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No. 91


Reading Luke 14:25-33

Now great multitudes accompanied him; and he turned and said to them, "If any one comes to me and does

not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For

which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to

complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock

him, saying, `This man began to build, and was not able to finish.' Or what king, going to encounter another

king in war, will not sit down first and take counsel whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who

comes against him with twenty thousand? And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends an embassy and asks terms of peace. So therefore, whoever of you does not renounce all that he has cannot be

my disciple.

Reflection: The love of God compels us to choose who or what will be first in our lives. To place any relationship or any

possession above God is a form of idolatry. Jesus challenges his disciples to examine what they love first and

foremost. Jesus' way to glory and power is opposite the world's way of glory, power, and success. The choice is ours, but the Lord does not leave us alone if we choose to follow him. Does the love of Christ compel you to put

God first in all you do?

Prayer: "Lord Jesus, may your love transform me that I may truly desire nothing more than life with you. May you al-

ways be first in my thoughts and intentions, and in my words and actions."



Lasallian Core Value: FAITH

Graduate Attribute: Confident In the course of establishing the Christian schools, De La Salle was met with severe opposition from members of his social class, family, the writing masters (paid teachers) and Church authorities. He was not even spared the betrayal and desertion of Brothers in whom he had placed great trust. Constantly in trouble, persecuted and insulted – De La Salle took great risks in his life. Even when he could have used his own wealth to support the fledgling schools, De La Salle chose rather to give up his wealth and entrust the schools to the providence of God. De La Salle saw the success of the schools as something dependent on the Fatherly care of God. He writes:

Be convinced that if you truly seek the kingdom of God and his justice, all these things will be given to you besides, be-cause it is God himself who takes responsibility for the care to provide for you…The more you abandon yourself to God for what concerns your temporal needs, the more care he will take to provide for you. (Meditations) In a world where the ideal of self-sufficiency is upheld and one is prone to rely on money and material goods for success, the Lasallian is challenged to place his confidence rather in the goodness and graciousness of God. It is this faith in God that enables him to look upon his talents and abilities as gifts and his limitations with honesty.


WEDNESDAY, 2:40 - 3:40 p.m.

T o d a y

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Today’s Schedule *Start of Classes *Grade 7J Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (9:40 - 10:40 a.m.) *Activity Period

ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK November 5, Thursday *Grade 7E Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (7:40 – 8:40 a.m.) *HS 3 Career Field Trip *SCOPE Tabulations November 6, Friday *Grade 7G Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (7:40 – 8:40 a.m.) *Grade 7D Reach-out *Grade 10 Career Field Trip *Lasallian Earth Day *HS 4 CET Review *Department Meeting November 8, Sunday *Class 4E SBMA *Grade 7 Confirmation *Kundirana Reach-out at Correctional Institute for Women November 9, Monday *Grade 8I Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (8:40 – 9:40 a.m.) *Grade 10A Reach-out *Grade 7D Recollection *Grade 9 Convocation (7:40 - 8:40 a.m. at Br. Rafael Donato FSC Center for the Performing Arts) *HS 3 Career Field Trip *Class 4D SBMA Orientation

November 10, Tuesday *Grade 8G Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (2:40 – 3:40 p.m.) *Grade 7E Reach-out *Grade 9 Class Guidance #4 - Follow-up Session On Dating and Courtship 9E 8:40 - 9:40 a.m. 9D 11:10a.m. - 12:10 p.m. 9A 2:40 - 3:40 p.m. *Grade 10A Recollection November 11, Wednesday *Grade 8C Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (8:40 – 9:40 a.m.) *Grade 7E Recollection *Grade 10 Reach-in *Grade 9 Class Guidance #4 - Follow-up Session On Dating and Courtship 9F 7:40 - 8:40 a.m. 9J 9:40 - 10:40 a.m. 9B 11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. *Supervised Study and Reading (SSRP) for Grades 7, 8 & 9 *Upper Years Big Brother Talks November 12, Thursday *Grade 8D Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (9:40 - 10:40 a.m.) *Grade 9 Class Guidance #4 - Follow-up Session On Dating and Courtship 9H 8:40 - 9:40 a.m. 9G 11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. *Class 4E Integrated Lasallian Formation Program (ILFP) - Day 1 November 13, Friday *Grade 8B Lasallian Offering and Class Mass (7:40 – 8:40 a.m.) *Grade 9 Class Guidance #4 - Follow-up Session On Dating and Courtship 9C 7:40 - 8:40 a.m. 9I 11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. *HS 3 Career Field Trip *Class 4E Integrated Lasallian Formation Program (ILFP) - Day 2 *HS 4 CET Review November 14, Saturday *El Filibusterino Play for Grade 10 and HS 4 *Kundirana 2016 Gala Concert (7:30 p.m. at Br. Rafael Donato FSC Center for the Performing Arts) *Tulong Aral sa Kapatid (TASK)

