Download - D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.

Page 1: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


Page 2: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year.

Analyze that decision what were the results? What were your other possible options? Was it a good decision? Would you change your decision, and why?

Page 3: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


No Decision: Letting others decide for you. Snap Decision: Quick choice with no thought

or consideration about the result. Responsible Decision: Consider others and

your future when making a decision.

Page 4: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


Inactive: someone who fails to make choices. This person procrastinates until one option simply plays itself out and no decision is every made. This type of person has less self-confidence and feel a lack of control when it comes to their future.

Reactive: someone who allows peers, parents, siblings, etc. to make decisions for them. This type of person is easily influenced, falls into peer pressure, have a need to be liked, and have lower self-esteem.

Proactive: someone who follows steps to making responsible decisions and is aware of consequences. This type of person feels empowered and in control of their destiny.

Page 5: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


State the Situation Gather Information List all the options Weigh all the outcomes.

HELP: Healthful, Ethical, Legal, and Parental Approval

Consider values. Make a decision. Form a plan of action. Evaluate decision and results.

Page 6: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


Line up in a straight line. If you agree with the statement take 1 step

forward. If you disagree with the statement take 1

step back.

Page 7: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


After listening to a statement, simply choose one of the following Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Page 8: D ECISION M AKING S KILLS. D O N OW Write down 3 important decisions that you made in the last year. Analyze that decision what were the results? What.


Go through the decision making process, in detail, in order to make the most responsible decision as a group.

Considerations This is a group decision, so you may have

varying opinions on what your final decision is. Think about how you would go about this if it was

an individual decision instead of group decision.