

Department of Political Science University of California-Riverside 2219 WATKINS HALL 900 University Avenue Riverside, CA 92521 Phone: 951-827-4582 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D. International Studies, Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, 1997 M.A. Political Science, with emphasis on International Affairs, University of Dayton, 1988 B.A. Political Science, with minor in Economics, University of North Texas, 1986

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Vice Provost for International Affairs, University of California-Riverside, 2015 – Professor of Political Science, University of California-Riverside, 2015- Associate Provost for Global Strategies and International Affairs, Ohio State University, 2012-2015 Director of Academic Programs, Ohio State University, 2012-2015 Professor of African American and African Studies, Ohio State University, 2008-2015 Director, Center for African Studies, Ohio State University, 2009-2012 Korea Foundation Visiting Scholar, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, 2011-2012 Professor of Political Science, University of Northern Colorado, 2004-2008


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Graduate Faculty, University of Northern Colorado, 1997-2008 Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Northern Colorado, 1999-2004 Adjunct Professor of African Political Economy, University of Denver, 2005-2008 Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Northern Colorado, 1990-1999 Mellon Research Fellow in Government, Connecticut College, 1994-1995 Adjunct Professor of African Politics, University of Dayton, Fall 1988 Graduate Research Assistant, Political Science, University of Dayton, 1988 GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS: Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, ($4,500) University of

Northern Colorado, Summer 2001 “Political Restructuring in Post-Conflict States in Africa,” Ford Foundation

($125,000.00)—Funded, 2001 “Political Restructuring in Post-Conflict States in Africa: Phase II” Ford Foundation

($110,000.00)—Funded, 2002. “West Africa and the United States’ ‘War on Terror’” The Mershon Center for International Security Studies, OSU ($29, 600)—Funded, 2009 “Politics of Foreign Aid and Economic Development: A Comparative Analysis of

South Korea and Selected African Countries” The Korea Foundation, Seoul, South Korea (KRW16, 200,000)—Funded (2010)

"Capacity building program for U.S. undergraduate study abroad (Ethiopia)" Education and Cultural Affairs (U.S. State Department) $250,000 (Funded – 2012-2015).

PUBLICATIONS: Books and edited volumes Economic Development and Nigerian Foreign Policy, [Studies in

African Economic and Social Development No. 14], New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2000).Recipient of African Scholars Research Board “2000 Excellence in Authorship Award.”

Agenda Setting and Public Policy in Africa, edited, (Burlington, VT and Aldershot: UK: Ashgate Publishers, 2004). West Africa Review, Guest Editor, Issue 6, 2004 Socio-Political Scaffolding and The Construction of Change: Constitutionalism and

Democratic governance in Africa, edited with Peyi Soyinka-Airewele, (Trenton,


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


New Jersey and Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2009) West Africa and the U.S. War on Terror, edited with George Kieh, (Routledge

Studies in US Foreign Policy (UK: ROUTLEDGE, 2013) Territoriality, Citizenship and Peacebuilding: Perspectives on Challenges to Peace in

Africa edited with Ufo Uzodike, David Kraybill and John Moolakkattu, (UK: Adonis & Abbey: 2013)

United States-Africa Security Relations: Terrorism, regional security and national interests, edited with George Kieh, Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy (UK: ROUTLEDGE, 2014)

ARTICLES, CHAPTERS AND REVIEWS: "Post-Cold War Era Regional Economic Diplomacy,"

Africa Today, Vol. 42, and Nos. 1-2 (1995): 153-156. "Democratic Transitions in Africa and the 1993 Elections in Nigeria,"

CONPO REVIEW - A Journal of Interdisciplinary Analysis on Nigerian Issues, Vol. 4, No. 2 (September 1995): 10-22.

"Developing Nations in the New International Order: Alternative Research Focus for Africa," in Mulugeta Agonafer, editor, Africa in the Contemporary International Disorder. (Maryland: University Press of America, 1996): 383-403.

"Political Economy in Nigeria: The Military, Ethnic Politics and Development," International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 10, No. 2, (1996): 229-247.

"Dimensions of Ethnic Politics and Development in Nigeria," Journal of Nigerian Affairs, Vol. 5, No.1 (March 1996): 23-34.

"Nigerian Foreign Policy: An Evaluation," a review of Mae C. King Basic Currents of Nigerian Foreign Policy, Journal of Asian and African Studies Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 (November 1998): 395-398.

“Agenda Setting and Public Policy in Africa: Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy,” in Shumaker and Jones, editors, Proceedings of Association of Third World Studies, (Spring 1999): 61-72.

“Perspectives on Technology and Economic Development in Nigeria,” Journal of Third World Studies, Vol. XVII, No. 1 (Spring, 2000): 91-114.

“Public Policy, Domestic and Foreign Policy in Africa,” Journal of African Policy Studies, 2000: 1-19.

"Ethnicity and Political Economy of Africa: A Conceptual Analysis,” in E. Ike Udogu, editor The Issue of Political Ethnicity in Africa (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers, U.K., 2001): 35-58.

“The Political Economy of State Reconstitution in Africa” in Obioma M. Iheduru, editor, Contending Issues in African Development: Advances, Challenges, and the Future (Connecticut: Green Wood Press, 2001): 19-44.

“Realist Theory, Liberal internationalism and the Third World,” Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. 36, No. 2 (2001): 225-236. “Nigerian Foreign Policy and Regional Economic Diplomacy,” in

Bamidele A. Ojo, ed., Problems and Prospects of Sustaining Democracy in


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Nigeria: Voices of a Generation. (New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2001): 159-168.

“Constitutionalism in Nigeria: A Conceptual Analysis of Ethnicity and Politics." (Kaduna, Nigeria: Human Rights Monitor, 2001): 20-69. Following the presentation of the ideas in this paper, the editors of Nigeria’s premier legal journal solicited a revised version of the paper, which was subsequently published as Kalu, Kelechi A., “Constitutionalism in Nigeria: A Conceptual Analysis of Ethnicity and Politics,” The Nigerian Juridical Review, Vol. 8, (2000-2001): 53-84.

“Constitutionalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria,” Journal of Nigerian Affairs, Vol. 10, no. 1 (2002): 22-29.

“Globalization and Democratization in Africa: Challenges and Options,” in John M. Mbaku and Julius Ihonvbere, eds., The Transition to Democratic Governance in Africa: The Continuing Struggle. (Connecticut: Praeger Publishers, 2003): 57-79.

“An Elusive Quest? Structural Analysis of Conflicts and Peace in Africa,” in Ernest Uwazie, (ed.), Conflict Resolution and Peace Education in Africa (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2003): 19-38.

“Introduction: The Role of Ideas, Theory and Models of Public Policy Processes in Africa,” in Kelechi A. Kalu, editor Agenda Setting and Public Policy in Africa (Aldershot, U.K. and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishers, 2004): 1-19.

“Agenda Setting: Domestic and Foreign Policy in Africa,” in Kelechi A. Kalu, editor Agenda Setting and Public Policy in Africa (Aldershot, U.K. and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishers, 2004): 69-86.

“Constitutionalism, Governance and Democracy in Africa,” Issue 6, 2004 “Constitutionalism in Nigeria: A Conceptual Analysis of Ethnicity and Politics,” Issue 6, 2004 “Globalization and its impact on Indigenous Governance Structures,” Southwestern Journal of International Studies, (March 04): 44-74.

“Echoes of Instability: Implications for State, Society and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria,” The Constitution: A Journal of Constitutional Development, Vol. 5 no.1, (March 2005): 1-37.

“The Impact of Leadership on Public Policy in Africa,” invited paper by The Cardiff University Center for Ethics, Law and Society, United Kingdom, (January 2005): 1-16.

“Global Liberalism and Indigenous Governance in Africa,” in Olufemi Vaughan, M. Wright and C. Small, editors, Globalization and Marginalization: Essays on The Paradoxes of Global and Local Forces (Ibadan, Nigeria: Sefer Books Ltd, 2005): 174-200.

