Download - Customer success=documentation success


Customer Success = Documentation Success

Kimberly Lacerte @techwriterkim

Interchange New England March 2015

Pg. 2

A Few Facts About Kimberly

•  12 years technical writing experience

•  Undergraduate degree: English

•  Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (Windows NT 4.0 & Windows 2000)

•  MBA with Master’s Certificate in Computers

Pg. 3

Customer Success

Tech Support

Customer Lifetime


User Community

Pg. 4

Business Background

Pg. 5

Tech Writer Job Perception

Pg. 6

Building Relationships with Documentation

Pg. 7

The Importance of Proving Our Value


Pg. 8

Business Improvement A Historical View

Pg. 9

Change is a Constant

Pg. 10

Customer Lifecycle

Pg. 11

Benefits for Business

•  Happier customers

•  Repeat business

•  Referral business

•  Higher revenue

•  New revenue sources

Pg. 12

Business Improvement Methodologies

Pg. 13

Process Improvement

•  Looks at company as a whole

•  Looks at the situation with fresh eyes

•  Questions conventions

•  Brings the customer perspective to the table

Pg. 14

These are the skills we use everyday.

Pg. 15

Customer Success

Pg. 16

Seth Godin and the Customer Experience

Pg. 17

The Anti-Customer Service Experience

Pg. 18

Share a Customer Service Experience?

Pg. 19

Best Customer Service Experience

Pg. 20

The Customer Service Experience

Pg. 21

Documentation and Customer Service

Pg. 22

Broadening the Documentation Scope

Pg. 23

Capturing Good Customer Service •  Non-Official instructions

•  Customer product live demo

•  Examples

•  Simple = One Path

•  Tutorials

Pg. 24

One Employee – Help to Some

6 – 8 hours

Pg. 25

One Tutorial Video – Help To Everyone

Pg. 26

Leaning In

Pg. 27

Sheryl Sandberg’s Work on Leaning In

When you're more valuable, the people around you will do more to make it work. Sheryl Sandberg

I feel really grateful to the people who encouraged me and helped me develop. Nobody can succeed on their own. Sheryl Sandberg

Pg. 28

How do we Lean In?

Pg. 29

Harnessing Social Media & User Communities

Pg. 30

Social Media Influence

Pg. 31

Social Media Options

Pg. 32

Social Media Options

Pg. 33

Social Media Options

Pg. 34

Mr. Clean Commercial

Pg. 35

Pg. 36

Pg. 37

Proving the Business Value of Content

Pg. 38

Proving Value at IBM

. . . if we cannot connect (our) work to things like revenue streams and successful conversions, ultimately, our work is at risk.

Our community needs to tell a different and better story about content for a business audience – those who hold the purse strings.

. . . . Alyson Riley, Andrea L. Ames, Eileen Jones

Pg. 39

High Quality Technical Information is Viewed as Important or Very Important

. . . . Alyson Riley, Andrea L. Ames, Eileen Jones

Pg. 40

Customer Success Needs Documentation

Pg. 41

How Do We Do This?

Pg. 42


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