Download - CYBER HOTELIER (Documentation)




CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION1.1 Problem Statement:The current system is a manual system or a semi-automated system. Manual system involves paper work in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintenance of critical information in the files and manuals is a risk involved and a tedious process. The existing automated system is a stand alone system or a LAN based system and booking is in the form of e-mail.

The Main Objective of this System is to design a system to accommodate the needs of guests in the hotel. This application helps a customer to know about the hotel information and can reserve rooms throughout the globe irrespective of the location. This is a computerized system to make room reservations, keep room bookings and availability details up-to-date.

1.2 Overview:Cyber Hotelier is a web-based system focusing on automating the (manual way of recording the Hotel details) hotel management system and providing room reservations through online. To understand the current manual process, existing files and manuals were referred. A literature survey is carried out in the initial phase of the project. The basic process is divided into two steps

1. Understanding the Existing system.

2. Features of proposed system.

1.2.1 Understanding the Existing system

The present system is a manual system or a semi-automated system. Manual system involves paper work in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintaining critical information in the files and manuals is full of risk and a tedious process.

The existing semi-automated system is a stand alone system or a LAN based system and booking is in the form of email. The hotel booking email contains the requested booking dates and the number of rooms required, along with the customer contact details.

At the day break he has to update the database.

The disadvantages of the manual process are

1. Time consuming and a tedious process2. No instantaneous updates of the room status.

3. No instantaneous updates on the user details and user statistics.

4. Involved a lot of paperwork that was prone to risk of loosing it easily.

5. Communication was not clear, slow and led to misunderstanding.

6. Files and manuals lacked authentication and authorization.

7. Information recording in manuals was not accurate because there were no validations.

The disadvantages of the semi-automated system are:

1. Reservation through email.

2. Room amendment is not a easy task

1.2.2 Features of proposed system

The proposed system is to design a system to accommodate the needs of guests in the hotel and it helps a customer to know about the hotel information and can reserve rooms throughout the globe irrespective of the location. This system is an application to manage the hotel operations to know all the data and process the modules.This System gives a brief description about the hotel i.e., about the total number of rooms in the hotel, location of the hotel, route map of the city showing the route to the hoteletc and also gives a brief description about the services offered by the hotel such as the cab services, food services, laundry...etc.

Registered user can reserve a room through online and confirm his reservation by paying the advance amount through credit card and receiving a reference number. User can either cancel the reservation or can modify through amendment process. Receptionist can effectively do all his activities through this system i.e, reserving a room for walk-in customers and do all the check-in, check-out, billing and payment activities. Receptionist can have all the services provided to guest, restaurant billing...etc everything in the system. House Keeping Executive can schedule all the house keeping activities and to look after the inventory management. Manager can know the monthly reports regarding the hotel and its management, its maintenance, expenses and room occupancy detailsAdvantages of the proposed system:

1. Reduces the complexity present in the manual system and saves time.

2. Users can access the required data easily.

3. It maintains accurate information.

4. Provides instantaneous updated information to all users.

5. Communication is fast and clear and avoids misunderstandings.6. It is a computerized system to make room reservations and keep room bookings and availability of details up-to-date.

7. Very economical and user friendly.



Feasibility study is an important phase in the software development process. It enables the developer to have an assessment of the product being developed. It refers to the feasibility study of the product in terms of out comes of our product, operational use and technical support required for implementing it.

Feasibility study should be performed on the basis of various criteria and parameters. The various feasibility studies are:

Economic feasibility

Operational feasibility

Technical feasibility

2.1.1 Economic feasibility

Time Based:

If the administrator or the subjective person has to know about the where about of different customers and their calls info, then in the manual system a concentrated search has to be applied through many registers or ledgers, which is time consuming. If within the system some data has to be registered then all the referential registers have ton fill sequentially which is a redundant process. With the designed database all these overheads are eliminated, making the actual system faster in calculating the call amount, advance payment and current balance, which keep the system in pace with the associated trends and technologies.

Cost Based:

Within the manual system a perennial amount of the finance are incurred continuously upon the extra staff, maintaining the data manually on paper for all the data-integrated jobs. The information has put through many hands at proper time to apply the consistency standards, which is the backbone for any company this application.

Consistency is increased with the designed software, which eliminates the actual investment upon the employees salaries and purchasing the products.

2.1.2 Operational feasibility

It refers to the feasibility of the product to be operational. Some products may work very well at design and implementation but many fail in the real time environment. It includes the study of additional human resource required and their technical expertise.

2.1.3 Technical feasibility

The system is self explanatory and does not need any extra sophisticated training. As the system has been built by concentrating on the graphical user interface concept, the application can also be handled very easily with a now wise user.

The softwares that were used to develop the market are already used the customers. The net time the customer should concentrate is on the installation time. Thats what we are giving in the form of manual.


Use case:

Use case diagrams are one of the five diagrams in the UML for modeling the dynamic aspects of the systems (activity diagrams, sequence diagram, state chart diagram, collaboration diagram are the four other kinds of diagrams in the UML for modeling the dynamic aspects of systems).use case diagram are central to modeling the behavior of the system, a sub-system, or a class. Each one shows a set of use cases and actors and relations.

Common properties:

A use case diagram is just a special kind of diagram and shares the same common properties, as do all other diagrams a name and graphical contents that are projections into the model. What distinguishes a use case diagram from all other kinds of diagram is its particular content.


Use case diagrams commonly contain:

Use cases


Dependency, generalization, and association relationships

Like all other diagram use case diagram may contain nodes constraints. Use case diagram may also contain packages, which are used to group element of your model into large chunks. Occasionally, you will want to place instances of use case in your diagram, as well, especially when you want to visualize a specific executing system.

Use case:

A use case specifies the behavior of the system ort part of the system and is a description of a set of sequence of actions that a system performs. Graphically use case is rendered as an ellipse with dashed lines, usually including only its name.


An actor is a human user or external system with which a system being modeled and interacts. It needs some information from current system.


Use-case diagrams graphically represent system behavior (use cases). These diagrams present a high level view of how the system is used as viewed from an outsiders (actors) perspective. A use-case diagram may contain all or some of the use cases of a system.A use-case diagram can contain:

Actors ("things" outside the system)

Use cases (system boundaries identifying what the system should do)

Interactions or relationships between actors and use cases in the system including the associations, dependencies, and generalizations.

Use-case diagrams can be used during analysis to capture the system requirements and to understand how the system should work. During the design phase, you can use use-case diagrams to specify the behavior of the system as implemented.

