Download - Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Page 1: Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Women’s volleyball takes UCLA in historic win, page 6 and DailyTitan.comSPORTS:

Proposed plan for US-Mexico border is a waste of money, page 4OPINION:

INSIDE: FEATURESFree entrance to museums this Saturday, page 3


Cal State Fullerton has teamed up with Empire Transportation and the Meridian Club to pro-vide students a new way of coping with the current parking crises.

Half the parking at the Merid-ian, a sports club about a mile from the campus, belongs to CSUF. Monday through Thurs-days from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. shuttles will transports stu-dents from the campus to the Meridian Club and back.

The service is completely free to students. The contract is cur-rently set for three years.

For the full video news story on off campus parking by Daily Titan Assistant Multimedia Edi-tor Derek Opina, go to

Parking crises moves toward relief

Wednesday September 23, 2009

Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 11

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

The Cal State University Board of Trustees will consider granting honorary degrees to former Japanese students who were forced away from their college studies to the intern-ment camps during World War II.

It was on Feb. 19, 1942, that President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Federal Executive Order 9066, an order that gave the military the authorization to set up an “exclu-sion zone” which surrounded all of California; that meant that the military had to remove any Japanese Americans in the military zone.

This forced more than 120,000 Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants who were in this zone to move into internment camps. Historical accounts have shown that an estimated 250 Americans of Japanese descent were attending CSU campuses when the Executive Order was issued.

The campuses established during 1942 were Chico, Fresno, Humboldt, Pomona, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, San Jose and the California Maritime Acade-my. Records have shown that some students did receive their degrees, while many others did not.

The CSU Board of Trustees will vote on Wednesday whether or not to confer the honorary degrees.

“By issuing honorary degrees, we hope to achieve a small right in the face of such grave wrongs,” a CSU press release stated. “The degree is an opportunity for the CSU to recog-nize a great wrong which affected hundreds of students, and to honor them.”

If the vote goes through, those who qualify and are willing to accept the degrees will be benefited.

“This is an opportunity for the CSU to honor those [whose] university education was interrupted due to fear and prejudice,” Erik Fallis, a media relations specialist in Public Affairs for the CSU said.

All CSU students who were interrupted due to the in-ternment during their studies are eligible for the honorary degrees. If deceased, a surviving family member may receive the degree in honor of the deceased student.

Professor of Communications Genelle Belmas said she has no objection to the granting of these honorary degrees. “These are Cal State students removed from their education-al processes by circumstances beyond their control.” Presum-

ably, they would have graduated without this interruption.Another university that awarded degrees to Japanese

Americans who were interned during World War II was the University of Oregon. The university awarded 19 bachelor’s degrees and one master’s degree on April 6, 2009, according to Hokubei Online.

“They should absolutely grant them degrees because they took away their freedom based on being scared,” a past alumnus of Cal State Fullerton Michael Hedderig, who is now a sixth grade teacher, said. Hedderig added that the government really didn’t have direct evidence that any of the Japanese citizens were spies.

The voting will take place today at the Office of the Chan-cellor, 401 Golden Shore, Long Beach, CA 92802.

Degree possibilities for WWII interneesBy CESAR GONzALEz

Daily Titan Staff [email protected]

Left: The Sierra Mountains can be seen through the window of one of two military police sentry posts at the entrance to the Manzanar National Historic Site. Above: Yoshimi Ikeda holds a watercolor of the Manzanar Camp in her Danville, Calif., home on Tuesday, April 20, 2004. Ikeda was interned at Manzanar during World War II. Below: Visitors to the Manzanar Cemetery adorn the monument with pictorial descriptions and origami cranes in honor of those Japanese Americans who were detained at the 10 World War II internment camps.


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Because of the proposed mea-sures aimed to deal with the University of California’s budget shortfall, students and faculty of each of the nine campuses are planning a walkout tomorrow.

The organizers of the walkout hope to bring awareness and sup-port for higher education in Cali-fornia.

They also hope to “show the legislature and the California government how important higher education is as an asset to California,” Catherine Liu, as-sociate professor for the Depart-ment of Film and Media studies and comparative literature at UC Irvine said.

In May, the UC’s Board of Regents passed a nine percent, or $662, student fee increase for the 2009-10 school year, which brought “the total mandatory system-wide fees for resident un-dergraduates to $7,788,” accord-ing to the UC Web site.

In November, the regents will

vote on another fee increase that could take effect in January. The fee increase would be an added $585.

All of the campuses still face a $535 million shortfall that can reach up to $600 million in the next fiscal year.

In an attempt to alleviate the problem, changes are being made: increasing student fees up to 30 percent, reducing instructional budgets by $139 million, laying off 1,900 employees, eliminat-ing 3,800 positions, and holding back on hiring 1,600 positions, the UC Web site states.

“I actually think the students want to be angry about the in-crease fee proposal. I don’t see why they shouldn’t be. I’m angry too. I think I liked the old system better,” UC President Mark G. Yudof said.

Liu reflected the president’s sentiments toward faculty. “(Pro-fessors) are working harder for less money … trying to find grants and other sorts of funding for guest speakers or any other item that may come up.”

UC faculty, students prepared to walkout

By VANESSA AyALAAND AMIRA NEShEIWATFor the Daily [email protected]

Quad offers taste of world cuisine

As Master of Ceremonies Mark Hizon announced the start of the Multicultural Food Festival on Tues-day, people began rushing to the dif-ferent food stands.