“The International Dimension of Regime change: Economic Sanctions and the 1993 Democratic Transition in Nigeria,” African Social Science Review Volume 3, Number 3 (Fall 2005): 7-36.

“The Impact of Leadership on Public Policy in Africa: Problems and


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Opportunities,” in Jennifer Gunning and Soren Holm, editors, Ethics, Law and Society Volume II (Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishers, 2006): 135-156.

“The Political Economy of Health Policy in Sub- Saharan Africa,” with Cynthia Cook, Medicine and Law Journal Volume 27, No. 1 (March 2008): 29-51

“Introduction: On the Construction of Democratic Change,” with Peyi Soyinka-Airewele in Kalu and Soyinka-Airewele, editors, Socio-Political Scaffolding and the Construction of Change: Constitutionalism and Democratic governance in Africa (Trenton, New Jersey and Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2009)

”Constitutionalism in Africa: A Conceptual Analysis of Ethnicity and Politics With Lessons from Nigeria,” in Kalu and Soyinka-Airewele, editors, Socio-Political Scaffolding and the Construction of Change: Constitutionalism and Democratic governance in Africa (Trenton, New Jersey and Asmara, Eritrea: Africa World Press, 2009)

“Resolving African Crises: Leadership Role for African States and the African

Union,” African Journal of Conflict Resolution Volume 9 No. 1, 2009: 9-40

“Political Economy of Development Assistance: Lessons from South Korea for Sub- Saharan Africa,” with Jiyoung Kim, International Studies Review, (South Korea) Vol. 10 No. 1 (June 2009): 29-52.

“Constitutionalism as Framework for Post-Conflict Society Reconstruction in Rwanda,” Journal of International Politics and Development Volume 7, Number 2 (June, 2009): 103-119.

“Political Institutions and Official Development Assistance in Africa,” invited Article for International Studies Review, (South Korea) Vol. 10, Number 2, December 2009): 1-29.

“African States and Health Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa,” (Review Essay) Journal of Asian and African Studies Vol. 45, No. 1 (February 2010): 117-122.

“Nigeria: Learning from the Past to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century,” Social Research Vol. 77, No. 4 (Winter 2010): 1367-1400.

"Styles of Foreign Assistance: Policy Transfer and Domestic Development in Sub- Saharan African States," African Social Science Review: Vol. 5:1(2012):66-90. “Post-Busan Challenges for South Korea’s Africa Relations,” with Jiyoung Kim, Korea Observer: a quarterly journal, Vol. 43 (2) Summer 2012: 279-302 “The Travails of the U.S. war on terrorism,” with George Kieh in George Kieh

and Kelechi Kalu, (eds.) West Africa and the U.S. War on Terror (NY: Routledge, 2013), pp. 3-18.

“West Africa and the U.S. war on terrorism: The Lessons,” in George Kieh and Kelechi Kalu, (eds.) West Africa and the U.S. War on Terror (NY: Routledge, 2013), pp. 178-187.

“Territorial Origins of African Civil Conflicts: Space, Territoriality and Institutions,” with David Kraybill and Laura Joseph, in Kelechi Kalu, Ufo Uzodike, David Kraybill and John Moolakkattu. (eds.) Territoriality, Citizenship and Peacebuilding: Perspectives on Challenges to Peace in Africa (UK: Adonis & Abbey: 2013), pp. 15-45.

“Territorial Origins of African Civil Conflicts: Consolidation and Decentralization toward Practical Solutions,” in Kelechi Kalu, Ufo Uzodike, David Kraybill and John Moolakkattu. (eds.) Territoriality, Citizenship and Peacebuilding:


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Perspectives on Challenges to Peace in Africa (UK: Adonis & Abbey: 2013), pp. 583-615.

“The Outsourcing of Thinking and Imagination in African Development: Lessons from South Korea,” Afrika: Journal of Politics, Economics and Society, Vol. 3, Numbers 1 & 2, 2013, pp. 7-37

“U.S.-Africa Security Relations in the Twenty-First Century: Trends and Implications,” in Kalu and Kieh, eds., United States-Africa Security Relations (New York: Routledge, 2014): 62-82.

“Introduction: Framing United States-Africa Security Relations” with George Kieh, in Kalu and Kieh, eds., United States-Africa Security Relations (New York: Routledge, 2014): 3-26.

“The Global Political Economy and the African State,” in Pita Ogaba Agbese and George Klay Kieh, Jr., editors, The State in Africa: Beyond False Starts (Waterloo, IA: Third World Publishers: 2014), pp. 159-197.

“State-business relations, foreign aid, and development: a comparative study of Ghana and South Korea,” (with Jiyoung Kim) Korean Social Science Journal (2014) 41: 113-134.

“The African Union and the Conflict in Sudan’s Darfur Region,” in George Klay Kieh, Jr., Contemporary Issues in African Society” (Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018): 145-174.

RESEARCH REPORT and Other Publications: Political Restructuring in Post-Conflict States in Africa Parts I and II, A

Research Report to the Ford Foundation in New York (Greeley: Department of Political Science, 2003) 44 pages.

Evaluation Report on a Project Promoting Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ethiopia, East Africa (December 2007 to January 2009) with Erin Stiles, University of Nevada-Reno, for the Center for Africa Peace and Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento (June 2009): 58 pages.

“Comment,” on Abraham Kofi Sackey, Ghana: A Tortuous Walk From Colonial Rule to Self-Government and After: An Observer’s View (Accra, Ghana: Combert Impressions, 2009): iii-iv.

CONFERENCE PAPERS, PROFESSIONAL/PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS: Presented a Paper (with Jiyoung Kim) on “Foreign Aid and Public-Private Partnership: A

Comparative Study of Ghana and South Korea,” at the International Political Science Association/23rd World congress of Political Science, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 19-24, 2014.

Invited Presentation “”Fifty Years Later: Re-interrogating Decolonization and Liberation in Africa” at the 2013 Central Pennsylvania Consortium Conference” Commemorating the Sesquicentennial of the Gettysburg Address and the New Birth of Black Freedom” Gettysburg College, November 16, 2013.


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Chaired a Panel on “Internationalizing Engineering: Research on Global Competencies, Why, What and How” at the Re-imagining Higher Education in a Global Context, 2013 Association of International Education Administrators Annual Conference, New Orleans Marriott, February 17-20, 2013.

Invited Presentation “China in Africa: Economic Development or Exploitation” Delaware, Ohio Great Decisions Series, William Street Methodist Church, March 15, 2013.

Featured Panelist with Dan Chow on “China in Africa”, Columbus Council on World Affairs Great Decisions Series Webcast debate, December 3, 2012. Invited Panelist “The Challenges of Growth in Africa” Harvard African Development Conference” at the Harvard Law School, March 24, 2012. Invited paper on “Post-Busan Challenges for South Korea’s Africa Relations,” Korea

Association of International Development Cooperation (KAIDEC) Annual Conference, International Education Building, Ewha Womans University, December 9, 2011

Invited Round Table Panelist “Toward a Global Compact for Development Effectiveness” for the Pre-HLF4 Conference in Centum Hotel, Busan, South Korea, November 28, 2011

Accredited Delegate to the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness – Building a New Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation at the Bexco Conference Center, Busan, South Korea, November 29-December 1, 2011

Invited Panelist on "East Asian Development and Human Security Workshop: Peace And Development in Post-Conflict Societies" at the Korea Institute/Asia Center at Harvard University, November 3-4, 2011

Invited (Special 3 Hour Lecture) on “ODA Critics and Voices from Development Partners” for International Development Cooperation course taught by Professor Eun Mee Kim at Ewha GSIS and live broadcast to a class in Hong Kong, November 2, 2011

Invited co-authored paper on "Myanmar: A Sub-Saharan African Case in Southeast Asia," at the Korea Institute/Asia Center at Harvard University, November 3-4, 2011.