2.3.1 Identification of Actors:


An actor is someone or something that:

Interacts with or uses the system.

Provides input to and receives information from the system.

Is external to the system and has no control over the use cases.

Graphical Representation:

Questions to help to identify actors:

1. Who is interested in a certain requirement

2. Where is the system used within the organization?

3. Who will benefit from the use of the system?

4. Who will supply the system with information, use this information, and remove this information?

5. Who will support and maintain the system?

6. Does the system use an external resource?

7. Does one person play several different roles?

8. Do several people play the same role?

9. Does the system interact with a legacy system?

The actors identified in the system are:

1. Administrator

2. Manager

3. Guest

4. House keeping executive

5. Receptionist

2.3.2 Identification of Use cases:

Definition: Use case is a sequence of transactions performed by a system that yields measurable result of values for a particular actor. The use cases are all the ways the system may be used.

Graphical Representation:

Questions to help to find use cases:

1. What are the tasks of each actor?

2. Will any actor create, store, change, remove or read information in the system?

3. What use cases will create, store, change, remove, or read this information?

4. Will any actor need to inform the system about sudden, external changes?

5. Does any actor need to be informed about certain occurrences in the system?

6. What use cases will support or maintain the system?

7. Can all functional requirements be performed by the use cases?

Usecases Identified in this system are:

1. Registration/Login

2. Reservation

3. Cancellation/Modification

4. Services

5. Front-desk

6. Restaurant

7. Billing

8. Check report

9. House keeping

10. Inventory

2.3.3 Flow of Events:


Flow of events should include

When and how the use case starts and ends

What interaction the use case has with the actors

What data is needed by the use case

The normal sequence of events for the use case

The description of any alternate or exceptional flows

Structure of flow events:

The flow of events for a use case is contained in a document called the Use Case Specification. Each project should use a standard template for the creation of the Use Case Specification. Includes the following

1. Use case name: Brief Description

2. Flow of Events:

1. Basic flow.

2. Alternative flow.

3. Special requirements.

4. Pre conditions.

5. Post conditions.

6. Extension points.

2.3.4 Relations:

Association Relationship:

An association provides a pathway for communication. The communication can be between use cases, actors, classes or interfaces.

By default, the association tool on the toolbox is unidirectional and drawn on a diagram with a single arrow at one end of the association. The end with the arrow indicates who or what is receiving the communication. Bidirectional communication is used to provide the two way communication.

Graphical Depiction:

An association relationship is an orthogonal or straight solid line with an arrow at one end:

In an ASSOCIATION Relationship, we can provide Stereotype COMMUNICATE also as shown below

Dependency Relationship:

A dependency is a relationship between two model elements in which a change to one model element will affect the other model element. Use a dependency relationship to connect model elements with the same level of meaning. Typically, on class diagrams, a dependency relationship indicates that the operations of the client invoke operations of the supplier.

We can provide here

1. Include Relationship.

2. Extend Relationship.

Include Relationship:

Include relationships are created between the new usecase and any other usecase that "uses" its functionality.

An include relationship is a stereotyped relationship that connects a base use case to an inclusion use case. An include relationship specifies how behavior in the inclusion use case is used by the base use case.

Extend Relationships:

An extend relationship is a stereotyped relationship that specifies how the functionality of one use case can be inserted into the functionality of another use case. Extend relationships between use cases are modeled as dependencies by using the Extend stereotype.

An extend relationship is used to show

Optional behavior

Behavior that is run only under certain conditions such as triggering an alarm

Several different flows that may be run based on actor selection

An extend relationship is drawn as a dependency relationship that points from the extension to the base use case

Use case Diagram in our system:

2.4 Activity Diagrams:

An Activity diagram is a variation of a special case of a state machine, in which the states are activities representing the performance of operations and the transitions are triggered by the completion of the operations. The purpose of Activity diagram is to provide a view of flows and what is going on inside a use case or among several classes.Activities:

An activity represents the performance of some behavior in the workflow. Transitions: Transitions are used to show the passing of the flow of control from activity to activity. They are typically triggered by the completion of the behavior in the originating activity.

Decision Points:

When modeling the workflow of a system it is often necessary to show where the flow of control branches based on a decision point. The transitions from a decision point contain a guard condition, which is used to determine which path from the decision point is taken.

Synchronization Bars:

In a workflow there are typically some activities that may be done in parallel. A synchronization bar allows you to specify what activities may be done concurrently. Synchronization bars are also used to show joins in the workflow.

Swim lanes:

Swim lanes may be used to partition an activity diagram.

Initial and Final Activities:

There are special symbols that are used to show the starting and final activities in a workflow. The starting activity is shown using a solid filled circle and the final activities are shown using a bull's eye.

Activity Diagrams Of This Application Are:

Overall activity diagram

Activity diagram for modification

Activity diagram for reservation

2.4.1 Overall activity diagram:

2.4.2 Activity diagram for Modification:

2.4.3 Activity diagram for Reservation:


A sequence diagram is a graphical view of a scenario that shows object interaction in a time based sequence--what happens first, what happens next.

Sequence diagrams establish the roles of objects and help provide essential information to determine class responsibilities and interfaces.

A sequence diagram has two dimensions: the vertical dimension represents time; the horizontal dimension represents different objects. The vertical line is called the objects lifeline. The lifeline represents the objects existence during the interaction.


1. To show the timely ordered object interactions.

2. To provide readability.

3. It is easy to find out the operations that belong to the particular class.

Object: An object has state, behavior and identity. The structure and behavior of similar objects are defined in their common class. Each object in a diagram indicates some instance of a class. An object icon is not named is referred to as a class instance. The object icon is similar to a class icon except that the name is underlined. An objects concurrency is defined by the concurrency of its class.

Message: A message is the communication carried between two objects that trigger an event. A message carries information from the source focus of control to the destination focus of control. The synchronization of a message can be modified through the message specification. Synchronization means a message where the sending object pauses to wait for results.

Link: A link should exist between two objects, including class utilities, only if there is a relationship between their corresponding classes. The existence of a relationship between two classes symbolizes a path of communication between instances of the classes: one object may send the messages to another. The link is depicted as a straight line between objects and class instances in a collaboration diagram. If an object links to itself, use the loop version of the icon.

