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Burgundy by bike



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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®

in Burgundy D

iscover Burgundy in all its splendour, stopping and starting as

and when you please, as you travel alongside canals, disused railway lines or

quiet country roads. Whether you have a few hours or a few days to spare,

whether you are cycling, rollerblading… or pushing a pram, now is your

chance to explore a region synonymous with the good things in life, to meet its inhabitants,

admire its heritage and history and enjoy its inimitable art de vivre.

Holiday cycling used to be a concept, but Burgundy has made it a reality.Now, with the Cycling Tour of Burgundy, cycling enthusiasts can give free reign to their passion

and at the same time discover the beauty of the countryside. The Cycling Tour of Burgundy is

not designed as a stiff sporting challenge but as a gentle itinerary taking you to the heart of the

land – its vineyards, its little-known landscapes and sleepy country villages, its towns steeped in

art and history.

A Romanesque church rising above peaceful meadows, a lock-keeper’s house inha-

bited by a craftsman, the little cobblestone streets of a medieval town, the welcoming cool of a

wine cellar…. a never-ending list of things to do and see as you cycle in quest of authentic

Burgundy. Those of you familiar with Yves Montand’s beautiful song La bicyclette will know that

happiness is “getting up early in the morning and setting off with friends along the highways and

byways…. à bicyclette. Take the Cycling Tour of Burgundy and enjoy tourism with a human face!

Cycling for Fun

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Ways and means p. 28 to 31

Practical information and tips for planning your trip.

The 5 Itineraries of the Tour p. 14 to 27

The expression voie verte (“green way”) owes its origin to

Burgundy. The region offers a unique network of cycling

routes: five main itineraries (Southern Burgundy, Canal du

Centre, Nivernais Canal, Burgundy Canal, Voie des Vignes

(“Vineyard Way”) and a host of other itineraries you can

build up for yourself in the four departments of the region.

The Tour of earthly delights p. 04 to 13

If there is one region where cycling rhymes with pleasure,

then that region is surely Burgundy. Here, you can combine

all the fun of cycling with the discovery of the region’s many

attractions: vineyards and gastronomy, old buildings and

historical monuments, rivers and canals, welcoming inns

and hotels and inimitable Burgundian hospitality.

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Vineyards and Winegrowers

I f Burgundy is virtually synonymouswith great wines, the Cycling Tour ofBurgundy is inseparable from such vineyards

of world repute as Pommard, Volnay, Meursault,Chassagne- Montrachet and others that you will meet onthe véloroute running from Beaune to Santenay (seeItinerary 5, page 26). The Cycling Tour of Burgundytakes you through the vineyards of the Auxerrois andTonnerrois, the Côte de Beaune and Côte de Nuits,the Côte Chalonnaise and the Mâconnais, etc. – allgenerously provided with vineyards and welcomingwine-tasting cellars! So you can look forward to some pleasantvisits to blissfully cool wine cellars and beckoningcountry restaurants before saddling up once more, yourlegs rejuvenated and your mind refreshed. Or perhapsyou prefer a good night’s sleep on the wine estate after ahearty meal?Each stage of your journey brings an opportunity tosavour a particular variety of wine, a grand cru orperhaps a more modest vintage, from a region holdingthe world record for the number of appellations (100AOC wines listed). Enter a rich and complex world inwhich local soil and time-honoured expertise combine toproduce the finest Burgundy wines. The Cycling Tour ofBurgundy is a tour of the vineyards!

Out and aboutin the land of great wines

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Bon Appetit!

The region enjoys of course a world-wide reputation for gastronomy.If you want to put this reputation to the test

and check that the culinary traditions are alive and well,that the local produce is as varied and as excellent asever, that the chefs have lost none of their legendaryprowess – then the Cycling Tour of Burgundy is anexcellent way of doing so! At different points along the way, you willhave a chance to savour the many culinary delights ofBurgundy: deliciously light and creamy gougères (chouxpastry with added cheese) to accompany an aperitif in acountry bistro; a few slices of Morvan ham slipped intoyour saddle bag for a well-earned snack; an enticingpôchouse (fish stew) as you break your journey along thebanks of the Saône; a handful of raspberries gleanedfrom a producer in the Hautes-Côtes, etc. The succulentproduce on display at a country fair or a local marketwill whet your appetite for the recipes served in thecountless restaurants, inns and tables d’hôtes along theway. Enjoy to the full such simple pleasures as the fabledBresse chicken or an andouillette sausage in a Chablissauce, followed by such delicious Burgundian cheeses asEpoisses, Cîteaux and Chevreton de Mâcon. And to save the best for the last, no holidaywould be complete without a meal at a top restaurant inone of France’s most renowned gastronomic regions. Averitable feast for the senses and an unforgettablemoment of pleasure and emotion.


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Beaune Cluny Auxerre

The Legacy of the Past

Cycling in Burgundy is also a journeyinto an ever-present past! Whereveryour itinerary takes you, you will never be far

from a truly exceptional historical heritage. Your Cycling Tour of Burgundy becomes aninvitation to explore Burgundian history: prehistoricBurgundy in the shape of the famous Rock ofSolutré; the mythical Burgundy of our ancestors theGauls at the site of Alésia; the Burgundy of monasticand spiritual tradition exemplif ied by suchlandmarks as Cîteaux, Cluny, Vézelay and Paray-le-Monial, not to mention countless little Romanesquechurches; flamboyant Burgundy with châteaux likeBussy-Rabutin and Cormatin, and last but not leastthe Burgundy of the ducal towns of Dijon,Beaune and Nevers with their inestimable treasuresof art and history.At every turning, the beauty of thesehistorical monuments is complemented by theinfinite charm of little medieval towns (Semur-en-Auxois, Bourbon-Lancy, Saint-Gengoux-le-National,etc.), not forgetting the cultural and industrial legacywrought by human ingenuity: Digoin and the boatmenof the Loire, Montbard and the famous scientist Buffon,Chalon-sur-Saône and Nicéphore Niepce, the geniuswho invented photography, and so on. The canals, too,pay tribute to such breathtaking feats of civil engineeringas the bridge-canal of Digoin, the tunnel of Pouilly-en-Auxois and the Echelle de Sardy (“Sardy Ladder”) with itssixteen locks on the Nivernais Canal.

Cyclinginto the past

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Canal du Nivernais

Rivers and Canals

In the course of your Cycling Tour ofBurgundy you will discover that the canals ofBurgundy are much more than simple waterways.

The aptly named Burgundy Canal (from Migennes toDijon), the Canal du Centre (from Chalon-sur-Saône toDigoin) and the Nivernais Canal (from Decize toClamecy and then Auxerre) together cover some 1000kilometres, with many a reminder of the extraordinaryfeats of human and technical endeavour that wentinto their making. They bear eloquent witness to theadventure of the inland waterways and the extraordinarychallenge of creating tunnels and locks to overcome thetyranny imposed by nature’s contours. On these once abandoned waters, theboatmen have long since ceded pride of place to inlandwaterway enthusiasts. The towpaths have been given anew lease of life in the form of cycle paths or véloroutes,just as certain old railway lines have been converted into“green ways” or voies vertes.You will have ample opportunity toadmire this striking industrial tribute to humaningenuity and to thank the inventors of the canal locksystem for making cycling along the towpath such apleasant – and undemanding – experience!


