Download - DAILY DISPATCH. the daily dispatch....DAILY DISPATCH. BY JAB. A. COWARDIN. IfTIIH PAHA" DISPATCH i» served to sub- r rilnTS at Six nil * (jrvKTK*

Page 1: DAILY DISPATCH. the daily dispatch....DAILY DISPATCH. BY JAB. A. COWARDIN. IfTIIH PAHA" DISPATCH i» served to sub- r rilnTS at Six nil * (jrvKTK*


IfTIIH PAHA" DISPATCH i» served to sub-r rilnTS at Six nil * (jrvKTK* <»NTS V|r.X WKFK, PH}-*-b> tothe Carrier weekl>. Price for mailing, t« *

xesr, or f:\.vvfor »i* months,in advance.»#~TUK BKM I WKKKbV DISPATCH. i* issnod

f\ v Tu"<!.ij »nil t'rW»). i»t fcuw, In advance.#tf-T)IK \\ KKKI.V DISPATCH i* i««,,ed every

I s.lnj. mi I mailed tosnlwcribers at $l per Annum.'ho nccoini session* . ! tlii*' '1n»'l will <>jHiiii«micouu the first MoN!v\ : NXomK'i ,W> andclow, otitlie last Friday

wM . i.Nj-. luilv. iiiiji a.*a. alien nt four weeks -

T! i tn il i- 11«i.»t«d in a|h , ullarly rv tired and de-\u25ba 1.. in'ik;iiif rii.kil, t.lxxit four Utiles north ofI. hll. ...I. Itol.llOO comity. Tho objet t of thev ; .! i pr. i-.I ?? students t i the Junior classi *ati vi. ' ?'? t";< trial duties ii( lit**. Tin* l.atiri,i. kamiFr .. h InuKu. k>'. with Mathemati. a, Na-t ;hI Phil\u25a0«.< jrtiv. Ac.. .< . Will Ih. tklllgl.t I-ix.>,?

. iifht board.?:'» nil. I*; aoomnnsiatod Nt tin- Mibs. ri-!» ; « a i.i ii. Ihe Height"!hood. at JIVi per term of

Knwltsh tisi; i- ?i. l. inmiav's-. «mi Ii ill).: turthol lilar» addix'**

JOS 1 All I» SMI TH' ** Ri. liiii.'inl. \'a.

\fKS. Plii.i.KrS SCHOOL."?The nextiU "« » »?«'. m. mr. The prima.?. ; .tni' ot (!.i- ? li.».' i» tin- thorough ami n\n-feflMtft .i fhMi h. the r Ti-itt 1) toAth«' mill - >1' t.t \u25a0\! ru that jfw.

\u2666 ? > ? "Ui lyiit \>\ Pi.f, M r Uh! MadameMlh»\ ?r m<i i»viinai faolitk* aieaftorded: r li-A! iih»v( 5" at. 11»<* UlUUtu't*.Mm IK 1.1 ! i , i.aruimin tliat the FV.i.iontary andv,»iH-i'stu . la Kiiislmh, oliall U> tuokoi*uii:.vtaught

It 1 rmati. i.i.;i\< fo tlio H.liiv.l. t«<i ms, Ac., n.ayI 1: t-i, in h; -ii. 'ti ut ber I.Nltdelli <», oti Ilrikad *t"fRichmond jy 1"2?»13m\ T ii. w L t -. A I.TKK'S DAV AM)?'* B '\ii. . - S IIOOL rOK feOTS,<M(CLAYHITWKIN . KM INi» SBXIXDBT*. -Tha fifth- - \u25a0 .. v.iii mußniM on MONDAY,

?t . .i i.cxt, and terminate on the l. thJul) :..llowu

TXHX ( i\Mlin IVADTtNft,)\ It urd, u. . ,i.i? waahiOi; $.Ki> : I'll thin |t ill- h l.atlli and Math, mailt* «<n> r ii In.lmiiiid Matlicmatk"* ,V)i r "

ii t.njtivrKiiKlish l-ranches trsr " u I'nn.arj KiiK'.i«h ;jr.r * ii French jC

T' of coiupetfut AitMUunto w ill in« m*CJir d

r N i !i«rry J.iinwOjHr, Wm.(i \ l' r *! >. 11. Parker, Thorna* J.

V-\u25a0 * mht-.1, I>. > iMildrnttfi*. H* v. J. F'.,y .-. K V !,.«?, hafuurl (ireeLhow, I,W ' IWnj Pollard, A. N .Cren?liaw, K. ItH d. h 1«\ ( hav(\ Kllf'tt, Cha.v .Stt bbiii*.I wnn U Wm. A Smith, Tnoft. l» Qnnrlfi<

Ulan P**lit Matthews, Akx DttV«Ln VI K'» - . R J » -?*. P IAWBOBTin - ? who may di-flre to pupils, arc re-<3l.--vJ t uuik*1 « J »rl> iUiplnnfh»ii at ni v roiiide n'f,

.. t av between I*t and street*, or through thei m ? jr 22?tlOc\ 11; TKJHE'S SELECT SCHOOL. ON-»?* H<As K 1.1 S STIIKKT, AKoVK TTK.-The sth

?\u25a0w !? t this Vliw; will op< 11 011 FRIDAY, the lMh> ptemi Ir. tor the TKN '\u25a0 '1 owing month*. Urwki> uiitu'l Mathemat *l« lilt-military Latin andM..t10 i-.mti ». ? ! higher Kligliitl: and Mathamvtiesi fi.iiinn 11 Kuglisli Branches $40; Primary Uf|ui't-in**ut ./t ' jsuniitr 11 jet»?*'s.»'. Ftvucb or Diauli.. ? t !> .

TI, nn .s of successful Teachers are secured for! th> de|.art:ii> nts.

K<: ?s ? tb f..!1. wiiiKKcntleiiicnamonKthepatrons.h> ?. bin i last s. «\u25a0. ,m, tu . lln.Drs WoodbridK*uud Keppler: IVictuMCVbell.QinninKilMßand Dnui<.Me*-:, lit :rA Poind'iter. Crenshaw & Co., L. I'.

. :-ii.lta» Win II (irant, ( I' ale, J M Hojull,if .h i li'.iier.Thi's M. Alfi iend..bihu >1. Patt-ui, J.\ luntaiitli, AndrewJohiMtoD, J.C. Piff, A.Blair,W in. > Triplett, Wuj Marshall, «»eo. M. \Ve*t, Col.I -11 F.i N. liev.Xti Wer, \\aahiUKtoiiCity, 4i .Tlihvacaucie*being few, early application for tliff

a jii.,-siouof pupils is re- untuetidnf. Aiiply oil thep,..ICSesto K. 11. 1.. TIUIIK. A. M.

J) i«?iit-">0VCAtll). ?The underuignied had been

? f in»«v:urin)r rXfellftit ami coinmodionni - mr, in u ventral and nart "f city, inin r) U h" i ; -poneß tu open .i KOK BUY.**

« winh ' \u25a0 pin sii" a lull!#" of iiiMtrurtion with m>, t thorough 6 isint \u25a0 \u25a0 lUcationf i>T t'.» onteriug

? ot ? ' :a v.i. ?\u25a0 ?: Imhim< t t ? !!'?><\u2666?. Par-ti ?. ai> \*ili be male known in * futum advMrtine-



v»«i I ie!*utm ion the let ot *>ctol;er next. PareutcHillpi««a»e luake early application.

tkkms:f ."mt-aiinually ut tith"incr.)Fot tuition iu Latin,Cirv«k aud M.ithemati. i^'

l.atm and MatbeUiatii s s) WJFrench, extra 20 00lie* Die services of oinpetent As-istants will be

his lired.Refers t Clov. Wise, (ien'l Will. 11. Richardson,

( 1 FatiUiinv, Messrs 'I. A. Myers, Kiutord Ab i:r, Tlii'Bia- R. I'm e, John M. Pat toll, P. K.Urat-i:.n, Alex i It. Hoiladay,and Kevs. J. Peterkin andOeuige Wisjdliridge. jy Jo?iltlstO/M.ASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL

M'HonU-Tlie undersigmd will, ou thefirst ol(i, t.jber i: XT, .ij 'ii a Classical and Mathematical

Ii nd, i inbrai'iiig such a course of instruction astitjouih foi au easy entrance into the high

? :a«ses, -uht r. of our classical or scientific institsti.-i-. Tl.ej w ill use evniy effort to procure a central»i; : oiufei t.ii'le b* at ion on Muxkw Hill. TheirTl.liM." "?ill be as follows, t,r\IAULE SKMI ANNUAL!.1IS l!H AN' K.) in. lirtfk and .Mathematics $'SiLaiiu or ilreek, and d#. 's ;Kuglish Branches, M>M 'deru Languages, fextra.l caeh in


It gives tin- great pleasure torecommend the Class-I. i an 1 Mathematical S liool ot Messrs. STANAKDA BARtIAMIN. Messrs. S AB. are graduates of this1 nstituti ii. have been conuetted with it as AssistantProf- "soi>. and are eiititl' d to the fullest confidenceot the public lor their hiyrli intellectual and moralqualifications. FRANCIS II SMITH,

Superintendent V. M. I.VIP.OKiIA Mlf.IT MIT INSTITLTK, IJuly t th, IV>7. / iy 20?