October 28

Louie G. Mendoza

October 31

Sheila Marie U. Manalo

November 2

Mark Lester B. Garcia

November 3

Roxanne Rose M. Evangelista

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From the Principal

CONGRATULATIONS to the following Grade 8 students and to their coach Mr. Arvin S. Macahiya

for winning 1st Place in the recently concluded Teenpreneur Expo 2015 QUIZ BEE

held at Megamall last October 24, 2015:

8F Jan Gabriel Donato

Jonathan Edward Stacey Marcus Malik Figueroa Bryan Walter Paraiso


Robin Jacob Traballo Juan Sebastian Barrios Barin, Lance Edward


Peter Marcus Asinas Carlos Gayoso


Luis Rafael Javier Mikko Anton Santos


Louise Gabrielle Ferrer

ANIMO LA SALLE!!! RE: Shortened Period We will observe SHORTENED PERIOD tomorrow, November 5 due to SCOPE Counting. Schedule as follows: First Period 7:40 – 8:30 a.m. Second Period 8:30 – 9:20 a.m. Third Period 9:20 – 10:10 a.m. Recess 10:10 – 10:40 a.m. Fourth Period 10:40 – 11:30 a.m. Fifth Period 11:30 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Lunch 12:20 – 12:50 p.m. Sixth Period 12:50 – 1:40 p.m. Seventh Period 1:40 – 2:30 p.m. SCOPE Counting 2:40 p.m.

RE: SCOPE Drive 2016 Progress as of October 27, 2015

SCOPE Drive 2016 officially ends on November 5, 2015!

Double Quota




No Remit-tance Yet

7A, 7D, 7G, 7I,


7B, 7C, 7E, 7F


8F, 8H

8A, 8G,


8B, 8C, 8D, 8J



9A, 9C, 9D, 9E,

9H, 9I, 9J




10B, 10C, 10E, 10F, 10G, 10H, 10J

10A, 10I


3A, 3C, 3F, 3I

3B, 3G, 3J

3D, 3E

4J, 4B

4A, 4C, 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H, 4I,

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Congratulations to . . .

Class 9F and Mr. Mark Gilbert Rehoy

for being the first to double the SCOPE quota in the Grade 9 level!

Congratulations as well to Class 4B and Mr. Harold Diokno

for having doubled the SCOPE quota

and to

Class 7I and Mrs. Imelda Masilungan

for having reached the SCOPE quota!


Academic Concerns

RE: Schedule of HS 4 CET Review

Date Math English Science Abstract Reasoning

Nov. 6 (F) I, J A, B, C D, E, F G, H

Nov. 13 (F) A, B, C D, E, F G, H I, J

Nov. 27 (F) D, E, F G, H I, J A, B, C

Dec. 2 (W) G, H I, J A, B, C D, E, F

Dec. 9 (W) I, J A, B, C D, E, F G, H



ACID TEST – proving the effectiveness of


The acid test for any Lasallians’ faith comes during times of trouble. Source: “Acid Test”. 100 idioms and their mean-

ings and examples - part 1. Retrieved from

meaning-and-examples-part-1.aspx on 20 October 2014

From the English Department


Ang wika ay mabisang instrumento upang maiparating ng mga Lasalyano ang nilalaman

ng kanilang puso. Pakinggan natin sila.

Habagat issue#1 T.A 2014-2015

F O U N D As of October 27, 2015

1. An amount of money by Coach David Marcelino at

the CAC Hall 2. Coin purse by Mrs. Gleen Columna NOTE: Owners may claim them from the High

School Principal’s Office. All the unclaimed money found will be deposited to LASAL collection.

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What can be done at home for ADHD? Parenting a child with ADHD can be challenging. But there are many things you can do at home to help your child manage symptoms and learn key skills like organization and planning. You can also try some of the strategies from our behavior experts. These steps can help you make positive changes in your child’s life and in your family life.