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Board and Lodging

A fter a (not very strenuous) day inthe saddle, it’s time to reap your reward!You will find no shortage of quality

accommodation in the course of your CyclingTour of Burgundy. Warm-hearted Burgundian folk will openwide their doors to you. As you will see, our motto of“Land of great art and good living” is no idle boast.For what could be more rewarding, at the end of eachday, than a pleasant evening, a convivial meal and acomfortable bed? As you travel along the little countryroads of Burgundy, you will never have anytrouble in finding B&B accommodation or overnightstays for groups. For one or more nights, the ownersof little winegrowers’ houses of character, or ofsumptuous manor houses complete with periodfurniture, will make you feel at home.The towns and villages are liberallysprinkled with hotels, ranging from the simpleand friendly “Logis de France” network to four-starluxury hotels, established perhaps in a château oreven a former abbey. For those of you who can’t get enoughfresh air, there are numerous camping sites dottedabout the region. Many of them are located besidea river or lake, and if you would rather not weighyourself down with a tent, you wil l f indother camping grounds that provide little woodenchalets or bungalows.

Tempting overnight accommodation

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®

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Over the past 12 years or so,the notion of voies vertes – variouslyknown as green ways in the UK, vias

verdes in Spain and Radweg in Germany (see boxfor definitions) – has gradually been gainingmomentum throughout Europe. The term wasfirst invented by the British, first translated intoFrench in Burgundy and first applied at a practicallevel in Germany. Indeed, its origins can be tracedback to the 1980s and the 600 km of vélorouterunning alongside the Danube in Germany andAustria. Since then, the phenomenon has spreadthroughout Europe, keeping pace with the desiresof a new breed of tourist (cyclists, rollerbladers,scooter enthusiasts and walkers) in search of a safe,independent and flexible holiday experience.France has not been slow to follow suit.As early as 1997, Burgundy showed the way witha reserved itinerary running from Givry to Clunyin the Saône-et-Loire department (see theitinerary on pages 18-19). This asphalt strip,baptised voie verte for the first time in France,

proved a great success and led to the creationof a regional network of véloroutes withoutequivalent anywhere else in the country. Withtwo-thirds of the total 800 km already inoperation in 2007, cyclists of all ages cantake their pick from a wide variety of itinerariesaccording to their means and desires. On your own, with your family or a groupof friends, you can choose between a short

outing and an expedition lasting several days,making the most of a network joining up fourvery different departments. From the gentlehedged farmland of the Charolais to the gates ofthe Morvan, from the sloping vineyards of theAuxerrois to the plains of the Auxois, from thevineyards of Beaune to the Mâconnais, thewhole of Burgundy beckons you. Burgundy,with its historical heritage and its vineyards, its

In the land of the voie verte (green way)

In 1997, Burgundy invented the voie verte appellation by opening up a green way between

Buxy and Cluny in the Saône-et-Loire department. Since then the idea has caught on

in a big way and Burgundy now offers leisure cycling enthusiasts the largest regional

network of voies vertes in France. Cycle as you please and for as long as you like along

converted railway lines and beside canals in the four departments of the Burgundy region.

On your bike!

the véloroute (cycle track) reigns supreme

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Voies Vertes and Véloroutes

town and villages and its inimitable art de vivre.A Burgundy blissfully free of traffic, noiseand danger, and marked by only the gentlest ofslopes! Cycle where, when and as you please.You can’t go wrong! Whatever your choice,you can count on a véloroute close athand – and a wonderful feeling of achievementat the end of the day.

The great Dukes of Burgundy oncedreamt of a Europe without frontiers; today’scyclist has turned that dream into reality.Located at the hub of the European network,Burgundy is in fact on the itinerary whichwill shortly link Nantes to Budapest, theAtlantic Ocean to the Black Sea. From now on,all véloroutes lead to Burgundy!

• A véloroute is a safe, pleasant, long-distancecycling itinerary (with very few exceptions, thegradient must not exceed 3%). It is made up ofdifferent stretches which may take differentforms: voies vertes, quiet country roads sharedwith motorised traffic*, cycling corridors, etc.These véloroutes may also be used by roller-bladers, walkers and persons with restrictedmobility. On certain stretches, cyclists may alsocome across waterway officials, local residents,farmers, etc.

• A vo i e ve r t e i s a sp e c i a l i t i n e r a r yexclusively reserved for non-motorised traffic:pedestrians, cyclists, roller-bladers, people inwheelchairs. Thanks to its many towpaths,Burgundy boasts a higher proportion of voiesvertes than most other French regions. It shouldbe noted that a voie verte is neither a pedestrianarea nor a road and is not yet covered by anyprecise legal definition.

*Fewer than 1000 vehicles per day accordingto national specifications.

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo®…

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W i th the development ofthe nation’s most extensive networkof vé loroute s , Burgundy wi l l

eventually possess a continuous loop of over 800kilometres*, joining up four very differentdepartments and showcasing their mainattractions (châteaux and other historicalbuildings, little towns of character, villages,vineyards, etc.). The aim is to provide cyclists notonly with suitable routes and tracks but also witha complete range of services (stopping places,restaurants, B&B accommodation, bicycles forhire, accompanied baggage facilities, etc.) undera single “itinerant tourism” heading. The itinerary, partly made up of voies verteswhere no motorised traffic is allowed, for themost part follows canal towpaths but alsovineyard paths, disused railway lines and littlecountry roads. The Cycling Tour of Burgundy isdivided into five itineraries described in detail inthe following pages. It will also be accessible viathe Eurovéloroute, from the east via Switzerlandand Chalon-sur-Saône, and from the west viaNantes and Nevers. The network is expandingwith each succeeding year thanks to thecombined financial contribution of the FrenchState, the Burgundy Regional Council and thefour General Councils of the Côte-d'Or, theNièvre, the Saône-et-Loire and the Yonne.

* 580 kilometres operational at the end of 2006,about 660 kilometres scheduled for the end of 2007.

