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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Insight V2 I2_0




    Latest ThinkingOnline PanelsBook Review



    HalfordsLand SecuritiesThe Co-operative GroupLeeds Federated






  • 7/29/2019 Customer Insight V2 I2_0


    Further information please visit our website or email [email protected]

    New Hal Day Briengs

    Tursday 18th October 2012 Tursday 15th November 201209.00 12.00 - Central London 09.00 12.00 - Central Manchester

    Measuring complaints

    A practical guide on how to measure your customers experience with your

    complaints process. Find out how to drive improvements and reduce customerdefections.

    Consistent customer experience across communication channels

    Whether its face to face, online or through a call centre, customers expect

    consistency in their experience every time they interact with a company. Do

    you have the right measures to understand your customers multi channelexperience?

    Tursday 18th October 2012 Tursday 15th November 201213.00 17.00 - Central London 13.00 17.00 - Central Manchester

    Customer Satisaction v Net Promoter Score v Customer Efort Score

    Debate the pros and cons of different ways of surveying your customers. Find

    out which is the best measure for your organisation and how you can use the

    best bits of all three.

    uesday 23rd October 2012 uesday 6th November 201209.00 12.00 - Central Manchester 09.00 12.00 - Central London

    Measuring the non customer experience

    Most organisations measure their customer experience but they tend to know

    very little about the people who arent their customers. Find out what causes

    customers to defect or not become a customer no one can answer this better

    than your non customers.

    uesday 23rd October 2012 uesday 6th November 201213.00 15.00 Central Manchester 13.00 15.00 - Central London

    Housing Brieng measuring tenant satisaction with your repairer contractors

    Assessing contractor performance is important - a well designed and actionable

    survey will track and highlight any issues that impact on your overall tenant

    satisfaction. Find out how to set fair targets for your contractors to ensure high

    quality standards.

    Wednesday 7th November 201209.00 12.00 - Central London

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Insight V2 I2_0

    3/ | Autumn/Winter 2012 customerINSIGHT


    6 UKCSI

    The latest results and insights from

    the UK Customer Satisfaction Index

    12 Case study

    Land Securities - Satisfying internal


    YSP18 Online panel

    Pulse of the nation online panel


    24 Technology

    iTV. Another game changer?

    26 Latest thinking

    The long and winding customer


    29 Technology

    Social satisfaction

    30 Case study

    A new approach to customer

    satisfaction in social housing

    32 Customer

    Satisfying the high rollers

    33 Customer

    Golf club satisfaction

    34 Book review

    Thinking Fast and Slow by

    Daniel Kahneman



    22 Technology

    How do people use tablets?

    21 Technology

    How do people use smartphones?

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Insight V2 I2_0


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    5/ | Autumn/Winter 2012 customerINSIGHT

    Nigel Hill editor

    Customer Insight is the magazine or

    people who want their organisation to

    deliver results to employees, customers

    and any other stakeholders as part

    o a coherent strategy to create value

    or shareholders. We publish serious

    articles designed to inorm, stimulate

    debate and sometimes to provoke.

    We aim to be thought leaders in the

    eld o managing relationships with all

    stakeholder groups.


    Production Editor:


    Creative Director:


    Nigel Hill

    Chris Newbold

    Rob Ward

    Rob Egan

    Charlotte Ratcliffe

    Printers o

    Customer Insight Magazine

    [email protected]

    Customer Insight

    c/o The Leadership Factor

    Taylor Hill Mill


    HD4 6JA

    NB: Customer Insight does not accept

    responsibility or omissions or errors. The points

    o view expressed in the articles by contributing

    writers and/or in advertisements included in this

    magazine do not necessarily represent those

    o the publisher. Whilst every eort is made to

    ensure the accuracy o the inormation contained

    within this magazine, no legal responsibility will be

    accepted by the publishers or loss arising rom

    use o inormation published. All rights reserved.

    No part o this publication may be reproduced orstored in a retrievable system or transmitted in

    any orm or by any means without prior written

    consent o the publisher.

    Copyright CUSTOMER INSIGHT 2012

    ISSN 1749-088X

    Companies are racing to adopt technology and be seen as leaders.

    Within the last month M&S announced the roll-out o a wi- initiative in its

    stores to enhance the customer experience. It will see sta equipped

    with iPads to help them give a better response to customer enquiries,

    QR codes around the store or customers to scan with their mobile

    devices and large interactive screens resembling giant iPhones to engage


    The latest UKCSI results (rom page 6) conrm that organisations with the

    best customer satisaction tend to deliver the best customer experienceacross multiple channels. But just because technology is exploding and

    the top 2 companies on the UKCSI are both internet retailers, it would

    be a mistake to assume that the web is where you need to ocus your

    customer service investment. The importance o channels varies across

    industries and above all depends on how customers want to interact with

    your type o business. For example, or utilities and most public services,

    customers are much more satised when they receive personal service

    than when using the internet (see page 8).

    Clearly its a dilemma. Youre being warned rom all sides not to get let

    behind on technology and were saying the same in several technology-

    ocused articles in this issue o Customer Insight (rom page 21).Moreover, theres a strong trend across many organisations towards

    encouraging (orcing?) customers to deal with them over the web. This

    has strong appeal to the organisations because its cheap. But is it right?

    There are some guidelines that apply almost universally. Inormation

    gathering is a very popular use o the web, so make it easy or customers

    and potential customers to nd out anything they want to know rom

    your website and rom other relevant third party sites. When it comes to

    other things customers want to do with your organisation (e.g. purchase,

    communicate, make an enquiry or a complaint, get advice or assistance),

    most organisations will nd that they are aced with a range o segments

    with dierent needs, priorities and expectations.

    The only way to keep customers highly satised and loyal is to

    understand and meet the varied channel needs o your particular

    customer base. So you must survey your customers to establish their

    channel preerences by activity, by touchpoint and by segment, and

    make your customer service investment decisions accordingly. For most

    organisations this will mean giving customers a choice o channels. That

    is likely to include embracing the internet and social media or customers

    who cant live without their mobile devices (see pages 21 to 23), but

    it does not necessarily mean reducing levels o service via traditional

    channels. You might nd that a signicant percentage o your most

    valuable customers preer to interact with you this way. Moreover, since

    peoples use o technology is changing rapidly you need to research on

    a regular basis (at least once a year) and use the ndings to evolve yourcustomer management investment in a way that will maximise customer

    satisaction and loyalty.

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    The State of CustomerSatisfaction in the UK

    What the scores mean

    - A score of 80 corresponds to an 8 out of

    10 rating for customer satisfaction.

    - Eighty organisations achieed a score of

    oer 80, and 21 organisations achieed a

    score of 85 or oer. Customer satisfactioncan be assessed by both an organisations

    absolute score, and how they compare to

    the aerage score in their sector.

    The latest wave of the UKCSI was conducted for The Institute

    of Customer Service by The Leadership Factor by web

    survey during May and June 2012. The results are based on

    a representative sample of 26,000 UK adults and show that

    overall customer satisfaction in the UK has slightly increasedfrom 77.4 to 78, continuing the long-term trend of increased

    customer satisfaction in the UK.

    Customer satisaction by sector

    As shown in Figure 2:

    Retail (non-ood) has extended its lead

    over other sectors Leisure and Automotive have improved

    signicantly since January 2010

    The lowest perorming sectors are

    relatively unchanged or improving only

    slowly the gap between the highest

    and lowest perorming has increased

    rom 8.6 points in July 2011 to 11.8

    points in July 2012

    We can divide the sectors into our

    groups based on their success in satis-

    ying customers.

    Group one - Retail (non-ood)

    This sector has extended its lead over

    other sectors and with a score o 84.1 it

    is 2.5 ahead o the next best sector Retail

    (ood) with 81.6. This has been driven by

    very high scores or internet retailers such

    as Amazon and ASOS as well as tradi-

    tional bricks and mortar high perormers

    such as John Lewis. It is interesting to see

    how the non-ood retail sector has pulled

    away rom the others over the last year as

    the most popular internet retailers havegained market share and thus become

    a bigger component o the sector index.