Invited Discussant on an International Seminar organized by Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET) and United Nations Organization for Industrial Development (UNIDO) on "Industrialization of Africa and Partnership with Korea" at the KIET Conference Hall, Seoul, November 9, 2011.

Moderated an Invited Panel on “Internal and External Factors of Korea Development And Sectoral Development Experience” for the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development/Korea International Cooperation Agency 5th Seoul ODA International Conference on Making International Development Cooperation Effective: Lessons from the Korean Development Experience, at Yonsei University, October 13, 2011

Invited by Asian Development Bank and the Government of Mongolia, to deliver a paper On “Managing Sustainable Development in Resource-Rich Countries—Lessons from Africa,” at the ADB-Mongolia Partnership: A Road Map for Happy, Healthy, and Harmonious Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, October 9-11, 2011. The lecture was attended by the highest level of government officials and senior staff of ADB.


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Invited paper on “Mapping the Contours of Global Political Economy and Its Impacts on African States,” for Graduate School of International Studies’ 2011 Global Distinguished Lecture Series at the Ewha-SK Telecom Center, Ewha Womans University, September 30, 2011

Invited Faculty Colloquium on “Contending Ideas and Sustainable Development in Africa: What Role for Education” at the Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University, September 26, 2011

Invited paper on “Outsourcing Thinking and Imagination in African Development: Lessons from South Korea?” United Nations Academic Impact 2011 Forum on New Partners for Change: UN and the World Academic Community, Korean Council for University Education, at The Shilla Hotel Seoul, Korea, August 10-12, 2011

Invited Paper on “Styles of Foreign Assistance: Policy Transfers and Domestic Development in sub-Saharan African States,” International Symposium on Styles of Foreign Assistance, at Lotte Hotel World & Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, May 26-28, 2011

Invited 2011 Banners Lecture on “United States Security Interests in West Africa and the “War on Terror” The McNeese Cultural Series at the Baker Auditorium, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana, April 11, 2011

Invited Remarks on “South Korea’s Economic Growth after the War,” at Korea Student Forum at The Ohio State University, Hitchcock Building, April 26, 2011 Invited Panelist at the Midwest Summit on African Development, Michigan State University, East Lansing, June 25-27, 2011 Invited Paper (with Jiyoung Kim) “The Political Economy of Development Assistance:

Lessons from South Korea for sub-Saharan Africa,” at the Recasting the Korean Model of Development: Issues, Debates, and Lessons conference organized by The Korean Economic Association, The Korean Political Science Association & The Asia Foundation, CUSKP, Washington DC, June 30-July 1, 2010.

Invited Lecture on “Global Knowledge Production: Internationalizing Teaching and Learning,” Ohio Global Institute for Teachers 2010 Workshop, at the Ohio Union, The Ohio State University, August 3, 2010.

Invited Lecture on “Nigeria at 50: Political Independence and Transformational Development,” The Center for International Studies and the National Resource Center for African Studies, Ohio University, Athens, October 1, 2010.

Presented a Paper “International Contexts for Effective Domestic Governance in Nigeria,” at the 28th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies conference, Savannah, Georgia, October 7-9, 2010.

Presented a Paper (with Jiyoung Kim) “Foreign Aid and Statehood: A Comparative Study of Nigeria and South Korea,” at the 28th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies conference, Savannah, Georgia, October 7-9, 2010.

Invited Paper “Nigeria: Learning from the Past to meet Challenges of the 21st Century,” The New School 22nd Social Research Conference From Impunity to Accountability: Africa’s Development in the 21st Century, The Center for Public Scholarship, New York, November 18-19, 2010.

Invited Lecture on “Africa in Global Politics” The History Club, Columbus, Ohio, January


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24, 2010. Invited Panelist on “International Policies & Institutions,” at the 2011 Rebellious

Lawyering Conference at Yale University Law School, New Haven, Connecticut Feb. 18-20, 2011.

Chair, Panel on “Politics, Leadership and Nation-Building,” at Igbo Studies Association 8th Annual Conference, at Howard University Law School, Washington, DC, April 9-10, 2010

Co-Convener and Chair of International Conference on Territorial Origins of African Civil Conflicts, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, January 29-30, 2010

Presented a Paper “Territorial Origins of African Civil Conflicts: Consolidation and Decentralization toward Practical Solutions,” at the International Conference on Territorial Origins of African Civil Conflicts, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, January 29-30, 2010

Chaired a Panel on “Aesthetics, Popular Culture and the Creative Arts: Reconstruction of the Socio-Scape,” at the 27th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies at the Elmina Beach Resort, Cape Coast, Ghana, November 21-24, 2009.

Presented a paper on “Constitutionalism, Democratic Pluralism and the Reconstruction of the Nigerian State,” at the 27th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies at the Elmina Beach Resort, Cape Coast, Ghana, November 21-24, 2009.

Panelist on “The Return of the Soldiers: The New Waves of Military Intervention in Africa,” at the 27th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies at the Elmina Beach Resort, Cape Coast, Ghana, November 21-24, 2009.

Presented a paper on “US/Africa Security Relations in the Twenty-First Century: Trends and Implications,” at the West Africa and the United States’ ‘War on Terror” conference at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies at The Ohio State University, October 30-31, 2009.

Invited Presentation on “Politics of Global Competitiveness: China’s Investment and Development Aid in Africa,” a Roy Ray Lecture at Centre College, Danville, Kentucky, October 26, 2009.

Keynote Address (invited) on “Religion, Race/Ethnic Relations in Africa: Creating Justice and Peace Dialogues,” at the 18th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference of the Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, April 30-May 2, 2009.

Featured Discussant on “(Re)Energizing US-Policy toward Africa under the new President Obama Administration: Prospects and Challenges on conflicts, democracy & human rights,” at the 18th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference of the Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, April 30-May 2, 2009.

Panelist on “ISA/SW Roundtable: Global Security,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 8-11, 2009. Chair/Discussant “Panel on Africa, Civil Society and Economy,” Southwestern

Social Science Association/ISA Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 8-11, 2009. Presented a paper on “Development Partnership or Neocolonialism: Analysis of


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Resurgent Chinese Interests in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, Denver, Colorado, April 8-11, 2009.

Keynote Address (invited) on the “History and Current Trends of Africa Development Aid,” at the International Conference: Emerging Donors and New Approaches to Development Cooperation, sponsored by Global Cooperation Center, and Korea NGO Council for Overseas Cooperation, at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, December 4-5, 2008.

Keynote Address (invited) on the “Strong Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment: Agenda for Sensible Development in Africa,” at the International Conference: Emerging Donors and New Approaches to Development Cooperation, sponsored by Global Cooperation Center, and Korea NGO Council for Overseas Cooperation, at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, December 4-5, 2008.

Presented a paper (with Jiyoung Kim, Ewha Womans University) “Political Economy of Development Assistance: Lessons from South Korea for Sub-Saharan Africa,” at the International Conference: Emerging Donors and New Approaches to Development Cooperation, sponsored by Global Cooperation Center, and Korea NGO Council for Overseas Cooperation, at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, December 4-5, 2008.

Chaired a Panel on “Third World Struggle from Ujamaa to Apocalypse: Debating Philosophies and Reality,” at the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies, Millersville University, Pennsylvania, October 26-28, 2008.

Presented a paper on “Africa in the global Economy: A Comparative Analysis of the Resource Interests of the United States and China in Sub-Saharan Africa, “at the 26th Annual Conference of the Association of Third World Studies, Millersville University, Pennsylvania, October 26-28, 2008.

Presented a paper on “The Role of African States and the African Union in Peace Negotiations in Sudanese Darfur,” at the Darfur: In Search of Peace: Exploring Viable Solutions to the Darfur Crisis, A Consultation of Africa Today Associates under the auspices of The Ford Foundation and Open Society and Justice Initiative, Fairview Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, June 9-11, 2008.

