Download - Daily newsletter-no377 e 3-2-2014

Page 1: Daily newsletter-no377 e 3-2-2014


Al-Ashrafeyya’s citizens hand over the village for the Syrian Army without battles(ISIL) controls on Koneko gas field in Dier Ezzor

2014/2/3 -NO. (377)



PAGE 2Al-Qaeda

denies links with ISIL

Fateh al-Intefada gives al-Yarmouk armed fighters time limit

to surrender

FSA kills (ISIL) commander in Raqqa


Reconciliation items in Madameya

SuburbPAGE 4

Page 2: Daily newsletter-no377 e 3-2-2014

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (377) 2014/2/3

Al-Qaeda denies linking with ISIL

(ISIL) controls on Koneko gas field in DierEzzor

Blast shakes IT Department at Aleppo Directorate of Finance

Al-Qaeda has no relations with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and it isn’t responsible for this group’s activities which have clashed with Syrian opposition groups this year, the general com-mander of al-Qaeda announced

Armed fighters of (ISIL) con-trolled on Koneko gas field in Dier Ezzor, the largest plants for gas production in Syria, they also controlled on most headquarters of al-Nusra Front at the province.

A Blast hit the IT Depart-ment at Aleppo Directorate of Finance today morning re-sulting in heavy damage, me-dia sources said. Meanwhile fierce clashes took place at the surroundings of al-Ra’ai town in Aleppo between the Turk-mens factions and (ISIL’s) fighters, resulted in killing 20 and injuring other armed

in a statement. Al-Qaeda hasn’t been informed or consulted for establishing (ISIL), but it is-sued orders to stop its activi-ties, so it isn’t a branch of al-Qaeda group for jihad, their branches are only recognized by the General Command.

fighters of (ISIL). 11 armed fighters of (ISIL) have been also arrested including Omar al-Shinni a deputy command-er of a group, and Khattab al-Sheshani, Local sources at the town said. in addition (ISIL) has also fully controlled on the town and released 400 people who have been detained by al-Tawhid Brigad, opposition

sources reported. The mili-tary commanders of al-Fateh and al-Tawhid Brigades were killed in a suicide bombing by(ISIL) near Turkish bor-ders, unofficial media sources said. The Syrian Army has controlled on al-Ashrafeyya town at the eastern country-side of Aleppo after the with-drawal of the armed members.

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Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (377) 2014/2/3

Al-Ashrafeyya’s citizens hand over the village for the Syrian Army without battles

FSA kills (ISIL) commander in Raqqa countryside

Fateh al-Intefada gives al-Yarmouk

armed fighters time limit to surrender

Saudi assigned Emir at al-Nusra Front in Syria

Al-Ashrafeyya’s citizens, south of al-Sfera, allowed the Nation-al Defense Forces and the Syr-ian Army to enter the village without battles, al-Mayadeen TV channel said. The Syrian

Director of central opera-tions room of Fateh al-Intifada movement announced that this week is the last deadline for armed groups at al-Yarmouk camp in Damascus to hand over its members, otherwise the mil-itary operations will go on in coordination with the Public Front For the Liberation of Pal-

estine, and al-Nedal Front.

The Saudi Sultan Bin Isa al-Atwi became one of the most important legislated command-ers of al-Nusra Front at the Syrian North. He was able to occupy an important post at the al-Nusra Front, despite the reports claiming that al-Atwi has set foot in Syria mid-2013, and he needed a long training because he wasn’t religiously committed, but he was inter-ested in literature and was an active member at Tabuk liter-

ary forum.

A commander of (ISIL) has been killed by FSA armed fighters in Hazema town in al-Raqqa countryside, un-official media source said. Meanwhile 10 members of the Islamic State have been killed during clashes that took place at Tal al-Baia’a east of al-Raqqa. Many checkpoints of (ISIL) were deployed to inspect cars after Odessa Ho-tel has been shot by uniden-

Army targeted armed fighters of al-Nusra Front and Jund al-Sham at the hills of Ayroun and Hasarjeyya in al-Zara in Homs countryside, an official media source said.

tified masked men, opposi-tion source said. The Syrian Army’s flags have been seen raised for hours at the train station and al-Sfar store, the source added. The Sharia Body of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant called on Christians in the city to gath-er at the Governorate build-ing to search for a resolution for what they called the prob-

lem of remaining infidels.

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Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (377) 2014/2/3

Rallies in support of the Syrian army

U.S. plane loaded with “lethal” weapons for Syrian militants reach Jordan

Citizens of the occupied Golan in Qudsaya gathering for the displaced people in Damas-cus countryside and citizens of al-Nabek, and al-Lawan neighborhood in Kafarsusa carried out rallies in support for the Syrian army in the face of the war and terrorism, State news agency SANA said.

U.S plane loaded with lethal weapons reached Mafraq airport in Jordan, to be handed later to the armed groups in Syria. The Jordanian network pointed out that “nearly 1500 militants have graduated from Zaatari camp, well-trained to fight and use weapons to join the 50 thousand

others currently exist in Syria.

Reconciliation items in Madameya al-Sham

A meeting was held between the armed fight-ers of Madameyat al-Sham and official bod-ies for 5 hours to complete the reconciliation

at al-Madameya, Local information said. The two parties agreed to name the armed fight-ers of Madameyat al-Sham as “Popular De-fense”, allocate them salaries and regular compensation, and to establish two mutual checkpoints with the “Forth Division” to in-spect all cars and prevent non-natives from entering the city.The first checkpoint will be on Darya crossroad and the second on the municipal crossroad, the source added. The armed fighters’ delegation submitted a list of their detainees and missing to form a commit-tee of lawyers to release them legally, in addi-tion to support the city by all it needs.