From shrimp dumplings to Skit-tles, there was a wide variety of foods available to those that were interest-ed in tasting something new.

The event, which was funded by Associated Students, Inc. and hosted by its Association for Inter-Cultural Awareness, had 12 clubs along with four ASI organizations. For an hour, students could walk around the Cal State Fullerton Quad and taste foods from around the world. The event was free to students.

“We call it a taste because it pro-motes what each organization out

here is about,” Hizon said.AICA provided water, sangria and

tamarind juice to quench the thirst of those in attendance. The Titan Tusk Force’s nachos seemed to be the favorite, with a long line of students waiting in the sun for a taste. That’s not to say that the food provided by others wasn’t satisfactory.

The Association of Chinese Stu-dents handed out both shrimp and pork and mushroom dumplings, along with a handout which provid-ed information about the dumplings and how they are made.

“I had the shrimp dumpling, and I actually like it a lot – it’s my sec-ond one,” Grecia Bahena, a business major, said.

The Pilipino American Student Association also had a hit with its lumpia shanghai – an egg roll-style

By BEATRIz FERNANDEzDaily Titan Staff Writer

[email protected]

Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman announced from Fullerton Tuesday that she will be running for governor.

In an effort to stimulate growth, Whitman, 53, suggested cutting taxes, although she did not specify which taxes she would consider cutting. She also said she would cut 40,000 jobs from the state government payroll and reduce spending by another $15 billion, which would be an addition to the 18 percent cut over the past two years.

Initially, Whitman’s formal announcement was not expected until af-ter months of fundraising and campaigning across the state. Whitman has drawn $19 million of her own finances to put toward her campaign efforts.

Former eBay CEO announces bid for governor

See WALKOUT, Page 2

See TASTES, Page2

By ShRUTI PATEL/Daily Titan Photo Editor

Page 2: Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Page Two September 23, 20092

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IN oTher NewS


Zelaya’s return does not resolve conflictVENEZUELA (MCT) – The police and army in honduras on Tuesday

morning swept away thousands of supporters of ousted President Manuel Zelaya, who’d spent the night outside the Brazilian embassy after his dra-matic return to honduras the day before.

Zelaya remained in the Brazilian embassy along with dozens of support-ers.

The move Tuesday morning indicates that the Micheletti government won’t use Zelaya’s unexpected return as an opportunity to resolve the coun-try’s political crisis by permitting Zelaya to serve out the final four months of his presidential term.

costa rican President oscar arias – backed by the obama administra-tion and Latin american and european governments – has put forth a plan for Zelaya to return under limited powers. Micheletti and his supporters in congress and the business community say they can’t trust Zelaya to keep his word, however.

Man accused of attacking child put in mental hospital

WASHINGTON (MCT) – Federal authorities have tied as many as a dozen people to a suspected al-Qaida-linked bomb plot on U.S. soil, and are urgently trying to gather evidence to indict the young afghan immigrant at the center of that case on terrorism charges, law enforcement officials said Monday.

The disclosures came as Najibullah Zazi, 24, of aurora, colo., and two other men arrested Saturday night made their first court appearances on charges of making false statements to federal authorities. Zazi, his father Mohammed wali Zazi and ahmad wais afzali, 37, of Queens, N.Y., were ordered held in custody by judges in colorado and New York city.

Several officials said it is likely that Zazi will be charged with providing material support to a known terrorist organization, based on his own admis-sion to FBI agents that he trained in weapons and explosives at an al-Qaida camp in Pakistan last year.

an FBI affidavit unsealed over the weekend alleged that authorities found images of nine pages of notes on Zazi’s laptop about how to make explosives, timers and fuses in handwriting that appeared to be consistent with his.


Suspected terrorists make first court appearance

Walkout: uC Community fights baCk

owens said.Sometimes criminals posing as pro-

moters persuade fraternities or sports clubs to sign students up for credit cards. No cards exist - the goal is to open fraudu-lent accounts using the students’ ad-dresses, So-cial Security numbers and b i r t h d a t e s from the so-called appli-cations, said Betsy Broder, assistant di-rector of the Federal Trade commission’s division of privacy and identity protection.

Some thieves don’t go to that trou-ble. college students reveal all sorts of information about themselves on social-networking sites, experts said. It all comes down to being too trusting.

“If someone were to call them and ask them for personal information, they just provide that information,” owens said. “Unless they initiated the

TEXAS (MCT) - Phil Banker said he “freaked out” when he saw his bank account balance after buying a $100 cell phone with his debit card. The re-ceipt showed that $1,919 was missing from his checking account.

The money was spent in the Balti-more area – a place he had never vis-ited.

Banker, then a University of North Texas senior, called wells Fargo Bank, the company that issued his debit card. he suspects that his debit card infor-mation was stolen after he bought a textbook over the Internet in February 2008 from a company he didn’t com-pletely trust.

“They were selling this textbook at a radical discount from anywhere else,” Banker said. “So I took a chance, and I got burned for it.”