Learn as much as you can. A better understanding of ADHD and its main symptoms is a great

first step. Learning about executive functioning issues is also helpful since many kids with ADHD have them. Knowing that your child isn’t willfully ignoring your directions or fidgeting on purpose makes it easier to find real solutions rather than treating it as a discipline issue.

Observe and take notes. Watching your child more closely and taking notes on his behavior may reveal patterns and

triggers. Your notes will be helpful when you’re talking to family members, your child’s doctor, teachers and anyone else helping your child.

Listen to your child. What does he say (or not say) about his behavior and how it makes him feel? What does he say

about strategies that help? Can he sense how medication helps or hinders him? Try to figure out what your child is ex-pressing when he acts out or avoids situations or tasks.

Set schedules and stick to them. Be the planner your child isn’t yet ready to be. You can help by putting a daily routine

into place. Post weekly schedules with pictures for young children and short simple sentences for older ones. Many kids with ADHD find security in routine. If your child has trouble making transitions to a different schedule or activity, learn how to help him through it. Preparation goes a long way!

Provide easy ways to organize. Try labeling storage bins, drawers and cupboards. Your child will know exactly where

everything goes when he puts things away. You can make other simple changes at home. Teach your child to use check-lists and help him break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps.

Develop a system of reminders. Invent a system (much like a secret code) to remind your child what needs to be done

and what is appropriate behavior. Consider a hand on the shoulder, a finger to the lips, a few key words or a cell phone alarm.

Catch your child doing well. When you’re tired and frustrated, it’s easy to criticize. Remember to praise your child when

you notice something specific that he did well. Being praised for effort and genuine achievement can help your child feel loved and supported. It can give him the confidence to work harder at building skills and the motivation to try new things.

Be consistent. Knowing that the rules, rewards and consequences always stay the same gives kids a structure they can

rely on.

What can make the journey easier? Whether you’re just beginning to learn about your child’s ADHD or you’re far along in the journey, this site can help.

Know your child’s issues. It’s the first step to getting the best help. Here you’ll find reliable information about ADHD treat-

ments, including therapy and medication.

Get behavior advice. Explore Parenting Coach for strategies you can try.

Learn about special services. Find out about 504 plans and IEPs.

Keep an eye on family dynamics. If your child’s ADHD affects his siblings and other family relationships, we’ve got that

covered too.

Connect with other parents. Connecting with parents—hearing about their challenges and successes and sharing your

own—may give you a needed boost.

Build a support plan. Use this site to come up with a game plan and anticipate what lies ahead.

Key Takeaways

ADHD is a brain-based biological condition and is not the result of bad parenting.

ADHD is a lifelong condition, but there are treatments and strategies that can help manage symptoms.

With help and understanding, your child will learn to manage his ADHD and make the most of his strengths and talents.

______ Morin, A. Understanding ADHD. Retrieved from: learning disabili-ties/add-adhd/understanding-adhd


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November 4 – November 13, 2015



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GRADE 7 7A DELA CRUZ, John Zachariah LLOREN, Keith Augustine D. POBRE, Van Rafael F.

7B NAVARRO, Ralph Roger B. SUAREZ, Fernando Gabriel

7C BAJA, Gerardo B. GAGAN, Denzell Macoy F. LAM, Nikko Bien C. LOCSIN, Jose Rafael C. LITONJUA, Alexander V. MELCHOR, Earl Patrick G. SANTOS, Lance Hendrick M. YABUT, Joselito Enrique M.

7D CANON, Juan Guillermo MIN, Kyeongho OSIS, Franklin Jr. C.

7E ALFARO, John Patrick L. MENOR, Lorenzo Noel Q. PAEZ, Justin Kyle D. QUANCE, Elijah Julian C. SARMIENTO, Ionnes Samuel VILLEGAS, Paolo Miguel S.

7F APOSTOL, Edrian Marlo C. AQUINO, Raphaelle Gionne L CHENG, Yue Fung Charld M. CLEMENTE, Justin Jason C. CRUZ, Hans Franco D.J. FUERTE, Colin James D. QUILITIS, Christian Miguel V. RAMNANI, Juan Diego N. TEODORO, Alfredo Eugenio .

7G CANCHELA, Marty Jerome DIMAYUGA, Carlitos Alfonso IMPERIAL, Josemaria Luis N. PAZ, John Andrew L. TORRIJOS, Mark Anjelo M. VILLAVIEJA, Joseph Ben E.