580 kmtoday,800 km tomorrow

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Parcours praticable



Ligne TGV


Parcours à venir

Parcours en cours d'aménagement





0 20 Km 40 Km

La S


Canal latéral à la Loire

Canal latéral à la Loire

Canal de R oanne à Digoin

Canal de



al d

u N



Canal de Bourgogne


du C























Digoin Volesvres














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p. 24-25

p. 20-21

p. 22-23

0 20 Km 40 Km

p. 18-19

p. 26-27


Parcours praticable



Ligne TGV


Parcours à venir

Parcours en cours d'aménagement

…Today and TomorrowItinerary 4: Along the Burgundy CanalFrom Migennes to Dijon via MontbardTomorrow*, from Auxerre to Dijon

Itinerary 2: From the Saône to theLoire via the Canal du CentreFrom Chalon-sur-Saône to Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune and from Volesvres to CronatTomorrow*, from Chalon-sur-Saône to Decize,extension as far as Nevers

Itinerary 3:The Nivernais Canal From Decize to Auxerrevia Clamecy

Itinerary 1: Southern BurgundyFrom Chalon-sur-Saône to Mâcon viathe Voie VerteTomorrow*, return via the Voie Bleue

Itinerary 5: The Vineyard Way (Voie des Vignes)From Beaune to SantenayTomorrow*, from Dijon to Santenay

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®







0 10 Km




sur Dheune










La Roche-VineusePrissé








N 6

N 6

N 79

N 79

N 79

N 80

N 73

A 6

A 6

A 40

Tunneldu Bois Clair

Parcours praticable



Ligne TGV


Parcours à venir

Parcours en cours d'aménagement

The itinerary is based on France’svery first voie verte, opened in1997, between Buxy and Cluny fol-

lowing the trace of an abandoned railway line.Pending its extension to Chalon-sur-Saône, theitinerary starts at the picturesque little winetown of Givry and skirts the foot of the CôteChalonnaise vineyards as far as the highly evo-cative former railway station of Saint-Gen-goux-le-National. We then leave the wine slo-pes and travel alongside the river Grosne,skipping from one bank to another as we cyclethrough a green valley.

After Cormatin, with its beautifullyrestored 17C château and extraordinary cyclemuseum, we continue to the foot of the hillof Taizé, home of the late lamented BrotherRoger’s ecumenical community, which each yearattracts thousands of young people from allparts of the world. And so we come to Clunywhose celebrated abbey was the largest churchin Christendom from the 10C to the 13C. After the old railway tunnel of BoisClair, specially converted for cyclistsand pedestrians (6-8 minutes by bike), we joinup with the vineyards once again at Berzé-le-

Southern Burgundy

From Givry to the gates of the Morvan, the Voie Verte is a delightful blend

of the vineyards of the Côte Chalonnaise and historical heritage,

spiritual influence and the romantic appeal of the country forever

associated with the poet Lamartine. The Voie Bleue now climbs from

Mâcon to Fleurville and will extend to Chalon via the Saône in the future.

via the Voie Verte and the Voie Bleue

YOUR ITINERARYGivry - Charnay-les-Mâcon (65 km)Chalon-Givry section: work ends in 2007.

Km 0 Givry. Curious church with domes and semi-domes, corn exchange, elegant town hall (18C),beautiful fountains, etc.

Km 9 Buxy. Former station now the Tourist Office;charming little town with remains of fortifications,old winegrowers’ houses, wine museum.

Km 19 Etiveau. Viaduct in the village and vineyards.

Km 23 Saint-Gengoux-le-National. Characteristicold railway station and little medieval town withremarkable fortified houses, towers, bartizans,stairways, ramparts, etc.

Km 28 Malay. Delightful Romanesque church(former priory of Cluny).

Km 31 Cormatin. Renaissance château (superb LouisXIII interior, grand staircase in an open well, Englishgarden), Cycle Museum (5000 exhibits), remarkableworks of religious art in the church.

Km 35 Taizé. Pretty traditional village atop a hill,ecumenical community.

Km 44 Cluny. Benedictine abbey, medieval town,Museum of Art and Archaeology, National Stud,sweeping views from the Tour des Fromages.

Km 49 Le Bois Clair. Climb towards the oldrailway tunnel, converted into a voie verte, separatingthe Clunisois and Mâconnais regions; the longestvoie verte tunnel in Europe (1.6 km).

Km 52 Berzé-le-Châtel. Gateway to the Vallamartinien (Vale of Lamartine), medieval castle.

Km 57 La Roche-Vineuse. Wine village of Saint-Sorlin, archaeological site of the quarries of La Lie.

Km 62 Prissé. Flower-bedecked villages, tradition-al Mâconnais buildings (houses with galleries,dovecotes, etc.).

Km 65 Charnay-les-Mâcon. At the western edge ofMâcon, point of departure for excursions to Solutréand the vineyards of Pouilly and Saint-Véran.

THE VOIE BLEUEMâcon - Fleurville (17 km)Km 0 Mâcon. (near “Le Poisson d’Or” restaurant)Cycling alongside the Saône has become a realpleasure since the recent creation of the Voie Bleue.Rest areas with tables will soon be available along theitinerary. Extensive tree-lopping and pruning workhas opened up new vistas of the Saône.

Km 17 Fleurville. A tourist centre is scheduled toopen in 2008 in the old Fleurville gravel pit.

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Roche de Solutré

Les Haras nationaux de Cluny


Chatel, dominated by a spectacular feudal cas-tle. The itinerary now runs below the Mâcon-nais hills, land of the poet Alphonse de Lamar-tine (1790-1869), between wine villages andremote farmsteads. At La Roche-Vineuse, a little road leads tothe famous Roche de Solutré and itscousin the Roche de Vergisson. You can climbto the top of both these rocks and enjoy superbviews over the entire region. Back on theVoie Verte, we waste no time in reachingPrissé and then Charnay-les-Mâcon, where thevéloroute comes to an end for the time beingin front of the old station which now housesthe Tourist Office.

Itinerary 1: From Chalon-sur-Saône to Mâcon

On the way...


CHALONNAISE. The best-known vintages(Mercurey, Rully, Givry, Montagny) are of trulyremarkable quality and finesse. At the end ofthe itinerary, you can taste the wines of theMâconnais, Pouilly-Fuissé and Saint-Véran,among others, in the many private andcooperative wine cellars along your route.

CLIMB THE CHURCH TOWER of Saint-Gengoux-le-National, 12C Romanesque church modified inthe 16C, and admire the superb view over themedieval town. Or perhaps you would prefer toclimb to the top of the nearby Mont Goubot.

GO ON A RETREAT AT TAIZÉ. Short of a fullweek-long retreat in the ecumenical communityopen to all (prayer, religious discussion, etc.),you can always visit the shop where the books,pottery and paintings produced by the monksare on display.

SEARCH FOR AUTHENTICITY in the little villagesof the Mâconnais (Berzé, La Roche-Vineuse,Prissé, etc.): winegrowers’ houses with galleries,dovecotes, little Romanesque churches, wash-houses, etc. – all built from the ochre stone whichgives the landscape its characteristic gentle luminosity.

FOLLOW IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF LAMARTINE.Romantic nostalgia is the theme of this 70 kmroute as we explore the country which inspiredsome of Alphonse de Lamartine’s most famouspoems. We travel from the museum housedin the family home in Mâcon to the poet’sendearing house of Milly, by way of thechâ t e aux o f Monceau , (P i e r r e c l o s ) andSa int -Po int . An ins t ruc t ive and movingexcursion in the steps of a great poet.

TAKE A PILGRIMAGE TO SOLUTRÉ. Walk tothe top of the hill, like so many others beforeyou, and visit the museum which traces thesite’s prehistoric adventure.

