Download - cvpresentation_2013

  • Pre-departure Orientation for

    University of Waterloo Co-op Interns

    December 3, 2013

  • Culture Shock

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  • Presenters

    Anya Carrasco

    Cultural Vistas

    Senior Program Manager

    Train USA

    [email protected]


    Cathy Stein

    University of Waterloo

    Co-op Education & Career Action

    Intl Employment Specialist

    [email protected]

    519-888-4567, ext. 36624 TC1111

    Duncan Gray

    Cultural Vistas

    Associate Program Manager

    Train USA

    [email protected]


  • Welcome

    Shut off cell phones

    Take notes

    Presentation slides will be available for a

    limited time only!

    Cultural Vistas folder

    Participant Handbook

    Last day to pick up visa documents:


    December 18

  • Agenda

    Cultural Vistas

    Rules of the J-1 Visa

    Important Documents

    Entering the U.S.



    Social Security

    Bank Accounts



  • Who We Are

    Mission-driven nonprofit organization

    More than 100 years of experience

    Facilitated more than 100,000 exchanges

    Designated J-1 visa sponsor by U.S. State Department

    Professional fellowships and grant programs

    Vast global network with partners in over 100 countries

  • J-1 Exchange Visitor Program

    Cultural Vistas is your Program Sponsor

    Working versus training

    I am an intern going to the U.S. to train on a J-1 visa.

    Duties and activities should follow Training Plan

    No training allowed beyond end date on DS-2019

    Contact us to extend your internship

    30-day grace period before and after internship

    No traveling outside U.S. during grace period

  • J-1 Exchange Visitor Program

    No changing companies or working at other companies

    Two-year Residency Rule 212(e) (International students)

    Maximum duration of 8 months (Waterloo co-op interns)

    Number of internships not limited

  • Entering the United States:

    Important Documents

  • Form DS-2019

    Show at the border

    Keep for life

    $100 replacement cost

  • Passport

  • Visa Stamp



  • SEVIS Receipt

    Student and Exchange Visitor Information


    Generates DS-2019

    Tracks visa holders

    Cultural Vistas pays $180 SEVIS on your behalf

    prior to consulate

    interview and/or arrival in

    the U.S.

  • Electronic I-94: Entering by Air

    Your entry is automatically recorded and you will not receive a card

    Upon arrival in the U.S. retrieve your arrival record online:

    Download, save and print!

  • Electronic I-94: Flying

  • I-94 Card: Entering by Land

    Record of arrival and

    departure to and from the U.S.

    Obtained at the port of entry

    Fill it out using your full legal

    name as it appears on your


  • I-94 Card: Entering by Land

    Entry date, J-1, and D/S marked on this form

    Stapled to your passport until the last time you

    leave the U.S.

    Submitted to U.S. or Canadian customs

    If you get back to school and you still have it inside

    your passport contact

    Cultural Vistas or


  • Other Important Documents

    Proof of funds $3,000

    bank statement, credit card statement, support letter

    Signed Training Plan

    Offer letter from employer

    Address of where you will be staying


  • Before you leave Canada

    Gather and scan all documentation

    Email it to yourself and emergency contact

    Clean out wallets and purses

    Arrange travel only if you have your DS-2019

    Confirm housing appointments

    Connect with other students going to same destination

  • Arrival in the United States

  • Immediate Arrival Checklist

    1. Check your documentation to ensure you have

    entered the U.S. correctly

    2. Email Cultural Vistas with your U.S. home address

    [email protected] Apple and Qualcomm email:

    [email protected]

    3. Submit UW online arrival form:

    4. Update Cultural Vistas immediately if your

    address, phone, or e-mail changes

    5. Register with the Canadian consulate

  • Waterloo Online Arrival form

  • Housing

    Connect with other Waterloo students

    Off campus housing hot housing leads

    Look online and university bulletin boards

    Ask a lot of questions

    Read everything carefully before signing

    Use Google Earth

    Resell furniture & household supplies

    Find an American roommate!

  • Moving Forward

    Apply for a Social Security Number

    Set up local bank account

    Set up internet/phone

    Fill out HR forms

    Set personal and professional objectives

  • Apply for a Social Security Number

    Wait 10 calendar days after entering the U.S.

    Make sure you have sent your home address to CECA and Cultural Vistas

    Visit to locate nearest office and download Form SS-5

    Bring DS-2019 Form, Passport and I-94, Form SS-5 and Letter of Support

    Get a receipt for your application

    Have your name on your residence's mailbox

  • Social Security Card

    Valid for Work Only with DHS Authorization

    SSN is valid for life

    Keep card in a safe place

    Only official entities should ask for this: banks, host company, doctors office, etc.

    Let us know if you have any problems.

  • Bank Accounts

    Bring passport, Social Security card and proof of


    Ask about

    Student accounts

    Monthly Fees and Minimum Balance

    Time for deposited funds to clear

    Bank hours

    Choose a bank close to your host company

  • Tax Deduction Form

    W-4 lets you decide when to pay taxes

    Non-Canadians can only claim 0 or 1 allowance on line 5.

  • Tax Deduction Form

    Source: Life After School. Explained. Cap & Compass, LLC

  • Driving in the U.S.