    Figure 1: UKCSI by sector - July 2012 versus January 2012

    Table 1: The top 10 companies and their sector are shown in the table below:

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    Group two

    This group comprises Food Retail, Ser-vices, Leisure, Automotive and Tourism.

    Some o these sectors have always

    been high perormers, but Leisure and

    Automotive have not always been in the

    lead group - both have improved rap-

    idly rom January 2010. Although its

    index remains good at over 80%, Tour-

    ism is one o only three sectors to show

    a downward trend over the last year.

    Group three - Financial Services

    This group comprises the insurance sec-

    tor and banks/building societies. These

    sectors have scored relatively close to

    the overall average - with scores o 78.3

    and 78.1 respectively. Over recent years,

    insurance has improved customer satis-

    action only marginally but banking has

    made much stronger gains in the last two


    Group our

    Utilities and Public Sector

    Comprising Utilities, Public Services

    (national), Public Services (local), Telecom-

    munications and Transport, this remains

    the poorest perorming group in terms o

    customer satisaction, but as a group has

    shown good improvement over the years,

    particularly National Public Services and

    Utilities. By contrast, customer satisac-

    tion has allen over the last year with Local

    Public Services and Transport.

    Figure 2: Customer satisfaction by sector

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    Customer satisaction by channel

    The organisations with the highest sat-isaction tend to have the least variation

    o satisaction rates across channels o

    communication. In keeping with the best

    customer service advice, they are oering

    a more consistently satisying experience,

    whichever channel a customer chooses.

    In person is the preerred channel or

    many sectors including Services, Automo-

    tive, Leisure, Finance (insurance), Finance

    (banks and building societies), Public

    Services (local), Telecommunications and

    Utilities. Web is the highest scoring chan-

    nel or Retail (ood), Retail (non-ood),

    Public Services (national) and Transport.

    In Public Services (local) and Utilities, cus-

    tomers are much more satised when

    dealing in person than over the web.

    How customer satisaction drives busi-

    ness perormance

    Organisations invest in customer service

    to achieve tangible business benets in

    terms o increased sales and prot. This

    can take a number o orms includingcustomers buying more products and ser-

    vices, customers becoming more amiliar

    with an organisation and thereore less

    costly to serve and customers recom-

    mending an organisation to others. In this

    section we examine some key indicators

    or a number o sectors Retail (ood),

    Telecommunications, Finance (banking

    and building societies) and Finance (insur-

    ance) that demonstrate how companies

    benet when they achieve high levels o

    customer satisaction.

    Retail (ood)

    In the Retail (ood) sector, the UKCSI

    results suggest a correlation between high

    (or low) customer satisaction and market

    share growth. Companies with an overall

    customer satisaction score higher than

    the sector average (81.6), have seen an

    average market share growth o 0.8% in

    the last 12 months. Companies with an

    overall customer satisaction score lower

    than 81.6 have seen an average market

    share drop o -0.13%.
























    In person

    On their website

    Over the phone

    In writing






    Market share change

    CSI75% 80% 85% 90%








    The Co-operative Food


    Above sector average UKCSI

    Below sector average UKCSI


    -0.15% -0.10% -0.05% 0.00% 0.05% 0.10% 0.15%

    Figure 3: Customer satisfaction by channel

    Figure 4: Supermarkets market share change (May 2011 May 2012)

    Figure 5: Customer satisfaction and average market share change

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    There is also a good relationship

    between customer satisaction and

    sales growth. Supermarkets with

    customer satisaction levels above

    the sector average achieved an aver-

    age year-on-year sales growth o 9%,

    compared with only 3% on average or

    supermarkets recording customer sat-

    isaction below the sector average.


    (banks and building societies)

    The score or banks and building soci-

    eties has increased rom 77.4 to 78.1.Organisations that have a customer

    satisaction score higher than the sec-

    tor average (78.1) have an average

    positive recommendation rate o 37%.

    For those who score less than 78.1 on

    overall satisaction the recommenda-

    tion rate is only 24%.

    Finance (insurance)

    The Finance (insurance) sector score has

    increased rom 78 to 78.3. Companieswho have achieved a customer satisac-

    tion score higher than the sector average

    (78.3), have a larger number o custom-

    ers who have recommended them - an

    average o 33% - compared to 27% or

    companies whose overall satisaction is

    lower than the sector average. Compa-

    nies with higher customer satisaction

    scores are also more likely to have higher

    renewal rates, and more customers who

    hold multiple policies.



    0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%

    Above sector average UKCSI

    Below sector average UKCSI

    % of customers

    who have

    recommended an


    UKCSI over 85

    Above sector average UKCSI

    Below sector average UKCSI



    0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


    % recommended

    Above sector average UKCSIBelow sector average UKCSI



    0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

    Figure 6: Customer satisfaction and average sales growth

    Figure 7: Customer satisfaction and propensity to recommend

    Figure 8: Recommending insurance

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Insight V2 I2_0


    % recommended

    Above sector average UKCSI

    Below sector average UKCSI



    0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

    % recommended

    Above sector average UKCSI

    Below sector average UKCSI



    0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%







    % customers

    Balance of price and serviceLow price less service Excellent service, high price

    Banking (5.8)

    Insurance (5.8)

    Automotive (6.3)

    Telecommunications (5.8)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    10 customerINSIGHTAutumn/Winter 2012 |



    The Telecommunications sector score hasincreased rom 74.1 to 74.7. Companies

    with a customer satisaction higher than the

    sector average (74.7), have an average pos-

    itive recommendation o 36%, compared to

    an average o only 26% or companies who

    score less than the sector average.


    The Automotive average customer sat-

    isaction score has increased rom 80 to

    80.9. The companies whose satisactionscores are higher than the sector average

    (80.9), have an average recommenda-

    tion rate o 49%, compared to 30% or

    the companies below the sector average

    or customer satisaction. The companies

    with the highest customer satisaction

    scores (over 83), have an even higher rec-

    ommendation rate - 55%.

    The service/price trade-o

    We asked customers in our sectors

    Finance (banks and building societies),

    Finance (insurance), Automotive and Tel-

    ecommunications - to rate the relative

    importance they give to price and service,

    on a scale o 1 to 10. Higher scores meant

    that service was more important to them;

    lower scores meant that price was more

    important. Most customers seek a bal-

    ance o price and service, with the balance

    tipped slightly in avour o service over price.

    This pattern was similar in the our sectors

    we surveyed, with three o the our sectors

    registering the same average score o 5.8.

    But there are notable minorities o custom-

    ers who are either very price-driven or very

    service-driven. Its likely that these groups

    o customers would nd their needs met

    by dierent suppliers in most markets. In

    the our sectors surveyed, more than 1

    in 4 people indicated a strong preerence

    or excellent service, even i this meant a

    higher price. There is an especially high

    proportion o customers in the Automo-

    tive sector who are more service-driven

    31% o customers rated service much

    more important than price. This may refect

    that buying a car is a high involvement pur-

    chase or most customers.

    Stephen Hampshire

    Client Manager

    The Leadership Factor

    I you have any thoughts about this article

    you can contact Stephen at

    [email protected]

    Figure 9: Recommending telecoms

    Figure 10: Recommending cars

    Figure 11: The service / price trade-off


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    Case Study

    Satisfying Internal

    Customers is vital tooImproving internal performance results in higher customer loyalty and improved

    business performance. Measuring this allows you to manage it but it is not often

    done because it can be complex and painful. Here we present a new approach.

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    Case Study

    There is a chain o events that

    creates business success

    The Service Prot Chain concept described

    in detail by The Harvard Business School

    almost 20 years ago makes it clear that

    business success is dependent on cus-

    tomer engagement and that high levels

    o satisaction with the product and ser-

    vice relationship are needed to create this

    engagement. Satisaction with service deliv-

    ery is strongly linked to sta engagement,

    and sta engagement is dependent on their

    satisaction at work. Sta satisaction is

    dependent on a mixture o such elements

    as security, achievement, recognition,

    reward, development, relationships with co-

    workers, and the working environment.

    My own interpretation o these links is

    shown in Figure 1. The ocus o this article

    is on Measure 2 (readers and clients will

    already be amiliar with our work on Meas-

    ure 3 and Measure 1).