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®

Parcours praticable



Ligne TGV


Parcours à venir

Parcours en cours d'aménagement


l du C






N 7


N 79

N 79 C





Canal latéral à la Loire


Canal latéral à la Loire



























N 6

N 6

N 80

N 73

A 6

0 10 Km

Wed to the Saône since timeimmemorial, Chalon-sur-Saône hasin recent times become known

as the “image town”, boasting a front-rankingtechnological and economic centre as well as amuseum devoted to photography and namedafter its inventor, Nicéphore Niepce. After aleisurely stroll along the embankments, on the ÎleSaint-Laurent and through the old town huddledaround the cathedral of Saint-Vincent, it is time tohead for the Voie Verte which follows the southernbranch of the Canal du Centre.After a series of eight locks in quicksuccession, we reach the port of Chagny, a pleasantlittle town on the banks of the river Dheune and

From the Saône to the Loire Leaving the Saône plain behind us, we come to the vineyards in thevicinity of Santenay, and then there is a complete change of scenery.Further on, we cycle through the lush hedged farmland of the Charolaisbefore reaching the plain of the Loire at Digoin. Finally, we arrive atthe charming spa of Bourbon-Lancy. A leisurely waterside jaunt!

via the Canal du Centre


Chalon-sur-Saône – Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune (34 km)

Km 0 Chalon-sur-Saône. In the town, follow the cyclecorridors to reach the canal.

Km 1 Start of the Voie Verte, in the north-west of the town, onthe towpath of the Canal du Centre.

Km 16 Chagny. Commercial port, top restaurants, town mansions,old watch tower, church (13C nave, monumental Romanesquetower).

Km 20 Remigny. Little canal-side village.

Km 22 Santenay. Lively wine town, casino.

Km 34 Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune. Important crossroads. Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune is a pleasant river stopping place on the Canaldu Centre –‘capitainerie’ and house-boats rental–.

From Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune, a 70 km ‘véloroute’ will join, endof 2007, Volesvres. The itinerary will cross Saint-Julien-sur-Dheune,Ecuisses, Blanzy, Montceau-les-Mines, Saint-Vallier, Ciry-le-Noble andPalinges.

Volesvres – Cronat (74 km)

Km 98 Volesvres. The Voie Verte starts on the towpath of the Canal duCentre.

Km 101 Paray-le-Monial. Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Chapel of the Visi-tation, Hiéron Sacred Art Museum, Maison Jayet, Tour Saint-Nicolas.

Km 115 Digoin. Canal-carry bridge, ceramics information centre, pottery.The Véloroute arrives at the marina.

Km 144 Gilly-sur-Loire. The Voie Verte follows an abandoned railway line.

Km 150 Saint-Aubin-sur-Loire. The magnificent 18C castle of Saint-Aubin is considered as the first castle of the Loire.

Km 155 Bourbon-Lancy. Built on a hill close to the Loire river, Bourbon-Lancy proposes a pretty historical centre (medieval architecture), a spa and abrand new fitness centre: CeltÔ.

Km 171 Cronat. End of the ‘véloroute’.

From Digoin to Gilly-sur-Loire (29 km): road shared with traffic .

From Cronat, it is possible to reach Decize and the start of Itinerary 3 by theD 979 (31 km).

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Pont-canal à DigoinBourbon-Lancy

well-known for such shrines of Burgundian gastro-nomy as Lameloise. The town centre, with its finerestaurants and old houses, is a stone's throw awayand an ideal spot for a leisurely meal or a short cultu-ral visit. From here, we make rapid progress alongthe towpath to first Remigny and then Santenaywhere we join the Voie des Vignes (see Itinerary 5,pages 26-27). The véloroute now heads south alongthe foot of the Maranges vineyards where many awine estate lies in wait for you... On our way toSaint-Léger-sur-Dheune, we pass through severalpicturesque villages (Chassey-le-Camp, Cheilly-les-Maranges, Dennevy), all worthy of a visit.Further south, but still hugging the Canal duCentre, we meet up with the Voie Verte at Volesvres,in the heart of the Charolais. Here the vineyards giveway to the lush meadows of a land which gavebirth to the famous Charolais cattle and numerousRomanesque churches. The basilica at Paray-le-Monial, cradle of the worship of the Sacred Heart,is considered one of the finest examples of thearchitecture of Cluny. In the little town of Digoin,famous for its ceramics, the canal continues to thrivethanks to a busy marina and the presence of a remark-able canal-carrying bridge 243 metres in length. After Digoin, the itinerary forsakes the comfortof the towpath for a somewhat steeper littlecountry road open to traffic. At Gilly-sur-Loire, weget back to a voie verte which runs alongside thecanal, close to the château de Saint-Aubin-sur-

Loire, on its way to Bourbon-Lancy. This charmingand beautifully preserved medieval town is wellworth a visit, not only for its historical legacy butalso for its hydrotherapy centre and casino. The laststretch of our itinerary is once more on a little roadopen to traffic. Journey's end is at Cronat, a prettylittle town snugly ensconced on the edge of theNièvre department.

Itinerary 2: from Chalon-sur-Saône to Digoin

On the way...VISIT CHALON-SUR-SAÔNE... AND EXPLOREEGYPT! Chalon is above all the home town ofNicéphore Niepce (1765-1833), the man whoinvented photography. The museum named afterhim has been housed since 1972 in a former 18Ctown house. A less well-known native son,Dominique Vivant Denon (born in Givry in 1747),also has a museum devoted to him. In addition tonumerous archaeological exhibits, the visitor canadmire the marvellous drawings made by the “firstmodern museologist” as a member of the team ofscientists accompanying Napoleon to Egypt.

FOOTLOOSE IN THE MARANGES. The Marangescountry awaits you at the southernmost tip of theCôte de Beaune: a string of authentic wine villageslike Dezize-les-Maranges clinging to the hillside, andremarkable, powerful and highly coloured red wineswith distinctive aromas of soft fruit and the under-growth. And don't forget the village of Bouzeron andits famous aligoté white wines.

GET TO KNOW THE RIVER LOIRE. The Loire isunique, with a life, fauna, flora, history and cultureof its own. Explore all these features at the Observa-Loire, an interactive museographic centre in Digoin.Or follow the nature trail at Le Petit Fleury (betweenSaint-Aubin-sur-Loire and Bourbon-Lancy). In thespace of two hours, you will learn a lot about thenatural environment of the river bank, one of theislands on the Loire and its alluvial forest.

TAKE THE WATERS AT BOURBON-LANCY. This historical health resort (handsome early 20Cvillas in the spa district) makes a refreshing break.In addition to its curative virtues, hydrotherapyhelps you get away from your daily routineand to take stock of your health. So why not“get back to form” between two stages of youritinerary? Treat yourself to a course of treatment atthe spa or to hydrotherapy or fitness sessions atthe brand new CeltÔ centre. A wide choice offormulas is available.