7H ANTONIO, Pablo Sebastian ATENCIA, Sebastian R. CHAN, Isaiah Josef D. CAPIO, Laurence Flint D. CORONEL, Jose Lorenzo E. SORIANO, John Matthew B. TREICHLER, Walter Edward

7I ANDAL, Von Marco C. DESIDERIO, Romeo Joaquin MARAMAG, Rafael Nicholas . OJEDA, Miguel Luis T. VALENCERINA, Joaqin Iñigo

7J BUÑING, Jared V. CASIO, Dominic Mykel C. CATINDIG, Christopher DEL CASTILLO, Juan Miguel DELA CRUZ, Vin Joel E. ERMITA, Angelo Joaquin A.

GRADE 8 8A ESTANISLAO, Thomas . LIM, Alejandro Jose G. LIMBO, Luigi Miguel C. LOPEZ, Raymond Denzell A.

8B ANTIPUESTO, Michael ARGAÑO, Aidan Lawrence S. CRUZ, Gabriel Luis A. ESPULGAR, John Michael D. GELACIO, Ryan Miguel C. JUGO, Julian Alfonso R. KATIMBANG, William Nathan PANLILIO, Dominic Bryan REFUERZO-CORTEZ, Jacob SUVA, Antonio III D. TABUJARA, Carlos Iñigo R. TOMIMOTO, Seiya V.

GRADE 8 8C BOCALBOS, Elijah Luis Z. BORJA, Luis Gabriel S. DE QUIROS, Restituto III Y. DIAZ, Randel Claude B. ESPUERTA, Raphael Joseph GATCHALIAN, Joseph Elijah LEYNES, Gino Rafael C. MONDEJAR, Billy Bjork Justin PULGAR, Shane Rey H. SANTOS, Jorge Piolo R. TSUKAMOTO, Youki T. 8D CARAIG, Jastine S. CONDA, Paco Antonio DELOS REYES, Carlo GUEVARA, Nathaniel Benedict MUTIANGPILI, Reynaldo Jr. C. QUIZON, Franko Vergel A. SYJUECO, Kian H. UMALI, Noel Franco D.

8E DE LEON, Rainier Santi C. DIOKNO, Ian Antonio A. SALAO, Carlo H. TAN, James Louis S. TACANG, John Andrei L.

8F ABAD, Juan Diego E. ACOT, Rafael Marcel Benedict ANDAN, Carlos Emmanuel G. BULUS, Nikolin A. CAMPOS, Joaquin Tomas R. HARTENDORP, Sean Andrew MANGUBAT, Sebastian ROYOLA, Elijah Daniel A.

8G ALICANTE, Adrian Kristoff C. CARAIG, Paolo Luigi Y. HERNANDEZ, Moses A. JORGE, Kalkin Drake C. LIGSAY, Jonkledy G. MAÑALAC, Alonso Joaquin L. REGIS, Franco Luis G. YOKOO, Bobson J.

8H BACUD, Karl Marx Heinrich C. BALOSO, Earl Bethan Julianne V. BONJOC, Kyle Anthony B. CALIMLIM, Theo Dominic Javier B. CERAFICA, Francis John F. CRISTOBAL, Flor James I. DE LEON, Antonio Gonzalo Gabriel M. DE OCAMPO, Luis Angelo EIGENMANN, William John A. IWATA, Ken Yuan M. LAKHYANI, Yash M. LEONARDO, Ryle B. LIM, Michael Justin Teodoro S. MAMALATEO, Emmanuel G. PERALTA, Juan Carlo B. TALOSIG, Stephen Jacob M. TRAJE, Byron Miguel D. STA. ANA, Shane Clarence C.

8I ABAD, Edwin Ross O. CALALANG, Hosea Marcus M. CODOY, Nicomedes Chester CRISOSTOMO, Masomilliano TICZON, Pierre Gregory P.

8J BARING, Rian Wilfred C. BLANCO, Isaiah Miguel T. CARACUT, Vince Jericho A. CASIDO, Iñigo Raphael U. FERRER, Louise Gabrielle B. GALANG, Ryland Tristan L. LASTRELLA, Kris R. LLAGUNO, Michael Omie F. MARCELO, GABRIEL Joey D.


GRADE 9 9A ACUÑA, Juan Benamino R. ANICETE, Francesco Jose R. CARREON, Justine Nicholas CASTRO, Darnikolai Eamon DACARA, Baron Christopher KUMAR, Vinay MACION, Jose Gabriel M. MANALANSAN, Sean Patrick MARCELO, Christian Joey SALAO, Anton Louis C. SANTIAGO, Nelson Jonathan SOMERA, Rafael Anton SUN, Joaquin Francisco T.