2.5.1 Sequence Diagram for Billing:

2.5.2 Sequence Diagram for Central Cancellation

2.5.3 Sequence Diagram for Front Desk 2.5.4 Sequence Diagram for Housekeeping:

2.5.5 Sequence Diagram for Inventory:

2.5.6 Sequence Diagram for Online cancellation/modification:

2.5.7 Sequence Diagram for Registration/Login:

2.5.8 Sequence Diagram for Reservation:

2.5.9 Sequence Diagram for Restaurant:

2.5.10 Sequence Diagram for Services:

2.5.11 Sequence Diagram for View reports:


A COLLABORATION DIAGRAM is an alternate way to show a scenario. This type of diagram shows object interactions organized around the objects and their links to each other. A collaboration diagram contains

Objects drawn as rectangles

Links between objects shown as lines connecting the linked objects

Messages shown as text and an arrow that points from the client to the supplier

There are two types of numbering schemes:

1. Flat numbered sequence

In this messages are numbered as 1, 2, 3.

2. Decimal numbered sequence

In this messages are given numbers as 1.1, 2.2, 1.3


1. Collaboration diagrams are very useful for drawing class diagrams.

2. These diagrams give the interactions between the classes and objects.

3. To find the operations of the classes.

4. Using command we can draw sequence diagram directly from the collaboration diagrams.

Differences between Sequence and Collaboration Diagrams:

1. Sequence diagrams are time oriented where as collaboration diagrams shows the static connections among the objects.

2. Sequence diagram is very easy to read where as collaboration diagram is some what complex to read.

2.6.1 Collaboration Diagram for Billing:

2.6.2 Collaboration Diagram for Central cancellation:

2.6.3 Collaboration Diagram for Front desk:

2.6.4 Collaboration Diagram for House keeping:

2.6.5 Collaboration Diagram for Inventory:

2.6.6 Collaboration Diagram for Online cancellation/Modification:

2.6.7 Collaboration Diagram for Registration/Login:

2.6.8 Collaboration Diagram for Reservation:

2.6.9 Collaboration Diagram for Restaurant:

2.6.10 Collaboration Diagram for Reservation:

2.6.11 Collaboration Diagram for Services:

2.6.12 Collaboration Diagram for View report:

2.7 Entity-relationship diagram


3.1 Purpose:

The purpose of the project is to automate the entire hotel management in an effective way and to provide an option for room reservation through online.

3.2 Scope:

This system is used in the hotels, to manage the day to day activities i.e., check-in, check-out, payment, billing, services provided, restaurant management, expenses, reportsetc by using this computerized system.

3.3 Application Features:

3.3.1 General Description

Features in this System are:4. Registration

5. Reservation

6. Cancellation

7. Front desk

8. Services

9. Restaurant

10. Billing

11. House keeping

12. Inventory

13. Reports


For a guest to reserve a room through online, he must be a registered user. This feature helps the guest to get registered into the system. This feature also allows the administrator to give roles i.e., manger, receptionist, house keeping executive and a user.


For a guest to reserve a room in the hotel, he can follow 2 procedures.

1) Online reservation:

This feature enables the guest to reserve a room through internet from anywhere in the world. When the guest wants to use this feature, he has to select the room type, mention the check-in and check-out details and must check for the availability. If the room required is available during that period then he has to enter all the personal details that are required and also has to pay certain amount with the help of credit card. The reference number of the reservation is noted and the reservation is completed. If the room required is not available then he has to choose another type of room based on his requirement.

2) Central reservation:

This feature enables the guest to book the room by coming directly to the reception for either the advance reservation or to check-in the hotel at that point of time. The details of the guest are entered into the system by the receptionist. Based on the availability the receptionist gives the room to the guest and marks the check-in time. The guest has to pay certain amount in advance. After the reservation the vacant rooms based on the reserved dates are updated in the database by default.


This feature enables the guest to cancel the room reservation which is done either by the online process or by coming directly to the reception. When the cancellation is done, certain percentage of the advance money which is paid by the guest during the reservation is returned to the guest. After the cancellation the vacant rooms based on the reserved dates are updated in the database by default

Front Desk:

When the guest comes to the hotel for stay, he has to say the receptionist his reference number and the receptionist gives the room and marks the check- in time. This feature enables the receptionist to look after the check-in, check-out, payment details, occupancy summary, guest information, expected departures for that day, search guests, view the status of rooms and to change the status i.e., vacant, occupied, dirty and blocked.


This feature enables the receptionist to provide the services requested by the guest. Receptionist attends the guest call and forwards the requests to the respective departments and enters the details of the services provided to keep the bills up-to-date.


This feature enables the receptionist to keep the KOT bills and also the room service bills up-to-date in the system.


After the stay period of the guest, in the check-out process he has to pay the money due at the reception. This feature shows all the payment details.

This feature enables the receptionist to keep the details of the administration expenses up-to-date. This includes the staff salaries, electricity bill, telephone bill, maintenance bill etc.

House Keeping:

This feature enables the house keeping executive to manage the house keeping activities i.e., scheduling the timings for house keeping services, billing the house keeping activities.


This feature enables the house keeping executive to look after the inventory management i.e., to maintain the list of articles taken from the stores such as soaps, cloth materialsetc that are required for maintenance of the hotel.


This feature enables the manager to know all the reports regarding the hotel and its management, its maintenance, expenses and room occupancy details.

The main roles involved in this system are :

1. Manager

2. Receptionist

3. House keeping executive

4. Guest

5. Administrator


A hotel manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of a hotel and its staff and has commercial accountability for planning, organizing and directing all hotel services, including front-of-house (reception, concierge, and reservation), banqueting and housekeeping. He plays a major role in financial management i.e., preparing budgets and marketing strategies and achieving targets for the business


Hotel receptionist is responsible in dealing with room bookings and cancellations and handling general requests made by guests during their stay. His main duties are dealing with reservations and cancellations by phone, e-mail, letter, fax or face-to-face; checking guests into the hotel, allocating rooms and handing out keys; checking guests out of the hotel, preparing bills and taking payments; answering questions about facilities in the hotel and the surrounding area dealing with complaints or problems.

House keeping executive:A house-keeping executive is responsible in scheduling the house keeping activities i.e., cleaning, laundry, room service etc. He is also responsible for inventory management i.e., to purchase the order, checking the stock availabilityetc.


A guest can reserve the rooms on online or can come to the hotel reception to reserve the rooms. Guests can make special requests which are to be carried out during their stay and trigger notifications for hotel staff to complete the tasks. During the check-out process, he has to settle the payments.