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Canal du N

i verna

i s D 978

D 978

D 979

N 81 N 81

D 951

N 1


N 6

N 6

D 965

0 10 Km



Rochers du Saussois





Tannay St-Didier



















La Machine



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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®

Parcours praticable




Parcours à venir

Parcours en cours d'aménagement

Loire. We then leave the towpath and make our wayalong little country lanes through the grazing land ofthe Bazois. Once past the market town of Châtillon-en-Bazois, overlooked by its château, we come to theimpressive civil engineering structures of Baye. Firstof all, three underground tunnels carry the canalacross the watershed separating the Seine from theLoire catchment areas. Then there is the “Sardy

Built between 1784 and 1842 as ameans of transporting firewood from theMorvan to the people of Paris, the Niver-

nais Canal links the Loire valley to the Yonne andthe Seine. Towards the end of the 19C, activity onthe canal started to decline sharply following thedecision not to upgrade the central portion to the“Freycinet Gauge”. The good old canal was saved bythe advent of inland water tourism and it is todayone of the most popular waterways in France.The itinerary and the canal both start atDecize, a bustling and pleasant town on the

The natural beauty ofThis itinerary runs from the Nièvre to theYonne department, following the course of theNivernais Canal from start to finish. Ourjourney takes us through the rich farmland ofthe Bazois, skirts the massif of the Morvan,makes an incursion into the Vales of the Yonneand ends at the foot of the Auxerrois wineslopes. Natural beauty and “canal civilisation”are the watchwords of this Véloroute.

the Nivernais Canal

YOUR ITINERARYDecize – Clamecy – Auxerre (175 km)Km 0 Decize. Departure point of the canal; follow thetowpath as far as Cercy-la-Tour.

Km 15 Cercy-la-Tour. Old fortified village; return to the towpath.

Km 26 The véloroute leaves the canal; easy country laneswith a few slopes.

Km 34 Panneçot. Return to the towpath, meanders.

Km 54 Châtillon-en-Bazois. Bustling market towndominated by its castle; pass alongside several double locksand one triple lock.

Km 70 Baye. The Collancelle tunnels: the canal goesunderground three times as it crosses the watershed.

Km 74 Port-Brûlé. Return to the towpath, first lock onthe Seine side.

Km 78 Sardy “Staircase”. Continue along the towpath,16 locks in the space of 4 kilometres.

Km 86 Chitry-les-Mines. Option to continue to Corbigny,lively town with a handsome Renaissance church and aformer abbey.

Km 98 Saint-Didier. Drawbridge over the canal; little backroads to Clamecy via the pretty wine village of Tannay.

Km 117 Clamecy. Collegiate church and Romain RollandMuseum; leave the town by the road and join up with thetowpath 3 km further on.

Km 121 Pousseaux. End of the prepared véloroute, returnto little roads alongside the Yonne.

Km 138 Le Saussois. Return to the towpath at the bridgeover the canal; pass underneath some awe-inspiring cliffs.

Km 142 Mailly-la-Ville. After Lock 65, little road to thechurch of Prégilbert, then return to the towpath.

Km 153 Bazarnes. Continue on the towpath to La CourBarrée, at the foot of the Auxerrois vineyards.

Km 165 Bellombre. The véloroute crosses the Yonne andthe RN 6 main road.

Km 175 Auxerre. The véloroute passes through Vaux-sur-Yonne and then enters the town; exceptional view of the town.

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Les rochers du Saussois Vers les voûtes de la Collancelle Clamecy

Staircase”, a succession of locks with theirimpressive period mechanism and picturesque lock-keepers' houses, now often occupied by craftsmen.At Sardy, at the foot of the Morvan, the canalmeets up with the Yonne valley and stays with it allthe way to Auxerre. Keeping to the towpath, we reachChitry-les-Mines, which takes its name from the oldsilver-lead mines and is full of memories of the writer

Jules Renard. Next stop is Saint-Didier withits extraordinary drawbridge over the canal. Theitinerary now leaves the canal by a little roadclimbing up to the wine village of Tannay and thenwends its way between the hills to Clamecy. This histor-ical town, birthplace of the writer Romain Rolland andtraditional centre of the famous “log floaters of theYonne”, is an ideal spot to break our journey: elegantGothic collegiate church, museums and old districts. The second part of the itinerary alternatesbetween specially prepared sections of the towpathand little roads running alongside the Yonne, wherethe often remarkable natural environment includessuch spectacular features as the Surgy and Saussoiscliffs. We pass through the pretty villages of Cravantand Vinzelles, at the foot of the Auxerrois wine slopes,on our way to an incredible construction at Bélombre– a church, a bridge and a dam rolled into one!The arrival at Auxerre makes a fitting finale witha panoramic view of the old town stretching out towardsthe horizon, the chevets of its churches overlooking theriver, the old districts and their half-timbered houseswith tiled roofs. A host of things to do and see!

Itinerary 3: from Decize to Auxerre

On the way...

GLIDING DOWN THE LOIRE. In the best localboating tradition, Les Ligéries (an association offormer Loire boatmen based in Decize) organisecruises aboard a gabarre ( t radi t ional bargemeasuring 15 m by 3.70 m). You can also renta barge for the day or canoe down the riverwith the Canoë-Club de Decize based at Saint-Léger-des-Vignes.

DIVE INTO THE WATER AT THE ETANG VAUX, between Châtillon-en-Bazois and Corbigny (altitude260 m). This fishing, swimming and water sportsarea is very popular in summer and makesa refreshing port of call. There are facilities forwaterway tourists at the port of Les Poujats.The canal is connected to the Etang (pond).


LOG FLOATERS. On 14 July each year, Clamecyperpetuates tradition by staging very lively waterjousts (the favourite pastime of the log floaters).You can find out more about this aspect of localculture at the Romain-Rolland Museum in town,or at Asnois (near Tannay) where the earthyfounder of the “Morvan Log Train Association”exhibits his models and regales visitors with storiesof the log floaters.

GO CLIMBING ABOVE THE YONNE. How abouta little rock climbing as a change from cycling?The Saussois rocks at Merry-sur-Yonne offer anextensive choice of climbs (400 routes rated 4to 8 on the scale of difficulty). You will berewarded by a view of the Yonne stretching out likea ribbon 60 m below you. The Surgy rocks aremore accessible and suitable for beginners.

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®


al d

e Bourgog



l de B



N 71

N 7


A 38

A 6

A 3


A 6



Venarey-les-LaumesLes Laumes








La Bussière-sur-Ouche


Pont de Pany







0 10 Km

D 905

D 965

D 943





Tonnerre Tanlay



Parcours praticable



Ligne TGV


Parcours à venir

Parcours en cours d'aménagement

the historical and industrial town of Montbard,which has preserved intact the legacy of thefamous naturalist Buffon. Make sure you findtime to visit the Cistercian abbey of Fontenay,part of UNESCO World Heritage.As we continue to cycle beside thecanal, we pass beneath Mont Auxois with itsstatue of Vercingetorix, the leader of the Gaulsdefeated here by Julius Caesar in 52 BC. It is aneasy bike ride to the Château of Bussy-Rabutin,to the site of Alésia, and to the medieval villagesof Flavigny-sur-Ozerain and Semur-en-Auxois.Beyond Pouilly-en-Auxois, you can leave thecanal for a while and set out in search of theBurgundy of legends: Commarin, the village of

The itinerary begins at Migennes,a little town nowadays mostly knownfor its railway station but which origi-

nally owed its development to the creation ofthe Burgundy Canal (1775-1834). Migennesmarks the northern entrance to the canal whichfollows the river Yonne before climbing steadily,from lock to lock, to Pouilly-en-Auxois where itcrosses the watershed (the “threshold ofBurgundy”) by means of an exceptionally longtunnel (3350 m) before dropping downtowards the Saône plain. In the course of ourjourney, we will follow the Armançon valleyand cross the limestone plateau of the revital-ised vineyards of the Tonnerrois before reaching

Cycle from Migennes to Dijon along the canal towpath and quietlittle back roads, preferably on a mountain or hybrid bike. At thesame time, make the most of the numerous tourist attractions alongthe way. From the Tonnerre area to the Ouche valley, this itineraryfeatures Burgundy in a nutshell: vineyards and farmland, châteauxand industrial heritage, villages of character and towns of distinction.