OOLTII-SIDE INS'| ITUTE.FARMVILLK. VA.W. .1. MoRRIsiETT, A. M.. Math., Nat. Sciences and

F r-uch.ii E R iokbr, A. B . Languages.I> Mokrissktt, Assistant in Languages.s Punx, " " Mathematics.1)1 catalogue containing terms, 4c., addle-*

ilUliltl.SSi.lT A BOOKER,if -dim K.'ii inville, \ a.IEFFERSO.N MALE ACADEMY, 2oTH,

«' BETWEEN CLAY AND LEIGH STREETB,CHURCH HILL.-The next session of this Institu-tion will open oil MONDAY',September 1 Uh,and con-tinue for ten months.

i li ri. ugh instruction will be given in the Classics,th" Mathematics aud the vari us English branches.

i ft)aide oin half Ist January. I vr>A and thebalance at the end of the session ,'ttl, 10 and M dol-lars.

A limited number of smaller boys will be receivedat the rateof t si per session.

I u all install,-es, #i will be charged each pupil forfuel nn l in all i h- - pupils will be charged from thetinv tt.'v are entered to the end of the session, ex-cept in . ases protracted sickness. jy 30?\|K. < WHY'S SCHOOL OK ANCIENTI ami MODERN I. AMiI'AGES, AND OF MA-THKM Alli iN GRACE. BETWEEN i'.TU AND>th STS , RICHMOND, VA.?The next session will»l"'n (iii tlo Ist of September next,and will close onthe30th of .Itaie, I-r »v

Tei ins thescholastic yearef tenmonths, paya-ble semi-annually, in advance:F"i" tuition in 1> reek I,atin and Mathematics... .S-Vi.U>tor " " French, Spanish and Italian (each

extra) 201*1For tuition in Hither English Subjects 40.00For " '? Primary English,for pupils under

II years of age 2.f>.ooBoard, including washing, lights, fuel. Ac...!2.'».n0M>>st satistactory references can be given, on ap-plication.

>01 farther particulars,address the undersigned,at Ki hinon i, Virginia. JNo. CAST.

jyre?6wOCIIOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES.?Miss- A. M. SMITH will resume the duties of herSchool, at the sain" place, (cornerof Frankln and

Fifth street,) the first of i>etober, IV»7. Particularsinfutute advertisement. an 7?2w


CLAY AND 12TII STREETS.?The filth annnnals.isi,,nof this school will commenceon the Ist of Oc-tober next.

TERMS:Ordinary English Branches fto onJunior Classicsand Mathematics. 50 <mSenior do do f»o 00Modern Languages, each ?i onDntrian 2u onau I -5mjuflSS TAZEW ELL'S SCHOOL, GRACE-I'A STREET, BETW EES Ttii AND .'Ttl.-The sev-

enth i-ioii of this School will commence on the Istdsy of October, and oluwt on the Ist of July. TheEughsh department is exclusively under the direc-tion ot the Principal, except the Philosophical andhigher Mathematical Classes, whicli will be taughtby a gentleman of experience and ability. TheFlench Cia»s will be placed under thesupervision ofa geutlem,»n »In. lute had much experienceand suc-cess in communicating that Language.

jy to? Imi*

pDUCATK)N.?English,Classical and\u25a0 J M/ItHKMtTK AL Sl-Huol..?J. 111. HINFOKD, PHn-tipa! T« yjf thi* be resumed?f. Holiday, '>th, in th« l/trK** and ? oimno4ioti*io;!n»ou7th sti'fH. betWfi-n Clay nnd Marshall. Th<>I'nrk 'ipaJ pli-citf l '* ru* whole time ami vnvrtzy to thethorough and »<curat« preparation of boy*, either

? >r the I'nivenM v or any of our folleKea, or fur»»** pui*uit«. .*p»m ial attention i* bestowed uponthe KrtKli*h Department, a* it in < ? that anb rttraf" kn<wl*d£e of Uur own latiKuajfe in the iu-di«p*n*ab!e foundation ofall right education. Kxpe-i i**i»«'t*d and ciMiijh'Uiil AmdrftantM an- employed, a;*the wautu of th*» *t hoot require.

T*f »«, PtfAJiMt !?» Ml-VNM U.LT, IN ADfARt'E :I.athi. Oreek and Mathi-maUri $^H.II.*tin and Mathematics frlAt.iK;irfi*h HranrhM 40.00il'Mlern Lanj(uaKei (by I'rof. Kin ion) ea*h ...... 20 noI 'arent* art requeued t<> makeearly application,

a*» tbe number of pupils will be limited.*u ft-2m


ilKf. t'H Ah I! BTI'AKT,>JNO W ST I-'ART / ' s.

MwsMSMKM. JKHY, A*ii«tant.Tli>' ftrgt mimtiwu ?>( thin S' lliwtl will commence onthe int'iay ?>( ilctober next. Tltinty-Hve Ixxirdei*inn t»c <K'<-«iiint,xUt.-.| in tip- fnaiily of Mr* STtMRf.It It llif |)Ur|>«e of tliuw rlljftywl In this Nchuol tomake it, iii kI) reapect*.of the lir«t claw.

' harjn for a T'-riri <// Twenty WrHt, I'ayiihU in' AdiHinc*.

inclli'luiK, Wiu,i,iuK, fuel and lii<lit $65 «Mi'J uitlon in Kiiirknti Braucheit. y, mih. A»..- |« («il.iitin nod <>i» k ». |n inCh'mUtry tufll Ntfturiil l'hilo»ophy u)Miifii uii I'lau't, with u»f ofiiwtniiiieiil. -£1 60OrnuMiiUtl IfriiiK hmi at u*u»l<il price*.

Addre*s Cum. Jl Sit)*Rf, at Kaudolpli Macotl < <>||.-|<e, till !*t of M« pt .iMid alter that time at Anlilaud *

ttU 3?J2w4-'tawtSlU


?' f F.N* OLI SII A viiN<»KTii't)l hiT?r^Ti0N K, J iI,TH STRKKT.Bi'liool will roi ' w.'l'vi'JVJi. "f tliU

1'r1n.... ~ , Ttß *'". t't« XF.,**li>* :Ad^? K"^!Uh * f:* «i

M !!r AN " >llss MINOE'B BOARjjuMovr. tI m"" P AV '»*«»<»!.. IN Tim Cirv or Hicu-in. i. f» Ir'. """""" of f' l " institution will ,-.,1,1Jilri", In>

° ° ct ",H'r "" xl- ,"" 1 f'<«"<\u25a0 th.< 3utli»; " ill '«? tan»rlit all flic branrhaa of aJlniaJ.i'l rdui it ion, tiidndiiiK the and Mo<li.rnlaiiKuajr.'*, toother with upon the I'iaimJ ""»"«ctton InVural Moikw.lJ

proi'nivd*^ <>fC"" petfnt 'Mtmctora have 1,.,'n

. iJ, '.ill"""'! for n.*arl) two y, ar< and the?ii!-* nl ? i with c0nftj..,,,.. tol {« lf 7.rr.'.'it.'",!i7,'u.ll"n * Ch n,*y r< tVrenre

U """

&AsffS,MN° B '

\f U '-''FEIIVUK'S SCHOOL.?The next' ST" the l«t day of (Vtoher.tioiilar*appifto 'Uy ~ul^

.. HJCRBKRT L. LKFKBVRK,"" ' 'L:il * """\u25a0r oMir.ii e and Koiishee sts.S( HOOL, on lut Mroet, betWMOMarshall and Clay, is now in session, and w ill

continue until the Ith April m-xt. The second quar-ter having Ix'kjution the Mh J line> will commenceon thr 24th lust. My charges will bea« follows:ror flfin*'iit»ry l>xlln. per month $VOOUranimar, Hictorv hh«l 3 0(ihtHtiiuK'. W ntinff and 2.:s\I lie tuition will t»e renuirt-d nuj«|erlv in ad-van'e* J. AI)I)M«M PAYNE,au n? 12t*

CJOHOOL FOR GIRLS.?COSMELIAand r 11A M SIN J ANN KV iutfnd oiifninjc a(tchr>oltor xirif 011 Broad street, lietwecu lithand lyth, theUt «>f <.#th month (September.)I he \nrioiH brance# of the Knj?li-<h lan£UHK'' will

j" tanifht, i?iR and Ofoniftry; a!*vj,ihMuingand P»;ntinK. Jt desired, one afternoon int*Mrj; week will I?#* devoted to iiftedif-wurk.Tkkms: \u25baor Primary (.'!*?<* per quarter of tenw« « Uh,s4; morf advauced Claf«*»*!i $'/; Drawing amiPainting,each fx

Kkkkkem rj?Micajali Bates and Philip IJ. Price,au K?l in*

CELECT CLASSICAL AND M A T II E-, MATICAI, SCHOOL ?Prof. IC. J. CHRISTIAN,haviuK recently resigned theehairuf (ireek in Kich-mon l . propone to open, on th* Ist of Octo-i»«-i xt, a Select ( lamiical and Mathematical Schoolin thin < it\. Dunnjr hi* loriK t*xp<«rieuc»* a* a teacher,h»* has be«-~i constantly imprexW with the want ofthoroughness in the pioparatiou »f boy*, either forcollege, or th- aitive duties of life. H« thereforepropose* to admit only as many i>ta^>iI-1 as he canthat'll. and devote himself with untiring energy tomaking thorough scholars in the strictest sense ofthe term. In a future advertisement lie will give n<vtice of tile teruis and location of the school. Auvcommunication addressed to him. through the Hicli-m ud Post Office, will be promptly attended S?«ita 11. J. CHRISTIAN.A f ISS JESSIE C. GORDON'S SCHOOL,-f FOR Yol'N'G LADIES, (corner of Franklinand jth »? tr«***t»*, i ill be re-opened on the lat day oOctober and closed on the Ist day of July.

