they should be. I also believe that no work is error free. Humans are prone to make even the simplest mistakes and that is very common. No matter how much work is done, there will be even the smallest error. A incorrectly spelled word, a grammar mistake, a bad transition; an error does not make the work bad though.7/23An Oral Presentation that has really spoken to me was a video that my LBST 2102 class was assigned to watch. A man named Tim Wise did a presentation on the Pathology of White Privilege. I was moved by it because he spoke on real issues in minority communities and about how if a minority said what he was saying, no one would take them seriously.7/24Picking a college was very hard for me. At first, I had seven schools that I wanted to apply to and I had to continue to narrow them down. With application fees and my poor time management at the time, I knew I couldnt apply to all of them. I ended up on applying to four schools: New York University, UNC Chapel Hill, NC State, and (of course) UNC Charlotte. I got into NC State and UNC Charlotte and obviously I chose UNC Charlotte because of the diversity, the academics, and the beautiful campus.7/27I want to make three note cards, but havent put any work into formalizing what I need/want to say. I have found a lot of information on my topic of the evolution of music from the 70s to present day but I have not organized it all to make a decent presentation yet. I am having slight trouble finding statistics but I have found a few and hope to find more.

7/28Whenever school is almost cancelled during snow, I still do my assignment that is due because every time I am put in this situation, my parents make sure that I complete my work. They used to make me sit in the room with them and do my work and then they would check my work to make sure that it was done. Whether school was cancelled or not, most of the time, my assignment was done. Although, one time when I did not do the assignment, I faked sick the next morning so I wouldnt have to go to school. I then completed my assignment.7/29I think that there is cocaine or other harmful substances in the wallet. If I found a wallet with cocaine in it, I would definitely make it look like I hadnt found it. If the authorities were looking for it, I wouldnt be involved in the situation.