Download - Cybersecurity: Malware & Protecting Your Business From Cyberthreats

  • 1. Cybersecurity: UnderstandingMalware and How to ProtectYour Business
  • 2. About AppFolio SecureDocsAppFolio SecureDocs is a virtual data room for sharing andstoring sensitive documents both internally and withoutside parties.AppFolio, Inc. Company Basics: Founded by the team that created and launched GoToMyPCand GoToMeeting Backed by leading technology companies and investors Web-based business software for financial and legalprofessionals
  • 3. About Lastline, Inc.Lastlines security products synthesize and bring tocommercial standards award-winning, world-renownedacademic research on malware analysis andcountermeasures. Founded in 2011 by university researchers Engin Kirda,Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna Considered to be todays thought leaders on automated, high-resolution malware analysis and detection Focused on real-time analysis of advanced malware and bigdata analytics; leverages this threat intelligence to createsolutions to protect companies of all sizes.
  • 4. About Giovanni VignaFaculty member of the Computer ScienceDepartment at the University of California, SantaBarbara and the CTO/Founder of Lastline, Inc. Recognized expertise in web security, vulnerability analysis,malware countermeasures, and intrusion detection. Published more than 100 papers on the subject of network securityand evasive [email protected] [email protected]
  • 5. Targeted Attacksand Cyberwar!!!Cyberattack (R)EvolutionTime$$ DamageMillionsHundreds ofThousandsThousandsHundredsBillionsCybercrime$$$Cybervandalism#@!
  • 6. Polling Question #1
  • 7. Targeted attacks are mainstream news.Every week, new breaches are reported.In the last few months alone Nobody Is Safe
  • 8. Once Upon a Time
  • 9. Unhappily Ever After Proliferation of cybercrime for financial profit ZeuS Targeted attacks look for intelligence Aurora (Google and others) RSA SecureID Emerging cyber warfare Stuxnet Flame Steal something valuable
  • 10. Financial Malware What can be monetized? Financial data Usernames and passwords Virtual goods Online identities Computational power Emails
  • 11. Targeted Attacks
  • 12. Polling Question #2
  • 13. Targeted Attacks What can be monetized? Intellectual property Financial information Bids and contracts Organization structure Visited sites
  • 14. State-level Attacks What can be gained? Intelligence Destruction of expensiveequipment Influence on financial markets Shut down of critical infrastructure Fear, insecurity, lack of trust
  • 15. Attribution, Once Upon a Time
  • 16. Attribution, Today
  • 17. Criminal Groups Well-organized groups with efficient division of roles andlabor Programmers: develop malware code (malware, exploit kits) Testers: QA and AV evasion Traffic generators Botmasters Bot renters Money mules Budget for acquisition of zero-day exploitsWe are setting aside a $100K budget to purchase browserand browser plug-in vulnerabilities(Cool exploitkit group)
  • 18. Underground Markets Virtual places for advertisement and exchange ofgoods and offering of services IRC channels and online forums Activities Advertisementsi have boa wells and barclays bank logins....i need 1 mastercard i give 1 linux hacked root Sensitive dataCHECKING 123-456-XXXX $51,337.31SAVINGS 987-654-XXXX $75,299.64
  • 19. Making Sense of Attacks Lots of different vectors, tactics, specific tricks Two fundamental things to keep in mind: How do attackers get in? How do they get valuable information out?
  • 20. Drive-by-download /update?id=5,..)--Personal Data, Docs
  • 21. Malicious JavaScript Code
  • 22. Exploit
  • 23. Anatomy of Exploit The code determines that the victim has installed avulnerable ActiveX control, e.g., QuickTime The control is loaded into memory The environment is prepared for the exploit, forexample, for memory corruption exploits The shellcode is loaded into memory The heap is sprayed to ensure that control eventuallyreaches the shellcode The vulnerability is triggered, by invoking thevulnerable method/property of the ActiveX control
  • 24. Luring Users: SEORead more:
  • 25. Luring Users: Emails Email messages containing links
  • 26. Luring Users: Parking Tickets
  • 27. Luring Users: Watering Holes Sometimes it is difficult toexploit the target of an attackdirectly Instead compromise a site thatis likely to be visited by thetarget Council on foreign relations governmental officials Unaligned Chinese news site Chinese dissidents iPhone dev web site developers at Apple,Facebook, Twitter, etc. Nation Journal web site Political insiders inWashington
  • 28. Document-based Attacks Vulnerabilities in document viewers can beexploited by malicious documents Office docs PDFs Images
  • 29. What Happens in the Background Analysis engine provides full emulation of an operating systemenvironment and can detect what is actually happening in thesystem when a document is opened Process winword.exe was created: "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12winword.exe The arguments of this process: "/q /f"C:UsersuserAppDataRoamingdflt_sample.doc Process winword.exe drops new files: "C:UsersuserAppDataLocalTempmsmx21.exe Process winword.exe starts a new process: "C:UsersuserAppDataLocalTempmsmx21.exe Running Task analyzes analysis result... ReportScanner: 80 (set([Document: Writes a file then executes it])) Detections 1 (100.00%, 0 not detected)
  • 30. Spear PhishingFrom: [email protected]: [email protected]: Monday February 6, 2012 05:51:24Attachment: 23 fdp.scr23/---- Msg sent via @Mail - in the code office,Please acknowledge the receipt of thetelegram No. 23 in attachment.Thanks,Embassy / Abu Dhabi
  • 31. Deceive the user into thinking that somethinguseful is installed Video players Anti-virus Screen savers Social Engineering Attacks