HigherKnglish Branches $40 00Primary " " ;so nol.ailjjuaxes 2U 0uMusic i'hj (n)Persons desiriux to enter pupiis,can leaTo theirnamesat the School Koonis, where Muirtti. will meettliein at any hour tlioj may appoint,jy 21'?d.'wi3tuwlstO

1 111INIIICII SCIIN EIDER, Professorjjot offers hi* «ei vices to the citi/eus of

fa.* Richmond as a Teacher of the HARP,PIANO,(H iTAßaiidot tMNOINU.Having tau<ht Musicfor6years in Kdgewortli Seminary in North Carolina, heoontid"iitly ncfci's to tiov. Morkhkau, Proprietor, AJidUj\HD Stkklino, Ksq., Principal ot that Institu-tion.

»jr Residence at Mrs. Russell's Boarding House,Broad street, nrar 'ith.Rkfcrf.N'r.s iv Richmond.?Rev. Dr. M. D. Hoge,

Rev.George Wixalbridge, Rev Ur. V Moore, Win.(i. Paine, rsq.. Col. T.P. August, R. R. Howison, Mr.A. Morris,P. ll.Taylor, Maj.J. C. Shields, l>r. F. 11I>eAne. jy l.'i?dlw4law3m*( CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL

I SCHOOL?Corner yth an J Clay streets.1 This School opens on Ist October, ami closes on 15thi July.

TKRMS?(PAVAUL* HEMI-AX.NLAtIV IN VPTANC*.)Classicaland Matheniati' al Department,j Srni'if < 'lass?The Classics and higher Mathe-

matics $fio 00I Junior Class?The Rudiments of the Classics,with the higher Kuglish Branches 50 00Knglish Department.Higher Branches 40 00Primary 30 go

> FRKNCH is taught by Prof. Km ion.jy 18?3 m KOUER MARTIN.


; ** ? No. 227. just opposite his old stand, anil next| door to Crenshaw, yuarb-s & Co., wheru he will bei very glad tosee bis friends. Thankful for past ta-

: vois, he will try to merit future ones; and beingop-j posed to large profits, lie confidently offers assuran-i i t's of satisfaction to all who may favor him with ai call.

As heretofore, his attrition will he given to BOOK-HINDiNG and BLANK-IKM>K MAKING, at strictlyfair rates. J. K. KKIMNOHAM,

Bookseller and Binder,jy 16? Ira 227 Broad St..between 3d and 4th.

1) EMOVAL.?We liave removed tenipo-?" rarilyt» No. 4 Pear! street under theExchangeHotel, where we shall he pleased to see our oldfriends. C. W. PURCELL A CO.,

j e4 Exchange Brokers.

REMOVAL. ?Dr. PLUME has removedhis office to the third house, South of TrinityChurch, South side, and about one hundred yards he-

low the Exchange Hotel. I)r. P.continuestotreatallsypliliticandgouorrhuealcomplaints;and having hadmuch practice in this line. Hatters himself that he cangive very general satisfaction. A call from those in-terested is solicited.Dr. I', also makes and vends oneof thebest restora-tives, (Chemical Kxtract of French Flowers,) for con-stitutional weakness, ever offered to thepublic.

Dr. P. may be consulted confidentially by letter, orotherwise. Medicines securely packed and sent to or-der, in almost any direction.

Office hours from 8 A. M.,till 9 A.M. Frankline.t, near the Exchange Hotel-. Richmond city, Va.



At Old Stv*i>of Pii.liam A Davis,WALL STREET, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA.

CHARGES:Commissions 2 per cent.Board. 30 cents per day.»»- Sales satisfactory, or no charge.jM"Potter alwaysat each depot.


1!, F. HARRIS, I JNO. JAS. WILSON'Formerly of Albemarle Formerly of Prince Ed-

county, more recently I ward county, latewith Col. William If. j at Seabrook's Ware-Brown. I house.

Harris & wilson, commission Mkr-ciuxt" RicnMJXP, Ya., offer (Mr services*for

thesale of all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, TO-BACCO. LOUR, WHEAT,CORN, Ac., and hope, by-!l ie. 1 id prompt attention to business, to receive ashare of publicpatronage.

(mice 0:1 Cary street, second door west of 12th.an7?dlmAcw:im




TURED TOBACCO.Lilieral advancements on consignments.»#-INNES C. ADAMS is connected with our house.

.Ivmes CO.N.sollt. | ROBT. M. APAMS.jy Zl-fim

YY'ILLIA.M "HURLEY, Bankm,* " M Main St., St. Charles Hotel,

Richmond, Va.,Dealer in Domestic Exchange, Uncurrent I?ankNotes, Business Paper and Marketable Securities of-very description

LAND WARRANTS bought and sold.fe 10?f.m

WHOM AS W. KEESEE,1 AUCTIONEER,(Office corner of I2th and Carv streets )


0 jTSale of Horses every SATURDAY.JOHN W. DAVIES,



House and Store Fronts, Window and Door Sills. Ac.liuriing Ground» enclosed with Stone and Iron Rail-ing. First premium awarded by the Mechanics' In-stitute and Agricultural Society of Virginia.

RICHMOND, MONDAY, AUGUST 10,1857.daily dispatch.

MOWPAH HoitNlSO Aoodifr m"kß7.Th® Sunt htsi'ii Couvrntlon? 'ZFj, Tl" ? Twidiof MrtmlyM-

tv. itiuMioMii..,,. o* tn* uriixom daut mspatch.]Moxri>oiiei.y Whit* Pciphi r Svxinos, >

August Oth. 1557.A Ui'Ke numla r of deleeate* from Norfolk and1 < tor«bur«, en route- for th« Sn,th.-rn Commercial< onveuttoii, at KnoX*lll«. Tenu., «rriv«d here thisultoriioo". I do not hear I,f a single public manWho Is to attend the H<««iom» of that body, and axnioat of Mm delegates I liaTe hp.-h art) plain, practi-?ul men,thoConvention will, in all probability be1,."- ol xvork,rathe! than word-. The ache,",.; aflion. A. liuuley Maun and that of the lat<-(onvoutiuii, will both ba liUctiKKeil in KnoxvilleIhough the latter, eo f»r, in by all odd* the m?-tpopular. Mltl, tho exception of this. 1*' savthat there is uot a (ielt who hAM any definiteiiiDiA of tho *»>rk for the Conventioii to do <>fm"T * lmt ra " U ulkwl aboutand what will be talked aboutIn puaamg Kannville I perceived a K reatmany improvement, in the way of building? andI*,'Ct'r M ' activity which is quito r .-uiarkablo ,n a placa ao small. I understand that

\u2666 l"^, * discounts paper to the amount of1... jiKJ per year. J t was predicted that the? Road would kill the place-thU d.X'g notlook much like it.rhe river at Lynchburg Is very high, from thelata rams, and you will lik.-ly to have a fr.-shecat Richmond in a day or two. The rain beyondLynchburg has badly injured the corn crop in ,Uauy places, particularlyabove Buford'a Deinit, onthe \ lrgiilia and Tennessee Railroad, where wholeQeliJit ure to tht* ground.

There are about visitors at this popularwa-tering place, the season here being verv late, andthe house just beginning to fill up. The improvements made aince last year, strike the guest withdelight and astonishment. The old railroad, whichextended fioni the Virginia and Tennessee Road tottie hotel, has been moved from its former location,and runs down an easier grade. Upon arriving, tin-visitor takes a seat in one of two verv substantialpass.-nijer cars, and at the tap of the he'll the brakesare unscrewed, arid the train goes gradually downa pleasant gorge, the distance of one mile, when asharp curve bring* him in full view of the now fa-mous "Montgomery White Sulphur." The mainbuildingof the premises, which contains the hall,reception, and diuing rooms, is located in the mid-dle of one side of a hollow square, is two storieshigh, and surmounted t.y a tufret of fair dimen-sions. Around the square are beautiful white cot-tages, of various dimensions, and the square itselfis a lovely lawn, covered with a net w( .rk of gravelwalks. At night, the picture is charming. Thetillage, as it may be called, lies embosomed amonghigh mountains, whilea magnificent August moonpours its lighton the scene, bathingthe white cot-tages, springs, trees and mountains in its <.ffnl-geuce. The dim. twinkling lamps, too, in front ofthe houses, like little stars, contend for a place inthe scene.

It is so common to '-puff" the faro at wateriujjplace*, that 1 shall refiain from following tho hadexample. The nrranpromentd of tho dining roomhere and bill of fare need none of that sort ofthing,and if it did. the best notice I could makewould be to »ay that Chan. 0. Thompson, of the"Our 1 louse,'' at Richmond, is the caterer. Bo-sides tho celebrated sulphurspring here, there isone of chalybeate, which, however, is of ratherdoubtful quality.