Burgundy CanalYOUR ITINERARYMigennes-Montbard-Dijon (212 km)The itinerary keeps close to the Burgundy Canal. The towpaths aremaintained by the VNF (French Waterways Authority) and are onthe whole in good condition. With a mountain or hybrid bike youcan even keep on them from start to finish. The various towpathstretches are linked by little roads passing through the towns andvillages. A detailed itinerary may be found in the handbook entitled“A vélo le long du canal de Bourgogne” (Cycling alongside theBurgundy Canal (see p. 29)).

Km 0 Migennes. Major rail hub; the itinerary starts on thetowpath at Lock 114.

Km 17 Saint-Florentin. Church with remarkable stained glasswindows, canal bridge, old district with shops.

Km 45 Tonnerre. Arrival and departure at the marina; FosseDionne (circular washhouse), Hôtel-Dieu, hospital museumand vineyards.

Km 53 Tanlay. Renaissance château (16C) with acontemporary art centre in the outbuildings.

Km 78 Ancy-le-Franc. Superbly decorated Renaissance château,earthenware museum.

Km 96 Buffon Forge. 18C industrial establishmentremarkable for its technique and architecture.

Km 100 Montbard. Musée de l’Ancienne Orangerie, ParcBuffon, Fine Arts Museum; nearby Fontenay Abbey (12 kmround trip).

Km 112 Venarey-les-Laumes. Optional loop (25 km) viaBussy-Rabutin, Alise-Sainte-Reine and Flavigny-sur-Ozerain;return via the canal from Pouillenay.

Km 120 Pouillenay. Optional detour to Semur-en-Auxois(12 km via D 9).

Km 155 Pouilly-en-Auxois. Circumventing the "Burgundythreshold" tunnel (3350 metres).

Km 171 Pont-d’Ouche. Old river port where coal fromEpinac-les-Mines was loaded onto barges; the canal followsthe charming Ouche valley.

Km 194 Pont-de-Pany. The towpath becomes a Voie Verteuntil Lake Kir situated at the entrance of Dijon.

Km 212 Dijon. The voie verte gives way to a cycling trackalongside Lake Kir; the town centre and the railway station are1.5 km away.

Along the

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the author Henri Vincenot with its superbinhabited château, and the little medieval vil-lage of Châteauneuf-en-Auxois perched on topof a hill and huddled around its castle.At Pont-d’Ouche, the Burgundy Canalmakes a 120° turn to follow the Ouche valley:Veuvey-sur-Ouche, La Bussière-sur-Ouche andits old Cistercian abbey now converted into ahotel, the lock of La Charme and its storeselling local products, Barbirey-sur-Ouche andits gardens, Pont-de-Pany where river and canal

pass through the middle of the mountain. At Plombières-les-Dijon, the varnished-tilechurch tower reminds us that we are nowapproaching the heart of ducal Burgundy.Indeed, Dijon itself beckons on the other sideof the lake named after Canon Kir, the famousecclesiastic who was also mayor of Dijon. The capital of the Dukes of Bur-gundy, just like Auxerre at the outset ofthe itinerary, lies in wait, ready to unveil itsarchitectural and historical treasures.

Itinerary 4: from Migennes to Dijon

On the way...MIGENNES AND THE RAILWAY ERA. Situatedhalfway between Paris and Dijon, the town owesmuch to the railways and its church of Christ the Kinghas in some ways become the "Lourdes" ofrailwaymen. There is an admirable monumentalstatue of Christ and an impressive 60 m church tower.

OUT AND ABOUT IN THE TONNERROIS. Aftermarvelling at Tonnerre's remarkable architecturalheritage (Hôtel-Dieu and hospital museum,the Fosse Dionne washhouse, Hôtel d’Uzès, etc.),f ind time to explore the nearby vineyards(once renowned, then destroyed by the phyloxerascourge, and today thriving once more).

ACT THE LORD OF THE MANOR at Tanlay orAncy-le-Franc, two of the most beautifulRenaissance châteaux in Burgundy (16C). Theformer houses a contemporary art centre in itsoutbuildings, while the latter contains the largestcollection of mural paintings currently preservedand some superb period apartments.

IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF BUFFON. Born inMontbard in1707, the naturalist Georges LouisLeclerc de Buffon was also an entrepreneurwho founded the Great Forge, an industrialestablishment remarkable for its technique andarchitecture. You can learn more about his life byvisiting the Musée de l’Ancienne Orangerie as wellas his study located in one of the towers of theParc Buffon (both in Montbard).

"CAP CANAL" AT POUILLY.The Burgundy Canalinformation centre comprises the Canal Institute(museum area), a hall devoted to the toueur(boat-tower) and the hydroelectric power station.You and your bike can go through the tunnel on apleasure boat and get off a little further on.

FANCY FREE IN THE OUCHE VALLEY. Startingin Pont-d’Ouche, the valley is a succession ofpicturesque villages and bucolic landscapes. Stopoff to admire the landscaped gardens at Barbirey(art exhibitions in summer) and the Cistercianabbey (now a hotel) at La Bussière.

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l du C















N 6

N 6

N 80

N 73

A 6

A 36

A 31

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®


Parcours praticable




Parcours à venir

Parcours en cours d'aménagement

of Notre-Dame, the Wine Museum, the splendidtown houses, etc. - not forgetting the largenumber of wine cellars and bars awaiting yourvisit after a day in the saddle! For the most part following the little vineyardpaths used by winegrowers and grape harvesterssince time immemorial, the véloroute gives you aninsider's view of the Burgundian terroir: PommardGrands Epenots, Volnay Santenots, MeursaultCharmes, Batard Montrachet, Santenay LesGravières and a host of others. The itinerary isliberally sprinkled with the parcels of grands crus,each an invitation to explore Burgundy's unrival-led expertise in the production of fine wines.As you travel from one wine village to

From Dijon to Santenay by way ofBeaune. For a lover of Burgundy wineit would be hard to imagine a more

tempting itinerary. The stretch between Dijonand Beaune is not yet strictly speaking a cycletrack, but you can still cross the vineyards of theCôte de Nuits along the Route des Grands Crus,thereby avoiding the heavy traffic of the mainroad. For the time being, the Vineyard Way(Voie des Vignes) begins at Beaune.Still hemmed in by its old city walls, the winecapital of Burgundy possesses an astonishing andenviable architectural heritage: the emblematicand renowned Hôtel-Dieu with its characteristicroof of varnished tiles, the collegiate church

The Vineyard WayFrom Beaune to Santenay, the véloroute winds its way along vineyard

paths, passing through villages with such evocative names as Pommard,

Volnay, Meursault, Puligny-Montrachet, to name but a few. An appetising

journey in the heart of Burgundy - and the heart of Burgundy wines!