    Never drive a car without insurance!

    Check your states laws!

    Many states will require U.S. license after 3 months

    Uses for U.S. Driving License:

    Legal driving permit

    Accepted proof of age

  • 7th Inning Stretch

  • Agenda

    Intercultural experience



    Health Insurance

    U.S. Laws

    U.S. Taxes

    Risk management and personal safety

    Your responsibilities

    Culture shock


  • Your Intercultural Experience

  • While Youre There

    The first few weeks are the most difficult.

    Do not be disappointed if youre not involved with the

    most challenging projects in the beginning.

    Ask your supervisor about reporting sick days as well as

    other office rules.

    Establish a comfortable routine.

    Stay informed on global and security issues.

  • Getting Involved

    Join sports or community clubs

    Participate in company group activities or discounts to

    cultural institutions and events


  • Travelling to Canada

    Email Cultural Vistas

    [email protected]

    with dates of travel, destination

    and emergency contact

    Always travel with your

    passport, DS-2019, health

    insurance card and I-94


    Non-Canadians must have a

    multiple entry visa

  • Traveling Outside of Canada

    You will need a travel validation signature

    Email Cultural Vistas with travel plans

    Travel with all important


    $30 Travel Validation Fee Applies


  • Health Insurance

  • IEES

    Print and review insurance policy

    Our insurance can be used at any doctor


    Carry insurance card with you

    Locate doctor/hospital/clinic you can use before emergency

    Familiarize yourself with the reimbursement process

    Contact [email protected] with any questions

  • SunLife Health Coverage

    Travel card at the bottom, fill

    it in NOW

    Member ID # is your student

    ID number

    Call 1-800 number first and

    they will tell you where the

    nearest doctor, hospital or

    clinic is to where you are

    living in the U.S.

    8-month work term? Extend

    your OHIP coverage

  • UW Health and Dental Coverage

    Know what you are covered for

    Travel Card in wallet at all times

    Know how to use the plan in case of an emergency

    OHIP extension- 8 month and returners for more details

  • Questions

  • Filing U.S. Taxes

    Only subject to income taxes

    federal, state and local

    Do not pay Social Security, Medicare, and

    Unemployment taxes

    Your responsibility to make sure these are not

    withheld from your pay check

  • U.S. Tax Forms

    Paid internships

    Federal Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ

    State Tax Form

    Federal Form 8843

    Unpaid internships

    Federal Form 8843

  • W-2 Form

    Summary of earnings and taxes


    U.S. company will mail by February 15

    Make sure they have your address

    for this time

  • Filing Taxes

    Internal Revenue Service

    Publication 519 U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens

    Publication 515, Tax guide for employer

    File early. Deadline is April 15th. You will be penalized for filing late!

  • U.S. Laws


    Drinking age is 21

    No drunk driving

    Open container law

    No drugs

    No hitch-hiking


    Open container laws

    Restricted smoking

    If you are not sure, go online or ask!

  • Still very new to her

    surroundings, Amy felt like

    the taxi driver was taking

    an unfamiliar route back



    Some facts

    There are dangers to driving alone, at night and in unfamiliar surroundings

    Travel in groups, safety vans, taxis, etc.

    Be aware of your surroundings

    If you dont this at home, dont do it abroad

  • Michelle thought she knew the way to the embassy.


    Keep in mind

    Avoid being an obvious target for theft, violence and unsolicited attention.

  • Greg was having fun in Costa Rica when the earthquake happened 200 km away.

    The story was carried in the news in Canada.


    Keep in mind

    Family and friends at home want to stay connected to you while youre abroad.

  • Emergency Protocol Plan

    Risk Management form

    All submitted prior to this session

    Emergency contact listed

    Arrival Notice submissions

    How we can reach you in an emergency

    How we will be in touch- phone first, then email

    Tweets to check your email

    Police Services

    Available for you 24 hours a day


    [email protected]

  • Responsibilities


    Pre-departure meetings, documentation, health insurance coverage, travel arrangements, housing, risk management,

    personal security, emergency notification


    Financial compensation, arrival orientation, job supervision, mentoring, professional development, evaluation, (assist with



    Visa and process advice, pre-departure meetings, student connections, work term and travel advisory monitoring,

    emergency response, employer assessment

    Visa sponsor

    Pre-departure meetings, visa documents, health insurance, reports and evaluations, SEVIS tracking

  • Evaluations

    Cultural Vistas

    4-month internship only requires a Final Evaluation

    8-month internship requires Intermediate and Final Evaluations

    You and your immediate supervisor must sign

    Email evaluation(s) before you leave the U.S.!


    Work term report for CECA

    Performance Evaluation for CECA

    WatPD courses

    Sign up and start the course while on your work term

    Determine your requirements for your area of study

    Need to complete one course each work term for more info

  • Photo Contests

    Follow us on!/culturalvistas


    Facebook groups in New York and San Francisco

    Social Media

  • Returning to Canada

    Bring your CECA employer evaluation form Submit your evaluation(s) to Cultural Vistas

    before you leave the U.S.

    Leave permanent address with your employer for tax information

  • Questions