    Successul organisations are ocused on

    delivering the elements that result in anengaging customer experience and this

    means ensuring that all parts o the organ-

    isation understand how the work they do

    contributes to this and that the service

    they provide to colleagues is an integral

    part o the picture.

    Feedback about perormance is an essential

    part o perormance improvement, whetherthe intention is to improve your gol swing,

    your creative writing or your ability to retain

    loyal customers. By measuring your peror-

    mance you are more able to manage it.

    Measurement o the end-customers sat-

    isaction is critical but measurement o the

    internal services that help to deliver that

    satisaction is just as important. In some

    organisations this is conducted using such

    techniques as six-sigma or o course indi-

    vidual perormance appraisal systems but

    these may be too complex or not eectively


    So, working closely with our client Land

    Securities (see inset) I devised a new system

    which has already worked very well or them.


    To reveal internal customer perceptions

    about the service or services they receive

    rom other departments and to use the

    result to promote best practice. This willincrease internal satisaction and eciency

    which will in turn improve external custom-

    er experience.

    Background considerations

    The rst thing to be aware o is that this

    type o survey needs to provide anonymity

    to respondents so that they neither conceal

    nor exaggerate their real perceptions. Web

    surveying should work or such a survey but

    using external resources and assuring staabout condentiality is critical to success.

    The previous approach was to conduct

    an annual web-based survey covering

    R esult Me as ure 3 Re sult

    Lower costsHigher productivity





    Related sales



    Better ROI


    Improvement in





    Measure 1








    Measure 2









    Use customer centred survey results to identify the focus needed to improve performance perceptions

    We asked David Holt (Finance Director o

    Land Securities) to tell us a little about the

    company and why this change in survey

    design was needed.

    Land Securities is the UKs largest

    Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)with a commercial property portolio

    worth over 10.0bn including landmark

    developments such as New Street

    Square and One New Change in London

    and the White Rose centre in Leeds.

    We own and manage approximately 29

    million sq t o commercial property and

    provide property services to more than

    2,500 private and public sector clients.

    We go beyond bricks and mortar,

    through design, community engagement

    and customer service to create places

    where people choose to shop, are proud

    to work and want to live.

    Our approach to customer service

    excellence dierentiates us rom our

    peers and helps ensure that our clients

    make us their partner o choice or

    commercial property relationships.

    The whole company needs to perorm

    well to deliver that service excellence

    and or several years we have been

    measuring the ability o a number o our

    central services teams to work with other

    areas to deliver the best experience to our

    clients. The system had become tiresome

    or sta since it asked them to rate a wide

    range o areas on a broad set o criteria.

    Giving eedback took too long, response

    had allen and it was hard to translate the

    results into improvement plans.

    The solution that we developed with Jim

    removed these problems and revitalised

    the process so that it is easier or sta toparticipate and much more ocused and

    useul or management.










    3rd PartySuppliers

    CorporateComms Regional

    Oces SalesDept



    Accounts &Credit






    Figure 1 - investing in your most important asset produces results

    Figure 2 - everyone serves the customer

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    Case StudyCase Study

    all departments. This meant that the sta

    involved were expected to complete a

    long survey about more than one service.Experience revealed that over time this

    was increasingly likely to be considered too

    much to ask and that response rate and

    the quality o response would suer.

    So we needed to nd a more acceptable

    way o obtaining the vital eedback.

    The proposed solution

    As a rst step some exploratory work

    should be carried out to dene the crite-

    ria by which sta will judge the success

    o other departments. This would ideally

    involve sta themselves by running a ew

    ocus groups or it may be sucient (as in

    Land Securities case) to develop the ques-

    tions with management.

    It will then be possible to ocus the measures

    so that the survey will be more interesting

    to complete, still be ocused on the prior-

    ity areas, and provide a greater depth o

    understanding about the action that can be

    pursued to improve the user experience.

    The survey could be staggered across the

    year, perhaps running every our months

    and surveying up to six service areas each

    time. In each case sta could select up to

    three services to assess. This would mean

    that each service would achieve a good

    response rate and that no member o sta

    would be asked to assess too many ser-

    vices at one time.

    Surveys should also be ocused on obtain-ing useul comments so sta would only

    need to give a score or a ew broad

    measures rather than a long list o detailed

    specics. To ensure that the score is a con-

    sidered one a context statement is included

    (this would be agreed with each department

    being assessed). The example below shows

    the main ve areas that customers may

    experience, along with a context statement:-

    The next question would depend on the

    score given, and only one comment would

    be requested

    I the score is rom 1 to 5 the question is

    What has made you dissatisfed with the


    I the score is rom 6 to 7 the question is

    What would need to change or you to be

    more satisfed with the service?

    I the score is 8 to 10 the question is

    What has made you so satisfed with the


    In this way just ve satisaction scores are

    given but every score will be accompanied

    by a comment that is ocused to provide

    guidance about improvement actions.

    The ve main questions are likely to applyto all areas but the bracketed descriptions

    can be made specic to each.

    Further questions can be included, these


    Has the service improved, deteriorated or

    stayed the same in the last year?

    I improved or deteriorated the survey

    would ask In what ways?

    What, i anything, would you like to add

    that has not been covered already?

    The sta delivering the service can also par-

    ticipate by completing the survey as they

    believe their customers will. This provides a

    useul comparison and can help to realign

    the views o the supplier and the recipient.

    Analysis should produce a simple set o

    scores or each service. This may not

    convert easily into an Index but it is more

    important to ocus strongly on the improve-

    ment opportunities identied. The next step

    will be or each department to read all the

    comments and develop plans or action.

    For the activity to be o maximum benet

    it is important or each service department

    to assess the results and establish a plan

    o action that becomes part o the annual

    business plan. This will mean that the imple-

    mentation o these plans will be reviewed

    at senior management level and that sta

    objectives will include them, both o which

    make it more likely that improvement will be

    achieved. The staggered timing o the sur-

    veys is not an issue, since each department

    can simply use the most recent o their sur-

    veys to draw up plans and progress will be

    assessed in relation to the trend o results.

    The department heads will be able to eed

    back the survey results easily and sta willbecome engaged in developing the action

    plans and should be encouraged to take

    ownership o them.

    The inormation produced by this activity

    would play a signicant role in achieving

    internal eciency improvement and in

    improving the satisaction o external cus-

    tomers. It is an essential part o the Service

    Prot Chain.

    Sta reliability (Delivering on their promises, being accountable, keeping you inormed about issues


    Sta competence (Responsiveness, proactivity, creativity)

    Communication (Accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, being pitched appropriately)

    The relationship (Treating you with respect, being open to suggestions, being fexible when possible)

    Processes and systems (Eectiveness, ease o use, having the right tools or the job)

    The web survey question would thereore look similar to this

    In relation to the Legal Department what score out o 10 would you give them or ..

    Sta reliability 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10(Delivering on their promises, being accountable,

    keeping you inormed about issues raised)

    Jim AlexanderClient Manager and a Director o

    The Leadership Factor

    Contact Jim to discuss any aspect o this

    article on 01484 467025 or e-mail him at

    [email protected]


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    The Opinion Dashboard is an online tool where

    you can watch, listen to and read the thoughts and

    views of your customers or UK consumers.

    Individuals can respond to your questions quickly,

    bringing research to life and provide in-depth

    qualitative insights.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Insight V2 I2_0

    17/ | Autumn/Winter 2012 customerINSIGHT

    To view this Dashboard:

    For more information please contact:

    Darren Wake

    01484 467012

    [email protected]

    To view this Dashboard please visit:

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    YSPOnline panel

    Parents and carers putting

    childrens lives in danger

    Every year 1,423 children aged 11 andunder are killed or seriously injured whilst

    travelling on UK roads - and travelling by

    car is when Britons are most worried that

    children are at risk o injury, with 41% citing

    this as their main concern.

    Yet parents, grandparents and carers are

    putting childrens lives in danger by allow-

    ing them to travel in cars without booster

    seats beore they are legally allowed. The

    research o 1,000 carers by YourSayPays

    showed that three-quarters o respondents

    (74%) have stopped or plan to stop using

    booster seats while their children are aged

    ten or under, despite the law saying that

    children must be aged 12, unless they are

    over 135cm tall. YourSayPays sourced and

    surveyed a sample o over 1000 UK adults

    who regularly care or young children and

    transport them by car.