Administrator assigns the roles to the users, manager, receptionist and house keeping executive and registers them to the system3.4. Software and Hardware Requirements: The minimum software and hardware requirements are as

Software Requirements:


(service pack) (Internet Information Services)

Windows NT4.6 6

Windows 2000 4

Windows XP 2

Windows 2003 1

Front End Microsoft visual studio 2005 (ASP. Net with c# language)

Back End Sql server 2000

Client Details:

Any web browser to compatible to run front-end programs.

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : P3+ or AMD

Primary Memory (RAM) : 256 MB or 512 SD

Secondary Memory (Hard Disk) : min 10 GB

Monitor : VGA (Color)

Keyboard : 105 Standards

Mouse : Any Compatible Mouse



4.1.1 Object oriented design

The UML language is for





These are the artifacts of a software-intensive system.

A conceptual model of the UML:

The three major elements of UML are

The UMLs basic building blocks

The rule that dictate how those building blocks may be put together.

Some common mechanisms that apply throughout the UML.

Basic building blocks of the UML

The vocabulary of UML encompasses three kinds of building blocks: Things


Diagrams Thing are the abstractions that are first-class citizens in a model. Relationships tie these things together, Diagrams group the interesting collection of things.Things in UML

There are four kinds of things in the UML

1. Structural things,

2. Behavioral things,

3. Grouping things,

4. Annotational things.

These are things are the basic object oriented building blocks of the UML. They are used to write well-formed models.

Class diagrams Describe the static structure of the system: Objects, Attributes, and Associations.

Object diagrams

Shows set of objects and their relationships. These are static snap shots of instances of the things found in the class diagram.

Component diagrams

Shows set of components and their relationships.

Deployment diagrams

Shows a set of nodes and their relationships

Collaboration diagrams

Focuses on the structural organization of objects that send and received messages.State chart diagrams

Describe the dynamic behavior of an individual object as a finite state machine.

Class diagrams are used

During requirements analysis to model problem domain concepts,

During system design to model subsystems and interfaces,

During object design to model classes.


Name and model concepts in the system

Specify logical database schemas

Represent the structure of the system.

A class represents a concept and encapsulates state (attributes) and behavior (operations).

Attribute has a type.

Operation has a signature. 4.2 CLASS DIAGRAM

4.3 Architecture Design









4.4.1 Login Details Table:

Column NameData TypeConstraints

UsernameVarchar(50)Primary key

PasswordVarchar(50)Not null

RolesVarchar(50)Not null

4.4.2 Registered Users Table:Column NameData typeConstraints

UsernameVarchar(50)Primary key

PasswordVarchar(50)Not null

DobVarchar(50)Not null

EmailVarchar(50)Not null

AddressVarchar(MAX)Not null

PhoneVarchar(50)Not null

SecquesVarchar(50)Not null

SecansVarchar(50)Not null

4.4.3 Room Details Table:

Column NameData TypeConstraints

RoomnoVarchar(50)Primary key

FloorVarchar(50)Not null

RoomtypeVarchar(50)Not null

ChargeFloatNot null

StatusVarchar(50)Not null

4.4.4 Guest Information Table:

Column NameData typeConstraints

RefnoIntPrimary key

NameVarchar(50)Not null

AddressVarchar(MAX)Not null

PhoneVarchar(50)Not null

MobileVarchar(50)Not null

EmailVarchar(50)Not null

CamefromVarchar(50)Not null

GoingtoVarchar(50)Not null

AdultsIntNot null

ChildIntNot null

4.4.5 Room Reservation Table:

Column NameData TypeConstraints

RefnoIntPrimary key

RoomnoVarchar(50)Not null

RoomtypeVarchar(50)Not null

FromdateVarchar(50)Not null

TodateVarchar(50)Not null

UsernameVarchar(50)Not null

4.4.6 Payment Details Table:

Column NameData typeConstraints

RoomnoVarchar(50)Not null

BnoIntPrimary key

RefnoIntNot null

NameVarchar(50)Not null

PaymentdateVarchar(50)Not null

PaymentmodeVarchar(50)Not null

PaymodedetailsVarchar(MAX)Not null

PaidamountFloatNot null

TotaldueFloatNot null

4.4.7 Expenses Table:

Column NameData TypeConstraints

MonthVarchar(50)Primary key

YearVarchar(50)Primary key

DeptVarchar(50)Primary key

AmountFloatNot null

4.4.8 Room Service Table:

Column NameData TypeConstraints

RoomnoVarchar(50)Not null

DeptVarchar(50)Not null

ServiceVarchar(50)Not null

ServicestatusVarchar(50)Not null

DateVarchar(50)Not null

AmountFloatNot null

4.4.9 Room Cleaning Table:

Column NameData TypeConstraints

RoomnoVarchar(50)Not null

DescriptionVarchar(50)Not null

CleanstatusVarchar(50)Not null

DateVarchar(50)Not null

TimeVarchar(50)Not null

4.4.10 Restaurant Order Table:

Column NameData TypeConstraints

KotnoVarchar(50)Primary key

DateVarchar(50)Not null

TablenoVarchar(50)Not null

ItemVarchar(50)Not null

QuantityIntNot null

AmountFloatNot null

4.4.11 Purchase Order Table:

Column NameData typeConstraints

PonoVarchar(50)Primary key

ItemnameVarchar(50)Not null

vendernameVarchar(50)Not null

QuantityVarchar(50)Not null

DateVarchar(50)Not null

AmountFloatNot null


AN OVERVIEW OF .NET5.1 Overview of .Net:

.Net is the combining of smaller technologies into a singular unit. Introduced in July 10 2000 officially by Microsoft company that is why this is also called as . Net is the Microsoft technology. Up to now there are four versions of the. Net technologies is 1.0in the 2003 supports up to 13 languages, then 1.1in the 2003 supports up to 17 languages, then 2.0in the 2006 supports up to 23 languages, then finally now which are running in the market is 3.0 supports more than 40 languages. That fourth version is also called as ORCAS.

.Net supporting languages:

Visual Basic. Net

Visual C#. Net

Visual J#. Net

Visual COBOL. Net

These are four common languages which are mostly used by the visual studio.Net, this visual studio. Net (VS. Net) is the integrated development environment (IDE). That is Tool through which these 40+ languages are to be run as front end.

5.1.1 Type of applications using .Net:

Windows application

Console application

Web application

Mobile application

Crystal reports

Control libraries

Windows application:

This is the application which are applies in the run time and design time, this application are used in the designing of forms in the new projects these windows application can be used by any Vs. Net supporting languages.

Console application:

This is also one of the application which are applies in the dos prompt and run time application are used in the designing of forms in the new projects these windows application can be used by any Vs. Net supporting languages.