9B AMORES, Kenneth Stephen AQUINO, Ramone Carlos BANZON, Jose Miguel A. CONCEPCION, Thomas . CRISTOBAL, Ramon Miguel I. DIMAYUGA, Joshua Adrian T. DIOQUINO, Waldo Elias G. EGASANI, Manolo Carlos M. GOLINGAY, Miguel Iñigo III Z. MAMALATEO, Vincent G. VAÑO, Juan Miguel P.

9C CAGATAN, Joshua Marciano DE OCAMPO, Clark Gabriel d EUSEBIO, Rafaele Iñigo LAUREOLA, John Roger PRADO, Joaquin Alfonso M. TORRES, Gabriel Joseph E.

9D BUSTAMANTE, Rodrick DAVID, Vincent Joshua A. DESALISA, Miguel Martin D. LEPALAM, Ladis Jr. E. ROCES, Norman James C. TOLENTINO, Miguel Antonio

9E ABAD SANTOS, Vicente Y. ADVINCULA, Rafael Luis M. ALONZO, Alexander Thomas CASANOVA, Luke Gabriel T. BERMEJO, Iñaki Miguel O. HUR, Seung Min (Daniel) TAN, Jaime Jr. S. VILLAVICENCIO, Rafael ZARATE, Dominic Martin sto. SAN BUENAVENTURA, Ira Nicolas G. SIH, John Gideon R. YAU, Nathan Matthew T.

9F BELTRAN, Brian Matthew B. CAGULANGAN, Joel Diomar FLORENDO, Gabriel Enrico GALITA, Jivan Gabriel C. KAWABATA, Joaquin LAKHYANI, Amit Mahesh MAZO, Joaquin Mikaelo Iñigo PEREZ, Julian Miguel G. VALENTON, Anton Rafael A.

9G BUENDIA, David A. FLORES, Vince Yuri P. IGNACIO, Ramon Diego P. LIM, Jacob Benjamin B. MARIANO, Jearomme Angelo PIECHOTTA, Ronald Carlo D. ZSHORNACK, Emman

9H ANDERSON, John Brian F. GATDULA, John Paul PEREZ, Marcus Joaquin B. REYES, Felix Marco III B. VILLA, Jaime Luis E.

9I ARELLANO, Iñaki Gabriel B. DE LOS REYES, Jaime Luis MANUEL, Andrew Raphael H. QUIMNO, Juan Diego Rafael

GRADE 9 9J ABRAJANO, Patrick S. ENTEREZO, Iñigo Luiz P. FRIO, Juan Luis P. LANDRITO, Jeanne André M. LAO, Frans Jared T. MENDOZA, Luigi Gabriel F. PROFETA, Matthew Derek V. RICAFORT, Carl Dominique A. TORRES, Marc David D.

TRUZ, Rich Dj Nicollie Z. GRADE 10 10A ANTONIO, Karl Angelo K. BUENVIAJE, Aaron Kenneth P. CATAPANG, Rafael Mikha C. ESCOBAR, Leon Christopher B JIMENEZ, Lyndon Patrick T. MAGADIA, Dylan Piolo T. MELICOR, Zach Sebastian P. MINERALES, Rafael S. RAHNEMA, Amir B. RAMBOYONG, Chaz Geoffe O.

10B BARCELONA, Jeann Patrick B. CERRERO, James Stephen J. FULGENCIO, Chinoe Gotzon D GONZALEZ, Brian Angelo Z. LAGMAN, Nicholas B. MANGUBAT, Rafael Antonio R RODRIGUEZ, Albert Iñigo V. SANTOS, Raphael Luigi L. TOLEDO, Jerico G.

10C BULANADI, Guillian Ruszel E. CATIMBANG, Clarence Jay D. CUCIO, Pablo Lorenzo P. KAWACHI, Ron Hideki L. LIM, Lukas Chino C. MALOLES, Jose Franco B. MUYOT, Kyle Cedric V. OBANDO, Jan Leo Armand D. SALAZAR, Juan Paolo M. TISBE, Van Christian R.