    Men are less likely than women to use a

    booster seat and women are more likely

    than men to keep a child in a booster seat

    or longer 58% o men will stop using abooster seat when a child reaches 8 years

    o age, compared to 43% o women. More-

    over, quite a lot o people, o both genders

    (35% o respondents) regularly carriedthree or more children in the backseat o a

    car even i there was not a booster seat or

    each child.

    There is also considerable ignorance o the

    2005 laws relating to booster seats. 72%

    o those surveyed did not understand when

    it was permissible to carry children without

    booster seats and 75% did not know the

    purpose o booster seats. Another miscon-

    ception is the view that children are exempt

    rom wearing a booster seat i they are rent-

    ing a car and no booster is available or i

    they are travelling outside the UK.

    Martin Howard, spokesperson at Brake,

    said: It is alarming that so many drivers

    are unaware o the height and age at which

    children are sae to travel without using

    booster seats. Children have delicate bod-

    ies and are never more at risk than when

    travelling as passengers on the roads, and

    it is thereore vital that they are provided

    with the correct support. Brake is calling

    or parents, grandparents and carers toensure that children are carried saely in

    booster seats until they are over 150cm

    tall, in line with EU recommendations. We

    are also urging the Government to invest ineducational campaigns to raise awareness

    about the dangers o not using booster

    seats, which will help ensure that drivers

    are not unwittingly putting childrens lives

    at risk.

    These fndings rom YourSayPays oer

    real insight into the limited knowledge par-

    ents today have about booster seat saety,

    said Grainne Kelly, CEO o BubbleBum.

    Its apparent that whilst many parents

    are doing everything they can to keep

    their children sae in cars, theres no real

    understanding o the protection provided

    by booster seats. There is clearly a lot o

    work to do to educate about not only the

    law but the reasons why its in place, and to

    make sure parents arent putting the lives o

    children at risk.

    The research generated huge exposure

    or BRAKE and Bubblebum car seats. The

    ndings were discussed on both national

    and local radio stations with the BBC high-

    lighting the statistics. The ndings werealso published in many newspapers includ-

    ing Metro, Daily Mail, The Sun and The


    Research carried out by YourSayPays showed parents have little understanding o booster seat lawand generated signicant exposure or road saety charity BRAKE and BubbleBum car seats.

    Darren Wake

    Business Development Manager

    The Leadership Factor

    01484 467012

    [email protected]

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    YSPOnline panel

    Funeral etiquette

    given last rites

    Funeral etiquette is dying out as more

    than one in our people admit to not

    paying their respects to a passing pro-cession. YourSayPays asked a nationally

    representative sample o over 2000 adults

    questions about uneral etiquette and

    how they act i a procession passes. The

    research, commissioned by Co-opera-

    tive Funeralcare, the UKs largest uneral

    director, revealed that generations o

    people are unaware o traditional uneral

    etiquette and show no courtesy to uner-

    al corteges with teenagers and those

    aged up to their mid-orties the most like-

    ly to be ill mannered. The research oundthat those in their late twenties and early

    thirties were the most oblivious to uner-

    al traditions and etiquette while Scots

    remained the most courteous.

    Almost one in three (29%) o those aged 18

    to 44 years old were unaware o the unwrit-

    ten rules or uneral processions and how

    to act when a procession passes. Over hal

    o those questioned (51%) were unaware o

    etiquette such as workers stopping by the

    roadside as a uneral procession passed.

    43% o pedestrians would no longer doth

    their cap as a sign o respect and 38%

    would not stop what they were doing or a

    passing uneral cortege.

    Our research was independently backed

    by the views o uneral directors rom The

    Co-operative Funeralcare, with almost

    three-quarters o sta having witnessed an

    increase in discourteous behaviour even

    within the last ve years. Earlier in the year,

    The Co-operative Funeralcare reported that

    instances o road rage against uneral pro-cessions were on the increase.

    David Collingwood, National Operations

    Director, The Co-operative Funeralcare,

    said: There has been much talk since

    the riots last summer about attitudes andrespect within society and we have seen

    a signicant shit over the years away

    rom people observing the unwritten rules

    o uneral etiquette. Many people ignore

    a passing uneral procession and it is not

    uncommon or pedestrians to purposely

    disrupt a cortege by using a pelican

    crossing to stop uneral cars or even

    cross the road between uneral cars. Our

    research has highlighted generations o

    people who are unaware o the traditions

    and etiquette which were once common-place or people to show to a passing

    uneral. He added: The days o workers

    stopping what they were doing to mark

    a passing procession or people remov-

    ing their hats and bowing their heads has

    long gone.

    The top three regions that show the great-

    est respect are Scotland, Northern Ireland

    and Northern England. The regions least

    likely to ollow uneral etiquette are the

    Midlands, South East England and South

    West England.

    The research generated signicant media

    exposure or Co-operative Funeralcare.

    The ndings were discussed on BBC

    Breakast News and Radio 2s Jeremy

    Vine hosted a phone in to discuss the

    research and peoples experiences with

    regards to uneral etiquette. The research

    also eatured in many newspapers

    including The Daily Telegraph and The

    Independent, and launched numerous

    discussions in blogs, orums and socialmedia channels. The news article on The

    Telegraph website alone was re-tweeted

    over 300 times.

    Another YourSayPays survey which recently generated signicant exposure in the media

    was or Talk Talk Business, the telecommunications company. 500 SME Directors and

    Senior Managers were asked questions relating to business communications and key

    issues relating to technology. The resulting story has generated 22 pieces o coverage to

    date reaching a readership o nearly 3.5 million people. Highlight pieces included Reuters,

    Wall Street Journal Europe, IT Europa, Total Telecoms and extensive regional coverage.

    Talk Talk


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    Online panelYSP

    According to a surey conducted by Your-

    SayPays for Halfords, the answer is Yes!

    Based on a sample of 1,000 adults, the data

    was gathered after the Tour de France but

    before Bradley Wiggins Olympic gold medal.

    An amazing 64% had seen the Tour

    de France on ITV4 at least once and

    whilst only 27% o the total sample cor-

    rectly identied that the programme was

    sponsored by Halords, 37% o the 664

    respondents who had seen it identied

    Halords. This level o awareness is good

    or a programme that was broadcast or

    only three weeks.


    There has been much speculation about

    whether greater participation in sport will

    be one o the legacies o the Olympic

    Games. According to this survey, greater

    participation in cycling will denitely be a

    legacy o this years Tour de France. 58%

    o people who had seen the ITV4 coverage

    said it had inspired them to get out on their

    bike. 43% o the total sample were also

    inspired, and o course there was plenty o

    other media exposure or the tour includ-

    ing radio, newspapers, websites and apps

    as well as other TV coverage.

    76% o the sample elt proud o the

    example that Bradley Wiggins is setting

    to up and coming cyclists, rising to 88%

    amongst those who had seen the cover-

    age, and very similar numbers thought it

    would inspire other people to get out ontheir bikes.

    Impact on buying intentions

    For any TV advertising or sponsorship,

    awareness and recall are always important

    measures. Impact on purchasing behav-

    iour is always harder to quantiy and, due

    to the many other variables involved, very

    dicult to link directly to the specic slots

    on TV. However, based on the results o

    this survey, there should be a clear nan-

    cial benet or Halords. 49% o the total

    sample said they were thinking o buying or

    upgrading a bike (or themselves or amily

    members) and this rose to 56% amongst

    those who had seen the ITV4 coverage.

    O these 56%, the majority (58%) said they

    had been inspired by the achievements o

    the British competitors in the Tour and

    the TV coverage. This is a very interesting

    statistic, because normally, many people

    whose purchase decisions are infuenced

    by TV advertising do not acknowledge that

    possibility when asked the direct question.Even more encouraging or Halords is

    that when asked which brands they would

    consider i buying a new bike, all o the top

    our selected are rom a list o 19 brands

    stocked by Halords. They are Raleigh,

    Apollo, Carrera and Boardman. Perhaps

    more interesting is that it was the higher

    end bikes, Boardman and Carrera thatshowed the biggest increase i people had

    actually seen the ITV4 coverage.