Identity theft and scam investiga-tors say they hear stories like this all the time. college-age americans are not the most likely age group to be-come victims of fraud – those ages 25 to 44 are, according to a 2004 Federal Trade commission report. But college students’ love affair with technology, and sometimes their naivete, makes them vulnerable to some types of identity theft, experts say.

colleges and universities add to the problem by issuing student identifica-tion cards that double as debit cards or allowing credit card companies to market their products on campus, some say. and credit card companies are expected to scramble this fall to sign up college students before a new federal law takes effect in February that will restrict their practices.

experts urge students to take pre-cautions as the new school year gets under way. a little cynicism usually helps, said denise owens, comerica Bank’s Texas fraud and identity theft investigator.

“If it seems too good to be true, it is,” owens said.

Many scams against college stu-dents are hatched online, experts said. Students often fall victim to work-from-home, Internet sales and identi-fication scams, said owens, who has investigated scams and identity theft for 18 years. These crimes tend to in-volve wiring or sending money over-seas or to other parts of the country.

“Because they’re on the Internet so often, and they do so much of their stuff online, I do see them fall victim to a lot of the Internet fraud scams,”

students biggest target for fraud

PREVENTING ID THEFTcollege students can take several steps to stop identification theft:1. campus computers and wi-Fi hot spots aren’t always secure. Use encryption (i.e. anti-keylog-

ging software, or password protection) to scramble communications over the network.2. change passwords frequently. Keep your anti-virus and anti-spyware software up-to-date with

the latest releases. If you use your laptop around campus, always take it with you to ensure that your hard drive isn’t compromised.

3. reveal little personal information on social-networking sites, especially family name, address, phone numbers and date of birth.

4. don’t carry your Social Security number with you. If your college uses Social Security numbers for student Ids, request that the college generate a random number instead.

5. Buy a cross-cut shredder and properly dispose of all personal and financial materials. credit card offers, bank statements and tax documents should be shredded or stored in a secure spot. a dorm room is usually not a secure spot.

6. If you shop online look for “https” in the UrL. check with sites’ privacy policies so you know what they may be doing with your personal information, or whether they’ve attached cookies to your computer, enabling them to track your viewing and usage patterns.

7. routinely review your credit report. Under a federal law, you have the right to receive a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies. To request your free annual report under that law, visit

9. If you use peer-to-peer file sharing programs, be sure to configure the files securely so personal information is not accessible to others.

10. Physically remove the hard drive before you throw out that old computer. erasing data just enables the computer to write over that space again; it doesn’t eliminate the original bits and bytes.

11. Never check “remember me” to log into web sites. The harder you make it for hackers to follow your trail into an online store or bank account, the better.

12. Make photocopies of your driver’s license, credit cards, insurance cards, all of it-front and back. Should your wallet be lost or stolen, you won’t be left wondering what was taken, and you can quickly notify the appropriate agencies about a theft.

Sources: affinion Security center, Intersections Inc., Kroll Fraud Solutions.

contact or they can verify whom they’re speaking with, they shouldn’t give out personal information. and financial institutions and credit card compa-nies will never ask them for their PIN

number or the securi-ty code on the back of their card.”

S t u -d e n t s ’ mailboxes will likely be stuffed with credit card offers because of the fed-eral credit card ac-

countability, responsibility and dis-closure act of 2009. effective Feb. 22, the law prevents credit card companies from giving students gifts in exchange for credit card applications and from sending offers unless the student agreed to have them sent, according to consumers Union, publisher of con-sumers report magazine. The law also requires colleges to publicly disclose

any marketing contracts made with credit card companies.

“This is the last season that credit card companies are going to be able to actively market on campus, giving away free T-shirts and all the other freebies,” said Lauren Bowne, a con-sumers Union attorney.

Banks and credit card companies pay schools to issue student Id/debit cards and in some cases to solicit stu-dents during certain times, such as ori-entation. To some colleges, that adds up to millions of dollars a year, said Lawrence wilson, president of the Plano, Texas-based Id Theft Victims Support group of North america.

But the FTc’s Broder said univer-sity debit cards are as safe as any other debit card. She was not alarmed if security precautions get taken. wells Fargo has identity theft prevention, de-tection and mitigation programs, but the company did not want to provide details to protect security. Sullivan said UT-arlington has had no major prob-lems with the cards and has no access to bank account information.

In Banker’s case, he said wells Fargo cut access to his account, replaced his cash and sent him a new card with a new account number within a few days. a cousin in the financial indus-try ran a search through Banker’s credit history to see whether any other blips popped up. So far nothing abnormal has occurred, he said.

If students fall victim to identity theft or scams, they should notify po-lice, their banks and credit card com-panies, said debra geister, director of fraud prevention and compliance so-lutions at LexisNexis. They also should contact credit bureaus and have them issue fraud alerts and credit freezes on their accounts.

and they should file an identity theft affidavit with the Federal Trade commission, which they can do on-line or through the mail, she added. By Nov. 1, the federal red Flags rule requires that nonbank organizations that extend credit, including colleges and universities, have an identity theft prevention program, geister said. Banks had to comply last year.

Primarily, students need to give out as little personal information as pos-sible.

“we all tend to be trusting as hu-man beings,” geister said. “when our radar should go off, sometimes it doesn’t.”

“we all tend to be trust-ing as human beings. when our radar should go off, sometimes it doesn’t.

– debra geister,Fraud prevention and compliance

solutions director, Lexis Nexis

SAN BERNADINO (MCT) - angelo Mendoza Sr. who is accused of biting out his son’s eye will go to Patton State hospital for up to three years, a judge ruled Tuesday.