10D AGUSTIN, Jean-Pol Angelo C. AMARANTO, Cyrus Jethro G. BO, Arthur Andre H. CIMATU, Rafael T. ESMANI, Jan Michael M. LABOS, Joshua Alexander R. LAZARO, Jose Enrique S. MAÑALAC, Alejandro Nicolas NEPOMUCENO, Gerard L. SEGUI, Miguel Jose G. SOLER, Javier Alfonso Enrique YAM, Pio Alberto C.

10E BAMBALAN, Joshua Andrei C. DUMARPA, Salic II A. CASTAÑEDA, Diego Victor D. FANLO, Robert Raphael A. GONZALEZ, Jan Kristone F. ISLA, Nicandro Assante G. JAVIER, Aaron Jordan A. JUAN, Miguel Angel P. LAO, Franzl Jacob T. NERONA, John Paul C. RIVERA, Mikko Nikolai G.

10F ACUÑA, Jaime Leonardo L. ESPULGAR, Vincent Martin D. PAMUGAS, Isaiah P. PEDROSA, Jesmar C. PINEDA, Jose Antonio F. SALVADOR, Tyron SUPETRAN, Paolo Gerard D. VILLANUEVA, Diomedio III L.

Page 8: Daily Bulletin - GoogleTry labeling storage bins, drawers and cupboards. Your child will know exactly where everything goes when he puts things away. You can make other simple changes

GRADE 10 10G ARORA, Aryan DE LEON, Ram Skyler C. DIZON, Charles Angelo M. ESPINOSA, Haribon A. NOCUM, Nichol James L. ORBETA, Miguel G. SARMIENTO, Iosef Raphael

10H ALIÑO, Angelo Eduardo D. BANZON, Joaquin Alejandro CAMCAM, Noah Gabriel S. CRUZ, Kyle Adrian I STUART DEL ROSARIO, K.

10I ANTONIO, Rainier Thomas AVEDILLO, Jericho Miguel A. DIAZ, Gian Carlo V. MARCOS, Joshua Miguel MATI, Anjelo Lanz B. MONTES, Alexander Marion REYES, Jacob L.

10J MANUEL, Jake Anthony ROBLES, Jose Carlos G. TORRES, Ralph Phillip F. VALDECAÑAS, Jaime VILLANUEVA, Sebastian Luis



3A CRUZ, John Deric P. 3B CRUZ, Kester Miguel M. GONZALES, Luis Jerico C. LAM, Chino Jose C. NICOLAS, John Vincent S. PEDREÑO, Carlos Vincent S. SAGION, Jeremiah C. VILLANUEVA, Jose Antonio ZURBANO, Ildefonso Mark III

3C AQUINO, Keifer Nathan . BALITA, Lambert Arthur M. BRUSOLA, Ron Lemuel M. GARCIA, Elijah Gabriel G. MINAS, Ryan Dominic D. PARUÑGAO, John M. YOU, Moon Shik 3D APOLINAR, Francis Raphael DELOS REYES, Christian ENRIQUEZ, Christian Joshua FLORO, Ethan John J. GOSE, Miguel Fernando B. MALLILLIN, John Troy B. MANUEL, Artemio Miguel IV MUNSAYAC, Robert QUIOGUE, Javier Antonio T. TAN, Iñigo Felipe P.

3E AGBANLOG, Lorenzo Jose ALCALDE, Alec Bryle B. AZURIN, Jeremy Martin P. BAGAMANO, Joshua Miguel BOO, Joshua Roi M. CATALUÑA, Ryle M. GARCIA, Gerald Cayle M. LIM, Joshua Adam B. MALIJAN, Lance Andre P. MEILY, Hans MAGPANTAY, Andre Braden OJEDA, Lorenzo Philip D. RAMIREZ, Jose Enrique L. ROY, Lorenzo Alfonso Rafael SANTOS, Hans Augustus M. VANDE VUSSE, John Patrick


YEAR 3F ALCALDE, Carlo Joaquin N. BERMEJO, Jose Martin Miguel CASTAÑEDA, Elijah C. GARCIA, Joshua Gabriel R. LANDRITO, Miguel John M. LUSTRE, Andrei Paul C. MARIANO, Eric Paul I. OLAVERE, Miguel Alfonso S. PEREZ, Paolo Lorenzo G. POGIONGKO, Andrae Miguel

3G ACUÑA, Jose Benito R. ANDREWS, Miguel Arthur C. ARCE, Harrod Richmond D. BANAL, Isaiah B. BANZUELA, Gert Gamaliel BUGAY, Paulino V O. FERNANDEZ, Franco GO, Joshua Wiglen D. LEE, Min Su

3H BATIMANA, Erman V. DE MESA, Richard Allan P. GUTIERREZ, Jeramiel N. MAPA, Enrique Lorenzo Maria PARK, Yunsoo RAMOS, Nathan M. ROMERO, Ralph Gabriel C. SANTOS, Joaquin Antonio III .