Presented a paper on “The Role of African States and the African Union in Peace Negotiations,” at the Darfur: In Search of Peace: Exploring Viable Solutions to the Darfur Crisis, A Consultation of Africa Today Associates under the auspices of The Ford Foundation and Open Society and Justice Initiative, Rockview Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, December 10-13, 2007.

Moderator/Presenter on “Transferring Successful Policy and Action to African NGOs,” a Consultation of Africa Today Associates on the Darfur Crisis, at the University of Denver, Colorado, September 14, 2007.

Invited Chair/Discussant on a “Panel on Alternative Dispute Resolution and Peacebuilding in Africa,” at the 16th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference of the Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, April 26-28, 2007.

Featured Panelist on “Developing Critical Instruments for Assessment & Evaluation of


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ADR and Conflict Resolution Projects in Africa,” at the 16th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference of the Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, April 26-28, 2007.

Presented a paper on “Electoral Politics, Violence and Conflict Management in Nigeria,” at the 16th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference of the Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, April 26-28, 2007.

Featured Speaker at the “Building Sustainable Democratic Culture in Emerging African States,” Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, June 23, 2007.

Featured Speaker on “United States/Africa Relations Today,” at the United Nations Seminar on “United States Foreign Policy and the United Nations: Conflict or Cooperation,” at The Cable Center, Denver, Colorado, November 3, 2007.

Featured Speaker on “College Bound Meeting,” at the Daniels Fund, Denver, Colorado, September 15, 2007. Featured Speaker on “Africa and the Millennium Development Goals,” a pre-workshop

for the live video conference on global development issues, specifically the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with Jeffrey Sachs, at the Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, April 25, 2007.

Featured Speaker on “Economic Development in Africa,” International Law Society of the Sturm College of Law, University of Denver, Colorado, April 11, 2007. Featured Speaker on “Social Implications of Foreign Private Equity and Foreign Direct

Investments in Africa,” Council on International Finance, Trade and Economics, at the Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, March 8, 2007.

Presented a paper on “State Formation, Governance and Development in Africa,” at 24th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, November 2-4, 2006.

Panelist on “Roundtable: The Politics of Nollywood Cinema: Gender Wars or Representations of Reality,” at 24th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, November 2-4, 2006.

Panelist on “Roundtable: The Relevance of the State in Africa in the 21st Century,” at 24th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, November 2-4, 2006.

Presented a paper (with Lisa Mitchell) on “Complex Interdependence, Security Regimes and State Behavior: A Case Study of ECOMOG,” at 24th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, November 2-4, 2006.

Panelist on “ISA/SW Roundtable: Global Security,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 12-15, 2006. Chair/Discussant “Panel on Global Governance and Third World Development,”

Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 12-15, 2006.

Presented a paper (with Lisa Mitchell) on “Structural Adjustment, Governance and Economic Policy in Africa: Comparative Analysis of Ghana and Uganda,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 12-15, 2006.


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Chair/Moderator “ISA/SW Roundtable: Global Economic Governance,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 12-15, 2006.

Presented an invited paper on “Constitutionalism as Framework for Post-Conflict Society Reconstruction: The Case of Rwanda,” at the 14th Annual Africa/Diaspora Conference of the Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, April 28-30, 2005.

Panelist on “ISA/SW Roundtable: Global Security,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23=26, 2005. Chaired a Panel on “Sub-Sahara African Issues,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23=26, 2005. Presented a paper on “Echoes of Instability: State, Society and Democratic

Consolidation in Nigeria,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23=26, 2005

Chair/Moderator “ISA/SW Roundtable: Global Economic Governance,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23=26, 2005.

Chaired an “ISA/SW Undergraduate Panel on Global Issues,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23=26, 2005.

Presented an invited National Annual Lecture on “Echoes of Instability: Implications for State, Society and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria,” at the Excellence Hotel in Ogba, Lagos, Nigeria, December 14, 2004. The lecture was sponsored by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Center for Constitutionalism and Demilitarization, in Lagos Nigeria.

Presented a paper on “Capabilities and Change: Can Africa Adjust to the Globalization Phenomenon?” at the 22end Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Crown Plaza Hotel, Macon, Georgia, October 7-9, 2004.

Chair and Discussant on “Undergraduate Panel on International Politics at the Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, March 17-21, 2004. Also, Served as a Panelist on Panelist on “ISA/SW Roundtable on Global Issues,” at the same conference.

Presented a paper “Echoes of Instability: Implications for State, Society and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria,” at the Excellence Hotel in Ogba, Lagos, Nigeria, December 14, 2004. The paper (A Second Annual Democracy Lecture) was sponsored by the National Endowment for Democracy and the Center for Constitutionalism and Demilitarization, in Lagos Nigeria.

Presented a paper titled “Transformative Change in Nigeria,” at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Louisiana, November 6-8, 2003.

Presented a paper (with Dr. Obasi Okafor Obasi) titled “African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights compared with European and American Human Rights Courts,” at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Louisiana, November 6-8, 2003.

Presented a paper titled “Ideas, Theory, and Model of Transformative Change in


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Nigeria,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 16-19, 2003.

Chaired a Panel on “Ideas, Theories, and Models of Transformative Change,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 16-19, 2003.

Discussant on “Undergraduate Research Panel 3,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 16-19, 2003. Discussant on “Undergraduate Research Panel 5,” Southwestern Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 16-19, 2003. Panelist on “ISA/SW Roundtable: International Threat Assessment,” Southwestern

Social Science Association/ISA Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 16-19, 2003.

Chaired a Plenary Session on “The State of Order in the Fourth Republic: Issues and Recommendations,” at the 14th Annual International Conference of Nigerian Affairs, The Radisson Riverwalk Hotel, Tampa, Florida, September 19-22, 2002.

Invited Participant on a closed Seminar on “Private Sector Participation (PSP) in urban Water supply in Ghana,” by The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and the Water Sector Restructuring Secretariat of the Ministry of Works and Housing (Ghana), The IEA Conference Center, Independence Avenue, Accra, Ghana, July 4th, 2002.

Invited paper presentation on “The Global Political Economy and the State in Africa,” by The Center for International Studies, Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan, April 12-13, 2002.

Invited Participant on a National Seminar on “The Management of African Borders,” by The Institute For Peace and Conflict Resolution (The Presidency), Abuja, Nigeria, August 7th, 2001.

Invited Participant on a Workshop on “Towards Securing Transitional Justice: The Imperative of Legal and Institutional Reforms,” by the Transition Monitoring Group (TMG) in collaboration with The Ford Foundation, Chelsea Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, July 27-30, 2001.

Invited Participant on “A 3-Day National Policy Oriented Workshop on Women’s Socio- Economic and Legal Rights,” by the National Human Rights Commission and Women’s Aid Collective (WACOL) in collaboration with Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights, at the Pioneer Hotels, Wuse II, Abuja, Nigeria, August 13-15, 2001.

Chair and Discussant on “Constitutionalism and Democratic Transitions in Africa,” at the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science/International Studies Association meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, March 15-18, 2001.

Discussant on a panel on “Problems in International Politics,” at the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science/International Studies Association meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, March 15-18, 2001.

Panelist on “Teaching International Studies to U.S. Undergraduates,” at the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science/International Studies Association meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, March 15-18, 2001.

Presented a paper titled “Contending Explanations of the Rise of Capitalism and Globalization: Empiricism vs. Theory,” at the 24th Annual Third World Studies Conference in Omaha, Nebraska, October 4-6, 2001.


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Presented a paper titled “Indigenous Structures and Globalization,” at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies Conference in Savannah, Georgia, October 11-13, 2001.

Presented a paper titled “Contending Explanations of the Rise of Capitalism and Globalization: Empiricism vs. Theory revisited” at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies Conference in Savannah, Georgia, October 11-13, 2001.

Presented a paper titled “Constitutionalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria,” at the 13th Annual International Conference of Nigerian Affairs, at Chelsea Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, July 19-21, 2001.

Invited Paper presentation on “An Elusive Quest? Structural Analysis of Conflicts & Peace in Africa,” by the Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, November 27, 2000.