    16.4% o the sample knew other people

    who had been inspired to buy a bike as a

    result o this years Tour de France, rising

    to 22.6% amongst those who had seen

    the ITV4 coverage. When incorporating

    the act that some knew two people and

    others three or more, it emerges that every

    100 people who saw the ITV4 coverage

    know at least 29 others who are now

    thinking o buying or upgrading a bike.

    All things considered, this suggests a

    great return or Halords on its sponsor-

    ship o the Tour de France coverage.

    Has Brad inspired us to get on our bikes?

    Mark Forde

    Business Development Manager

    01484 467050

    [email protected]


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    How People UseSmartphones

    Were spending 2.3% o the time with music

    and video apps, 11% with the browser and

    more than hal with other apps. And text

    messaging consumes 13.4%. The iPhone

    has shaken up entire industries, rom navi-gation to gaming, and replaced household

    items such as torches and alarm clocks

    or many o us. Their constant compan-

    ionship has also made our smartphones

    handy shopping tools -- to the chagrin

    o plenty o bricks-and-mortar retailers.

    According to Nielsen, 29% o owners use

    their smartphones or shopping activities,

    including comparing prices and purchasing.

    Fewer devices

    Thanks to the almost limitless unctional-

    ity o smartphone apps, people now need

    ewer gadgets. In a recent survey conduct-

    ed by (a company that buys

    your old iPhone), nearly 70% o survey

    respondents have said goodbye to their

    iPod or mp3 player, 55% have ditched

    their camera, and over 40% no longer use

    their GPS unit since buying an iPhone.

    Phones or babies?

    In June, Asda conducted a survey o1,662 mums and ound that smartphones

    are increasingly becoming the primary way

    to entertain young children. The research

    revealed that 27% o mums use their phone

    regularly to entertain their o-spring, ahead

    o a bottle or a drink (25%), sot toys (21%)

    or a dummy (9%). 40% o mums let their

    children play with their smartphone or anaverage o 10 minutes or less a day, but

    10% admit to allowing them to regularly

    play or one to two hours at a time. Mums

    in Scotland are most likely to entertain

    their children with a phone (40% o them

    do it), ollowed by Wales (32%), the Mid-

    lands (32%) and Northern Ireland (30%).

    Parents most oten use smartphones

    to keep their children quiet when they

    wake up early in the morning, or when at

    a restaurant, in the car or waiting or an

    appointment. Most have a range o apps

    on their phones or their children to play

    with rom puzzles and games to educa-

    tional programmes.

    Popular electronic pacier apps include:

    Wheels on the Bus - Winner o

    multiple awards, this animated and

    interactive music story book allows

    children to do things such as spin

    the wheels and swish the wipers o

    the bus alongside the happy tunes.

    Classic Simon -An updated version o

    retro classic Simon Says, the app ea-

    tures our colour modes, along with more

    advanced challenges or older children. It

    has already racked up 3.5m downloads

    with an average rating o 3.5 stars.

    iStory Books - Aimed at kids agedtwo to eight, this app oers various ree

    books complete with text, audio and

    pictures. New books are added to the

    app each week.

    Not improving our manners

    However, smartphones are not so good

    or our manners, with more than 25%

    reporting that they almost always

    use their iPhone while in a social set-

    ting such as during a meal or while at a

    party. A urther 58% say they use their

    iPhone in a social setting either usually

    or occasionally, while only 17% say they

    rarely or never use it in a social gathering.

    Smartphone or sex?

    Which would you rather give up or a

    weekend - sex or your iPhone? 15% o

    respondents to the survey

    said they would choose a romance-ree

    weekend rather than go without their

    beloved device. But why not have both?Nearly 4% o respondents to the Gazelle

    survey reported having used their iPhones

    whilst having sex!!!

    According to Nielsen data, only 5.4% o mobilephone time is taken up by the phones diallerunction, meaning traditional talking.


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    Ownership profle

    Ocom report that tablet uptake is cur-

    rently highest amongst amilies with

    children and 45-54 year olds (42%). Over

    hal live in London, the Home Counties

    or Manchester and over two thirds are

    ABC1. In line with this afuent ownership

    (and the 45% o buyers who didnt needone), upmarket tablet users are spon-

    taneous and materialistic, being 79%

    more likely than other upmarket adults to

    spend money without thinking clearly

    an audience worth chasing! Fully unc-

    tional tablets such as iPads have a male

    bias, whereas women are more likely

    to own an e-reader such as a Kindle.

    Tablet Usage

    InMobi, the largest independent mobileadvertising network, and Mobext, the

    mobile marketing network o Havas Digital,

    recently released the results o their global

    consumer research, The Role o Tablets

    in the Consumer Sales Journey. Con-

    ducted on mobile and tablet devices, the

    survey examined the media consumption

    habits o over 8,400 respondents across

    seven dierent markets and demonstrated

    that consumers are spending increasing

    amounts o time on mobile connected

    devices, with tablets strongly infuencingpurchasing decisions as consumers nd

    new ways to research and interact with

    brands. The key take-outs include:

    At the time of writing (July 2012), 13% of UK households now own at least one tablet computer or e-reader compared with only

    2% in March 2011, and an additional 17% intend to buy one in the next year. According to Ofcoms annual Communications

    Market Report, entertainment is the main reason for buying a tablet, haing been cited by 56% of owners. Next on the list was

    easy internet access (53%) followed by portability (52%). 45% of tablet buyers admitted they had no particular need for the deice

    but just wanted to treat themseles. Needless to say, this huge increase in adoption rate has led to a spate of research into tablet

    ownership and usage drien by companies growing interest in this market and communication channel.

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    According to Adobes Digital Index

    Report, one tablet generates as many

    website visits as our smartphones,

    so although there are ar ewer tablets

    around, by March this year they already

    accounted or 4.3% o website hits com-

    pared with 6.1% on smartphones. Adobe

    predicts that internet trac on tablets will

    overtake smartphones by the beginning

    o 2013. However, organisations mustnt

    lose sight o the act that PCs/laptops stillgenerate the lions share o website visits

    19 times more than tablets in Q1 2012.

    This isnt surprising in view o the vast

    installed base and the act that shipments

    o PCs/laptops still considerably out-num-

    ber tablets a lead that may even increase

    rom the end o October with the launch o

    Windows 8 and ultrabooks.

    Tablet users are buyers

    Tablet users do more things on their tablet

    (an average o 3.9 activities chosen rom

    a list o six broad options) compared with

    laptop (3.6) or smartphones (2.7). They

    also use their tablet more than any other

    device to buy stu. 46% preerred to make

    purchases on their tablet compared with

    41% on a PC/laptop and only 9% on a

    smartphone. And 69% o tablet owners

    had actually done some shopping on their

    tablet in the last 30 days, with almost 10%

    o these happy to use it or a big ticket

    purchase, in contrast with smartphone

    users who typically use their device orsmaller, more unctional purchases. More-

    over, 20% o tablet users claim to shop

    less in bricks and mortar stores since pur-

    chasing their device. These acts, together

    with the hal o tablet owners who share

    the device with amily members illustrate

    the value o tablets or companies sell-

    ing products or services that are oten

    amily decisions. Joint amily decision

    making includes items such as holidays,

    tourist attractions, eating out and takea-

    ways as well as bigger decisions suchas cars and housing. However, accord-

    ing to Adobe, PC/laptop conversion rates

    remain much higher or any shopping

    activity that involves a signicant amount

    o research, whereas tablets are more

    likely to be used or passive consumption

    o content or or more repetitive, routine

    purchases or inormation gathering. Lap-

    tops/PCs thereore remain well ahead or

    anything where consumers lack expertise

    such as buying a smart TV, anything where

    they make multiple comparisons, such as

    holidays or, to a lesser extent, purchases

    where they rely on peer reviews. So, or

    example, deciding on an up-market res-taurant or a special occasion (especially

    i it will be a rst visit) is more likely to be

    researched and booked on a laptop/PC,

    but takeaway owners should make sure

    that they have a very tablet riendly web-

    site. Interestingly, tablet owners are very

    likely to use their device or repeated inter-

    actions with nancial services providers.