3I ABRAZALDO, John Symmon . ARIAS, Iñaki Gabriel R. CO, Reginald L. COLET, Rafael III A. CRUZ, Benedict Angelo C. LABAGO, Greaine Alec C. OBLEA, Ron Elbert B. PENDON, Khris Gabriel V. SALEN, Raphael Angelo D. TINSAY, Pancho E.

3J ANICETE, Earl Josef R. ASUNCION, Francis Nathan S. BURAHAN, Al-Rauf C. CARAPIET, Mickael Martin F. CARIJUTAN, Jeremy Daniel S. CLEMENTE, Jose IV C. DE GUZMAN, Miguel Roi C. RIVILLA, Franco Luis C.



4A CUENCO, Karl Geoffrey M. DELOS SANTOS, Jose

4B AVELINO, Ryan Robin A. ELLAZO, Emmanuel JAVIER, Miguel C. PANCHO, Jean Anthony P.

4C AGUSTIN, David Aris M. ALCUAZ, Jose Luis III C. ALDE, Gerard Louie D. DAZO, Enrico Antonio S. DISTOR, Christian Joseph J. ESPINA, Kyle Ericson V. GOLEZ, Faustino Matthew OLLANO, Prince John Carlo ONDA, Yoshinob A. SANTOS, Christian Dave R. SIA, Vince Justinn A.


YEAR 4D ANDAL, Joaquin Paolo S. ANDRADA, Justin Robbien T. BUSTAMANTE, Rodrick DE LOS REYES, Ramon DONGO, Ken GONZALES, Alfonso O. JIMENEA, Lanz Austin P. LEJANO, Jeufro Jadge . PANLILIO, Lorenzo Romario ROXAS, Cecil Gerard C.

4E ABLAZA, Angelo Gabriel O. ACOSTA, Emilio Gabriel J. ATAYDE, Angelo Gabriel DE LEON, Jose Miguel LAXAMANA, Jeff Francis B. LIM, Nestor Franchester MACEDA, Rafael Andres MIRANDA, Patrick M. REYES, Patrick Francis S. ROSARIO, Joseph Jericho B. SANTOS, Jiaan Carlo E. SONGCO, Veejay C. SUGUITAN, Randolph

4F HUR, Seungwon MARCELO, Jesus Antonio D. MUNARRIZ, Martin Rafael D. RIVERO, Ricci Paolo U.

4G FELIX, Benjamin Willy N. GARCIA, Eugene Michael M. JOVER, Joachim Francisco LIGON, Michael Ron M. MATUTINA, Joshua Miguel D. MENDOZA, Edward Vince S. NAVARRO, Charles L. SAMORANO, Vince Ryan T. SANTOS, Reggio Luigi L. TAGLE, Angelo Miguel M. TARUC, Jose VI M. TULAGAN, Gener Carlos

4H ACOT, Roejohn Benedict S. ALVAREZ, Brando A. BELGICA, Nicholai CORPUZ, Jan Albert EXCONDE, Zach Niklaus J. FLORENDO, Emilio Lorenzo KAUFMAN, Sean Michael D. RAZON, Calvin Edgar Y. VILLARET, Alonzo Jederick B ZARATE, Matthew Adriel A.

4I BATUCAN, Robert Saints C. CHAVEZ, Miguel Antonio M. CHUIDIAN, Enrique III M. DE LEON, Lorenzo Noel A. DEL ROSARIO, Luis Miguel GONZALEZ, Jose Enrique S. GUANSING, John Matthew M. INGEL, Alvin Jon V. LOPEZ, Paolo Jacinto G. OH, Jeongbae PAGULAYAN, Renzo Rein M. RAGANDAP, John Benedict

REYES, Carlos Antonio B. 4J AGGABAO, Ian Justine Q. AGUILAR, Isaac Philip R. BANAYO, Lorenzo Gabriel S. CATAPANG, Christopher DIZON, William Lloyd B. LEDESMA, Ricardo Jaime C. MADRIGAL, Alain Jethro M. RAMIREZ, Aaron Kyle C.