Presented a paper titled “The impact of Globalization on African States,” at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies Conference, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, CO, October 19-21, 2000.

Panelist on “Teaching African Studies to US Undergraduate Students,” at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies Conference, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, CO, October 19-21, 2000.

Presented a paper titled “Political Analysis of Contentious Issues in the 1999 Federal Constitution of Nigeria,” at the 2000 Conference of Canadian Association of African Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 27-39, 2000.

Invited plenary paper on “Constitutionalism in Nigeria: A Conceptual Analysis of Ethnicity and Politics,” at the Northern Nigerian Conference on the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chelsea Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria, August 8-11, 2000.

Invited paper presentation on “Contentious Issues in the 1999 Federal Constitution of Nigeria,” at the Preventing the Breakdown of Democracy in Nigeria: Strategies for a Popular, Living Constitution at the Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies, City University of New York, New York, March 23-24, 2000.

Presented a paper titled “Constitutionalism and Conflict Management of Contentious Issues in the 1999 Nigeria Constitution,” at the 12th Annual International Conference of Nigerian Affairs, Florida Atlantic University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, September 14-17, 2000

Presented a paper titled “Africa in the Next Millennium: Domestic Politics and International Regimes,” at the 17th Annual Meeting of Association of Third World Studies Conference, University of Costa Rica, San Jose, November 18-22, 1999

Presented a paper titled “International Political Structure and Economic Globalization: African Competitiveness or International Domination?” at the 17th Annual Meeting of Association of Third World Studies Conference, University of Costa Rica, San Jose, November 18-22, 1999

Discussant on the Panel “Sustainable Democracy in Nigeria,” at the 17th Annual Meeting of Association of Third World Studies Conference, University of Costa Rica, San Jose, November 18-22, 1999

Presented a paper titled “Nigerian Foreign Policy and Regional Economic Diplomacy,”


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


at 11th Annual International Conference of Nigerian Affairs (Sponsored by the Council of Nigerian People and Organizations- CONPO) Houston, Texas, September 16 - 19, 1999

Presented a paper titled “Constitutionalism, Education and Sustainable Development: The Role of Women,” at the First Annual Conference on Women and Education in the New Millennium, Howard University, Washington, DC, September 30-October 2, 1999

Presented a paper titled “Realism, Liberal Internationalism and the Third World,” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association/International Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 31 – April 3, 1999.

Panelist on “Exploring the transition of World Politics in the Twenty First Century: What Needs to be done? at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association/International Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 31 – April 3, 1999.

Chaired a Panel on “Realism and International Politics in a Changing World,” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association/International Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 31 – April 3, 1999.

Chaired a Panel on “Post Cold War Foreign Policy Perspectives,” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association/International Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 31 – April 3, 1999.

Discussant on the following Panels: (1) “Rethinking Post Cold War International Politics,” (2) “African Politics in the Post Cold War Era,” and (3) “International Politics and Refugees,” at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association/International Studies Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 31 – April 3, 1999.

Presented a paper titled “Agenda Setting and Public Policy in Africa: Domestic Politics And Foreign Policy,” at the 16th Annual Meeting of Association of Third World Studies Conference, Durham, North Carolina, October 8-10, 1998.

Panelist on “Ihonvberesm: Philosophy, Ideology, Politics, and Contradictions, at the 16th Annual Meeting of Association of Third World Studies Conference, Durham, North Carolina, October 8-10, 1998.

Chair and Discussant on a Panel on “Political, Legal, and Economic Issues Facing Africa, at the 16th Annual Meeting of Association of Third World Studies Conference, Durham, North Carolina, October 8-10, 1998.

Presented a paper titled “Rent Seeking and Institutional Reform in Post-Independence Africa,” At the 40th Annual Meeting of the Western Social Science Association Conference, Denver, Colorado, and April 16-19, 1998.

Presented a paper titled “Competing Theoretical Perspectives on Technology and Economic Development in Nigeria,” at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association Conference,” Corpus Christi, Texas, March 18-21, 1998. Chair and Discussant on a Panel on “International Political Issues,” at the 78th

Annual Meeting of The Southwestern Social Science Association Conference,” Corpus Christi, Texas, March 18-21, 1998.

Panelist on a thematic forum on “Rethinking International Relations: Past, Present and Future,” Ibid.


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Invited by the Center for Preventive Action & Africa Studies Program of the Council on Foreign Relations to participate on a “Conference on Nigeria,” at The Council on Foreign Relations, 58 East 68th Street, New York, Friday, January 30, 1998.

Presented a paper titled “Barber’s Jihad versus McWorld: The Political Economy of State Reconstitution in Africa,” at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Association of Third World Studies, Central Connecticut State University, Hartford Connecticut, October 9-11, 1997.

Panelist on a forum discussion on “Continuing Discussion on the Third World Concept,” At the 20th Anniversary of the Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska-Omaha, October 9-11, 1997.

Presented a paper titled “The Political Economy of State Reconstitution in Africa,” at the 20th Anniversary of the Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska-Omaha, October 9-11, 1997.

Presented a paper titled “Technology and Economic Development in Nigeria,” at the 9th Annual Conference of The Council of Nigerian People and Organizations -CONPO 1997, University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 28-31, 1997.

Panelist on a forum discussion on "Looking Backwards: An International Studies view of the 20th Century," at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Region of International Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 26-29, 1997.

Presented a paper titled "Economic Sanctions Against Nigeria: A Critique and an Alternative," at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Region of International Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 26-29, 1997.

Organized and chaired a panel on "Post Cold War International Institutions," at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Region of International Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 26-29, 1997.

Chaired a panel on "The Third World: Policy and Issues," at the 77th Annual Meeting of The Southwest Region of International Studies Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 26-29, 1997.

Panelist on a Workshop titled "What a selection committee looks for in Graduate School Applications," at the 1997 Rocky Mountain McNair Research Symposium and Graduate Education Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, April 5-7, 1997.

Panelist on a forum debate on "Pan-Africanism and Prospects for Development within The African Diaspora," at the 19th National Meeting of the Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, October 10-12, 1996.

Presented a forum paper titled "Politics and Economic Development in Nigeria: Opportunities and Constraints," to the 19th National Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, October 10-12, 1996.

Organized and Chaired a panel on "Issues in International Politics, Democracy and Development," at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association in conjunction with the International Studies Association conference in Houston, Texas, March 20-23, 1996.

Presented paper titled "The Politics of Adjustment & Democracy in Nigeria," to the Conference on The Future of Democracy and the Betrayal of Posterity: The experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa & Urban North America, Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, December 1-2, 1995.


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Presented paper titled "The Politics of Economic Development in the Third World," to the 18th National Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, October 12-14, 1995.

Presented paper titled "Dimensions of Ethnic Politics and Development in Nigeria," to the 7th Annual Conference of the Council of Nigerian People and Organizations, The Howard University Hotel, Washington, D.C., September 14 - 17, 1995. Chaired the Forum on "Leadership and followership in Nigeria: A national dilemma," at the 7th Annual CONPO Conference, Howard University Hotel, Washington, D.C., September 15th, 1995.

Presented paper titled "International Regime and U.S. Economic Diplomacy in Africa," to the 2ND Annual Conference of The African and African American Development, Education, and Research, Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, December 2, 1994.

Presented paper titled "Democracy and Development in Multiethnic States," to the 17th National Meeting of the Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska,

Omaha, Nebraska, October 13-15, 1994. Panelist on a round-table discussion on "The End of the Cold War: Its Impact on Africa,"

at the 17th National Meeting of the Third World Studies Conference, University of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska, October 13-15, 1994.

Presented paper titled "Internationalization of Democracy and Development: Ethnicity and Multiculturalism," to The Int'l Studies Association-Southwest and the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association 1994 in San Antonio, Texas, March 30-April 3rd, 1994.

Presented paper titled "Democratic Transitions in Africa and The 1993 Elections in Nigeria," to the Third International Conference on Democracy and Democratic Transitions, GSIS, University of Denver, April 15 & 16, 1994.