Mendoza, 34,was declared mentally incompetent to stand trial a month ago. That means doctors ruled he didn’t understand the nature of the charges against him and could not help in his defense.

Mendoza is charged with mayhem and torture in the april 28 attack on his 4-year-old son, angelo Mendoza Jr.

The boy was blinded in both eyes but he regained sight in his right eye within a few weeks.

angelo Mendoza will stay at Patton State hospital until he is restored to com-petency. If that happens, the criminal case will resume.

Fall 2008 Enrollment - UC 173,078UCI 22,238CSU 437,008CSUF 36,996

Budget Shortfall - UC $535 millionCSU $584 million

Furloughs Generate - UC $184 millionCSU $275 million

2009-2010 Tuition(full-time, CA resident)UC $7,778CSU $4,026

christine rosen, an associate pro-fessor at Uc Berkeley, spoke of the consequences that might come from decreasing faculty pay. “a lot of peo-ple love Berkeley, but if the salary is going to keep going down, relative to what the professors can get in other places, there are a lot of great uni-versities out there that they will be tempted to go.”

“It’s going to be a long struggle; there is no simple solution to this problem right now. we feel very strongly that our administration knows that it’s important to protect students’ access to higher education, as well as to protect students high quality,” rosen added.

“The worst is not over yet,” Yudof said at a Uc Board of regents meet-ing on Sept. 16 in San Francisco. during the 1980s, 17 percent of the state budget went to community col-leges, the california State University and the Uc, while only 3 percent of the budget was given to prisons. Today, higher education gets 7 per-cent while prisons get about 9 to 10 percent. “we have more of a future in prison than in universities these days,” Yudof added.

For the past six weeks, professors of the Uc have been signing a letter that protests the faculty changes that have come. The letter has reached over a thousand signatures.

Liu signed the letter and will be as-sisting with the ongoing events that will take place the day of the protest.

at noon, a rally for the UcI com-munity will be held at the campus to protest the budget cuts on higher education in california. From 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., there will be a rally in the Social Science Plaza at UcI. To con-clude the event, evening teach-ins will be held in the humanities gate-way 1010 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

“It’s important to have the walk-out. It’s for a good cause, and it’s af-fecting me and my age group,” Suzan

okalteir, 20, a biology major, said. “I don’t think Uc people are going to get results right away, but it’s going to bring awareness to the other peo-ple, get them more educated. Maybe this walkout will help change things. There have been walkouts before, but not many of them got the results they had wished for.

“Last quarter I was enrolled as a full-time student and had paid my tuition of $2,500. however, I’m now paying $3,600. I think this is very disturbing, just knowing the fact that the tuition is going to increase,” oka-lteir added.

Uc riverside student Shaheen Nassar, 20, will be starting classes the same day as the walkout day, Sept. 24. “I will be too busy with my class-es the first day, and I won’t be able to make it out there and support the faculty with the other students. It’s a risk leaving a class and going out there knowing other students are fighting to get into the same class. however, I think this walkout is go-ing to be somewhat good. I’m not sure how the results will be. Looking back, many walkouts did nothing but waste time … I just hope that there will be a solution to this problem be-cause students can’t keep affording the increased tuition every year.”

Since classes started on aug. 26 at Uc Berkeley, “the students on campus are promoting this walkout and moti-vating the students to attend and try to make a differ-ence,” daniel Belay, 19, a Uc Berkeley student, said. “Fac-ulty and students will start the walk from noon and will be walking around the university, high school and an el-ementary school nearby as well.” has provided a schedule for a day of action at UcI on Sept. 24. There will be an event series at 6 a.m to 7 p.m.

From Page 1

food stuffed with vegetables, pork and beef. Sammie Sotoa, a business management major, claimed the dish originated in china and was adopted by the Philippines where a different flavor was added. Though the club was serving lumpia shang-hai, there is also a dessert version of lumpia called turon, which is filled with bananas and brown sugar.

Students could also taste baklava and barazeh, dessert dishes provid-ed by the Middle eastern Student Society. Baklava is a pastry made of phyllo dough and nuts with syrup that is a popular Middle eastern food. Barazeh is a cookie that is similar to sesame candy in taste.

“we bought them, but we do know how to make them,” said rema wahid, president of the Mid-dle eastern Student Society.

The cambodian Student asso-ciation provided samples of fried bananas, which tasted very similar to banana chips.

“I tried the fried banana, and it’s

tastes: festival feeds studentsFrom Page 1

pretty good,” said warren Poom-pong, a biology major, who was slowly making his rounds.

Though not all stands provided food, they were there to support the event and advertise their club. “It’s fun because you get to know more about the clubs,” said Bahena.

whether the food was a hit or not wasn’t the point of the event; hizon wanted to expose people to different types of food. The Mo-vimiento estudiantil chicano de aztlán ( club was also in attendance and was handing out pan dulce.

There was a big turnout, which was partly due to hizon using the speaker system to reel people into the event. The clubs in attendance seemed happy to be a part of the event.

after only 20 minutes, many of the clubs were running out of food, “But that’s a good sign, right?” said Puja ramy, a member of the Indian Intercultural club.

Page 3: Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

FEATURESSeptember 23, 2009 3

Art, science and history are all preserved and displayed in museums. Museums allow individuals an up-close view of artifacts that they would not see elsewhere, and give a view of history from all over the world and all different time periods. However, some are discouraged by the price of admission.

