Download - Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

Page 1: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

Cyber Attacks against Me

By Wen Yunchao

My name is Wen Yunchao. I’m here to testify about the cyber attacks against

me that occurred over the last few years.

In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for

forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email

account not under my control. This was the first time I realized my email was


In February, 2011, the so-called “Jasmine revolution” broke in China. The

“Jasmine revolution” referred to anonymous online calls for mass gatherings

in public venues in major cities across China. At the time, I was working and

living in Hong Kong. Starting at that time, all of my electronic

communications, including telephone and Internet services were under

severe attack.

On June 2, 2011, I discovered that these rather sophisticated hacking attacks

were targeting my Gmail account. That day I received an email with the

subject “Li Chengpeng Invites You to Participate in Voting.” The email

contained a hidden link: On clicking it, a Flash document opened up, which

authorized other users to visit. When I reported this to Google, they

responded that they weren’t even aware of such attacks. The content of the

email had to do with well-known Chinese author Li Chengpeng’s campaign for

election to the local congress of the people’s representatives, and was sent two

days before the anniversary of the Tian’anmen Massacre on June 4th. I believe

the hacking was politically motivated and most likely an act of the government.

I recorded the hacking process and published it on You Tube (see Appendix 1).

In June 2011, I was attending the UN Human Rights Council’s meeting in

Geneva as part of the Internet Freedom Fellows program. I gave a speech to

call for support for Chinese citizens who had been persecuted because of the

“Jasmine Revolution.” On June 8, the day before the speech, I received a text

message warning me: “......A wise person takes action after thorough thinking;

do not let ignorance have the upper hand and leave you in sadness. Whereas

life can be splendid, why obsess with one thing? Put it down, put it down” (see

Appendix 2).

After I gave the speech and before I left Geneva, my phone began to receive a

large volume of incoming calls. At first, I could connect, and I could hear loud

ringing in the background. My impression was that I was not the only one

being harassed. In the background, I also heard dialogue in Mandarin, but it

Page 2: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

was inaudible. The telecommunications company told me that they had no

way to know the sources of these calls. My phone was attacked in such a

manner between June and August, 2011. At its heaviest on July 31, I received

311 calls in one day. All the calls hung up after it rang. I did a statistical study

of the calls between late July and early August, and I found the attackers had a

very regular time when they started working and when they went off work. It

was not a random person acting alone (see Appendix 3).

In July, 2011, personal information about my wife, my son and other relatives

was published online, including the numbers of my wife and my son’s Hong

Kong/Macao travel permits. This is not information average people can easily

find unless they are police authorities (see Appendix 4).

For about a year starting April, 2011, unidentified persons “tweet bombed” me

on Twitter with trash information. Using a software called Tween to filter the

trash, I found the heaviest attack took place on April 25, 2012 – with a

staggering 590,000 spam posts within 24 hours. Unidentified persons also

posted viciously defaming information about me online at the rate of over

10,000 times per day. As far as I know, artist Ai Weiwei has been similarly

attacked (see Appendix 5 and 6).

Starting August 24, 2011, my Gmail account was spammed with an

astronomical number of messages. At its peak in mid-March, 2012, the data

flow was as high as 5G per hour, and all the IPs came from Beijing. Given that

the most common network access is ADSL, if this were a personal act, it would

take more than 20 users to attack my account simultaneously to reach that

kind of data volume. Therefore I believe it was an organized act. The attackers

also put my name in garbage messages to make it harder for me to filter them.

I reported the attacks to Google through a third party. A Google official

contacted me subsequently, and Google made specific efforts to deal with the

attack on me, but the results were not that great (see Appendix 7).

Around the same time, unidentified persons also published hundreds of

articles to denigrate me, and I believe it was an organized campaign to destroy

my reputation (see Appendix 8).

At 4 pm, on May 28, 2012, attacks on Twitter and Gmail stopped

simultaneously. This also shows these were organized behaviors.

From April, 2009 to the present time, I have received an untold number of

phishing emails and Trojan emails. From the one email attack system that I

successfully broke into, I found 192 people who were objects of attack, and

they included Chinese dissidents, rights lawyers and foreign journalists

reporting on China. From the sources of attack I was able to identify, and also

Page 3: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

from the Mandarin I heard in the background in the earliest stage of the

telephone harassment, I believe all the attacks came from mainland China.