Presented paper titled "Developing Nations in the New International Order: Alternative Research Focus for Africa," to the Africa in the Contemporary International Order/Disorder: Crisis and Possibilities Conference, Springfield Massachusetts, 2-4 December, 1993.

Presented paper titled "Competing Political Values and Double Standard: The Transformation of Political Correctness," at "Many-Voices - Many Choices: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century," The University of Northern Colorado's Second Annual Conference on Diversity and Multiculturalism, September 24-26, 1992.

Presented paper titled "Social Science Research and Value-Freedom: Individualistic versus Structural Explanations," part of the Black Faculty and Staff Gatekeepers of Wisdom project, sponsored by Project 30 and The Center for Research on Teaching and Learning, UNC, February 19th, 1992.

Presented a talk on "Politics, Postmodernism and Multiculturalism," part of the faculty forum On Postmodernism and Multiculturalism, under the auspices of the CRTL, UNC, Spring, 1991.

Presented a paper titled "The Multilateral Lending Institutions and Development in Africa," under the auspices of Strategy for Responsible Development, The University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, Fall 1988.


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita



• Principal Investigator/Organizer (with George Kieh) on the project “West Africa and the United States’ ‘War on Terror,’” at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies at the Ohio State University, October 30 -31, 2009

• Co-organized the “Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts on Livelihoods” Workshop,” Ohio State University, May 15th, 2009.

• Co-Convener, International Conference on Territorial Origins of African Civil Conflicts, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, January 29-30, 2010

• Attended the Workshop on Integrating Minority Polities into the American Politics Curriculum, at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association conference, March 30 - April 2, 1994, San Antonio, Texas. Facilitators were Professors Paula D. McClain, University of Virginia and Joseph Stewart, Jr., University of Texas-Dallas.

• Attended the Seminar “Paradigm Lost: Beyond Reality in Science and Arts,” at the University of Northern Colorado, October 6-7, 2000.

Other Presentations: Invited Presentation on “Africa in the 21st Century: A Dialogue on the Role of Women in

Development,” as part of the Women in Development Special Lecture Series at Ewha Womans University, November 18, 2011

November 13-14, 1997 - I was invited as a Guest Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, The University of Dayton, Ohio, where I gave classroom lectures on: “Post-Cold War Conflicts and Democratic Transitions in Africa,” “Economic Diplomacy and Structural Adjustment in Nigeria,” “Economic Diplomacy and The Politics of Economic Development in Nigeria,” and, “Dictatorship and The Politics of Economic Development in Nigeria.”

Conferences (Selected) Attended but did not present: "The 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association," in San

Francisco, August 29-September 1, 1996. I was one of several political science scholar/teachers honored for Teaching Excellence at the 1996 APSA meeting.

"Many-Voices - Many-Choices: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century,” The University of Northern Colorado's Second Annual Conference on Diversity and Multiculturalism, September 24-26, 1992.

"The New World Order And Its Alternatives: America's Role in the 1990s," A Cato Institute Conference, the Sheraton Carlton Hotel, Washington, D.C., March 31, 1992.

"Democracy and Democratic Transitions: Human Rights, Economic Policy, Civil-Military Relations and Ethnicity," International Conference, Driscoll Center, The Graduate School of International Studies. University of Denver, February 25-27, 1993.

"Cultural Diversity in Higher Education: Issues for the 90s." University of Northern Colorado, September 14-15, 1990. "European Community 1992,” Center for Teaching International Relations,

The University of Denver, April 21, 1990. "Trade with China: Prospects and Opportunities - An International Conference,"


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Miami University, Oxford, OH, November 20-22, 1988. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION PARTICIPATION:

(A) Editor, Associate Editor & Board Membership of Academic Journals (1) Associate Editor, International Journal of Nigerian Studies and Development, 1995-2003 (2) Co-Editor, On-line Southwestern Journal of International Studies, 1997-2007 (3) Senior Associate Editor, African Social Science Review, 2008 - present (4) Editorial Board Member 2007 – present) and Book Review Editor (1998-2008) of Journal of Asian and African Studies (Sage Publishers)

(5) International Advisory Board Member of The Constitution: A Journal of Constitutional Development, 2001-present

(6) Editorial Advisory Board, Research Journal of International Studies (7) Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of African Studies

(8) Editorial Board, Scientific Journals International (B) Administrative Service to the Academy (1) President, International Studies Association-Southwestern (2002-2004) (2) Program Chair, International Studies Association-Southwestern (1999-2001) (3) Elected to Executive Council Position of the Association of Third World Studies Conference at the 2004 Annual Meeting in Macon, Georgia (C) Membership/Service to Academic Organizations and NGOs Board Member of the Ohio Advisory Committee of the U.S. Global Leadership

Coalition, 2013- Board Member of the International Visitors Columbus, 2012-2015

Member of the Standing Committee of the Southwestern Social Science Association (2004-2006) African Community Development Institute (Board of Directors, 1998 –2002) American Political Science Association (1990-2000) Pi Sigma Alpha, National Honor Society for Political Science International Studies Association Council of Nigerian Peoples Organization African and African American Development, Education, Research & Training Third World Studies Association

African Studies and Research Forum and Southwestern Social Science Association

Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Nigerian Democratic Leadership (1997) Forum International Advisory Board Member of the Women Empowerment and Reproductive Rights Center (WERRC), Nigeria, 2000-2004.

Professional Consultations and Service to the Academy:

(1) Member of the International Screening Committee for the Social Science Research Council program on Global Conflicts and Security (2001 to present)

(2) Consultant to the Ford Foundation on Preventing the Breakdown of Democracy in Nigeria, The Colin Powell Center for Policy Studies, (New York: 2000).


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


(3) Board Member and Consultant to the Africa Working Group--Lagos State University Center for Development and Democratic Studies, Lagos, Nigeria, January 10-15, 2002. My work with the group is ongoing and may include studies on Strategies for Conflict Management and Prevention for the newly formed Africa Union in Addis Ababa.

(4) Consultant to International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) on “Workshop on Citizenship, Gender Rights and Democracy,” WACOL/International (IDEA) at the Nike Lake Resort Hotel, Enugu, Nigeria, July 23-25, 2001.

(5) Consultant to the National Human Rights Commission and Women’s Aid Collective (WACOL) on “A 3-Day National Policy Oriented Workshop on Women’s Socio-Economic and Legal Rights,” by the National Human Rights Commission and Women’s Aid Collective (WACOL) in collaboration with Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights, at the Pioneer Hotels, Wuse II, Abuja, Nigeria, August 13-15, 2001.

(6) Consultant to the World Bank, “Project on Leadership and Ethics in Governance Reform,” (2005-2008)

(7) Consultant/Evaluator of Ethiopian Project on Alternative Dispute Resolution Training and Mediation, a State Department funded project through the California State University Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 26, 2008 – January 6, 2009.

(8) External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Regionalism in West Africa: Implication to National Development in Nigeria, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 2009.