The amusements include bowling, billiards, pis-tol gallery,and a tine band of music. Attached toand leader of the latter is that "eminent" barberol Richmond?ltuflin.Thegeneral opinion in this section of Virginiais. that the wheat, out and corn (if nothing hap-pens) crops exceed any former grow th. Tobaccoalong the route is looking finely; but wi»h regardto that "\ve«<l," you know -uo man knowoth whata day may bring forth.'' lam not sure this quo-tation is correct, but think you will find it in theBible?somewhere about themiddle I beliere.

Richmoud seems to be looked to as the commer-cial mart for this section, particularly in the way?f omnibusses. At the .(unction, one of Ballard'santiquities, re-painted, was standing ou the plat-form, ready for transportation. Honiewhere in theinterior; and at the town of Salem, Roanoke. 1 wassurprised to S"e an ex-member of Earnest's line,with the familiar words "Main and Broad streets.Rocketts," painted on it. Yours, T.

Tlie White Sulphur?The Ladles&e.[cOr.KKSPONDEXCE (JI IrtK HICHJtOKD I>MLT PtsPATCH.]

Ry »hk Wait, August 6. 1857.Still it rains, thoughgently. We (not editorially,

but us up here in the mountains.) have had, how-ever. a few fair days, to the joy aud delightof eve-rybody, and hope that a "better time is on thewing."

1 regret that I'm a compelled to announceto advance, that nothing has happened of a recentdate, at all interesting or exciting; nothing, atleast, calculated to make the hair on any of yourreaders'heads, stand erect. None of the stagi s. asyet. have upset, and no hair-breadth escapes?noneat least as I have heard of. And if anything ofthe kind should happen to take place, I will writeimmediately.

I took a slight peep in the White Sulphurballroom, a few nights ago, and couldn't help feeling

iii the midst of all tiie gaiety, to nee ho manvfine dresiten and ugly, (please put the last word invery small letters, an I am not a married man.)faces on exhibition. In fact, it produced a melan-choly that lasted uie for severaldays, and I ain't en-tirely recovered yet. A pretty womanand a prettyhorse are two of theprettiest animals on earth. Anilif I know myself well, and 1 think I do. there isnothing that gives me more pleasure to look nt andenjoy at a distance than either of the aforesaid an-imals.

I hope no exception will he taken byyour "fair"readers, to what I have said, as I make nocompar-ison at all. but if so, I hold myself responsible andprepared at all times to accept challenges at theshortest notice. 1 have been engaged with seve-ral jewel! in my life, and like everything else. Ihave gotten used to them; and, indeed, rathercourt th in avoid them.

The present proprietors of the White Sulphurare about making many very important changesand improvements in the buildings at this place.

They have already contracted with Mr. Brock-way for theerectiou of a large brick hotel. Thisbuilding,I understand, will bo 400 feet long, SOfeetwide, and four stories high. The main or centrepart runs back 10S feet !%? 60 wide, with ceiling 18feet high.

In this buildingwill Vie the dining room, thehall room, office, reception room, post office, bar-room, and accommodation for 300 persons besides.It is to be finished by the 16th June next, and tocost between $SO,OOO and $100,000. Mr. Brock way,the principal contractor, has sub-let the brickwork to Mr. Bagby, of Staunton, and also the plas-tering. in order to facilitate the work. I don't thinkthe location has been fully decided upon yet,and this, by the way, is a very important matter.

Nature has done her part ill adorning and beau-tifyingthis place, aud all that is now to be done,is not to mar its beauty by employinga jack-legde-signer.

The White Sulphir is undoubtedlya sweet, pret-ty place?everything that the eye of the most fas-tidious could desire?but to call it the '-gardenspot of Virginia" is a misnomer, for 1 aui certainthere are fewer vegetables grown there and there-abouts, than any place 1 know. However, Mr. Clif-ford furnishes the table with every variety fromRichmond. So I suppose it's all the same any how.Adieu. Diego.

The Springs.


IJ» B COOK & CO.. AI OTIONKKRS,-*» No. 79, MAIN BTKKKT, o(Tf>r tlieir service* to

the public a* Auctioneer* for the »ale of Real K*tate,Furniture, Urocerie*, Dry Oood*, llorw*, Cuttle, Ac.,at theshortest notice aud upou the most reasonableterm*.

Having large and cemmodions rooms, they will re-ceive xumls fur Dale at private taU without thechargeof storage.

Out-door sain* of every description attended to up-ou reasonable terms.K. B. COOK. WM NOTT.

D. B. \u25a0KttwroßD, N. TISDUT PAT*,MiXKUii MITTHfcWS.BRIDGFORD & CO., General Commis-

sion ttiyl Coi wukUvk Murchuuts, on the Dock,BfelrnUM, Vb.

MUDS. Prime Bacon Sides; 10 do.&*J ,j0. Baron KhetildeiH, receiving thin morningper tor mile hvP

WOMBLK A CI.AIBOKNK,an No. II Feiul litrout.

ery 4 McCuiloch, was robbed of five hundredpouuds of sugar. Total value |»0. Thieves notyetdetected, althoughour night police ww Hum in t/uact.

The Mechanic* held another meeting to-night.Tho "free negro" competition was discussed on allsnles. Some lielicved that the movementwould ne-cessarily include slaves, and the question, thus in-Ji. V« ' w ""'d. if successful in its issue, prove to beIII" first step towards the abolition of niaverv.?Hereby hangs tho tailofthe mechanics' movement.As to busiu.'s), the same old routine was adoptedas at a former meeting. In a word, the businesspart was a second edition of the first. The leadingmen among the mechanics have hitherto held aloof,althoughfor the mostpart enthusiastically in favorof it. Whether thcuflair will termiuate in a gene-ral explosion, or a mob attack upon theblack ma-c names, time, notyour humble servant, must devel-°P"' Ariel.

A GrandiloquentAccount nf tht WraUutr andfrm,s?A iYc-Atc.

[CORRESPONDENCE OP THE RICHMOND DAILT DISPATCH.]BLI IBTONR,|MECkI.ENHLJIO, Aug. 6th, 1857The sun. while assuminghis oriental shapethismorning, was saluted by Heaven's artillery Hisbeams shot through the falling rain like the glit-t-ring spears of an army of invisible giants- amiw hen the gentle winds shook the dark green fo-rest. it seemed as if it were shedding a heavy er..pof diamonds. So far. this croiMiiaking season, wehave been blessed. We have been visited dailv bvthe most gentle and decorous of rains, comingdown as noiseless as a dream, and looking as holvthe while as if theearth were kneeling at heaven'sbaptismal font. The fields everywhere look gladand full of proruiae. All iu constituent* i»f thevegetable kingdom are prosperous and happy, andshedding their vernal honors upon the empire.Prophets are bnsy in prognosticating the final re-sult of the present hope-inspiring state of things.To my mind, thwindication* arn verv $rood of anabundant yield of the "kindlyfruits of theearth "

The corn crop is undoubtedly the best lever sawThe tobacco crop, though not so tall as it usuallyis at this season of the year, but young Americalike, what it lacks in age, it makes up in appear-ances. The oat crop has turned out unusuallyfine;and as for the gardens, Lord bless your soul' withthree inches square of streaked middling, we canset a dinner fine enough for Queen Victoria.As I have given yonan accountof the crops, Ac...I will now endeavor to give you a description of aglorious pic nic, given by the young gents of .Meck-lenburg to the ladies of this and the adjacent coun-ties. The place whichwe selected for the occasion,was situated at a mineral spring,about four milesfrom t'larkesville, In a very thick forest?the mostsuitable place for a pic-oic I ever saw. We madearrangements for a very large crowd, as there werefive hundred invited. By eleven o'clock we hadthree hundred persons upon the ground, and themusic striking up. the fair maidens marched uponthe platform. There wore three counties repre-sented by them, and it was impossible to say whichof the three bore off the palm for loveliness andgrace. About two, the merry fiance was interrupt-ed by the joyful news of dinner. The table wasfilled with all the luxuries that an epicurean coulddesire, "arranged by the hands of ClarkeVille'sfairest daughters." .hist as we had gotten throughwith the second table, the rain poured forth iu tor-rents, as it the clouds envied our eujoyiueut. Butluckilyfor us. there was a house close by, in whichwe remained until the shower was over. Therainlasted about thirty minutes, after which "we de-parted front thenee' to liuffalo Springs, where weenjoyed ourselves, as well as heart could wish,in dancing, and drinkiug the water, wuich. asusual, everybody professed to like. 0. B.

[From the Rochester Union, August 6.]Affray Between a So lit licrner and a

Wuiter at Niagara Kali*.An affray occurred at Niagara Falls yesternav

morning, causing considerable excitement there.?I'he particulars of the case are stated te us by dif-ferent parties substantially as follows: A gentle-man from the South?Kentucky or Missouri?withhis wife and daughter, were stopping at the Inter-national Hotel. On Tuesday they were oil theCanada side, and took a ferry skiff to return.

After the ladies had taken seatsintheskiff.auimpudent colored man took a seat between them,llie gentleman who accompanied these ladies, thehusbandof one and father of the other, requestedthenegro politely to leave the seat that he mightoccupy it. The fellow refused to change his seat,and gave abusive language in return for politeness,file white man ejected the black 0110 by force fromthe seat and choked him some.