Code window is available with for Vb. Net and for c#. Net

Web application:

This is also one of the application which are applies in the runtime and design time, this application are used in the designing of web forms or Web pages in the new websites these web application can be used by any Vs. Net supporting languages.

Crystal reports:

This is also one of the application which are applies in the creating of tabular column. Generally this crystal reports are ignored by Vs. Net. These applications are used in the generating of the tabular column in the new projects these windows application can be used by any Vs. Net supporting languages.

Control libraries:

This is also one of the application which are applies in the creating of assemblies. That is the combination of one or more .dll and .exe files. These applications are used in the assemblies in the new projects these windows application can be used by any Vs. Net supporting languages. The assemblies having two types are as single file assemblies and multi files assemblies.

5.1.2 VB. Net Advantages:

Not case sensitive.

Faster in execution while compare to other .Net languages.

It has migrated.

The future is newly adopted technology from the existing Vb 6.0

(a product of Microsoft to developed rich front end screens).


A type of future introduced Vs.Net 2.0version to make the uses very familiar with the structure of different control statement to use in the programming.

Type casting:

Converting of the data type to other type having two types implicitly by the compiler and explicitly by the user.

Boxing and unboxing in the .Net:

In the case of boxing converting of value (integer type) type to reference

(string type) type, and in the case of unboxing converting of reference

(string type) type to value (integer type) type.

5.2 .Net framework:

Framework is different from Integrated Development Environment (IDE). We use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) as Vs. Net. . Net framework is a programming module of. Net. . Net framework is combination of basic class libraries (BCL) and common language runtime (CLR). BCL includes root name space oops concept web services, xml, active data object (ADO).

As imports System. Data here imports is a keyword used to inherent various

name space into the .Net environment. And System is the name space is the

logical collection of class, method and properties etc.CLR mainly consist of three parts:

Memory management how much we used that memory is allocated.

Garbage collector allocates and release space for object usage.

CTS (common type system) every variable should be either value type or reference

type which is a mandatory condition.

Root name space: - System .windows. Form developing for the windows application. System. Reflection assembly applications. files operations.

System. Drawing Microsoft paint brush operation

(we can change size, color, of the font).

The .NET Framework provides a runtime environment called the Common Language Runtime or CLR (similar to the Java Virtual Machine or JVM in Java), which handles the execution of code and provides useful services for the implementation of the program. CLR takes care of code management at program execution and provides various beneficial services such as memory management, thread management, security management, code verification, compilation, and other system services. The managed code that targets CLR benefits from useful features such as cross-language integration, cross-language exception handling, versioning, enhanced security, deployment support, and debugging. Common Type System (CTS) describes how types are declared, used and managed in the runtime and facilitates cross-language integration, type safety, and high performance code execution.

The CLS is simply a specification that defines the rules to support language integration in such a way that programs written in any language, yet can interoperate with one another, taking full advantage of inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions, and other features. These rules and the specification are documented in the ECMA proposed standard document,

As part of compiling MSIL to native code, code must pass a verification process unless an administrator has established a security policy that allows code to bypass verification. Verification examines MSIL and metadata to find out whether the code can be determined to be type safe, which means that it is known to access only the memory locations it is authorized to access.

5.2.1 .NET Frame Work Diagram


The process of reading the metadata of information is called as reflection. Metadata is an open standard environment.

Tool box:

It is GUI container that contains all the needed development controls like textbox (input of the data), button (to rise on event), label (Description), link etc.

Solution explorer:

It is GUI container that shows the various forms or webwofms or list of various items that are used in the project.

Link label:

It is similar to label but with an under linking format (blue color).We cant execute label in the runtime where link can be execute in the runtime. It is used for hyper linking interface to the. Net. but it has some disadvantages that can only opened the defined location by the users.

ADO. Net:

ADO .NET Stands for activeX data object.

Dataset is an in-memory content of the Ado. Net and is disconnected architecture of Ado. Net.

The connection between back end (database) and front end (dataset) is called as data adaptor. In back end creates a table with table name and column and required data types.

Main database used in. Net


Sql server

Ms access

To established connection in Sql.

[Sql Connection cn = New Sql Connection (connection string);]


User id= sivaji; Password=rvrjc;



To established connection in oracle

[Oracle Connection cn = New Oracle (connection string);]


User id= sivaji; Password=rvrjc;



Command object:


[Sql Command = New Sql Command (Sql Statements, cn)]

Methods if command object in Ado. Net:

1. ExecuteNonQuery();

2. ExecuteScaler();

3. ExecuteReader();

4. ExecuteXmlReader();

To open connection the following method is used

[Cn. Open;]

Cn. Open ();

Sql Command;

Command Type;

Command ;


It is a method in Ado. Net used to perform Non-Query action.

Example insert, delete, update.


It is a method in Ado. Net used to perform retrieve a single entity from the back end.

Example select user id from EMP where ename = faiyaz.


It is a method in Ado. Net used to perform retrieve the data from back End.

Example Select *from EMP


It is a method in Ado. Net used to perform retrieve the xml data in the. Net applications.


Logical collection of one or more .exe and .dll files is called as assembly and the compile source code of. Net architecture. There are two types of assemblies are categories.

Single assemblies and,

Multi file assemblies.

.EXE: Self execution files and not reusable.

.DLL: Not self execution files and reusable.

Assemblies of single file Content:

1. Manifest- metadata of assembly

2. Type metadata-data about assembly class

3. Msil-microsoft integrated language

4. Resource- external resource.

Microsoft integrated language is divided into four parts according to the versions:

Version 6.0 major

Version 3.0 minor

Version 0.0 build

Version 1.0 revision

Assemblies of multi file Content:

1. Manifest- metadata of assembly

2. Type metadata-data about assembly class

3. Msil-microsoft integrated language

These are myassembly.dll

1. Metadata

2. Msil-microsoft integrated language

Before Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) can be executed, it must be converted by a .NET Framework just-in-time (JIT) compiler to native code, which is CPU-specific code that runs on the same computer architecture as the JIT compiler.

Rather than using time and memory to convert all the MSIL in a portable executable (PE) file to native code, it converts the MSIL as it is needed during execution and stores the resulting native code so that it is accessible for subsequent calls.

The runtime supplies another mode of compilation called install-time code generation. The install-time code generation mode converts MSIL to native code just as the regular JIT compiler does, but it converts larger units of code at a time, storing the resulting native code for use when the assembly is subsequently loaded and executed.