  • 32. After the Infection:A Botnet Case Study
  • 33. Hijacking the Botnet Reverse engineered the DGA used in Torpig andthe C&C protocol Noticed that domains generated for 1/25/2009 2/15/2009 were unregistered Registered these domains Controlled the botnet for 10 days Unique visibility into a botnets operation 180,000 infected hosts 8.7 GB of Apache logs 69 GB pcap data (containing stolen information)
  • 34. Threats 8,310 unique accounts from 410 financialinstitutions Top 5: PayPal (1,770), Poste Italiane, Capital One,E*Trade, Chase 38% of credentials stolen from browsers passwordmanager 1,660 credit cards Top 3: Visa (1,056), Mastercard, American Express,Maestro, Discover US (49%), Italy (12%), Spain (8%) Typically, one CC per victim, but there are exceptions
  • 35. 35Value of the Financial Information Symantec [2008] estimates Credit card value at $.10 to $25.00 Bank account at $10.00 to $1,000.00 Using Symantec estimates,10 days of Torpigdata valued at $83K to $8.3M
  • 36. Financial DamageRead more:
  • 37. Ideal WorldSecure code Software we use containsno vulnerability, or Vulnerabilities are mitigatedusing sound security andengineering principles (leastprivilege, containment, etc.)Unfortunately currently only ahandful of secure programsand often in specializedsectors (regulations vs.innovation)User awareness Users are aware of securitythreats They always make the rightdecisionUnfortunately experimentsshow users extremely bad atmaking security decisions(security vs. usability)
  • 38. Law Enforcement authorities arrestthe co-founder ofChronoPay, the largestonline payment processor
  • 39. Law Enforcement
  • 40. Law Enforcement
  • 41. Polling Question #3
  • 42. Common Sense Defenses Keep software up to date However, ineffective against 0-day
  • 43. Common Sense Defenses Dont open links/attachment from unknown sources However, ineffective against social/targeted attacks
  • 44. Common Sense Defenses Limit web accesses to trusted/reputable sites However, ineffective against waterholeattacks, malicious advertisements, web sitecompromises
  • 45. Common Sense Defenses Access sensitive services (e.g., online banking)from dedicated machine However, inconvenient
  • 46. Current Solutions Are Not Enough Firewalls are not enough Users actively (and unsuspectingly) go out to the attacker Attackers use port 80 Intrusion Detection/Prevention (IDS/IPS) systems are notenough Signatures and blacklists only catch known attacks Limited insight into downloaded artifacts(binaries, spear-phishing links, ) and outbound network activity Anti-virus systems are not enough Artifacts change their appearance at a fast pace(Signatures and blacklists insufficient, manual analysis of threatsrequires an enormous amount of resources) AV vendors do not see the binary used in targeted attacks(They cannot create any signature)
  • 47. Solutions To Advanced Malware Analysis of incoming artifacts (what gets in) Web downloads, mail attachments Analysis of outgoing traffic (what gets out) DNS traffic, web traffic What gets out Where it goes How it is sent Use of correlation to present complete picture tothe system administrator But how good is the analysis?
  • 48. Polling Question #4
  • 49. The Malware (R)evolutionSimple ThreatsOpportunisticAttacksAPTSolutionsAntivirusSolutionsTargetedAttacksPackingSophisticated ThreatsPlainVirusPoly-morphicC&CFluxingPersistentThreatsEvasiveThreats
  • 50. Nature of Advanced Malware Static CodeObfuscationandPolymorphismSource: Binary-CodeObfuscations in PrevalentPacker Tools, Tech Report,University of Wisconsin, 2012Number of times a hash is seen> 93% of all samples are uniqueDefeats signature-based anti-virus
  • 51. Nature of Advanced Malware Dynamic evasion checks for environmentDefeats sandbox andvirtual machines
  • 52. Nature of Advanced Malware Dynamic evasion stalling loopsDefeats sandbox andvirtual machines
  • 53. Lessons Learned Attacks are increasingly targeted Attackers no longer go after your firewall. They goafter your employees Attackers are persistent and patient Need for constant monitoring approach to defense Attackers develop custom tools and attacks after theyhave gained access to a target Global landscape still matters, but Defenses tailored to local characteristics and activityare critical Evasive malware Need for next-generation tools
  • 54. Questions?
  • 55. Backup Slides
  • 56. Lastline Started in 2011 by team of professors andPhDs from University of California, SantaBarbara and Northeastern University, Boston Located in Santa Barbara, CA Technology based on 8+ years of research onadvanced malware Founders include the creators of Anubis andWepawet analysis tools
  • 57. Previct Anti-Malware SolutionSentinel scans traffic for signs andanomalies that reveal C&Cconnections and infectionsLastline proactively scouts theInternet for threats andupdates the Sentinelknowledge base Manager receivesand correlates alerts,and producesactionable intelligenceSentinel sends unknownobjects (programs anddocuments) for highresolution analysis
  • 58. Key Technology1. High resolution analysis engines CPU emulation provides deep insights into malware execution Necessary to detect and bypass evasive checks Expose malicious behaviors that existing sandboxes dont see2. Big data analytics Anomaly detection of suspicious outboundcommand-and-control (C&C) flows Internet-scale, active discovery of threats Correlation of low-level events into actionable threat intelligence
  • 59. High-Resolution Malware AnalysisVisibility without code emulation(traditional sandboxing technology)Important behaviors andevasion happens hereVisibility with code emulation(Lastline technology)
  • 60. Competitive LandscapeSimple ThreatsOpportunisticAttacksAPTSolutionsAntivirusSolutionsTargetedAttacksSophisticated ThreatsPackingPlainVirusPoly-morphicC&CFluxingPersistentThreatsEvasiveThreats