Yesterday morning the gentleman and his Avifecame to the usual,aud after nearlyall the guesstshad left the breakfast table at the Internationallater than diningroom. After takiughis seat at thetablebeside his wife, the liegrow ith whom he hadthe altercation iu theskiff on the previousday, cameup to him and said, ''you are the mau who "chokedme yesterday." The reply was "yes, aud lought tohave throw n you into the river."

At this point the black fellow struck the man onthe head with a heavy tumbler, felling him sense-less to the floor. The wife of the gentleman thusassaulted, rose, aud with commendable heroism,dealt the fellow a blow which restrained liiiu.?Without an in*tant ot delay, she ran up stairs tothe rooms she occupied,aud finding the door locked,her husband having the key. she burst the dooropen, seizoda revolver, and ran to the dining room.Hy this time the black waiters had passed theircompanion out of the house, aud out of immediatedanger. Tolerable quiet was restored by the inter-ference of the proprietors of the house and friends.Thenegro who had caused the disturbance ran tothe river bank, intending to escape to Canada, butdid not succeed. He was arrested by a constable,aud while on his way to answer to the magistrate,in passing a hotel a shot was fired from the secondstory window. The ball did no mischief, but passednear theconstable and his prisoner. Who fired theshot, no one has yet ascertained,or at least it is notpublicly known. It is charged upon both parties.

The negro was taken before a magistrate, exam-ined and found guilty of the assault. The magis-trate decided to sentence the fellow to pay a fine oftin and go to jail for three months.

TheSoutherner who was assaulted came forwardand requested that the fellow be not sent to jail.?The magistrate then changed the sentence to alineof J'J'i, which was paid.

Attempt Assassination and HighwayRobbery.A desperate conflict with robbers occurred on theroad leading from the Camden and AmboyRailroadto Westfield, a short distance from Riverton, inwhich a highly respectable young man, of Phila-delphia. Mr. (lustavus B. Junes, made an escapewith his life, displaying at the time much heroietu.Shortlyafter eight o'clock, it apjiears, as Mr. Joneswas passingthrough the "Pines," on foot, on hisway to Camdeu, he was suddenly seized by threemen, one of whom was a stalwart negro, and vio-lently hurled to the ground. An attempt wasthen made to stab him with a dirk, and rifle hispockets, but in this they were foiled, in conse-quence of Mr. Jones having gained his feot, auddealt them some powerful blows with his fist,sending two of the rascals reeling into a gully.

Mr. Jones nest attacked the formidable negro,whom he struck in the mouth with u lantern be-longing to the party. knocking out several of histeeth, and literallymashing his face to a jelly.?The discomfited negro immediately betook himselfto the "Pines," howling with pain. Perceiving thatthe remaining assailants were about to renew theattack, young Jones quickly placud himself in analtitude of defiance, crying "Come on, come 011;I'll show you what sort of game you're dealingwith!" and upon their approach, he struck oneofthe desperadoes upon the head with the lanternwhich had proved so effectual in ridding him of thepresence ot the negro, felliug liim to the groundand rendering him insensible. Instantly rushingupon the other, he struck him a blow with his fist,when therascal tripped him, throwinghis weightupon him, made a desperate effort to crush thebreath ont of his body. The combatants rolledovef in the dust until they were both well nigh ex-hausted. At last the fellow released his hold, and,springing to his feet, ran off, hotly pursued byJones, who finally overtook him, and almost whip-ped the life out of him.

Bath Alum Sprigs, Aug. 6th, 1857.I address to you a few lines on the Virginia

Springs, hoping that to those who have alreadymade this pleasant tour, my communication mayawaken agreeable recollections of a more agreeablereality, and cause some of those who have nevervisited these beautiful retreats, to forget for awhile the irksome details of business and quenchtheir aurfrtaerafames in the mineraland thermalwaters otWestern Virginia. From Richmond toMUlboro3itatk>n, on the Virginia Central Railroad,Is about o»e Tundred and seventy miles, and theroute and railway accommodations are all thatcould be desired. From Millboro' (by stage; toISath Alum is ten miles. Here arc wells of chaly-beate and alum waters which are famed for theircores of dyspepsia and cutaneous diseases. Andhere we have a cool and every way desirable re'reat,with accommodations not surpassed even in thecity. Five miles west of these are the WarmSprings, with" first class hotel accommodations for3'io persons, and under the best ofmanagement. Apool of SS feet diameter.whichis filled by naturewithliving water of temperature M" Fahrenheit, offersto us themost delicious bath in theworld. South-ward, at a distance of five miles, we find the HotSprings owned by Dr. Goode and managed by Mr.Woodward, formerly of theSt. Charles. In connec-tion with /lis name nothing need be said of comfortand good management. The baths haTe a temjiera-turef.f 108°. and produce many enres of rheumatismand other diseases. Three miles from here wereach a medicated spring, which has been justlynamed "All Healing." Mr. Porter, the proprietorof this, vies with those of the other springs in theabundance and excellence of his tabic fare. At allthese springs the air is pure, scenery delightful,huntingand fishing facilities unsurpassed, and thecompany cumme U fiiut I have noticed amongthese Count Sartiges and Gen. Robles. In view ofthese inducements, I can but advise all weary devo-teesof business to throw asido Journal and lodgerto forswear urbane life for a time, and "rusticate.

Mr. Jones then directed his steps towards Cam-den, which place he reached in a faint condition,through loss of blood from a cut hp received, andthe severe physical exertion lie had made. Herehis situation was made comfortable at the hands ofa kind-hearted lady,andhe was, in a short time, ableto proceed home.

our noble specimen of "YoungAmerica" is bntnineteen years of age, and is a very intelligent andwell-informed young man, as his conversation at-test*. In stature he is rather short, and exceed-ingly well developed. Thefather of young Jones,we believe, acquired consumable celebrity in bisearlier days, through his skill in the useof "nature'sweapons," ami, judging from the ability alreadyshown by the son in a pugilisticway, he will, erelong,we are free to say, be a terror to all villainouscharacters that venture in his path. The fact thattho blows struck by Mr. Jones in tha encounterwere mostly dealt with bis left hand, is an addition-al verification of the old saying, that a '-left handedman is a dangerous foe to contend with."?l'hilaJel-phia Ledger ikh.

That Bi.kj<?*d Baby!? Mm. Conningham contin-ues to be much grieved at the inhuman treatmentalleged to have been received. She wept much thismorning,exclaiming, "They're got Harvey's dearlittle pet of a daughter, and will not bring herhack." Sad, rery?and they were preparing thedocuments this morning to tend the mother of thindelusion to theToombs.?iV. 1. Mirrur.

Scarcityof Ntwi-Robbtry?Meetingof Mechanics.

[cokrebposdkncbor ihk Richmond stilt dbpaku.]

PKTHBsnritG, Aug. 9th.I*t ii» blot out the memory of th» three day*

ptwt. fA.*t us that Petersburg for the tlinebeing »a» Hfuvirnllj/ bankrupt. Nothing ha» oc-curred. The only Item* of any interest to-day are

At two o'clock thin morning, the utore houaeadloiuingthe oxtt imve tobacco factory of MclCn

Lucky Escape.?We have received a letter fromPine Level, N. C., giving an accouut of a dreadfulaccident which happened at the distilleryof Messrs.Nathans & Dibble's, in Johnson county. It seemsthat while the stiller was taking off the cap of aturpcutiue still, he stumbled and pitched head-foremost in the hot rosin, aud theu, without auyassistaace jumped out. The man was still aliveon the 4th inst., and is expected to recover.? Wv/-mmyton lltruld. »

Storm ix Florida.?We learn from the Wakulla(Fa.) Times, that a very destructive tornado passedover a portion of Jefferson county, in that State,betweeu Waukeenah and Mouticello. doing greatdamage to thecrops in its path. The crops of throeplantations were destroyed, and it was [eared thatothers had suffered as much. The path of the tor-nado was about a quarter of a mile wide, but itsextent has not yet been ascertained. Trees weretwisted off?some near the roots, others near thetops?some of which were carried to a distance ofthirty or forty feet.