    Impact on traditional media

    The research also revealed that 72% o

    respondents watch TV while using their

    tablet. This helps to explain the growing

    popularity o Zeebox. Somewhat surpris-

    ingly, 20% o owners claim to watch more

    TV since buying their tablet, so maybe

    mobile internet wont be bad or the TV

    industry. Interestingly the UK showed the

    highest levels o dual-screening across

    the globe.

    This is consistent with the act that tablet

    usage peaks between 7.30 and 10.30 in

    the evening, when owners use them morethan PCs/laptops or smartphones. During

    the daytime, however, PC/laptop usage

    is twice that o tablets, suggesting that

    BYOD (bring your own device) remains ar

    rom universal.

    69% o tablet users have

    shopped via their devicein the last 30 days

    users regularly use their

    tablet and watch TV at

    the same time

    The average number o

    in-home devices is 9.7,

    up rom 8.7 in 2010

    44% o tablet owners wouldnot want to be separatedrom their tablet

    o tablet owners spend

    at least an hour a

    day accessing media


    22% o tablet owners have

    shopped in physical

    stores less since getting

    their tablet

    20m tablets were shipped inQ1 2012

    Apple dominates the

    market with a 68%


    There are 1m+ Zeebox

    users in the UK (30 min

    average session)

    51% use a tablet to ll what

    would previously have

    been dead time

    49% o respondents share

    their tablet with amily


    42% said that their tablet has

    revolutionised the way

    they communicate with



    % o tablet users think it is

    easier to access media

    content on a tablet than

    on a mobile or laptop/


    7 outof 10






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    But the Apple TV set will almost certainly

    be beautiul, easy to use, and it will usher

    in a whole new way to navigate nearly

    unlimited content through the electronic

    device that is still the hub o most house-

    holds home entertainment.

    Heres how Walter Isaacson put it in his

    biography o Steve Jobs.

    Assuming he had cracked it, has Apple

    acted in time? Some very large players in

    electronics and TV, such as LG and Sam-

    sung, have already launched very elegant

    all-in-one smart TVs whose appearance

    and unctionality will be dicult to better.

    Due to advances in screen technology

    even the largest sets have edge-to-edge

    displays and are much thinner than cur-

    rent plasma or LCD TVs (only 4cms thickor a 55 inch display). They are wi- ena-

    bled, will link with smartphones, tablets

    and PCs and have a home screen which

    looks rather like the orthcoming Windows

    8 but is ully customisable. LG call it a

    Home Dashboard. It can be controlled by

    the traditional remote or an app on your

    phone or tablet. Whilst the manuacturers

    such as LG are heavily promoting 3D and

    gaming, which is very impressive on the

    big high resolution screens, businesses

    will be more interested in the possibilitiesaorded by the households entertainment

    hub working just like a smartphone or

    tablet. Whether its social media, YouTube

    or just surng the web, the opportunities

    or communicating with customers are

    immense. Clearly this will have massive

    ramications or the TV-ad industry.

    Whether that threat will be spearheaded

    by Apple or the current TV market lead-

    ers is anyones guess. The incumbents

    now have a clear lead but every time Apple

    has launched a disruptive device criticshave said that its too expensive and peo-

    ple dont really need it. Theyre also saying

    that since we hang onto TVs longer than

    we do phones or computers, theres no

    way it will have the impact o Apples other

    innovations. But similar criticisms were

    levelled at the iPod, the iPhone, and the

    iPad (that costly, in-between device that

    people werent even asking or). Though

    the iPhone wasnt the rst smartphone, it

    ushered in a dierent way to think about

    and use mobile (see page 17), and dramati-cally altered peoples behaviour. So maybe

    Apple will surprise us with something no-

    one had thought o or TVs as well.

    Refecting on the massive behavioural change over a relatively short time stimulated by the 2007 introduction o the iPhone, what will

    happen when Apple introduces a TV? Is the TV ecosystem -- rom programme makers, the marketers that rely on TV to sell products, to

    the ad agencies that buy its media -- ready or TVs iPhone moment? Just as with the iPhone (or the iPad or iPod), Apple TV wont be the

    rst device o its kind. Even without smart TVs, early adopters have been streaming or some time via a range o set top boxes such

    as Xbox or Roku or via the Airplay unction on Apples existing TV solution, all o which bring wireless connectivity to the TV. And increas-

    ing numbers are turning to the Zeebox app to combine their TV viewing and social media activities.

    ITV or iTV?

    Steve very much wanted to do or

    television sets what he had done or

    computers, music players and phones:

    make them simple and elegant. Id

    like to create an integrated television

    set that is completely easy to use.

    It would be seamlessly synced with

    all your devices and with iCloud. No

    longer would users have to fddle with

    complex remotes or DVD players

    and cable channels. It would have

    the simplest user interace you could

    imagine. I fnally cracked it.


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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Insight V2 I2_0


    Latest thinking

    UK consumers today ace an almost

    bewildering choice o channels when it

    comes to engaging with brands. The high

    street, the industrial park, the website,

    email, the catalogue, direct mail, interac-

    tive television, SMS, mobile apps and

    social media are all part o the rich mix o

    touch points that make tracking the cus-

    tomer journey more o a challenge than

    ever beore. And or companies operating

    in this dynamic and competitive environ-

    ment, understanding consumer behaviour

    on a multichannel level is becoming ever

    more crucial or the successul manage-

    ment o their customers.

    Multiple touch points

    Do todays consumers even have a pre-

    erred channel? Well, it can depend on

    what they are buying. Few, in act, limit

    themselves to one channel or both

    researching then purchasing a product

    or service. But ar rom viewing consum-

    ers as ckle and indecisive when they

    consult not only a high street store but

    also a brands website and relevant social

    media pages beore making a purchase,

    companies must use all data to hand to

    analyse, interpret and then address cus-

    tomer behaviour. Only then do they stand

    a chance o growing loyalty and building

    sales through tailored communications

    and oers that demonstrate genuine


    Where once businesses debated bricksand mortar versus mail order, today the

    retail landscape is multiaceted and multi-

    dimensional, and the question has moved

    onto how they use various channels. The

    key to understanding this is to look at how

    consumers use the multiple channels at

    their disposal or dierent parts o the deci-

    sion-making and purchasing process. The

    latest research rom GI Insight shows there

    is logic to consumer behaviour across

    multiple channels. Understanding this on

    an individual level can be crucial to manag-

    ing customers eectively getting them to

    remain loyal, to buy more with each trans-

    action, and to purchase more requently.

    Mixing bricks and clicks

    The research shows that, when it comes

    to their avourite brands, consumers arecomortable mixing their points o interac-

    tion, with 63% o the 1,000 UK consumers

    surveyed revealing they buy rom both the

    The Longand WindingCustomerJourney

    Understanding how consumers use various touch points toresearch and buy dierent products is essential to gaining ullcustomer insight in todays multichannel marketplace. Andy Woodexplores the implications or CRM and marketing.

    26 customerINSIGHTAutumn/Winter 2012 |

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    Latest thinking

    websites and high street stores o the

    companies they purchase rom the most.

    Indeed, despite the boom in online shop-

    ping, consumers today still use high street

    stores (and other bricks and mortar outlets

    such as shopping malls and retail parks) to

    examine and test a great many products

    prior to nal purchase. So, despite the rise

    o the quick and easy internet purchase,

    shopping is still not a one dimensional

    activity that begins and ends with an

    instant transaction: more than ever it is a

    social experience, it takes place across

    channels, and it does not require point

    o purchase to be the same as point o


    Increasingly, traditional high street stores

    are venturing online, with brands such

    as John Lewis and Next establishing a

    powerul digital presence. And, not to be

    outdone, pure online players are them-

    selves entering the high street market,

    with Amazon reportedly establishing its

    rst physical outlet this year to oer cus-

    tomers the opportunity to purchase its

    Kindle products in-store, believing this

    could boost sales amongst impatient

    shoppers and those sceptical o buying

    sight unseen. When Amazon, arguably the

    worlds most successul online retail busi-

    ness, acknowledges that the high street is

    ar rom obsolete, it signals that the mul-

    tichannel relationship is here to stay at

    least or now.