On Saturday, Sept. 26, Smithsonian Magazine will be hosting their fifth-annual Museum Day, in which participating mu-seums will open their doors to the public for free.

According to the magazine, “Museum Day is a celebration of culture, learning and dissemination of knowledge.”

Museum Day started in 2004, and the idea behind it is to emulate the free admis-sion policy of the Smithsonian museum in Washington, D.C., said Elizabeth Stoll, promotions coordinator of Smithsonian Media.

“Museum Day represents Smithsonian Media’s commitment to making knowledge and culture accessible to everyone, whether they are able to travel to the nation’s capital or not,” she said.

To be able to attend, patrons must visit

the event’s Web site, and print out an ad-mission card. Each card allows admittance for two guests, and one card is permitted per household.

Last year, approximately 200,000 people partook in events held by 900 museums lo-cated across all 50 states.

“We have some extraordinary museums across the country participating that typi-cally charge upwards of $15 a person. At-tending Museum Day can save someone attending a lot of money,” Stoll said.

She added that the Smithsonian expects to attract 300,000 people to more than 1,000 museums this year.

Roger Paz, a 21-year-old senior and computer science major at Cal State Ful-lerton, was unaware of Museum Day, but upon hearing about it, said that he would be interested in attending. “I think it’s a great way for people to get to a museum who otherwise wouldn’t because they are put off by having to pay,” he said.

“I would love to go now that I know what it is,” said Allie Harris, 21, a theater major at CSUF. “I don’t feel like I get to see enough art.”

Various museums throughout Los Ange-les and Orange County are participating in the event, including: the Huntington Surf Museum in Huntington Beach, the Ameri-

can Museum of Ceramic Art in Pomona, and the Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) in Long Beach.

The Fullerton Museum Center is an op-tion for those who would like to participate in Museum Day at a local venue.

The museum, which is located at 301 N. Pomona Ave., is currently promoting an exhibit called “100 Worst Album Covers,” a collection of album art gone sour.

“This exhibit is just a fun exhibit that will make you laugh at all the crazy album art,” said Stephanie Tash of the Fullerton Museum Center.

Also on display is “Solid Design: Leo Fender’s Telecaster,” displaying a variety of Telecaster guitars – which was the first commercially successful solid-body electric guitar and an instrument that changed mu-sic history. The exhibit includes Telecasters once owned by celebrities such as: George Harrison, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, Roy Buchanan, James Burton, Don Rich and Mike Bloomfield.

The Fullerton Museum Center can be contacted at (714) 738-6545 for more in-formation regarding “Museum Day” or any exhibits on display.

For a complete list of museums involved in “Museum Day,” visit

Magazine offers free culture

They have plans and hopes. Their dreams brought them to America and they pay over $7,000 a semester to pursue a full-time education. They are international students.

“We think we know them pretty well and see them around campus every day; but indeed, we cannot even imagine inter-national students’ daily struggles and huge challenges (they face) living far away from home,” said Dr. Ya-Shu Liang, a counselor and licensed psychologist from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

Not being allowed to work, being alone and having high tuition fees and economic pressures make international students’ lives at Cal State Fullerton difficult.

“My mother wants me to finish as soon as possible because the tuition here is very expensive with the exchange rate,” said Sarah Chin, a junior graphic design major from Taiwan.

If you are an international student and want emotional support and coping strate-gies to deal with stress, help is here.

A free and confidential discussion group for international students will be held every Monday this semester starting Sept. 28.

“I think help like this is necessary,” said Zhao Liu, a CSUF student from China who is pursuing his accounting degree. “Besides the usual stress from school, work and relationships with others, we, as inter-national students, always have more pres-sures like culture shock as well as commu-nication boundaries.”

Liang said there are generally four stages to adaptation.

“(The) first is called the ‘honeymoon stage,’ in which everything seems exciting and new; then comes to the ‘culture shock stage,’ where all the confusion, anxiety or even anger occurs; the third stage will be a mixture of those felt in the former two stages, called the ‘recovery stage;’ and the last one is the ‘adaptation stage,’ in which people come to accept and appreciate the similarities as well as the difference be-tween cultures.”

Student diversity at CSUF allows stu-dents to be exposed to people from differ-ent countries, but ethnic separation may still exist in college.

“Host country receptivity plays an im-portant role in the process of adapting to a new culture. The way in which interna-tional students are treated can deeply affect the adaptation process,” said Liang. “If one encounters people who express discrimina-tion and prejudice, or who expect everyone to conform to the U.S. way of life, adapta-tion can be more difficult.”

Many international students feel as if they can never fit in because they have parted with a familiar world.

“Adapting to a new culture takes time and doesn’t mean simply ‘becoming Amer-icanized.’ It’s about developing a realistic view of both cultures,” said Liang. “It’s important for international students to be patient with themselves as they continue to learn how to embrace both cultures.”

Solving the problems of international students is not an easy task since they may have different values from typical Ameri-can college students and may have to cope with language barriers.

“I understand how hard it is for an in-ternational student to open up to others. If you don’t feel like the group is for you, you can talk to me one-on-one,” Liang said. “The point of this group is not only to show how much we care about interna-tional students’ well-being, but also help them develop coping strategies for manag-ing stress.”