AW ilur lrr?Omfntirms »f lf? VunUrrr?X Bendof (bnrpiratort liMtoered? 7 ?/[/?\u25a0n arretedand Hung.The telegraph dispatches puldL.ied Friday gavean account of a fearful tragedy enacted at Leaven-

worth city, Kansas, on Friday night and Saturdaymorning last. Andrew Stewart,Esq., editor of theSteubenville (Ohio) Union, who left Leavenworthon Satuirdayjiiiglit last, the St. LouisDemocrat with the followingdetails:St?ShLr i'uy- t,,e 3Ut ult -8 man named? ',i livinginKansas city,came up to Leaven-ortii and. While spreeing arouud, went into adrinking shop railed the Ward.llouse. The bar-keeper, namee Raines, became very friendly, and-ft ..T.h"8 - St ''l 'h^ I, '< Jtunk, proposed ab-T b rti M

er - took hi" l '?> » springon- theHousJ Jl ' ,T" Hri riv,"r j""' ftb° ve the Planters'

i t- V,

w "re ni,-t ""J assaulted by twom n who demanded their moneyor their lives'. The»arkeep<'r. Baioes, gave his money np and ran off.thelt.? g»l

'"Wtr e'"' of town he gavethe alarm that a man was being robhe.l up thenv-r at tl.e spring. Several parties of cit-izens Immediately w..nt np and arrived just intime to hud poor Stephens crawling ont of theriver his body and head beaten and bruised withstones aud clubs, and his chest and shoulders bear-ing several terrible stabs aud cuts. The citizensran to his assistance, but the unfortunate victim,though struggling to speak, was too far gone, andpresently died without being able to ntt"r a singleword about the manner of his death, or thenamesof the murderers.Suspicion at once alighted upon the barkeeperLames and so outraged were the people. alld soviolent the presumptions of his guilt, that a posseof the citizens at once arrested and held him inclose custody. The news in the meantime spreadlike wildfire all over the city, aud the excitementgrew intense. An immediate trial of Rainesw-as demanded, and finally it was agreed that he

should be hung on the spot, without judgeor jurv.i V.'''" P r °cured and put around his neck, andalready he was being drawn up to the limb of anoverhanging tree, when he expressed a wish tomake a confession. The crowd yielded and let himdown to the ground.STARTLING CONFESSION.He said that he aud two men, one named JohnVuaries, from South Carolina, and the other calledRuowiton. had laid the plot by which Stephenswas robbed and murdered, and that the same menhad murdered another man a short time before andthrown the body into the Migfiouri river, lie statedalso that he and the menKnowlton andQuarles be-longed to an organized body of tweutv five nit«n,who lived and carried on the business of robbingand murdering in Leavenworth city, on the islandopposite the city, and in the towns of Lawrence

and Topeka. He then gave the names of as manyof the gang as ho could remember to the authori-ties.THE ARRESTS.As soou as Haines had finished his revelations hewan committed to the calaboose, a one-story stonebuilding,about sixteen feet square. The crowdthen went off is pursuit of Quarles and Knowltou.»ud in a short time had them arrested. Amongthe revealed conspirators was Win. Woods, the pro.prietor of the greater part of Leavenworth Island,and regarded by his acquaintances as an honestman and good citizen. A party proceeded at onceto arrest him, and. after making a thorough searchof his house, found twenty-Jive liundml iMlart inrnuntrrfeit money, a lot of counterfeiting platesandother instruments, and a knife utulpistol Orlonytmjto the murilered man, Stephens. At these conclusiveproofs of the correctness of the coufessiou ofHaines, the people were deeply moved, and held

counsel together in large and small parties duringthe whole night.TUB PROCEEDINGS OF SATURDAY?QUARLKa AND BAINKS

We here give the narrativeof Mr. Stewart. Hesays:?1 went to the mayor's office 011 Saturday morn-

ing. ami found an immense crowd awaiting the re-sult of the examination of Woods and Kuowlton.Haines and Quarles were in the calaboose. Whilethe examination was going on, Judge Lecoinptewas outside, making a speech and expostulstiii"with the angry crowd in favor of law and order.?ihe cry of 'Hang'em, the d?d murderers,' arosefrequentlyfrom the mob, but the milder counselsseemed to be prevailing, when at once some oneshouted,'To the calaboose! to the calaboose!' andaway a crowd of about titty maddened men start-ed in that direction. The balance of the peoplefolioweil after, in smaller parties, leaving JudgeLecomptealmost alone, and the mayor's office re-lieved of its throng of spectators. They had beengonu about fifteen minutes, when I heard a greatyell. J startedafter the crowd, and followed it tothe bank of a creek, which divides south and northLeavenworth, where there was a steep bank, andon its edge a large elm tr»e. 1 reached the spotjust in time to see Quarles suspended from the tree,gasping in the agonies of death at the rope whichwas around his neck, while several of the mobwere swingingonto his arms and legs, to make hisdeath sure. His body had hardly ceased its con-vulsions when the shout was raised for Haines.The rope was placed around his neck, and hewas led to the edge of the bank, when some oneof the citizens appeared by his side, aud with awatch in his hand demanded five minutes' time forfurther confessions. They granted it: when Hainessaid, if they would let him, he would show themanother man in town who was concerned in theoperations of the gang. He was then taken to thecalaboose, but for some reason did not give satis-faction to the people, and they demanded his body-to be returned to them. Judge Lecompte againaddressed the people, and with Some effect, forthey seem to divide into two parties, the one clam-oring for thehangingof the prisouer. and the oth-er demanding a trial for him. Marshal Denis ofthe territory was also present, and though he ex-erted himself with all his power, he could notmaintain his position at the door of the calaboose,nor prevail on thecrowd to disperse.Ihe wife ot Haines also appeareJ; and, inspiredby the dangerous situation of her husband, took aheroic stand on the entrance, aud endeavored bvfrantic threats and entreaties to stay the wrath ofthe populace. Hut all efforts were unavailing' thepeace party were overpowered. Judge Lecoinpte'svoice was drowned by theshrieks of the mob. Alarge piece of hewn timber, perhaps twentv-fivefeet long and one foot square, that was lying nearwas lifted up by a crowd of men. and plnnged'with fearful effect against the calaboose door. Thesight of the wife's distress and the sound of herscreams, mingled with the raging* and shrieks ofthe infuriated mob. was too much for me, and Iturned my back and walked away. I heard ano-ther blow from the piece of timber, and a simulta-neous shout from the crowd, which told methatthe door had given way. and the prisoner wasat themercy of the people. 1 walked hastily around thesquare, for, with all its terror, there was fascina-tion in thesight, and reached the spot just in timeto see the mob rushing down the street with theprisoner toward the elm tree. I pursued, andwhen I reached the spot the body of Haines wasalready iu the air, and his last death-struggles wereshivering along his limbs. The crowd then ap-peared to be satisfied. Woods ami Kuowltonmeanwhile had been placed in an omnibus andhurried off to the fort. The city continued verymuch excited up to the hour 1 left, but no furtherviolence was anticipated. All sorts of stories pre-vailed. and many of themysterious disappearancesand robberies which haveoccurred iu the territoryare all being referred to this band of murderers.

IMMENSE OrgaS.?The great organ placed in thetown hall at Liverpool is one of themarvels of mu-sical mechanism. It cousists of four rows ofkeys, sixty-three notes; and two octaves and a halfof pedals, thirty notes. There are 10* stops audH,otH) pipes, varying in length from 32 feet to threeeights of an inch, ten octaves apart. The grandsource of wind is from two immense bellows eachhaving three feeders, placed in the vault below thefloor of the hall. Thes» are blown by a steam en-gine, consisting of a pair of oscillating cylinders.?There are besides twelve other bellows, or reser-voirs, each giving its own appropriate pressure ofair to those stops or pipes which it supplies. Thepneumatic lever is applied to each of the manualsdistinctly or separately to manual couplers. Tothe pedal organ there is a double set of pneumaticlevers; but the most elaborate use of this power isfound in its application to the combination ofstops?it being exhibited in a compound form toeach organ individually, and to the whole collec-tively, where byone operation theplayeris enabledto produce a combination of stops upon the entireinstrument at once.

A Cl'Rlors f>PEcimen.?Recently a cow belongingto a farmer named Kohler, some distance beyondBath, Lehigh county. Pa., gave birth to a curiousamalgam specimen of calf anJ sheep. The entirebody to the neck is typical of the sheep, and is co-vered with a coat of long black wool, aud the neckand head is naturally figurative of the calf, andcovered with smooth hair. The "critter is alioutsix weeks old, fully developed, and healthy.

Joo Miller, a notorious counterfeiter, has beenarrested near Cameron. Pa., by the sheriff of Mar-shall county, Virginia. A considerable amount ofcounterfeit money was found on his person.

The banner prepared by the Odd Fellow# of Pe-tersburg, as a present for the orphans ofjiandult itIsland, New York, was sent by the Koanoke Satur-day.

The entire labor of type getters for the Spring-field Daily Argus is now done by woruea.

George Johnson has been arrested in Wheelingfor Jfttssing counterfeit money.

Messrs. Knox and Wellford, of Fredericksburg,Va., are building a large flour uiill in addition totheir present one.

The l*otoinac Baptist Association will hold its se-cond auuiveraary in Fredericksburg on Wednesday.

The dwelling of Mrs. Maria Hughes, in Amherstcounty, Va., was burnt to the ground a few 4»>sago.

John K. Daniel is under arrest in Lynchburg, Va.,for stabbing William Moore in the abdomen. Thewound is not fatal.

A lady of Wheeling lately gave birth to achild,which, ou opening its mouth, exhibited two f*r-fectly formed teeth.

The citizens of Moundsville, Va.. have organizedthemselves into a vigilance committee, to rid thatcommunity of » uf law.l w.uien.