I hope that the US Congress and government will recognize such cyber attacks

against human rights defenders as human rights persecution, and impose

sanctions and visa restriction on organizations, companies and their

employees who engage in such malicious activities.

Appendix 1: Video display of how my Gmail was hacked


* * * * * * *



2009 年 9 月,我发现我的 Gmail 邮箱被人设置了转发,也就是我所有接收的邮件都会被转


2011 年 2 月,中国爆发“茉莉花革命”,我当时在香港工作,从那时开始,所使用的电话、


2011 年 6 月 2 日,我发现有人针对 Gmail 设计了非常高水平的入侵,当天我收到了一封标


一个 Flash文件,账户即会被授权给其他的用户访问。我把这个发报告给 Google 公司时,



常高,极有可能是来自于政府背景的行为。我把被攻击过程作了记录并发布到了 Youtube

上。(参见附件: 1 )

我于 2011 年 6 月参与“Internet freedom fellows”计划,在日内瓦出席联合国人权理事

会的会议,并发表演讲声援中国因“茉莉花革命”受迫害的人士。6 月 8 日,在发表演讲


Page 4: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

悲切。人生可以更精彩,何苦一处穷纠结,罢罢罢。” (参见附件:2 )



景中还有人用普通话对话,但听不清对话内容。电讯公司称无法追查来源。2011 年 6、7、

8 月间,本人的电话受骚扰攻击,7 月 31 日最高曾达 311 次,都是响铃之后挂断。我曾对

当年 7 月底 8 月初的电话骚扰作了统计,可以看出攻击者有严格的上班和下班时间,并非

个人行为。(参见附件: 3)

2011 年 7 月,我太太刘阳、儿子温嘉元及其他一些亲人的个人资料被发布到网络上,包括


4 )

不明身份人士 2011 年 4 月起的一年中,不断在 Twitter 用垃圾信息轰炸我,我使用 tween

这个软件对这些信息进行过滤,在 2012年 4月 25日的 24小时中,我监测到最高的攻击曾

达 59 万次。不明身份人士在网路上还发布造谣污蔑攻击本人的资讯,每天也过万次。就我

所知,这种攻击,也曾发生在艾未未先生身上。(参见附件: 5 及 6 )

Page 5: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

2011年 8月 24日开始,我的 Gmail电子邮箱也受到饱和垃圾攻击,2012年 3月中旬时高

达 1小时 5G的数据流量,攻击我的 IP都来自于中国北京,以中国最常见的 ADSL网络接入

服务来看,如果是个人行为,需要 20个用户以上同时发起攻击才能达到这个流量,我个人


扰我对这些邮件的过滤。我通过中间人将此事向 Google公司报告,Google公司的一名官


(参见附件: 7)


为,这是有组织的污蔑和抹黑行为。(参见附件:8 )

北京时间 2012年 5月 28日下午 4时,对我 Twitter 及 Gmail的攻击同时停止了,这也说


从 2009年起的 4年来,我收到的钓鱼攻击邮件及木马邮件不计其数,从我破解的对方一个

邮件攻击系统来看,在 192人的攻击对象当中,主要包括了中国的异见人士、维权律师及



我希望美国国会和政府,能将这种针对人权捍卫者(human rights defender)的攻击



Page 6: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

附件 1 :Gmail受入侵的过程演示


附件 2 :电话短信警告内容

Page 7: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

附件 3:电话受骚扰攻击截图及统计:

7月 29日,47次,9:07-23:58

7月 30日,71次,9:31-23:53

7月 31日,311次,12:01-21:03

8月 1日,277次,9:34-23:54

8月 2日,107次,12:32-21:11

Page 8: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

附件 4:太太及儿子的信息被发布上网




Page 9: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

附件 5 :Twitter垃圾资讯轰炸

Page 10: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

附件 6 :(Twitter 污蔑)

Page 11: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

附件 7 : Gmail邮箱受到攻击

Page 12: Cyber Attacks against Me · In September, 2009, I discovered that my Gmail account was set up for forwarding and that it would forward all the emails I received to another email account

附件 8 :网上污蔑我的文章