Liang is working side-by-side with the International Education & Exchange of-fice; she also attended the international students’ orientation at the beginning of fall to inform them that help and support are available.

“I would like to make myself available to international students who need help,” Liang said. “You might see me in different functions on campus, reaching out to as many international students as I (can).”

For more information, email [email protected].

Or call (657) 278-3040 to sign up for the Stress Management Group for Interna-tional Students.

Fullerton Museum Center is among the hundreds of museums offering free admission with a Museum Day card Saturday, Sept. 26. Cards are available by downloading them from Smithsonian Magazine’s Web site at

By Shruti Patel/Daily titan Photo editor

By Meghan alfanoDaily Titan Asst. News Editor

[email protected]

By nikki MaoDaily Titan Staff [email protected]

international students battle stress with group

Page 4: Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23, 20094 OPINION

A report released Thursday by the Director of Homeland Security and Justice Issues Richard M. Stana stated that the attempt to secure the United States/Mexico border with fences and new technol-ogy has fallen years behind schedule, has no way of measuring whether illegal border crossing has been reduced and will cost billions of dollars in mainte-nance.

According to the report, since fiscal year 2005, the Secure Border Initiative has received funding, amounting to more than $3.7 billion.

Approximately $1.1 billion has been allocated to a comprehensive border protection system known as SBInet, while $2.4 billion has gone into creating tac-tical infrastructure.

The SBI is a multi-billion dollar program that is aimed at securing U.S. borders and reducing illegal immigration.

However, according to the report, “Securing the nation’s borders from illegal entry of aliens and con-traband, including terrorists and weapons of mass de-struction, continues to be a major challenge.”

The report also stated that in 2006, the Depart-ment of Homeland Security estimated it would have a system of cameras, radars and sensors by the end of 2009 placed along the border to help border patrol-men. The new projection has slipped to 2016.

Despite the potential for the technological ad-vancements along the border, the reality is that many are not function-ing the way they should be and are instead costing more to repair and make func-tional.

“By February 2009, preliminary results of testing revealed prob-lems that may limit the useful-ness of the system for Border Patrol agents, including the instability of the camera under adverse weather conditions, me-chanical prob-

lems with the radar at the tower, and issues with the sensitivity of the radar,” states the report.

Although the government has spent $2.4 billion on such “physical infrastructure,” the report states it could cost $6.5 billion over 20 years to maintain it.

The United States is currently facing some of the worst financial problems it has ever experienced. In-stead of investing billions of dollars into technologies that are not working for the border, the government should work with Mexico in order to establish a func-tioning migrant-worker program that would help lessen the amount of immigrants entering the coun-try illegally.

The reality of the border is that people cross because of necessity and not pleasure. When it becomes more difficult to cross the border illegally, people become increasingly desperate, thus, willing to pay smugglers more to transport humans, drugs and arms. It is like a game of chance, the greater the risk, the larger the payout.

If the United States were to invest and focus on building a strong relationship with Mexico and al-low migrant workers to come and work for fair wages legally, it could invest more time into curtailing drug, weapon and human trafficking. There are plenty of issues in the country that could also benefit from in-creased funding that is currently being wasted on the border. Programs like education and health care could use the $110 million that U.S. Customs and Border

Protection is us-ing this year to build 10 miles of fencing along the border.

Although bor-der security is an important facet of the govern-ment’s respon-sibilities, there are many other pressing matters that need the at-tention and the funds that are be-ing put into tech-nologies and ser-vices that are not performing their intended tasks.

Titan EditorialProviding insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Funding fails to secure border

To the Daily Titan and its readership,I write to you today in response to the article titled “Smokers Segregat-

ed” printed in Volume 85, Issue 9 of the Daily Titan. I cannot help but be alarmed at the implications that these decisions have raised. As a second year student at Cal State Fullerton, I am not a smoker and have looked with disdain upon smokers who do not follow current regulations. However, I feel that the university has far from done anything productive to combat the situation.

My concern is not only directed at the specifics of the situation, but also for the way society treats smokers in general. I believe that this situation is a perfect illustration to demonstrate my opinions. It is my belief that the way society handles smokers – and hence the way CSUF has decided to handle its smokers – is completely demeaning and only helps to elevate the situation. Taking out the context of smoking, the only thing accomplished by enforc-ing the proposed regulations is a heightened policing of a specific portion of society.

I feel that this is not only counter-productive, but morally unacceptable. I am well aware of the health hazards that second-hand smoke has on the non-smoking populace, but if the basis for shepherding smokers – people – to specifically isolated areas in which they are allowed to smoke, is the health and well-being of others, then why does society not point with the same condemnation at say, people with communicable diseases?

If a person is infected with influenza, does that mean that that individual must stay in a booth until the sickness is passed? Should that person be forced not to exhale while in the immediate vicinity of healthy, non-infected people? Maybe if you have the flu, you shouldn’t be allowed to ride the eleva-tor. Well, you can’t smoke in an elevator, so why the double standard?

Many would counter my argument by saying that smoking is a habit. People who are sick are not subject to the same rules as smokers because they have no bearing on their own physical condition if it falls outside the norm of being a healthy, non-infected human being. This seems to me, discrimi-natory. Essentially, what these same people are saying is that, their concern for the well-being and health of others is only contingent with the fact that smoking is a force of habit, not a force out of our control.