Examination of a Bitposki> Miudkcj us.?On Saturday morning iait.a eogro giti uanioj CUROLijrf. about wfentitu year* ot agu,

| to N. 11. Uagland'ii estate. uas uxamitiod Wore thej Mayor, charged with causing tho death of Jou«j W .tutors Miller, aged twenty-two uiuuthii, *ua ol

, Mrs. Sarah Miller. by throwing him from a r«aiI porch of Mrs. M.'s house to tho brick pavouienti bolow, on Monday last, the 3d iust.' Mr9. Miller, the mother of the deceased, statedthat a few minutes before her child fell, she lefthim in the porch in care of her daughter, Harriet\ ntomi, aged eight years, while she stepped to another part of the house to attond to some of heraffairs. Caroline was thou in the room of \<ue oti':e hoarders, but Mrs. M. had barely passed out ofsight, w lieu tile prisoner came into the porchwhere the children wore, aud ordered Harriet Vir-ginia to go to tho hydrant and bring iu a glass otwater. The little cirl objected at first, said she hadbeen left in care ot her little brother by her mother,and told Caroline that she would find water in th>dining room: but the prisoner said she did notwant that, and must have some from the hydrantTo oblige her, Harriot took the glass aud startedoff. at thesauie time asking Caroline if she wouldtake her little brother up stairs with her. Carolinereplied that shu would not,but would leave himthere for her to attend to. Harriet got the waterand was returning with it. when Mrs. Miller heardthe scream of hor cook woman. Hastening ont toascertain the cause, she found her child in MrLockwood's arms, aud supposed him to ba dying.?She took it. returned up stairs, and found Carolinein the diuing rootu, shaking her finger in Harriet'sface and tellingher that she would be whipped forlettiua her brother fall. Seeing Harriet distressedMrs. Miller assured her that she attached no blameto her for the injuries received by her brother, who\u25a0lied in about eight hours after his fall. Mrs. Millerthen believed that Caroline had been the cause otthe death of her child, but determined to sav m-thing about it at that time. She was satisfied oi' aroliue s guilt, because of her nnkindness t» MrsM.'s children, all of whom were treated badly byher. and the oldest one of whom was severely-choked by her three weeks before. Only the Satur-day before the death of the child, Caroline toldMrs. Miller that she wished he w«s dead, and thatshe was tired of beiug bothered with him: and thevery day before the occurrence, became very muchenraged on being asked to let tho child go with herwhen she weut out to walk.

»>n Friday last. Mrs. Millar said to Carolina, "1believe you know all about the death of my child,and that you caused it." Caroline then said thatshe did know all about it?that when Harriet wentup for water, (the(the prisoner ! picked up the childin her arms, went to the porch railing to look overfor Harriet, and while thus looking, the child fellfrom her arms to the yard below. The railingswere too high for the child to have fallen over, andtheplace at which he fell was not the most conve-nient onefrom which to look to thehydrant.

After hearing this statement, the Mayor ad-journed the examination until this morning, andremanded the prisoner for another hearing.

Remarkable Escape from Death.We learn that Mr. J. L. Macdonough s son, whoseinjuries we noticed in Momlajr morning *paper, i* HteaiiiJy improving, ami that the chance#of his recovery are greatly in his favor. It willbe remembered that the little fellow, aged nineyears, fell from the third story window of his fath-er's residence, a distance of forty feet, striking hi*heal against the brick pavement. With the ex-ception of a slight bruise on one of his thighs, noinjury on the rest of the body was to be seen, thehead receiving the entire force of thefail. Wo un-derstand that a fracture of the skull, extendingabout seven inches, was discovered on the first ex-amination, but symptoms of a more alarming char-acter speedily manifested themselves, indicatingserious injury to thebrain. The physicians in attendance, Drs. G. Oavi.nzel and M. A. Kcst, wereassiduous in their attentions to their patientfor two days and nights, when the indications be-came more favorable and gave room to hope. Aweek of painfulanxiety lias passed,and it is grat-ifying te say that he is out ot dauger. and if nounforseen accident Occurs will soon be restored tohealth.

Fot"Nr»LiNO.?On Saturday uight last, anegro womannamed Nict, living at the head of thebasin, when about to leave her house with a lot ofclothes, saw something lyingat her door, and stoop-ing to ascertain what it was, found it to be a livingfemale child,aboutthree days old. Theold womantook the little stranger in. and found with it a notesimplystatin-; "this child is for you." Of coursesheprofesses to know nothingabout the mother of theinfant, or how it came to be lying at her door. TheMayor,no doubt, will haveit sent to the Poor Houseto be taken care of.

More Vessels for the RichmondTraiik.?W'e have almost constant manifestation??f the enterprise of ourcitizens, in the addition olvessels to their various At the yard of J. JAbrahams, in Baltimore, there are now two vessel*in the stocks, btrIt for owners in Richmond. Onea bark of 340 tons, is being built for Mr. J. J. Cur-rie nnd others, intended for the South Americantrade. She is 122 feet long. 2S feet beam, auJ Lerdepth of hold is 12 feet. the kse! of the other, abark of about 400 tons, is just l»id. She is beingbuilt for Messrs. David k William Ourrie, and is iotended to run between Richmond and New York.

Narrow Escape.?Mrs. ElizabethBarnes, and old lady, residing with her son, Mr. FJ. Barnes, near Second BaptistChurch, had .ivr)narrow escape of ht>r life on fridiy evening last,while lighting the gas in the lioose. We leartithat the old lady,after lighting the jtas. threw theburningpaper on the four, which set her clotheson fire, and would have burnt to death, had it notbeen for one of the servants, who ran in and ex-tinguished the flames.

Swan's Dissolving Views, an exhibi-tionof no ordinary interest, may be seen to-night atMetropolitan Hall. All the pieces are said to befine, but the comic one* are very amusing to lookupon. As there is noother place at which to spin Jan idle hour, we suppose tho Metropolitan will b»crowded this evening by those who admire rarescenesand artistic skill.

Self-Punishment.?Last Saturday af-ternoon, a negro woman, named Sylvia, the pro-perty of Mr. Gathright, was detected in stealingmoney from one of Mr. Irving's boarders, and byway of punishing herself for the offence, took anold ase, laid her left arm on the pavement of 17thstreet, and beat and bruised it till it swelled upsufficiently large for two such limbs.

IfonsK Breaking.?A free negro, knownas Charles Green, is now in the cage awaitingan ex-amination on the charge of breaking into Benl ooks house, and stealing therefrom a pair ofpantaloonsand a watch.

Popi lar Resorts.?Crowds of person*left thiscity yesterday morning, to spend the dayat Ashland, where they could attend church andenjoy the fresh country air of that delightful vil-lage.

No Papers.?Charles 11. Freeman, aCarolinefree negro, has been sent to jail,in defaultof his register.

Let Off.?John Kennedy, charged withbeing drunk and asleep in the street last Fridaynight, was discharged by the Mayor, on promise tokeep sober in future.

Deaf and Di mb. ?John W. Burke, adeaf and dumb man, from Norfolk, was committedto jaii last Saturday morning for being drunk audasleep in the street the night l>efore.

Forgiven.?A negro boy, known as God-frey Roberts, from the county of Henrico, wascaged for want of a register, but on promising toget one immediately, was released from prison.

Female Squall.?Sarah Vest, an occa-sional tenant of the poor honse, appeared beforethe Major la.«t Saturday, to answer the charge ofassaulting and threatening Kliisabeth Myers, hutad no blown hadpassed, and the complainant wasnolet* at fault than the defendant, they were bothordered home.

Caught.?Charlotte Coleman, a free wo-man, ami Lucy, a slave, were puuished by order ofthe Mayor last Saturday, for depositing "nuisanceson themargin of the river.

Bad Trade.?Michael Walls bought alot of chickens on the Basin last Friday, and offer-ed thmi for sale at the market la«t Saturday, bntliefore lie could attract customers enough to buyhim out, the Clerk of the first market seiied hispoultry, anil the Mayor confiscated it to the city.

Steady.?Albert, slave to E. F. RaglandA Co., was reported to the Mayor for rapid drivingin the street, and ordered to be flogged-

Self-Destrvction.?Henry Jordan tooka quantity of laudanum last Friday, and died fromits eflects that afternoon. He v»a* a resident ofOregon Hill, and was of Intemperate habits.

The State Gcabd paraded last Satur-day morning, and escorted to the grave the remain*of one of their memtiers?Corporal Roney?whowas taken suddenly ill last Turusday night, auddied thenext morning.

Locked Up.?John Dunio was arrestedaud caged yesterday by officers Seal and I'errm,for beating and threatening to kill hia wife.


? "Kjuare, 1 Insertion.#) .v»| I square. I month...,> 4 M-???'jo - J d°- u:* 1 410...J month*.... TOOdo.. J. do im 11 d0..jL.....da JO t$d0...6 Jo. J 7.1 1 .do..A do. it no'lo.IZ do. 375 I J d0...| Jmr. mt»?#- published aatil forbid, will b*rharg«d 3rtc«ii'».t*r of ten 11dm for tkelrstinsertion,and 25 centsfor each continuance.

The CanDliiKhui Cim.The preliminary Invest igtt lon of thf* ramarkabla

?ase was concluded on Friday, by the examination?f Mrs. Cunningham Justice Davison, accompa-nied by Mr. J. Murtsy, clerk, and Mr. Stafford,ounsel for Mr*. Cunr.inghaiu,proceeded to No. 3tIJond street, for the purpose of taking the formal

?lamination of Mrs. Cunninghamprevious to con-mittlng her to the tombs.

They arrived at the house at 10:45 A. St., butwere kept waiting, to suit Mrs. Cunningham'scon-venience until 11 o clock. Her physician. Dr. Flsk,Htuteu that the wtut ?mAWing from great physics!pahi as well as from mental anguish,and reiteratedthe statement in a general forma great many timea;he did not specify any particular sourceof pain.