    Product category aectschannel choice

    Although the business o selling uniorm

    products such as books and CDs prod-

    ucts which easily t through the letterbox

    and can be just as successully vetted

    online as in-store works well as a web-

    only enterprise, many retailers are learning

    that marketing more varied and bigger

    products ranging rom the latest ashions

    to consumer electronics to outdoor urni-

    ture requires a more complex approach.

    Indeed, GI Insights research conrms that

    the type o product being purchased has

    a major eect on the path o the custom-

    er journey: 73% o consumers preer to

    examine and test bulky products (such as

    bicycles, garden tools, playpens, urniture)

    in person and 69% choose to check out

    and try on ashion items (such as clothes,shoes, sunglasses, accessories) in-store,

    even i they make their nal purchase

    online. The majority (60%) even preer to

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    Latest thinking

    look at and test electronic products such

    as televisions, DVD players and comput-

    ers in-store beore buying whether in

    the shop or later over the internet. This

    behaviour is in stark contrast to the pur-

    chase o standardised products (such as

    CDs, DVDs, books, batteries, light bulbs

    and kitchen utensils) where the trend is

    reversed: 69% say they make these types

    o purchases directly online.

    Redeeming loyalty rewards

    The research also uncovers that UK

    consumers are almost evenly split when

    it comes to the channel they preer toredeem their loyalty points through: 54%

    in store versus 46% online. Clearly, retail-

    ers should not presume that customers

    will redeem their points via the channel o

    purchase and, in act, should ensure loy-

    alty scheme members are rewarded with

    vouchers and points which can easily be

    used via either channel.

    Implications or sales sta

    It is clear, then, that the modern shoppingexperience does not involve the straight

    emergence o a single channel and no

    savvy retailer today would wed shoppers

    to one specic location, physical or virtual.

    On the contrary, sta dealing directly with

    consumers across any channel need to

    be trained to respond to the customers

    preerences and likely customer journey.

    For instance, i store based sta realise

    a customer is researching a product in

    store with the intention o later purchas-

    ing online, they should be ready and able

    to issue a limited time voucher or a web

    purchase, enabling them to capture a con-

    sumers business and secure their loyalty

    to the overall brand. Currently, there are

    very ew cases in which retailers provide

    an incentive to purchase rom a brands

    website when a customer is clearly

    browsing in-store. In the new multichan-

    nel environment where shops are used

    as showrooms, this needs to change.

    Implications or customer


    UK consumers typically arrive at the point

    o purchase via a combination o channels

    their journey is rarely linear and employ-

    ing data and analysis to derive insight on

    the customer journey to inorm appropri-

    ate actions along the way is essential tothe uture o any successul operation. As

    the research shows, the customer journey

    may be complex and winding but, by the

    same token, it is not wholly unpredictable.

    I a rm can see that specic products

    trigger certain types o behaviours and

    trends, then it can use that insight to tai-

    lor post, email and other communications.

    For instance, i the data shows that a cus-

    tomer tends to browse online rst beore

    going in-store, the communications dont

    need to push a product but rather thewebsite as a source o inormation, pro-

    viding relevant content to make the brand

    stand out. Or i analysis tells a company

    that multichannel customers are more

    loyal and valuable than a single channel

    customer, it can mould communications

    to get a store-only customer to become

    an ecommerce customer too, and vice-


    Recognising, then, that bricks must coex-

    ist with clicks, brands should develop

    relationships which harness multiple touch

    points so consumers get more rom their

    retail experiences whether perusing in-

    store, checking a catalogue, browsing

    online or receiving an oer on a smart-

    phone. This process can start even beore

    a customer goes online or visits a store

    with a longer-term communications pro-

    gramme that uses data to address the

    consumers behaviour and build loyalty

    through tailored oers demonstrating gen-

    uine insight. Appreciating that customers

    regard brands in a holistic ashion ensures

    relationships are grown and nurtured

    regardless o channel.

    Implications or customer databases

    The key to all o this is applying the cus-

    tomer data an organisation has to hand,such as transaction details and inormation

    supplied on web orms, and not keeping it

    in silos. That means collecting it properly

    in one database or all channels and then

    analysing it to see what the trends are and

    what preerence and behaviour catego-

    ries individual customers all into. Getting

    a grip on what customers buy, what they

    are spending, and how they purchase in

    order to determine how better to motivate

    them to remain loyal or to purchase more

    and more requently is undamental to asuccessul brand in todays multichannel


    Andy Wood

    Managing Director

    GI Insight

    [email protected]

    01162 321 711


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    In February LinkedIn topped 150 million

    users and, ater launching in 2006, Twitter

    has over 300 million users generating over

    300 million tweets and handling over 1.6

    billion search queries per day.

    So clearly we are interacing with each

    other through social media all day, every

    day on our work PCs, our laptops, our tab-

    lets and our smartphones. Walk into anyast ood outlet in the country and have a

    look at what most people are doing whilst

    they are waiting to be served. The chances

    are they have their smartphone in hand and

    are sending / receiving updates on status!

    It is no surprise that business is increasingly

    keen to get in on the act and utilise such

    an instantaneous and pliable technology.

    Investment in social media strategy is rising

    exponentially with barely a single brand not

    wanting you to like them on Facebook

    and watch them on YouTube. Service

    sector based businesses are starting to

    look at Twitter as a means o providing

    technical or account support to customers.

    It is instant, trendy, allows them to gather

    inormation and provide promotional mes-

    sages wherever and whenever.

    What needs to be considered is what

    impact this will have on customer satis-

    action and ergo customer loyalty? Do we

    want business and brands muscling in

    on our social media? Should there be a

    real distinction between the two? Is youravourite sports stars latest tweet about

    their new car an honest comment to be

    shared with the world or a discreet com-

    mercial endorsement broadcast to loyal

    ollowers? I have heard more than one

    person comment negatively on someone

    who has a Facebook type photo on their

    LinkedIn prole so do they want their bank

    eeding into their Twitter account?

    The Leadership Factor recently conducted

    an online panel survey o Twitter users on

    behal o a leading high street bank about

    Twitters usability as a support tool. The

    results showed that currently 9% used

    Twitter to contact organisations they did

    business with compared to nearly 60%

    who used it mainly or celebrity news, the

    majority having genuine concerns about

    Twitters suitability as a business tool due

    to issues such as privacy and the limited

    number o characters per tweet. But or

    the 9% its an important channel and

    banks cant ignore that.

    One interesting aspect to consider is theeectiveness o these social media sites as

    they carry more and more trac. What is

    the risk o missing something important in

    all the chatter? Path is a relatively new kid

    on the social media block but is based on

    the anthropological principle Dunbars num-

    ber, which states that we cant manage a

    network o more than 150 connections so

    that is what you are restricted to.

    So by all means keep on engaging with the

    social (media) revolution. The more we do,

    the better we will become. Just make sure

    it is enabling your organisation to do best

    what matters most to your customers and

    not just because it is something new!

    One o the true phenomena o the last ten years has been the rise and rise o social media. You needto have been on Mars or the last decade to not know what Facebook is and even ootballers have

    worked out how to tweet but what is truly staggering is the amount o social media out there. The listis endless and covers work, rest and play in all its orms!

    Mike Ball

    Client Manager

    The Leadership Factor

    I you have any thoughts about this article

    you can contact Mike at

    [email protected]

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    Case Study

    30 customerINSIGHTAutumn/Winter 2012 |

    Following the end o the regulatory require-

    ment to test tenant satisaction using

    the old STATUS methodology, House-

    Mark (a membership based organisation

    or housing associations) was asked to

    devise a new voluntary methodology that

    measured satisaction and that could be

    benchmarked in the same way as STA-

    TUS. Following extensive consultation

    with RSLs (Registered Social Landlords),

    the Survey o Tenants and Residents

    (STAR) was launched including the STAR

    benchmarking service.

    But how actionable is the research? Can

    it identiy key drivers o dissatisaction

    amongst tenants that can be actioned and

    incorporated into the strategic plans o the

    RSL? Can benchmarking work alongside

    more detailed research that aims to identi-

    y tenant importance, impact and priorities

    or improving tenant satisaction? One

    social housing provider that has cham-

    pioned a new approach to this is Leeds

    Federated Housing.