(9) External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation Between Scylla and Charybdis: South Africa’s Foreign Policy Dilemma in Southern Africa, University of Kwazulu-Natal, School of Political Science, Durban, 2010

(10) External Examiner, Ph.D. Dissertation The Peace Building Strategy: The Role of ECOWAS and the United Nations from 1995-2003, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 2011

Manuscripts Reviewer for: (1) Book Publishers:

Duke University Press Palgrave MacMillan Oxford University Press University of Rochester Press

Ohio University Press Addison-Wesley Longman Publishers St. Martin’s Press Westview Press

Lynne Rienner Publishers Congressional Quarterly Press

F. E. Peacock Publishers


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Broadview Press

(2) Academic Journals: International Studies Review (Seoul)

Communication Theory Afrika: Journal of Politics, Economics and Society African Social Science Review

Journal of Third World Studies Taiwan Journal of Democracy

Japanese Studies Review African Studies Review The Journal of African Policy Studies Journal of Asian and African Studies Social Forces Journal of Peace and Change Publius: The Journal of Federalism SERVICE WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY: Department of Political Science

1991-2008 Advisor, Political Science Majors/Minors 1993-Fall Political Science Program Review Ad Hoc Committee 1994-spring Political Science Search Committee 1996-2008 Graduate Studies & Minority Students Advisor 1995-2008 Sponsoring undergraduate research and conferences 1997-1998 Political Science Search Committee 1997-Spring Sponsoring the building of a Web page for the Dept of Pol. Science 1997-Spring Gave two presentations on the nature and scope of Pol. Science to

prospective students at the invitation of the Athletics department. 2003-2004 Political Science Search Committees

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

1991-present Member, International Trade & Relations Board 1991-present Advisor/Reader, ITR Majors/Theses 1991-1922 Member, Multiculturalism & Post Modernism Study Group 1991-Fall Presentations to Michael Higgins' ANT 110 "World Cultures." 1991-Fall "Value Issues in International Political Economy: Persistent Patterns and Change since 1945," a lecture to Marie Livingston's

MIND 286 "Value Issues in Political Economy." 1993-Spring Member, Black Studies Search Committee 1993-Fall Guest Speaker, "Survey of Africa" Dept. of BLS 1993-Fall Member, Sub-Committee (General Education Council Pilot

Program) to develop The Contemporary Social World Capstone Course

1993-1997 Member, Black Studies Advisory Board 1993-1994 Member, 20th Century Social history Search Committee


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


1996-2008 Ronald McNair Faculty Mentor 1996-2008 McNair Theses Advisor 1996-1997 Member, Dean of Arts and Sciences Search Committee 1995-2001 Guest Speaker- Intercultural Communication Class, Speech Comm. 1997 Member, Geography Search Committee 1998-Spring Guest Lecture - Dr. Cole’s World Geography class 1998-Fall Guest Lecture – Social Science Research Methods class 1999-2004 Arts and Sciences Technology Advisory Committee The University of Northern Colorado

1991-1996 Member, Black Faculty & Staff 1991-1992 Member, 1992 Multiculturalism/Diversity Conference Steering Committee 1992-Spring Member, Vice-President for Academic Affairs Search Committee 1993-Spring Keynote Address to the Spurs Honor Society Induction Ceremony,

Milner Auditorium, April 24th, 1993. 1993-Fall Faculty Advisor, Residence Life Committee on "The World House" 1993-1994 Member, University Conference Committee 1994-Spring Guest Speaker, "Our World, Your Future," Advanced Placement

Class, UNC Laboratory School. 1994-Spring Task Force on International Academic Programs 1994-1996 Member, Marcus Garvey Cultural Center Advisory Board. 1996-Spring Member, Interim Vice-President for Academic Affairs Search

Committee 1996-1999 Member of the University Faculty Grievance Committee 1996-2000 Elected Co-Chair of the Faculty Grievance Committee

1996-1998 Member-University Academic Appeals Board for the 96-97 terms 1995-1998 Member-University Discrimination Review Board

1997-2008 Faculty Advisor - Resource Organization for International Studies (ROFIS)

1999-2001 Faculty Representative to SRC. 1999-2002 Member-University Undergraduate Council (UGC) 1999-2002 Member-UGC Curriculum Subcommittee

2000-2005 Chair-University Faculty Grievance Committee 2000-2005 Member-M. Lucile Harrison Award Committee 2003-Fall Keynote Address—McNair Annual Banquet 2003-2004 Faculty Senate (Replacement for Prof. Luger for one year) 2003-2004 Member-Faculty Senate Welfare Committee 2005-2006 UGC Rep-Professional Education Council

2005-2007 Member-University Undergraduate Council 2006-2008 UGC Rep-Academic Policies Committee 2006-2008 Faculty Senate 2006-2008 Chair-University Undergraduate Council The Ohio State University (Service Activities)



Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


----Panelist on “Research across Continents: OSU Faculty in Africa,” where I presented on my ongoing research to undergraduate students. It was sponsored by the Undergraduate Research Office, Monday, January 26, 2009. ----Guest Lecturer on “Democracy and Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in EPL 727 -- Spotlight on Global Democracies: Elections in a comparative perspective’ an in-service graduate class of Columbus Public School educators at the Fort Hays High School, Columbus, October 15, 2008.

-----Faculty Advisor to Africa Youth League, 2009-present ----Faculty Advisor to Somali Student Association, 2009-present

----OIA Faculty and Graduate Student Grants Evaluation Committee, 2009-present

----Conflict of Interest Advisory Committee. 2010-present ----Honors Collegium, University Honors & Scholars Advisory Board, 2010-2012

-College ----Member, Arts & Sciences College Tenure Committee, 2010- -Department

---Member, Undergraduate Studies Committee ---Member, Community Extension Oversight Committee ---Member, Religious Studies and Public Policy Search Committee (2009) ---Member, The Research, Publications and Lecture Series Committee

---Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Sociology (Winter, 2010)

---Advisor, Undergraduate Majors, 2009-present University Service: invited lectures and debates Panelist (with Paul Hoddap) on a debate on “Rawls and His Critiques: Do we owe a

Moral Duty to the Poor?” Organized by the Political Science, Philosophy and other student organizations, University Center, Fall 2003

Panelist on “The War in Iraq,” organized by Political Science Club, Journalism and other Student organizations, Lindou Auditorium, Spring 2003. Presented a lecture titled “Language, Politics and Global Conflicts,” UPC Last Lecture Series, February 7th, 2002. Presented a lecture titled "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," at the first UNC African-American Leadership Academy, June 1996. Panel Discussant: "Impact of Economic Sanctions on Mandela's Release,” sponsored By Students Against Apartheid, the History Department and the Black Studies Program of the University of Northern Colorado, February 25, 1990. Presented paper titled "The Role of Scholarship in Expanding Traditional Boundaries,"

University of Northern Colorado Academic Honors Convocation, April, 10 1994.

Panel Discussant: "African American Youth: Naming and Claiming Self," part of "Positive Black Images" a UNC Mini-Conference on the African American


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


Experience, July 10, 1991. Presented a talk on "Independent Africa and the International Political Systems:

Prospects for Development," sponsored by the Political Science Association and the Economics Club, UNC, April 19, 1989

"Colonial Legacies and Political Stability in Nigeria," a lecture sponsored by the Political Science Department, UNC, April 18, 1989. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Interviewed by Chicago Public Radio (Worldview) on “Sectarian Violence and Boko Haram in Nigeria,” on April 29, 2013. Interviewed by Wikinews on “Brazzaville picks up the pieces after ammo depot explosion,” published April 4, 2012 Interviewed in a Roundtable Discussion on “South-South Cooperation” by Korea

Education Broadcasting Service (EBS) at the UN Academic Impact Forum, August 11, 2011, Seoul, Korea

Interviewed on my field research to Korea by the Chosun Biz (the largest circulating Korean Newspaper) in South Korea on August 19, 2011; the publication is in

Korean and can be accessed:

Interviewed by Call & Post Columbus Newspaper on “the revolutions in the Middle East And North Africa,” published on February 23-March 1, 2011, p. A3. Great Decisions Lecturer, “United States Security Interests in West Africa,” Upper Arlington Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road, March 30, 2010 Guest Lecture on “Nigerian Culture,” at Columbus School for Girls, Columbus, OH, May 5, 2009 Interviewed by Tom Joyner Morning Radio Show on “The Christmas Eve Bomber,) January 6, 2010 Interviewed by Chicago Public Radio (Worldview) on “Boko Haram crisis in Northern Nigeria,” on July 28, 2009 Interviewed by Chicago Public Radio (Worldview) on “Amnesty for Niger Delta Militants In Nigeria,” on October 6, 2009 Interviewed by Columbus Dispatch on “Somali President Sharif Sheik

Ahmed’s visit to Columbus,” on October 4, 2009 Presented a lecture on “Demographic Trends in Africa,” at Ohio Global Institute Workshop for K-12 Teachers at Kent State University, August 3-4, 2009. Guest Lecturer on Comparative Politics, Ralston Valley High School, Arvada, CO, 2006- 2008 Invited Panelist on “Fighting for What’s Right: What is America’s role in fighting global

poverty?” under the auspices of Americans for Informed Democracy (, University Center, UNC campus November 16, 2005.