The persons prese'nt at the examination wereMrs. Cunningham, Judge Davison. Dr. Flak, JamesO.'Murray,Capt. Dilks. Mr. Stafford,and the daugh-ters Helen and Oeorgiaua. Mrs. Cunninghamcom-plained of much pain, and her gestures and ex.pression were those of great suffering.

The following is the formal examination :Cityanrt (Trunty ofNew Y<*rk.u.?Kmma AugustaBurdell, being duly examined before the under-signed, according to law, on the annexed charge

and being informed that she was at liberty toiwer or not all or any questions put to him, stateaas follows, viz:Q. What is your name? A. Kmma Augusta Bur-dell.

Q. How old are you ? A. 36.Q. Where were you born? A. New York city.Q. Where do you live? A. No. 31 Bond street.y. W hat is your occupation? A. No occupationexcept to attend to my family. '

Q. Haveyou anything to say, and If so, what, re-lative to the charge here preferred against you??A. 1 am perfectly innocent, and am unable nowfrom illness to explain; 1 trust that time will showit. and by adviceof my counsel I decline answeringany further questions.

[Signed, in a tremulous hand,]KMMA A. BURDELL.Taken before me. August 7, 1857.

Wji. S. Davmox. Police Justice.They theu retired, Dr. Kisk saying that Mrs. Cun-ningham could not be removed without extremedanger.

The Kvening Post has the following with regardtoMrs. Cunningham,after her acquittal of the mil*,\u25a0ler of Dr. Burdell:

It is said that the visitors at Mrs. Cnnningham'shouse have been very numerous. In the day timewomen,but no men, are seen to go there; but in theevening, men?sometimes to the number often, fif-teen or even twenty?would be seen there, Indul-ging in noisy revels far into the night, as late Mtwo or three o'clock in the morning.lhe performances, according to their accounts,w ere of a very boisterous kiud, and generally heldin the very room where the fearful tragedy was en-

acted. There they would dance, shout, halloo. Jump,laugh and clap their hands. One of their favoriteamusements was said to be a game of ball, whichwas almost always played in the room where themurder was committed. Often while these revelswere in progress, low people would gather about,shouting, "Ha, the mnrderers! Bring out the wo-mau that killed I)r. Iturdell!" Ac., indulgingtheirprejudice in the broadest accusation and most ob-scene epithets.

Some of the neigliliors assert that they have oftenbeen kept awake by these clamorous proceedings,ls>th inside and outside the house, nearly all night;and had resolved to enter a complaint against thehouse as a public nuiscauce.

It is generally understood that Mrs. Cunninghamhad little or no money, and that she has suppliedherself upon credit with the means of a livelihood,trusting to the decision of the .Surrogate to placeher in possession of the estate. She furnished thehouse in an elegant manner, not long after her ac-quittal: and it is rumored that she bought the fur-niture upon credit, promising, in case the decisiouwas in her favor, to pay double the usual price, thedealer securing himself in case of failure by a mort-gage upon the articles.

It is stated that she was very much annoyed bybills, and has frequently turned her creditors off ina very rude manner, especially laborers whom shehasemployed to do her work One of the neighborsupon the opposite side of the street says that thes*poor people would go and rihg the.bell, and whenMrs. Cunninghamcame to the door, would demandmoney. She wonld tly into a passion, shake herlists, order them away, tell thenj they hail nobusi-ness to trouble her, «c. After going a few times,they would lose allpatience, and frequently mountthe Bt'-ps. shouting that Mrs. Cunningham was "auold reprobate;" and with such unsavory epithets,rail upon her to come out and pay them.The last act in the Bond street tragedv gives un-qualified satisfaction in the neighborhood, whichthe people make no attempt to conceal, but on thenutiHiv, openly exult in the prospect of gettingid of the family. The noise and disquiet is tem-porarily increased, but they see a prospect of a

:>erman»iit calm Property, they say will come uptoits former value, it' the baby affair clears theneighborhood of Mrs Cunningham.

Diath or Muor Graham.?On the 27th nitRichard Graham.a wealthy citizen ofSt. houis coun-ty. Mo., died. He was a son of the late RichardGraham, of i*rince William county, Ya. The Bt.I«juii Republican says:

He was brother of George Graham,action Secre-tary of War ilutiufjthe administration of PresidentMonroe, and subsequently Commissfoucr of theiieneral land Office; of John Graham, first C. 8.DUtrict Attorney for Louisiana, Secretary ofLeg»-ti>n ti» .Spain Commissioner to the South Americanilepublic.ami Minister Plenipotentiary to Hratll,and of Mrs. Catherine Ramsay, of the city of Wash-ington?all now deceased.

Mayor Graham entered the military service do-ring the last war with Great Britain, and servedwith distinction as aid-de-camp on the staff of Ma-jor General Harrison; he participated in all of theperils and hardships of the Northwestern army,and was promoted to the rank of major for his gal-lantryand good couduct. His relations with Gen-eral Harrison were peculiarly intimate,and he wa«,during his life, the cherished and honored friend ofbis commander.

The war over. Major Graham was appointedIndian agent for the extended territory of Missou-ri, in which office he continued until IS'A». Hewas also appointed by the President one of thecommissioners to establish the boundary line lotIllinois.

Taking it Coolly.?The following is the latestyoke upon John Bull:

John was travelling on somp Western railroadwhen a tremendous explosiod took place, the carsat thesame time coming to a sudden halt. Thepassengers sprang up in terror, and rushed out toacquaint themselves with the mischief?all hut Mr.Hull, who continued reading his newspaper. In amoment somebody rushed back and luformed himthat the boiler hail burst.

"Awe!" muttered the KngHshtnan."Yea," continued his informant, "and sixteen

persons have been killed.""Awe!" grunted the Englishmanagain."And?and" said his interlocutor, with an effort,

your own man?your servaut?has been blown intoa hundred pieces."Awe! I,ring me the puce that hat tye key ofmy port-mantruu!"

Another Loophols tor Mrs. CtxxUfQham.? Lawis one of the exact sciences, and requires mathe-matical certitude in each of the steps of a proceed-ingbefore It imposes a disqualification or a penalty.Mrs.Cunningham, by the hasty proceeding of theI >i.strict Attorney, has not only the advantagewhich is supposed to arise from not havingfullyconsummated the crime which she hail intended,but she has also a chance of escape through anotherloophole left open by the premature proceeding ?

It is contended by ihe legal profession that Mr*.Cunningham would not come within the statuteagainst palming off a supposititious heir to pro-perty, unless it is decided in the Surrogate's Courtthat she is actually the wife of l)r. Burdeil. Jn thewords of the statute, it is essential to the crimethat the child fraudulently produced should beproduced "as the child of parents whose childwould be entitled to inherit." If Mr». Cunning-ham was not married to Dr. Burdeil, the child pro-duced, supposing it to have been her own, conldnot legitimately be the heir of the deceased, andtherefore the personation does not fall within thetermsof the statute,which calls for the personationof an infant born of parents whose child would beentitled to Inherit.?/*»'/. Istbjrr.

lUrRAcT'JRTOoouM.?'The Dutch schooner Boreas,on her parage from .Singapore to Macao, when offI'ulo Zapata on the 16th or May, spoke the Frenchship Fernandez, from Macao to Cuba, with Coolies,with signals of distress flying. The master of theBoreas tmarded to ascertain the cause, and was In-formal that the Coolies were in a most refractorystate, and had ri» n on the crew twice, that thir-teen "f the coolies hail in consequence been killed.That on one occasion the Coolies bad set ftre to th*ship, but having been forc<d below,they had topatout the fire themselves.

KcMoßnri Death or Santa Asm*.?The Indepen-dieute, a Spanish journalpublished In NewOrleans,states, iu its issue of the 2Mth ult , that on the de-parture of the steamship T-ras, from Vera Crua,rumors were in circulation there that eX-PreetdentSanta Anna had died. No particular* are given, andthe ludependienteadds thatthese rumorsprobably?prung from the same Source with similar one# Ithadreceived a few days previously from Havana.

Indian OCT*A«e».?The Kansas Herald of Free-dom of the M inst., states that Governor Walkerhail received advices trom the ciibbsh'MJ «

Kiley, that a larga force of Cheyenne Indians badreached that station, aud that an attack wasi nottrlyexpected. The fort has not>rtiflcalions, and U gar-risoned by only half a company of innsutry. inIndians had driven in the settlers, and MWMseveral murders In sight of ,he


immediatelysent Col Cook, with all the fore* underhis command, to the r assistance.Drunk.?Michael Docixi was cagcd jea-

terday for being drunkand disorderly in thestreet.

The U. S. Gbaxd Jury, on BaturJarlast, found two more true bills against William £,Wash, for forging papers to obtain beauty laudwarrants.

Th* Kxrwaa Konmar at Qu.nct, lu. ?The Quin-oy Whig stales "about of the money stolenfrom the American impress office on Friday night,has been recovered."

AojriTW-Henry Beck, atried in New York Friday, for attemptingMr. and Mrs.Oresko. by pnttla* ,bcl*

fcod, and acquitted on the grouudof insanity.

Lour Aim For*».-*r AKrsdlotteeville, Va., in returning fro® the IHriagsdays ago, lost hi» pocket booh, 9" U

. "?AAOu diacovering his loes, fce too* theback track,was lucky enough to find l**-* A