5.4 Validation controls and page navigation:

Validation controls:

Validation is the process of making sure that the user enters correct information into a form. Validation controls is provide by the. Net framework in the client browser if the browser supports java script and DHTML and checks the data that user entered before sending it to the server. The entire validation take place in the browser and nothing is sent back to the server. If the browser does not support DHTML and scripting then is done on the server. All validation controls in the. Net frameworks are derived from the BaseValidator class.

The validation controls that are provided by the. Net frameworks are as following:

1. RequiredField Validator

2. Compare Validator

3. Range Validator

4. RegulaExpression Validator

5. Custom Validator

RequiredField Validator:

Simple of all, RequiredField Validator makes sure that the user enters data into a form. For example, on a registration form you might want your users to enter their data of in a textbox. If they leave field empty, this validation control will display an error.

Notable property of the RequiredField Validator is the initial value property, which set as an initial value in the control

Compare Validator:

Comparison Validations are used to compare the entered by the user into a control (Textbox, for example) with the value entered into another control for with a constant value. We indicate the control to validate by setting the ControlToValidate property and if we want to compare a specific control with an other control we need set the ControlToCompare property to specify the ControlToCompare with.

Range Validator:

Range Validators are used to test if the value of a control is inside a specificied range of values.The three property of this control are the ControlToValidate property, which contains the control of validate and maximum and minimum values which hold the maximum and minimum values of the valid range.

Regular Expression Validator:

Regular Expression Validators are used to check if the value in a control matches a pattern defined by the regular expression. Notable property for this control is the Validation Expression property, which allow us to select a predefined expression which we want to match with the data enter in a control.

Custom Validator:

Custom Validator are used to our own Validation for the data in a control. For example, you can check the value entered by a user is even or odd, with this control which is not possible with any of the above mentions validation controls. You write the script for the validation for JavaScript or vbscript and associate that script function to the ClientValidationFunction property of this control.



The system uses a very user-friendly interface developed using extended markup language (XML) and hyper text markup language (HTML). Which most users are acquitted with and is broadly used on the World Wide Web (WWW). The controls are placed on the forms in an easily accessible manner so that user strain is minimized to the maximum extent.

Whenever a user enters any from the system also states the action to be performed is an easily understandable and pleasant speech. The navigation of the user from one area of the system to another is very easy using easy to access and properly placed hyperlinks which user can access on the click of a button.

The system also posses a unique format for each type of employee; this ensures that employee is presented with options he has access to. This ensures a great deal of security to the system and to the organization as an employee is not given an option to carryout unauthorized activity.

Home page:

Login page:

Forgot Password page:

Change Password page:

Registration page:

User Login page:

Room Reservation page:

Room Reservation page: (contd)

Room Reservation page: (contd)

Room Cancellation page:

Receptionist Login page:

House Keeping Executive Login Page:

Manager Login page:

Central Reservation page:

Room Status View page:

To Change Room Status:

Check-In page:

Payment page:

Check-Out page:

Search Guests page:

Extension of Stay page:

Guests Information page:

Expected Departures page:

Room Occupancy Summary page:

Room Service page:

Restaurant Order page:

Final Bill page:

Final Bill page: (contd)

Administrative Expenses page:

Room Cleaning (House Keeping) page:

Purchase Order (Inventory) page:

Expenses Reports page:

Admin Registration page:


7.1 Testing Concepts for Web Applications:

Testing is the process of exercising software with the intent of finding (and ultimately correcting) errors. In fact, because Web-based systems and applications reside on a network and interoperate with many different operating systems and applications reside on a network and interoperate with many different operating systems, browsers (or other interface devices as PDAs or mobile phones), hardware platforms, communications protocols, and backroom applications, the search for errors represents a significant challenge.

7.1.1 Dimensions of Quality:

Quality is incorporated into a web application as a consequence of good design. It is evaluated by applying a series of technical reviews that assess various elements of the design model and by applying a testing process. Both reviews and testing examine one or more of the following quality dimensions.










7.1.2 Errors within a WebApp Environment:

Errors encountered as a consequence of successful WebApp testing have a number of unique characteristics:

Because many types of WebApp tests uncover problems that are first evidenced on the client side (i.e., via an interface implemented on a specific browser or a PDA or a mobile phone).

Because a WebApp is implemented in a number of different configurations and within different environments, it may be difficult or impossible to reproduce an error outside the environment in which the error was originally encountered.

Although some errors are the result of incorrect design or improper HTML (or other programming language) coding, many errors can be traced to the WebApp configuration.

Because WebApps reside within client/server architecture, errors can be difficult to trace across three architectural layers: the client, the server, or the network itself.

Some errors are due to the static operating environment (i.e., the specific configuration in which testing is conducted), while others are attributable to the dynamic operating environment (i.e., instantaneous resource loading or time-related errors).

7.1.3 Testing Strategy:

Basic principles for software testing of WebApps are

The Content Model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover errors.

The interface model is reviewed to ensure that all use-cases can be accommodated.

The design model for the WebApp is reviewed to uncover navigation errors.

The user interface is tested to uncover errors in presentation and/or navigation mechanics.

Selected functional components are unit tested.

Navigation throughout the architecture is tested.

The WebApp is implemented in a variety of different environmental configurations and is tested for compatibility with each configuration.

Security tests are conducted in an attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in the WebApp or within its environment.

Performance tests are conducted.

The WebApp is tested by a controlled and monitored population of end users; the results of their interaction with the system are evaluated for content and navigation errors, usability concerns, compatibility concerns, and WebApp reliability and performance.

7.1.4 Test Planning:

A WebApp test plan identifies

1. A task set to be applied as testing commences.

2. The work product to be produced as each testing task is executed.

3. The manner in which the results of testing are evaluated, recorded, and reused when regression testing is conducted.

7.2 The Testing Process- Overview:

The testing process for web engineering begins with tests that exercise content and interface functionality that is immediately visible to end-users. As testing proceeds, aspects of the design architecture and navigation are exercised. The user may or may not be cognizant of these WebApp elements. Finally, the focus shifts to tests that exercise technological capabilities that are not always apparent to end-usersWebApp infrastructure and installation/implementation issues.

Content Testing

Interface Testing

Navigation Testing

Component Testing

Configuration Testing

Performance Testing

Security Testing

The following figure shows the testing flow:

7.3 Content Testing:

Errors in WebApp content can be as trivial as minor typological errors or as significant as incorrect information, improper organization, or violation of intellectual property laws. Content Testing attempts to uncover these and many other problems before the user encounters them.

