Download - DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday November 5 2014. WE OWN OUR DATA Updated 11-04-14 Student Population: 600 Students with Perfect Attendance: 139 Students.



WednesdayNovember 5 2014

WE OWN OUR DATAUpdated 11-04-14

Student Population: 600Students with Perfect Attendance: 139Students with >97% Attendance: 332Students with >92% Attendance: 481Students with >90% Attendance: 508

High Attendance = High Achievement!

WE OWN OUR DATAUpdated 11-04-14

Attendance by CohortClass of 2015: 93.77%Class of 2016: 94.37%Class of 2017: 96.21%Class of 2018: 95.42%

High Attendance = High Achievement!GREAT JOB SOPHOMORES!!!!

WE OWN OUR DATAACT State Average: 21.8National Average: 21.1UPDATED: 10/13/14

• 55 of 131 SENIORS have taken the ACT • The scoring range is 14-29

Senior Class average is now 20.56

WE OWN OUR DATAACT State Average: 21.8National Average: 21.1UPDATED: 08/20/14

• 10 of 135 Juniors have taken the ACT • The scoring range is 12-25

Class average is now 20.55


All NHS candidates and established members need to see Mrs. Sadler for some important information concerning the induction ceremony.

This needs to be done by 3:30 on Thursday, November 6.

*Tryouts for Winter Guard

*Are you thinking about doing something over the winter come to tryouts Tuesday November 11.

* Its from 3:30 to 5:00 pm in the Band room.

*If you need any information please call Dr. Ford # 885-2247 and use the ext. 2129.

The purpose of the Hagan Scholarship is to provide each recipient with the opportunity to obtain a four year college education and graduate debt free.

The preferred recipient of a Hagan Scholarship will be a high achieving and self motivated student with employment experience who aspires to obtain a college education in order to realize his or her full potential. The dollar amount of each Hagan Scholarship will vary up to $5,000 per semester. Each scholarship is renewable for up to seven additional consecutive semesters if the recipient fulfills the renewal criteria. The average value of a four year Hagan Scholarship is over $24,000.

For more information and a downloadable application, visit Applicants WILL be judged on how well they follow the instructions. The Scholarship Application is due in its entirety by November 15, 2014.

$20= Dues Paid

$20= Hoodie

It’s not too late to join SkillsUSA!

West Central




November 14

• Automotive• Building Trades• Computer Information

Systems• Health Occupations • Machine Tool • Welding

See your advisor to join!

Right On TARGET!

JROTC Archery Team…


Always wear a seatbelt. -The most severe injuries in deer vehicle accident collisions usually result from failure to use a seatbelt.

Be aware, watch for deer.CHS DECA

Credit Recovery

Do you need to make up a missed credit?Talk to your guidance counselor and get

signed up for Credit Recovery!When? Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:10-

5:10Where? Computer Lab 105Sign up for text reminders – text

@ChsCredRec to 917-746-3389There may or may not be a sweet treat at

credit recovery on Monday, September 29! See you there!

Lunch Accounts• Reminder that there is only a $5.00

charge limit on lunch accounts.• Any student over the $5.00 limit will

be subject to disciplinary measures (including ISS).• Absolutely no charging extras or


BREAKFAST at CHSDID YOU KNOW?• If you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch, you

also get Free/Reduced Breakfast!

• If you do not qualify, the reasonable breakfast price is only $1.20!

Feed Your Stomachs and Your Brains!

Like Clinton High School

on Facebook!

CHS on Social Media@CHSCARDS


Start using #CHSCards in your tweets about the great things at CHS.

Ryan Jones

Son of Terri and Larry JonesInvolved in: Choir, Band, Scouts, A+ Program, STARTFuture Plans: Living in the moment. My future is in the making.

The world needs more people holding deer in pictures and less people holding cameras in front of bathroom mirrors.-Unknown

Mrs. Leslie Largent* has been teaching social studies and journalism at CHS for 21 years. * has been married to Scott for 22 years.* has 4 children: Taylor, Seth, Katie, & Joshua.* loves photography, reading, traveling, and spending time with her family.* loves watching the KC Royals, KC Chiefs, and MU Tigers!