YOUR ITINERARYBeaune - Santenay (20 km)

Km 0 Beaune. Starting from the Parc de laBouzaise, the véloroute runs alongside the Clos(walled vineyard) de la Mousse, and then climbsgently through the vineyards to Pommard whichwe reach at the Clos de la Commaraine.

Km 3 Pommard. The véloroute runs through thevillage and then climbs towards Volnay alongsidethe vineyards of Pommard-Rugiens and Volnay-Frémiets; superb view over the plain of the Saônewith the Jura mountains beyond.

Km 4.8 Volnay. Leaving the village, we dropdown towards the chapel of Notre-Dame de Pitiéand the premier cru vineyards of Les Champansand Les Santenots.

Km 8.6 Meursault. We pass in front of the town hallwith its roof of coloured and varnished tiles, and thencross the vineyards of Les Porruzots, Les Genevrièresand Les Charmes; we reach Puligny by the premiercru vineyards of Les Folatières and Les Pucelles.

Km 13 Puligny-Montrachet. From the mainsquare we head for Chassagne-Montrachet (viewover the hills of the Côte Chalonnaise). We cyclebelow the vineyards of Le Batard-Montrachetbefore crossing the secondary road CD 906and climbing up to the village of Chassagne-Mon-trachet.

Km 15 Chassagne-Montrachet. We go throughthe village (Clos Saint-Jean in the middle), godown between the premiers cru vineyards of LaMaltroie and Les Champgrains, and then hugthe hillside at the foot of the ruins of the abbeyof Morgeot.

Km 20 Santenay. The arrival is via the premier cruvineyard of Les Gravières. Continuation possibleby taking the Voie Verte alongside the Canal duCentre, either towards Chagny and Chalon-sur-Saône or towards Saint-Léger-sur-Dheune (see“Canal du Centre” itinerary.

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another, wine properties large and smallawait you at every turning for a tasting session(in moderation of course!) in the welcome cool ofa wine cellar. This is an opportunity to put to thetest the old adage which insists that "one does notreally know a wine until one knows the vine fromwhich it springs and the winegrower who hasraised it". You will find, too, that the winegrowers

are always more than happy to share the secrets oftheir trade with you. So you can look forward tosome fascinating conversations as well as someinteresting discoveries.Arriving at Santenay, you will be surprisedto learn that this bustling little town in the middleof the winegrowing area is reputed for its mineralwater and its casino!

Itinerary 5: from Beaune to Santenay

On the way...L E A R N A B O U T W I N E . The BIVB ( TheInterprofessional Bureau for Burgundy Wines) inBeaune is the undisputed font of knowledge for allthings wine. Learn about Wine as you travel…Before setting off on the vineyard roads: the Ecoledes Vins de Bourgogne (Burgundy Wine School)(lectures & tasting sessions, weekend and othertasting courses). This will help you make the mostof your itinerary.

DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF MUSTARD. Beauneis less well-known for its mustard than its hospices,and yet a visit to the traditional Fallot mustardfactory will help you find out all about the secretof mustard production. You can even try makingsome yourself!


BAROQUE MUSIC CONCERT. The July Internation-al Festival of Baroque Opera has established anenviable reputation and is now a major attraction formusic lovers from all parts of the world. Listening tothe music in the extraordinary setting of the colle-giate church of Notre-Dame or the main courtyard ofthe Hôtel-Dieu is a truly unforgettable experience.

OUT AND ABOUT IN MEURSAULT. Meursault isof course reputed for its superb white wines, butdon't forget to look in on the village hall wheresome scenes of one of France's best loved films, LaGrande Vadrouille, were shot. And you will wantto visit the château's wine cellars storing a littlematter of 800,000 bottles!

AWAY FROM IT ALL. If you are looking for peaceof mind, head for the little village of Narosse nearSantenay, nestling snugly at the bottom of a coombeon the "Cliff of the Three Crosses". Here you willfind the little church surrounded by its peacefulcemetery, with as an added bonus a 15C choir withmultiple ribbed vaults and a beautiful statuary.The inimitable charm of deepest Burgundy!

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®


A wide selection of maps, guides, brochures, websites, etc. to help you plan your own cycling

trip is available from the Burgundy Regional Tourist Board, the Departemental Tourist Board

of the Saône-et-Loire, and the Tourist Development Agencies of the Côte-d'Or, the Nievre and

the Yonne. Whether you are travelling alone or with a group, for a short trip or a long trek,

they can provide you with all the information you need.

your own trip

ADDITIONALINFORMATIONon the Internet site, specifically devoted to the

Cycling Tour of Burgundy® is published by the Burgundy RegionalTourist Board. Operational in july 2007and regularly updated, it brings together

all the information you need to plan a cycling excursion in our region:itineraries already in service, updates onwork in progress, services available andadvice, visits and useful addresses, etc.

Burgundy Regional Tourist Board(Bourgogne Tourisme)

[email protected]

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Cycling on towpaths

The towpaths of the Cycling Tour ofBurgundy® (Burgundy Canal,Nivernais Canal and Canal duCentre) are still governed by Article62 of the Navigation Code whichstates that "circulation on the towpathis forbidden except on foot".

However, the VNF (the publicauthority responsible for runningthe French inland waterways) hasagreed, in partnership with theFrench State, the Region and Depart-ments of Burgundy, to developtourism on the canals, particularlywith regard to the transformation oftowpaths into cycling tracks.

Cyclists must not disturb the VNFstaff (in particular lock-keepers)in their daily activities, and mustmaintain good relations with theo t h e r c a n a l u s e r s ( b o a t m e n ,waterway tourists, fishing enthusiasts).

By respecting these simple rules, wehelp to ensure that the use of thetowpaths is an enjoyable experiencefor all concerned.

Source V.N.F.

Leaving on your own


Voies vertes et Cyclotourismeen Bourgogne du Sud

Voies vertes and cycling in SouthernBurgundy. This leaflet includes a mapof the Saône-et-Loire department, anoverview of the network and a list ofuseful services. There are also photo-graphs and information on the cir-cuits, bike rentals and rules of goodconduct.Published by the Saône-et-LoireDepartmental Tourist BoardFree leaflet. Document downloadable section "Voies vertes".Saône-et-Loire DeparmentalTourist Board : Tel. : +33 (0)3 85 21 02 [email protected]


Saône-et-Loire DeparmentalTourist Board : Tel. : +33 (0)3 85 21 02 [email protected]

ITINERARY 3: NIVERNAIS CANALLa véloroute - Voie verte Canal du NivernaisCycling guide in the form of fact sheets

covering the 180 km of the NivernaisCanal, from Saint-Léger-des-Vignes toAuxerre.