7.3.1 Content Testing Objectives:

Content testing has three important objectives:

1. To uncover syntactic errors(e.g., typos, grammar mistakes) in text-based documents, graphical representations, and other media

2. To uncover semantic errors (i.e., errors in the accuracy or completeness of information) in any content object presented as navigation occurs

3. To find errors in the organization or structure of content that is presented to the end-user.

In our system testing

In the ASP.NET technology, we have intelligence facility so that we can avoid syntactic errors while we are doing coding without putting extra effort for detecting these types of errors.

Semantic testing focuses on the information presented within each content object. The tester must answer the following questions:

Is the information factually accurate?

Is the information concise and to the point?

Is the layout of the content object easy for the user to understand?

Can information embedded within a content object be found easily?

Have proper references been provided for all information derived from other sources?

Is the information presented consistent internally and consistent with information presented in other content objects?

Is the content offensive, misleading, or does it open the door to litigation?

Does the content infringe on existing copyrights or trademarks?

Does the content contain internal links that supplement existing content? Are the links correct?

Does the aesthetic style of the content conflict with the aesthetic style of the interface?

7.3.2 Database Testing:

Modern web applications do much more than present static content objects. In many application domains, WebApps interface with sophisticated database management systems and build dynamic content objects that are created in real-time using the data acquired from a database.

Database Testing for WebApps is complicated by a variety of factors:

1. The original client-side request for information is rarely presented in the form that can be input to a database management system. Therefore, tests should be designed to uncover errors made by these DBMS.

2. The database may be remote to the server that houses the WebApp. Therefore, tests that uncover errors in communication between the WebApp and the remote database should be developed.

3. Raw data acquired from the database must be transmitted to the WebApp server and properly formatted for subsequent transmittal to the client. Therefore, tests that demonstrate the validity of the raw data received by the WebApp server should be developed, and additional tests that demonstrate the validity of the transformations applied to the raw data to create valid content objects must also be created.

4. The dynamic content objects must be transmitted to the client in a form that can be displayed to the end-user. Therefore, a series of tests should be developed to uncover errors in the content object format and test compatibility with different client environment configurations.

In our system we have faced the following problems during the testing of pages involved database connectivity: If the guest wants to reserve a room, checking of the availability should be done automatically. The data is retrieved from the database and the required possibility is checked. The communication is tested. At the beginning we have used disconnected model, it causes some problems some times while updating or deleting the entries in the database, so we have used connected in those problematic places. The booking details should be displayed on users request, those details are retrieved and displayed in the grid view. The forms are checked clearly in different systems.

7.4 User Interface Testing:

Verification and validation of a WebApp user interface occurs at three distinct points in the Web engineering process. During formulation and requirements analysis, the interface model is reviewed to ensure that it conforms to customer requirements and to other elements of the analysis model. During design, the interface model reviewed to ensure that generic quality criteria established for all user interfaces have been achieved and that application-specific interface design issues have been properly addressed. During testing, the following shifts to the execution of application-specific aspects of user interactions as they are manifested by interface syntax and semantics. In addition, testing provides final assessment usability.

7.4.1 Interface Testing Strategy:

Interface features like colors, frames, images, borders, tables, and related elements that are generated as WebApp execution proceeds, are tested to ensure the design rules.

Each interface mechanism is tested within the context of a use case for a specific user category.

The complete interface is tested against selected use cases.

Individual Interface mechanisms are tested in a manner that is analogous to unit testing.

7.4.2 Testing Interface Mechanisms:

Links: Each navigation link is tested to ensure that the proper content object or function is reached.

Forms: The following tests are performed to ensure that

1. Labels correctly identify fields within the form and that mandatory fields are identified visually for the user.

2. The server receives all information contained within the form and that no data are lost in the transmission between client and server.

3. Appropriate defaults are used when the user does not select from a pull-down menu or set of buttons.

4. Browser functions (e.g., back arrow) do not corrupt data entered in a form.

5. Scripts that perform error checking on data entered work properly and provide meaningful error messages. In our system, for login if the user is unauthorized, invalid user message will come and it is tested properly.

6. Browser auto-fill features do not lead to data input errors. In our system, the Arrival date and Departure date are initially none, no default date is provided there, if tourist did not select those fields an error message will be displayed.

7. The tab key (or some other key) initiates proper movement between form fields. In our system, in the reservation and booking forms, initially we have 3 text boxes and they are placed into the form in different order then we faced a problem there, the fields are first name, then email id and then address like that, they are looking in that format in the form but while designing the form we placed textbox2 for the address textbox, if we pressed tab after name filed it would go to the address textbox without going to the email textbox. We have resolved the problem by placing the textbox2 against email.

Pop-up windows: A series of tests ensure that

The pop-up is properly sized and positioned

The pop-up does not cover the original WebApp window

Scroll bars and other control mechanisms appended to the pop-up work, are properly located, and function as required.

7.5 Component-Level Testing:

Component-level testing also called function testing, focuses on a set of tests that attempt to uncover errors in WebApp functions. Each WebApp function is a software module is a software module and can be tested using black-box testing and in some cases white-box testing techniques.

Component-level test cases are often driven by forms-level input. Once forms data are defined, the user selects a button or other control mechanism to initiate execution. The following test case design methods are used:

Equivalence Partitioning: The input domain of the function is divided into input categories or classes from which test cases are derived. The input form is assessed to determine what classes of data are relevant for the function. Test cases for each class of input are derived and executed while other classes of input are held constant.

Test cases in our system are as follows:

Test Case# : 1Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: To let the user enter the correct Email Id format.

Test Description: Email Id format is tested against standard formats.

Requirements Verified: Email Id format is checked

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: User should enter some thing

Actions Expected Results

Incorrect Email Id

Correct IdA message Check your e-mail id is displayed.

Just check and leave.

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Test Case# : 2Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: Correct Registration

Test Description: Username is checked

Requirements Verified: Username is checked in the database

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: User initiates any control mechanism like Submit button.

Actions Expected Results

If the username already exists

If the username is validA message Username already exists.Enter another name and try again is displayed.

Check and his account is created if all the required fields are entered correctly.

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Test Case# : 3Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: To let the user enter all the required fields

Test Description: All the necessary fields are checked

Requirements Verified: All the necessary fields should be entered

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: User initiates any control mechanism like Submit or Go buttons

Actions Expected Results

Incomplete Necessary fields

Completion of all the necessary fieldsRed colored * symbols will come against the incomplete fields and the user is allowed to complete those fields and form will not be submitted until that has been done

Just check and go to the next activity.

