Download - Custom source types

Page 1: Custom source types

How to cite your sources the way you want

Custom Source Types

Page 2: Custom source types

2Carole Riley - May 2009

Write citation on paper

Choose (or create) Source Elements

Choose (or create) Source Type

Add source to Master Source List

How to create a properly-cited source in TMG

Page 3: Custom source types

3Carole Riley - May 2009

Source Categories in TMG follow one of two standards:“Evidence” by Elizabeth Shown Mills“Cite Your Sources” by Richard S. LackeyOr one of your own making – Custom (OK,

three standards)“Evidence Explained” by Elizabeth Shown

Mills (2008)Archives fact sheets

State Records NSW Archives in Brief No. 10 – “Citing State Archives”

National Archives of Australia fact Sheet 7 – “Citing archival records”

What is a “properly-cited” source?

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Definition: “Source types specify which characteristics of the source are to be recorded, and how the footnotes and bibliography entries will be formatted.”1

Characteristics – title, author, publisher, date, publisher location, etc

Format – how to arrange these characteristics when citing the source – order, punctuation

1. Terry Reigel, A Primer for The Master Genealogist (Modbury, South Australia: Gould Genealogy, 2008), 46.

Source Types

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These are the characteristics of the source.

Source Groups = Source citation FIELDS

Source Elements = Source citation field LABELS

There are 32 Source Groups (fields) – can use each one only once, but in any order

Use Source Elements (labels) to make data entry easier when creating Source in Master Source List

Source Groups and Source Elements

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Full footnote – where you cite the source for a specific piece of information, includes “Citation Detail”

Short footnote – short version of full footnote for subsequent citations of same source, includes “Citation Detail”

Bibliography – list of sources at the end of the book, report, chart, etc.

Shown in Output form tab

Source Citations – 3 templates

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Hoffman, Lee H. (editor). Getting the Most out of The Master Genealogist. Modbury, South

Australia: Gould Genealogy, 2003.

Mills, Elizabeth Shown. Evidence Explained, Citing History Sources from Artifacts to

Cyberspace. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2007.

National Archives of Australia. Fact sheet 7 – Citing archival records. Website. http://, retrieved 17 May 2009.

Reigel, Terry. A Primer for The Master Genealogist. Modbury, South Australia: Gould

Genealogy, 2008. Reigel, Terry. Working with Source Elements and Groups. Website. Terry Reigel. Terry’s TMG

Tips. last updated 5 May 2006.

State Records New South Wales. Archives in Brief No. 10 – Citing State archives. Website.



, retrieved 17 May 2009.