Published by the Nièvre TouristDevelopment Agency.Pack of 8 "circuit" sheets + 1 "practical information" sheet 6 euros (+ 2 euros postage). Order brochure section: “Brochures”.

La véloroute autour du canal du Nivernais15 cycling loop circuits in the form offact sheets for discovering the Nivernais

Canal and the surrounding area.Published by the Nièvre TouristDevelopment AgencyPack of 15 sheets,5 euros (+ 2 euros postage). Order brochure section: “Brochures”.

Nièvre TouristDevelopment AgencyTel. : +33 (0)3 86 36 39 [email protected]

A vélo le long de l’Yonne et du canal du Nivernais

Description of the stretch betweenClamecy and Auxerre along the tow-path of the Nivernais Canal, with map

and practical infor-mation (bike hire,a c c o m m o d a t i o n ,shops, etc.) Edited bythe Yonne TouristDevelopment Agency.

Free brochureThe publication maybe ordered onwww.tourisme-yonne.comsection: “documentation”.

Yonne Tourist DevelopmentAgency Tel. : +33 (0)3 86 72 92 [email protected]



Downloadable brochures, maps and documents

Voies Vertes et Cyclotourisme :Itineraries 1 and 2

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Le Tour de Bourgogne à vélo ®


A vélo,le long du canal de Bourgogne

Detailed des-cription of theM i g e n n e s -To n n e r r e -M o n t b a r d -P o u i l l y -e n - A u x o i s -Dijon cyclingitinerary withuseful infor-

mation (board and lodging, touristinformation, bike hire, shops, etc.)

Co-published by VNF(Voies Navigables de France),Côte-d’Or Tourisme and the YonneTourist Development Agency.32 pages, free brochure. This publication may be downloaded section: “Télécharger nos brochures“,“A vélo le long du canal de Bourgogne“.www.tourisme-yonne.comsection: “Yonne“,then “documentation“

Côte-d’Or TourismeTel. : +33 (0)3 80 63 69 [email protected]

Yonne Tourist Development AgencyTel. : +33 (0)3 86 72 92 [email protected]

VNF - Local delegationfor the Burgundy Canal Tel. : +33 (0)3 80 29 44


La Voie des Vignes : la véloroute Beaune-Santenay

Map describingthe Beaune-Sante-nay itinerary withdetails of touristoffices along theway.

Published by theSyndicat Touristi-que Intercommu-nal du Pays Beau-nois. Free document.

downloadable on www.ot-beaune.frsection: “Dépliants“.

Beaune Tourist OfficeTel. +33 (0)3 80 26 21 [email protected]://

Meursault Tourist OfficeTel. +33 (0)3 80 21 25 [email protected]

Nolay Tourist OfficeTel. +33 (0)3 80 21 80 [email protected]

Santenay Tourist OfficeTel. +33 (0)3 80 20 63 [email protected]

Savigny-les-Beaune Tourist OfficeTel. +33 (0)3 80 26 12


Planningyour own trip(continued)

Various modes of transportations - directions

Some of the itineraries of the Tour deBourgogne à vélo® have already regularbus services. We suggest you to use themto join the departure of your trip. Don’tforget to reserve your places the daybefore (by phone), these buses areequipped with bicycles racks.

Further information on the

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Let a professional organise your trip

Getting your trip

Feel like a cycling holiday but too busy to plan your trip? No problem! There is a large selection of agencies specialising

in cycling holidays and ready to draw up programmes tailored to your budget, abilities and wishes. Don't hesitate to

contact them directly or consult their websites for full details.

planned by a professional

Published by the Burgundy Regional Tourist Board (CRT Bourgogne)Creation/Design: FTM.Presse (Fontaine-lès-Dijon) - tempsRéel, DijonPhotographic credits: Alain Doire (CRT Bourgogne)except pages 04 et 05 Michel Joly.Illustrations: Bernard Deubelbeiss.Printed by: Desmet-Laire (Belgium).June 2007 - ISSN pending

Find practical information about cycling in Burgundy on the website

AGENCE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT TOURISTIQUE DE LA NIÈVRE1, avenue Saint-Just 58003 NEVERS CedexTél. : 03 86 59 14 [email protected] 058 97 0001

AGENCE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT TOURISTIQUE DE L’YONNE1-2, quai de la République 89000 AUXERRETél. : 03 86 72 92 [email protected] 089 96 0001

BOURGOGNE ESCAPADESLe Château 71570 CHAINTRÉTél. : 03 85 37 14 [email protected] 071 05 0001

BOURGOGNE LATITUDERue de la Glacière 71640 MELLECEYTél. : 03 85 45 17 04 et 06 81 49 87 35Fax : 03 85 45 17 [email protected] 071 06 0001

BOURGOGNE RANDONNÉES7, av. du 8 Septembre 21200 BEAUNETél. : 03 80 22 06 03Fax : 03 80 22 15 [email protected] 021 02 0001

CLAUDE LAHOUSSINEORGANISATIONLe Village 21160 FLAVIGNEROTTél./fax : 03 80 42 94 [email protected] 021 99 00011

CÔTE-D’OR AVENTURES3, rue Rameau 21160 COUCHEYTél . : 06 07 17 25 57Tél./fax : 03 80 52 71 [email protected] 021 04 0004

DÉTOURS IN FRANCE8, rue Chaumergy 21200 BEAUNETél. : 03 80 22 06 03Fax : 03 80 22 15 [email protected] 021 05 0004

DILIVOYAGE10, avenue de la République21200 BEAUNETél : 03 80 24 24 82Fax : 03 80 24 24 [email protected] 021 95 0001

FRANCE À VÉLO19, rue des Fossés 89460 CRAVANTTél. : 03 86 42 35 96Fax : 03 86 42 55 [email protected] 089 06 0001

FRANCE RANDONNÉE9, rue des Portes-Mordelaises 35000 RENNESTél. : 02 99 67 42 [email protected] 035 97 0005

HAMILTON FITZJAMES36 rue Ste Marguerite21200 BEAUNETél. : 03 80 22 02 62Fax : 03 80 22 04 [email protected] 021 05 0003

PROMENADES EN FRANCE 14, rue Poterne21200 BEAUNETél. : 03 80 26 22 12Fax : 03 80 26 22 [email protected] 021 05 0002

RANDONNÉE & ASTRONOMIE73110 LA ROCHETTETél. : 06 32 18 54 [email protected] 073 07 0011

SANDQUISTChemin des CarrièresLa Montagne21200 BEAUNETél./Fax : 03 80 24 61 [email protected] 021 05 0001

Page 27: Cycle Tour of Burgundy

Bourgogne-TourismeComité Régional du Tourisme de Bourgogne

B.P. 20623 - 21006 DIJON Cedex - FRANCE