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Test Case# : 4Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: Correct logins

Test Description: Username and password are checked

Requirements Verified: Username and password are checked in the database

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: User initiates any control mechanism like Submit or Go buttons

Actions Expected Results

Incorrect login

Correct LoginA message Invalid username / password will be displayed and allows the user to reenter the information.

Check and his account is opened which consists of the booking details and logout option.

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

Test Case# : 5

Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: To let the guest enter the arrival and departure dates only after the present date.

Test Description: Arrival and departure dates are tested

Requirements Verified: Those dates should be after the present date.

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: User should enter some thing


Expected Results

Arrival and departure dates are before the present date.

Arrival date is after the departure date

Correct Dates

A message Invalid entry of dates is displayed.

A message Invalid entry of dates is displayed.

Just check and continue

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Test Case# : 6Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: User is allowed to cancel or modify his own booking details

Test Description: Accessing permissions

Requirements Verified: Login username must be verified

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: If user tries to cancel the reservation made by another user

Actions Expected Results

If correct username

If incorrect usernameGuest is allowed to access those pages

A message Invalid entry of data will be displayed.

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Test Case# : 7Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: Correct Check-in to the hotel

Test Description: Reference number is checked

Requirements Verified: Reference number, arrival date, departure date, check-in date and the room number are verified from the database.

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: If receptionist enters the incorrect reference number

Actions Expected Results

If the reference number is not confirmed after the payment.

If the guest is already checked-in

If the check-in date is after the departure date given during reservation

If the check-in date is before the arrival date given during reservation

If the allotted room number is invalid

If everything is correctA message Invalid reference number is displayed.

A message Entered reference number is invalid as the guest is already checked-in will be displayed.

A message Check-in is not accepted as the dates are invalid will be displayed.

A message Check-in is not accepted as the dates are invalid will be displayed.

A message Check-in is not completed as Invalid roomno is alloted for the guest will be displayed.A message Check-in successfully completed is displayed and all the necessary activities are done.

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Test Case# : 8Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: Correct Check-out from the hotel

Test Description: Room number is checked

Requirements Verified: Room number and the payment details are verified from the database.

Test Environment: Internet Explorer

Test setup or Pre-conditions: If receptionist enters the incorrect room number

Actions Expected Results

If the room number is not checked-in

If the Payment is not made by the guest.

If the total due amount is more.

If everything is correctA message Invalid Room number is displayed.

A message No payment is made. Check out is not accepted is displayed.

A message Check-out is not accepted as the due amount is more is displayed

A message Check-Out successfully completed is displayed and all the necessary activities are done.

Pass: Yes Conditional Pass: Fail:

PrP Problems or issues: Nil

Boundary Value Analysis: Forms data are tested at their boundaries.

In our system:

VariableMinimum valueMaximum Value

Username1 character30characters

Password6 characters30characters

ArrivalDate, Departure DatePresent date-

Telephone number1014

7.6 Navigation Testing:

The job of navigation Testing is

To ensure that the mechanisms that allow the WebApp user to travel through the WebApp are all functional and

To validate that each navigation semantic unit can be achieved by the appropriate user category.

7.6.1 Testing Navigation Syntax:

Navigation links: Internal links within the WebApp, external links to other WebApps and anchors within a specific Web page should be tested to ensure that proper content or functionality is reached when the link is chosen.

Redirects: these links come into play when a user requests a nonexistent URL or selects a link whose destination has been changed. We have tested this by accessing the incorrect internal links and the test is completed successfully.

Sitemaps: Entries should be tested to ensure that the link takes the user to the proper content or functionality.

7.7 Configuration Testing: this attempt to uncover errors that are specific to a particular client or server environment. A cross-reference matrix that defines all probable operating systems, browsers, hardware platforms, and communication protocols is created. Tests are then conducted to uncover errors associated with each possible configuration.

7.8 Security Testing: It incorporates a series of tests designed to exploit vulnerabilities in the WebApp and its environment. The intent is to demonstrate that a security breach is possible.

7.9 Performance Testing: It encompasses a series of tests that are designed to assess

(1) How the WebApp response time and reliability are affected by increased user traffic,

(2) Which WebApp components are responsible for performance degradation and what usage characteristics cause degradation to occur, and (3) how performance degradation impacts overall WebApp objectives and requirements.


MAINTENANCECorrective maintenance

This acts to correct errors that are uncovered after the software is in use.

Adaptive maintenance

This is applied when changes is the external environment precipitate modifications to software.

Preventive maintenance

This improves future maintainability and reliability and provides basis for future enhancements.



The existing system is a manual system. It involves paper work in the form of maintaining various files and manuals. Maintaining critical information in the files and manuals is full of risk and a tedious process. A positive solution to ease the burden is Automation of Hotel Management.

The existing automated system is a stand alone system or a LAN based system and booking is in the form of email.

This project reduces the manual work and minimizes time spent for administration. Cyber Hotelier is developed to increase the performance of the existing system and is beneficial for the organization as it provides an option of reserving rooms through online. The system has fulfilled all the requirements outlined in the problem definition.

The system is secured because it provides restricted access to various user types by user authentication. Various trend reports would facilitate the process of decision-making. This system has been tested using all possible test data that can work in any conditions.

Chapter 10


Desirable Enhancements to the Delivered SystemThe system has been developed under the given conditions and is found to work effectively and efficiently. The system has been tested with sample data covering all possible options and its performance is good. Since the system is flexible and modular, further modification of this package can be easily incorporated. A number of possible enhancements or additions to the delivered system have been suggested.

Enhancements to create a Bigger, Better System

These enhancements deal with what would be required in a new improved, bigger and better system.

Simultaneous access of the software by more number of users in a project team. To provide a facility that automatically sends a mail to the users to keep them updated on every new plan introduced.



Ali Bahrami (2003),Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML, 2nd Edition Tata McGraw-Hill. Roger S.Pressman (2002),Software Engineering: A Practioners Approach, 5th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill. Vikas Guptha (2007),.Net Programming in C#,2005, BHP publishers.

HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" 10803780.html


Room no





Room service


Ref no nnono.

room no





room type







Bill no

Room no

Payment date

Payment mode

Total due

Paid amount



Ref no

Item name

KOT no

Table no





Item name

PO no

Vender name




Purchase order








Component testing

Security testing

Performance testing

Configuration testing

Component design

Architecture design

Navigation design

Content design

Aesthetic design

Interface design

Navigation testing

Interface testing

Content testing