Ultimately what this means is that people are making a judgment – one that is completely disconnected from health issues – on smokers, and using this judgment as justification for unfair regulations. I find this morally re-pugnant and absolutely unacceptable.

Why is it that society must cherry-pick a specific portion of people to criticize and control? I do not see anyone complaining about those who drive huge trucks and SUVs, products that still fall within the choices made in deference to human preference, that are well known for their relative inef-ficiency in comparison to other vehicles, and that at a most fleeting glimpse reveal that they produce more toxic fumes in five minutes than smokers can in a day. Why is a prisoner’s arm still swabbed with alcohol before lethal in-jection? Do you mean to say that in American society, prisoners are depicted as still being treated humanely in the face of execution, but it is acceptable for smokers to be herded around like sheep simply because they have un-healthy habits?

What exactly is the moral high ground the anti-smokers stand on that they can single out smoking as the only health risk out of an uncountable milieu that deserves to be restricted? It would be a wonderful world indeed, if smokers – by their own volition – eyed the non-smokers around them, and held off on the cigarette until the area was clear. Of course, this perspective is unrealistic at best, but I think that as an educational institution, the only so-lution the university offers to combat the smoking problem is preposterous.

Why not have the same people who are so outspoken against smoking hold a seminar or develop programs to educate the smokers on smoking and the risks they pose, instead of throwing arbitrary restrictions as a substitute to a real, educational solution?

Convince a mind to think like your own, and you have an ally. I’m sure that in the face of developing lung cancer, most people would think twice before lighting up a cigarette. Why is our only solution a hostile one? If smokers are already not in compliance with the current regulations, then I can find absolutely no logical reason why imposing even more regulations would make them more likely to comply.

- Warner PaauCSUF computer animation and English major

Letter to the Editor

In an interview with the New York Times, Cormac McCarthy said that he did not consider authors “good” if they did not “deal with is-sues of life and death.” He said in the interview, “I don’t understand them. To me, that’s not literature. A lot of writers who are considered good, I consider strange.”

While this might be an over-sim-plification, it does lend a valuable model to test literature and, I think, all forms of art. That is, what is at risk here? Or more simply, why do I care? Marlin needed to find Nemo, the “Sex and the City” girls needed love and approval, and Luke needed to save the galaxy. What we, as an audience, bring is our own unique systems of values and tastes of what qualifies as a worthy risk. This will then determine whether we are go-ing to literally and figuratively buy the ticket and indulge the ride for a little while.

Robert De Niro has been an undeniable master of discerning which stories and characters will fill our hearts and minds to bursting. “The Mission,” “The Deer Hunter,” “Awakenings” and the “Godfather II” knock the viewer over with De Niro’s precision and subtlety bal-anced perfectly with his timely feroc-ity. The list can go on, and it does.

Yet it seems to be that after “Heat,” a personal favorite of my own where he does more with barely a word than most people can do in a lifetime, he started signing on to movies without thinking about rele-vance or quality. Then it crossed over to embarrassment. Now, it looks like a willful attempt to shun everything we have come to expect from the bar-setter himself.

Like anyone else, an actor needs to work. And in that craft, De Niro is an irrefutable master. His record of characters is a canon of dedication and quality.

The problem is that his decisions have strayed further and further away from the prime projects he used to make into a sure bet when we saw his name on the marquee or DVD case, and we would see his name and think, “Oh, this is going to be awesome.” And usually, we would be right.

Granted, he does continue to sprinkle in the good with the bad. “Stardust” showed that De Niro can play flamboyant and do it well. “Jackie Brown” showed us that he could put the hurt on a bong that would put most stoners to shame. “The Score” was an ensemble suc-cess, if not a knock-out with the critics.

Then there were the others. De Niro delivered a distanced, line-reciting style that did nothing to fill the words in the recent film “What Just Happened?” He merely repeat-ed dialogue off the page, and the voice came from a man we were be-wildered to see not giving his earth-shaking best.

It is as if Dostoevsky started writ-ing for “Two and a Half Men.” De Niro played it safe and continues to do so. And there is no worse choice that an artist can make.

“Righteous Kill” was worse than most television shows, and it dragged another pillar of acting, Al Pacino, into its immature, patience-trying catastrophe. Like any natural disaster, all we can do is look on in a mystified confusion as the man who does not care what we think of him continues to feast upon the excep-tional talents that secured him in our hearts. He goes for the most com-mon of denominators and plumbs to new depths, taking advantage of the trust he has earned and leaving us empty-handed.

There is news of a sequel to the train wreck that was “Meet the Fock-ers,” called “Little Fockers.” Up next in December, we have “Everybody’s Fine,” a movie about a man assur-ing each of his grown children that he loves them on Christmas. Sam Rockwell stands out as a real talent in the Hallmark-esque project. Will De Niro be able to do the same?

‘You talkin’ to me?’

By GrEG LEhmanDaily Titan Staff [email protected]

PhoTo courTEsy oF ani KELLoGG

Articles written for the Daily Titan by columnists, other Cal State Fullerton students or guests do not necessarily reflect the view of the Daily Titan or Daily Titan Editorial Board. Only the editorials are representative of the views of the Daily Titan Editorial Board.