    Leeds Federated Housing Association

    Formed in 1973, Leeds Federated Hous-

    ing Association provides housing or rent

    and other services to a range o cus-

    tomers around Leeds, Harrogate and

    Wakeeld. The birth o Leeds Federated

    came rom merging a collection o smaller

    landlords and during the 1970s, 80s and

    90s, Leeds Federated grew to its current

    size o around 4,000 homes. As well as the

    older homes they inherited, they have built

    new stock, particularly in partnership with

    Leeds City Council. Over the last decade,

    the Association ocused on improving the

    quality o its existing stock resulting in all o

    the Associations stock now achieving the

    decent homes standard, and the Asso-

    ciation perorms well across all its housing

    management unctions, when compared

    to other organisations providing similar


    Resident ocused

    Leeds Federated pride themselves on

    being resident-ocused, with a mission to

    make places or people to live become

    places they want to stay and places other

    people will want to move to . Fundamen-tal to the achievement o this bold vision

    are our key goals:

    It is with these goals in mind that Leeds

    Federated Housing have taken the jour-

    ney to understanding their customers and

    improving their lives.

    Like most providers in the social hous-

    ing sector weve historically undertaken

    the regulatory STATUS customer sat-

    isaction survey as the main source o

    ormal customer eedback, says Simon

    Williams, Research Manager at Leeds

    Federated Housing. But with the regula-

    tory requirement recently being removed,

    this provided us with the opportunity to

    look outside the social housing sector to

    see how other high perorming companies

    measure customer satisaction. This is

    what eventually led us to look at the Lead-

    ership Factor and Customer Satisaction

    Index methodology.

    This move breaks a tradition in the socialhousing sector. Williams says, Bench-

    marking landlord against landlord has

    been somewhat o a tradition or us but it

    has always been difcult given the diverse

    nature o our property stock weve a mix

    o new estates & older inner city hous-

    ing within Leeds plus stock in Harrogate,

    Wakefeld and Castleord. So to fnd a

    housing association with a similar stock

    mix and social challenges is very difcult,

    limiting the value o benchmarking.

    A turning point or me was thinking o

    customer satisaction rom the customers

    perspective. Whilst we can input data into

    a computer to benchmark our services

    against other housing providers the reality

    is that our customers cant do the same

    they cant easily move house or request

    an alternative repairs service rom another

    housing provider. Instead theyll measure

    their perception o customer satisaction

    against their experiences with their local

    supermarket, high street bank or shop.

    Moving to the The Leadership Factors

    Customer Satisaction Index measurement,

    which is based on a broader range o com-

    panies, seemed such an obvious choice.


    SatisfactioninSocialHousingBenchmarking performance against peers is hotly pursued in most business sectors and especially in social housing.

    Accounting for about 20% of UK households, until recently housing associations had a regulatory requirement to

    surey tenant satisfaction and report their results to the regulator. The compulsory questions (known as STATUS)

    proided a general oeriew of residents oerall satisfaction with their landlords and made peer benchmarking easy.

    1. Maintaining homes with a high quality

    repairs serice.

    2. Improing the quality of the

    neighbourhoods customers lie in

    making people want to stay and others to

    moe into.

    3. Helping customers make the most of

    their lies.

    4. Continue to be a high performing housingassociation in all aspects of its business.

    Simon Williams

    Research Manager

    Leeds Federated

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    Case Study | Autumn/Winter 2012 customerINSIGHT


    Changing to the Customer Satisaction

    Index method has not been without its

    challenges. Theres a lot o tradition in the

    social housing sector and with that comes

    the strong conviction amongst some that

    STAR should remain the predominant

    methodology used or tenant satisac-

    tion. But closely looking at HouseMarks

    own description tells you that STAR is only

    designed to provide an overview o tenant

    satisaction with the general services they

    receive rom their provider.

    Williams says, Due to the nature o our

    business our services directly aect the

    quality o peoples lives. Getting the right

    services delivered consistently in the right

    way is tremendously important. I we ail

    to deliver services well, its not as i our

    customers can easily move home. Getting

    the best inormation possible enables us

    to make the best decisions.

    So rom the start o 2012 weve started

    using a mix o STAR and Customer Sat-

    isaction Index. In practice this means

    using the minimum core questions rom

    STAR which allows us to continually

    monitor historical trends and benchmark

    our customer satisaction perormanceagainst our social housing peers region-

    ally and nationally. Customer Satisaction

    Index measurement however orms the

    most important part o the process we

    can benchmark our Customer Satisac-

    tion Index score against about 80 other

    housing associations and also against

    other big brand high street names. The

    way the data is collated and analysed has

    provided us with a ar deeper insight into

    our customers needs. This has given us a

    signifcant advantage against our competi-tors who are still only using STAR.

    This advantage is enhanced by the act the

    Customer Satisaction Index question set

    is bespoke to Leeds Federated ater being

    ramed round the outcomes o exploratory

    tenant ocus groups to nd what was most

    important to them. This again presented a

    massive cultural change compared to the

    one size ts all question set o STAR (and

    STATUS beore it).


    So has Leeds Federateds decision to

    work with the Leadership Factor paid o?

    The whole thing has been excellent,

    Williams says about the partnership. Itsprovided a great platorm or us to reer

    back to and as ar as we are aware were

    the frst housing association in the country

    that uses the combination o STAR and

    Customer Satisaction Index. As a method

    or understanding satisaction we do eel

    we are in a strong position and bucking

    the trend.

    The reality is that the two methodologies

    have a lot to oer; STAR provides a good

    overview o perormance (HouseMark claimnothing more themselves) and can contin-

    ue to maintain historically measured trends

    and social housig sector benchmarking.

    The Leadership Factor provides signicant

    customer insight to tenant satisaction.

    Chris Elliott

    Client Manager

    The Leadership Factor

    I you have any thoughts about this article

    you can contact Chris at

    [email protected]


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    However, scratch the surace o service inthese platinum plated environments and

    everything may not quite be as it seems...

    Having recently undertaken some research

    within the luxury car sector I was amazed to

    nd the polarity o service levels experienced

    by high net worth individuals spending

    in excess o 100,000 on a car, across a

    whole range o dierent manuacturers.

    Further aeld the internet is littered with

    reviews o our celebrated Michelin starred

    restaurants that prove spending top dollaron your meal is no guarantee that you will

    enjoy a perect night out and recommend

    it to all your riends and amily. But why

    not? Is it really that dicult or businesses

    to be able to replicate the perect client

    experience without ail and are the needs

    o high rollers dierent rom the rest o us?

    The real challenge comes, I believe, in the

    people themselves. High rollers come with

    big wallets but oten even bigger expecta-

    tions. They are more demanding and have

    a greater depth o experience to draw on.

    Additionally they are more than capable

    and condent in articulating their displeas-

    ure should you ail to meet their exacting

    standards. Above all they prize individual-

    ity, being able to stand out rom the crowdwhether it is their one o a kind supercar or

    their VIP table behind the velvet rope.

    But as a business why bother going to all

    that trouble? Well, in these recessionary

    times a recent study by Barclays Wealth

    shows that there are 619,000 millionaires

    in the UK, up rom 528,000 in 2008 and

    that the millionaire population is set to

    grow by another third by 2020. I you were

    looking or a growth market with dispos-

    able income...youve ound it!

    So how can businesses eciently and

    eectively generate the level o satisac-

    tion in these demanding customers that

    will make them loyal advocates who will

    patronise your establishment or years

    and bring all their riends as well? The

    answer is no dierent or the high roller

    than the average man in the street. Get to

    know what matters to them and keep your

    promise in delivering that. What changes

    is that you may have to bring the research

    down to a sample size o as little as one!

    What doesnt work is simply producing

    a bigger bang because your customer

    has more bucks. What came out o the

    research rom our luxury car client was thattheir customers werent impressed by the

    shiny reception area with large screen TV

    and branded coee. Whilst they expected

    the right environment, what really mattered

    was being treated as an individual, prom-

    ises being kept and the process being as

    ecient as possible.

    It means taking your customer insight to

    a micro level and really getting to know

    your customers. Add to that a degree o

    fexibility in your oering that enables everycustomer to enjoy their perect experience

    and your business has every chance o

    hitting the jackpot.


    Does being a high roller guarantee