Invited Panelist on “The PhD Academic Job Search Panel,” GSIS Professional Development Series, Friday, October 3rd, 2003 at GSIS, University of Denver. Commentator on national and international issues on Mornings with Keith and Gayle KCOL 600AM Radio, Fall 2003-2008. Invited Commentator on the War in Iraq on Lea Live 1300 AM Radio Greeley, Spring


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


2003. Presented an invited Lecture on “External and Domestic Sources of Conflicts in Africa,”

to the Kiwanis Club of Greeley, Summer, 2003. Presented a lecture on “Constitutionalism and Political Restructuring in Nigeria,” to Igbo

Community in Colorado in Denver February 10, 2002. Member- Peer Education Advisory Council - University Laboratory School (1997-1999) Panelist on "Foreign Policy/International Trade Roundtable Discussion," at the Third

Annual Business Conference and Trade Exhibit of the Northern Colorado Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, September 13, 1996.

Participant on a televised forum on "Affirmative Action Educational Panel for the City of Greeley Human Relations Commission," March 1996.

Presented a talk on "Reflections on King's Message of Peace," as part of African- American History Month at the Family of Christ Presbyterian Church, Greeley Colorado, January 14, 1996.

Presented a talk on "The United Nations: Constraints and Possibilities," to the Model United Nations Students, Greeley Central High School, Greeley, December 20, 1995.

Invited Panelist on "Socratic Dialogue on Political Correctness," at Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, February 8, 1995.

Delivered an invited public lecture on "Ethnic Conflicts in World Politics in the Post-Cold War Era," at Connecticut College, March 28, 1995. Presented a talk on "A Survey of Africa," a lecture to 5th and 6th Graders of Dos Rios

Elementary School, Evans Colorado, Spring 1994. Presented a talk on "The Third World in the New World Order: What New World Order,"

as part of The New World Order Panel for UNC International Week, April 4 - 9, 1994.

Featured Speaker on "The International Context of Apartheid and its impact on Democratization in South Africa," Greeley West High School, Greeley, Colorado, April 12, 1994.

Panel Discussant on the impact of "The Rodney King's Trial," on race, social/political relations in The United States. University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado, Fall 1992.

Presented a talk on "Colonialism and the Clash of Cultures," a lecture for the Social Studies Department - Bear Creek High School, Denver, CO, May 1st 1990. Presented a talk on the "IMF and Structural Adjustment Program in Nigeria," a lecture

presentation to American Association of University Women, Greeley, Colorado, Fall, 1989.


The Ohio State University, Columbus, (Department of African American & African Studies) Fall 2008 – 2015

AAAS4530—African Political Economy AAAS 754—Methodological Perspectives in African American & African Studies AAAS 781—Topics in African Political Philosophy AAAS 833—Seminar in U. S.-Africa Relations AAAS 327—Introduction to African Politics


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


AAAS 101—Introduction to African-American & African Studies INSTDS 250—Introduction to Africa University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, (Dept. of Political Science):

1990-2008 Mind 180 - Great Ideas of Western Tradition PSCI 100 - U.S. National Government PSCI 220 - Introduction to International Relations PSCI 105 - Introduction to Political Science PSCI 321 - War and Peace PSCI 320 - American Foreign Policy PSCI 318 - Politics of Developing States PSCI 328 – International Law & Organization PSCI 425 - Problems in International Relations Taught a special course - International Relations & Trade Research Seminar

(with Marie Livingston) Spring 1992. Modified all of the above courses to bridge the relationship between theory and praxis.

Graduate School of International Studies-University of Denver (2005-2008) INTS 4420 – Contemporary African Politics INTS 4427 – African Political Economy Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, (Dept. of Government):

1994-1995 International Relations Conflict and Conflict Resolution (I designed and taught the course) The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, (Department of Political Science): 1988-Fall Introduction to African Politics.

COURSES DEVELOPED: 2005-2006 INTS 4420 – Contemporary African Politics and

INTS 4427 – African Political Economy 1993-Fall PSCI 398 - Politics of Developing States 1994-Spring Part of a group--developed the history of philosophy of science

portion of The Contemporary Social World Capstone Course for UNC Gen Ed.

1994-Fall GOV 302A - Conflict & Conflict Resolution at Connecticut College. 1996-Fall PSCI 425 - Theories of International Political Economy.


2013 “Bai Bureh Outstanding Service Award” from the Sierra Leone Club of Columbus, Ohio, April 27th, 2013

2012 Mortar Board & Sphinx Honored Professor (The Ohio State University)


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


2011 --Korea Foundation Field Research Fellow, 2011-2012 --Korea Foundation Visiting Scholar, Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University, Fall 2011 --“Outstanding Service” in Honor of your dedicated efforts toward the

success of the 27th Annual conference of the Association of Third World Studies in the Cape Coast, Ghana, November 2009.”

2009 Roy Ray Lecture on “Politics of Global Competitiveness: China’s Investment and Development Aid in Africa,” at Centre College, Danville, Kentucky, October 26, 2009.

2009 Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution, California State University, Sacramento, “2009 Peace Education Award for Outstanding Contributions to Peace and Conflict Studies in Africa, May 2, 2009

2006 “Africa Excellence in Scholarship & Service Award,” Presented by African Studies and Research Forum/Association of Third World Studies, Nov. 4, 2006

2005 McNair Scholars Program 1995-2005 Outstanding Service Award 2005 Student Honors Council (UNC) 2004-2005 Distinguished Service Award 2004 Association of Third World Studies (ATWS) President’s 2004

Distinguished Leadership & Service Award 2004 McNair Scholars Program “Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of

Outstanding mentorship of James Kawika Riley, 1st Place Winner in the 2003/2004 McNair Research Competition 2003 Invited Keynote address to the Ronald McNair Annual Banquet. 2002 Mortar Board Honored Professor (University of Northern Colorado) 2001 Mortar Board Honored Professor (University of Northern Colorado)

Certificate of Distinguished Membership for outstanding Service Contributions to the African Scholars Research Board.

2000 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2000, sixth edition. 2000 “The 2000 Excellence in Authorship Award” for my book Economic

Development and Nigerian Foreign Policy by the African Scholars Research Board (ASRB)

1999 Nominated as Faculty Member of the Year and recognized for “outstanding contributions to the University of Northern Colorado and in appreciation for going the extra mile for the learning experiences of students 1998-1999” by The Student Representative Council, May 1999.

1998 1997/1998 Faculty Member of the Year, University of Northern Colorado. 1997 Honorary Member - Golden Key National Honor Society. 1996 Teaching Excellence Award, University of Northern Colorado. 1996 Recognized for Teaching Excellence in the Academy at the 92nd Annual

Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 1996, (See Political Science & Politics, Vol. XXIX, No. 4, December 1996, p. 684.

1996 Honored by The Senior Class Association at UNC’s August Commencement, "for excellent service, guidance, and support of student endeavors at the University of Northern Colorado," August, 1996.

1994 Mellon Research Fellowship, Department of Government, Connecticut


Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. │Curriculum Vita


College, New London, Connecticut 1994 Keynote Address, "UNC's Academic Honors Convocation," April 10, 1994. 1994 SRC Political Science Professor of the Year. 1988 Graduate Assistant, Department of Political Science, The University of Dayton. 1985 Member - Pi Sigma Alpha, National Honor Society for Political Science 1984 Nominated/Listed in the National Dean's List 1983-1984, Univ. of North Texas. 1984 President's Honor Roll, University of North Texas. ____________________________________ Kelechi A. Kalu, Ph.D. Vice Provost for International Affairs Professor of Political Science University of California, Riverside