Page 5: Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


ACROSS1 Pea holders5 Get ready for

surgery9 Beethoven’s

“Für __”14 Geometry

product15 Victoria or

Geneva16 Zapped in the

microwave17 Hydration from

underground19 Prevailing

tendency20 Horseshoer’s

workshop21 “All set!”23 Excuse designed

to elicit sniffles26 Busy pro in Apr.29 Thunder on a

radio show, e.g.34 Test the weight of36 To this day37 Bird on a dollar38 Minimally40 Undiversified, as

a farm42 Old French

money43 Uncover,

poetically44 Head of France?45 In a rage49 “The Waste

Land” poet’smonogram

50 Made a mess of52 Mouth the lyrics56 White Rabbit’s

cry60 Arm of the sea61 House majority

leader of theearly 1970s

64 “Uncle Tom’sCabin” author

65 Has regretsabout

66 Baseball Hall ofFamer Speaker

67 Cousins ofhamlets

68 Leave the stage69 Not tagged in


DOWN1 Dog’s dogs?2 Utah city3 Sandwich seller4 Seasons, as fries

5 Hedonisticfellows

6 Maze scurrier7 Scratch (out), as

a living8 Sentence ender9 Payment from a

contestant10 Tackle box item11 It sells a lot of


12 E-mailcommand

13 Swirling current18 “__ on first?”22 Desert Storm

ration, for short24 Mutton fat25 Explosive

compound26 Grain husks

separated inthreshing

27 Lab dish inventor28 G sharp’s

equivalent30 It’s not fiction31 “Snowy” wader32 Stops bleeding33 Conical

residence35 Shelter for

roughing it39 Altar attendants

40 Aunt Bee’sgrandnephew

41 Most destitute43 Tie settlers, for

short46 “__ voyage!”47 Game often

played with a 24-card deck

48 Make absurdlyeasy, with “down”

51 Novelists’creations

52 Letter-to-Santaitemization

53 Totally enjoying54 Clear the snow55 Attached with

thread57 Taj Mahal city58 “Woohoo, the

weekend!”59 Being, to Caesar62 “La Cage __

Folles”63 Wahine’s gift

Tuesday’s Puzzle SolvedBy Bruce Venzke & Stella Daily 9/23/09

(c)2009 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 9/23/09

HOW TO PLAY:Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


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Page 6: Daily Titan: Wednesday, September 23, 2009

SportS September 23, 20096

Titans make history

The Cal State Fullerton women’s volleyball team upset No. 7 UCLA (3-2) in a hard fought, closely con-tested battle in titan Gym last Fri-day night. It was the biggest win in program history, causing most of the 585 in attendance to rush the court in a frenzy.

This was the titans’ (8-3) first win against the Bruins (9-2) in 14 matches, dating back to the 1980 season, and is the program’s first win against a ranked opponent.

“We did a great job not getting caught up in their program’s histo-ry,” Head Coach Carolyn Zimmer-man said. “It’s a phenomenal win, not only for the ladies, but the entire program and the history of volley-ball at Cal State Fullerton.”

The win has garnered nationwide attention from the NCAA, as the ti-tans graced the front page of its Web site.

Zimmerman said the win was as big as if the men’s basketball team were to upset the University of North Carolina or Duke University.

The win couldn’t have come at a better time, as sophomore middle-

blocker torrie Brown acknowledged the team hitting a bump in the road.

“This is exactly what we needed going into conference play,” Brown said. “We lost a couple games, but this is a huge win. This is all our mo-mentum going into conference. It’s amazing, perfect, perfect!”

After UCLA won the fourth set, the titans jumped to an early 3-1 lead in the fifth and final set, only to have the Bruins go on a 5-0 run and take a 6-3 lead when the titans called a timeout.

Dropping the first point after the timeout, the titans came back with a 3-0 run, bringing the score to 7-6 in favor of the Bruins and forced UCLA to call a timeout.

UCLA reached game point, 14-13, when Saddler killed a ball home to tie the game at 14-14.

The titans had game point with Saddler serving 15-14 when junior outside-hitter Jonny Hart killed home the game winning ball to up-set the Bruins.

Junior outside blocker Erin Sad-dler led the titan attack with 20 kills, and junior Libero Cami Croteau led the team with 24 digs. Brown had 17 kills and hit a team leading .387 for the night.

The titans’ energy was electric from the first serve on the court, hitting kills and taking advantage of UCLA’s mistakes to take a 9-5 lead to start the first set.

With the Bruins serving and the titans at game point 24-23, the ti-tans set the ball to Saddler after a dig from Croteau for a kill to win the first set 25-23.

The second set saw more of the same from the titans, with their en-ergy level at maximum and match-ing the Bruins point for point as the score reached 8-8, but UCLA took the second set 25-15.

The titans came out in the third set slower than the two prior and quickly went down 7-10. However, they went on a 6-2 run to tie and take the lead at 13-12.

The titans returned with the en-ergy they had in the first set coming out strong in the fourth and taking a 3-1 lead only to give it up in two serves to the Bruins who tied it at 3-3.

UCLA continued strong and won the fourth set 25-18 to force the fifth and deciding set.

The titans face San Diego State tonight at 7 p.m. before opening Big West Conference play against Long Beach State this Saturday at 7 p.m.

Andrea Ragan, Cami Croteau, Kayla Neto, Ashley Collier, and Courtney Curran celebrate with fans following their upset of courtesy of for the daily titan

by nicholas fortesDaily Titan Staff Writer

[email protected]